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Road To Cheltenham live with Dan Skelton, Danny Mullins, Good Stock Racing & David Christie 07/03/24

In our final studio show of the 2023/24 series, a host of brilliant guests join Lydia Hislop and Ruby Walsh to discuss the latest Cheltenham Festival news and look forward to the brilliant racing next week.

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Py power sponsors of the road to Chelham good evening everyone welcome to an earlier than usual edition of road to cheltam it’s also longer than usual and we packed this show full of special guests and lots of ight about what’s coming up next week of course my co-presenter Ruby Walsh is here we have

To complain about these mugs there’s no road to chelam merch no it’s just just shows you where we are lyia it does in the pecking order unbelievable bottom of the barrel yeah yeah nor crossant below the below the on Sunday that’s a Friday short called again the Friday Club Friday Club he he

Knows really loads to talk about first thing to say say is the news that was released today that Bali bur for Willie Mullins goes for the Gallagher bearing Bingham and not for the Supreme I almost fell off my chair with this being announced today rather than Sunday those two of us

What do he make of the decision itself think he’s losing it that will Mullin coming out on a Thursday with news that could be kept until Sunday my God took horses out of champion hurdle declaring his hand on Thursday um what do I make of it at least you still don’t have a

Clue what wents in the arle or the Turners so he’s holding on to some he better better hang on to that um what do I make of it I yeah I could see it happening obviously when Paul broke it down which tree was Paul going to ride

And obviously didn’t it was a tough one like he Atlantic or tul Hill he was going to have to get off one of the two of them and um looks like he’s getting off El Atlantic it does we’ll talk more about the knock on effect for both races

Later on in the show but first we’re going to welcome on our first guest and that is six times chelham Festival winning trainer Dan Skelton Dan welcome to road to chelham it’s good to have you on how are you oh very well thank you thanks for having me well it’s a

Pleasure to have you here and you have you have you got all your decisions made are you or are you uh following willly Willy melons and still waiting to on a couple of races uh I’ve made most of them I’m doing a willly Mullins on one of them though but I’m getting towards

Making a decision and now we let’s start there that’s the obvious one I assume we’re talking gr daing here aren’t we yeah yeah okay so talk us through your thinking give us some live thinking from you at the moment um I spoke to John Pullin yesterday and

He the forecast is there for all to see I asked him for an interpretation of how that will actually manifest itself on the track um he said to me obviously the heavy will disappear overnight last night it’ll be soft obviously there could be some good to soft if you get a

Good day tomorrow creeping in there’s rain forecast over the weekend it’s highly likely to start the festival on soft ground um I think that’s not going to take anyone by surprise I don’t think I’m leaking any of his uh any of his Secrets by that so uh there’s a little

Bit of rain during the week so I’m happy to say that the ground is going to be soft enough to suit him on the Thursday um and if you look at the the pure maths of the race you know it’s an easier task uh on the Thursday than it is on the

Wednesday where you know that that’s in terms of numbers um uh and of course betting I mean I’m not letting other decide where I run my horses um you know I will make that decision ultimately with the owners and Harry but you know I think for all looking in I think

Everyone can see that the Thursday race if the ground was acceptable is the best race to run in him because he’s not a slow horse and going onto the new track has its advantages compared to the old for a staying horse like him um but you got to remember he was mighty impressive

When he won over two M five at hok and I think he was an unlucky loser at December chelan’s Mee um Chon’s December meeting surely if you’re looking at the forecast and you watched that forecast at Paul Barber you I was watching a Sunday that Paul Nichols um stands by

And was abusing a couple years ago at chelam when chelam was watered surely that’s the forecast you go by too well yeah the only thing is is these forecasts can change very quickly and obviously when you move into the spring um they they you know breezes and and

Showers when you’re only dealing with showers um OB OB they move quickly but yeah the the Sunday long-term forecast is the best one and then there’s all these apps that we’ve all got now that we’re you know you can always find a forecast little suit you I’ve always

That so I can see your your reasoning so if you think about when gray ding ran against jinny’s Destiny there was that error wasn’t there at the second last so you’re thinking really that I could have beaten that horse then I can beat him again yeah but they’re novices they’re

All entitled to improve and I don’t just think that jinny’s Destiny you know is an Open Door uh I think jinny’s Destiny definitely improved from December to the April run um the uh January trials run I think that was a very very good run there’s no doubt he’s improved I think

We’ve improved so you know equal Improvement um it’ll be a tight race but um you know they they with respect to jinny’s Destiny he doesn’t have the form of stay away Fay or fact to file and he perhaps doesn’t have the um reputation of those either you know

By Harry cn’s own admission in in his piece for the for a buildup to chelham you know he he he fancied stay away F and um you know you don’t you don’t need really need to listen to to Willie talk for too long about Factor file to work

Out that that’s a pretty serious deal Ruby’s going to run through gray dawnings form and his thoughts about it so I I’ll hand over to you yeah I I think his form is Rock Solid and to me I like the way Dan is leaning towards the

Turner series at X when sta gets back up on the inside to beat him now I think he jumped hugely forward from here to hayok that was obviously Fitness cuz he just folded the last forong there for hor he would think would have no trouble stamina wise but he was really

Impressive in head he jumping was Rock Solid launched a bit at that one but the way he attacks would always suggest to me that two and a half as a noice as going to sue him best he put Guy De men in his place on this day who was second

Season novice and Napo behind him obviously then he went to chelam and there is that mistake at the second last but as danis just said novices to be honest with you will that mistake at chelam in December be the winning of a Turners it it could be and here he goes

Guesses steps into the middle of it which I love the way he saves himself love the way he puts his feet out he’s you know he’s trying to keep himself upright and I was really impressive how he runs after Genie’s Destiny then he goes back to win to war even and to me

He had this race woned the fourth last clamors over the last a little bit but I I I think the way he goes I’m I definitely fancy him more in the Turners I hope that’s the way Dan goes with him I’ll be honest and I’m slightly the way

Around because I look at this race at Warick and I think how strongly run it was with Broadway boy and with apple away and that great Dawning has finished with plenty of running and I think of his lemington success last season as well in deep ground I know that was two

M five but nonetheless it seemed to me all about stamina he does seem a bit as though offenses are made him quicker though if that makes sense yeah I think so he like Ry says he he he jumps he jumps like a good novice you know um okay there’s novy mistakes

In there you can pick a hole not a hole but you can pick A Fault in in in each round of his jumping so far but you struggle not to do that with most novices I just think I know what you mean about the um the war race and he he

Did look like he was definitely the best stayer but with respect respect I think on that day he was just the much best horse I don’t think Broadway boy ran his race and with respect to Apple away um you know she hasn’t quite gone and perhaps done what a grade one novice

Hurdle winner last year was expected to do so you know I I I think we won that day not necessarily because we stayed the best but because perhaps we were the only one in form on the day um I I don’t every time Harry’s got off this horse

He’s always said he’s not slow he’s not slow um you know but listen if we were looking up to winner Turners um I would be saying to you in the um in the winners enclosure afterwards there’s only you know there’s only one direction

We want to go in um so you know he is a stayer but you know I think um I think staying horses can win can win the Turners especially on that track well I always thought you I always thought you had lived in the winners in Clos you obviously you have these Spees

Prepared it sounds like a decision to me Dan I’ll be perfectly honest it just sounds Turners it sounds like you’ve made it to me in all honesty I have but I just need that final that that final bit of um weather to just drop our way you know I

Couldn’t if it was gen you know if it was good to soft when I went to declare on um uh Tuesday Morning I’d have wished I’d have i’ have wish I’d have CED on Monday morning for Wednesday so you know just that last little bit to make sure

Of really okay a decision you have made is to head towards the ryion a with protector rat and I think you know I think we see from the the demon Chase last time an aggressive ride over the ryion air trip it’s going to be right up

His street don’t you think yeah but he’s always been that way Doan even I remember Bridget raiding him in in entry the year before last how Keen he was over three miles he’s always been a horse you were trying to settle over three and maybe letting them run over a

Bit shorter is going to be the the real making of them well yeah and and I’ve got a little Theory I’m not actually sure that you know in the UK the suers sons haven’t really seen out the gold cut trip in the past um and you know he he be simp you

Know talk simply this year especially he hasn’t been hitting the goal cut markers so there’s no point going going for that race being 33 to one and you know and being happy with fifth or sixth something because you know we’re a bit more ambitious than that and he’s you

Know time ticking he’s not an old horse but he’s by no means you know he’s probably got more years behind him than he has in front so um as a you know as a competitor so I I think it’s important that we you know we are bold and that’s

What we decided after the BET fed this year which for whatever reason he jumped that first jump like that I was never happy looking back on how he’s been since it was perhaps foolish of me to think that he was in as good a form as

We could have him for for the BET Fair because he’s been a lot better since but you know that’s just me hold him a hands up going we thought he was good on the day but you know things have changed so we decided to go more aggressive with

Him run him in some run him in a handy cat you know take on these horses that you know you know might not be taking each other on you know we might as well go and be the participant in these races he’ll go there with good recent form

