Golf Players

Candlepins For Cancer Any Doubles Final Round (5 of 5). Big 20 in Scarborough, Maine

Candlepins For Cancer Any Doubles Final Round (5 of 5) 15 Teams.
Big 20 Bowling Center-Scarborough, Maine
Announcer: Paul Grant
Candlepin Bowling Network

Round five of five Lan the top five coming in this final round Shawn Doran Dave Kelly lead the pack 1437 95% handicap Kevin Richard 1402 a second he is doing in our game in aleso support as well Brothers our third 1375 all right best of luck 1366 P

Alesio Gary Eric Mas Jordan s they’re at 1352 count 1853 is the goal to get to the top five live show right here at Big 20 Bowling Center in scar main that’ll be Saturday April 13th at 11 a.m. with special guest commentator Mike morren radio personality and author we’re on

Lanes three and four mainly we may switch around It’s coachi Time Justin coochi with his friend he call his grandpa not his real Grandpa he call Grandpa Kevin C 89 lead bowler just the 110 League bowler Owen Kirby Rich lurman son H cousin rather cousin Rich lurman number

One SE the Atlantic Canon singles for class D Northern conference this season a great year be second that lead Lan actually answer all right so each b ball in the same Lane for all 10 boxes each string to move one lane to the right we have 15

Teams today 62 overall great job the RS out there competing and doing the best underway first to five final round Kevin C beautiful ball seven two wiggling eight behind Five right what to help cby on the two2 split 2410 first time coming ow H GS a just missed it came right by the

Eight back of a Try get a nine BS can go ahead on the left side long as they don’t with the ball on the right right away nice start gave a check to last year put $100 bill in start next Str jier later on too Kevin spread eagle kby good try won’t

Go the channel probably Le three here Owen field Gren 172 a beautiful big 20 fours got a bounce backest birthday boy really young only 1636 92 lead bowler 121 right single high triple 320 John goinging his first gear Ken Bing over GE actually one kin not happy 8 22 for3 and 9 26 Eagle Bu The Passing great that’s look at this one wow almost got it that would have been something that’s how you do it two he gets a nine 354 Kevin C’s 5 and N get the 32 carington Massachusetts tur 79 this month 169 69 like 79 firstes 98 Le bowler 110 his best season in the average oh w a good ball no Mark gets the 10 49 that’s SP actually SP even better 4 One all n 44 it’s okay coaching time power line coaching the power lights are On a really good ball TR to be consistent and stay mentally focused here rich slman Late Three 95 Le ball a even better than the acst coach he drops down nine High piece of wood in front of his 10 goes right only four single 167 High triple say 42 he gets the

Spare very KCK 600 he says b with five9 or better two 78 pick up 10 a class sack on off lane lurman at Le LS e classic any doubles tournament can cancer 51 BS helping BS fre lman beautiful balls nine just missed the six first three do give

Bonus B Charlie Collins the Terminator this Miss left get six 137 16 one lurman for a spare got it 20 the ball oi just P right one the seven can Zing that ball again two in that 146 High SLE highp 355 High 476 Lan4 the first lurman nice ball again on the crossover but a 5-1 split Network YouTube in high definition this video 996 H one, videos later this week always free never charge please subscribe to K Network and YouTube COI second n dropping the this time it’s the four merman a did

Oh what a try fight reach the Nine that’s just missed single pin statistically he’s just want to pick up 72% going the class A that’s I can’t wood one there for N3 lman 10 Richard down for a four SP the for a five check rich the right 1 27 8 n fourth box first Str that was a

Five okay what a four spe so 434 10 so far 43 five will be decided today Sean Jord Dave Kelly lead the pack Jordan Kevin Richard second J aleso Pon minus aleso Coro fourth Eric Jord stack fifth Eric again for the d drop for a third time five bles was there yes

One lurman one and the BL was on the screen after stke n half 52 final round Dominic thanks for watching Sten mum blow thanks for watching K on a spare 41 of all just right hits down five 46 his aage of 89 Kirby 442 1 2

47 T nice shot good try go p 2111 for channel 546 Owen up 50 Owen next also Marg $100 to C oh nice Ball by Kevin the seven angle wood shot behind Justin for a spare tough break 1 2 78 Kevin no good n37 Network 399 1 left up back to live action running drop going cly one picks up this time big SP 74 one pin here five 1 only two the four 67 it was a Speare Bo this time is still a six 79 1 2 78 left spear five and the fifth that’s spe

Six spear five and the fifth Nice Shot for Kirby how about that one puns his fish 77 the ball through nine on The Spar outstanding shot the young one 10 89 the bonus wall 15 10 829 this be something a p great try put it over couldn’t reach the 47

T61 over his average it’s a good start 95% C ront of it just missed left 90 first Kevin 10 nice 9 9 first 53 to one 52 on the B is Will seven six middle N9 left 10 right 16 downman three right five left poaching for another one got it nice

Shot back to back three in the SP 7 six 16 every Friday and Saturday night 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. it’s time to rocking ball $13 a person five Str great ball great time locking on the spread eag second 10 77 final round five five seven sh

On 18 first 17 13 15 15 6 teams competed 10 right block Le for spar right nice out 9 we’re going to cover Justin coachi next stream on Lane five also four and five cover Margaret oneing on four third plant Kevin that first B looking for a second Mark the second

And it won’t go for a strike that close the power of the W oi leads up number one Chanel away Dustin missed it Special Second the third that’s that’s a dollar Richard you got a lemon drop too 12 count St one for ow one for Ricky’s donating one golf you missed the

Second shot completely making the third for 10 Sarah thank you very much that’s a promising start and F the second first 2 48i s get a one n 110 right now good he’s up to four 9 10 109 open string him that time 98 98 Str for

