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Race Highlights | 2024 Miami T100 | Men’s & Women’s Races 📽

Extended highlights of both the men’s and women’s races at the first ever T100 Triathlon World Tour race. The Miami T100, hosted by CLASH Endurance Miami at the iconic Homestead-Miami Speedway, saw the world’s best go head-to-head in brutally hot conditions on a track built for speed. Who would come out on top and go down in history as the first winners of this new, redefining T100 series?

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0:00 Intro
2:11 Men’s Race
25:54 Women’s Race


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Miami the home of beautiful beaches stunning skylines and great night life the perfect holiday destination but this weekend we’re not on holiday as a new era of triathlon is Born in the USA it’s the ultimate test of our sport that 100K sweet spot where the goods and the greats unite imagine Olympic Champions

World champions Iron Man world champions assembled in in One race competing across the globe multiple times a year for big money and for the chance to be crowned the T 100 world champion stop imagining because it’s right here Swim Bike Run power hey all over the world ultimate athlete speed endurance

Relentless the overall Champion everything you’ve got leave it out there Well the men are in the water for the very first t00 World Tour event and it comes to you from South Florida in Homestead Miami Speedway I’m Rick Allen and I’ll be with you for the next few hours as these athletes give every ounce of energy they have to beat the best of

The best I’ll be joined momentarily by the two you saw earlier two of the greatest to ever tow the line and Yan frino and reny Carr to identify some of these athletes see right there difficult as they just come off of the ponon for the start of this race but

We’ll be able to point out a few of the athletes by swim caps Magnus dlif has the orange swim cap matis Mair with the purple swim cap Jason West has a blue swim cap on today the yellow swim cap the two-time Olympic champion alisar brownley in the green the young the

Youngest competitor by the way in the triathlon for the men Rico Bogan Aaron Royal expected to be one of the best in out front Early In The Swim has the pink swim cap and Ben Cano will have the red swim cap on want to identify them in the

Water they will go two and a qu laps and so they’re coming up on their left just momentarily they will get to what will be the Aussie exit they’re going to swim right past it this first time and make one complete lap before they will do an

Aussie exit and at that point in time we’ll be able to give you a little better clarification as to who’s out front as we see right now Sam ladlo is leading this pack we see that pink skull cap the swim cap on Aaron Royal he’s third back right now but the

Green cap of Rico Bogan the 23y old right now right on the heels of lad low again laid low the reigning world champion there’s that Aussie exit that we talked about it’ll be on their left here as they come up to it they won’t go that direction

Yet they’ll go right past it this first time we’ll take a look at the track map as to what is happening here the swim is as I mentioned two and a quarter laps where they’ll do the Aussie exit between that first and second lap and then on to

The bike course so on the bike we’ve got 22 and a half laps it is technically especially considering the wind at the moment as soon as these guys hit the Apex they’re going to be faced with changing wind conditions and it’s going to be on and then onto the Run course

Obviously 18 km and this course here is unique in that there is nowhere to hide there is no shade uh so it’s really going to get heat up down there Aaron Royal here coming into his own you can see he’s lengthening out his stroke and he’s really getting to a

Comfortable place I mean we’re not even halfway into the swim but he’s set settling into a long hard Rhythm it’s single file all the way for for the field um which which is unique this early on you know I think he’s definitely trying to prove a point first race of the season it’s

On so Magnus is actually working that second group uh leading that second group which I think you know as Jack mentioned there’s a few names in here that maybe we weren’t expecting to see in these positions this early in this race well to be frank I would have

Expected a big front pack here I was honly thinking it would be a double digit 10 people at least in the first pack and you know Jason West is somebody that can hold on to that pack his trouble is more on the bike so for him

To hold on on this kind of course I would think is is going to be tricky there’s going to be some some big power being put out some aggressive cycling especially alist brownley and Sam Lelo between the two of them they they love causing a bit of havoc on the bike and

They will certainly continue to push the accelerator as we approach the first of the Aussie exit Jack Tucker through it Sam Low’s first out of the W Aaron Royal riding his feet Rico Bogen he’s just tripped over it is very Sandy alist brownley is next Ben canoe we’ve got Daniel bagard

Jason West and madus marier are in that group they’re the two big people you wouldn’t have expected to be there and at the back of it Yuri kin no one would have expected Yuri kin to be there David mam is out next he’s about 15c back

