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CROSSFIT OPEN 24.2 // Tips & Tricks w/Rich Froning

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All right 24.2 just got announced rowing deadlifts double unders here we go 24.2 guys just got released we’ve got double unders we’ve got deadlifts and we’ve got rowing okay very similar to last week we’ve got a lot of posterior chain once again so we’ve got a couple different variations that we’re going to

Do this week get everything warmed up okay so what I want you to start with if you’ve got a band laying around a aome this is going to go around the knees we’re going to get the glutes and the hamstrings warmed up here okay so put

The band on round the knees we’re going to lay back on the ground lay all the way back and what I want you to do I want you if your normal glute bridge is here in this position I want you to take a slight step out with both legs and

Then we’re going to engage our midline squeeze the back down to the ground come up into our Bridge hold 2 seconds and back down what this band is going to do is going to turn our glutes on a little bit more and walking our feet away gets our hand hamstrings engaged just a

Little bit more okay so we’re going to start out with two sets here about 10 to 12 reps of these then we’re going to go over here to a plate I want you to grab a plate put it on the ground we’re going to put our toes up here and we’re going

To hit calf raises with the plate on the ground okay so get something that you can stabilize on toes up heel hanging off we’re going to let our heel come down to the ground feel a little stretch down through your calf and then we’re going to push up through the plate hold

For a couple seconds and then nice control on the way down same thing here we’re going to get the calves warmed up we’re going to do two sets of about 10 to 12 reps okay last thing we still need to warm the shoulders up okay we need to

Engage the midline and then get a little length to the hamstrings to get everything warmed up so we’re going to go back down to the ground again we’re going to go hands down here on the ground we’re going to go into our push-up up and then we’re going to press

Through that up into a down dog position come back down push up into a down dog okay so we’re going to get a little stress a little flexion in our lumbar spine to get that position warmed up should feel the stretch through your hamstrings also getting the shoulders

Warmed up okay with this let’s go two sets of about six reps of that okay so that’s our warmup all right 24.2 2 is not a mus it’s not a mushroom Circle it’s a circle it’s a circle it’s a circle to all right 20 minutes it’s a

20 Trey we’re filming here sorry it’s 20 minutes little bit different from last week um very similar movements as last week we’re going to pull and we’re going to jump again so uh we’ve come up with a couple things to think about obviously we have a 20-minute time domain you

Don’t want to go out hot uh you want to start off at what we’ve said about your 5K Pace cuz you the way you look at this workout is it’s 20 minutes which is about a 5K time people obviously are going to be a little faster some a little slower but

Um think about that when you’re starting this workout you might be able to in the last 5 minutes add a little push um you want to think about that damper setting you might go a little bit lighter on the damper setting than normal play around with it maybe in your warm-up a higher

Stroke rate um just kind of depends on what your heart rate does with that damper setting yeah and I would definitely for the average person I would mess around like with that maybe like a round or two come out you know like with a pace like where you think

Okay might be a little soft so that way you know because 20 minutes you’re kind you’re trying to play it for the long haul what you don’t want to do is obviously come out with the pace that you know that you cannot keep you get your heart rate spiked you go into a

Fast-paced deadlift then you get on the jump rope you’re spiking it even higher it’s almost better to be a little bit conservative off the start and kind of save it for like that Midway point you kind of give yourself that little check in yeah little uh what do they call

Reverse pacing that’s like lock yeah that’s a Jake Locker special negative splits there we go that’s what I was looking for that was the term I was looking for um yeah so what you want to think about like we said on the rower settling that pace I’m

Thinking around a minute a little over a minute maybe on the row pace and then a minute on my deadlift and my double under so two minute rounds 10 minute 10 Rounds you saw these guys I think get into their 11th or finish their 11th to get into their 12th something like that

So that’s where the top level will be Darren speak to somebody maybe around the eight or seven or eight round yeah so you know you’re probably going to take that pace you’re going to look around like 230 to almost like 3 minutes around that would kind of creepier right