Rickman one down four to go we’ll keep Justin coach Kevin kles and Rich lurman Owen Kirby one more time t for K around five five any doubl 95% handicap tournament tournament on camon bowling Network on YouTube Paul Grant live the beautiful big 20 Bowling Center in scar

Main we’ll switch our camera to four five we’ll wait for their bowl to finish up we’ll keep you Alive all right now let’s bring first let’s bring Sean start yesterday Terry Watching Terry let’s get these score cards on the screen me Kevin Cel not live coverage Justin coachi they come out at 265 with a handicap Owen Kirby our coverage with Rich lurman at 253 with the handicap fall behind not head to-head obviously we’ll get a print off Mike Walker if we

Get a chance before he sign up hopefully we’ll get the final score for all the bowlers at least top five we put all the I picture all the pages on C chat later this afternoon of tonight and again the top five live show right here fundraising event Saturday April 13th

With President’s Cup winner author and radio personality Mike Warren also on K SC and Strikes for eight years but did LS over here with myself Greg 11: a.m. April 13th Mark the calendar all right we’re going to bring back the same two Bowlers after bowling wait for the teams to finish up we’ll

Keep you alive thanks for your patience any doubles tournament on Canon bowling Network on YouTube get your friends to subscribe subscribe free always never a charge Network on YouTube the executive producer is Bob Lee uh while we’re waiting I want to talk to rich lurman rich come back here

Buddy not behind the camera here Rich lurman thanks a lot I want to thank you very much you’re doing something Sarah W’s doing also Lanes you’re donating $1 on the 18 Atlantic channel from single store you comment the number one right now year on right one post your scores on your going to

Collect those updated one more than you do thank apprciate glad to do it thank you thank you all right ready to start our second string of five our final round round five of five Mike Walker the president of the main C Association the big tireless hours here great food here

Love the grilled chicken pretzels they have Burgers hot dogs great pizza a full bar pretzel bites pretzels whole lot more at the big 20 Route One star Ro main Kevin CES will be on Lane five to start the second of fives and Owen Kirby returns here we’ll bring in next

String we’ll bring in Margaret and rosemary for the first STR on then Justin opal plant next R Kevin cable starts the second with nine pieces on the deck Follow by Justin power oh and nice ball just missed block it see from here got DED view get the head

Pin Carol pinch plus the 8 10ed oh and that’s a good ball there just missed the Five love Kevin dri on Fifth stren on two get the 10 just second or five Kevin C the Ball And Spar five of the ninth box first string second box second string ke Ban split plus the head to Jim Dy gets a five get a fourth the second watch thing the channel out to zero one those Southwest aines want to get away soon done that LE lemon drop H thir block second string star C try to bounce back that five blocks oh and tough break spear zero still and now four3 C 137 10.8 three oh he’s trying to bounce back what a Yik dropp in Wood the frein Kevin brother got League years ago he

Get on the right now officially 23 through3 look at this Le little Nice Shot look at that wow only two somehow five 92 league go from women mask whole life 16 years young picks up two there kby too far left all of a sudden get on the Range 7 10 33 99 first 10 overs average that’s a nice shot by Owen

Kirby two in the four I get the 39 for the half triangle 3568 92 Le rer ke highest average this season 110 high single 166 High triple 413 won a match one time in the last ball loves the gimm he likes he’s position also 10 BLX 43 half back to back 10

Three and half a five block lower to score Rich lurman 98 first string on lane four he’s out a lead of Lane na New Hampshire the Easter Classic a 109 one under his average at 110 Le in the past 50 years off and on POI not up again four now he’s had so far one two POI lifting in nice pick up 10 n second softball holding tying in genealogy birthday boy sing Rich sarahi two in the five Herman

1476 second final round Co splits the uprights they been a good fill but it’s SP now instead 19 through two a six okay coaching 167 High single over five years now his father Rich coach brother coach comol two slice one string from a junior bowling tournament Big B at Jeff CET Dave Robert

Joh on the crossover on the bear eight the St track start the 27 and Rich 36 right 47 left over almost far right 34 10 373 second Tim bacer making a new candle pinch for cancer shirts the logo in front CLE pinch for in back

With the Cancer logo on the side of the shirt reverse oing spr Eagle lurman beautiful ball off the wall eight five and seven five rock and Rolling Rock and bow every Friday and Saturday night here20 600 p.m. to 10 p.m. just $13 a person High great Bing

CH included Rocky B will Friday Saturday night 21 at Big 20 bowling St Rich try that W missed it oh you nice Out just as Bry stand on the power line lights on here 20 there’s a strike he can throw a bunch of those 55 half plus two second mark on the scen three Spears in the first one spear one strike here in the second that’s how you do

It lurman just missed left 13 9 10 get the4 and half Tak three for n three half Owen cury the cousin on lane four next ring is rodia time rier time next train just rier for a the plant plant Kevin C 4 3 half on a 37 95% guap tournament the Ken P

Can one in the eight the 30 just missed right 1 2 4 9 10 oh and nice out 10 pretty shot 476 just behind strike scar zero still 10 T’s 10 rocking W go let go for 10 Buxs rid the spread eagle once that wood good try there spin by the five that close see a great potential the C from bowling and culinary arts is only top 15 finisher the ice pass nice 10 back to back 10 strength 15 second a 2610 second of five Sean Jordan D Kelly

Lead the pack Jordan Ling K Richard second Dan aleso Hy third C aleso ourth coming in this final round round five oh picks up nice shot SP two there 67 the ball eight Kevin C looking for Mark time to pass his 89 average he’s 29 to do that without a mark time

Split SC five and Scar six in the first nothing here and know the marks are killing him zero and two this three 59 to8 no what a shot wow that’s how you do it nice comeback 79 plus 2-9 it’s Kirby time Kevin C 69 to8 Rich J coaching coach got a strike

