Golf Players

Cam Smith on Melbourne’s incredible Round One streak – SEN BREAKFAST

Cam Smith joins Vossy & Brandy as they discuss the big issues from the first round of the 2024 season

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We are joined by the goat Cameron Smith from our Gold Coast Studios scen is all over the country uh cam Smith good morning good morning fellas how we going super super look we got we got a whole bunch of things we’ve just had the head gear well not even a debate we’ve

Just had the points about headgear does not prevent concussion um we’re getting lots of reaction on the text line yes Pedro interestingly says I’m wearing headgear while listening to the show just in case um The Warrior holic says the Japanese Rugby Union has made it compulsory for school AG kids to wear

Headgear for years I constantly have arguments with coaches over there who won’t believe that headgear does nothing to prevent concussion I wore it back in the day but just to prevent cuts and scratches Brandy is right though it made me feel bulletproof luckily I never got

Knocked out or had a concussion that I noticed though that’s from the warrior holic so Cameron just on that headgear um you know the data is and the NRL physio came on there is nothing to support no that headgear prevents concussion you’re you’re aware of that is that what you preach when you’re

Talking to kids you’re coaching what an under 15 side now under 15s yeah and know there’s a couple of boys that do choose to wear he gear and that’s fine it’s really up to the individual whether they want to wear it or not sometimes they feel a little bit more comfortable

Or confident going on the footy field if they have um headgear on um I I didn’t wear headgear in in my footy career actually sorry I’d tell a little bit of a fib there I used one for half a year I had a bit of a a bump on the gone when I

Was a young Blake and my mom said mate you got to wear hi reluctantly I wore it just because I wanted to play footy and I wore it for about six games but no there’s all the studies undertaken show that it actually doesn’t prevent concussion in actual fact people people say particularly with

With um you know younger younger boys and girls it actually gives them this false sense of security so they actually go a little bit harder and tend to at times put their head in in the wrong position because they think well I’ve got headgear on it’s going to protect me

Which it doesn’t so there’s there’s a little bit behind it but you know sometimes um you know rugby league players wear it for different reasons right some some people wear it because they’ve got long hair and they want to keep it out of their face and others for different reasons but yeah there’s

Actually no evidence to say that it it prevents any type of concussions or or head injuries okay so you didn’t wear one at all through your no 20 years of playing did you even get a cut on your head believe it or not I did yeah I did

Did you and I’m not saying that you you know you’re you’re living in the middle of the field for for 80 minutes every week million I got a few on the chin um a few on the eyebrow I had one sort of on the cheekbone as well but um no I

Wasn’t like a I wasn’t like a few of my teammates who were just they seem to get split every week like Ryan Hoffman D fuk and these type of guys yeah soft skin soft skin tough and up Bo they probably moisturize too much now here’s a question for you Cameron before we get

Down to the real big issues and we want to find out what Melbourne secret is about wi winning in round one but in your career Cameron when did you go from shaking hands to bringing it in like you know well that at the end of a game a

Handshakes would suffice y but now you got to handshake and bring it in at a moment at the weekend where you know you’re shaking hand yeah wer prepared to bring it in suddenly I found that I am bringing it in I’m on the end of someone bringing it

In so was very awward it must yeah awkward awkward so when did happen in your career cuz you would have been a handshake man your dad would have taught you to shake hands look him in the eyes shake hands y then now you bring it in

Um I can’t I can’t actually remember the the actual point in time where it changed I’d probably say maybe halfway through my career I think yeah maybe halfway through but cuz if you you know how um you know all the older games come on TV and the lead up to the weekend

Matches so you look at those and soon as you finished you just turn around shake hands shake and Shake can walk off the field whereas the whereas the the games in the last sort of I’d say decade there’s hugs there’s all these different things there’s high-fiving and then bring it in

That type of stuff so maybe halfway maybe halfway through and probably the first time I did it to I would have been like you like oh that was a bit awkward but anyway this is what we’re doing now I’m telling you you’ll be waiting a long

Time for Brandy to bring it in I’ve never seen Brandy bring it in with anyone he is a non bringer Ina right I’m going to get him I’m going to get Brandy next time I’m going BR now you got now Brandy do you have a story with Wally did Wally tried to

Bring it in with you once Wally l king so really I spotted the king yeah and uh and which shocked the hell out of me um you know bit standoffish the king and and you know through our careers we played against each other we spent a

