Golf Players

Happy Hour: The Players

Backyard game for the tour this week as we gear up for The Players Championship at TPC Sawgrass. Full field. Cut. All things we like as we chop it up during this Happy Hour show. Plus press conference takes, Jay quotes, pairings and more.

Presented by High Noon.

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Be the right Club be the right club today I me that’s better than most how about in that is better than most better than [Applause] most expect anything different ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the no laying up High Noon Sun siips happy hour Players Championship Edition we are

Live on YouTube and live on the X app formerly known as Twitter I don’t know if you knew that Randy but big Randy is here hello Mr Big hey guys great to be back making a habit of this Sly you and I just chopping it up it gets me it gets

Me fired up man it gets me excited about things and it’s an exciting week one of my favorite weeks of the Year players championship week just me and my guy TC out here on the grounds this year though but how we doing TC good good I you know

S I wasn’t out there today be there tomorrow putting my my media hat on feel me you’re gonna wear many hats this week TC I got a feeling uh you could bring the fiesta anywhere you go with the allnew High Noon tequila Seltzer Fiesta pack this variety a pack features two new Tequila

Flavors blood orange and prickly pear to go alongside to long-standing favorites grapefruit and lime guys I had ran downstairs I only had one tequila Seltzer remaining because we had a couple people over last week that’s what went the fastest I have all this vodka one all these vodka ones and the tequila

Ones were the ones going the fastest uh they’re all made with real tequila and real juice perfect for any Fiesta Under the Sun you can find the allnew high noon tequila Seltzer Fiesta pack near you at High Noon check it out uh that there’s so many different

Offerings that hon has now but you can select you you want a 12-pack do you want an eight pack which variety pack do you want and that will that uh chart on their website will tell you exactly what stores near you uh will have those in stock it’s very very helpful s the

Strawberry flies in my house flies off the shelves I was a little disappointed I thought this was a strawberry it’s a grapefruit not my favorite but it’s actually going down really nice but uh we got a lot to react to uh we’ve been you know spending a couple days out

There on site I talk to a few people watch a little bit of golf out there a lot of press conference stuff uh to go to but T I’ll throw it to you first as to what’s stuck out to you so far this week uh first of all I want to just

Thank the space force yeah for there I was at the military appreciation concert last night uh appreciating the military I know I know our guy Sarge uh you know appreciates that sentiment from me but uh they’ve got the space force Banner hanging there off the club house just

Every you know you see Marines Army Navy there was a coast guard fly over and then you just see the space force and and it it makes me laugh every single time I love it I get such a kick out of it so uh Co Swindell last night uh not

Really my Tempo uh sorry country music sensation Eric Co Swindell last night uh my wife was we’ve lived here seven or eight years she she had never been to the Tuesday night concert uh I told her I won’t you know I didn’t want to go back until the chain smokers come back

But I was forced against my will to the concert last night does it feel a little different go ahead Randy go no I was just gonna say I I used to think of the space force as a joke but now that py is trying to put

Nukes up in space TC we we might have to put some respect we’re not definitely not a joke listen you should be hailing them TC I appreciate you doing this we’re gonna take this podcast completely off the rails Su all right but TC I salute you for saluting the space force

It could be our most precious asset right now outside of the yeah yeah yeah well they yeah shout out to the media center dining they had all the arugal now I know where it all went this is turning into a trap draw uh Cody what do we call space force are they

Cetes are they like what are they not cassettes I don’t know what they are that who knows I I have no clue what they are but I do know I thought you were going to lead off this with a different bit uh but I appreciate you giving a shout out because there’s some

Crazy going on I actually your setup to this I was chuckling when you’re you’re praising the Coast Guard flyover like what are you talking about get out of here with the Coast Guard flyover we don’t need that proud Navy at Marine Corps town that is Jacksonville come on where are

The guys at if they if they would connect the ocean to the to the Saw Grass we could have a coast guard drive by we could do a drive buy a fly over we can get all sorts of stuff going hold on hold on helicopters are sick those those

Birds are sick they’re a lot sicker than the Marine ones that crash all the time anyway so we’re off the rails let’s let’s talk about the pliers here okay you take us there somebody somebody take me there I had a whole whole agenda plan here we’re veering off course uh

The TC the this was just shared on our social channels the the Soulja Boy nickname for Kevin U seems to be catching on greatly said it’s gonna be his walk up song at the zerk uh that that was the highlight of my day I don’t know about you yeah that’s that’s stuff

You know that’s stuff come in Full Circle we just said that offand a month or two ago and he he seems to be uh completely you know putting his arms around that and embracing it so uh listen the weather’s been awesome this week the weather I feel like we’ve had

Some bad weather in recent years for this event uh of course it’s a little wet it seems like but it has been it was actually a little hot today uh you know and it’s supposed to be up in the high 70s mid 80s the rest of the week uh you

Know partly cloudy to mostly sunny rest of the week until Sunday might get some t- storms but uh no wind whatsoever out there the rest of the week too so it should be the rough is gnarly I feel like that’s the only defense out there and just the golf course it’s I mean

It’s a tough golf course yeah it’s it’s really soft um around the green still we you know we talked on Monday on our preview about how balls were backing up and kind of was hoping that stuff it would have dried out a little more than it has they have sub air they’ve shown

Incredible ability in the past get this place dried out even when they’ve got a ton of rain um this image you’re looking up here on the screen is is just one of many for I was just trying to capture a couple uh just leading it from our

Discussion from last week into this week is in terms of differences between Bay Hill and and TPC Saw Grass is there’s the contouring around the greens is really unique and it really comes to life when the greens are going to run out a little bit and be firmer so uh it

It does make the course a bit defenseless if uh I think this is Michael Kim in this image here is where he’s chipping from off this down slope just isn’t that intimidating when you can stop it I watched a bunch of chips from around the greens guys flopping

Stuff out of the rough that was stopping in spots that I did not think it could but uh part of me I’m still hoping that they’ll have something cranked up between now and then and the weather forecast being as good as it is I I think they can get it firmer but right

As of right now it’s going to be I mean balls are like Landing next to holes and back spending 40 feet on the 18th green like it was pretty dramatic gross s uh Keith Mitchell just texted me he said greens are soft and all caps fast exclamation point wild combo will’ll

