Tips vs Ladies Tees! How Much Does It Matter??

How much better can a 5 handicap play from the front tees vs the back tees. Tim decided to test this out by playing the front 9 at Pine Dunes from the front tees and the back 9 from the tips. There is a 1,000 yard difference in distance between the 9 holes.

Tim’s Irons:


Fairway woods:

How much of a difference does it make playing the back te’s versus the front te’s well I thought I would find out so I went to Pine dun’s golf resort and I played the front nine from the front te’s and the back nine from the back

Te’s I’m a five handicap so I was curious to see what I would shoot I was also using the Tacomo 301 combo set of irons and I got to say loved that set of clubs all right first to out here 288 y par 4 from the front teas and I decided

To not go for it cuz you have to take it up over a bunch of trees and instead let’s just hit an eight iron out into the Fairway hopefully Leave myself with a comfortable wed shot in and that’s exactly what I did had 119 yds just went

With a 52 de Sky forger wedge um first couple swings of the day so left this one just a touch short but honestly not bad little uphill putt here for birdie which turns into just a tap in par and I will AB absolutely take those all

Day hole two is a 221 yard power 4 which is basically just a long par three uh so I was kind of trying to play it like that I took a four iron I was trying to turn this one over and instead just kind of blocked it out to the right but um

It’s okay out there just ended up with kind of a a longer flop shot over a bunker I left this clip in of the practice swing primarily just so you knew where that divot came from that was just left of my actual shot um hit a really good shot over the bunker though

And had this for birdie but I do want a birdie just like that one under through two onto the third short par three 93 yards and it was just a little punch 56° wedge in the air I thought this could go in looked like it was all over it then I

Got up here and realized it backed up like 20 ft so I had this putt for birdie which I left way shorter than I meant to and I had this kind of knee knocker for par but we tapped it in so one under par through three on to the fourth 370

Yards again could have potentially tried to go up over these trees but um if you don’t make it you’re making a really big number so instead I thought let me just hit a five iron out there and I hit it terribly as you can see from that kind

Of helicopter follow through um but this five iron that I hit from the fairwell way was hit great one of the best iron shots I hit all day by far felt pure and it worked out really well so this birdie putt oh to take it to two

Wonder have to settle for a par here which is okay by me all right the fifth hole is a par five from the front it’s only 402 yards so I thought we’re definitely going driver here um the idea was to aim it uh down just the right

Side of the left Fairway if it goes straight we’re okay and if it draws back it’s even better and this was even better this was one of the best drivers I’ve hit uh in all year for sure left myself a little 75 yard shot I just went

With a little 56° pitch shot here that worked out amazing had this put here for eagle and just like that we’re three under and onto the sixth which from the back teas is a crazy long par three but from the front only 138 yd pin placement was on the

Left side uh so this 52° wedge was never going at the pin because if you miss it left you’re in lots of trouble and instead just to the right more like the middle of the green just the right middle of the green but I was left with this really

Downhill putt that broke a lot more than I gave it credit for so had this long putt here well not really that long but long enough for me to miss it on the edge ended up with a bogey so we are back to two underpar through six on to the

Seventh which is a 325 yard par 4 this is the biggest regret off the tea I think all day for me um not because this result was bad I just punched a four iron out there and it was okay but because I really wish that I would have uh just taken a driver

And smashed it up there I think I could have had an even shorter shot in and and been in a really good place to attack this instead I was a downhill slope here took a pitching wedge from 132 and I hit it just long of the green so instead of

A birdie putt I’m looking at chip here and trying to get up and down for par now here’s the thing that was a fantastic Chip Shot so I’m not mad about that and I’m definitely not mad about this par putt so we are still 200 under par through seven onto the eighth hole

Which is uphill dog leg left only 255 I took a fivewood here and and I hit it and and it was a spinny and into the wind so it kind of went up and died and came straight down which is okay cuz that’s yeah I didn’t know at the time

But it was fine uh left me with a little 30 yard pitch shot just a 60° wedge pin was up front so really wasn’t going to try to challenge that and wanted to leave myself uh just a little kind of downhill putt for birdie again not a terrible putt just

Read it a a little bit wrong um and have this comeb backer for par all right so we are still 200 under par through eight which is great for me if you’ve seen any of our other videos you know that’s fantastic and on the ninth we are again

On a shorter par five 435 so I thought H let’s hit driver again that worked out great last time well this time I pulled it a bit left or more just didn’t start it far enough right and had this little punch shot but honestly I got to say I was

Very very happy with the 301 CB uh irons that are the four five 6 and seven in this set it just felt great all day so really enjoyed those was left with this little pit shot up to the green for my third shot I thinned it but it’s fine

Cuz I got a birdie anyway and now I’m on to the back nine playing from the back te’s 300 par whole 10 4 40 yards but it is a par four not a par five so knew I had to rip driver here and hit a good

One and I did um most of the day the driver was actually feeling pretty solid uh there wasn’t a huge landing spot here but I hit the middle of it and I had this wedge shot from 121 yards which took the 52° and uh put it in a pretty good spot

Had this uphill left to right breaking putt for birdie and I think it’s going to be a little left to right up the hill and in and there you have it four under par through 10 onto the 11th which is a long par five but it’s split up so you