Okay it’s not winning form but you know L press and shishkin are the two highest price horses in the Gold Cup and we are just behind them so um I think we’re we’re a valid candidate for the for the Ryan Air aggressive ride will be um will be given and

Um you know I don’t really do any of those um time comparisons but I actually ated myself today watching the watching the last circuit the Gold Cup and the last Circuit of the Ryan Air and I was surprised actually how little there was in

It and on his best day he’s as good as the best days of any of those horses in the Ryan Air isn’t he well I think so and if you look at his numbers um his handicap marks and his performance figures and everything else um I think

He leads on maybe two two out of three or so like that so um yeah look he’s not going there as the fav he isn’t the most likely winner but at the same time if he if he won a Ryan a I don’t think anyone go well that was

Absolutely impossible no now unexpected party you’ve got a few haven’t you in the grand annual am I right in thinking that this was the plan with unexpected party last year but he didn’t quite make the cut yes you’re absolutely correct so has this been a another 12-month plan then uh no the the

Immediate plan was to get a race under our belts so we made sure we were very ready for chepo uh which he won um and he just paid the price for winning that day to be honest with he was he didn’t win he didn’t win that race because he

Was better than um than Paul’s S I can’t His Name Escapes Me Now um uh but he he was just ready he was just so ready he had uh all that experience from the year before and handicapper whopped him up um he went and ran in the P power ran well

Without winning ran again ran well without winning the handicap had him too high and he’s released him a little bit now to a more reasonable Mark um I was kind of thinking he’d just turn up here and you know be a runner and you know couldn’t couldn’t say you

Fancied him couldn’t say you didn’t fancy him um but I don’t know why the last 10 days he’s just start to he’s just started to shine a bit um which I didn’t I didn’t really expect he’s not he’s not normally that type of horse he’s a very laid-back type of horse at

Home he wouldn’t really you know unless he was a good-looking gray like he is he wouldn’t really stand out um but yeah he’s just he’s just started to shine a bit so I’m quite happy about I have to admit to a pet theory of thinking that something like the grand Daniel over two

Miles rather than sort of stretching out to two and a half might suit him best how do you feel about that yeah he just doesn’t stay the intermediate trip we we cried and he just doesn’t do it so we take the hint it was Nappers Hill that

He beaten chto who boled in then and wi caned in the rising stars he’s down eight just behind f that R love to know how you got him down to air pound Paul said to me that there CH say you won’t beat us again boy I said that’s right taking you on

Again you’ve got Calico Fred and Penbrook also in the grand annual are they likely to join him yeah Calico runs um had a great year without winning just because he’s you know there’s a lot of the um I don’t know why but he’s kind of avoided the top rated handicappers so

He’s always been in these races where he’s top weight and that’s been highly frustrating because he you know he hasn’t had the chance to get weight off a few so that’ll be nice for him to get a bit of weight he’s highly consistent likes the track um he wouldn’t be

Without an each way chance if Fred arm needs two to come out to get in and if he does he he’ll definitely line up um I feel like he’s just he’s just got away from us a little bit I think thought he was very very Progressive um on

Occasions and then he can chucking the odd I wouldn’t call it disappointing run but it’s just a bit of a non-happening run um if you got on some real nice ground and I’m not saying that next Wednesday will be it I think the better the ground the better his chance but

When he gets on some nice ground I think he’ll I think he bounc back to something like you’ve seen if I can move you on to langa danan who of course finally got his in the coral Cup last season after what happened in the Martin pipe the previous

Season is he though in the same kind of form this time around um I I’d say until three weeks ago I was very concerned um he bled on one of his runs this year um I had a few that sort of ran moderately a great example we’ll talk about later is load

Of H had crippling ulcers um I thought I just better check him checked him now don’t get me wrong he wasn’t he he he wasn’t in a he wasn’t a severe case but he had some ulcers um we treated him for those his work has improved in the last

Three weeks you know sufficiently enough to say that I think he’s back to being a potential player in this race uh but up till then um you know there’s no point me training with a Gallup I would need to be training with a magic one to be

Honest with you um but he’s he he has he has joined in now at long last but he’s not an easy horse he actually had a surgery after last year’s uh Coral cupy um had a a collateral uh collateral ligament surgery um that he he he got

Over pretty well to be honest with you but maybe it’s just took a bit of time to get his confidence back under him or something I don’t know but yeah we’re back to thinking that um he’s a contender again this is really encouraging sounds from him and what do

You what do you remember from this day I mean it’s so important isn’t it to get these victories on the biggest stage that jump racing has yeah well the guy who just um clapped hands with Harry there that’s Colin donin and and cheltam his you know chelon was probably his

Four most important days of the year and this was his first winner in his colors um and um funny story with this horse we actually bought him as a f and I rang up column when we’d broken him in at two and then into three and I said look con

I said this horse he’s he’s he basically hasn’t grown since he was a fo I think he’s I think he’s no good at all he said ah don’t worry he says you know give him a chance you never know and um he won his first three on when won his first

Three on beating winning the listed race and he’s turned up at every CH in the festival since and give us a right cheer on nearly all occasions when he got brought down he’s magnificent horse really absolutely that’s what giving a horse a chance looks like there’s a very special

Moments I mean you’ve been in oh yeah colum was when I was writing for Paul I remember going to uh chfs to win him one Christmas to write I think de bur in a FNA hle and but look he absolutely lives for loves the game and fair play have

That kind of patience to buy a f and and keep going on for that long but yeah what about Lord of s he’s back down to 141 you’ve got Lord of s in the county hurdle last year you had favir down to a winnable Mark maybe that’s longer than

This year did this fell blow his chance in a B for Hur the the method yeah Lo H yeah he he he needed to Second yeah he needed to run that well to get in the race I think so you’re happy at 135 you got a bit more up your Steve I I

Think so yeah he’s he’s he’s a pretty good horse like we really fancied him for the um Greatwood in November and Harry said he could have pulled up pass and stands we he was the one that we we gastroscope and found really bad ulcers so we were desperate to get those ulcers

Sorted which we actually had done by Christmas um but couldn’t run him anywhere because everything kept getting called off um so by process of elimination literally elimination the first race we could run in was the was this race um and he just got he just got

Caught like a sit and duck by airo Lord late on having looked like he had the race put to bed um that bit of match practice there’s no Fitness Improvement don’t don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that you know he blew up because he definitely didn’t um but that bit of

Match practice has done him no no harm at all you know airo Lord has been supplemented for a champion hurdle which suggests that airo Lord is probably is as well handicapped a horse as we’ve seen in a in a handicap this year um and I think he’s I think he’s got a right

Chance on the Friday so do I I mean I I think you had to be a horse as good as airo Lord potentially is on that ground to be able to run down loers said because that looked like a decisive move to me and he wasn’t stopping he was

Still pulling clear with the rest of them he was and actually if you watch airo Lord like he’s he’s not he’s not he’s not winning anywhere until he sort of joins us um the whole way the whole way really he looks like he’s not going to win but

Those good horses they just they’ find a way whether the ground was tacky for him that day or he got shuffled back or whatever but it was frustrating to get beat but you know we were beat with authority we weren’t an unlucky loser you know we were two and a bit length

Behind at the line so there wasn’t any crying done but um I just when a horse hasn’t had a competitive race for that long you know it’s got to just sharpen them up not necessarily Fitness wise but everything else you know it’s just got to sharpen them up and get them ready

For that battle and you’re a bit of a a county hurdle specialist aren’t you four wins is the title h of favir not likely to run this time around he’s going to run at um he’s going to run at Sand yeah he’s good format favor never normally works all that well but he

Actually work really well this week so I said to I who owns him I said we better run him a bit quick um but he he runs how he wants to be honest with you um and it would you know I wouldn’t you know it would be accurate to say that

The the Imperial cup is not as not as deep a race as the county hurdle um taking nothing away from anyone or or or anything um and I just thought that to go back and win the second one is really hard so you know maybe we could make

Life a little easier for him um and so he’s in on Saturday what is your favorite winning moment the chel festival I know what my favorite of your winning moments is which I wonder if they they’re the same one financially I’d say it was Sanctuary but go on I did tell you a

Certainty I’m thinking mahed cuz the scenes after that Victory were amazing mahed was great chitt Bell was great chitt Bell was was for a great group group of guys who you know had never thought they’d get a chelon winner but kind of had the horse that would

Would maybe give them it um and he delivered mahed was an unbelievable story because you know realistically unless it was on a second a second string how was Bridget ever going to get a winner at the festival and she ended up with two you know she’s absolutely

Brilliant at picking one um you know so yeah they’re magic but you know any any winner any big Winner’s got its got it own feeling and its own worthyness you know um it’s hard to pick a pick a real favorite when I was when I was working

For Paul and Ruby was riding them there wasn’t one better than Sanctuary because I thought he was a certainty go on tell me about that tell me through the story uh we got him from France he was basically unridable he wouldn’t leave the Fe wouldn’t leave this the yard at