Around that seven to eight round Pace um again I like transitions I always think are the silent killers in in workouts like this cuz try to transition way too hot obviously way too early kind like I stated before but if you can just keep it down to a minimum keep your equipment

Close be smart about your jump rope I think that’s the one thing that drives me nuts when people throw their jump rope down they pick up a tangled mess and you see everything just go to crap one thing before we go to Transitions uh on the row that’s somewhere where you

Can kind of settle your heart rate um you might as well for most people cycle this deadlift unbroken no more than two sets and um so the one double unders you you can slow down a little bit and bring the heart rate down but you can really

Do that on the row while you’re still moving forward so get on that rower get going don’t sit there and wait don’t ever pause or break a row just keep moving um we have to bring that damper down bring that damper down um talking transitions in and out of the rower um

Everybody should know this everybody should know this who’s on that thing I don’t know somebody with tiny feet all right so Watkins when you when you’re in the rower push down foot goes forward kick your heel up and you’re out think about that every time you can set these um

Straps you could tape them to a something you can get pretty in and pretty out pretty quick um some people do the the no crank down I like to have the the feel of the power there so you can get them a little tighter but when you do that what nothing crank them

Down um so one thing that’s the transitions on the rower like Darren said on the Rope set your rope down every time Ben I’ll give Ben credit for this uh floor layout here it’s we’re going to call it the Benjamin triangle yeah can we call it that Ben is that

Good yeah all right so you got your rower here you got your double under here kind of an a um and then your double under here in the middle now you’re going to have to kind of watch where the handle is and where your your

Bar is you can even just set this over here and you don’t have to worry about that since there’s no floor layouts transitions will be key you will have to step over to get to the deadlift but you’re going to have to come back this way you could there’s different ways you

Could do it but this is a pretty efficient way to do it you just got to be smart and watch the front of that rope so you’re not hitting anything um minimal braks on the deadlifts we rower deadlift make sure you’re setting that back every time cuz

This will fry the back you’re pulling you’re pulling so make sure that back take care of that back if you need a a belt throw a belt on maybe keep it Loose um for the row and then if you want to tighten it up for the deadlift just make

Sure you’re just being efficient with that deadlift shoulders are getting all the way behind the bar keeping that back set um it’s a deadlift everything yeah now I’m going to take it to the the Darren setup all Daren so I’m going to take CP for this

One I’m going to move this bar over I’m going to go just like this for the everyday person we’re going to expand it a little bit so that way we can actually have a little bit more rest in it so yeah from the rower just like rich said

Transition in and out smooth think like 5 to 10 seconds between stations you get done with the row you should almost wind down the last couple meters take that five 10 seconds pick up your jump rope don’t touch me it’s dead dead lifts next yes stop touching

Then you’ll hit your 10 deadlifts then you’ll transition over top but 5 10 seconds that way you know you can keep yourself calm kind of get your heart rate under control and then just transition through but not too much but not too much not too much yeah uh maybe

Do that in the first part of it and then as you feel this workout out and get you know 10 11 minutes in start speeding up those transitions everything should be pretty much unbroken though you may trip on a double under but let’s try to keep everything in Unbroken sets double

Unders make sure to breathe everybody gets so tense and so tight try to keep those shoulders relaxed you can slow down your jump your cycle a little bit you can speed it up as well you can make up a ton of time there if you want to if

You want to push that you know you look at a workout and you’re like all right what’s my strength and weakness where can I catch my breath where can I make up time figure it out for you on this workout um you can like we said you can

Slow down a touch you can speed up a touch um try to be as calm as you can on those double Enders yeah especially in 20 minutes I feel like in the open open people always get caught up with a pace that they’ve never done before like

Sometimes people try and speed up the double unders faster than they’ve ever done them there’s no reason for it it’s 20 minutes settle into like what you know just like rich said breathe grip as well you’re gripping handles you’re gripping a bar and you’re gripping a jump rope you’re under constant tension

So make sure you’re smart about when you’re rowing relax the hands like when you can jump rope like rich said don’t get too tight stay loose with it deadlift it is what it is but maybe mix the grip up every single time to kind of grip too if you want tape your thumb

