What Can A PGA Pro Score Using EVERYTHING COSTCO GOLF!? We Got EVERYTHING GOLF From Costco! – Brutal Opinions? We test every golf club costco has in its Kirkland Signature lineup in a head to head match! When buying new golf clubs in 2024 we often think about buying the best for the budget… what are the best budget golf clubs of 2024? and why have the costco golf clubs taken the market by storm so quickly? we have all since seen the dispute between Costco and Taylormade over the Costco Kirkland signature irons and the Taylormade |P790 irons… but what makes cheap golf clubs so useable? in this video we put every golf clubs costco have to use and see just how good they all are!

Okay what a world we live in a full set of Costco Kirkland golf clubs every Club in this bag you can pick up next to the toilet roll the baked beans and of course the jacuzzi if that’s what you want what can we score today here at Waterfront Golf Club a gorgeous

Nine-hole incredibly challenging golf course as well and let’s not forget we have the Kirkland golf balls and of course the brand new Kirkland gloves the they’ve actually improved these Chris did you know you get four now as well so realistically outstanding value for money guys get in the comments below

What we going to shoot here at Waterfront Golf Club I think level par would be a good effort let’s send this Kirkland down there and get started you know for a first swing of the day at 6:45 a.m. that’s insane that could have gone a lot worse and to be

Honest not much better now it’s going to come with no shock to you all that I’m a huge fan of the Costco Kirkland golf products that the irons the wedges the Putter and of course the golf ball which started it all off a lot of people think

We get paid to promote these we don’t but then the video yesterday that I did with the pxg driver people thought would PID to promote that we just like showing off clubs that we feel like can help your game potentially help your budget like these ones and the Tacomo clubs and

The Cali clubs but also if I feel like a club is the best in class for the year I’m going to concentrate on that I’m going to show you guys that so you can go and try it for yourself and either agree or disagree right we are in play

What a morning we’ve got perfect for golf so just up in the right hand rof with the opening shot of the day that is a big drive though down this Hall we don’t have too far in one thing I’m going to do today is I’m going to try to

Take my time concentrate to actually get a good score going it’s coming into the season now so I want to make sure I’m doing my best and that means getting yardages Meli pf1 137 playing 135 flags at the back so you don’t want to go along here just nice wedge ball

Above feet should move to the left like that be good be good get up not a bad start bit Duffy actually that as well guys do me a favor get in the comments below what are your favorite Costco Golf Club so far is it the driver is it the

Irons is it the putter or the wedges cuz they’re going a little bit unsung at the moment with them being out for so long but realistically you can get a good bag now for circa $1,000 I’m not saying that’s cheap by any stretch of the imagination but when you’re talking

Driver irons wedges Putter and balls and gloves all you’re really missing is the bag for $1,000 or pounds depending on where you are right this is what we have for the opening bu plenty of stop as well here which is quite nice to say that we are

Talking once again budget and I’m a huge fan of budget golf clubs I’ve mentioned already in today’s video Como irons the Cali golf clubs and even I suppose that’s really it isn’t it but lots more coming Birdie the first would be a delight took a jump oh the jump robbed it the jump

Robbed it you can see on the duw line where it just took that little skip it was bang on line with Performance Plus lining we can ever see that but that is a part and to try and keep on the subject of Costco golf club today

Because this is what the video is about having tested the ball for numbers again some of the biggest name golf clubs out there and some of the most expensive golf clubs out there they don’t quite stack up but then would you expect them to stack up with the price that you pay

In if the ball speeds down a little bit the spin rate’s a little bit High maybe you’re 5 to 10 yards behind is that still a victory for Costco personally I feel like it probably is but I feel like the more average golfer maybe wouldn’t even see the differences that we’ve seen

Brett for example my friend who has these Kirkland irons in fact these are his today I’ve borrowed them off him he doesn’t really see the big differences that we see he doesn’t really see the big problems of the ball oh a te tell you what what roller coaster we’ve got

Today love finding a tea sometimes like finding a tea more than like finding a ball right can we just draw it off that bunker on the right driver head shape is G gorgeous by the way full reviews are in the description below that is absolutely gorgeous again

Really feel like if you get this out the where that’s out of that’s down there on the par five the only issue being we don’t have any Fairway Woods or hybrids because they don’t do them yet and I do feel like I’ve probably tested these Kirkland golf clubs as extensively as

