Golf Babe

Divot Dialogues

With @NurseNinaBGolfin and @KerriOnGolf

Hey we are alive what girl what why did he die with his penis in my hand okay what the what the heck what is that okay okay so you know I’m a nurse right so so I have to catheterize people so this patient was on hospit

But let me tell you I was trying to catheterize him which I hate to do with the men I don’t know why I look over and I’m thinking like he’s just maybe high on some of the morphine or something he was dead no was dead oh my go as I’m trying to

Ciz him I look at his wife and she’s like oh he gone what I was like uh Miss can’t say the name I I think he’s passed away but girl his penis was in my head wait the and and she and the wife was in the room too the wife was in the

Room but why did she seem happy not that that he was dead I think she was probably getting a good payout I don’t know I don’t know oh my God I’m scarred now um all these situations it’s not a bad way to if you ask me

But I know you know being in the hands of a black golf babe on the way out oh my god congratul oh stop it thank you thank you thank you but oh my God you are you step into some interesting situations doing what you do every day I do oh my God I

Don’t know I hope that never happens that it’s in my hand and he goes I mean unless he wants to go that way I’m fine with it but other than that um but anyway okay oh my God okay so back back to the regular schedule so we’re in

Conversations before we start the show and then some of the conversations just you know kind of keep going but anyway so we are glad that you are here you’re on watching divot dialogues and and if you uh didn’t recognize the little bit of a change that we did with the change

In time there was a change in our name so we have now let go of swing and sleigh swing and SLE is no more we are now divot dialogues and that’s based off of you guys basically you know referencing to uh us as divot dialogues and so we just want to make it

E easy for you so div dialogues that is what we are I am K on golf nurse Nina be golfing and we are talking everything golf things tangent to golf all kinds of things but one of the things that we really want you to do before we get

Started is you see that ticker down at the bottom we want you to please share Diva dialogues with at least two new people and help us grow this yes can only do this together yes please guys please please yes so while while you’re uh watching right now go

Ahead hit subscri uh go ahead and hit subscribe if you haven’t already and yeah pass thought you pulled the name out of a tree okay okay so we are today’s topic is what is today’s topic what are you doing to save coins when it comes to golf because golfing is expensive right

Right and you guys guys that’s what it is in the comments write down uh tell us what are some of the things that you guys do in order to save some coin when you’re out there playing golf see when I say coin does it is it right because people talk about me

Saying that I don’t say things right coin I guess that’s how they say it in these streets that’s how they say it be my coin I don’t know yes so but what we’re going to try and do is there’s no excuse es you know I think that’s one of the

Biggest things I would hear all the time golf is so expensive okay yeah it can be on the expensive side however there are ways to kind of reel in the costs a little bit and so that’s what we’re going to talk about tonight so in the

Comments go ahead what are you doing to save some coins when it comes to gol so the first thing is get your butt out of the cart get uping walk it’s good exercise too mhm right exactly so I think a lot of people don’t think of golf as like you know

Where you can burn a lot of calories you’re walking miles when you’re walking golf there’s the pull cart I started off with a pull cart and then that got actually that kind of started to hurt my elbow really then I started doing the push cart and then that started uh that got annoying

So I was pushing people thought I was mad because I was pushing the cart I was just so tired I pushed it like you know a basketball pass and then I walk up to it now what I do because I am carry on I I walk and carry and you know whenever

I’m walking and I put my uh bag on on my back and my arms are free and I don’t know with my arms and hands being free my mind is free to kind of you know regroup mental you know kind of be mindful of where I am and trying to

Focus on the good things so what about you do you walk I do I have a push card and um I love it it comes with a cooler it really could have came with a seat attachment but but I have I like to drink so I have the Co

In the seat attachment it would have taken longer to deliver but yeah I have a nice little C and I actually love to use it when you know on a nice nine hole and or when we’re paired up with people maybe you don’t want to sit with someone

I love could just pull my car or push it and do my own thing but yeah yeah so walking you save anywhere from you know 15 to $20 on walking yeah on carts so that’s a cart fee you don’t have to pay get out there get some