Next there’s a good ball there not nine 10 strike the wood goes into the five what a strange strength 89 to9 99 plus 2 in the 10th a big 20 that’s a big 20 here in scy Bro what a wacky game a perfect half the last four I should say anyway this left 5 two split get to one9 oh he pressed the button get one more to Go he pressed too soon it’s a three box up bre you learn 102 string so he loses out that second chance so officially one that was that was rich that was a three fill Rich three fill Rich three fill rich three fill a two it’s a three fill 102 a nice

String though 92 bow you can see some signs of uh a big bow on the rise 16 years young K C’s on Lane five 1479 mark his average nice off there nine 78 for n last Bo 87 for9 n the last watch 86 Strow seven overall without the scratch

A scratch over his average the handicap Owen pry good that button 12 just GOI strike nine 164 half the bo 76 Rich lurman get n 52 Bing Rec about five or six years get some time off the team Paramount 27 ball9 coing the nine Drop that’s least five he’s had the first two stes and he missed go for the pin never go for the wood never guarantee out of chances in4 59 82 SP four in the only Mar so far one St 17 Dustin 48 1 two 9 10 behind the one and two to help

Possibly Nice Shot couldn’t get to the 10 SP 92 the ball to eight Gman nine number one SE Atlant kle singles for class Confence two SPS one strike here he’s miss two or three single scor off five Justin on the extra ball beautiful ball strike yes a big 20 that’s a big 20 102 112 through the night here comes Coachi Tri by Rich eight pin for 10 bucks 799 Mar for average his nephew Owen Kirby at 102 in jaal high strength do would love a double strike here from many a time I like of coverage over the last few years lurman 136 go a double strike seven

245 lman no marks this ring get to 89 COI all carry 19 SP 121 to9 I get to 131 Bri number 10 89 second after that 109 130 second string 239 is first here are the scores we got three more left on final round round five of five the beautiful

Big 20 in scy BR main PA gr live on can Bing Network 1,000 videos coming up this week it’s number 996 today hit that subscribe button always free never charge Network on YouTube we’ll say so on these Bowlers we’ll bring in our next set of Bowlers the senior Bowlers Rosary plant

And roer Brin and up incoming bowler Justin Rodier watch plant going also hear this scor so far we’ll get a print of Mike Walker after the second string shortly afterwards the right column guys you got to put your put your total here mic walk as soon as we can we’ll

Keep you alive we’ll start as as we finish up far right we’ll keep you alive back with that third swing in just a moment A great never do it again continuing live coverage of panel chance to any doubles tournament big 20 scar Romain back to that third time for just a Moment okay folks spring number three you can move down if you’re all set if you’re on the N 15 you go to Lane one uh Dylan selling 50/50 tickets for canit can he going to go on a couple more times obviously so please do it you can5

10 or $20 wor the tickets help support 51 C3 charity make sure you support the bar and restaurant they have high quality food great prices make sure you the wies also thank you Please get your wild shirt 2.0 on suppli last limited sizes colors we have shirts selling up pretty good here we have available also okay thanks L back live good to see some singers I’ve covered the main stage singers a few times last couple years we’ll have for this one sping only

This is Margaret granin g r gronland g r o n l u n d must be ripped up on Christmas birthday gifts to year birthday December 26th lead off on lane4 Justin rier Lane three switch back over half between just r with a check 5 36 third string middle

String oh what a shot wow get the fin Victory Rus the match great start for both BS noidea Margaret Margaret you got to say wow both on spares old P Beach usually Portland Main in just missed the B five one rier r i r nine T the four 19 through one

Try to get a SC of this one somehow just inside one of the seven roia back to back 29 of the ball the bike isn’t picking up very well at seven 36 for Two too low Maybe I all right we got the audio fixed now we have the headphone the wrong port with the head charger in the reverse Port my mistake so we get that fixed I hope the audio is fine let us know what you think on the SC scen folks please all

Right all right Margaret spare five nine and 9 33 through3 in the third Justin spare 9 Spar 710 46 through Three Margaret gronland with two roier horses plus the triangle just from Salem the an from Montreal Canada Rivier delute Montreal Canada AET 12810 just a good bid on me head Pin Nice Shot for an eight 41 through four Ro 87 leag bowler 92 a best seasoning in the average Justin Rodier 7 5 3 through four he’s average around 104 High signal is 198 has says he has six strikes in the row also has a 172

High triple 441 High 5 603 out of Lakeside Lanes Manchester New Hampshire Margaret 42 split a post with the Forman forier all right Mark thank you hey Bill how you doing bill olon Wendy prer thanks for watching Mr Long Horn man watching thank you got the audio fixed now thanks for watching Nighthawk

Farms thanks for watching fif box the halfway point of the match Mar a good bid there R missed everything top five 58 half good half marget 8 49 half not bad Austin will plant on Lane three rosemary plants on lane four the plant and Plants Austin from stem New Hampshire highest season 113 High single 173 High triple 435 out of bolama P New Hampshire 5 and 10 rosem St the pl Rose get a nine to start a Third Beginning Austin six Phil 16 through1 one two 49 audio problems are fixed third string of five round five of five those Mary 13 510 beautiful ball 17 through two Austin 9 25 through2 R 89 average your best year from Ken bu main her whole life 73 years young out of the big 20 here in scar BR m b over 40 years her mother also was a bowler that one got

Awayy that’s a strike for R the plant he’s all fired up 35 plus two through three G again the Channel $100 donations today to can cancer a daughter passed away from cancer and she received the check Ken cancer last year giving back to the charity thank you very much Rosary Point t five 22 through three Austin llant spear 69 strike now on Lane Three audio problems are fixed nice ball again a GRE church first ball on the strike 478 610 right go second ball nothing there eight in the strike for Austin the plant 43 through3 Rosary will take a six after a five 28 through four she 89 average bowler Austin 9 52 through 4 his

Teammate Justin Rodier has a 58 half mon into NASCAR in any of the former auto racing he one to four back of for strikes thr in the pass trying to get a strong finish here in the first half pocket shot is a 51 split now it’s broken