Anyone has so I do have a really kind of good opinion on them feel and strike wise they all feel really good they all per perform like you’d want them to in that area huge thanks to Gabe from no laye up for giving me the driver as well

Gabe you’re an absolute Legend go check his channel out guys I’ll link that in the description below as well he tested it with a better shaft in and that was really interesting would you like to see me do that and see potentially what differences I see get in the comments

Below and let me know just down the left hand side of this Fair a little bit of run out today as well which we haven’t had for a very long time I don’t think we can get there you know it’s 2 30 40 plus we’ got the 4 iron the 4on for me

Is one of the better looking clubs actually I could use this as a bit of a potential driving iron sort of thing anywhere near front edge would be brilliant then rely on the Kirkland wedges I’ve hit that so good that’s all over it if it’s long

Enough and that’s the thing like you can hit exceptional golf shots that feel ridicul that felt ridiculous no towel today which is annoying that felt ridiculous Kirkland ball Kirkland iron the big thing you know what the best things are the balls are good A lot of people like my golf spy saying the

New golf balls are not as good as the previous ones I don’t know what’s happened there to much but the best products are these most people use golf gloves don’t they and rather than going spending 2030 pound on a foot Joy or anything else it’s like 20 quid for four

Probably last you most of the season for most golfers and the Fantastic value and fantastic quality as well but size down because I’m usually ML and ml’s too big this is medium are we up there I think it’s just on the front edge isn’t it I must say I forgot how

Narrow it was on the entrance to this green and that’s a really really accurate for iron and you can see it’s not really uh it’s not released in fact it might have even pitched here it’s not released very far I’ll give that a clean and have a chip for Eagle definitely

Thinking uh it wasn’t the day for a white carry bag but there we go it’s got to break right to left when it lands this is a lob wedge go on a it just skipped on the de so close I have had a nightmare today not bringing a towel out a nightmare now

Putter wise putter was was it the first thing or the second thing what came first the putter or the wedges or the chicken or the egg and this is decent like a lot of people don’t like it it does feel firm but then don’t particularly mind that you get used to

That very quickly and if you’re new to golf you don’t even know what firm feels like anyway do you so definitely has plenty of tech in there to help birded put let’s concentrate don’t give the hole away oh it’s snoking it’s snuck in guys that’s one under through one what’s the course

Record okay that might be pretty much sure but you need to ask don’t you also can we determine how close that was to missing looking at that Jew line by the way very very lucky indeed now it’s going to be an interesting game plan here and there’s a reason why I wanted

To do this video here at Waterfront golf club because first of all it’s a really enjoyable course but also it’s a very challenging course off the tea and we don’t have any Fairway Woods or hybrids it’s either driver or for iron and the white te’s are still out even in winter

So basically we need to hit driver and we need to hit it well the head cover is an issue the head cover is too tight just to most of my clothes this year but again I I just see little baby draws on this golf course I

Just see starting it down the right and letting it come back in wh not that happens might be a different story but I’ve got wet hands as well which is really annoying there’s a hazard on the right so you can’t leave it there stay there stay

There that’s going to be closer a little track down the left to myself out of leaving it right and that was just that little bit toey I guess the good thing is you don’t mind losing the balls cuz Kirklands aren’t that expensive are they the last thing you’d want to do is go

And lose Prov v1s TP FS or Chrome TS I’m hoping that’s a Kirkland I mean if it is it’s not ideal but we have certainly gotten away with it looking at where we are the Green’s over there be a Kirkland it’s got to be we’re first out this

Morning and it is it’s not lying great but to be honest I’m going to take my medicine here I think 140 obviously the trees are in the way snap hooker a little low seven iron go go it’s going to be short but the bush took it out of it unfortunately

Bloody Bush no one to blame there but myself realistically just a bad drive we actually got away with it looks like we’re going to have a a pitch and a put for p so but I don’t think it’s that close to the green now this is interesting obviously with the wedges

You get three in the Box you get 52 56 and 60 I like the 52 I really like it kind of little knockdown shots here is kind of perfect for it land it just on the front it will grab a little bit but it’s moist Under Foot the greens are still

Dewy and there’s going to be moisture in these grooves no matter what you do and moisture on the ball so you’re not going to get the receptiveness of the spin but with these wedges you can sort of flight them down a little bit just realiz it says carbon steel on there that’s quite