All um I was he had to ride him he wrote him himself really luck it was a little lighter in those days and I rode him um and I remember for anyone been to ditch it um Outside The Manor Pub there he wouldn’t go any further so I had one I

Had a horse with good George wasn’t he so I had I had a horse with me I said I said to whoever was on I can’t remember said turn around we’re going to go down the flat Gallup we’ll come back we’ll Trot up past the pub he won’t we

Won’t stop going we’ll Trot up past the pub and we’ll caner up the hill well he did that and he still was pulling at the top of the hill I went past the top of the hill where Paul was I said this is a machine and um um like he he perhaps

Didn’t train on well he was probably never going to train on because he he he was so you had to be so hard on him as a young horse he’s probably never going to train on To Be A Champion Chase type horse but um you know just as a young

Horse he was he was just miles ahead of the others absolutely miles ahead of the others and then the handicapper give him a mark 126 which was like Christmas for beat for beating Grand crew in tunon yes yeah they were good days Happy Days yeah well Dan thank you very much for

Joining us this evening we really really appreciate it and also sharing your thoughts and your Insight to all of your Runners best of luck for next week I hope it goes really well for you thank you take care thanks for time tonight thank you bye

Bye what did you pick up from there what was the the thing that most major on runs in the Turners and I’d say the horse he’s fairly sweet in that horse in the county L said absolutely he is isn’t he very much so understand that a bit more hopeful and confident about langard

Dan mhm but I say he’s some sweet and Lord of s but it is interesting if people and many people will at home like lodan Festival form like unexpected party thinking that the two mile is ideal and this was the target 12 months ago hearing that they’ve turned a corner

Lately I think will be a very positive news for oh Big T and like obviously he gives faar a chance at the weekend so if he runs well you know it’ll show his yards in good form but that are in good form any year but like he’s he’s right

And he’s an open well not an open and coming trainer he’s well established trainer but results of chham were really important and a couple of winners there get some more clients and get some more money to invest absolutely and more of those fabulous celebrations they they

Are great celebrators I enjoy you know I enjoy that I think it’s really important to show everybody how much you’ve put of yourselves you put into the whole of this and I think they do really show it the SC SC oh big time but you even even

Say Nick who Lads um but they they’re running a good show and you wouldn’t be grudged them any success they’re having absolutely not right now as I mentioned this is is ro sham live no really we’re live as as La as you are on Monday I might be referring to that I

Might be referring to that anyway Marine National in the um our social media question for you all is what is the best Festival ride you’ve witnessed and why so what is the best Festival ride you’ve witnessed and why you can contact us either via that email address GD or you can @ racingtv us on Twitter now known as X of course just to give you an idea of the kind of thing we’re talking about there is a a certain uh selection from Ruby and I’m just uh trying to get a tweet up from uh

One of the people who are following the road shelham show this is from Alex denigan and I think you’ll like this he says anyone who says which is a liman or champ is wrong so beware everybody if you were going to say that there were great rides that in most jockies in that

Most jockies would have given up but for Artistry and Brilliance it has to be Paul carbury on Bano in the grand annual all other answers are incorrect what do I win what does he win Ruby I’d say you’re a good Judge Alex so you’re winning a compliment for me uh but I’d

Agree with you I thought this was a magical ride Paul and Bano look now he is 20 to1 that does make it a little bit easier but watch how far back he gets here heading up the hill to the fifth last and I know how far back he was cuz

I was actually behind him on the under gray as they jump the fifth last but it’s to stay sitting and uh when we around the corner to the fourth last like he just it was if he just dropped him in there and you were floating around clown melon of Thursday and know

Here we are top of the Hill’s still pulling a roller and he’s trying to tuck him in I remember looking at him here thinking if I can keep following him I’ve got a squeak and then my father got brought down here brought down by free

World oh yeah good man free World um but look sits up again heads up beside a doesn’t want to go outside the green and the white Stars how many people would have the confidence just to think yeah I’m going to bit soon here I just keep hanging on but there there are brilliant

Rights and I don’t agree with Alex there in that if you say a champ or wit time lineman you’re wrong you’re not wrong they were brilliant rids um I think dicki was brilliant on the tizard horse to won the Gold Cup I think they were brilliant rids native River but you look

At rids you think how many people would have won on this horse and I’m not sure there are too many people that would have won on now I know ultimately he ends up winning easily but like heading to the second last that’s his stable companion who was

Favored in front Barry thanks for that I think it was called Paul still in a rush and this horse finds zero off the Brighton but he put even there he tooks back over he’s gone into bar slip stream sits up to pop the last and then has a

Little goal and he starts to get there you know PA’s not going to get too serious he’s only nudg and nudging nudging come on son I I thought it was brilliant the ride cuz you look at loads of rides you think well they didn’t give

Up you tried your hardest even I won on Noland that was pure perseverance but to me that was skill so between Alex and and Ruby you may as well not come in with your ideas of that because that that’s the answer but you know we can give prizes for

Second third and fourth don’t we you can but every and everyone’s Taste of what’s a good raid is different yes H some people love people that don’t give up I that’s my particular test but that’s just opinion that’s what brilliant about resin cuz there’s no definition and R

Remember when you put your selection forward make sure you tell us why you think it’s the greatest ride you’ve ever seen at the channel festival and I’ll tell you where you’re WR yes yes he will right our next guest is Danny melons who has also tasted Festival success Danny we were just

Talking to Dan Skelton he was reminiscing about his wins at chelham what are your memories about your two successes on flowing Porter the first one I suppose it was an exceptional feeling crossing the line getting that first sheltonham winner was something extra special for me it been during lockdown took nothing away from

It and then the second year it’s probably the only time watching the second year here is this the this might be the first one the first year yeah there’s not too many people around for that one first year yeah he gives a lovely little Jin to the right and heads on up

The run in and the next year keeps something else up his sleeve for me uh Flor and Porter always uh a little bit of the Mind Games with him this is the second year yeah a little look at the big screen there it’s the only big race that I’ve ridden in

Where it’s never left plan a everything happened as smooth as it could I was able to get Paul off the Bridle and classical dream down to the last champ was coming over good jump at the last and he he wants to go left that year uh that was probably the only little kink

In it but wasn’t stopping the hallway to the line uh hands and heels right and away he goes like the the tough little fell that he was it was tremendously like clockwork wasn’t it I remember all and the scenes afterwards as well obviously it wouldn’t be a flooring pter

Success if we didn’t see this kind of thing in the windows enclosure that was probably the most nerve-wracking part I think whoever the big guy has hold me up is that probably Celli in Ireland uh I think I I pulled a few hairs out of his head at some stage

As well so good fun but good memories and the question going into it of course was you know would he would he manage with the crowds everybody was worried about whether he’d behaved down at the start with the extra atmosphere it having been so quiet the previous year

But as you say just went absolutely like clockwork everything here Everything went perfect you know I that’s a credit to the guys that from G Gans leading him up looking after him in the mornings they had all the hard work done they had him in a good mindset

Before I got on his back and from there it was just a case of of me keeping the thing rolling along and letting the horse do the work are you surprised that gav’s gone back over hurdles with him after being chasing or did you kind of think he

Would I suppose it was a 5050 decision I didn’t think looking at the national hunt Chase was probably his other option I didn’t think he could win that race and the stairs hardle it’s probably still an open race he ran a solid race last year with an interrupted

Preparation wasn’t that far off to hu fuu’s favorite and he’d have his chance but for me I think if he gets a fair Mark the Irish National could be his race even though it’s right-handed the extended distance and a big field to guide him around I am Maximus always

Jumped left last year and Paul gave him a bit of Mastery to win it think ke who could Poss possibly be doing the same in the Irish National if he was mine I’ll be honest we both just winced at each other Ruby I ha to lead him up in the

Irish National him oh ttery be but at least those that those victories on floring Porter raised the time where your M beat you in the Albert bot yes but uh you know everybody talks about oh how hard was it for my mother to beat me in the Albert Bartlett I

Think was the happiest I ever was in defeat uh you know swinging in here new Milan and keep Galloping R Cooper was looking for a gap that probably wasn’t there that was closed and we we locked horns down to the last marello Tower he was a good tough horse I’d obviously had

The job with Barry Connell the year before but Barry had given me the right on martello Tower after I’d been sacked at Christmas uh to win on him in limrick a good trial for the Albert bartas even away from the last I thought oh I’m I’m

Going going to hang on and going to get there and he he’s just got the better of me Adrien hin give him a great ride to get up and win and you know I suppose I was just young and naive and thought the chham winners are going to come for me

And delighted for my mother who would probably only have 10 maybe 15 a maximum race horses in the a to be mainly Young Horses to sell would be her thing so for her to be a CH Festival winning trainer was fantastic no d when you knock someone down you have to be definite

About it there definitely wasn’t a gap not probably wasn’t a gap there was no Gap there exactly be definite about it this might come up again let’s talk about your rides this year shall we should we start with El Tom Ruby are you going to give your analysis of the of

The horse first yeah I’ll be honest I when he was going to go chasing M him I didn’t think this horse even looked like resembled or would be a chaser so he surprised me from more goal when he won in thus with Paul um tles very fast