Up the halfway point of the M we’re at the halfway point of the match this box our fifth and final round top five live show Saturday April 13th right here at the big 20 in scar BR main with Greg guah myself and president cup win and Mike Moren radio personality

Author a launch of Tomas sta if these walls could talk in 50 Shades of radio three books is written K strikes for eight years with d bu Rosemary 10 38 half Austin Le plant nine nice 61 out second half of the finals match of this tournament the top five coming in Shawn

Doran Dave Kelly at 1437 at 1402 and second Jordan Lake and Kevin Richards up from first to second a big shake up yesterday four the five dropped out Dan all teresio Carr Pony third at 1375 13664 alesio Gary Coro Eric Mason Jordan stack hole fifth at 135

2o a deal AED just behind at 1341 six chance wood yes 68 and the ball through six third Mark all spares here in the third Mar grin 179 two pieces of wood that possibly help Curves in don’t go look good didn’t it 857 to6 Justin spear n spear seven the start

1075 nice rebound spare tarket 87 lead goal 92 best year 122 High single rodia bonus 7245 triangle 75 through Six mark one the state a the woman State doubles years ago back in I believe 2006 she said but she like the year down but in the past she won a State title a lot of state titles here from September of April I’ll be at all the finals the AP

Thir weekend of April and last week of April for the open States Margaret nine Justin 10 just 85 through 7 Margaret 66 through 7 middle string beautiful big 20 in scar BR main great place to bowl great ownership Mike Walker lesie Walker’s mother helping out so many

Others good ball bana split minus one Rodier 4-1 split and Ro is the 4710 that slow ball very hard to get over to that right side and a spear five to start the strength good effort and it almost went spinning around good try just right in the Middle good to see bows of all ages and all group of bowling handicap tournament 95% getting their chance in the screaming era Justin 10 95- 9 backto back 10 third in the string Mara grin 9 75 to8 and a great chance to go for average she’s into kale from bowling and also into Crafts X better involved in Bowling many years ago going for over 20 years rier one of the eights Margaret Center Diamond just missed one of the three Rus Spar number four in the string 105 and the ball through nine another Rising Star coming up the ranks on the Lakeside Lanes manest

Manester hampire Tim liy Hall of Famers house now 8 883 through 9 good pinning overall all nines and eights St five to start four n 4 eight SP five not bad on lane four wrapping up third sing 51 split roier on the bonus seven 4710 112 through n Ron Lin missed everything best you can do is 93 Ria good try oh how the seven not go the 10 does the seven shaking his boots does not cooperate one heck of a shot by Justin Rodier marget gets an eight nice string 91 brodia puts out his misery for a 10 122 third

String El his fifth Mark of the String PR the middle string rosemary plant Austin the plant rose 38 half Austin 612 each with two Austin the plant Justin rodia next spring Nice second ball eight 610 right Nice Shot gets two for nine throws at 47 through six Austin nine 70 through six four box to go two Springs to wrap up our final round Nice ball there Haack of five Austin 1 2 n 10 Nick SC have newcomers first time covering them in the streaming era have Dan gurny and Roseanne Rashad rber show 7 for Rose 54 through 7 Austin 10 80 through 7 Austin almost a strike wiggle to 10 to Roseanne robish Shad next with Dan gurnie some pronounce the Robos Robos shot beautiful ball Queen pingles down for the ladies but not the eight Austin spare spear six in the first strike eight in the third spear in the eighth 90 in a ball

Ross nice 10 64 to Eight your teammate Margaret grin had a 91 Austin’s teammate Justin rher at excellent 122 string it should have been a lot higher got Rob that last one Rosary four Austin six on the field 96 through eight one two four in front nine in Back trying to work it out good effort again the queen P stands for five Austin good bid wraps around the four somehow in the entry Club two close calls in the row for Rosemary that time it’s nine after a 10 73 to n Austin 10 106 to9 final box for the Third nice ball for Austin 39 the nles down 3710 to mat haret shot who made the worlds in the final box of the match to get a spare and win it in a four pin Thriller on canth L Network on YouTube oh nice try again once again Rosemary one pin

Short going a great ball the last three especially trying to get to 83 it’s under 89 average llant picks it up back to back 10 nice string 116 R 10 29 the last three 31 in the string 83 at five and six in the third and fourth lower of score no

Marks and we got two more spings left in this Fifth and final round for the big 20 in scar BR main don’t forget to be Friday and Saturday night it’s time to rock and Bowl 6:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. five strings a great can from bowling shoes included

Five strings per person just $13 each the big 20 Route One scar BR main The Rock and Bowl every Friday and Saturday night all year round I wait for the other teams to finish up with back with our fourth string in just a moment we’ll keep it Alive just give it to Mike so we have Justin rer at Austin the plant again next string one more time he’s out of Lakeside Lanes Manchester Hampshire Austin plant out of bolama barad’s house and lumo’s house for from New Hampshire we have Dan gurnie Bing second rosan Rashard buot will ball First we’ll start our third our fourth string our fourth string just a moment thank you for Waiting top five live show Saturday April 13th 11:00 a.m. here at the big 20 on can bowling Network and YouTube hit the Subscribe button always free back with our four string momentarily I give it back to Justin get to you I get the mic 887 after all the nine drop play Off contining live coverage on can from Bowling Network’s presentation of the can f for cancer any doubles tournament 95% handicap based to 130 average Paul Grant live at the big 20 in Scarboro main on Route One taking much cleaner than this place great job by Mike Walker the owner and

The president of the main can Bowling Association we start our fourth string again in just a moment his Bowlers are finishing up their final box of the third String Okay folks can change lanes on Fourth to five strings about to start please have 50/50 raffle Dylan’s going around please support C can don’t forget wild shirts 2.0 the last bad before they run out we have do shirts lied quantities left and hats 25 for the shirts 20 for the hats