Exercise let’s check out a comment we got uh CDL cigar and golf try to find three or four courses to keep in your rotation that have cheaper green fees that that’s a great idea great idea oh look we got another one Danny D always looking for golf balls in the trees

While looking for mine y That’s a good I went with this one group of ladies um we didn’t talk the entire time um they said very they spoke very little English and so we talked very little but these women had it mastered because they weren’t talking to me um they found at

Least 30 balls at least 30 balls and they had like the little you know the little Grabber thing and so we you know in the I was where was I I can’t even remember too many courses but anyway yeah so they had at least 30 balls and

They would come out like the you know with the there’s like these tall weedy things and water and so they come out with their shirt all up and then all wow 30 at least so that’s a great way great way we got comment here uh

Cameron I have a trans Rover it’s a cart and a bag that folds up and fits nicely in my trunk the inventor lives in El Grove yes I’ve been trying to win that trans Rover there have he’s been at several golf tournaments and you pay like $20 or something like that and you

Get into the drawing and uh or 10 something like that but yeah I haven’t won it yet but it’s a nice looking bag it’s a nice looking bag and actually he has developed a ball um picker upper that fits nicely into that bag as well

So yeah oh cool yes I want one of those yeah we’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to see if we can get a trans Rover one of these days yes let’s work on that anyone want to send us one all right let’s go on to the next

One discount sites find some for your area besides golf now so I know in our area and I think it’s just our region we have something called golf Mose and so it allows people you know um most of the time it’s if you’re pairing up with a another person it’s for it’s geared

Towards Tums however they do have some really cool ones where you have be a member for the day so you get to experience some really high class quality um clubs that you you know pay a fortune for or can’t even get into because you don’t have the membership

And then you get to um do that so so do you do you use discount sites um just the golf now or I have golf Mose but I’ve never used it for myself but um no I I’m a member at a course so my green fees are cheaper it

Was just a one time fee well I will say that um if people do use golf now I you know I that’s where I really started getting all of my hot deals and stuff like the hot deals right yeah the hot deals are great and so I

Get my hot deals and I got reward points but then there’s another site and I think it’s called tea off or te it up or tea off but anyway the reward points that I got from golf now which charges a a a fee a service fee right right I can

Use those rewards over at t uh T off and there is no yeah there is no service fee and I can use my re rewards over there I think they’re connected in some kind of way so yeah download that app yeah it’s it’s some good stuff yeah any more uh

Tips we got out there anything in the comments guys nothing nothing new okay all right next one go for it Twilight golf daylight saving time is the best time for golfing after work yes I’m telling you it’s kicking my butt right now because I need this extra hour of

Sleep cuz I am like dragging mhm I got some golf in today because I had a short day for work so that was nice but yeah definitely looking forward to the Twilight golf yeah for the F no not for the not for the F but for the low yes I

Learned some things we actually got to get out this weekend and play got on the Range and all kinds of stuff but I learned some things about for the F I’m like why is she saying for the F and I’m like I’m trying to figure out because

I’m like I’ve lost my black card so many times what is she saying I’m supposed to know what this is and so I’m like thinking it’s you know the F you know that she’s talking about the F and I’m like for the free for the free for the free for the

Free yes yeah daylight savings yes oh no I was just asking anyone in the comments have any other tips for for um savings with golf I don’t see it okay um okay so while you’re here we wanted to remind you one more time click and subscribe hit those buttons down below click and

This one is for the ladies right there I have not you know I am late to the whole game about you know I I had this one friend and she said girl I am so hungry and I said oh what are you gonna do she Saidi gonna call up

This guy so I could go on a date so he’ll feed me trifling trifling now I thought it was just her until I started to find out you know you’re you know you’re around a lot more men so you get more behind the scenes kind of you know information from

Guys to know that there’s a lot of women that do that yes and so in that vein if women are doing that maybe instead of dating for food they date for go for go sign me up definitely a way to save I’m I’m still learning how to do it because I