Like that overand y yeah so going to be a little bit of grip little bit of back high heart rate have fun let us know how it goes athletes welcome back to 24.2 I think we’re going to have to call this one the DJ CED because you can

Always do another one and that’s what they’re hoping for on the programming that you’ve got today we’ve got the combination of our row our deadlift and our single unders if you’re doing the scale division or you got double unders in your regular your Rx division we’ve

Got patients with us who just did the scaled version and like a she’s already got her breathing back and she’s ready to go with these tips and tricks for you guys so the first thing we’re going to talk about is the setup that you have for your floor there’s no floor plan

Here so you can put things as close or as far away from each other as you want to but as we go through set up the floor for you so that you can be intentional during your transitions if we put things so close together that we start to panic

Because we get off the rower and the deadlift bar is right there think about moving it away from yourself just a little bit so you can have a chance to breathe finish your deadlifts and then move to your rope with this as well when I talk about being intentional it doesn’t matter

Trying to race to the barbell as fast as you can because if you get to the barbell but you’re not ready to move then you need to think about being a little bit slower use that transition time to get some breaths in get yourself recovered and get ready for the next

Movement what we’re going to do first is we’re going to talk about the row then we’re going to go into the deadlift and then our double unders so I’m going to have patient step over to a row where she’s just going to have a seat we’re

Not going to do anything yet if you guys want to come around over here everyone knows your damper setting on the side on our concept to it’s going to be on the right side typically people will go between a six and an eight now the thing

I’m going to challenge you with is is that during your warmup I want you to play around with your damper settings and try a three try a four try a five find the damper setting for you because just like your inag number it’s Unique to you you don’t need to do what

Everybody else is doing so if you traditionally row at a seven or an eight during your warm-up I want you to go through and start moving with a four and see if you can maintain a similar pce that you came with that higher number but a lower exertion so that you can

Apply more on your barbell and your jump rope now when patience goes to set up she’s going to go ahead and put her feet in the heel cups and our setup here is going to be super important because we want to make sure that the ball of the

Foot is going to be located over this plastic piece that doesn’t move so if you don’t have that setup correct let’s fix that first the second thing and I always say this is that if you got loose straps you’re going to have tight hamstrings so we want to make sure that

Patients takes the time to tighten up those straps so that now when she brings her body back in she can pull against the straps versus using her heels and doing a little hamstring curl every time she comes in because if we have tight hamstrings those deadlifts are going to

Be no fun next she’s going to go ahead and grab her handle and as we go through this I’m going to talk to you about breathing on every single movement she’s going to take a nice deep breath and then she’s going to breathe out as she

Goes back breathe out breathe in on the way in and breathe out and again and I’m going to have patience keep going as we talk about her form here because she’s extending knees then hips then arms and then she’s coming back in the opposite way with arms than hips than knees it’s

Super important that we do this in a way that’s going to be comfortable for us and if you pay attention this is a very similar movement to the deadlift we’re about to do we’re going to use this row to recover so I’m going to go ahead and

Have patience relax for just a second for me she can hook the handle in on the row it’s a 300 met row that is not a long time when you’re transitioning back to the rower I I want you to move back as fast as you can and just start moving

The intention or the intensity that you have there I’m not worried about CU I want you to use those first four to five PS to start to recover and then you can get into that pace that you can dial in for in any place in this workout this is

Where you’re going to try to breathe recollect yourself so that you can approach that deadlift and the double unders or single unders and potential unbroken sets now the second thing is is that when she grabs that handle so go ahead and grab it for me I would like to

Make sure that we have thumbs wrapped around the handle if you’re going a thumbless grip you’re going to make the mistake of that that handle slipping out of your hand and you losing it and now you’re strapped in and then you’re going to have to lose four to five seconds to

Get back to that paddle so as we go we’ve got this she’s going to go ahead and pull and pause in the back for me when we pull notice how patience brings that rower handle a little bit lower on her torso which is great we can go anywhere between sternum and belly