That’s where Magnus DLI is Magnus DLI is out now he’s 20 seconds down on the league group that’s a big gap cuz that gap’s only going to continue to grow and that front group having seen who’s around them will be motivated knowing Magnus isn’t there Magnus didn’t look that

Good right now it’s Aaron Royal that is out in front of the field here in Miami again we mentioned the skull caps or the swim caps that these athletes have on so we could make sure who they are in the water and right now that pink swim cap

Of Aaron Royal is setting the pace uh just about a half a lap remaining uh in this swim as they’re going past the Aussie exit on the other side of the lake we’re moving back through the field here to see where Sam long is and he is

In that last pack there at the Aussie exit he was about 142 behind the lead that’s that’s a lot of time but for the strongest legs in Triathlon maybe too not too much but yeah he’s sitting um in that pack I think he might be in the

Lead yeah in that Pink Suit he is the the lead of that uh last pack but again that’s going to be 230 uh between 2:30 and 3 minutes I would has I would guess by T1 so we’ve got Rico Bogan coming out of the water first Aaron Royals there with

Him Sam L roic Bogan really strung that out late alist brownley was out fourth there I think the interesting thing will be when they see see Jason West and M marier and maybe not expecting them to be there with them what they do in this group we know that Rico ban alist

Brownley Sam L are all really motivated usually to ride hard and I think having Jason West and Mattis there will motivate them even more and Buren very concentrated here he’s already taken on nutrition so he’s had a little gel that he’s carried with him it’s about 100 calories in that and

Just making sure he stays topped up on the energy he knows what’s coming but incredibly in control you know he’s running out to get all these things he’s pulled down his first layer his swimming layer he’s about to get changed put on his helmet first out on the bike as well

And um this is exciting to see from The Young World Champion Yan you’ve got experience of being in this front group this is where you lived alist brownley very notorious for pushing the pace early can you talk to me about these Dynamics at the start

Of the bike how hard is it who’s known to push who’ll sit in Well Jack you see I’m also notorious for stuffing up the first transition so unfortunately I very often lost that advantage that I had there and then was the one trying to push to stay in front

With these guys um that’s why I’m so impressed with Rico he’s just getting it all together he’s already in his shoes before the first turn and you know this is really where we’re playing cat and mouse to see who’s coming Magnus did live just out of the water there and

He’s not looking overly energized I mean we know he’s going to be extremely strong on the bike and it’s early days but I am very impressed with what this first group is putting together especially young Rico ban off the front here just allowing himself a little bit

Of breathing room for the others to actually catch him and spend extra biscuits as we call them um that the other ones you know extra matches that they have to burn and that’s uh Rudy Von B getting on the bike there we uh have Peter heimrich and

Magnus now that we’re on the bike let’s talk a little bit about the rules here this is where drafting you cannot do you have to stay 20 meters apart if you want to overtake another athlete you have to do it in a 45 second period of time

Otherwise you’ve got to drop back and get that 20 MERS again if you can’t complete that pass but there’s penalties for that if you’re the first time that you have an infraction there it’s a thre minute penalty for any kind of drafting the second time you’ll also get that

Thre minute penalty the third time you’re disqualified there are draft Marshals out on course that will be uh following along with the athletes and make sure everybody is uh evenly spaced and and and not you know trying to get an unfair Advantage I’ll give you the rund down of

The top 12 now we’ve got marer up front Bogan brownley Royal kulan then Cano kolos Jason West Barnaby laid low mnam and bagard and those are the top 12 right now it’s 22 Laps on the bike here in the road course at Homestead Miami Speedway currently Martis Mar out front of this

Pack the young Rico Bogan running second and just to remind you uh what t00 is again 20 men and 20 women have been contracted for the t00 season a minimum of six races will be for each athlete that’s including the Grand Final you get season scores top three

Finishes will be scored so the more events you can do you can drop your lower scores uh and then of course the grand final result a lot of money on the line $7 million is the total prize money uh both men and women Champions at the end of

The year those Champions will re received $210,000 and of course as everyone is going to be looking at this as potentially that next great move for a triathlete and a career if you can lock yourself into next year which the top 10 will be able to do from this season uh

You’ve got a foot up on the competition we’re taking a look right now at the Garmin transition times uh as far as T1 uh Garmin giving us those times just over a minute for the top 10 athletes through T1 yeah it’s very it’s often talked about as the fourth

Discipline of Trion you know you can make or break a lot of time in transition and it’s more important to practice your Transitions and have them perfectly down pat so I’ve just had some clarification around the rues so they were told because of the fact that it’s very hot