Went golfing with this one dude I drove two hours to Burling game and actually it’s longer than two hours it’s like almost two and a half hours to drive to Burling game got there told him I’m coming I you know I had just made a I

Drove two and a half hours I had to use the restroom so I said I’m coming to the Pro Shop so when I arrived at the pro shop he had already paid for both of us so that I’m like thinking because I’m because most of the time I just go and I

Pay for myself he paid so would you think that he was paying for me yes I absolutely he did right he did I said Thank I said thank you I said thank you we play and as I was driving home and he said so do you have

Zel no he didn’t no he didn’t he sure did sure did you out drove him huh Carrie you out drove him that’s why he’s like oh she can play she can pay for herself but you know what I think I here’s the other thing though when you

Know I think sometimes it is a little twisted because we as women we you know not all of us but most of us that are getting out there to play golf we really just want to play golf and there and just by the sheer numbers there’s more

Men that are golfing so there’s more of a likelihood that we’re going to end up um golfing with men and just because we golf with men does not mean anything other than just golf just golf just a friendly golf game we might out drive you but don’t take it

Personal yeah yes and if you’re GNA test our temperature to see if we’re interested in something besides goof just do it once that’s it that’s all it takes read the right read the right temperature read the right temperature that brings me to a question

So when let’s say you are going on a day first day with golf with someone to golf would you want to ride in a cart with them or not I do want to ride in the carart because the whole well you want to know what now that we’re talking about this

Whole walking thing it’s it probably would be good to start walking on my dates that I’m hoping will come soon well it brings a little separation if you need it yeah exactly you know and if I’m getting too much you know coaching advice or you know that that I don’t

Need because I’m really just there to play you know um because I don’t want to I don’t wanted to take it away take it to take away from my experience but yeah maybe that might be something I might start doing but usually if it’s a you

Know I don’t know I golf with random people all the time so you know I probably wouldn’t have a problem being in the cart especially if they paid I’ll be on the cart be in the cart okay let’s check out some of the comments okay Cameron said Nina went from trifling to

Sign me up when food became golf see how easy I switch okay uh Ken Stone if he asked you to uh asked you to play he should have offered to pay like a date if you ask a lady out you pay pretty basic adulthood yes a thank you because I was like

Trying to figure out well did I be because I had every expectation I was GNA play but thank you Ken that makes me feel a little bit better because I’m like you know I can read the situation wrong and I just don’t know

So but I I just I ended up telling him I said you know I had I didn’t have the cash to Zell him the money because and and so I needed to pay by credit card you know people have those kinds of kinds of times where you just I just

Didn’t have the cash I’m on a credit card right now it is what it is it’s a credit card it’s the credit card rest of the month yes and so yeah you know there was more month than cash and so so I was prepared to pay by credit

Cards so when you’re asking me for you know I didn’t say all this I’ve been told that I say too much I don’t have to explain myself however I said I was planning on playing paying by credit card you decided that I was gonna pay another way I’m just gonna say thank you

Very much for the round that’s a great that’s a great response I don’t think I would have responded at all like anyway okay Miss Teresa said he would have paid if you didn’t out drive him I’m sure that’s what happened Carrie he got car realized you won and said no

I’m gonna make that half a pay okay oh my God I would have given him a few Strokes next um CDL cigar gol ride in the cart with them the best conversations happen in the cart I agree I do that’s the that’s like the best first day ever I’m sure we discussed

This previously but like a good way range though range because you spending four and a half hours and if and if he’s throwing clubs and hitting clubs on the ground I can get that quick on the Range that’s true ver versus but you know but if he’s paying I’m gonna go I’m I’ll

Stick it out let’s check another comment Des M Kai walk on golf dates to see their energy level see that that’s true that’s true that’s good so somebody took invited me to go so um once again did not pay um I pay for myself all the time so uh went to Turkey

Creek it’s like this oh gosh I walked it and I walked it and I had Spike shoes on oh girl my my feet were making some noise I know they were dogs were barking I know that they were barking at me yeah so it

