Stop Wasting Money on Putters.

In this video, we break down how many golfers are wasting money on the newest putters from top brands, and how they can easily save money and still get high quality putters from reputable brands.

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Stop wasting so much money on Putters the game of golf is just becoming more expensive with new product releases public golf courses are charging much more for their tea times the whole entire game if you want to play it especially play it consistently you have to spend a lot more money so it’s

Important to look at some areas of golf that we might be spending a lot of money on but we really shouldn’t be hey everybody I’m George Conley with scratch golf tips and let’s talk about Putters and how much money we’re spending on them I would argue that the putter is

The most important Club in the bag right it’s it’s the club that we hit the most you know you might hit 30 plus putts in a round you certainly don’t hit 30 drives or you know 36 iron shots but I think that the pricing of Putters recently especially has really gone

Through the roof and it really shouldn’t be so I’m going to disclose now that throughout this video I’m going to mention a few websites that you can go to and a few platforms you can find Putters on I want to say now I’m not sponsored by any of these sites I’m just

Giving you recommendations based off of what I’ve done but there are there’s no payment that I’m getting from any of this I’m not sponsored by any of these sites if you want to purchase a brand new putter from one of the big retailers in golf Scotty Cameron is one of the

Biggest those Putters have always been kind of A Cut Above the Rest in terms of quality and craftsmanship they will always be expensive they were expensive 20 years ago 10 years ago and they’re expensive today however we’ve seen a big increase with products like uh tailor made especially their spider Putters

Odyssey those those Putters are going for $300 plus and the first piece of advice that I would have for golfers who want a really good brand name putter is don’t buy new I’m going to show you an example now this is a 41in arm lock putter this is from Odyssey Golf uh I

Believe it’s called the two ball 10 yep two ball 10 I just got this fairly recently if you look at this putter it is in very good condition correct brand new grip very little wear and tear there’s no rust there might be a speck of a speck or two of paint that’s wrong

With this putter but this is a very expensive putter new a 10ball arm lock is over $250 I think you know I’ve seen it over $300 I purchased this putter for $130 in this condition I’ve used this putter for about 2 weeks so I haven’t

Really put any wear and tear on it I got it in great condition I used Odyssey pre-owned uh this is a site that I’ve used for drivers in 3w now I’ve been fit for all my clubs so if you want to get fit for a putter Odyssey pre-owned is

Not the way to go but if you want a really high quality Odyssey Putter that has been slightly used I would go with them a big reason why I like Callaway pre-owned and their Odyssey clubs is they have a scale of how they rate their clubs in terms of quality you know they

Have like new good fair and I’ve purchased clubs that are uh deemed as Fair which should be notable wear and tear and I get them and they’re almost like new they’re they’re serious seriously very very good again I’m not being paid by Callaway I’m going to

Insert a link down below um if you if you want some really high quality brand name clubs and you can get them very heavily discounted and the condition is super super good regardless I would look at Callaway pre-owned I think the prices on callway pre-owned have been

Increasing but they have a plethora of different uh Putters in terms of length shaft orientation wear and tear so you can kind of navigate and see what works best for you and I have seen clubs from different brands on that site too I have seen tailor made clubs so if you want to

Look at different clubs it’s not just callways on that site so that’s one great resource that I would look into now let’s kind of shift our mentality towards Putters away from the brand new tailor made or Odyssey or Scotty Cameron those are great Putters those companies will always make great Putters but

They’re at incredibly high prices right now I think that many golfers especially if you’re you know not always shooting the lower end of scores if you’re a 15 handicap or above you don’t really need a brand new Odyssey and if you’re spending $400 on it I don’t think you’re

Going to get $400 of worth out of that I don’t think you’re going to enjoy your golf more I don’t think you’re going to shoot better scores instead let’s save money but still put a great putter in the bag one thing that I’ve loved doing

And I kind of do it just out of fun a lot of the time but I actually have received a lot of great Putters from this is I’ll go on eBay and on eBay you’re going to find granted much older and much more warm in Putters than you