Really can’t take a driver just hit a let’s call it a stinger 3 wood I didn’t almost miss the club phase here I was trying to hit it that low it actually worked out great so not mad about it uh again just laying up here with the

Second definitely a three shot hole so I think it just hit a four iron out here right side of the Fairway Trying to Leave myself with a comfortable wedge shot in and I did 103 yards and I just don’t know why I pushed this shot so far

Right 56 degree wedge and just pushed it right into a bunker um thankfully I hit one of the best bunker shots that I’ve hit in a while here and left myself with this for a par there we go so we are still 4 under par through 11 onto the 12th which

Is which is a long 206 yards I guess it’s not that long but it was playing longer that day cuz it was into the wind and just a touch uphill so I ended up going with a four iron here and when I hit it I thought it was gone I thought

It was just going to hit the the down slope and be gone but instead it actually hung onto the right side of the green so I had this butt here for birdie that was really just a lag it up there get out of here with a par kind of

Attempt but that’s what we did so still four under par and if you’re thinking this is crazy so was I I was pretty surprised um but also very happy cuz I was playing pretty well 13 here 435 yd par 4 that you just want to hit it down

The left side the little left not the right that’s a bunker but check this out it’s an eight iron from 157 out of the bunker way I thought I might have gone here the pin I mean until it landed I knew it was short but in the air I thought it might

Have a chance I had this birdie putt which I was very very excited about cuz I thought that bunker shot could have ended up anywhere and instead I got out of here with a tap in par okay 14th no drone shot here U but it’s pretty straightforward just want to hit a

Driver down the right side and uh leave yourself a good number and because there is a tree on the left side of the screen and you really just don’t want to mess with it you just want to play it out to the to the right not at the tree

Not cuz then you end up over here and then your last thought is don’t hit it in the bunker which of course means that and it’s in the bunker just went straight under the ball all right if you keeping track this is my bunker shot for

Par I did not make a par roll out more roll out more so this is for my bogey to stay 300 par we do not accomplish that and instead we drop to 200 par for the round onto the 15th now look this hole it’s pretty straightforward you just you lay

Up with the four iron get down should have been a five iron because this super easy layup turned into a drop because I hit it into those bushes up there and couldn’t play it and had to drop here and then again for some reason my wedge shots were just starting more

Outright than I wanted and this ended up in a greenside bunker so if you are keeping track rack that was shop three this is shot four yeah this is shot five this is shot six this is shot Seven um on a bright note this was technically a one

Putt and now I am technically to over par onto the 16th 183 yard par three pretty straightforward just hit a decent six iron which is what I did and I had this downhill putt for a birdie um I got to say I was not in a great mental space at this point having

Just built a snowman out here and when this ran I thought not again please don’t let this be a six followed by an eight followed by like a five or something but it wasn’t got a par here so still two over heading into the 17th

Which is a 481 yard Par Four now this drive was hit really well I just should have hit a three-wood because this got to the trees on the left I just needed it to be more right um and instead of have this shot out of the

Trees in all honesty I was trying to go underneath those branches instead I went like up through them again super grateful that this was not the middle of spring or summer cuz if that had been full of leaves this would have been somewhere else and instead had a little

86 yard shot here uh for my third so really just trying to scramble get out of here with a par maybe if this didn’t drop all right just to clean up for a bogey limit the damage wow they just don’t we didn’t limit the damage we we didn’t

At all we got a six here four overpar heading into the 18th par five dog leg right here’s the thing you can cut this corner a lot and make it much shorter which is what I tried to do here um just trying to play a little fade and if

You’re thinking that look like a slice I also thought that after I hit it I thought that looks like a slice Tim so hit a second just to be sure I had something in play this one was great um but I found the first one actually so

That’s cool 137 yd in I tried to slice a nine iron and kind of sliced it it worked out fine though um just right here in the Fairway little pitch shot up and that was a good shot so I left myself with this little birdie putt on

The last to get back to three over par never had a chance just push that ended up four over par big takeaway though is that on the front nine I was three under par on the back nine I was seven overpar so maybe I should be playing from different

T’s you can get in the comments let me know what you think


  1. It look like you were not finishing your swings with the irons, maybe play the ball a little closer to the left foot. about 1/2 to 1 ball forward

  2. Are there any juvinile tees set at 100 yds in from every hole??? LOL Playem as they fall Tim; who's counting.

  3. Unless you are prepping for Q School, 3500 yards of golf course is not where you should be playing, Tim.

    For the rest of us who aren't trying to get on tour, 6300 to 6600 yards of golf course is plenty of track to enjoy. Fun video, guys. What's next?

  4. Did you happen to play to defend the score and end up regrettably losing it. Honestly stop thinking about score just play the next hole. Not easy !

  5. 68 years old and short hitter, took awhile to get my buddies to let their ego’s go to move from the whites to the senior tees.

  6. Nice video Tim, pretty solid playing just the one brain fade hole. As has been previously mentioned perhaps try the same comparison on the same nine.

  7. It appeared like you were more confident and relaxed off the front tees. Do you feel like there was mental difference playing from the back tees? Overall, you can see improved ball striking from your practice. Keep grinding!

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