Is There A Difference For Ams?

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So in one of my previous videos I talked about how like control drivers like there’s not really a use for them in an AMS bag basically like for AMS who have slower arm speeds there’s not a whole lot of difference in terms of distance you just lose some control out of a

Faster speed disc cuz you’re not throwing it as properly as like a six seat speed disc like the Crave but if you remember a while ago when the era came out this is the Finish Line era Drew Gibson’s disc company I loved the era and I still love the era it is just

Such a great control driver it’s almost like a miniature wraith I think it’s like a 9 or 10p speed I’m not sure I just got the launch editions here but it just feels really comfortable in the hand the plastic feels great and it’s just like pretty easy to throw for a

Controll driver but like I said in my video for AMS there’s not a whole lot of difference between these two but here’s the thing I really want to have a place for the era in my bag so today I’m going to check and see what exactly the differences are for amps between control

Drivers and slower Fairways I’ve got a couple different stabilities of craves here as well as an dis Mania fd1 to compare to because I have a composite era I didn’t review the composite eras I made a little short about it but the composite ones are much more stable some

Of them have like really high wings and those are more comparable to almost like a Firebird over stability um this one’s not one of them and this one’s more like a Thunderbird type stability so I want to compare this one to the fd1 so if this fits in my bag something maybe a

Little bit more stable than a crave hopefully and maybe even replace the fd1 with composite eras then uh that would be very nice cuz if I have an excuse to throw the air in my bag it’s going to be great but let’s get started also it’s slightly unfortunate because it’s pretty windy

Today it’s like 15 to 25 M per hour winds but I mean so is the Midwest in Spring probably going to be the calmest day I’m going to get until like June so we’ll make two start with the era first you throw that flat well that was flat but

Not the direction I needed to go all right the Crave that’s short let’s go Insanity to funsies it’s a first throw with it much more understable holy cow that’s a putt so these wind similar distances you can see my crave went over there and the era is like maybe a couple

Feet past and to the left and this is my other my straighter era that I shanked and got lucky through the branches that would have been sick see yeah this one I’m like 6 feet outside the circle so that was awful it’s so much easier to straddle to your left

Than to your right so much easier then here’s the insanity see if the air flipped that much I would have been nice so that kind of lends to my theory I guess you could say about the 9 to 10 speed range versus the six-speed range of drivers for AMS

And that’s that like even if like the the initial stability might be similar the faster control drivers are just going to finish a little bit more and that’s like generally the case with most higher speed discs like the faster you go the more finish it’s going to have

And the less straight that disc is going to finish and that’s a big reason why when you play in the woods you want to throw slower discs because they have a straighter finish for you than higher speed discs but the farther you can throw those the faster you can throw

Those the straighter they finish so a distance driver is going to fade a lot less at the end for a pro than it is going to be for an AM because we can’t throw it as far as they can and that’s why a lot of the times like these stable

Drivers like a t- bird for example for Fairways Pros can throw that and get it to finish almost straight versus an AM where it’s almost going to finish left every time and that’s because they can if you throw those seven-speed discs like over 400t then they’re going to

Fade a lot straighter for you then so that’s a big difference between like the craves and the AAS for me and it kind of showed over there because the the era finished farther left than the Crave did so and they they flew pretty similar lines so even though I do think the

Craves are a little bit less stable initially which could be enough to to back them both we we’ll keep saying pretty similar shot it’s just a little shorter that was awful skip up there that was so bad that was awful too I can’t throw feel like I’ve gotten

Significantly worse this winter so I apologize to all my viewers I can’t throw to save my life that is still going to putt though I will say my crave I actually like threw in the air and I’m uh still outside the circle by a solid 10 ft when

My era that I threw straight into the ground is uh probably about 25 there we go so the things I’m looking for between these two discs well first I need to coach cuz I suck right now but what I’m looking for is one stability differences

If the Aras are more stable than my fion craves then that would be ideal and I’m not just talking about the end of the flight cuz like I said like even if they had the same stability beginning and mid-flight then the end they’re still

Going to have a more of a finish the end for the Aras because they’re just faster but also if the Aras go farther like consistently and they’re a little bit easier to get the distance farther then that’s another reason to bag them both so yeah basically like stability and

Distance but the other thing with stability I want the composite one to be like pretty close to like the fd1 cuz if that’s the case then I can just take the FD ons out of the bag just have eras and craves so that would be that would be