Interesting is it carbon steel this 30 let it release go on be good be good be good oh that’s perfectly landed go in oh I have just as much enjoyment with these as anything maybe even more so cuz I feel like I’m saving money we all like doing that we have

That to stay on the par and you see a lot of this boils down to understanding what you’re trying to do where you’re trying to land it and what the ball’s going to do after that that is so close to one of the most ridiculous birdies

Ever but if you try to send one in spinning a high floaty and spinning with moist grooves with a moist ball onto a pretty damp green it’s not going to happen for you and you might think oh it’s the clubs where realistically ain’t the clubs you could do that with a

Expensive Voki and a prov1 and it do the same thing I feel like that was a little get a jail free card with that chip one under and you see I find this very interesting because over those opening three holes if I had a set up golf clubs

That cost £5,000 instead of £1,000 would I be any better off than one under the part probably not I know three holes is a very small sample so that’s why I wanted to come out and do the full kind of round here at Waterfront Golf Club

But this is where I might come on stuck 215 yards we don’t have a 3 we don’t have a hybrid it’s 4on or four or driver but it’s not driver if we can just play this short then play a good ship I don’t think we’re going to get there cuz it’s uphill as

Well par three by the way did I mention hit that so bad I’ve tried to give that everything I’ve got and we’ve got about 100 yards left no club would help that that was terrible come on Costco we need a hybrid bring us a hybrid but then they might get sued

Again I’m not going to talk about the lawsuit in this video cuz I’ve done that already in video but if you didn’t know Taylor Made are suing Kirkland over the irons so could be very interesting to see what happens there so much so you can’t even really get them at the minute

So I think you can still get the driver at some point but yeah lawsuits over golf clubs and things what a world we live in I absolutely hate this hole lying not amazingly not bad and that’s what we have left think I have a full wedge left into the par

Three but here we go be the club should be flag High just a bit left I dare say this Hill’s taken bigger scalps than me maybe not I don’t know and that’s what we have would you that’s a chance at PA I suppose it’s all about is not

Compounding errors with errors isn’t it making sure you don’t make double keep a double off the card and you’re going to be all right today that we might be going back to level here though I will say though not bad stoping out the roof

To see how wet it is it will take that all day this time year you can’t really rely too much on your scrambling just don’t really let you do so make sure you get the pace right we’ll move that whatever that is off the line I touch

That go on go on go on go on you’ve left it short I’m getting a gorgeous roll with this and a really really nice start line as well just not quite got the pace on that one unfortunately that’s going to be a bogy back to level I do love coming out

Early this time of year and getting your feedback on your rolls with the Jew I think it’s absolutely fantastic really helps as well understand where you are with your put in what’s your start line like what’s your read like as well was that the line you envisaged for me it

Was but with every cloud there is a silver lining par five next we might just be able to we need to Boom the drive we need to keep the drive in play to be honest like we’ve not really been doing that well but keep in play Boom it

Down there a huge 4 iron and then a probably a chip and three puts for a boogie one thing I will say here today at Waterfront you’re not going to play a golf course much longer at this time of year in the UK or a golf course that’s

Playing longer because it’s very damp underfoot you’re not getting really any roll out so realistically unless the wind was up this is as hard and as long as it’s going to play that’s why I think levels an okay score I’d rip your hand off for level that head covers like a

Bicep workout every time right I mentioned about wind I’m St feeling a bit now into the wind this there’s no point trying to nail this just keep it in play nice that’s one of them it’s like a Healy really spinny one come out fairly

Low and you can sort of see the you can get the feedback with this club really easily you can really feel where it’s come out of the face just by looking at the ball flight realistically that’s not going to be down there that far that’ll be around 20 probably 40 maybe 250 into

The wind but realistically you can still play from there and if I have got it more out the toe I might have been able to sneak 255 260 into this wind on the moist Fairway how good does that look by the way that looks really good but then

No one saying that these clubs don’t look good are they no one’s saying that they’ve made a a hash of them in fact rather the opposite and that’s why I think Taylor Made have had such a bit of a well a nightmare bringing them more into the Limelight Okay so we’ve just