$10 each item both thank you get the restaurant bar also rushing around so fix the third Str though yeah all right back for four string now thanks for waiting Rosen Rashad Dan gurnie on Lane three we’ll have it’s Rodier Time Justin Rodier Austin will plan again and we’ll get J and Kevin gedrich

Who’s on Lane one now we go to Lane two and three next train to cover two sets of Bowlers so we cover rosean and Dan for one string again if you’re just joining in we had some audio problems earlier my mistake we got it fixed Shan dor and Dave Kelly

Are first coming into this final round at 1437 1402 is second Jordan lak Kevin Richards third Dan alesio Cado ponti fourth cat alesio Gary Coro Eric Mason Jordan stack B in the fifth spot at 1366 1352 respectively and rodo with a strike to start the Fourth this kick can be something special half wher ran big 20 Bower here k d Peter Janson last strength the head Right Roan trying to finish up big here in this first box tough four justtin on a strike Rosanne 56 years young Justin that’s why you get two Che in that first ball go hand 6910 Justin just five in the strike 15 through1 in the fourth of five Justin will be 27 in

June right future 9 24 through Two tough start here fors 95 her highest or actually 81 is her average right now 81 only b w than year here for big 20 in scy BR main look at something fun to do likes being competitive just with four in his own she won a tournament when she was 10 years old

Rier good bid there five to 10 rosan can’t find the range first time being streamed probably nervous eight for Justin 32 through3 at that bomb strike to start and nice out eight Rosanne 16 through three was in golf spinning running and can up the Bowling Rodier spins it right the six and N bring for Montreal Canada now in Salem New Hampshire just two there for Rosanne Justin Bing since 2000 enjoys it 1 2 47 I’m looking for big out again Rodier 7 39 through 4 despite that strike five to start and a three for

Roseanne just 19 through four res set get ready for a fifth box Justin beautiful ball but two2 split 24 610 Justin 3610 R robot Forman plus the seven and eight goia seven promising start this point finish 46 half go there good ball there eight right side 610 trying to get the 29 to the half that’s a seven so it’s 26 half I need two marks get your

Average he is off the plant in Salem New Hampshire and first time covering Dan gurnie from Stock main originally Auburn main Austin 1379 and G Strike wow welome the streaming error and kale from MO work 10 plus two to start the fourth of five give Miss Parton to Roseanne

Rashad the plant Nails it 10 Christopher dis Jens Missy Buro no relation to Jonathan M Nick string on Lane three with Kevin Petri and Peter Janson on lane two I switch our cameras over 4 two split for the plant danan gurnie on a strike on Lane three going for over 30 years only

Four 90 League bull of 91 his best year 110 high single I remembers good second ball punches through keep check mark 16 through1 again to K from bowling and golfing Austin 7 17 through two Diana s himself 23 through two thanks Mike walk we have the results

This is just today right all right so Margaret Gangland in close plan we just had last string lead today with 569 is that right hold on 803 rather right 803 803 the first free sprs Margaret grin and rose plant leaders shift 803 the plant strike 27 plus two through

Three and g a good bid so Ro gr and Rose P lead this shift up three rounds 803 one pin behind Jesse Lala John dum Beth Pito deal the deed already the six spot coming today third today they’re also at 802 798 Olivia Milan Dwayne milin Justin Ro are here with Austin

Planner fif today at 788 8 for Dan 31 for three 55 years old a PL trying to F big on the strike his teammate Justin Ro had a strike five in the first box look with a double he gets five Dan Clips out the seven he’s up six

Now Austin for a spirit strike b seven in the fill 34 through three fourth block fourth string JY gu NE 6 37 through 4 Austin the plant an 8 42 through 4 Fifth and Final Round 62 teams top five live show Saturday April 13th 11:00 a.m. with Mike Mo and myself

GRE on can Bing Network on YouTube can cancer fundraising event K gry 6910 Austin just missed right takes down eight one of the two great opportunity Bernie Center Diamond the plant Miss left trying to get to 52 at the half Dan gurnie grabbs three of the four in the diamond for nine 462 rosan robishaw try to rebound for 262 81 leag bowler love Mar to Austin 9 512 halfway through the fourth Kevin Dietrich next round next

Match rather next string rather I should say for Peter J a fifth and final string Kevin is a 42 a right now on a ball Peter a 42 a there nice eight drop two in a 10 Rosanne Rashad Soo main riching Oldtown Maine Oldtown main home of the senior state tournament this year in Maine DUS roier just three 603 high five into video games hanging out with friends and going to the beach well not so much right Now parallel Pins go in in the channel for nine 35 through six six Rodier 52 through six kence with cancer 5-1 C3 charity donation buckets your favorite Bowling Center nice ball in the crossover for his in tough lead 35 710 Justin just can’t find the range after that first box for the strike going the other way 9 8776 C those in trying to get two for nine Justin one of the nine2 last String Austin’s teammate through 116 they’ll take a nine 61 through 7 ran Rashad eight 43 through 7 can get her average with a big fill good to see new Bowlers getting a chance 95% handicap tournament round five of five Rodier for strike nine sings that ball pretty good four pin left

Up Ros Rashad steals the one and two 47 910 Ria Miss Left seven straight without a mark strike in the first all Grand special miss the second make the third 10 71 through eight in the fourth of five go in nice out nine 52 through eight the two marks now for average more than likely at least 19 boxs and

10 rodus spin seven 378 and would could help Austin plan Dan Gren will wrap up a fourth string of five Next rodia 78 69 10 down for Roan robot juston 8 79 to9 keevin will B second our next fin string after Peter Jansen just for Mark cring over wow five slides over 51 split he a big 20 get to 99 goes in one of the three left up eight box 6039 oh just a good try couldn’t get to the nine best now he can do is 89 disappointing string after 1223d 10 it is