Was all bad but uh yeah I you know first courses I’m not a course that I haven’t played before I’m not going to walk it anymore first time on the cart until I know what the courses okay one more so we’ve got Miss Karen I’ve had some great dates golfing

Gentlemen always pay that’s a fact gentlemen do always pay that’s a right so they’re just not gentlemen that’s no he wasn’t a gentleman if he asked you to pay absolutely not especially if he you he invited you they are not gentlemen oh they they I need to I need to change

Some things up maybe a shoe maybe I’m the common denominator I make it too easy for them to just pay I’m just like notan huh I’m gonna get you together we go we gon get you together see I’m gonna be learning some things you know this is all about

Learning learning some things you know Karen and Nina you know y’all will have me straight we all get you together I’m telling you hey Mr Brook says he’s here all right yay all right so another one volunteer bring golf to life for others so I started off volunteering

Some I was in a a golf group and somebody had mentioned you know that they volunteer and they got free rounds free uh range balls so I think it was within the next week I had gone to my local course to try and sign up now mind

You I was on the list for like six months I thought this was gonna be what I actually asked first on the application I wanted to be the cart girl of a certain age they said nope you’re the you’re the Marshal but you know actually it took

Six months and actually it was because you um they’ll be seeing a little bit of cliff on some of our um our little things but um Instagram and that kind of stuff but uh he was the one who talked to the CH to actually say you need to

Interview this girl and you need to hire her right away and so you know he spoke and I had an interview that next week and then I was hired so what type of benefits did you get how often did you work or volunte so um when the son

When the Sun Goes Down um I only had to work four hours a week and so I worked from 11: to 3 as a um either a Marshall and then I moved over to being a starter and then when sun goes up um and stays

Up longer than I do five hours and my problem is is that I’ve been working in the middle of the day on Sunday so this uh volunteer gig I’m doing will be sunsetting and coming to an end H very soon so what but what did you get so you

Those were your hours and you got a free round free round oh I got free rounds so on Mondays and Tuesdays I could actually book when I was going to play on uh Tuesdays through Sundays I had to uh be put on a waiting list but I could play

When you and I played that was the longest I ever had to be on a waiting list you know usually I could go right away if I had another person with me um 45 minutes was the longest that’s another thing I got to bring somebody

With me once a month to that could also golf free with me could you I was going to ask could you get free range balls every day or is it only every day every day unlimited unlimited yeah as many as I wanted yeah and then when I bring somebody along with me so

When we went out to the range we could grab as many balls as we wanted yeah that’s a nice perk that’s nice yeah because we were definitely were out there using quite a few balls quite a few quite a few okay we got question Miss Teresa how

Often do you play the course where you work good question this is one of the reasons why I’m going to let this go um when you volunteer there is a tendency not to play as much and it all depends on the day that you actually volunteer

So I retire and 27 paychecks so I can eventually volunteer during the week but I was volunteering on a Sunday in the middle of the day so all the people that I would play with Nina um and and the group that we belong to they all uh played on Sundays so I

Didn’t get to play with them I didn’t typic I play a couple of holes you know but the thing that was nice is that I could play the holes as though they were arranged so I could replay a you know one or two holes and then I could skip

People when I knew there was big holes or gaps or something like that so I could play the course however I wanted to play it so that was great yeah so that that was the perk and so if you don’t have to pay it’s no big whoop

To go and play two or three holes and that’s what they have at some um different courses they have like these Academy holes where it’s one you pay for like5 $18 uh uh an hour and then you get this hole all to yourself and so you can practice your chipping you can practice

A drive you can practice you know it’s your whole for the hour to do what whatever you want and then they give you you a bucket of balls so you can act if you want to use a bucket of balls or you can use your own balls you know and you

Just you just work that whole that that hole over and over and over again and so basically that’s what I ended up being able to do I could just you know it it was kind of like my course I do what I want to do kind of thing so

It’s yeah and then you know before I volunteered as a starter and a marshall I volunteered for first tea so I was working with the little kids and so you know and and showing them the the excitement of golf and stuff like that so it was really great to kind of see