Missed a fairway on the left we’re quite a long way back I don’t think we’re going to be able to get up there you can see it’s a front leftand flag but realistically it’s too far it’s around 250 again just need like a hybrid or a three-wood or something I should have

Probably put maybe something in that you can get from Costco like one of the Cobra ones or the Callaway ones but I wanted to keep it Kirkland uh I’m going to clean this cuz it’s filthy probably drop it actually I think we’re that might be in the bunker

Fly I’m hoping that’s over it I feel like that might have still had mud on it cuz didn’t feel like a a right shot felt like a left shot actually just praying that we’ve carried that cuz that’s just that awkward yardage that you really don’t want into that flag there looking

Promising so I can’t see it and I don’t I struck it really well so don’t think it would be short of it it’s over this it does open up quite nicely to that flag that flag is a really interesting location where if you favor the right side you’re in a much better position

It’s definitely not in the bunker so there’s that now we just don’t want it on the down slide have we reached oh there not quite in the Fairway it’s opened up nicely do we go 52 short again maybe again just thinking that we’ve not got a lot of green to

Work with we’re into the wind so we might get a bit of spin but we’re also in the r and there’s very Dey green so you’re not going to get the spin Element 52 just short release up sit oh that’s perfect these wedges are so good you know for people who want new

Wedges fell over then people want new wedges and want a pack so you get all the same and Costco do actually do a volume two of these now these are the original the OG Kirkland Signature M face wedges and realistically I think these represent excellent value for money

Especially when you can play Shots like that that’s to get back under par and you see I often think this because whenever I do a wedge video no one really watches it no one really cares about wedges and wedges are the club that help you build a score help you get

Your handicap down help you become a much better golfer yes drivers are sexy they’re nice TI a long way and everyone wants to know what the latest and greatest is but very rarely do you hit a driver that close landed exactly where I wanted it

To as well that was the shot again you know a younger me there plays lob wedge all day and doesn’t get this close in 10 attempts get in get in back under every cloud and all that all you got to do is bird the par fivs and don’t mess up the

Rest and the Silver Lining continues cuz the next hole is my favorite hole on this golf course it’s a par three from the back TS around 170 yards bunker short right we’re going to be into the wind again but I think it’s a gorgeous looking golf hole prob playing quite

Difficult today actually so maybe that silver lining has just been clouded over a bit I’ve never stood here feel like this is playing so long 166 is that a seven they let into the wind it’s more I’m going to try and play a low six

165 is is a 79 number for me and these Kirkland do go quite a long way with them featuring that hollow body design and fairly strong Loft but but can I just play a nice little o versatile chippy six cutting into that flag flag’s over the bunker it’s a bit

Of a sucker pin really stay there stay there stop cutting just carry the bunker then oh it’s in the bunker I think that’s so bad just hit a full seven example if I hit a full seven here that’s at it you watch I’m not sure as well full six it

Was note to self don’t Proclaim something as your favorite hole until you’ve hit the t- shot into the wind cuz this is playing tough today it’s probably like a 5on do we have two in oh look where that one pitched as well is it in yeah both

In you know what it wasn’t even close pitched in the front of the bunker and that one was the 7even iron the wedges have saved you so far rather than thinking up and down for PA think this is for birdie oh that is majestic that is so

Good it was too good it spun spun on a down spun on a moist down slope that’s how good those wedges are that noise impact th probably going to be another bogy looking at that but thir and I think that’s where potential I could have at

56 but I did not I thought with the down slope it would release down I didn’t think it would literally land and then stop there 10 12 ft up hill for PA we’ve just not hold anything of length have we I think if you’re going to have a good

Round you got a couple of these to go in you know when you look from behind the hole and then you just end up confusing yourself because you thought it went the other way and now you think how on Earth can it go that way

I think it does go that way I don’t like aim poting when it’s jewy like that because it kind of gives you a bit of a a Target if this I’m going to aim this left Edge and if it does go I’ll be amazed everything in my being feels like

This should go right to left oh it has as well oh it went further I thought we had it look at that you a awful game awful game back to level and again can’t really blame the putter there it was a nice stroke it was a nice roll the pace

Was good just maybe needed to a a little bit I needed to trust my read a little bit more but bogey bogey birdie bogey what we gone birdie bogey birdie bogey wonderful level through six well hopefully we keep that run going because the Silver Lining here is that this hole