Ideal which here in these first few holes I can see a a little bit to check and see like the stability differences at the early to like midf flights once we get into the back nine into the open it’s going to be windier and it’s going

To be able to throw them a little bit farther so then we can see the distance but also the stability between like the fd1 and the composite era so that that will be nice it’s not great still I have yet to have a throw that feels good

I will say that the Crave especially that this one definitely is more understable but that one is like it pops up more and flies a little straighter more and easier than the arrow like if I put the arrow on the Hiser it’s like popping up a touch but it’s like not

Going all the way flat for me which a reason why I could be struggling to throw the arrows is because I’m trying to throw them on similar lines than the craves and they’re just more stable than the craves for me or it could just mean that I can’t throw them

Which could be a reason but then again I’m not throwing well at all today cuz like if I’m throwing well then I I can throw race which are 11 speed so Arrow should be easier to throw than my wraiths but right now I’m shouldn’t be throwing my wraiths all right so this

One’s like up and to the right but this one will be really good for testing the stability cuz we got like a a headwind to right head wind I’d say it’s like 12 mph winds so I’m going to throw it at the like tree down there and kind of

Just see see what it does all right well parked that short position see if the Crave can match that after it turns more it wasn’t the same throw but it was it looks like it might have been similar instabilities now I know one thing that people are going to be wondering is why

Can’t you just bag a both or all of them like the F1 the Crave and the era if you like the era so much well I’m not just a mold minimalist I’m just like a disc minimalist in general so basically instead of asking does this have a place in my bag

I’m I’m more asking like do do I need this disc in my bag like can I make something else work cuz I just I like having the least amount of discs possible in my bag like I want I want to be able to hit every line that I can but

Having just less disc in my bag it’s just less to worry about less to carry and it just it seems like everything is a little bit more streamlined and that’s that’s what I like so I could just throw in the Aras just because I like the Aras but then

I’d have two to three three craves two to three eras an fy1 and one to two Firebirds depending on the wind it’s like has way too many Fairway drivers for for my bag way too many so if I want to add the era I need to take out some

Of those other things cuz I only want like four to five Fairways in my bag at all times depending on the wind like most of the time I’ll carry just one Firebird but if it’s really windy I’m carrying two one like crazy beef you want and one normal like sexon and I

Really want to see how the AA does with this guy see if this can hold hold the Hiser the whole way that was nice now you see if the Crave can hold that line you can definitely feel a speed difference on that era so I think it

Might have just gone a little farther to get to that basket which that’s kind of what I was thinking in the beginning like if I can make it to where I have my craves and then the Aras just go a little bit farther and they go a little

Bit more left and a touch more stable then I’d be able to I’d be able to get that and work that into my bag so so yeah like this this I think would be a reason to have the era in the bag cuz the era went farther it’s a little bit

Further left so now I have I’m outside the circle probably 35 versus like that one’s like 15 ah yeah we’ll see the stability on these next ones but that that might be those kind of shots might be what gets this in my bag probably one of the biggest

Things I don’t want to do is have a disc in my bag that like I just I can’t throw CU I feel like that’s pretty common with a lot of amateurs is they have control drivers or distance drivers in their bag that they can’t properly throw I just

Don’t want to do that just because you don’t a lot lot of people don’t see the hurt in that but at the same time it’s like you’re just not getting consistent results with a disc so like you might be looking at something and being like oh

That’s nice and stable but then you get like a good throw with it and you throw it properly you get the proper nose angle you get a good spin on it and then all of a sudden it’s understable for you or more understable than you thought and

It’s just like that never does that for me and that’s because maybe it’s not it’s too fast of a disc for you and you just haven’t been throwing it properly and then you get one good throw with it and you did throw it properly and now it

Flies completely different for you so I don’t want that to happen so this might not be a decision I make today just cuz I’m playing ter terribly I need to get back like in season so but I think these just like a little bit faster than my

Craves a little bit more stable or a little bit more finish and um I think I like that so we’ll see the stability more on this one got a nice headwind that was a good throw hold it come back that was nice that was nice got

Like I would say like 17 mph headwind slight left to right see if that crave can hold that cuz I don’t I don’t think this crave can hold that yeah that is that basically confirms it which I do think that has to do with like the

Underside of the rim maybe cu the craves underside of the rim is pretty rounded or flat when the Aras is definitely still pretty flat but it has like a slight concave under wi and it’s just sharper at the edge when the ra when the Crave is very rounded on the edge it

