Ernie Els Simple Game Changing Golf Tip

Ernie Els reveals a unique golf swing tip in this video clip that is very useful. I had not heard this tip before by any PGA Pros.
Ernie has always had one of the best swings on the PGA and Champions Tour. There is a reason he is called the big easy. Ernie’s golf swing just looks so effortless.

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Here is a tip from Ernie El’s that I had  never heard before from any other golf videos,   it is a beauty swing tip, give it a go at the  range next time and you will see it brings the  

Whole swing together. Here it is um you almost  form a little little triangle here I want to   move the triangle back and when you when you  start cocking your wrist you start seeing a  

Little box effect you know you get a little box  there I want to finish it to the top of the Swing   keep the Box and then when I make the transition  I want to keep that same angle I don’t want it  

To straighten or get too close to me so I get to  the the box to the top and then keep that angle   into the shot and that keeps me connected with my  upper half and just give it a give it a lash so  

I get over the ball nice and comfortable  neutral position easy back keep the Box off you go and when you keep that angle you know we  always talk about keeping a spine angle so   when you keep this angle you stay in the  shot longer cuz when you straighten this  

Is when you get out of the shot you want  to keep that angle and that keeps you in   the shot look at all the great players  like Hogan, Player, Nicklaus, Tiger,   they’re all in the shot and I think  with the angle helps you doing that and

Els. Here is a little better video watch  that right arm box Ernie talked about earlier


  1. Beautiful swing…he and Freddie Couples owned two of the smoothest and most consistent swings ever

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