Is a little bit shorter and it’s downwind so Boomer drive maybe just over that corner and leave ourselves with not a long Club in bad drives today we not really many good ones we need three good ones on these closing three holes and that is as good as I’ve got

That’s where you feel like you put this in the hands of like a really good golf like Rory or any any T Pro and they’ll just adjust their swing to bring the spin down a bit and absolutely smash it a million miles you hate it when you can’t get

Your driver in the in the bag that is just what we needed down this hole position a I actually feel like the wind’s died now we played those two holes into the wind and then there’s like not a oh we God we can’t have much more than 140 here surely 13

Six downwind if anything is it a full wedge or a nine is it a full wedge or a nine downwind dog walk along I’m going to go full wedge uh this is like the most important shot of the round I need to get this decision right nine it’s

Nine see the club it’s all over it if it’s the club don’t belong I think that’s gone long I mean I don’t think it’s terribly long but I think a wedge is perfect it’s funny now cuz having tested these so much in the simulator they do go miles

But I feel like out here I don’t trust them to go the distance so I just try and play knockdowns instead I’m not sure exactly how long it is but certainly On The Fringe you can see it can’t you there not the best I mean to be honest

It was it was a good shot it was the wrong Club it felt good the ball flight was nice it’s a lovely fade it’s a probably an outside chance at best isn’t it well I can’t believe it someone’s been here before us this morning and they look like the size

Nines of Mr Chris Dennis but can’t see where we’ve pitched think we’ve pitched like here haven’t we just released or is it pitched there can’t tell where it’s pitched but it’s long either way wedge would have been perfect i’ love to put this but there’s just a tough there that means I can’t

If that didn’t hit I was I was thinking about taking the flag out and if that didn’t hit the flag it would have been down there birdie bogey birdie bogey birdie you know what’s coming up one under these wedges are mint get in sometimes when the golfing

Gods off you on back you just have to take it that was way more look than judgment but we are back to one on the par what a Topsy Turvy round we’ve had this is why I love coming here to walk from cuz you do kind of have the highs

And the lows we now have two absolute beasts of power force to finish on um yeah we’re going to need to hit that driver quite well down here the wind maybe I just didn’t feel the wind when we were walking down it to be fair cuz it’s still

Here it’s just what we need I don’t think it’s going to run far it’s down the middle and you know one of the keys is here I’m loving this and I hope you are as well because I think if you can enjoy your golf on a budget and you don’t take yourself too

Seriously which I don’t think I do to be honest you always going to enjoy yourself more you’re always going to be happier with your game but also with life as well that’s why I’ve come to terms of the last couple of years so one under two left if I can finish to be

Honest I’ve said if I can finish level but now I’m under par with that rather fortuitous chip two pars and I would be all over this a lovely old bloke following me the last few holes as well he’s really enjoying it I think he just keeps having a look to see how we’re

Doing asking me how the day is going is that a whip it not sure what dog it is but just enjoying his morning stroll watching a bit of Kirkland golf sponsor shipping if if they want to sponsor me for a series get in touch everyone thinks we

Sponsored anyway might as well be right we actually got a bit of run out as well this is one of the dyri fairways which is quite nice what do we have in 171 into wind 5 Aon at the middle of the green really want to mess with that front left flag do you

So cut cut that’s all over if it’s the club be good I tell you what oh I think that just I think that’s really good and again Turf interaction wise absolute money with the Kirklands I think the zoom might be better than my eyes here oh

Yeah oh yeah I mean we didn’t want to mess with the flag we pulled it onto the target but often when you’re aim for the middle of the green it’s a left flag that’s generally what I do you know when it comes to challenges like this I often

Think because I do this for the Mystery Box challenge as well don’t I and I generally play well in that just don’t make mistakes and that sounds ridiculous because nobody makes mistake on purpose but just do the simple things right hit Fairways aim at middle of greens and if

You’re going to pull it it’s going to be on target I do that so often and then just make sure you hit the flag when you chip got that for 200 M on my hand as well the white head covers I quite like them but I think

I’ve picked the wrong day for this Ensemble terrible day for it fact terrible three months for it here in the UK and if that’s the pitch mark what I think it is that is insane it is is it I think it is you know that is crazy control from a hollow