Probably firm up but not much grass in them so it could be wild yeah a little bit of wind could could change a lot of this right but um as of now it it looks like it’s going to be a little bit a little bit of target practice but I mean

This this golf course is challenging enough on its own the rough is there enough on its own it’s not super wide but there is just better you know more runoff areas and more playability out of a lot of the rough and just the contouring and the shapes of and the

Angles that are required on a p Eye Golf course makes it Play Still Still CH you still hit the shots right it’s kind the kind of golf course I think somebody asked me today like what’s your best score out here I said honestly my best

Score at TBC sress from the back teas is even par and my second best score is 80 because it’s Ser I’m dead serious like i’ if you’re off a little bit you it’s really really really hard to break 80 and when you’re on and you’re just kind

Of like what what’s the catch here what’s the catch so we’ll probably see a 63 tomorrow and I don’t think and the scoring average probably won’t be too crazy I think it’ll get it should get firmer and and faster as the week goes along though like they’re running like a

You know 13s right now so they like they’re plenty fast and if it just keeps baking out and the only issue is there’s there’s no wind to kind of crisp it up even more so yeah so I don’t think any supers are going to be uh you know I

Don’t think they need to turn in their credentials and retire after this week but they’re not making any promises like that is all I’m saying so uh yeah let’s let’s start we always get asked for questions you know sometimes we struggle to get to them there’s always a lot of

Stuff to talk about I’m just going to get to them off the top here right get to a few want to throw a couple out here uh D popper or dper for said TPC sress redid the 12th hole in 2017 what other hole on this course do you think should

Be redone he said IE8 is kind of Forgotten uh in the mix is it worth a look I think they should redo 12 every single year seriously it’s so bad uh 12 is the perfect representation of the current state of the PGA Tour just like blending every everyone’s opinion into one bad

Option that doesn’t satisfy anybody is uh is is what I think of 12 yeah no I think I think Eight’s a good good example I think it’s actually it’s not a memorable hole it’s it’s just really hard um I think you need that long kind

Of long Par Four uh I would say the other one that kind of always washes or sorry long par three uh I think the other one that always kind of washes over me is seven seven always just kind of I don’t know loses me a little bit

Six is really cool and then like five and seven feel pretty similar to me seven this course needs some hard holes though because I mean it is it is a pretty darn getable uh course and seven is an uncomfortable hole even for these guys so much water left that little

Bunker that sits left seven and 14 I put in that category of just like dude this is a really awkward uncomfortable Pete die Hole uh that you got to bypass I don’t particularly enjoy watching I definitely don’t enjoy playing it but it just kind of feels like a necessity to

Me and the in the way it fits with the the given take of the rest of the course four is a getable hole you know five’s tough but six is a very getable hole three can be a getable hole two is obviously getable one is a driver and a

Wedge it just you got to have your holes that are just kind of a little bit of ball busters out there as well mix in so that’s that’s think it’s not overly misplaced my course guide so I I don’t have much can you name every hole at TBC Saw

Grass well you have one you have two you have three I think we go all the way up to 18 if I’m not mistaken I I would be curious people in the comments you know obviously we’ve been playing events here at s grass for as

Long as I’ve been alive but still I I probably can only picture four five six holes on on the whole property contrast that with Augusta where we play every year you know I I have just about every hole there committed to memory I I you

Know I wonder if that’s am I should I know all the holes at Saw Grass like there’s I no chance yeah you should wait what what hold austa do you not know no I know I’m all at Augusta I sometimes I get like three five s kind

Of mixed up you know um Andy doesn’t like odds yeah it’s kind of those par fours around the par 3es anyway you know s grass is great if you like Saw Grass keep your s Randy one thing that you know this would change the nature of the course is if they did

Connect the inra coastal they would have to they would change like they would have to change some holes to get the water through there and then you’d have boats coming through and all that you would have to change something like three or you know something over on that

Side of the property uh I I’m gonna I’m gonna ride with deer four on eight I think it is I I like a long par three I think it is I watched a few shots on that hole today watch Scotty hit this grotesque high fade three-wood back into

The wind from all the he was all the way in the back today like making guys have to hit that shot is good I think they could use a little more short grass around that hole like long right over the bunker they just just surrounded by rough there’s some good contouring

Around that green but uh you know maybe expanding that green just a little bit and adding a little bit more Short Grass I still think there’s room for more short grass around uh around holes they do a better job they do a good job on on this course at having some chipping

Areas and some shots like left of 11 is such a good use of short grass to kind of you know promotee strategy and reward really good golf shots but eight could use a little bit more of that s one other hole that I think could use a

Slight tweek DJ and I have talked about this at length uh I was talking to Zach about it earlier this week I think 18 they need to put a t- box to the top of the hill like and that’s not even a bit like I think that would be freaking

Awesome I do that if you if you ever come to TPC s grasser if you ever come to the players go stand on top of at look at how awesome a t boox uh it might be the highest point in Jacksonville we don’t have a lot of elevation change

Here uh it’s an incredible View and it actually makes the shot somewhat more intimidating uh if you go all the way back there but it is a great vantage point you do kind of ruin the stadium seating around uh around 18t but what are you gonna do hegs hits hosle I I

Chose this question because it’s such a good uh Twitter handle he said is ludvig in a sophomore slump and is Charlie Hall the female version of Tommy left always the bridesma never the bride I don’t know who this question to D who to direct this question to uh but I just

Thought this an interesting question what a first of all like spell Spell ludvig correctly uh it’s spelled lud Wiig Charlie’s with a Ley but regardless uh no lv’s not in a sophomore slump like I I think if anything this is still like ludvig’s rookie year right he

Didn’t come out on tour last year till June uh you know we’re not even close to to his sophomore year yet so have we expected more out of him though won already dude like all right if you guys want to talk about Tommy we can talk about Tommy and

Tommy’s been out here for seven or eight years has hasn’t been out here he’s been out here for seven or eight months it ludvig started the year like the third best favorite at the century which which felt a little listen that that that felt that felt lofty right

That that felt like he got lofted into a a really really high category right I know he’s our guy TC you know I’m going to ride with you on uh from the be from the dawn of time which was a long time ago all the way