Out on course 31° they are allowed to tempor temporarily have a cooling device cooling bottle so an ice water bottle down their tops they must drink from it and they must get rid of it so if it’s down their top for the whole race it doesn’t move anywhere they will be

Penalized I’m not sure on how long that is I think it can be upwards of to three minutes which would be race ending if true so we really need to see Magnus get that bottle out of his top at some stage because if it is there for the whole

Race he could face a penalty we’re looking at Sam long here who we talked about earlier as needing to get some eyes on because often in races where it’s so Dynamic and there’s so many laps and the gaps are so big athletes can get forgotten as they’re

Moving through the field but Sam long is really moving through this field and is 100% not out of this race it’s coming down to a seven laap race where we’ve got the best in the world right here in front of us uh you’ve got some that obviously have a

Little stronger legs as far as the running ability but are they too far back can they still be in Striking Distance to these four as you see him starting to get out of the shoes and get ready for T2 yeah and for those new to Triathlon uh the latter stages of the

Bike as they’re getting ready for the Run they do take their feet out of the shoes and they’ll continue to ride uh into transition and there’ll be a line where they cannot cross they have to have both feet on the ground before they hit that Dismount line if they cross

That line there is a penalty but all the men adhering to that rule and these first steps are usually a little ginger but uh these men making it look easy this is my favorite 5 minutes of any t00 race this last kilometer on the bike into the first kilometer off the Run we

Saw alist brownley he hopped off the bike looked a little bit Ginger he he’s all over the place trying to put his bike in there due to the effort he’s just put in but what we see now is these four mattius marier Magnus D Sam Leo and

Alist roundly once they run they get to sort of assess how am I feeling how are the others looking Sam low through transition really quickly here alist brownley as well known for his fast t2s he’s got out there will he get back up to Sam L Sam Lelo to me looks

Comfortable alist brownley looks pretty comfortable we do sort of expect to see him make his move now and then we’ve got Magnus D slowly slowly but he’s confident he’s sort of the kind of guy who works into his run rather than explodes from the start Mattis SM is the

One who usually does go aggressive out of T2 as well so wait and see what happens there didli opening the kit just a bit there to get some air on the chest to get rid of his bottle and that bottle that’s right let’s hope he got rid of it

Oh can I just quickly tap my hat to Martis Maier what a ride what a ride this man has taken us on um as predicted Sam L out the front because he had the socks on already so that disadvantage that’s cost him a long way and remember

They’re they’re doing a loop around here I want to make sure they they’re running the wrong way right now but it’s because they’re going to catch up to get to the exact seven laap distance that they need to go once they turn the corner here alist brownley keep in mind Rick is

Known for running hard out of T2 so if he’s running at relatively the same speed as Sam L though you know it’s fast and they have actually put a little bit of a gap into mattius marier and Magnus DLI now Magnus is the one who does work

Into his run but generally speaking and I’d like to hit your take on this y if you can go with it as one of these athletes the lead of the race would you go with it or is there a chance that Magnus will just sit back and wait for

It all to unfold and see if what’s happened to alist brownley in the past and Sam Le though in the past where they were out in front at the Canadian open for example or alist at the European open uh and then came back to the field

Will they just wait for that to unfall could you just hold my microphone for 5 minutes I just want to go down there and tell alist to cool his Jets cool your jets my friend honestly we all for the history of the sport want to see you get

Back to the top step but he’s closed that Gap in no time but I think he’s actually quite nicely setting in to a pace right now already Sam llo looking good he looks good great very good Sam long he’s only three minutes down so he actually like talked about he

Put time into those front floor at the back end of the bike there which is unbelievable and he looks really really good he he probably looks even smoother than what Magnus DLI and mattius marier did you see dlif here grabbing some hydration get little water trying to

Cool off and a problem there ially ice stop ice and you can see it is hot out there Alistar grabbed an ice towel and he was disgusted with it about 10 seconds later it was just doing nothing and you could literally see the spies in his face no don’t

The shoulder pads it’s uh certainly a bit of a fashion statement coming on right there and this looks like Sam long here moving up into past Daniel backer guard so that’s moving up into sixth position uh Yuri kin now in fifth place so Yuri’s making quick work at this run but Sam

Long u moving along the steam train here he goes and that’s some great comaraderie you see uh Daniel bagard putting his hand out and uh slapping uh you know Sam long there that also kind of unique to Triathlon I I feel like there’s a great camaraderie um out