Track I think if he jump around tles there’s a fair chance he’ll jump anywhere after that he beats oh my Lord and Aspire Tower and it was a good performance I didn’t think he was a chaser he looked the natural that day Paul rode him and Danny has ridden him

Um and he’s couple a start since and obviously went to Lia Christmas two miles and three was too far from him but here he is in the Irish arkle and Danny this R to me he pings a to last Ping’s the second last it was a Sprint it was

An end to end the AR next week is going to be a completely different race do you think that this race getting down to speed suited him I don’t think so I I think his jumping kept him in the position I wanted to be before the Sprint started

Maybe F Al Vegas soften found a 50 before I lay down a true challenge to him at the back of the last but the fact that he won at the doublin festival the year before when FAL Vega and high definition went a great Gallop on the

Front end and he really ground out that day I think the way the AR is usually run will suit him he jumps quite well he jumped great down the back in leopard down and you’ll need to do that to be in with a competitive chance in the AR will

Coming down the hill fingers crossed he’ll come home well I certainly think given the way he’s taking defenses he obviously gives them more respect than he did hurdles he seems to be more straightforward and and settling a lot better I think many people might have the doubt about chelham itself CU he’s

Been there twice hasn’t he for the the Triumph and for the supreme but for different reasons he’s been beaten what are your thoughts about that yeah he got himself beaten the Triumph and I got him beat in the Supreme don’t think he probably could have won either race but he was too Keen

As a juvenile in the Triumph and I was in the wrong position on him in the Supreme so this is him in the Triumph in the green and red down the inside you see that one absolutely p and a roller he could do that that when he was

Younger the hood has definitely helped him the thing I took away from the Triumph he pulls like he’s pulling now until he was down over the second last he was absolutely burning petrol yeah but he’s matured from that and then obviously you say you got him

Beaten the Supreme last year but look he missed the fourth last and the fourth last hdle is just the wrong hurdle to miss is the wrong hurle to miss and you know I I chased my position there but I think for how they went in

The early part of the race I should have been three or four length closer uh in leopard toown I jumped off bang with the leaders and they galloped away from me at a strong speed I thought I’d take cover in sheltonham and let them go to gallop they didn’t go to

Gallop I’m in the wrong position and still ran with credit to finish fifth you know I I’m open in the position now but having used petrol at the wrong part of the race everybody around me every horse in the field realistically has a chance at this point and I suppose

Marine National was the one who had the class to go and pick up and win yeah yeah look I I be with you I don’t think that Shelton Farm is necessarily against him and I think the AR to be a much race different race he’s

A mature horse but I think he might have have to go to beat founder 50 myself it’s going to be strongly run isn’t it Danny with the likes of Matata and Quil seos there it’s going to be a very different race to the Irish arle how it pans

Out it will be and I suppose that might be a slight negative for founder 50 as well where Jack’s been very good on them this year but Jack’s been allowed to do what he’s wanted with that extra Pace in the arle I hope it might soften up found 50

In the early fractions as well but who knows until today let’s talk about kesi shall we and her chances in the Triumph clearly there’s Serino in the way but she has got a high level of form in iseland she’s very good her run in lepers toown at Christmas was brilliant

Considering how Keen she was and she went back here to the Dublin Festival we changed plans my and Willie had a chat beforehand she settled going down to the start and settled throughout the race got a good jump at the second last uh was in front down to the last had a

Little look at it but ran out a good winner you know they’re probably all the Irish ones are on top of each other going to the line there but I think there’s a bit more strength and depth to that form where Serino is visually impressive hopefully when we get to test

Him we will get close to him anyway maybe beat him well I mean there is the doubt about how Nikki Henderson’s team are going Constitution Hill is going to turn up which is something we’re going to talk about later on in the show he’s had a Spate of pulled UPS as well so

Yeah but I I suppose Jericho RA in baricco Lord uh horses like that I’d be more interested in and you’ll have collateral for by the time you get to Serino on Friday you know where you are so I wouldn’t be jumping up and down about it just now but like Danny there’s

Every chance B storad or manb could flip that with caresi like do you think they’re four Champions or are they much of a mless it’s never great when you see them in a bunch I suppose marra is the one you’d have to take out the race having

His first run a big horse ran a little bit Keen as did KES for her to step up and win the spring juvenile in leop toown so my heart is rolling my head on this one ITI car e is the winning ch she were a tongue Tai in France has

There been any chat about that going back on I don’t think so um I’ve I’ve written her work at home since and she she hasn’t wor one so I don’t think she will she doesn’t need it Wily’s Gallop would be a fair test of one’s wind and

She seems to be fine there okay should move on to gamaro who ran second to lyou in the Triant last season and that gives her a chance given that we know that galam Maro stays further really good start to the season not so good last

Time that’s it in one you know last year we were lucky to beat ly M at the Dublin Festival went on to France and won quite well over two and a half and I was thinking then give me a go at ly M over

Two and a half she had a good start to the season in Doncaster I thought all she’d have to do is hack ground here in punchestown and I’m turning into the straight on S I see it’s dar on my outside turning in well I got to concentrate on winning here but pulling

Up I was wondering where is Paul that was just disappointing it’s taking the wind out of her sales no better man now than Willie to get one back but after the punches time run it’s just disappointing that was the heaviest ground she encountered could it be anything like

That possibly so and the inside track which that race was run on in ponches town like fairy house the inside track in ponches town it’s a different level of deep ground so I’m hoping that that might have been a factor but it’s going to be on the soft side in cheltonham too

And who knows I just hope she bounces back to something like the spark that she showed me in Doncaster but we’re we’re trying to pick up the pieces more so than going with confidence that Triant form does give her a chance though I mean Triant form does but

Uh I’m trying to think that is the qua hardle qua woned and power wed a forong uh lion he beat apples Jade but Apple didn’t get beaten as far as galam Maro did that would definitely be a concern for me that run no I doubt if we think

About the Albert Bartlett Danny you obviously you w the Nathaniel laon dancing city are you clear about where whether you’ll be riding down to the city or another horse in the Albert Bartlet just to be clear I don’t know what raids if any I had for Willie you can’t blame me for trying

Daddy I I’d love to write him again he he was good and he was good at the Dublin Festival Progressive through the year his first run left a lot to be desired stepped up to win his maiden and stepped up to win a grade one as a 20

To1 Outsider of the field and I think there was a few behind them Jara the mayor had solid runs and predators gold had a good run behind Cal Potter at Christmas so I think there was no fluke about this race at the Dublin Festival he hit the line quite strong the extra

Few furlongs I don’t think will be any issue and he’s quite a relaxed out character so I think he he fits the right profile for the Albert Bartlett but quite often it’s the ones away from the head of the market that seem to win

It I don’t know why that is but I don’t think I’d Swap this f for many more in the race no but those three willes at the top of the market obviously this fell reading Tommy wrong and cl High Class Hero they’re all very relaxed

Horses I mean none of the three of them exactly blow you away at home they’re all quite relaxed so in a way they all fit the profile and that could be a difficult one for Paul to pick hopefully it is going to be difficult for Paul to B but uh like you

See with mil Sean a few years ago On’s at 33 to1 can pop up in this race High Class Hero which is the 33 to one Char are trying to tell us then I don’t know if there’s one in it this year I I think High Class Hero he’s notched up a few

Wins he didn’t get too far clear the horses in peress I was third on another one of willies I forget his name that day and yeah I I just hope yeah Paul doesn’t want to ride Danon City the fact that he disappointed him at the first uh

His first run the season this year so bit look I can get back on him and give them something to think about what do you think your options might be in the Gallagher bearing Bingham now that Willie Mullins has on on Thursday said that b burn is running

In the longer race I mean he hasn’t waited to Sunday what’s going on Danny well I think it’s the only one that I’ve got right at all the previews everybody was saying that Val bar is going to go for the Supreme and I was saying no he go

For the baring Bingham now the gaher nois hardle looking through the rest of those I think Predators gold dropping down a furong and probably a stronger Run Race than it was at the Dublin Festival can he settle it give him it would give him a big chance of winning

The race and an outsider a one of willies at a huge price still is mercury he was very good in a maiden hardle for me i’ give him an each way chance I don’t know if you could say he’ll win the race but 50 to1 he could see him

Finishing in the top three mhm interesting um I him know myself cuz I forget that there’s so many I mean Willam M has got so many has he’s got nine of the 15 in the Supreme 13 of the 24 left in the gallaga he could run six in the Supreme

And probably six or seven in the Galler as well yeah he’ll run him certainly will we can rign him for that Miss Mano maybe for the for the dawn Run for the r air Dawn run he’d have a chance she won in fairy house was that she beat Karina the bles

I think if it’s right she’s a juvenile as well does she still have an entry in the Triumph but I’m sure the the mayor’s I’m I’m getting my wrong race aren’t I you’re right she’s in the Boodles Fred winter and i’ I’ve mixed my races up your spot