Through the end of time uh you know he’s our guy so no I I do not think this is much of much of anything it’s still wild he has not competed in a major championship yet that’s obviously should be a great course for him too like I

Think I don’t know what a bad course is for him but this one especially just the premium on accuracy he’s got length but with accuracy and you know no grain in the greens you’ve got uh very very like his CH you know chipping and wedge play

Is probably the weakness right now and I think this is probably one of the easier places to Chip and and you know wedge it around he was also runner up at a signature event three events ago so yeah I think I think he’s gonna be okay I

Think he’s just fine the second part of that question Charlie has two LPGA victories so I think it’s unfair to her to compare to Tommy thank you that’s I would say yeah I would say because Tommy has like 10 we don’t have to do this again bdes and all that stuff worried TC

About Tommy missing a cut at Bay Hill that was unbe what he made a 10 or something like that on listen I didn’t watch any I didn’t watch a single golf shot last week you guys didn’t even shout out my cleaks last week either they finished solo fifth in Hong Kong

Well they kind of fell down the leader board that final day they they should have they were in great spot heading in but again this is not about the cleaks L Vic just it’s always about the Cs for TC any concern though I I I agree with

You on big take that uh that like this isn’t a sophomore year my concern with him and I think he’s like outside of pebble outside of Riv that we know that he played like in College events and high level amateur events like I don’t know we’re getting to the stretch of the

Year where where he just hasn’t seen any of these courses yet is that going to be a concern here because I do think that odds wise it doesn’t matter where you where you rack and stack him at there’s there’s some lofty expectations partially like granted they

Fit but like a lot of these places he just hadn’t he hasn’t seen I mean he’s playing better than a lot of the other you know quote unquote Stars right I mean that’s that’s one of the kind of dirty secrets of the season it’s like Rory wants to talk about ratings or this

Or that and it’s like none of the like setting aside Scotty nobody else is really playing that well so I think I don’t know he’s been adjusting to a new caddy as well he’s got he’s got scabby on the bag and and I think uh you know I

I think ludvig’s got a really good run of golf coming up ahead of him like Quail Hollow should be a great I mean they’re all great fits for him like you said s so uh he’s actually one of my top probably three picks to win this week

Personally I think I I just nothing really to go off here other than it just feels like when weather gets warmer on some some easier golf courses I think L is going to get out and run like we’re still kind of in technical skiing uh on

A lot of these courses and U I mean his accuracy plays well here but it just there’s going to be some courses he can overpower with his driving I don’t think this is one I do I agree with you that his accuracy plays well here but um you

Know I’m not looking for this week to be the one that kind of gets him off and running but I I think once summer hits he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with Quail should be you calling him a mule absolutely not absolutely not he

Might be a mu he’s a mule Skinner um guys got a story for you uh you know was was standing at the putting green today had somebody kind of tap me on the shoulder out there working he was he was not he’s already he’s got it figured out but stay on the putting

Green uh got tapped on the shoulder uh just I turned around a lovely gentleman by the name of Derek he lives in Orange Park he just said s i I gotta tell you I cannot go anywhere without seeing that subtle Dog logo sure enough he had a

Roback polo on and you all know roback best fit best feel they are fresh off new restocks of our favorite polos and dereck’s favorite polos hoodies and Q Zips trust us when we say there’s not better gear for when you’re playing golf or just out and about the fit the feel

The quality it is all perfect uh the material is moisture wicking on these polos it’s got great stretch the collar is crisp doesn’t lose its shape I should have worn one out there today I wore a hoodie out there that was a big mistake because it was quite quite toasty out

There and you know those hoodies are going to keep you warm TC you know it I’ve been wearing them all winter long it has been the perfect Jacksonville gear uh for our winter but I think it’s finally spring and we might need to get some more stuff in the rotation S I got

The shorts on right now I’ll show you guys no no we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good you guys like that we believe you there’s no gray snow camo shorts they’re to doubt youant uh the hoodies are fantastic I don’t need to tell you about those the

Qips TC’s got one of those on right now they are back we love them they’ve got a great classic look but soft performance fabric that makes them very comfortable if you haven’t already load up on some rowack for yourself and for others code NL for a generous 20% off

Your first order through the end of this week that’s rhob 20% off bottoms qips hoodies and more with code nlu get ready for the golf season with roback all right a lot of press conferences a lot of things said uh over these last couple days we’re going to talk a little

Bit about that we’re going to get towards odds and picks near the end of the show um we’re GNA kind of weave in and out of that but uh I think we probably start with Jay Monahan’s press conference uh TC you and I were there

For that one um just before we get into some of the quotes and kind of react into some of it uh pretty weird vibe in the room uh must say it was uh you know he kind of started it off kind of joking about why doesn’t anybody have their

Hats on um you know we haven’t nobody’s heard from Jay since the Tour Championship last year and a lot has changed and not really I don’t think really reading the room on on on like hey man like a lot of people the golf world is is looking for some answers

Here and what ensued over the next hour was in line with what we’ve seen in a lot of press conferences from Jay and didn’t leave I don’t think it left with a lot of people feeling really Rosy about things question to the substance of what he said can we just get him a

Lecturn like can he stand up at a lecturn like a like a leader instead of just slouching over like you know like a like a third grader I mean it’s it’s so bad I think it’s pick he had to pick his poison TC because if he stands at Lecter

You’re gonna be able to see how ill-fitting the suit is so I think he was trying to to hide the suit fit but created a new problem with the chair I’m laughing mostly because like the the camera angle was not kind to him it just

Kind of had a lot of head room above it but TC’s angle also right now kind of looks like kind of looks like a you guys feel me I’m not the commissioner of the PGA Tour either I’m just I’m just a takes Smith you know I I

Was gonna ask suly Tron you guys were there can you just speak about the mechanics of the press conference was it truly they were calling on whomever had questions was it like you had to presubmit question what what was the press conference uh how how did it go

About he starts with some openings you know an opening remarks that last maybe 10 13 minutes or so um he’s kind of just you know reading from an iPad or something like that not really delivered with any kind of Gump of any kind yeah soly that’s the thing like he’s you

Know it was almost like a campaign speech of where he’s he’s just like he he’s talking to the crowd or talking to the assembled media and he looks straight in the camera and he’s like I did not have like it felt like that it felt very uh it was just so like stiff