Doesn’t really have a lip or a sharp edge on the bottom let me show you so yeah so like with the Crave for example let me see if I can get it what I mean is like underneath the rim here it’s like very so if you can see on the era

It’s like sharp almost so you’ve got it comes out here stops and has like a corner on the lip here when the Crave it might be it might actually be a little bit more concaved on the bottom here but this lip here this lip here is not I

Don’t know if you can see it much on camera but it’s it’s rounded off it’s not as like sharp edge and comes up the shape is generally the same but it’s like almost like sanded and and shaved off there a little bit and there’s someone on the tea so I’m going continue

Later I’m going to try and put these side by side and see if you can see them but like the edge here is just a lot sharper on the bottom here than the than the Crave and I talked about like one of my earliest videos it’s not a it’s not a

Great video to be honest with you but I talked about how that lip on the bottom and I even talked about like a little bead on the bottom for like te- birds and how it makes it just like more stable to fight the winds and I think

That little lip there even though it’s just like the smallest of changes I think makes a huge difference in the stability of this thing and I don’t know if the plus rim on the Crave does does much for it either in terms of stability but like the Crave has the plus rim and

The era does not so I don’t know if that plays into stability at all no idea it could it could not I don’t know the era definitely is a little bit more stable so now I just need to see if it’s more stable than the fd1 is like the the

Composite ones because if it is I think I’m throwing arrow this year got like 15 M hour headwind left to right F1 yeah that drifts right a little bit wasn’t a great throw but go the composite era these composite ones are nice and stiff too that’s what I like about their composite plastic

O that might be I want say that that turned a little bit less than that fd1 did the fd1 definitely drifted right a good way so think it’s official guys I’m going Aras


  1. The 10 speed rim size feels too weird to consider bagging. Too small to throw forehand, too big to fan grip, and too small to power grip.

  2. We've had a pretty mild winter here in Kansas, but with you being a new Dad that's acceptable not getting out as much.

  3. I completely disagree with AM’s throwing slower speed discs because they will more likely get the intended flight path of the manufacturer. The reason is because it’s about your intended flight path you want/need for the shot. To me these statements about how AM’s should only throw slower speed discs seems more like gate keeping to me

  4. A few thoughts: 1-forged eras are gold muskets, composite eras are gold ice muskets, Finkel is Einhorn/Einhorn is Finkel. 2. 10 speeds are a perfect fit for my medium hand in a power grip. For some reasons 9 speeds aren’t and therefore 10s kicked the Lots/undertaker outta my bag 3. I throw craves 330-350, muskets/eras 350-380 and 11 speeds and fake 12 speeds max 400. My 10 speeds kicked out my stable 9 speeds cuz the hand feel is better. 4. I only need to throw drivers 5% of the time or less so fairways/control driver make up the majority of drivers in my bag. 5. The era did in a headwind what your crave does in no wind or a tailwind. You should try the era as a max distance tailwind driver too. Either an era or a musket are in my bag for those reasons

  5. Honestly, kind of an odd video/comparison. Crave has a 7( 1.8cm) speed rim, Era a 10 speed rim. It seems like you would be choosing between a Wraith and the Era for shots more often, like maybe you get more control with an Era and it pretty much goes as far as the Wraith? Idk just seems like a big step between 6/7 speeds and a 10 speed, at least for me.

  6. please address that disc manufactures market their discs without regard for the actual "speed" of the disc. The Crave is a 1.8 rim width but marketed as a 6.5 speed. The era is a 2.0 rim width and marketed as a "10" which is more accurate to its width. It is not surprising that a 1.8 and a 2.0 rim width are not that much different. Building the AM bag on better data (rim width) might be more reliable. FD1 is 1.8 rim width. Insanity is 2.0 rim width.

  7. I do think there is wisdom in throwing a slower disc when you want to be sure and go straight for us AMs. I usually throw a CD-1 on a long tunnel shot rather than a distance driver if I'm throwing backhand. My forehand is much better so that's a little different equation.

  8. I agree. I got sick of bagging so many discs where there was too much overlap. Ive had some good fortune with being able to play casual rounds with a topish MPO touring pro getting ready for the upcoming season. Even he doesnt read too far into the speed of discs when it comes to fairway and control drivers. For example a Halo Teebird3 and a champ Thunderbird is close enough in flight to only bag one of them, even if one of them can go a little farther than another. His recommendation is to always bag discs that you will use for multiple shots as an AM. Pros can bag lots of discs since they want to figure out the best shots of holes during the week of practice leading to tournament. He will pull discs from his bag after the week of practice and on tournament day so he doesnt overthink shots and sticks to his plan.