On for once I’ve got one over and your Lydia be time next week don’t worry you’ll pay for that that’s why I stay quiet that’s why I stay quiet over here I knew she was in the Boodles too but your card is marked Daniel honestly go carry on carry on

Daddy yeah yeah she she was good you know she did she get beat I think the first run this year and won quite well that day in fairy house but maybe that form might need to step up a level to be good enough to beat the likes of

Brighter days ahead and Jay The grui Brighter Days Ahead was was probably a stronger Run Race in nav for her where Jade grui quickened very well in fairy house to win with Brian Hayes on her last St so that would be a good match up between the pair of those what about

Meeting of the waters then had he 17 pounds in hand to Patty per he was good there yeah and uh hopefully he’d have his chance in the ultimate he has his penalty but I think Daniel that wasn’t the question they asked you had he 17 pounds in hand I think he

Did you’re going to have to explain no no not L that’s gr if you think he got up 17 pound to win and he won this off 130 he’s running off 147 on uh Tuesday so if he didn’t have 17 pounds in hand he’s not going to win on Tuesday that’s

What I was thinking I was doing the mats for the penalty but like he is Win well but these are Harden handicappers Danny James the b bustled in adamantly chosen P Panda Boy in against novices would it be a different ball game for him on Tuesday

This supp the thing for a novice does he jump well enough and he jumped brilliant around leopard sound I know he unseated at the first but that was no fault of his the next day a loose horse or one fell in front of him and give no

Chance I I thought he he won very well Panda Bay was laid out for the race and he’s ran away from the rest of them I think he’s deserving of his penalty and he go to the Ultima with a big chance again yeah now he’s been bought by JP

Mcmanis hasn’t he he’s still in the National Chase but they’ve obviously got C across for that so the ultimate he’s now hard UL he’s in the National as well so ultimate piz that’s where he’s going I’m fully aware of his uh his National Ed I just I was you know it’s been

Played on might she turn up for the Mrs Paddy Power she could do she had a nice comeback early in the year in tomel and probably disappointed fairy house and maybe disappointed me a little bit in nce over a trip probably shorter than their best she’s beaten aligor de vasi last

Year and was second to imperious in punches town but on her recent form I think she needs to step up again but later in the spring last year she got to a higher level nce bit like galam Maro in punches Town n for insty disappointed me somewhat yeah I agree she started so

Well at CLA Mel I thought you were going to have a good season and there is that form at the back end of last season hasn’t gone on no and she seemed to turn the corner quickly in the spring last year so maybe she could whereas gam Maro

Was very consistent as a juvenile Hy had lost away and turned it back so she probably could more so in my mind than G marono will you probably thinks the opposite and he knows best are you feeling that Elon is your strongest chance Danny if I were to get on him I think

He’d have a big chance his form is solid all the way through the year it’s a very competitive article I suppose you can make a realistic case for three or four of the minute but the Improvement he showed through the year I’d love to write him in it I think he

Could go there with a big chance okay well I hope you are on board I hope you’ve got plenty of other very good rides and no doubt you will have with that yard and how many excellent chances they’ll be taking over Danny thank you very much for sparing the time

To chat to us this evening good luck next week thank you very much cheers Dan if I get to ride if I get to ride that’s the problem when you’re when you’re sa is that Don dominant and they’ve got that many horses dominant in terms of achievement and dominant in

Terms of numbers you know that everything has got to sort of Shuffle around Paul town really hasn’t it and what he decides to do apart from the retained Riders yeah but yeah apart from like obviously Mark with JP and and darl maybe with a couple of um Simon manir

And Isaac suedes but yeah and to be fair you know Danny is on the second run and Will’s and pck WR a couple as well and it’s not a bad job to have either though no and Willie won’t put any pressure on Paul to make decisions because in Will’s

Mind he’d be thinking I’ll get the horses there first and then I’ll worry about who’s riding them on Sunday so there’s no where you would have seen in other yards trainers putting pressure on owners want to know who’s where am I running and who’s riding it like will

You just about tell you owners where they’re running and who’s riding it he’ll worry about that when the Declarations are done Sunday and then the rid strickle around to whoever else but In fairness to Will he’s very good to keep those rides internal between Danny Patrick Brian Hayes Mikey o

Solivan sha o’keef rer Blackmore comes in and rides out as well and a lot of the rides will stay amongst those Raiders well it’s such a strong staple of jockeys why would you complain I know exactly but he does and you know that’s a big help very much so let’s chat about

What news has been going on shall we we began at the start of the show talking about B bur and how that decision has been made that he goes for the Gallagher bearing big rather than the Supreme he also added Willie mulls he said that of

His what did I say nine yes nine currently in the Supreme the two that are definitely going there are Tully Hill and mythical power tell T Hill and no order entry yeah absolutely so tell me how that was good of them come out get off the fence

On that one tell me how to how that all was worked out what if from your point of view you know how the process works you would have been on you know even more on the inside of the poess when you were on P in panan shoes that you know

You would have had a a dog in the fight essentially about where you wanted the horse to go I’m probably the same and it would have come down to do you which these do you want to right and in Will’s mind Bal bar had the option of going

Both races so then Paul had to decide well do I think toy Hill win or I think atlan will’ll win and that’s ultimately what it will come down to and um yeah and I suppose you look at it from wy’s point of view he has mystical power

Tully Hill uh there two of Simon and Isaac’s another way and Mr GIF um you know I think Willie is a strong hand and then he is obviously El Atlantic and Bal burn in the in the two a half so gives him a strong hand there as well Asia

Master could go to both races Tom cost all right him and that would be a great story too but Willie is strong and he’s trying to give himself the strongest chance he can to win both races and the Albert Bartlet so you’re pushing a couple from the bearing Bingham to the

Albert Bartlet so trying to definitely so did it come down to is Tully Hills jumping good enough in many ways yeah I’d imagine it would have and I’d say even looking back at him we question his jumping here on this show at punchestown where he was quite hesitant but when you

Compare punchestown to nce to punchestown there was Improvement every day now he has to improve again he’ll have to take another mile an hour off how much speed he loses if he’s going to win a supreme but um he’s a very very good RoR to Hill mral power

The that hotness that we saw prior to the Moscow flyer is that was that a determining Factor because he did have the choice between that and the the longer race would would that be yeah but to me looking at them valorn races with his head down and kind of races on the

Bridle I would have said mystical power was a much Keener horse mystical power can be quite free he was Keen in punches town so to me going two and a half a mytical power was always going to be difficult he’s he is he’s Keen he’s Buzzy and look who knows maybe he

Handle the the preliminaries for the Supreme he take it all in his stride but um you look his mother was a bit in her toes and I’m not sure but Galileo uh I think he was fine he passed the Derby test didn’t he he did yeah in some style uh Bal burn himself

Immediately after he w at the Dublin racing Festival you and I were both of the Instinct that he is a supreme type horse is there any vulnerability to him in what could potentially be a steadily Run Race over fur no cuz if a steadly run you can just make the running on him

Um he’ll Canter along in front um and that lwh head Carriage I don’t think he’s that Paul doesn’t think he’s that Keen and he’s the one ultimately up on his back and that’s the way he carries his head but I to me you need to turn a foot to win uh

Bearing Bingham and I think he showed it when he was bypassing the last turtle at at lepon I think he Quicken there and put a couple of lengths between himself and slay steel so I’d have no worries about that either yeah I’m I I I tend to

Agree I mean he he’s got the dominant with codal Potter not turning up at the festival he has the dominant novice hling form hasn’t he he does but do side of that kind is and look obviously I have one foot in the camp and you think

He’s a dominant one and he will win I have watched saw and ridden against loads of Hot Pot novices that got stuffed and Slade steel Henry de bromes has maintained that he will run in whichever race Bal burn doesn’t so does that mean we’re going to see say steal

In the Supreme possibly but I’d say it’s easy enough to argue he’s a better horse going to bit further I I think so too yeah okay uh other news today as he said he would Gordon Elliot supplemented American Mike for the brand Advisory so stepping up reason for Dan Skelton to go

Two and a half this is after his winning the 10up yeah and here he is beating Nick rocket and Manila cooker um and he looks like he’s getting a bit empty going to the last year but to be fair to him American Mike he jumps it well lands and keeps

Going all the way to the line so yeah he beats fact to file in the beginner Chase said na with a solid form he disappointed of Christmas I wouldn’t blame any horse for that some horses handled that ground o some don’t I think Noble’s the classic example of a horse

Who doesn’t handle heavy ground o at Christmas so you can say the same for American mik but um look he’s a very good horse and Gardon thinks enough of him to stick him in there and pay the supplementary fee you’d have to respect her yes and so we’ve got boardway boy in

There as well haven’t we rather than the national H Chase yeah and staya and I think that’s a that’s a pretty deep rest I know you’ve got a four to five favorite in fact to file but Broadway boys sta really strong stairs they’ll go a good Gallop which will suit America

Mike and fact the file but both are really going to have to show their stay I think to get by staya yeah I I tend to agree I mean Broadway boying there is really good news for stay away with the pay I think I think the same I think