89 fourth string Austin plan 512 up next K gy 462 after oan Rob sh drafts up a final box for the Fourth the pl strike got it to go second strike of the string a strike seven to the third strike in the six 61 2 through six on Canan bowling Network on YouTube in high Definition go in tough six tough string 66 15 under average it happens very competitive bow though trying to get it way back up There teammate green try to help her Out AAL plant on lane four trying to fill a strike big wait first for Dan gy cross over get diamond the plant wasting no time 5 one split to Wood to help behind the one and two for a spar strike two far left one in

The seven eight in the Box on the strike 69 through six Bernie splits the uprights for a 10 56 through six the plant nine 78 through S one more spring up the final round 95% handicap tournament now Johnson bowling here as well Hall of Famer 2023

Class burning 1 249 with the ball left half tster for Austin Austin strike seven strike eight in the string Bernie and eight hands at 64 through 7 had a strike six to start Austin has a high single 173 High triple 435 27 years old TR to push down the seven for a

Seven box 85 through 8 Dan gry takes down the right side seven pin left Up this left want to go that pin which never a guarantee the plant spread eagle plus the nine and and 9 73 through 8 late in the the plant 24 79 Austin another tough box back to- back sevens 92 for9 37 in the string is lower to score with an Eight nice bid there for Dan Bernie try to get two for nine AAL plant Dr four string 356 Dan seven 80 through n came from s main 90 League bowler 10 box to get there Austin trying to get to 102 lemon drop one but K off for

Cancer Austin gets to 10 102 fourth string 3136 trying to get to 90 is average Kevin Dietrich next string a Pinn for an eight 88 four string for Dan gurnie me a do a dollar lemon drop punch up the pin one string left the final round we’ll keep you

Alive start our fifth and final string janon Kevin Dietrich and Missy padro Christopher dards next on can bowling Network our camera down to Lan two and Three all right back with that fifth string momentarily Fifth and final string just a moment folks thank you back over there okay you don’t have to watch Me we’ll post the top five scores later tonight on Candon chat stay tuned for our final stream Momentarily Moving on up to the P hey look we’re number one all right folks our final string thanks supporting big 20 thanks support can wild shirts hats shirs help us out help the bar and restaurant as well Fifth and final string we’ll do the 50/50 after we sign off a double strike to break 112 Okay Kevin Diedrich Peter Janson will start our final strength Peter will lead off missy B Chris just start on the right side step momentarily a final string Sean Doran Dave Kelly as of right now it may hold on we’ll see another Margaret grin and rose plant LED after three strings 803 so

You never know can happen huh we’ll see what happens not final string two will get a top okay it’s Missy Buro no relation to Jonathan Buro she starts on Final string on Lane three a beautiful big 20 in scar BR main for that first B okay you chanting watch you Split Missy missed inside 159 final string underway rough leave here look at this 147 right side 69 miss an eight Peter a top five Kevin D the follow Peter Jansen Missy Buro on Lane three 1789 Peter jenton 28 half wher Miss one in the seven Chon 14 right side 610 tough Start that’ll be an eight to the second box throw Peter a 7 12 through Two Miss see a check mark third box final strength Peter 11on Dro one1 for caner Cancer results for our fourth string momentarily Missy 247 chanon tough sledding Sean anxiously waiting to see if they’ll stay number one Missy Buro gets a nine 25 through three and Peter brutal start a three 15 through three he’s a 107 League bowler 165 High single out of northward

Massachusetts 25 years old high triple 381 High 5635 out of Spare Time recreation in white and Field Mass 21st year k bowling his father was a bowler gos the Atlantic Canin single store when he got his first 600 Missy 247 chanon 2410 missing for a spare yes 35 of the ball through four janton two in the 10 Missy from Falmouth M Rich s main Peter 9 24 through four fifth and final strength this the 88 League bowl of 91 of best season in the average 55 years young start the kids league in South Portland won the state champion adult youth in 20 2021 2022 in the Pearson Pearson double champ

Also the youth was a mixed doubles tournament she won she has two two titles under her belt four in a spare 39 through four P with a check mark really use the mark Missy Nice Shot he reach seven left 610 right and P needs all three just for a

34 half for the 107 League Bowler missing 8472 Peter J disappointing 33 half with a nine box Kevin Diedrich try to pick him up it’s a 107 League rler with a high single of 175 Chris jordens On LAN four with Missy 100 average out of bitford main 168 High single high triple 380 36 right seven left final

String final round CHR Miss Right K 124 spare chance nice out nine left H Kevin dietr starts and STS picks it up spe to start the fifth you want the doubl with him right double with him discharge nice ball eight five and the Seven his teamate Misty bow him one at eight

Doubles the Pearson classic he got a spare 19 the ball through two Kevin 18 through one the spare eight that’s Right for Canin for cancer any doubles 95% handicap on canop Ming Network on YouTube and high definition hit that subscribe button it’s always free never a charge hric 826 Through2 just charged spare fi a six eight in back 1 three six and front 25 through two let update the first four strings Margaret grin rose rose plant still number one in this round 1062 they got a shot of the top five D picks up

Spar 36 in the ball through three in the final swing of the match and the tourament just Jens 10 35 through three notet ground in this ship plant 1062 tied with Olivia milin Dwayne milikin in the shift only Bethany esposo A Deal a deed 1056 Jesse Lala John Dain

Four 1048 1044 Mike Southwood Joel Anderson Petri sparis 3 39 through three Kevin C Justin coaching 6 at 10:44 behind Justin Roy offal plant 1023 Missy with Chris just jard here right behind at 1012 1010 for Ken buard Joey Hutchinson Owen Cirby Rich lurman 1009 Katy Collins Mike Dagon 107 999 for Eric