There on the course and um while these athletes are Fierce competitors they also like they good job oh now oh no he’s here we go here we go grab the ice somebody tell him at the ice is there ice on this oh yeah there

Is oh this is a long stop in yeah this is the first time we’ve really really seen Alistair slow to a walk almost um looks fatigue it looks of fatigue so that’s that’s at least a good sign still no ice though yeah he poured down two

Cups of ice down to top there were there it wasn’t in the bag but um yeah this is definitely a change in Pace let’s hope that he’s leaving just enough in the tank but wow there comes Magnus already um that Gap is really closed because of that aid station I reckon that’s almost

10 seconds extra that Magnus is just eaten into that Advantage there oh that look over the shoulder is really telling and look at the trail he’s leaving behind his shoes that is all the water and ice coming through that’s basically just running through him that’s the heat

Um and it’s something that makes your shoes significantly heavier and it makes that slightly squidgy noise and it’s everything you don’t want to hear as an athlete it’s not like you’re flying effortlessly it’s the opposite of being in the zone it is everything that feels slow and sticky alist they also taking

On some nutrition here this might be a bit late if it’s energetic yeah and when you have uh you know pouring ice and water over yourself like that he doesn’t have socks on either so the socks are not going to be absorbing any of that so his foot you know might be sliding

Around that’s when you get all sorts of blisters he also you know right now is just trying to hold off Magnus so doing his best to stay in front but it’s damage control Sam long as coming like a steam train back there um yeah I think Alistair brownley he’s well aware that

He has some top-notch athletes coming up on his shoulder and he’s just doing everything he can to hold on to that lead we may have a Sprint but it might might not be between Alistar brownley and dlif it could be Sam long I mean we’re seeing an impressive performance

Right now out of the American and for the lead Here Comes Magnus dlift trying to take the top spot away from Alistair brownley brownley watches him go by and now what can dlift do to set the pace to where he can’t be caught well let’s see I mean aliser has

Got a spring in his step he is trying to keep up Sam long just about to make the pass into third position uh we’ll see if Maier has anything in the tank uh whether he can sort of try and go with him and this is it the final lap so

Magnus dlift out in front Sam long has taken third away there are the athletes and you saw Magnus dlif you saw Sam there he wasn’t messing around he he ran up onto his shoulder kept the same pace and you saw him put in a little bit of a Sprint there and

Brownley is right in front of him right now brownley has fallen far enough back there’s brownley compared to Sam long there’s the Bell the final lap 2.5k oh brownley turning around he sees Sam long coming the Grimace on his face and maybe that third position is

Still up for Graford Matias Maier too uh brownley really struggling here uh we can see that this is for second Sam long taking second away from brownley now does he have enough in the tank to get DLI Magnus dlift as he’ll make his way onto the tunnel the favorite coming in Magnus

Dlift giving high fives to the crowd as he comes to the Finish Line the first ever winner of the T 100 and it goes to Magnus did Li Sam long is coming in right here and cheering on the crowd they’re cheering on him Sam long second in the T100 [Applause]

Miami Sam long he is loving it soaking up the atmosphere and putting on a show and not far behind matis Maier will be coming to that finish line here in just a moment there he is and marier will be on the podium for T 100 congratulations first win of the T 100

And more importantly some good points on the board for your first world championship yeah it feels amazing a great start to the season and uh yeah I’m super stoked to take my first uh t00 win for the first race of the Season as well so I mean Magnus just tell us about

The conditions everyone was talking about them you seem to have it under control the ice was going in the shoulders the ice was going down at any possibility unlike alist and a couple of the other guys was that always the plan or did you just kind of spot that ice bucket early

On and go I need to get in there yeah like when I arrived here in Miami I felt really bad throughout the entire week training here so we made a super conservative plan to like strategies for heat uh yeah Cooling and so on so the

Entire day I felt like I was just right below the limit and then towards the end of the run I could sort of wheel in alista and push a bit more so yeah it was super like controlled just below the limit trying to deal with the heat

Magnus dlift was fastest in the bike we see that Jason West uh fastest in the run and the swim it was Rico Bogan who was the fastest in the water but ultimately on the podium you see D L long and Maier Coolin brownley all top five cool housee West back of guard

Ladow and Royal I hope AC on your Mark and they’re in the water and once again will be able to pick out a few athletes based on their caps and one of those being Lucy Charles barklay will have the pink swim cap and you see it already Rick uh Lucy Charles barklay she does not mess