It’s music to Paul nichols’s ears I’d say I think he has one that’s going to drag him and it’s going sorry a one of the ability ladia to drag you a long way he’s not going to just bring you to halfway Broadway boy he is going to

Bring stay away f as far as how you C him once and with Factor the thing that we don’t know we know we know from the clock that he’s brilliant but he does adjust right and he’s on a tightly turning left-handed track and we don’t know whether a slog is going to bring

Out the best of him at this stage in his career no but I’d be surprised I will be surprised if Mark wal gets involved in this slug okay we’ll be thinking more about this on Monday that’s when our uh Festival preview show for road to chelham the last one of the series ahead

Of chelham will be we’ll give you more more details of that at the end of the show um other news we’ve got eight standing their ground in the betway Queen Mother Champion chase the what the key horse that’s been taken out is editor deit um I wouldn’t

Be surprised to see all eight stay in iard six can remember what two I thought might come out when you’re left in at this stage you’d have to think so but look it’s it’s about the big three and the rest isn’t it uh fabiolo John B Edward Stone be interested to see what

The weather’s like what the ground is like uh and what the tactics are with Edward Stone but look this fell sets the standard do you think he’d be four to n on the day I think he’d be shorter dear yeah why because what’s the angle against him really I mean I suppose a

Lot of it I think will probably depend on what happens on day one with Nikki Henderson’s team I think that will have an impact on whether people want to back jum B on or not I just think 133 fences at 34 or 5 miles hour I I’d want a bit

More than one the tree anyway a little bit has been made in the racing post about Nic de Boonville saying that he doesn’t think that in one of the many preview shows on the circuit that he doesn’t think that the um Al ab’s jumping is all that uh presumably

It’s been put to him about John Bon’s jumping as well but I mean I think we can all see what niiko is talking about in certainly as an novice he had the propensity throw to throw in a Big M big mistake or be it never looking like

Falling no exactly and he wasn’t for perfect on his last start he wasn’t full perfect in car either he does rub one he can hit one someday that’s going to catch him out but thus far it hasn’t yeah you always said though he keeps his

Bum low doesn’t he get he does but funny enough somewhere along the way Lydia they all end up on the floor stuff can happen can’t it um other news the grand Daniel we heard about Dan skelton’s hopes for an expected party for that race Harry Cobden has been booked for

Liberty Hunter for Evan Williams Adam wedge of course had that um schooling fall he’s damaged three vert in his back he’s out until May that happened in January and Harry gets on board Liberty Hunter this is a good ride to pick up it is a good raid isn’t it um hard look on

Adam wedge Verte are slow but um yeah this is a good ride for Harry Harry cin host that go on I’m go on sorry T the wrong Harry there me for a second no no you got the right Harry uh this horse beats Matata who runs in the arle I

Think will run well in in the arle and this did well to run him down he did and I think but and he Liberty Hunters Mark has been well-minded and Matata adds spice to the arle because Matata likes to ball along and there be no hiding place in that either I think Liberty

Hunter just does enough as well yeah handicapp his nightmare Liberty Hunter yeah Adam W has been very good in Liberty Hunter though he’s just sneaking up without getting a couple of pounds he doesn’t need definitely job done um conflated he has been taken out of the Glen flers cross country Chase it’s

Gordon Eddy at nil Michael Airi one he runs in the ryion air like Michael Wood did to it’s 2-1 isn’t it is it yeah did he not fall in a ran air when Gordon wanted to run him in a Gold Cup then he ran in the Gold Cup last year now he’s

Back in the r air it’s 21 Lydia it’ll be 22 next year when he runs across country to be fair Gordon did say that given that there are so many so much heaviness on the cross country course still that he didn’t really think that that would suit conflated no but

21 right okay now we have another guest joining us on the phone and that is David Christie who has three really interesting entries in the St james’ Place hter Chase David are you there yes I’m here Leia thank you very much for joining us you’re very welcome you’re

Very welcome and you know Ruby of course you two know each other very well yeah I know very well uh proper Hunter CH man absolutely can we talk about your three then uh fernlock ramales and vet um maybe we’ll start with fernlock the seven-year-old there’s been it’s been no

Secret that this horse is a huge talent and he has the results to match as well yeah he’s he’s very good horse and and um he’s a very strong horse and he he’s got loads of class uh and plenty of speed as well um I suppose we at this

Stage he’s done everything that we would like him to do but at this stage uh we’re unsure about the female too up the hill at chelum you know I I can I can see that we’re going to have a look at him finishing second behind it’s on the line with ramales

Behind in fourth and V and fifth but I take your point about about the trip obviously FS Ro lock has since come out and when at TH is but does he kind of look ideal for anry rather than sheltonham perhaps David well I would say that’s probably

Right and R has told me that as well so and who who can argue with Ruby but same time it’s chelham and and you get a chance to go to chelam I don’t want to be one of those people that sits wondering I wonder you know um but at

The same time at Christmas my horses were under all under a bit of a cloud uh nothing was running right down uh we rote him wrongly we learned we learned more about him that day and we’d had all these runs really and we sort of moved forward from there and we used um

Has ability uh at thurles and they has come on from thurles and I think it’s well we think it’s the best we’ve had which just not maybe the same as the big yards you know would have the really top horses but as far as we’re concerned we

Think he’s he’s the best hun Chaser we’ve had I still think that’s something of a statement isn’t it that is a huge statement when you look David at the level of Hunter chases you’ve had open lightweight horses you have a line into Premier magic you at this a long time

Like you’re saying he’s a better seven-year old maybe than Vos was the best you had like you must be getting confidence no I’m never confident as you knew Ruby I’m not one of those kind of people but um you know bway looked as well as ever I’ve seen him at n uh in

His last run there and um but he I don’t think it was Patrick’s plan to be where he was uh to come from where he was and uh we s sort of thought wases we we’ll push a few buttons here and see where the weaknesses are of

Everybody else you know and it’s on the line well he’ll definitely need Derek W Conor because I don’t I think dere Conner wasn’t on him he wouldn’t be the same horse um that we see you know and he’s another horse who has to to come from a we bit back I’d

Imagine PR imagine is I don’t see why people forget him because I think he’s probably MC Bradley gives a good lad and news how you train he won it last year why would anybody reverse the for on him unless he has regressed a we bit you

Know so when you see V last year he went to chelam and he we didn’t realize it at the time but he came home sick and he’s only beaten 10 L um I’d be very disappointed Str wasn’t better than 10 L there yeah we can take a look at V finishing

Seventh last year in the fox centers and that’s interesting the lineing that you’ve got with velet versus fernlock and as you say Premier magic he he won this tidily um ver was a bit Keen would that be fair this time around well he was but uh it was more

That he was sick and he got a quite a rough passage as you do um and the fox Hunters and but at the same time you know he’s not beaten that far but I I don’t he’s a very good Hunter Chas I think he’s one about five and most of his Farms from

Better ground but I just don’t see him in the same class as this horse but maybe ru’s right maybe he’s too classy for the female to and some very often it’s a dur out and out ster that uh that wins this R you know I just think he’s

The most magnificent jumper David I mean I watched him at down Roy at tus watched him last year as a six-year-old when you weren’t going to bring in the child him like he just he’s the kind of horse that when he spots a fence he goes and I’d

Love if there was three or more three or four more fences for him from the top of the hill home yeah so so bar so would bar um Bar says he loves to shuffle just you know what that means he he’s not a horse who just goes and stands off he loves to

Shuffle and move his feet for our big horse is very numble that way he touch wood and his jumping has always been very good schs here maybe 100 fences a week you know uh in my Arena here so that would be one of his strengths and I

Suppose if the ground was to dry up a we bit and we had nice ground obviously goes and the heavy ground but he will go on a nice bit of ground um he’s not restricted to a heavy ground I think it would nice gr would set him better then I would sit

Um that’s on the lane in bway who are probably take away while empty gear you know and when raliz ran against it on the line in bway there was a point at the second last where he looked the likeliest to winner didn’t he had he just done a bit too

Much well I I looked at it afterwards uh and I chat it with Maxine Max it was Maxine’s first rid actually back after having an injury and uh I was watching the the speed in the bottom corner of the screen and you could see about the

Third last round the B know before you turn into the street R there uh Derek knew that the thing was Pace had been too quick but I had said obviously Maxine you know Force the pace just force it and see where we stand and the speed actually was in around 29 M hour

There and there he eased off and then rames went up to 31 m hour just at the wrong time and you know as Maxine said afterwards she had to R it again she probably would have sat in but that was my fault that wasn’t Maxine’s fault you

Know and then when he fold it then he he did fold but she Lily looked behind her and saw nothing was coming and there a kind of false impression to have 40 something L beaten 4 something L because in truth if it would have been a different situation they probably would

Have been beaten 20 lens you know and in terms of jockey bookings for the Hunter Chase have you de decided was you’ve got Barry O’Neal obviously you’ve got Maxine you’ve got Rob James how does it all shake down well it shakes down from a point of

View um again Ruby all know this like you’d have to be dragging him off with pitch fork or something to get him off for lock so that’s his choice you know uh there’ll be nobody to get on him other than bar um that’s the way Barry wants it so that says something for