Bodied 59 from 170 odd yards out where’s it pitch pitch there look has it where’s it pitched it’s annoying me that I can’t see where that pitched in fact I’m going to leave that in downhill helped on the last chip youit it downhill but it’s dewy well you’d take power on there all

Day but rather disappointing H you just want to give him a chance don’t you but P this we ex steed my expectations the big thing I can say about these clubs as well I’ve really enjoyed this and if someone said James if you’re going to carry on

Playing golf you have to use these I’d be like okay no problem might change the grips if I can but even they’re fine to be honest just being pantic I’ll do again it’s a high spinner and I know I mean with the strike I know

But I know that if I hit a more premium expensive driver it would go 10 20 yards further potentially but then what do you expect and what do you deserve in a shot like that it’s in play it’s just going to be further back now I know we’re into

The wind and it’s winter but that is a long way left in to this 18th hole I think this is just four iron and then some to be brutally honest I’ve hit that unbelievably well might still be short but that’s one of the best swings I’ve put on here front edge

So good these clubs so easy to launch realistically you look at some of the shots we’ve had to play today no Hull has played a slouch I don’t think I’ve actually hit the pitching wge once it’s all been four iron five iron 6 iron and they’ve stood up to the task they’ve

Been they’ used well really good and really enjoyable hopefully they get things sorted out with tailor made as well cuz I feel like no matter what’s happened I love the fact that there’s good quality clubs available for $499 or 300 and whatever pound it’s going to cost if they ever come to the

UK be ashamed to not have them this up and down for underpar awful chip this it needs to Bank in can’t go along release release release that really is a testament to how good these wedges are it really is under so guys let me know what do you

Think that is nine holes here at the N9 h Golf Course wfront golf club one under par I mean I’ll I’ll tap that in CU we don’t do gimmies but one under par here at Waterfront golf club guys thank you so much for watching everything Costco what do you

Think get in the comments below and apart from that I’ll see you all at the same time tomorrow goodbye


  1. Just shows if you can play golf , you can adapt to any clubs. I have 2 clubs in my bag from one of the top 5 manufacturers , all my irons, wedges and putter are from lesser known and even a manufacturer never mentioned on any YouTube golf channel yet still enjoy my golf and play off 8.5 , who needs anything else?

  2. Great video mate.
    I can't afford new/decent clubs, so videos like this are quite refreshing.
    My whole set cost me £120 and I hover around 8-12 handicap.

  3. Teed off at 6.30 this morning but with shirts and polo. Lovely morning at the Abu Dhabi City Golf Club shame the golf was awful

  4. Those Costco irons are going to appreciate in value! With the lawsuit by Taylormade, I’ll be shocked if we ever see another set of these irons in a Costco!

  5. Really enjoyed that video. Judging by how well you played, do you really need a hybrid? Fairway Wood probably would be good though.

  6. Great video James, my wife and I are big Costco shoppers, though I don't play their clubs. I find the law suit to be quite silly and will never purchase another T.M. product…..Would love to see a review of the Maltby club line…..

  7. I'm so glad I watched 2 minutes of this video because it sounds amazingly stupid and a waist of time…..your content is slipping…..🤮

  8. Your winter golf is much different than winter golf in California lol. I love Costco they are how a company should be ran. Kirkland products always exceed expectations. Try their single malt scotch exceptional

  9. I wish Kirkland would sponsor a pro these clubs are excellent for what they are.those wedges and putter should be in your bag.

  10. So this must be for the American viewer only than James? Costco UK haven't, and haven't had since December, any Kirkland Clubs. Wedges, Putter is all we had in the UK and they were stopped by the new year. No iron sets, no driver etc. The only Kirkland Golf UK for sale are the gloves and balls. I'd LOVE Costco UK to start selling Kirkland again but sadly no.
    As for your constant Takomo adverts, that's a company that sell poorly made wedges …Value trumps quality. What level of shit will you accept for a certain amount of money? Ask Takomo.

  11. Love it how you hipe up Kirkland, play well, and yet they are not your chosen clubs to stay in your bag. 😂

  12. nothing wrong with kirky's…..the gloves and ball's are the dog's dangly bits…….would like to try the clubs but that's on ice i suppose until taylormade stop being mard… a spoilt child the teddy out the pram scenario😊😊😊😊😊

  13. 12 years away from golf. Being watching YouTube Content last 4 weeks. Content like yours has got me ……..about to play again

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