Around at the start she is quick Off the Mark and she’s on the far left there in that pink cap she’s already making a little bit of a lead we’ll see if anyone can grab onto her feet cat Matthews will have a green swim cap the yellow swim cap is Paula finle

Holly Lawrence has the purple swim cap Daniela Reef will be in blue SAR Perez Salah who’s really the only one who has shocked I think us and been able to beat Lucy Charles barklay out of the water we’ll have the orange cap and Lucy Buckingham has the Red Cap there was a

Question uh Lucy was not at one of the briefings uh this week and the question was if she would be able to tow the line uh maybe a little bit under the weather this weekend but she is in the Water swimming and we hope for the best for

Her and again these athletes will swim past the Aussie exit uh which most of them have done already and the next time by they would do that out in front and so impressive In The Swim as Lucy Charles Barkley really not a lot of weakness in Lucy there really isn’t

She’s just a phenomenal like her standout is the swim Everyone likes to talk about you know Lucy Charles Barkley the mermaid um her swimm ability is just phenomenal but she gets out on the bike and she is one of the strongest cyclists in the sport and backs it up with a very

Strong run in amongst the top top women on the run as well separated out in front in the water still working on lap one here is Lucy Charles Barkley out front you look at the bottom of your screen you’re going to see the bib numbers now for

Lucy Charles Barkley again 30 31 and 32 for Emma pent Brown and Emma looking for a little Redemption here especially at this course in this venue because Emma pallet Brown uh was very strong here a couple years back but heat exhaustion got her in the middle of the run to the

Point where she passed out literally passed out on the track uh and then she said that because of what she was wearing it burned her back the that’s how hot the asphalt was it she actually had burns on her back from when she had passed out and was laying on her back on

The asphalt here so hoping for a better uh turn of events here this time as again the women now heading back toward the sun uh and this sunset here in Homestead Miami Speedway and as we get a beautiful out of the west it’ll Holly Lawrence in the purple swim

Cap you have Paula finle on the back of that pack as well so Holly Lawrence leading it Paula finle on the back but right now we’re we’re with Holly Lawrence and she is leading that chase not too far behind zaraz she’s changed her her CH her her training venue she

Was out on the west coast she was in LA and then in 2022 decided to make the move to Boulder which is where you and Tim are uh a lot of athletes deciding to make that move and get into elevation and see if they can uh have a little

More of the elevation change here in the Americas coming out the here so Lucy Charles Barclay has just exited ahead of Lucy Buckingham they were swimming hard you could tell it when you were looking at them really close they were swimming very hard this Gap has grown Sarah Perez

C is just about to get to the Oz exit as well and the chase group with Sky Munch and Holly Lawrence and India Le and uh they they’ve almost caugh her PO still on the back of that group too um so here we have Sarah Perez Salah she’s about 25

Seconds back and is bleeding time to this Chase group with Sky man and IND at the front just in right now in the Aussie exit up this steep uphill IND looks goodat falling off but fix that that’s one of the benefits of the Aussie exit PA of Finlay on the back

Of this group is massive they’re about 35 seconds off the lead that’s potentially further ahead than what some would have anticipated to see Paula finle she’s lost a little bit of ground in the O exit but if she can get back there that’s a really good position and

Then about 10 seconds behind Paula finle we’ve got cat Matthews exiting the water 45ish seconds down she’s got herself a little bit isolated there and that second lap could be tricky because the rest of the girls have all got a big group to work towards whereas she’s by

Herself Daniel re out the water a further 10 15 seconds down as well as Emma palent Brown and Tamara J that’s a strong run group that’s a group we got to keep our a they’re about a minute back whether they can make up some ground to Lucy in this second lap but

That is is a substantial Gap Emma P Tamara J too we’ve got to keep our eye on as the race progresses particularly On The Run Paula finle just hanging onto the back of that group uh some some definite Firepower in that group but cat Matthews Daniela riff and Lucy Barum I think

That’s a very dangerous Trio uh just a little basically third pack well I think The Narrative of the race is going to be very similar again in terms of how much of a gap can the girls in the front get on Tomar jard Tomar jard I think on paper is the

Fastest runner here and we can see it unfolding straight away Lucy Charles Barkley leading the swim Tamara J just hanging on the feet of the back as Lucy and Lucy come out the water first here side by side let’s hope for a smooth transition and um it’s actually quite a

Short way from here even though they have to run a little dog leg to go past the bik and then sort of re realign and Jack is down there so we’ve got the two Lucy coming into T1 here they both look good Lucy Charles looks very good Lucy Buckingham