And wooden and Hollow of now a message for the fans and he’s just trying to look at the fans in the eye and it and it was just so soulless and like you know he’s reading off this this note card and there’s just zero passion enthusiasm or conviction behind anything

That he’s saying well you just like you you just are not going to be able to get away uh you know there’s already like everybody’s detector is way up like ready like red lining right you’re just not going to be able to you know all all of the the stats and everything

That you know you all the the corporatism or whatnot are just going to get even bigger eye rolls just knowing what we know right and just not really addressing a lot of the elephants in the room which we can kind of get to but yeah you could you can raise your hand

Anybody can raise your hand can ask a question uh there are a lot of really good questions asked uh I was getting ready asked something almost the exact same question that Adam shupac answered uh or asked about uh Rah which was led to probably the most tense moment we can

Get to that in a little bit as well but um yeah it was for Porter tweeted this as well he said for somebody that doesn’t make himself available to the media very often he sure treats the media with uh uh lack of respect or lack

Of energy I don’t know the exact word he used in that in what Porter said but that’s kind of how I felt as well uh at times with some of the answers to some of the questions and it feels really kind of a you know kind of an own goal

From them of Hey listen Jay’s obviously not good at oppressor or giving a speech but he’s actually really good at one-on-one and he’s really good you know kind of looking people in the eye and in a very tight you know group setting and so it seemed like last year you started

Doing some of those smaller scrums outside media and then that went by the wayside or even some of the stuff that they were doing like was talking to DJ about it earlier this week and DJ said gosh remember when they were coming out with all the changes and the elevated

Events at the beginning of last year and they’re doing kind of Zoom calls and lunch and learns with the media of hey here’s like selling the product hey here’s here’s the changes we’re making here’s why we’re making them da d da whereas yesterday was basically him him explaining certain changes that they’ve

Made that nobody understands the ins and outs of such a it’s not only Jay’s fault it’s just it’s like the Torah at large there’s just such a a crisis of communications with the tour of they’re not telling their own story or even attempting to and so then when Jay gets

Up there there’s nothing to draw upon it’s it’s him telling this story for the first time and it’s you know and then it rings Hollow because he doesn’t tell it with any conviction I I the one thing I’m sympathetic to is you know he he explained and I don’t have the exact

Phrase uh right in front of me but just how you know they are still negotiating with piff and they they does see a future forward to quiet the noise and re reunify the game was I I I completely understand him dodging questions on anything of any details in relation to

That like you you are in negotiation there’s nothing to gain from even mentioning how things are going or giving anything away in that so I separating I want to separate out the critiques we may have of of what happened there with like the understanding of like dude I don’t need

Updates on this negotiation him coming out and saying we’re working towards it and it’s a goal was kind of enough for me to be like that’s about as good as we’re going to get in relation to that specific and very important element right it is a little bit of their fault

I think that it’s bled this long when you went on TV on June 6 I’m sure they did not imagine that you know it would bleed out into mid-march the following year for his for this press conference but uh you know at this point he’s still working on getting the best possible

Deal for the players and there’s a lot of complicated to work out so to that I’m at least sensitive to to you know let struggle a little bit there though like when you know that heyy they haven’t they haven’t even bothered to meet or advaned this thing at all

Through the second half of last year then they kind of picked it up he said hey I brought a you know group of our principes or constituents over to Saudi Arabia and we met with the Yer and all that um but yeah I don’t know and like

I’d love to hear from Ed Hurley because it seems like he might be the one actually in control of all this like Jay just Jay doesn’t seem like the one making the decisions and you know especially now with the with the SSG stuff coming up

I I think that’s a great Point TC that’s that’s where I am is the the more outside money and and other people that are involved in all of this it’s it just feels very weird not to have some very key players also available for media and and to try to

Funnel it through Jay Jay’s not a great conduit for for this as you mentioned his press conferences aren’t great I I just feel like there is this shroud of secrecy still that it just rubs me and I know rubs you guys and I’m sure however many people the wrong way

It it continues to be I think like just terrible PR strategy by the tour I agree with you big the one thing that I want to uh point out here is that that this is Jay’s job uh we can’t help the fact that they don’t put him out there more

Often just like you said TC I thought it was awesome when he popped in last year like Wells Fargo and did it again at like Valero or something like that and just had like hey guys walked into the media center was like I’m here ask me whatever questions you got and like

Literally just sat down and shot the I think at that point in time he realized that like he needed the media and needed their you know them to amplify this message of everything’s fine we got these new events that are going on and and trying to figure out

How to kick it off he clearly doesn’t feel that way right now um but you know when if Jay’s not going to be out there enough and answering these very basic questions I understand the secrecy side of it because negotiations are still going on but there’s an entire Communications Department that should be

Putting some of this information out and they don’t have to hold press conferences they can put read ahe heads out they can you know we get a million emails as it is like they have to get some of this information out there ahead of time so their guy isn’t looking like

A complete fool when he’s asked basically the same question but five different ways because all people want to know about is what’s the status of this thing and honestly you know rightfully so he can’t talk about the status of it right now because they

Don’t have a clue what it is I felt like one of the best elements like he was kind of punching back a little bit towards the end and saying hey here’s all the stuff that we’ve accomplished that we’ve done but even that stuff you know with Signature Events or changes

They’ve made to the schedule or getting more golf shots on TV like he was just kind of reading down this and it’s like cool that stuff’s great but that’s stuff that we were talking about 5 years ago that you were dragging your feet on doing and now you’ve only done it

Because you’re forced into a corner and you have to do something and but even like all right like use this opportunity to get up there and sell us on why you chose SSG there’s 20 there’s 20 other options on the table you know tell us hey you know what Arthur Blank super

Passionate about this or Steve Cohen can’t wait to have a tournament up here or like like it’s like why were they nobody’s explained that to me yet either aside from these guys own professional sports teams and they’re serious people but nobody’s explained to me hey like

What what value is SSG bringing to the table and then what value are you providing to SSG on the back end other than these are serious people they own professional sports teams and these are your former colleagues at Fenway Sports and your former College roommates at Trinity College because that’s that’s

Totally up in the air let’s use this moment to to say you can check out at no laying our Kevin Van venberg wrote an article uh that went up today called the inexplicable survival uh of Jay Monahan and details a lot of this and has some some new new reporting