Button level if we’re going high so bring it up tall up here even higher some people try to pull with this Guillotine pull because they think that the extra two to three inches that they’re getting back is going to help it does not if anything it’s putting us

Into impingement in our shoulders so we want to get rid of that think about using our big strong muscles in our back to pull that handle back before we return so we’re going to go ahead and come in and I’m going to have her pause right there the second thing that

Patients does or third thing that patients does really well is if you take a look at her heels they’re remaining flat now your heels can come up slightly on the return but if we’re coming so far go all the way in as close as you can

Bring those heels up like ugly like this if we’re coming in and patience has too good ankle Mobility to demonstrate a bad rep here but if you’re coming in to where you’re pushing off on your toes you’re losing power so only go in until you start to feel those heels rise

Slightly and then go right back into your next pull we’re going to go ahead and relax here so rack your handle undo your feet and we’ll go ahead and step out and then we will move to the barbell now for our barbell we just just finished pulling and we’re going to

Pulling with weight and for our deadlift everybody knows how to deadlift but we’re going to talk about a couple things that are going to make it a little bit better for this workout the first thing patience is going to do she’s going to step up and she’s going

To cut her foot in half with the barbell so if she starts with her toes behind the bar like this that bar is going to start out in front she puts everything on her low back we’re going to think about stepping up to the bar so it’s

Going to be over midfoot next she’s going to come down to the bar and with her grip she can go double overand she can go mixed she’ll me a mix grip or we can go double overhand with a hook grip so show me that out of all the

Grips that you could use I would recommend either going mix grip or hook grip hook grip is going to save your grip so that when you get onto the rower you’re going to be able to pull just a little bit harder go and relax your a

Second and stand up for me so at our top position what we’re going to do is take a nice deep breath in she’s going to go down to the bar and she’s going to perform her first rep by driving her feet through the floor and standing going right back down give me another

Rep right after this one more and relax put the bar down now during warm-ups what patience was doing she was giving me great deadlifts for an accessory movement because we were coming up and we were going down controlled all the way through for today we’re looking at trying to get a faster

Cycle time now I’m not telling you to dive bomb the bar so I don’t want you to pick up and then sling down but we want to think about being intentional with that down to the floor so that we’re less time under tension on our hamstrings and posterior chain she’s

Going to go one more time shows five working sets here or five working reps good breathe out every time you go up breathe out breathe out breathe out perfect and relax you’re going to find that as you start to get into this workout and it gets really really rough around the 10

12 minute Mark you’re going to start to collapse and everything is going to feel bad I want you to focus on picking a spot that’s at I level across the room when you’re starting your rep you’re going to go down to the floor and keep your eyes on that position you can keep

Your head neutral which is what we’re always looking for but this is going to keep your chin up and more importantly keep your head back slightly your head has weight to it so if we’re looking down at the floor here it puts that weight forward which means there’s going

To be more and more work that our lower back is having to correct for ideally we’re thinking about fast quick reps and keeping that barbell close so that we can get through our reps and move to what we have for our our double unders or single unders now if you’re doing

Foundations you can pick the weight that you’re using on this and you can also Elevate the surface that you’re going to so if you want to take some parallettes put them to the side so that you’re using a PVC pipe with no weights you can go down make contact with that surface

And then stand again we’re all posterior chain here so I want you feeling that in your hamstrings and in your glutes let your lower back have a little bit of rest today all right next thing that we’re going to do is we’re going to go to our double unders and this is going

To round out the triplet of movements that we have now double unders is the arch nemesis of many athletes today if you guys don’t have them I don’t want you to panic because we do have tips and tricks that you can follow to try to get your first double under but for today

We’ve got patients doing single unders so she’s going to go ahead and before she even moves I want you to look at the way she has a rope set up what we have is a horseshoe set up what that means is is that regardless of where patience

Comes from she can step into her rope pick up the handles and she’s ready to start if patience takes the rope and we have many people that do this they get done with their set and they do one of these and it ends up over there she gets done with

Her deadlifts and now she has to come over untangle her rope and she’s losing seconds there so always be intentional about placing that rope back on the ground in our horseshoe pattern so that we’re set up for our next set next she’s going to go ahead and grab the handles