Them come along and that kind of stuff and then I also volunteered with um operation 36 which is a great program for all levels which basically help helps you learn how to play golf from the hole out and that is the way that you really need to learn how to play

Golf yeah good to know I feel like I’ve been on a soap box right now okay all right the next one memberships could work beware so you had a membership or you have a membership I have a membership um over at Paradise Valley in Fairfield California um I can’t even remember how

Much I paid for the one year but is it in the thousands girl no you know I gotta like that absolutely not no um maybe I I don’t know how much you hundred and something not not a lot I mean and I think you know you build points off of

Every your round I think on my rounds uh my Twilight rounds they’re cheaper and I can start the rounds earlier so Twilight start oh yeah so it’s those type of discounts but it’s worth it because um typically when it’s twilight time I play once or twice a week after work

So save some coins yeah actually that makes me okay so now that I won’t be working at my course anymore um but I paid SE like a regular person I paid $70 to join a club membership with uh my course and so that $70 paid for my NC NCGA which is you

Know our handicap for Northern California and then um it also put me into their Club where we have golf tournaments every month for for uh $31.50 oh that’s a deal right and so that allows me to compete because that’s where I choke it’s just like that’s cheaper than your

Tourament y’all will see me drive the the F not three okay I used it wrong I used it wrong so you’ll see me drive the F out of the ball the other F I’ll drive the F out of the ball however my handicap is abysmal it’s like

Embarrassing it’s like you look at my swing you think I am the shiznet I am the diset you are you are I’m like that’s why I’m working that’s why I’m working on my handicap but anyway but by being in these competitions and it’s only 3150 you can’t beat that and that’s

And that’s when I’m I’m not even an employee that’s how much it is if I’m as an employee or a volunteer I get to play for free but those days overall okay anyway but yeah but be aware because we do have a friend she spent uh a grip at

A uh at a at a course and so what happens is it kind of like limits you because you spent so much money at one course that it’s hard to say Okay I want to travel all these other different courses that’s true that’s true you feel trapped because you want to get your

Money’s worth right exactly exactly but I think my favorite one is to find a guy that has a membership so they’ve got this invite club or you know where where all of the country clubs are all together and oh god there are some beautiful clubs but yes I

That’s yeah yeah yeah I just I just had a moment yeah what a man what a man what a man what a goling man that’s the black golf bab one is shout out to Black golf bab there your okay um we have another question are you a member of any of the women

Clubs so what happened was I I personally am not so what happened when I first started my golf Adventure um I was golfing by myself in the courses all the time and um I just be paired up with anybody and I started doing videos and I said I need my tribe

And so I had said that you know for a year I need my tribe I need my tribe well over time I met this wonderful woman jam and that was brought based off of a you know a golf group on Facebook which is a great thing um and so it

Blossomed into this beautiful thing that we have right now of you know tons of you know people golfing you know have option options to golf with and so out of that because I was still in the mindset of oh I need my you know the tribe thing I decided to start a a

Chapter out here in California Northern California of um diamonds on the green and that’s when I really F found out that I’m not really a club kind of person not in that kind of not that kind of a club you know like a course Club I can do but a um but

I I yeah I wasn’t good at it so Michelle picked up the you know she picked up the Reigns and she took it on and so um She’s Got U diamonds on the green going in Northern California out here but um but yeah so I’m just not a I just

Haven’t you know I’m not part I’ve been asked to join co-ed groups I’ve been has to join a group that’s all men and I’d be the first woman um I I’m just not a group I’m just I found out I’m not a group person like

That yeah so how about you no women just just our golfing with friends group that’s it that’s all I just you know there’s a lot of yeah when you’re with a club like that there’s this tendency to play with that group and so I’ve been such a free

Spirit golfing for so long I think that’s what it is it’s just like if I find a hot deal I want to go if I I have some time off I want to go yeah and to ask somebody else to go that it it or to

Go with the group it’s just like it’s it’s too rigid it’s too confining for me yes thank you for my mental session right now so how much do I owe you Teresa for this therapy session your friend I’m sorry my kid you guys it’s real life yeah it’s life yeah