Fernl um for as regards vley I I might be tempted to put maxing on him because maxing R work on him after that was to another day there just a nice leg stretch nothing nothing serious and I thought he was very happy with her and uh rames probably Rob James

But I put I declared Riles for uh the T and gar and Saturday but that wouldn’t stop him going to chelton um but I just thought the the Tet team at G deserved uh to be patronized to be bit more you know and if I hadn’t

Declared a in it it would have been just ordinary enough you know and how much would you like to win this race I hesitate to bring this up because I know that you probably haven’t watched it back and why would you the 2022 Fox Hunters Wing leader you and

Barry O’Neal six length clear at the last and then being run down by a certain billway what are your memories of this day pray that’s that’s what I remember of that day pride in my horse and pride and everybody that was surrounded the horse to get them there what a great answer

The you know it’s a very cold evening up the north here and the minute cold and dull and almost black and uh it takes me back to the the day that John Thomas Fell and and chelam and we were all standing waiting to see how the whole thing was

Working out outside the way room and it was that kind of a day and when you leave chelam after a day like that there I tell you getting beat up the hill at cheltam is not really that important you know I I’d be delighted for bar and I

Think he deserves at he top office care kind of career but a cream and the cake for Barry to win that race and I’d be delighted for my family but I don’t see I don’t Mark myself uh that it will Define me whether I run at Cham or not I

I I will feel that I will have let Fern lock down if I don’t well we are in no doubt whatsoever about the Regard in which you hold Fern’s lock um but we wish you luck with all three of them David thank you very much for joining us this evening we

Really appreciate your Insight and those powerful words particularly at the end thank you thank you very much Le thank you bless the look very much so um some man isn’t he very much so just that’s the that’s the first time I’ve actually chattered to him I think what a

Remarkable human being he clearly is pure class yeah absolutely okay uh there’s more to come but first we’re going to take a Break it’s funny though I I actually went through the race a lot in my head beforeand and I kind of knew what was going to happen like I knew David was going to jump and go cuz he’ done the same in LEP sound and I had a feeling

What was going Ruby was going to follow me one side and Barry was gonna follow me the other side and that’s literally how it played out and it was actually like a piece of work yeah I wrote him as if like David was I didn’t want to give

Him too much of of leeway leeway and I was just trying to judge my bit of pace and it was literally like writing a piece of work with jumps in front of you I just so comfortable the whole way through yeah I never came out with third Gear now what does it feel like to be you know not not a JP McMan is not a rich Richie not someone who’s you know used to having a battalion of Runners at the chelton festival and going with a chance and you might be disappointed if you

Don’t win what does it what does it feel like to be a more of a attainable type owner and be going to the chel festival with a right chance well we can ask some of the members of the good St Syndicate who of course have got daart Enos

Running in the May novices hurdle the dawn R sponsored by Ryan a Ben and Steven Goodman are joining us now hi welcome Ben on the left Stephen on the right great to Jo that you are joining us thank you very much great to see you how excited are you on a scale

Of 1 to 10 11 good answer tell now now Ben you’re the one that got your dad into this horse tell us the story because this is a this is a classic thing and I think we should be encouraging for racing and encouraging for everybody out there because you

Started with a certain pentland Hills yeah that’s right so um what four five years ago uh one of my best friends who loves his racing too said uh shall we get a share in one of the syndicates and uh yeah ended up picking pentland Hills

Uh so that uh that worked out all right and i’ remember Dad saying after he warn the Triumph how have you managed to get a grade one winner with your your first horse um so I said it’s easy isn’t it um and then uh yeah from there um obiously

Dad’s had some in the past and he’s kind of um picked it back up again uh with one of his one of his good friends as well uh Nick so we kind of formed the as such a Syndicate off that but really there’s just yeah it’s a family it’s a

Family and friend Syndicate it’s quite closed but yeah it’s it’s a good vehicle I mean all the syndicates work well the as Ben just said the big syndicates lets a lot of people get a chance of owning a race horse and the thrill of it uh and

This one I just wanted to see if we could get a Saturday horse as everybody says uh to end up with one as good as this and we’re so lucky because in truth if the poter pointed ended differently she made a horrendous mistake and it was

Never shown on the video and she was a closing um Second and Willie Mullins went and bought the winner uh for a price we couldn’t afford and ended up being able to afford the runner up and the rest is history and Ben this was your choice

Wasn’t she dtinas yeah so uh when it came to the sales uh typically I’ll would do like a short list of horses that I like and then Ferg and Sally will do their short list and if it kind of marries up um then we take it sort of

Another look at them and uh yeah we got got dice out luckily if you want to swap her for for fancy girl there’s no problem I iiz it you’d like her now we can arrange that I think they’re going to stick I think they are let’s take a look

At her exploit shall we I’m going to take you back to anry first of all tell us about this day when she won this grade two M bumper I mean like I think f said we were going into it and thinking she’s got something about her but we

Didn’t know what and I think it was about this point here where I’d seen her sort of on the bridal come up alongside and I started shouting and then I think Dad clocked and then as she just came from here I mean we turned to each other

After race said I don’t think we’ve ever had been cheering for your winner when before it’s even crossed the line well for long out you knew you’d won the race you know it was an unbelievable feeling and she went into that race with you know there was a lot of talk of Jolly

Coen and other a lot of decent horses in behind her and she just put the race to bed you know in an instance so you we still think she’s got unta potential um and we think she’s a special horse and I think like I say the other two at the

Head of the market they’re all the same in that sense of they’ve not been fully exposed yet um but the interesting thing is that all the jockeys are saying they wouldn’t change their horse for any others so it’s going to be a great race and the great thing is no one really

Knows what’s going to happen until the day and it makes it even more exciting one of them’s going to come out really well yeah and the other two hopefully will still uh gain an advantage from being in the race Etc within there but it should

Be I mean it’s not just them I mean golden Ace there’s a lot of good horses in the race but these three look like they’re a bit special and none of them do we we don’t know the potential of any of the three yet because they haven’t

Been tested there you were in the WIS enclosure with Patty Brennan with fergo O’Brien the two of you but also was that was your partner was Nick Nick bu there as well yeah so Nick was there in the sort of in the bright blue suit um and

Uh yeah he almost got his leg taken off by dice art afterwards she’s she’s not one to stand still uh after a race and uh yeah missed missed his leg by a whisker so there’s uh they’ve got a special relationship those two so tell us about this season and how

She’s taken to herd dos take us through the Journey of the Season well I think obviously we started off and I know FG wanted to find a nice race for just to you know get her first run into it um and be obviously it was

Very novy a lot of you know the jumps but the one thing she did that she did last season’s continue to is she just traveled through the race effortlessly um and then jumping last and I think then was the theme and then next two races is her last herles the um

The best her best jump normally um I think the chelham race is very important I think first of all it gives her experience of chelam also I mean beat the bat isn’t a bad horse and the time of a race would have won most of these

Dawn runs to be honest it was soft goinging if you look at the soft goinging times of the winners of the last few years that that performance from Dart would have been up the most probably won most of those um and that this was the big Turning Point

That’s when ferget said we were originally going to go for a listed race in Newbury uh which I think she would have won quite easily looking at how the race panned out but what fergo said is let’s try and avoid the 5 P penalty and that end up being crucial on the

Day absolutely so she will be receiving 5 pounds from B days ahead and Jade Dei given that you You’ just been nutted at carile by a shark handland trained horse earlier today that by a neck with M Crusader with DOA Don McCain that those the 5 PS could be quite handy it could

Be but we’re hoping it will be it can’t do us any harm can it I mean if you had the choice of going into a race5 pounds less than your opposition you you you’d take it you know and we we’ve taken a chance because we could

Have gone for the prizeman and had a listed race and everybody would said oh I mean one of the criticisms is she hasn’t won a listed herdle race she’s won a listed bumper race um you graded bumper race um but really it was a plan policy I mean and I know she’s not

Beaten a lot of quality horses but it’s still something when you’ve run against I’ve worked it out 67 horses and only two have got within seven lens of you know it’s not bad then i’ I’d say that you fully reconverted your father to

Horse racing I I think we can be I was I was never out of horse he converted me to buying horses ah well job done I I I reckon you were talking about the special relationship you know that Paddy Brennan has with the horse what tell me more about

That I mean you know I think Paddy will always say when he gets on a horse that he he’s a bit sweet on that um he’ll tell you it straight away um and you know he thinks a lot he doesn’t actually tell you a lot about him um but he he’s

Always always been very keen on her um and he he thinks a lot of her and similar you know to Austin Ferg is there’s something special about her and it’s it’s been Race by race um but she’s going there with with every chance yeah well we’re definitely going to try and

Get that monkey off ferles back he deserves a winner and hopefully he’s got some quality horses now and whether it’s us or whether it’s crano or whether it’s something else he really is he’s a great chap he’s a really friendly trainer he’s very approachable and he deserves this