Nuggets in there uh including a clip will’ll get to uh somewhat recently where sources have told us that uh uh he Jay was asked to resign by players in December I believe it was and he was asked about that in the press conference

As well but first I want to get to uh a clip from Jay just to react to this was I would call this the most tense moment uh of the uh I don’t think Adam Shack’s mic was on for this so I’ll introduce his question he said despite what you

Just said about the tour said John ROM clearly lost faith in some sense what was your reaction we haven’t talked to you since he left top three player in the world reigning Masters champion decides to leave also do you expect there to be more poaching of top talent

While this negotiation is still going on here right here ad re in the world reing master champion decides to leave and also do you expect her to be more coaching top talent negoti I’m focused on every single member of the PGA Tour I’m focused on the players championship this week I’m focused

On um the great season that we have ahead and we’ve made Adam tremendous progress um with uh the SSG agreement that we have putting ourselves in a position to invest back in our tour invest back in our fans and I’m going to focus on the things that I control um

And we are as an organization we are as a leadership team and we are as a board um so that’s what I’m that’s what I’m focused on are you concerned I just there was a question Adam’s followup there was are you concerned that more players are going uh

While the negotiations are still going on I just answered your question about what my focuses this was the part question J this that this was gave me the yucks man like this is there is you have to answer this question right this is about this is your whole thing about keeping your

Tour together your players together Ron leaving was a enormous story we haven’t heard you talk about this like you know are there going to be more explain Jon’s decision I would love to hear did you get in touch with Jon did you have any conversations with him before he left

You understand his decision again the original June 6th agreement said there was going to be no coaching of players that part went away antitrust concerns why if you’re negotiating with piff is Liv still taking players is there going to be more of that when you say I just

Answered your question about what my focus is like one is pretty disrespectful to Adam which is a very fair question especially Adam is like he lives here in town he’s he’s covers the tour on a week- toe basis he is a as trustworthy and as known quantity as

Possible in golf journalism like he’s on the week to week tour beat I think his I think Adam’s wife worked at the tour like it’s very much like this isn’t some random right you know off the street that that that kind of wiggled his way into the presser like this is

This is a you know very credible journalist yeah th this is the part I looked at TC and just said yuck like come on man not like getting a little testy saying you answered the question you didn’t and also just avoiding answering the question was just like

Dude that that was such a fair question and that was the that was the low point for me and S I mean J suppose that with what with what Scotty said yesterday yeah or or I’m not sure if that was yesterday or today like Scotty’s quotes were you know couldn’t have been more

Cogent and clear and almost like you know what yeah Scotty like I know that was really good that was good we’ll we’ll get to the Scotties here in a second another question asked by uh Sky Sports journalist Jamie Weir here um at any point over the last nine

Months have any of the player directors on the policy board called on you or any of the independent directors on that board to resign you know there’s been a lot of um good spirited debate um amongst our board uh I don’t think that would be a surprise to

Anybody um you know given the events of last summer um but we are a unified we’re a unified front we’ve our policy board um continues to um perform and function at a very high level with great support of our player directors and the formation of PGA Tour

Enterprises uh with a new board uh a new board comprised of four members of SSG uh seven seven players or six player directors and and Joe Ogie who’s a liaison director uh myself and Joe Gord who’s the independent director serving on that board uh I’m excited to work

With both boards you know for me um honored to you know serve as commissioner and now be a member of the PJ tour policy board uh and also honored to be CEO of PGA Tour Enterprises and be a part of that board um and committed to working with each of those boards to

Make sure we’re moving this business forward um and achieving what we can achieve to its full capacity just as a followup then do you feel you have the full backing the full confidence of all the players that you are the right man to to move this deal

Forward you know that’s a question that you’ll have to ask for players I can’t generalize as it relates to players but clearly given the responsibility I’ve been given by both boards I have the support of our board and I am the right person to lead us forward I know that I

Believe that in my heart and I’m determined to to you know to do exactly that shout out to the uh the caberon or whatever your YouTube name is this sounds like TC’s response when he’s asked if anyone has called for him to apologize for Tommy’s play I mean think

About this he’s he’s you know he basic like he apologized during the press conference for his actions last summer uh in the leadup to the June the the quote unquote events of June 6 uh and then he he you know and then he’s basically rifling through and now I

Didn’t have a voting spot on the PGA tour policy board now I do now I’m I’m on this other board that we’ve set up for PGA Tour Enterprises which you know they like they’re all right so you’re on a second board and no no Clarity on how the governance structure works there how

Those people like you know who gets nominated for that board does that flow through the nonprofit board into that one or is it the inverse and then thirdly he’s now the CEO of this other Enterprise as well it’s it’s it blows my mind guys and

At some point I can’t even be mad at the guy and I just I just look at it and I’m like guys like the players like how can you not unite around like go public and just say you know what like we put it to a vote and 78% of the players disapprove

Of of him and we want him to resign and you know and even if there’s a couple of the player directors on their board say yes like that that would feel like pretty publicly damning for Jay and I know there’s people out there that they

Can hire like it’s a $20 million a year job somebody somebody qualified is out there that wants and you know wants the job and can handle it so I don’t know at some point it’s on the players well we had I would say about as aggressive as a

Public call that you’re going to get from one of the game’s top players this was uh Xander schafle when asked about uh you know Jay given recent agreement with the Strategic sports groupt do you have confidence in Jay going forward here’s what Xander has to say uh Jay was

In here earlier today and he said uh he believes he has a support of the board and I am the right person to lead us forward I believe that in my heart given the recent agreement with the Strategic Sports Group do you have confidence in Jay going

Forward I guess we’ll start with the easy ones um yeah I mean I’ve you know what I’ve said in the past uh on on how I feel about it uh trust is uh something something that’s uh pretty tender so um words are words and I’d say he in my book he’s got

A long way to go he he could be the guy but in my book he’s got a long way to go to to gain the trust of the the membership I’m sure he’s got the support of the board since they were with him uh making some of those decisions but for

Me personally um he’s got quite a ways ago I think it’s just kind of you the more details we we learn about how things are operating at the highest level it is like it you know if if players have called for him to resign it does seem like player representation of