Know the the pre-owned sites are brand new I’ve bought Putters that are you know 15 20 years old but at the end of the day you know the the technology in Putters is not nearly as significant over time as it is in driver I I would never say buy a 20-year-old driver

They’re just so different there’s so much more forgiveness in modern drivers there there’s more distance there’s more you can do with them in terms of adjusting them with Putters absolutely the putters today are better than the putters 20 years ago I’m not questioning that however are they a ton better is it

Worth hundreds of dollars in extra spending personally I don’t think so so let me show you this putter right here this is an odyssey dual Force this is a it’s an older putter I think this was made maybe late ’90s early 2000s I would say it’s about 20 years old it’s a

664 as you can see here um and I purchased this on eBay this is a 34 in putter it had a very bad grip on it uh and I was I was bidding on this so I’m going to show my screen here of what I

Go through on my phone so I put it at a highest bid of maybe 75 you can go 50 even $30 if you wanted to and just look at auctions because auctions are where you can find some pretty good deals if something’s running out I if you want to

Get one today you can go on ending soonest and that’s going to show you the putters that are ending you know in a couple minutes couple hours maybe a day or two but anyway I purchased this Putter and again is it a little bit worn

In sure is it the prettiest thing no but I’ve tried it and I actually have this in the bag for like8 months I won this putter on eBay I just went back to my account and checked it I won this for a bit of $28 which is a pretty good deal I mean

This putter new certainly went more for that it it’s certainly a little bit beat up but there’s no rust the the connection between head and shaft is solid uh the grip was absolutely worn out so I purchased this grip this is a super stroke slim 3.0 I purchased this

For believe $15 and then I brought it to a local golf shop and I paid I think $7 for the installation because with a putter like this a putter grip like this there’s a flat side so you need this flat side to be perfectly locked in with

Your Club face or else it’s going to allow for some improper manipulation so all in with buying the club the new grip and the installation that was $45 and this is a good wand like this is this it’s a good putter it’s made by a reputable brand it’s in good condition

40 $ 5 I would not say go out and spend $100 on this if you’re bidding on Putters on eBay don’t put a ton of money in because regardless of you know how great of a deal you’re getting if you’re spending $100 there’s a chance that that

Putter is too long or maybe it’s bent a little bit so be careful in what you’re buying I’m not going to again I’m not sponsored by eBay I’m not saying everything’s great on eBay look at the photos look at the grip if you can find

A a putter with a really good grip on it and you can save the money by not having to buy a new grip and get that grip placed on even better but just be creative in looking at your options I think too many golf consumers are really

Settling on okay I guess I need to have a $4,000 bag of clubs and it’s just I think it’s setting a really dangerous precedent in the sport I know that a lot has been done in the past 15 20 years to make the sport more accessible to everybody you know especially in terms

Of price and getting people out there so many people and Executives and sponsors want to grow the game and I don’t think that growing the game means $400 Putters and $800 drivers that’s just me be conscious in your spending I’m not here to tell you how to spend your money if

You want to buy the great putter great more power to you absolutely just be understanding of the different options that you have especially with something like the putter where the technology you know if you’re a good putter you’re going to putt great with everything if you’re a horrendous putter you can have

A $700 putter perfectly fit to you and you’re still going to struggle with putting you need to put in the practice you need to have the right club for you but just know that there are plethora of options out there I hope you enjoyed this video it’s a little bit of a

Shakeup from what we normally do in terms of tips and instructional content but I think that this stuff is important to address if you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comment section down below as always thank you all very much for watching play well and take care


  1. Bought my Bimini Blade Rife 15 years ago. It performs better than modern putters. I will never use another one.

  2. I bought a 1000$ putter 2 years ago… I love it. But I will never buy another putter again…

    And can confirm Facebook is a great place to buy clubs!

  3. I say get properly fit for a putter first of all – it is the club you will use the most every round. I changed from my SC Studio 5 to the Cobra Supernova 3D printed with SiK face. I have to say modern putters have so much tech and forgiveness vs older putters its insane. I spent $300 on my Cobra Supernova and it performs so much better per use than anything else I have.

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