Is usually very aggressive into and out of T1 and loves to ride hard out of it so watch for that to happen Lucy Charles barlay this is pretty much the dream scenario for her she knows that Lucy Buckingham’s been sick everyone in the padic knows that so she’s going to love

That she has one of the world best cyclist with her to P push the pace rather than have to do it by herself she can also follow her technical lines on the technical part of this course sometimes people say Lucy’s technical ability isn’t the best in the world

Compared to her straight speed power so to be able to follow Lucy Buckingham’s lines if that does play out like that is perfect for Lucy you can see they’ve got a massive lead probably probably a bigger lead than you would have expected given where they were halfway through

The swim The Other Women haven’t even come in yet there’s also some really interesting developments if when we when we see the other women come in we’ve got our first DQ That’s about to happen we’ve got the head referee waiting at the one of the athletes BS to DQ them

Sarah Perez Salah Holly Lawrence India Lee driven group Paul of finl has managed to get on the back of it as well coming into T12 this is a really strong Chase group as well actually Paul of finle I mentioned that Lucy Buckingham is one of the best cyclist in the sport

In that category as well is Paula finle is in IND Le this is a very strong group that will get straight on to chasing the two lucies and perfect situation for someone like India Le who’s a really strong Runner as well as being a great cyclist so I mean probably a position

That’s a little ahead of where a lot of people would have expected to see her and Paula finle playing out perfectly for those two as well this here is the group if we’re going to see someone make a big move it’s most likely to come from one of

These women Lucy B was in here quickly out just as quickly cat Matthews and Emma pet Brown will fight for that wheel because they know that outside of maybe Lucy Buckingham and Lucy Charles up the front that’s the that’s the lady who will be moving fastest on this bike

Course they will hang on for deal they’ll do whatever it takes to hold that wheel Danielle AR now as well extra fir power to the group Tamar J Tamara J is the last out the slowest through transition again her race depends on her being able to hold this really strong by

This race starts in the day and it will end at night and they will be under the lights the temperature change is going to continue to fall as the sun sets here uh in South Florida and that could come into play that could be a part of the

Storyline here is maybe Emma palent Brown this could be the temperature that she needs to have success at this racetrack when it was hot during the middle of the day but maybe just a little bit cooler as we get into the night as we see Lucy Buckingham still

Trying to hold on to that second spot uh right now Holly Lawrence 47 seconds back from these top two we take a look at the Garmin transition times for T1 and ranging from a minute 11 to a minute 17 for the top 10 athletes again thanks to Garmin for helping us with

T1 I feel like this is also somewhat psychologically relevant with Lucy Charles Barkley realizing perhaps that this is Daniela last year and of course danela being crowned the queen um Lucy Charles Barkley is I would say fair to say a crowd favorite everybody everybody loves Lucy she’s you know she she she’s

Just nice and she works hard and um she’s been bridesmaid that many times that you are just looking forward to seeing her do well and I think this is something she’d be getting a huge motivation of realizing that for her also this is the last year of chances to

Face against danela and every time she’s going to be there she will want to be on her very best as we see Lawrence flying along and she’s giving up no not even an inch on that corner yeah she’s sitting third right now about 46 seconds back from Lucy Charles

Barklay and here we have Daniela someone we haven’t seen all race yet I think it’s early days she made some big statements the way she tends to when she needs a bonus when she needs a little bit of something when she’s she talks different when she’s 100% confident in

Herself um you know ranked eight in the ranked eth in the world um the number one cyclist and right now she’s bleeding a lot of time um I don’t know if there’s anything wrong but this is another thing danela you don’t know she can be flying high or this can be where you

Find her 4 minutes down is not what I would have said at the beginning of the race with 27k to go on the bike but yeah she doesn’t look comfortable either closing in on under 20 kilom still remaining in the bike portion of this triathon the t00 from

Miami and now it’s interesting to see here this is the main straight I think is that what you called in the nasar world the and you see just how like more significantly lit it is than the middle of the field and it would be quite weird

Going from the light like this is almost daylight light here and then you look over the other side of the course where it’s completely pitch black and they ride into that yeah it’s just yeah this is bizarre but really fun to watch the athlete that was right up

There running second in this competition for all almost 90 minutes but she had been suffering from food poisoning uh a little bit earlier in the week and had to pull out and now Rachel is with Lucy Buckingham yeah thanks Rick uh Lucy it’s been a pretty tough couple of days and