Feelings is not following obviously not following through all the way to the top in terms of just seems like again and this is from kbb’s article like he just has outmaneuvered anyone uh they can’t unify on like wanting him replaced and that way he’s able to outmaneuver and

Get promotions throughout all of this is it remains remarkable Sanders’s best friend is is the he the head player director yeah like that’s the crazy part too it’s it’s not like this is you know Xander doesn’t speak for I think most guys would speak for him and you know and

Then meanwhile you’ve got guys getting you know the other player directors getting getting exemptions into these into these designated events how does that look everything’s starting to terrible starting to stink a little bit um couple more quotes here we have uh some stuff from Rory uh in reaction to

Uh a question here about uh Signature Events and uh and things like that so if we Ken let’s play uh what Rory had to say about that can you explain the difference between Signature Events and what we used to have for decades with the WGC it feels like these

Signature Events give more opportunity to PGA Tour players than ever before but there seemed to be a lot of consternation last week yeah uh um like I think when you’ve got a a members organ a members organization that’s been in existence for 60 or 70 years and you

Know the first Mantra of that organization is playing opportunities you know whenever people are you know perceive to have playing opportunities taken away from them they’re not going to they’re not going to like it so um I can I can understand that absolutely and I think it’s just the tour’s been a

Certain way for so long uh uh but I also think that the T hasn’t necessarily evolved with The Changing Times to to make it a more um compelling entertainment product and and sort of trying to fit in with the the sort of modern media and sports landscape so I’m

Not look I I think back to that meeting in Delaware and I think okay did we did we push too hard did we did we try to you know did we hold the turret around some too much the top player and you know you look at I think the

Signature Events or the designated events or elevator whatever it is um they really worked last year like if you the if you look at the leaderboards you look at the readings um I felt like they really really worked in 2023 and for whatever reason they’re not quite capturing the

Imagination this year compared to last year and I think if I were to put my own perspective on it I think it’s because fans are fatigued of what’s going on in the game and I think we need to try to re-engage the fan and re-engage them in a way that the focus

Is on the play and not on talking about equity and and all the rest of it so you know that’s why I said like the sooner that this is resolved I think it’s going to be better for the game and better for you know better for everyone the fans and the

Players I think that’s really good from Rory a lot of humility there in terms of looking inward to say like was our approach from Delaware the best one best way to do this I think looking back at the success of 20123 easy to say yes and

Why hasn’t it resonated in 2024 I think is at least for me I can only speak to you know just myself here I certainly ever since June 6 have not viewed like the PGA Tour events as I just don’t again I’ve said this a million times I

Don’t really know what they mean anymore I don’t know what it meant before it meant something more to me than it does now because I just don’t know if this is kind of what the future of golf looks like anymore but um it’s R had some

Other sorry go ahead Randy no I was just goingon to interject there we we we both chuckled it’s very telling that the most recognizable face and name on the PGA tour like doesn’t even know what these signature elevated designated events are right like it just speaks to how

Halfhazard this has all been cobbled together it it it really is unbelievable and I think people saw ROM leave like speaking to what what’s different in 24 than 23 well you had the shiny new factor I guess in 23 but you’re running back these events at the same courses uh

You you know the the general public has seen some more defections to live and it’s just like what I I mean it makes total sense right I I felt like his answer spoke to a lot more than what he was specifically speaking to as well I would say also the the

Tour you know based on what they wanted after listen I wasn’t in that meeting but based on what they came out of that meeting wanting you know maybe it’s on the tour like did the tour deliver on what they wanted the tour to deliver on like I don’t think the tour’s done dick

To differentiate these events or make them feel distinct from Rank and file tour events I think I mean R’s talking about uh you know playing opportunities well I mean the tour didn’t even bother to fill out the field last week there was only 16 69 guys in

The field and all right it’s tough to it’s like they’ve swerved so far away from playing opportunities now that that and then like like Rory had another good thing he’s like hey like how should it Sean Z tweeted this out earlier oh let’s play it we have it let’s we’ll we’ll cue

That up next um here’s a contined Rory quote onus fall on players like yourself to to be more open these opportunities and to to be part of these fan engagement experiences yeah so to me like this is like this is the problem with a members organization things are created for the

Members right and then once those things are created you got to go sell those things to fans sponsors media and to me that seems a little backwards I think what needs to happen is you need to create things for the fans for the sponsors for the media and then you have

To go sell that to the players tell them to get on board with that because if they get on board and we’re all part of the business now if the business does better we do better that seems pretty simple to me but that requires leadership and they simply that requires

A different structure though too that’s kind of more what I think he’s speaking to right like it it is like the whole thing like literally like the charter is is about playing opportunities right so that’s that’s the part where like I it you know that’s not Monahan’s mandate

Right is to to to think in that fashion that’s why Rory’s kind of been beating this drum of like the structure needs to change of this in some way and it is with an equity model like it should be changing in some way a aan in his column

Yesterday kind of wrapping up the monam presser he he touched on that same subject where with with um SSG coming in in in the for-profit Enterprise now he’s like some of these players might be in for a very rude awakening when they are going to be asked you know hey this is

This is now a very serious business venture we need you guys doing X Y and Z every tournament week like it’s no longer going to be acceptable just to show up play your golf and move to the next site you have to start uh investing and doing things for PGA Tour

Enterprises to help build value and drive value in this and I I think that’s kind of what Rory is getting at as well here without explicitly saying so yep it’s interesting um at the same time not ing behind your agent as well I think that’s the biggest thing that a

Lot of these players are going to have a hard time figuring out is like the easiest thing the default has always been no and it doesn’t even get to the players most of the time it’s just a no from an agent and there’s so many biases built in there between what agency

Represents who and where the request is coming from where now it’s like no man like you are you are the owner of this these people are looking for actual returns here like I I would I’m that’s where I get like what is the fine print actually going to say for this tour who

Continuously says no for all these things to amplify these new events are they okay so you’re just no longer going to play in them because that would be sick because if you want to see things elevated like everybody has to be on the same page yeah it’s kind for one yeah like those

Dudes yeah there’s get on a truck and wave around to all the crowd when they go drive around they do they do so many media opportunities and like and compensated handsomely for it very very well for it um well that’s that’s the other like I want to see listen for the

