This New Putter Grip will CHANGE Your Game! | Golf Pride Reverse Taper Review

This new putter grip will CHANGE your Game! | Golf Pride Reverse Taper review

We went out to Sotogrande to the La Reserva Club to check out Golf Pride’s new Reverse Taper grip which is not your traditional putter grip.

The new Reverse Taper design helps keep the clubface squarer through impact so you can hit straighter putts on your intended target line.

Matthew Johns from London Putting Academy takes us through a putting drill putting the new Golf Pride Reverse Taper to the test.

Our Gear Editor James Tait put the new grip to the test with Matthew Johns to give us his verdict.

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Video shot on location at La Reserva Club, Sotogrande, La Reserva Club Sotogrande

I’ve got the brand new Golf Pride reverse taper Potter grip in my hands today we’re going to put it to the test and we’re going to see should you be changing your Potter grip now Golf Pride are known for having a massive range of full swing grips so there literally is a

Grip for every golfer now going into the Potter grits we have the brand new reverse taper now it is a different design than your traditional Potter which would be slightly thicker at the top and then narrow at the bottom this however is the reverse so slightly

Narrower and then get thicker as you go now there are three models available you have the pistol you have the flat and you also have the round as well and they come in two different sizes so you have medium and large as well now for me I’ve

Gone with the medium pistol and I have to say immediately it fits really nicely in the hands you can see you’ve got the little kind of red marks here which are quite a nice little marker so you know where to kind of put your thumb so you

Can kind of make sure that grip is been repeated every single stroke all right so what we have here is it’s not your traditional kind of rubber design it’s polyurethane now what that’s allowed Golf Pride to do is save weight so it’s going to be very very well balanced so

When you’re making your Strokes everything’s going to feel very well really nicely weighted and it’s going to return that part of face obviously back to that neutral spot and it’s going to make you have a nice balanced pendulum stroke as well now we teamed up with Matthew JN from the London putting club

And we went through a drill which is going to help just get that ball started on the starting line whilst using the brand new Golf Pride reverse taper grip we’re here with Matthew Johns from the London putting Club he’s basically going to tell me how bad my putting is but

We’re using the brand new Golf Pride reverse taper grips so Matthew thank you for thank you for joining us Absolut pleasure let’s see what you let’s see let’s see how bad this is so um if you just want to kind of go through this drill first and and basically tell me

How this is going to improve my start line that’ be that’ be great yeah so just chatting before we we got going there you mentioned that you feel your touch is quite good um and that potential start line would be the area you’d look to want to improve your

Putting so Absolut we’ve got a small little device here it’s got a mirror on it so give you a little bit feedback on eyeline and those kind of factors but probably more importantly a little gate here it’s actually giving you one degree margin of error it’s making me a little

Bit nervous trying to get a B through that small space but plenty of room in there so fundamentally this is going to kind of tell you the truth about your stroke okay the beauty in some ways of having a little device down here that allow you to get feedback is firstly

That when you put the putter down you’ve got an edge to Square the patter again so we can be quite certain that you’ve aimed the patter pretty well right okay the little tegs at the front there will then start to give us some feedback on

Did the ball go through the gate or not so if you can aim it well and not get it through the gate there must be something dynamically within the stroke that’s impacting and that’s where we can look as a coach I could look at you technically we can look into the grip

And its profile and shape and see whether things in there tweak it so I if we hit a couple of PS and have a little look what’s yeah and and just and just on that in in terms of of what you see on the day today like how important is

You know your your Potter grip especially with little pots like this would you say yeah absolutely huge I think it’s it’s your only point of contact with the club so if you look there we a slight right right by us yeah um yeah I mean the grip is your only

Point of contact with the club so it’s going to have a huge bearing on how you rotate the face and accelerate the head MH um you know particularly in your case if you mentioned it you feel like start Line’s potentially the issue yeah yeah so nice there straight out

Through the gate s once in a while don’t we can see the putt broke perfectly there yeah it did one thing I guess I would say on that is things I see with putting like everyone comes to me and says they want to be more consistent you

Think we hit two parts the first one missed it would be easy to change lots of things because it missed but fundamentally if you want to be consistent at some point you do have to try and settle on something yeah absolutely so I think it’s don’t become

Too reactive to a single pup is probably an important message I think but if you do have a pattern of well if hit five in a row that all hit that right teg then obviously there’s something there that we would need to think about from a a

Coaching or a grip aspect to say well what could we do to manage that a little bit better yeah it’s it’s such such a nice little drill actually it’s quite easy as well and I guess if you don’t have one of these you could put two T’s

And then have a t kind of at the back 100% you could even on the carpet at home you could just sort of a grip length in front of your golf ball pop a couple of golf balls down just slightly wider than the ball that’s going to pass

Through it yeah nice so we’ look there and get started through the line but probably a little bit too much too much yeah so we’ve deliberately set it here on a braking part so it forces you to be aware of your speed as well yeah um but

Yeah I think it’s a really simple exercise that you can do on a green or on the carpet at home particularly through a UK winter it allows you to at least keep some maintenance work on your quite it’s it’s quite good as well I think um you know you said said earlier

In one of the the other drills we were doing it’s like um you know it’s very easy to once you get the hang of it you obviously start getting the ball but ball through the through the gate but actually setting yourself on a slight break instead of you know just the

Straight spot and just going one after the other kind of put yourself in that more of a a challenging kind of on course kind of totally yeah position as well absolutely that you know you can you can stand on a driv range with a seven on and get into a great rhythm of