  9. So what would it take for me to get that Mario turtle crave from you? I live over in Lawrence, but that’s one of the more awesome dyes I’ve seen.

    Or at least tell me where you got it made

  10. Without using an understable disc to try and get distance, my best is around 360. But idc if I only get 20 more ft of distance with my 12 speed Goat, I’m still gonna throw it cuz if that’s a difference between putting in the circle or outside I’m gonna throw it to get inside.

  11. The Thunderbird is the perfect do all Fairway disc especially if your forehand and backhand offer similar distance. Get different plastics for different flight characteristics. I’m an 50yr old amateur that throws his Thundy’s 300-320’ both ways with the once in a blue moon 350’ and use Pro, Star, Halo and Champ. There Pro’s are the long fliers and there are plenty of super beefy Thunderbirds so you don’t even need a Firebird. Just my 2¢

  12. I bagged the era last year for a while but I like the insanity better. It’s a very similar flight, I just like the feel of the insanity more.

    I bag both the insanity and the crave because the insanity goes farther and has a bit more turn and fade for me.

  13. I completely agree with AMs throwing slower discs. It gives us more control and more reliability compared to higher speed discs. If you intend to throw a shot that fades hard left, put more hyzer, and if you need something that finishes extremely right, throw an understable anhyzer shot. Angle and speed control are extremely more beneficial in the long run than just discing up because you can’t get a full flight but you can make it skip.

  14. Gotta throw the FD1 to support Casey White. Good for you for finding the mold you want. 🎉🎉🎉

  15. The problem with Finish Line is that they rarely make discs below max weight so they're not very useful for AMs. I think their Forged plastic is the exception. Same problem with Discmania, they no longer make anything below 170g. You might find a rare Essence at 168-169.

  16. As somebody who isn't a mold or disc minimalist, I really enjoy not having to worry about throwing a single disc in my bag for one slot. I prefer more neutral discs overall because I can manipulate the angles to cover shots, but I also like having a disc I can just throw a more consistent "default" shot with and get the result when it's one where my angle is always inconsistent or I'm having an off day.

  17. I really appreciate your mindset with the game and really sticking to a bag that fits your game. I've definitely got caught up in wanting to throw Destroyers, understable 13 speeds, and too many 8-11 speeds. I'm starting to realize that I'm not good enough to justify having all the overlap. Thanks for advocating for Ams and being a voice of reason that stops me from bagging too many drivers!

  18. As a lower-speed amateur, I bag what I need, but since I'm always using the same cart every day, I'll fill it with discs that fill every slot for each category. I may only throw 8 discs in a round, and those 8 discs will be the ones I throw more than most, but I like having all the slot options covered, just in case. FYI it's 24 discs that I have in my cart at any one time.

  19. My game transformed when I switched out my higher speed discs. My favorite slot is now 5-7 speed. I’d rather throw my 7 far and straight rather than a distance driver that might get a little more distance but have a decent fade at the end. But I also am more of a wooded course player than wide open courses.

  20. To each their own!! I respect someone who knows their system enough to defend the decisions they make about their bag.

  21. My game transformed when I switched out my higher speed discs. My favorite slot is now 5-7 speed. I’d rather throw my 7 far and straight rather than a distance driver that might get a little more distance but have a decent fade at the end. But I also am more of a wooded course player than wide open courses.

  22. Thanks for the video and content!

    The comments about “Ams” and disc speeds is directionally correct, but is way too restrictive. First of all…Ams is basically all disc golfers with varying arm speeds and talents. “Pros” is such a small group that it’s almost not worth distinguishing.

    Second, with control drivers I think the most important thing is simply to ensure they don’t overlap with the fairways. For this slot, I use it to take on more understable and overstable movement than I can get with slower discs. So I throw a core of 2-3 slower fairways and then roadrunners and firebirds which can take on lines my other fairways just can’t.

    On number of molds and discs —> for most people this goes up if you mainly play wooded courses because the lines are extremely specific compared to what you typically show in these videos. It’s not right or wrong but it demands a different approach to disc selection that will be different than windy and open

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