First time in my life I said this a couple months ago but I’m I’m rooting for I want Steve Cohen and you know the the the finance Bros and the private Equity Bros that come in you know and up like come in and rightsize the business come in and and say hey

You’re not pulling your weight you’re not pulling your weight and you’re not pulling your weight and send in the Consultants send it send in bring let’s bring in mckenzy let’s let’s do it baby count like let’s let’s rock the boat I’m ready it can’t get any

Worse than it is right now I mean maybe it can but yeah let’s let’s close last imagine last clip we had you referenced it earlier was uh Scotty Sheffer talking about a lot of this stuff and this was as pointed and direct as I can uh ever

Remember hearing Scotty I want to hear more stuff like this from Scotty among the players how how much of a concern is it that fans are maybe feeling a little disillusioned or disenchanted by you know the developments over the last couple years the splintering of the Stars across two tours all the talk

About money how much among the players how much of a concern is that um well I I guess it’s it’s a pretty broad question and when you’re talking about a fan perspective you’re talking about millions of people and so there’s always a lot of perspectives in that group it’s

Just depends on who has the loudest voice and I mean at the end of the day I think we’re trying to do our best to create the best product for the fans but we can’t control whether or not guys want to leave if guys want to go take

The money and leave then that’s their decision you know I’m not going to sit here and tell guys not to take hundreds of millions of dollars if that’s what they think is best for their life then go do it um I’m not going to sit here

And force guys to stay on our tour um but at the end of the day this is where I want to be and you know we’re continuing to grow what we’re doing and what they’re doing is not really a concern to me and if they want if the

Fans are upset then look at the guys that left you we had a tour we were all together and the people that left are no longer here and at the end of the day that’s where the splintering comes from and as far as our tour goes like I said

We’re doing our best to create the best product for the fans and that’s really where we’re at good there that was that was good it was uh I I I still think like um there’s a huge gap ultimately in what they think the product is right and I

The players can do all they want they can do the walk and talks they can be available for media they can come join The Telecast all these things but like until I mean I think I believe we’ve mentioned this before but until you figure out the commercial load and

Actually make it a watchable product it you’re G to meet headwinds that’s what I’m struggling a little bit with Scotty’s stuff is like you know we’re doing all we can like are you or is that just something like all right if you’re doing all you can then you fire

Jay yesterday like a good first step right it’s like he’s like the guy’s on like strike seven of you know like that’s that would seem to me like all right you know what how can we how can we regain the confidence of fans cool we

We we we find a new leader who didn’t get us into this mess in the first place and make it worse at every possible turn that would be like man that would be like the bare minimum of of hey we’re doing everything we can write this ship

And and I’d love to hear you know this potential new leader some talk about what what is the vision you know they they talk about improving the product they Monahan talked about you know dimensionalizing the players but I I have yet to hear a a a a lucid Crystal

Clear Vision on what somebody thinks PGA Tour golf should look like and should do for fans let’s say starting in 2025 or 2026 like where where are we what are we working towards where are we going I you know I I feel like they’re building that plane as they’re trying to

Fly it and it just all boils down into like yeah Scotty was you know I agree with a lot of what he said but but in Rory’s Clips it’s just there’s a disconnect there there’s just a an elephant in the room and TC I I think

You hit the nail on the head to for me personally like I don’t see a path forward as a fan in believing the tour and the vision and and where they’re headed it just to me it’s like I don’t know how monah can be that spokesperson

At this point I feel like at some point you need somebody up there like Steve Balmer or Mike Juan that’s like developers developers developers exactly exactly if your thing is like birdies birdies birdies and we’re or like team golf or great venues like give me something something to get excited about

The one thing that scares me so much from Jay’s uh presser is when he was asked like hey what what type of res returns is like SSG what do they think they’re getting and he leads with the media deal which I understand is a ton

Of money but like part of the reason why that media deal is so large is because they made it so that’s like such a closed off shop which goes against everything that every other Professional Organization like stands for right now is like if you really believe and are

Putting the fans first like make it so we can engage with with the media make it so we can clip without dcma and stuff like make it just like this show right now and I appreciate everybody saying oh this is awesome the ability to clip all these interview stuff in there

That’s because we’re not completely like blacklisted by NBC and and afraid of putting actual highlights in there like all the fans are doing is they they want to engage with your product yeah and the year is 2024 and how we do that is very Visual and it’s across social media and

Everything else like that lift the make fans like believe and make it so it’s engaging and we can spread it across the word that’s how you grow this stuff but that ain’t gonna happen Cody I will say just NFL did put a playoff game on the so can’t say that all

Organizations are created equal in this regard now that said too that media deal the only thing underpinning that media deal is the owgr like there’s owgr Clauses in that and if that’s part of the reason why they’re keeping the wgr you know we can have like we don’t

Need to have that relate that combo but that’s part of the reason why they’re pinning that up and making sure that that doesn’t go away because as soon as that goes away then they’re in breach of the contract for field strength and all that and then NBC can say hey you know

What like the field strength that you guys agreed to I might be rooting for that right that’d be sick if the Media Partners were uh would totally put their head up and say no we’re out here but um anyways wrapping this up we try to keep

These shows an hour or less we may go just a touch over which Cody’s going to punish us greatly for a lot to talk about this is a special week in terms of a lot to react to us well we broke this preview up into we we had a full players

Preview on Monday I hope people got a chance to listen to that as well if you’re upset at us for not talking too much golf in this one we did the golf one on Monday but real quick we didn’t acknowledge that dude’s voice theor ask the question the first question of Rory

Like some of the comments in the in the chat work great like this is this is Peter mallister the father he’s a fighter 10,000 20,000 odds this week Scotty Sheffer is plus 550 to win Rory plus 1400 Xander 2000 Vic Max hom Justin Thomas 2500 uh zalot torus and Patrick Klay and

Morawa plus 2800 ludvig alone at 3500 Sam Birds Jordan spliff theim Matti Yama at 4,000 Tommy lad Shane Lowry Russell Henley 4500 and then sewo Kim 5,000 wendham Clark still 5500 little disrespect for Windham uh if I may say he’s there with minu Lee uh and Cameron

Young then we go fenal day Connor sahith all that so um Randy this is the Randy the big large Randall Memorial award last week he chose uh won Scott sheffler to win the Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by Mass Master Card and so you’re going to lead us off this week in