Obviously we saw how incredible you were out there for about 90 minutes you’ve had food poisoning you’ve had to dnf um silly question but how are you right at this moment uh yeah thanks richel I’m I’m good like I just had absolutely no legs my legs just popped and I think any

Athlete that knows like when you get a sick sickness bug or food poisoning like it’s kind of inevitable like you’re going to be a bit drained and I tried like packing in the food this morning and um after about two uh like porridge pots I was like I can’t takeen on

Anymore and uh like when I was riding I was trying to take on the gels and it was like coming back up again I was like oh man uh so I tried my best and uh unfortunately just wasn’t my day so Holly Lawrence has gone from

Being with Indie Lee to being two and a half minutes back um I mean she did look like she was struggling about halfway through just with you know the whole body language and moving and going up and down but this is something that would definitely be the motivating look

Again she’s got that what did I call it smile cat it was a it’s a suffering kind of you can see she’s enjoying because she knows every time it hurts her it’s hurting the others more we can definitely see quite a bit better here and seeing that Paula finle

Has actually decided to stay at the back she didn’t come around hly Lawrence to get on to C Matthews and Lucy Barum just in case Holly Lawrence couldn’t s on she has decided to yeah maintain her position at the back of this group and conserve and not not right aggressively

Like rinnie said we’re used to seeing her do it either says that she’s not in great form or that she’s playing a really smart race it’s I don’t know which one here she’s just getting ready catching her first breath as she rolls into transition and uh IND Lee taking the

Time to stop her stop her her watch watch gin her her gin and uh get an accurate power fire but look how close these two are they’re going to be coming out of T2 and running together well this is the first time Lucy’s taken a breath she is definitely

Taken it very conservatively into transition two taking her time um to to catch her breath and take a rest she had a bit of a struggle there with her helmet so it looks like Indie might even be overtaking her in transition no she’s not she’s out and she’s looking all right old

Fashion for somebody who’s just LED 82k of the race this is not unfamiliar territory for Lucy Charles Barkley uh a little bit unfamiliar to have company but um yeah we’ll see how Indie does run is as Mark said earlier cat Matthew’s partner Indie has been running very well in training

And it’s just a matter of whether she can finally put a good run leg together in a longor race uh Lucy is looking looking great so far she’s flying right here and I think she is definitely on this dog leg she can see you know they came into transition together but this

Is already a significant Gap just wanted to give you an update on Emma pellant Brown this course has not worked out well for her uh a couple years ago heat exhaustion had her passed out on the train track uh it’s happened again uh she passed out uh they took her

To the infield care center and then have decided to take her to a local medical facility for further evaluation uh but just wanted to give you an update on Emma pet Brown she’s been uh removed from the track and take it to a local hospital here well it’s obviously uh a little bit

More serious because we do know that there is a world class facility here on course we’ve just heard that she is conscious and that she is fine but yeah that that is a risk of of racing in the heat it was obviously her fear as well

So she’s had that in the back of her mind and it’s a tough position to be in you know if you if you look at our Sport and where a lot of the racing is taking place it’ be a bit of pill to swallow because you know there’s nothing like

Having a repeated kind of negative impulse as we see Sky MCH coming into T2 in ninth place currently ohat Matthew cat Matthews it looks like she’s cramping up and she had to stop oh come on yeah that’s the left calf when it’s so humid like this you’re just losing so

Much salt oh See’s like I can’t I can’t run like PA pader is just next level but uh yeah she’s tough cat Matthew mostly being uh part of the British army she is definitely gone through some toughness but yeah she looks stressed she actually looks stressed and of

Course this is she’s got huge targets she’s got the ti 100 series she also wants to do the competing Iron Man series and she wants to race Iron Man World Champ so you know she does want to do damage right here Lucy child’s obviously still leading the way um this is just

Devastating for cat Matthews I think the run is her strength and so she all day was you know biting her time obviously a great cyclist a great swimmer but the run is really where she shines so to have this happen in the early stages of

The Run yeah it’s just it’s just not not cool so try to take on some nutrition here and see if if that helps um she’s going to I think try and carry on if she can so hopefully it loosens up cat Matthews so frustrated and disappointed in what is happening here

Yeah put so much effort poor your heart heart and sold into a you do you do and it yeah you’re seeing seeing that now just devastating I hope it opens up for her and she can just Trot around um you know and get that finish but it doesn’t look promising

Well she hasn’t tried either uh she’s walked for a long ways now and hasn’t even tried to start running again to test it yeah it’s at this point we start questioning whether it is just cramp or whether it’s something a little more serious because this is not typical of