The positioning for doubles singles whatever you’re doing is I want you to think about keeping the handles low and outside your body when patience is looking forward she should always be able to see these Handles in her peripheral when we get tired on doubles when we get tired on Singles our

Shoulders start to creep up like this and our hands start to go back like this meaning that the contact point with the ground is behind us and that’s how we trip on the Rope so patience is always going to think about keeping those slightly in front of her body so that

She can see them when she’s looking forward she’s going to go ahead and give us a couple singles and with these singles she’s staying nice and relaxed and the movement is staying in her wrists if you guys are using too long of a rope then you’re going to start doing these reps

Here which is going to be even worse for our row and our deadlift so minimal work and that’s where I want you to stay out with hands go ahead and relax for me what we’re going to do is take a quick look at the length of the Rope as well

So step on the center of the Rope for me pull it up you’ll notice that the top of the Rope is close to patients’s armpits or sternum and that’s where we want your rope to be set up with it’s super important that the correct rope length

Is used because even if you got double unders if it’s the wrong rope it’s not going to happen lastly and this is one of the most important things that I coach athletes on doubles singles whatever it is when we’re jumping we’re thinking about doing a jump and letting

Those heels kiss the floor if we can the reason that is is because we want to avoid staying permanently flexed in our toes like this because we’ve all seen people do their double unders where they stay in that position that will blow your calves up and you’re not going to

Be able to work on the row you’re not going to be able to work on the deadlift a quick tip for you regardless if you’re scaled foundations RX Elite whatever your category during your warmup think about skipping so what we do is it’s just like the Rocky movies you’re going

To get your rope or your invisible rope and we’re going to start to shift side to side what this allows you to do is prep yourself to keep those ankles loose during that rope movement that you have if you use these tips and tricks apply them to your workout have a great time

Don’t get overwhelmed by the 20 minutes because it’s just another 20 minutes you have prepared for this all year we know that you’re going to dominate so have fun good luck post those scores to the comments and then catch us again for next week for 24.3 all right so cool down for 24.2

What we’re going to do very similar to last week after you finish after you picked yourself up off the floor let’s hit about 5 minutes of our nice cool down on a bike okay so spend five minutes there then we’re going to go 5 minutes legs up on the wall down

Regulation focus on your breathing get everything under control after you finish there we’re going to go to the ground we’re going to get some length and a stretch out on these glutes so what I want you to do one leg 45° angle out to the side and

Then the focus here is trying to get this hip to rock back so you should feel a light stretch back here in the posterior side of the hip we’re going to hang out here let the upper body relax get some length to the lumbar spine let

This thing around kind of sink into that stretch and then you can kind of work around in different positions here if you feel tightness in those areas okay last thing I want you to spend about 1 minute per body part hamstrings lumbar spine calves um and get a nice easy foam roll

Out of this okay so two weeks in a row we’ve gotten a lot of stress through a posterior chain show it some love you’ll you’ll pay dividends in in the future okay so finish with a nice foam roller and then we’ll be here next week for 24.3


  1. So much waiting for the Mayhem tips before go to bed! So happy to see Darren there sharing some knowledge, people forget that he is the Goat of the crossfit Coaches!
    Cheers to the whole team!


  2. The brutality is in the simplicity of these workouts … they look so simple on a board but these are advanced workouts

  3. It’s nice having Darren do some commentary. He seems pretty natural on the camera. Just a heads up on that.

  4. Just curious what setting the rower is on. ?
    Nice video thank you!
    Sorry if i missed you addressing the rower setting.

  5. What would you suggest someone who is still working on double unders? At my best and did it once I strung 6 in a row but most likely it will be like 2 or something like single, double, single, single, double, etc? Thanks in advance!!

  6. Great coaching content/ tips n tricks CFMayhem Team!!
    Dave may want to take note? Ha

    Jr/ Darren collaborating brought back memories? Ha
    Josh, Great queues/ points!
    And Mayhem Nation Media Team to pump this out so quick!!

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