Your in your pick to win the Bay Hill Invitational Championship I I I I don’t love this but you know I’m I’m faithful to what my my head thinks and so I am officially gonna pick Xander shafley to win wow so it’s definitely not a major then that’s right TC what do you

Got uh go I’m all over the place I said lvg earlier would be would be in the mix I think I really want to see something from Justin Thomas but I think the guy and and I wanted to pick col morawa he missed the cut last week

He shot 70 80 uh I’m gonna go with Patrick Klay I think wow yeah I’m going I’m going with Klay no D I’m you know the Apollo Mission we’re calling this the Apollo mission it’s uh you know we’re I’m coming around on him I’m I’m lead listen lead those players against

Big Steamboat Jay send Jay out to Colorado Steamboat to ry’s Randy’s State and he’ll deal with him out there that’s right I uh just to pull a quick TC here I wanted to go with zot torus I wanted to get I wanted to talk myself into into

Hii uh I really I I don’t know I feel like Hideki still owed one after I got to say Hideki was who I was going back and forth with yeah um I you know he’s too far down the odd sheet I’m going to

Find a way to get a wager in on this guy wendam Clark at plus 5500 uh guy’s proven he can play well in the in the bdes TC uh and I know it’s not really a you know driving distance golf course but I don’t know I I love his mid-range

Putting uh I think I’m gonna end up I’m gon I’m gonna take Windham Clark as my pick to win the players this week well not not picking I think he’s making in the leap where Tom Kim dods did I uh your boy he’s he’s plus 8,000 this week Global

Superstar uh and generational Talent Tom Kim is plus 8,000 this week how about Monahan saying uh you know it was it was like a Harmon quote about the Mr Mahan Mr monan I I love these designated events can we get more of these designated events or like oh and you know Harmon probably

Haron probably just loves the loves the organic grass-fed beef that they’re served at these designated events right uh I I I would pick Bri uh if you’re making a lineup Brian harman’s gonna do some stuff this week too I have a feeling uh about weird he’s always doing

Stuff he’s in a couple DK lineups for me this week so um anything else before we wrap is that about it who will not win dfl we only do that for Majors I think that’s only a major thing um here’s one who should I watch tomorrow

I’m going out I’m G to be out every day at some point in this tournament but uh you know the feature groups are St you know are jumping off the page the early ones tomorrow Rory Victor havin Jordan spe uh followed right by ludvig Klay and Adam Scott in the morning afternoon Max

Hom hii and Fitzpatrick then sheer JT Ricky then morawa Windam and Brian Harmon uh are all in back-to-back groups so um I’d say doing me a favor with Rory and spe uh paired together uh just to get a get a look on things Augusta I think they’re gonna I’m gonna catch

Their back nine tomorrow morning Randy who would you watch I I’d probably go to that 846 group watch L ludvig navigate the golf course first tournament round here that’s intriguing and then in the afternoon I would itd be between the Homa group and the morawa group for me I I would

Probably lean to that 151 tea time with morawa wendam Clark and Brian Harmon probably a little less crowds following that one than the sheffler JT group so I that’s where I would go I’m going 213 p.m. off of number one Austin e wrot sah theala and AE that’s a fun

One interesting group I’m I’m stoked to watch that that’s great all right we are gonna wrap at that we will have live shows after every round this week Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday presented as always by our friends at High Noon also shout out to our friends

At at roback everyone that tuned in live one other thing to plug we have a brand new no Lang up Podcast YouTube channel you can find the I’ve never been able to do this guys live you can find the link in the description down below I’ve

Always wanted to do that it is in the description if you want to pound that subscribe button uh that would help us out a lot and if you’re a regular view of this and you’re not subscribed pressing that little button right below actually really does uh help us out a

Lot but we’re going to be uploading our non-li podcasts uh you know we we started out we put few up there from the past several uh weeks and months uh you know that we’ve recorded but our non-li pods we’re going to be putting up on that channel uh not going to go up

Immediately it takes us a little bit of time to get an edit on the video side but we’ we’ve heard your calls to get our uh episodes up there uh we’ve been a lot of work getting it up and we’re finally ready to do that our live shows

Will remain on this channel uh you’ll see our live shows uh on the nolay up YouTube channel uh but trying to get more podcasts up there um and so please please go ahead and subscribe to that we would greatly appreciate that uh and on that note let’s call it for the night

And we’ll see you back here on Thursday thanks everyone for tuning in thank you Cody big Randy tC have a good evening thank you s


  1. Put the one and only Donald Trump in there to clean up shop…if he takes an L in November that is…

  2. @12:06 Soly and TC think everyone has a golf hole library memorized. I can remember 10, 17, 18 and that long par 5 that zig zags and I love this place.

  3. Golf is plagued by unrealistic expectations.
    Tiger Woods happened. Tiger catapulted golf into a stratosphere it had never seen before.
    After Tigers prime there was bound to be a lull in interest/viewership unless another Tiger came along.
    Then LIV came and injected money that doesn’t equate to the public’s interest in golf.
    Golf is not the NFL or the NBA or even MLB.
    All of a sudden there is this artificial (Saudi) capital being injected into golf.
    It is such a tough spot to be in for the PGA.
    Random thought……… many fans of NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL actually play the sport? Not many. How many fans of golf play golf. Almost all of them?

  4. BIG naming hole numbers is the way I feel exactly. What nerd are memorizing the names on the signs? 😂

  5. I have watched and listened to NLUs interviews with Mike Whan when he was at the LPGA and am amazed at the differences between the presentation styles, messaging and conviction with Monahan. Jay could really use some coaching …

  6. Don't you think the real issue is the PGA Tour players want a payout for staying and punishment for the players who left. Yasir won't agree to that at this point and may never. The Saudi's want control and the Tour does not want to give that up. I don't blame them. That is why they didn't talk upfront. They should have. But if you do some investigation in how dealing with the Saudi's work you may find out it is a one way street. Monahan can't tell the press what the real issue as outlined above is. So until the Saudi's blink this is going to be a while. I hope not and if it does go awhile – there will be a mini PGA tour, no Champions tour and no Korn Ferry. Players who want to can go play for the Saudi's but without the big money and probably without any real TV contracts except for the majors.

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