Cramp this sort of reaction and behavior this isn’t usually what we’d see and maybe the the level of emotion we’re seeing here could be because she knows it’s something more Sinister and serious and she has huge plans this year so we really hope it’s not but it sort of seems like

It and right now a new leader for the women as India Lee has gone by Lucy Charles barklay let’s see if Lucy will tack on to the back here of India Lee and what she has left wow did you see the aggression she she she put into that I mean her fa her

Whole facial demeanor changed as she came close she really made sure to try and get a little surge to hopefully not take Lucy with her and this is the first time we’ve seen a change at the top of the leaderboard what a way to take the

Series with both hands and rip it and grip it there’s Holly Lawrence by the way running third right now she’s about about 2 minutes 47 seconds behind race leader India Lee and if we go back to the bike like Holly Lawrence was losing a bit of time then she did manage to

Stick on to that Paula finle Lucy Barum and Kat Matthews group and now because she was able to stay with that group we’re seeing her be able to take advantage of that on the run and like maybe she can’t win this race but a Podium vage for Holly Lawrence would be

Massive Daniela coming obviously not as dominant as we have seen her before but really solid um all around today so moving into fifth place danielis I mean this is kicking off the season very well for her and obviously she knows it’s a long season she’s also planning on doing

Uh the IR man World Championships this year so a lot of racing for her this year India Lee looks back she won’t see anyone yeah the this is just mind-blowing for her I think coming in and I’m sure she dreamt of this and and you have to have

Had some belief that you could do this but to actually have it happen and especially as we said no one picked in D to win the 35y old Brit makes it on to the carpet she’s given the high fives and she has just stunned the world India Lee

Is going to win the first ever T1 100 and it starts here at Homestead Miami Speedway she’ll walk across and grab the banner India Lee wins t00 yeah a lot of emotion there you can see she she always can’t believe it and you know a hug from the goat hug from from Yan

Um tears of joy at the Finish Line in Miami Here Comes second in Lucy Charles barklay and still a smile on her face as she’s thanking the fans for being there yeah I think Lucy Charles barklay will be happy with that performance the second place is nothing to be you know

Ashamed of as as we said it’s a long season a lot of racing ahead and she led for a lot of that race and almost pulled off the victory and this will do it from rounding out the podium with a third place finish here at T 100 Miami it is Holly Lawrence I think that’s Yan cheering in the background Indi Take a Bow that was spectacular out there are you pretty much speechless right now yeah um I yeah I’m speechless it feels like um I’m watching myself like in a different entity it’s yeah it’s mad yeah we’ll take a look at the finish

Of the top 10 you see the fastest on the swim you see Charles barklay the fastest on the bike was India Lee and then it was impressive the run that she was able to put together India Lee forging her name now as one of the favorites here in

T00 with her win it was Charles Barkley and Holly Lawrence rounding out the podium all the way down to an impressive finish for kaidi Kiya uh finishing in 10th today


  1. Sam Long was 18th out of the water and almost passed the entire field!
    If he improves his swim, he will be hard to beat.

  2. Amazing racing! Disappointed couldn’t see on YouTube live in UK, but after coverage awesome!! Superstars

  3. dude… thats almost covid style racing or zwift like…. almost no spectators, short course, brutal heat (euqivalent of broken fan when zwifting 😂) if it wasn't for the money I would be hating it as a pro

  4. A couple things from the first event.
    1) Marketing the T100 format as the sweet spot for short, middle, and long distance triathletes is a MUCH BETTER strategy than trying to call this the “definitive long-distance championship series.”
    2) The broadcast was good, but too much run-on commentary. The race is going to have high and low points in the action, and the broadcast needs to find a way to balance that. I never thought I’d say this, but running ads every so often will actually help you get through the low points and will give you casting team some breaks. Just don’t run as many ads as Ironman.
    3) You need to show the times for all athletes in the race. When you have a series limited to a select group of contracted athletes, you’ve got to show times for everyone. Formula 1 does a great job showcasing data for 20 drivers, so I don’t see why this can’t be done for triathlon.
    4) Do some pre-production for the intros. Let the athletes focus on the start line and take out the theater from the race.

  5. the course is super lame. As a fan I wouldn't want to watch this in person or on line/tv….same reason NASCAR doesn't interest me. I hope al of these races aren't like this.

  6. Great series! Showing power & speed on the bike + speed on the run of every athlete is what a lot of people would like to see

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