You you know what we might do the real life of divid dialogues one day where we just go live you know pick out our clothes figure get dress some you know some cutaways you know get ready with me no get ready with me yeah that would be cool get ready

With me what do you you know what we go through anyway so I are there any other um that we have out there in the chat before we move on to our last segment segment for the evening no but I do want to shout out Mr

John Long who said hello to us and then his comment is I thought once I retired I would work at a course but then I started a business shout out to look good go check him out looking forward that uh the new line of spring colors so yeah what’s up the bomb and

His jackets he’s coming out he’s come out with a hoodie line all kinds of yeah yeah so anyway yeah right shout out all right are we ready I guess we’re ready we’re bringing it back everybody we are bringing back the infamous dirty minds that K loves to do again y’all need to get

Prepared because we’re gonna come up with the golf version of dirty minds because what’s in here and what’s in her head we could come up with some game count me out I’m just listening but I chose I chose the word today and Nina has no idea what it is

You guys are going to need to have going to have to help her this game is called Dirty Minds all right so the for those of you that don’t know it’s just a guessing game and the uh the hints are that of innuendo and a little dirty but

If you don’t have a dirty mind you’ll be able to find figure out the plain plain old ordinary word that it’s uh describing so I hope this is this is no this is not golf Edition this is I said the word during the course of the live the live

Okay okay this live not any other live this live I said it ready ready okay okay everybody help her out please please okay hard banging can make me bigger anyone in the comments anyone in the comments hard banging can make me bigger nope okay next one they’re just

Excited doing it what I said I’m just seeing a bunch of smiley faces they’re happy that I don’t see any of the comments I’m just I’m too okay she doesn’t see the comments okay oh a divit no no no know okay here’s the next clue if I’m really big the neighbors might

Complain help me guys in the comments and if you can’t help me like And subscribe and share read that one again read that one again Carrie okay if I’m really big the neighbors might complain okay next one to do the face the face sometimes I I think I need to read

These before I read them it can sometimes hurt when I come in your ear uh Mr joh a tree nope not a tree but thank you for guessing we appreciate next is ready if I’m big enough you’ll feel me inside of you okay last one read them all oh go

Last one last one I come in waves come on neighbors I did have I did have a post about this actually because I was watching a documentary that moved me um about the woman orgasm um and uh I have a post um it’s only on Facebook but uh about that you

Know we are so like you good yes but no actually good that is a really good guess actually so I’ll read the last I come in waves if I’m big enough you’ll feel me inside of you it can sometimes hurt when I come in your ear if I’m

Really big the neighbors might complain and last hard banging makes me bigger I’m lost come on guys in the Cameron was close it was a noise noise all right so I said that my my feet were making noise my feet were barking you you said that when you were walking those heels

Yes so anyway so you guys now um have gone uh through another divid dialogues with us thank you for um hanging out with us and interacting with us and we made it easy for you we are divot dialogues right now and we’re I mean we’re wait not right

Now we are now divot dialogues we made it easy you don’t have to remember swing and sleigh no more but we will still be rocking the runways we will still be talking fashion we’ll be we’ll be doing all kinds of stuff we’ll be doing everything golf

Related and even some things that are a little tangent to it so golf man what’s better than that dating dating and you want to know what I think we should do like dating advice you know I can do that I got you give me a question right now ladies I’ll help you

Out things that happen get them yeah instead of dear instead of Dear Abby it’s dear divot dialoges there you go okay do you know dear Abby yes I know de Abby okay I just wanted to know we were we were we were talking about when we graduated from high school my

Feelings got a little hurt why well I am looking forward to your golf tournament on Sunday Carrie and I’m excited for the people that are are um I don’t know what we’re calling them we’re not Slayers or swingers or whatever anymore right I’m excited to meet some

Of them that are going to be at your um tournament on Sunday it’s going to be a great time it really is I’m looking forward to it looking forward to it so anyway smooches you guys thanks guys for joining us and if you guys have any again suggestions about topics please

Put them in the comments or send us a message we appreciate it all right all right bye


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