Break and I think once he makes that break yeah I think the I’m hoping the floodgates open for him it would be fantastic I remember asking him after daos w at chelham in December you know might you be tempted to go for the Supreme because she was entered in it

And he was s like I haven’t had my first CH the festival winner so far he was absolutely definite what he were to do yeah I mean we have said that to him I did say to him you’ve managed to get a really low rating handicap wise

Why didn’t we go for a very big handicap instead there was deadly silence down the phone when I said that I was and and tell us what it’s like you know the time is ticking down to the festival now the excitement must be building the nerves I’d imagine must be

Building as well it’s totally do I go to the Festival every year and normally I’m looking there and I’m thinking yeah all of a sudden I’m thinking to myself I’m really not bothered about the first two days like I normally am um I’m just thinking about the Thursday everything

Revolves around the Thursday normally I’m planning what I’m going to bet and do Etc and all of a sudden everything revolves around this Thursday and if you ask me normally I used to say oh the Thursday was my least favorite of the meeting you but but not this year youed interest changes our

Minds yeah it’s exciting that that’s the thing at minute it’s exciting and I think closer it gets obviously they probably switch to to nerves a little bit more but we’ve done sort of everything can do and you know you just say well there’s only there’s only one

Other thing I’ve told fergo to do is if he could arrange a ferry strike some time over the weekend that would be good don’t worry we’ll fate them that won’t work and remind me who else other than Nick is in The Syndicate there are some other members aren’t there yeah there’s

Just another his brother and another person from work is quite a close Syndicate there’s only of us that must be lovely being able to share it with family and close friends that must be so special it is and we’ve now got like a little fan club because of dice art more than anything

Else and everybody wants to know how she’s doing Etc yeah it’s it’s created a lot of interest if you’d have turned around when we were buying that horse anding this is what was going to happen couldn’t have dreamed that this could have happened but it could happen for

Anyone and really if they could get together a group of people you know and you can’t compete with the big names you mentioned before you know in the way buying the really expensive horses but that doesn’t mean that there’s not a little nugget out there you know that

You could do some you know do something with and I’d encourage people because it’s it’s an experience second to non you know I think it’s great well we’ve really enjoyed the expence of daas and I’m hoping she’s going to be writing another major chapter this Thursday

Thank you very much for joining us Ben and Steven and the rest of your Syndicate very best of luck enjoy these moments because they’re going to be really special I look forward to seeing you next week thanks a lot guys best of luck what I lovely story I mean that’s

The thing you you you spend very little amount of money being part of a sort of microcare Syndicate pentland Hills owned by the owners group and that’s what it Sparks it it can it can spark that kind of um multiplying interest interest yeah exactly and to furnace them they got

Together and she wasn’t cheap she was she cost a few kod after she was second 95 second in a point of point but it easy to get it for tonight and you know they’ve got three three with Donald McCain they’ve got young Buster as well with fergo O’Brien you know they start

To be right little JP MC manises aren with their to start somewh it does start small and that’s how it can blossom I do think I think that’s the key to horse racing being remaining popular I think for in the in the general population that I would agree with you but we have

Four and a half minutes left in the show and if we start that argument we’ll be here at midnight not an argument it’s not an argum I think we agree I think we both agree right we have some news to get through you will know by now that

Airo Lord we discussed him already has been supplemented for the champion hurle I think that’s a good decision so do I uh wide open contest thought he won more impressively even at newb than he did at cheltonham so yeah a good call I would think maximum of eight for the champion

Hurdle you think yeah I would think so yeah but that’s the the the remnants of constitution Hill and the impact he was having on the whole Champion hurdle division there was horses that went chasing that are probably wishing they stay hardland now and how do you think uh we should be approaching Nikki

Henderson’s Runners as a result of constitution Hill coming out and those pulls up that i’ I’ve been been talking about this weekend to be a different weekend and I’d be more i’ be watching h on Tuesday three more days after Tuesday if you have to watch Tuesdays and you

Can back a few winners of of Nikki’s Wednesday Thursday Friday it’s say be yeah yeah I anticipate that Jericho Dean might drift in the Sky Bet Supreme there’s only three runners uh for a maximum of three runners for Nikki Henderson between now and the uh Supreme raw crazier than Daisy runs in the

Sandam bumper on Saturday I think all eyes will be on her now of course you also know that Marine National is out uh what is M melons doing with his five arle entries in that race fala gck Warrior hunteran Elon we’ve discussed charer between faav via the the the

Horses that this season have been the big two which one do you think I can see three running U marine or not Marine F via or k Warrior hunteran I can see willly with three there sh possibly going two and a half okay right um by

The way you move markets ke bbon you put him up from The Martin pipe and he some ridiculous place now is he do you think it’s ridiculous oh a handicap hard seven to two and seste do you like him I think he’s a chance I think he’s more probably

Likely to go Carl cup he has a squeak but I don’t take his Lim f as lit okay right we asked you to put forward your nomination for the best ride this is the winner Paul circum congratulations he votes for JT McNamara on rdub in the

2002 National hunt chase the horse was a complete monkey who stopped every time he passed another horse so for any jockey let alone an amateur to coax that horse to get his head in front on the line had to be a great ride and it was

Please show it your wish Paul is our Command he was an amateur only in title so don’t confuse yourself there Paul there was nothing amateous about John Thomas Davy Russell outside him and Tim bar isn’t it um as they head to the last but R do exactly doesn’t do a whole P

When he gets the front and JT just keeps sitting on him squeezes him all the way down slapping the shoulder pull him back on the bridal make R do think he’s going better than he was jumps to last and even here he just keeps squeezing him into the bright

Um don’t press go don’t make him think he’s not capable of winning just tricky to winning a ride of extraordinary finesse this peaceful CH it down yeah beautiful stuff right well thank you very much for joining us for this extended edition of road to chelham we will be back make

Sure you join us on Monday we have our live preview show live from the track we’ll be joined by Nick luck there’ll be loads of interviews Ruby and I will be assessing all the key races for the chelon festival we’ll also be doing a wrap every day won’t we at the chelon

Festival at each of the four and there’ll also be a column between now and next week and also a column per day for the road to CH foot in full of effect thank you very much for your company this evening it’s been a pack show I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing from

All of our guests thank you for watching we’ll see you on Monday for R sh them live Patty power sponsors of the road to chelham watch live racing now on


  1. Dan Skelton top class in these Podcats.
    Second time I have heard him.
    A Fab grounding in his Show Jumping days combined with excellent knowledge from years with Paul N.
    If I owned a decent horse ( and I have been in a couple of Clubs ) then Dan and his brother would be my favoured.
    Cheers 🍻

  2. Best ride was Paul Townend on Ferny Hollow in bumper. He needed to be settled to have any hope and Paul did that perfectly and timed his challenge perfectly.

  3. 'Surely it's Supreme' . These two championed Ballyburn for the Supreme. Now Walsh talking as if there was no good reason to send Ballyburn to the Supreme. Mr Contrary.

  4. Be warned all Paddy Power punters.
    They reduced me to approx maximum stake £2.70.
    NOT because I was a winner
    But : because i was NOT a LOSER

  5. langer dan out of sadlers wells out of northern dancer another low carriage monster iv'e followed the trait a lot now to know its a trait from northern dancer and his sire and great sire nearco and neartic they breed well to stayers sadlers wells carries the trait too.. they are defo the most winning NH horses right now that type of chaser/hurdler that and flemensfirth. I think Langer dan would be better over fences most of northern dancers stock does tend to be can somebody ask dan why he never put him over fences? In my opinion he has more potential than the 140k he won. He strikes me as a Arkle or Festival Plate Handicap even type of horse 2m – 2m 4f has great turn of foot. likes soft/goodsoft but i'd like to see him run over Yield if he could.

  6. Well I Didn't Need Any More Confidence In Dysart Enos & Ferns Lock But Wept That Makes U Want To Go In Again So I Will & Mayb Senor , Its All About The Thursday

  7. Lydia was at the London Racing Club Cheltenham Preview on Tuesday. As insightful as ever. Along with Gavin Lynch, far and away the best racing pundit around. And has been for years.

  8. Quick fact check for Ruby regarding 2 mile chasers… "they all fall once" …. Tingle Creek 7 seasons 90 Races never fell once Steve Smith Eccles will bring you up to speed

  9. Fergal could have had 2 winners at this year's festival if he set them up for the right races . Crambo had a great mark for the pertempts before they blew it. And the mare won't touch the Irish pair she could have won a handicap. The mares hurdle epatante was nowhere in produced 5 future Cheltenham festival winners this race looks even better for all the moaning people do about mares races without them at Cheltenham we would never see these mares they be straight to breeding sheds like they were before these races were brought in .

  10. Best ride has to be Barry g on riverside theatre wouldn’t of argued if he pulled him up after 2 fences

  11. hcp rides
    they have pounds in hand

    Spencer on the flat
    they have pounds in hand
    look at what he did in championship races

  12. Im at Plumpton today, Given up on Cheltenham years ago.
    Its all about money, half the people their aren't interested in NH racing.
    They are just there to be seen its a great shame.

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