Hitting shots but you get onto the first hole and you first shot with the seven line the ball’s below your feet and you’re hitting it uphill into the wind it’s a much more difficult much different challenge I guess isn’t it to that on the Range so you need a bit of

Both for sure I think exercise like this can just try and Link that together and maybe speed up some of that process so and and with we spoke about it again on a slightly different drill and obviously with this you know this is not a you

Know a big Gap to get the ball through even for your higher handicappers would you recommend even that kind of little little gate to get through yeah players I work with so that that gate we’ve got there’s one degree okay that’s about the edge of the hole at 10 ft um that would

Be where I’d be trying to work with players to try and keep it pretty tight yeah I want to try to encourage you to sort of narrow down that Focus so even if it does slip outside that a little bit when you’re on the course it’s still

Really usable in terms of holding PS I think if you give yourself too much leeway there’s never any Focus coming in and I think your practice needs to be challenging so I think there’s an element there of having that in position it’s going toce you to get quite fine

Tuned in your practice which in a block environment you should be able to and ultim then if you can’t that’s where you maybe need to look at the intervention with your Technique or or your club or your grip or whatever you’re doing from there so yeah I have to say it’s like

Since put putting this grip on though as well it does feel pretty comfortable obviously I’ve never had a reverse taper grip before which is very new oh and as I was saying that I’d block again but that seems to be the tendency yeah especially with a right to

Left part someone who’s right-handed you are I find I will push it and the same thing if it was a left to right I’d probably feel like I wanted to hit it a little bit left yeah so I’m not going to miss it yeah on the on the low side of

The hole absolutely I think that’s putting’s version of planning Crosswinds isn’t it everyone’s got that wi they stand on the T box and because they know they curve the ball right the second the wind’s off the left and the trouble’s on the right Panic stations and again

Trying to isolate that down so your start line can be as neutral as possible actually allows you to get onto a Breaking part and actually You’ got to then learn to read it a bit better and match of speeding which ultimately it’s kind of helping the whole system to

Become a bit better rather than relying on a couple of small eras adding up to something that works terms of sustainability it’s a bit more long term so and then in terms of distance from the hall obviously we have this at 6ot here would you would you keep it at that

Kind of distance or would you go a little bit further back with it yeah you can move it out really I think you know one degree what is the margin of ER on a 10ft pot okay so I think once you get Beyond 10t holding pots becomes really

Hard anyway so I’m not sure you need to be so bogged down in your start line from there so I would tend to use these drills 10 ft and in and certainly 8 ft and in primarily almost as a bit of a just a regulator for how well your

Technique is performing for that moment and then move into some other performance green reading and touch type stuff from cuz I guess after that 10t it’s all kind of pace control really isn’t it so yeah certainly the closer into the hole you get the more your start line becomes the prevailing factor

In whether you’ll hold the pot or not and then the further away you get you want to start to feel that you’re working more in terms of touch and and those kind of factors so yeah so in terms so let’s try good a it went through just we’d

Look at that there you know that would be the the putting equivalent if you’ve hit a good putt that’s missed so it must be a misread yeah you know we could look there and say that potentially I mean there quite a bit of wind just started gusting up there that keep keeping the

Ball out justu yeah we we set that up an hour or two ago and it it was pretty calm then and things change you’ve got to be able to react to that as a golfer but I think it always boils down to like what you control if you can hit it through there

Every time yeah you can be pretty confident on the course that it’s only did I read the putt properly was my speed appropriate as to whether you hold the putt or not yeah absolutely so let’s try let’s try and finish on a high there we go perfect I’m going stop

There Matthew thank you very much for your time absolute pleasure okay so we are not in Soto Grande anymore we are back in Glasgow we’re in the office but I’m going to go through the drill that Matthew Johns was going through with me in sort of Grande now it’s a little bit

Bit different but because we’re indoors you can you can do this drill indoors now what I’ve done is I’ve made a makeshift alignment Aid so I’m working on my start line similar to what we were using obviously it’s not refle reflective like the glass one is but

What you want to do is basically get yourself a Sharpie black line down the middle of an A4 bit of paper and then give yourself across along the the middle or kind of just off center and then after that you want to make sure you’ve got a ball at the front I’ve got

Five piece here so just put one on either side of that right there now that’s probably you can make it as hard or as easy as you like but that’s probably about bang on now you can obviously use tegs if you’re doing it on the puttting green

Outside we’re in the office we’re in the boardroom right now um the stimp on the floor is probably about 50 it’s lightning quick but I now have a nice little alignment thing which I can practice while I’m on my lunch break and I’ve got the faithful coffee cup at the bottom there

Absolutely stunning so essentially all we’re all we’re doing is working on start line I’m just trying to get the ball through this little gate here and get it working on its way the line in the middle of the paper gives me the ability to use that alignment that I

Already have my Potter to make sure I’ve got it pretty much centered to then try and hit pots through the S gate there we go one and done you can do this at home as well so as you can see from that 6t marker a a really great

Drill with the little mirror board there now if you don’t have one you can obviously like we discussed you can put two T’s either side and a te at the back just to make sure you’re getting that ball starting on that desired line now I

Have to say this feels great in the hand I did feel very confident now usually I would miss a lot of my putts to the left and if anything I was hitting them pretty much on my start line maybe just a fraction to the right as well but it’s

Definitely I’m definitely excited to use use this uh kind of going on further this season and just see how much my P improves as well now obviously you have three different models you got two different sizes you got medium and you got large as well there is something

There for everyone in my opinion um I do really like how they feel in their hands and the only thing I can say is get one in your hands try it you’ll be surprised just how good this feels but I’ve been James from bunard we’ll see you next time

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