Golf Players

Jake Knapp’s 3 Keys To BIG Clubhead Speed

PGA Tour winner Jake Knapp has ridiculous clubhead speed and its not from just his physical shape. In this video, I’ll show you the 3 keys in his swing that help him produce almost 130mph of clubhead speed. Stay tuned for a new drill later in the week that will help you learn how to put clubhead speed in the right spot.
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Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back to my golf D where we help you get better at the game of golf by giving you a ton of information as to what you’re doing why you’re doing it and most importantly how you’re going to get the job done and today we are back

Inside the lab by popular demand by a lot of our members who have requested that we do the tour pro analysis as we move forward and I couldn’t think of a better way to start off by having a guy like Jake nap who just picked up his

First career Victory on the PGA tour this past weekend so congratulations to Jake and the reason why I love having him kick this series back off is because he produces a massive amount of cled speed and does it almost looking like he’s falling asleep so today what we’re

Going to be doing is we’re going to be focusing in on three key areas that allow him to be an explosive player and then later in the week what we’re going to do is we’re going to head out to the driving range together I’m going to

Teach you a great drill that’s going to help you syn up your hips with your hands and your arms and your down swing and allow you to put speed where it matters the most and that’s at the bottom of the Swing Arc so I want to start off by congratulating Jake and I

Also want to start off by thanking you guys for joining us here today hopefully you guys enjoyed today’s video if you do like today’s video leave us a like if you are brand new to the channel and you want to see more of our content as we

Grow then go ahead subscribe to the channel and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to post those up and I’ll help you out as best as I possibly can stay tuned because later in the week you’re going to love this drill all right so the first of three factors

That you need to have in your golf swing when it comes to being able to produce a lot of Club head speed is you need to have a lot of Leverage now we’ve got a couple of big sources of Leverage in the go swing we have Ground Force which

We’re not going to be talking about today but we also have an angle here between the wrists and the forearms this is a big source of your cliped speed lag you’ve heard me talk about it many times in the past you’ve heard a lot of golf

Instructors talk about it and lag is a very important part of the equation but lag is only good if you know how to get rid of it because you have to be able to put speed in the right spot number one but number two you also have to be able

To square the club face if you have a ton of lag and you don’t get rid of it at the right time and you have Club face issues then you’re going to hit it all over the country so what you want to remember is that yes you want to have

Lag but you also need to have the second most important thing when it comes to your Club speed and that is a good breaking mechanism built into your swing shape when you look at this on the right hand side of the screen I want you to watch this Trail foot exclusively okay I

Want you to watch that trail foot through the swing shape what you’re going to notice is is that he loads into the trail side hips rotate he gets really stable up to the top of the golf swing okay hands and arms start to work into like sort of a downclocked position

Here now he starts to explode and unload onto his lead side now look at his Trail foot as he gets ready to release the club you can see that he’s rolling to the inside portion of the trail foot and look at the foot stay down on the floor

As his hands and arms start to release and pass in front of his body so he’s got a leverage aspect built into his swing shape but he’s also got a very good strong breaking mechanism built built into a swing shape and so that leads to the third and final component

Which would be the release if you want to produce real Club head speed you need to have leverage you need to have a breaking mechanism and you need to have a very buttoned up release pattern now one of the most fascinating things that I found about Jake’s golf swing is that

This is kind of fits the Mantra of what we teach here at my golf DNA is that we teach people how to swing the golf club really fast and really efficiently but we also teach people how to swing the golf club very safely and typically what

You’re going to with a lot of players that have a lot of Leverage and they they get rid of it with a lot of secondary tilt to their spine is that you’re going to see the club exit really high over the top of their lead shoulder

Not in Jake’s case right you can see that his hands and his arms are coming from the inside Club gets really shallowed out now watch this club exit see how it exits low and underneath his shoulder over here now what you can notice is is that he is allowing his

Shoulders and his body to kind of Follow The Arms low and left and he’s not going into this really hard sustained side Bend position that can put a lot of stress on his lower vertebrae even with his Trail foot just starting to peek up off the ground this is a safer position

For him to be in when he’s producing the sort of speeds that he is and exactly what we teach here is that we want you to understand that you don’t have to go into these sort of uncomfortable positions to be able to produce a lot of

Your Club speed you don’t have to sit at the gym and do tons and tons of curls and tons of bench press in order to be able to produce a lot of clid speed you need to be able to use your the ground your legs and your core and you need to

Be able to utilize leverage you have those three factors in a good spot then there’s a pretty good chance that you’re going to be what we would considered efficient when it comes to swinging the golf club so hopefully you guys are ready to take that Journey with me later

On the week definitely stay tuned because I think that you’re going to find it to be very enjoyable when we head out there and you can start working through a drill that will help you see and feel what you would find some of the best players in the world so you want a

Good golf swing make sure you have leverage you want a good golf swing make sure that you have a good breaking mechanism and make sure that you have a button- Up release you will see you guys in the next video


  1. Mar. 1st ,his iron play looked liked he was swinging 50 mph. Had to look him up.. thank you for the explanation. I could never figure it out like a pro.

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