Mason Jordan Stull Andrew rard Al Johnson 990 984 Roseanne Rashad Dan gurny and Kevin D Peter jent last in this round 975 Chris 544 7 9 48 through Four Kevin qu the two dis Char is 32 split fifth box fifth string fifth round final match top five April 13th 11:00 a.m. right here at Big 20 on Route One Star BR main 11:00 a.m. Chris oh what a try just missed the 10 drick look at this Sleeve just Jens 10 50 half dri we for a bunch top five 53 half five BLS to go reach roller wrap it up we’ll try to get the print up before we sign out see the top five are before we sign off broadcast take a few minutes after the ball is finish

Off Miss Buro with 5 47 at the start spare four on the fourth Peter janton TR to get something going 332 25 710 Missy beautiful ball can’t get to the nine heck of a try Peter nothing there with r 10 57- six Jan same thing same spot six 39 through six it what Missy B Diamond Plus the seven Peter jent a great chance for his first Mark in the fifth wood rolling around though front of the eight Missy CHS out one Missy missed for six 63- 7 chant on the board brace the flag he’s saying 49 the ball through seven oh my Pet’s favorite bowling moment going to 635 also 378 triple his friend in the league into can and mowling video games hanging out with his kids missing 51 split janton

Spil takes down three more eight and the nine eight in the Phil 57 through S Miss see 1710 that’s that’s the main Special oh wow what a shot for a spare back to back 67 the ball through eight for Peter Janson Missy 7 70 through 8 looking $13 for you come to the big 20 Friday and Saturday nights 6:00 to 10: p.m. shoes included five strings of can from Bowling the rocking Bowl every

Friday and Saturday night Route One scar BR main The Rock and bll 6:00 to10 p.m. great way to get friends and family involved in this great gange of can rolling all year round Miss Buro beautiful ball parallel time plus the 10 chanton nine and he’s bowling like himself

Now 76 to8 nice recovery at the 39 through six including a 5 7 and three start Miss he’s still there j a three in a row bang 86 in the ball through nine that’s how you do it folks don’t give up with a good note Missy grabs three for an eight

78 29 six blocks to go one for Peter one for Missy Kevin Diedrich Chris just jars will wrap up the Tournament Missy five chanton feeling it beautiful ball seven the setback shot 4 seven left five middle spear eight Spar 9 spear seven 93- 9 he’s get he’s in the Sentry Club a mark for his average here the woods and quite not quite the seventh thought he had it

Trying to get to 103 a nice finish though Missy 6 84 final strength the 88 League Buller Peter nine 102 final string put 63 in his last four after 39 his first six what a game funny game isn’t it CH yards good for main 50 half had a spare six in the second

Kevin spare eight in the first spare three in the second a five in the fifth 53 half right in the pocket eight three right five left Chris 20156 a average for handicap main state champion 2021 2022 pears doubles champ 2012 2013 Pearson doubles champ also nice bid for a nine 59 through

Six dri use the wood to pick it up 10 63 through six four box to go in the final round 95% any doubles tournament 62 teams competed five will be the top five after all the balls have done completely we’ll keep you alive get the pray and see who are the top five

For April 13 K six Gardens one in the Seven steps up stop step back go forward there 73 in the ball through seven at least it’s not one step forward two steps back just JS 867 through 7 winding down here at the beautiful big 20 in scar BR main tons and tons of leagu senior leagues as

Well a great bar restaurant here e restaurant high quality food a quarter for dis Jens Kevin dedrick’s third spare of the fifth on lane two 13 six in front 47 left on the bonus 78 through 7 for the 107 Le wer chris5 left side 478 dri beautiful shot can’t reach the 4 seven Joh coming back with a one won’t go that’s a 9 76- 8 Kevin 10 88 to8 two boxes to go in the tournament we’ll keep you alive find out who the top five are for April 13th 11:00 a.m. with special guest comment Mike morren Greg Le myself will be here as

Well Chris the 10 p Drick on the nose strike b nine six pin left up number two seed the Atlanta clein singles to class B Northern conference last the E SE janton almost K it with head pin that’s a nine 85 to9 dri picks it Up Spar 98 98 and the ball in the ninth final box of the match you will keep you alive talk this one the blls while wait for the final result Christopher Forman plus a post 100 leag bowler try to strong dri eight wiing four and nine one off 6 to9 so be his

Average four Spears in the string fields at 8358 Chris trying to get the 95 dri good try just missed left get the 116 and chrisis chars 893 final string his teammate Missy Buro 84 Kevin Dietrich eight his partner Peter janton 102 with 63 in his last four Kevin ends

Up with a 114 Fifth and final tournament string here are the scores for those Bowlers stay tuned for the top five announcement in about five or six minutes or so waiting for the balls to finish up in about five minutes so so within the next 10 minutes we’ll know

Who the top five bowls are we’ll keep you Alive Chris Chris oh s going talk to Chris dis charge waiting for the top five swis Chris three state tournaments two one State title right two you won the Pearson you like the Pearson classic right yeah that’s my partner we won it a couple years ago you

Did she you went it twice with her no once with her who was the other one you won with I can’t remember it was so long ago I don’t remember remember what her name was okay that memorable huh yeah well well we’re bowling in it next week

So a Saturday uh Sunday I’ll be a Saturday 9 o’clock 2 o’clock Newport entertainment center Newport main on canth Bing Network on YouTube waiting for the top five results as po us finish up here stay t with the top five announcement so how’d you pick her for

Your partner she’s got a nice lady she throws her smooth she is we’ve been bowling on t uh Thursday nights for a while with my wife and I so she’s fun she is she is what are you working on to improve your game I got to work on

Slowing my ball down I throw it a little too hard and I don’t get any action when I throw it hard all right so how you standing right now on the AP and the uh open standings 12 I’m on the bubble for the AP yep for

Them for this uh handicap top 12 make it they do so I got to bowl well next week okay next you two more two more rounds two more tournaments y which’s one next month uh that is the 225s that’s in I’m not sure where it’s at but she’s bowling

With me in that one too so hopefully we can uh do well the next bowl with you get a good chance right that’s right good luck Chris J thank you all right wait stay tuned for the as bows finish their final two boxes and then we’ll have the

Announcement of the top five live show for April 13th momentarily so stay tuned we’ll keep you alive we’ll give the top five scores in just a moment on copin bowling Network Could have been worse thank you folks the top five announcement coming soon uh don’t forget your lemon drop pay your lemon drop P for six five in the mark get your shirts and half before you leave thank you I got the0 okay blls are finishing up now so

Waiting for the official scores to be typed in Mike walk will give this results in just a few minutes we’ll keep it alive play with the top five off for the live show April 13th with Mike Moren special guest commentator here at 11:00 a.m. at the big 20 in Scarboro main thanks for

Watching share with your friends and family invite your friends to bowl can up and bowling nothing like it a sport for all ages stay tuned for the announcement for the top five momentarily we’ll keep you alive Alex Patton thanks for watching Mark milikin stay tuned again just about five minutes

Or so for our top five announcement we’ll keep you Alive last call 5050 at the counil please last call 50/50 after I announce the SC we’ll announce it on the PA system of top five ahead just wait for the finishing results to the top five live show moment Mike’s putting in the computer right now

We up you next two or 3 minutes or so stay tuned 95% any doubles tournament big 20 scar bro main again waiting for the top five results for the live show stay tuned out 62 teams some bow twice we’ll see the top five are big shake up yesterday afternoon the

Standings four the five got changed one dropped the two stay tuned for the top five momentarily we’ll keep you alive before we sign off thanks for hanging on we’ll post all the results on cord chat as well later this afternoon or tonight on a busy weekend here at the

Big 20 in scar don’t forget the the rocking Bowl every Friday and Saturday night here $13 a person unbeatable Deal shoes included five strings of great can from Bowling big 20 Route One scar BR main know the results momentarily keep the alive the two or three minutes should know the results thank you

All right just moments away from a top five results again stay tuned we’ll keep you alive thanks for hanging on folks want to give it to you now thanks to 29 viewers hanging on live good to see handicap BS get a chance on the streaming era to be on a

Live show with Mike waren Greg myself April 13th 11: a.m. Love Can cancer shirts wild shirts while they last and the Can Can cancer hats available plus couple of 5050 Raffles that day as well so stay tuned again momentarily for the top five live results Be your again hang on folks we getting results momentarily top five live show again momentarily with the next couple of minutes or so hang in there Mike Walker typing in 15 teams from today 62 teams five are in the top five who will they be we’ll know momentarily thanks again for hanging on

Sport your local bowling stands all season long with clein gift cards the gift that keeps on giving great way to get friends and family involved thanks for watching this great game of can bowling Paul Grant live big 20 scar BR main on can from Bowling Network again final results coming just

A cup of coffee or so now hang on just a Moment there Always Al Johnson we got you on the stream here Al first of all congratulates being the Hall of Fame class 2023 world record older 1525 the world record older for the Pro Tour WCB wcbc Pro Tour 50 and 60 strings you still remember those those

Times oh yeah I miss him like you can’t believe it uh the energy and the feeling that you get but we’re hoping to bring that back with that this type of style here so so of these uh people bowling today were absolutely having a ball it’s it good to have handicap Bowlers get

Involved the pros get the lot but it’s good to see Bowlers like this get their chance well the thing is we have to do these so people can find out if they can get to that level you know what you understand what I’m saying you’re not you got to do

Competitive bowling in order to find out if you’re good or not or if you want to try to get better and better and and that’s that’s how I got in that’s all probably every candle pin bowler gets in they realize hey I love this and I’m

Going to practice at it and that’s what most people need to do and he’s kind of Avent to it how about yesterday Paul Dyer’s daughter got had a baby wasn’t expecting that quick I guess and he D to drop out and somebody filled in for him

And they teamed up to be number one coming to the shift I love it that’s a good there a good gift for the baby yeah you know what I mean Paul Dyer though yeah he losing the money both they send some money right if they win you never

Know they’ll give him a piece of the action the owner of all play in Belfast main this was a lot of fun today with with every but I never bowled on out right side of him I wish I never did that was tough on that end that’s about

It P going to work okay so we’re going to have 62 teams $10 each Bowers so14 Bowers at $10 $1,240 just the entry fees for for cancer and uh I just took an address down at the end uh we’ll be sending out 500 tomorrow morning to a

Young lady that that uh gave me her address today awesome uh there’s more of that to come Paul’s doing a phenomenal job raising money for the charity and uh we’re getting there Paul we’re getting there should I get ra go your 50/50 routs your league at home please that

Would help once or twice a year before the league ends out we appreciate if you do that do you lemon drop pool anything to help support can P for cancer help 16 families in the wild shirts alone as we close them out and eight on lemon drops

After next week 24 families helped out just those two benches alone Mike Walker with the print out should have the next 60 seconds to two minutes stay tuned for the top five live results here at the big 20 thanks for hanging on Okay folks the moment you’ve been waiting for the top five results are in let’s Zoom the camera out so we can put these on the screen sha Doran Dave Kelly hang on to be number one Jordan lak Kevin Richards you can see on your screen our

Second Dan aleso Cado Pony C minus a third still cat aleso Gary Coro stay in fourth and Eric Mason Jordan stack pole stay in fifth so nothing changed these 15 teams today Bethy espo deal the deed are six we’ll put the information out on Camin chat later T let’s zooming over left to

Right those are your top five teams Shan Doran Steve Kelly number one Jordan lak Kevin Richard second Dan alesio car ponnie thirdd cat aleso Gary Coro fourth Eric Mason Jordan stacko fifth from Big 20 bowling star Scott BR main Paul Grant stand so long for now thank you for

Watching this great game of kelpin bowling on kelpin bowling Network

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