Little bit of time together and then I don’t know maybe it’s it’s it’s six or seven years ago we’re out at homebush in the media room you know where everyone sort of congregates in the in the middle there and and the King spotted me across the room and he came across shook me

Hand and he brought it in oh I was St oh didn’t he bring it in from a distance and almost fell over didn’t he almost fall over because he brought it in from a distance you you weren’t coming in as well you got to come in at the same time

To bring it in you got to me yeah you got anyway well it’s more well it’s more accepted Now isn’t it the the the manto man sort of hug well throw it out there on the text who who brings it in with their work colleague say you’re turning

Up at work today do you say hi just a waver the hand do you shake hands or do you have to bring it in do you have to bring it in in the workplace now is it compulsory all right Cameron Secrets time reveal how does Craig Bellamy do it

What what did Melbourne have that no other team in history can can boast this round one record they do it again the other night what’s more keep penth scoreless First Premier ever to be kept scoreless in a round one game is it really yeah so what did Melbourne do

That is so damn special to get them that Craig gets them ready for round one to always be good well I just think that well listening to Craig first and foremost listening to Craig postgame with his thoughts on the match he he he did say that he didn’t really think that

They played all that well particularly with the football they didn’t play an overly smart game of football but what they did play with was was plenty of effort and and you know the obvious thing was their goal line defense right particularly the second half I I I can’t

Remember I’d have to go back a long long time um to give you an example of a defensive effort from particularly from the Melbourne storm um that would match that effort the other night against penri they they had multiple sets on on their Tri line but for you know somehow

They they found ways to to make a a tackle a desperate tackle at the end you know Xavier coats come up with a couple of big tackles where there was an overlap outside him Jerome Hughes did a bit of work where he had to wrap around outside will Warrick and then make a

Tackle over in the corner um you know Ryan papen was involved in a couple of Tri Savers so I I think what it comes down to really is the work that they do in the preseason and and and their Fitness like you have to be rock hard fit round one

To be able to put in a performance like that because you know with all due respect to all the other all the other teams in the competition you give that much ball to penrith um and particularly in that part of the field where they they are attacking your troll line that

They’re going to come away with points so to be able to keep penrith to to nil the other night that’s the first time that they’ve been held to nil for two years I think the last time was against Melbourne up in penth but it was like a

It was like a reserve grade side wasn’t it they rested about they rested 11 one of those games that so really what it comes down to is is it’s the rock hard Fitness that Craig bamy and his high performance team get get their squad into ready for round one

So seven full sets penrith had inside the 20 there was 42 tackles plenty of ball plenty of ball inside the 20 and they couldn’t crack them um it was a it was a it was a a great Opening match like you know for a round one game yeah high quality brutal

Uh great defense uh can we dispel the myth then that floats around about teams timing their run coaches timing their teams run for like Craig Bellamy he gets his team ready for round one yep slow starters they get to come 10 garbage where you go well no he’s just timing it

For the back end of the season that’s rubbish the myth that is this timing of the runs what so what are they saying are they saying that the coach of the side that doesn’t like winning in round one doesn’t train in the offseason what what what like seriously like what are

They actually saying can we just can we just get rid of that comment the myths in rugby league the the rubbish fairy tale stories there’s a few there’s a few they get around isn’t there Brandy there some of the W hang hang on Brandy Bulldogs Cameron s never

Played for the Bulldogs and they’re not having great success you know you got to have played at the Bulldogs understand the Bulldogs way to you know what I mean like they’re now seven years without a finals appearance that’s that’s a good one that’s a good understand do on

Bringing it in um Chad’s coming on bring it in he says at work guys I don’t bring it in or even shake hands but if we catch up outside of work we all bring it in WoW work thing yeah outside of work in yeah okay we we don’t want to we don’t

Want to start the year and we we sort of we’ve mentioned it briefly just the the penalty try at the back end of the Cowboys Dolphins game Cameron as your expertise as a former referee what did you think of that one jeez referee we’ve only just finished round one that’s an early call

L referee Smith no look no no look I I I called the game yesterday up at Sun Corp stadium and myself uh Paul vorton and and and Peter Peter Bas we were no we we were almost speechless with that call it’s penalty try like you’ve got to be

Certain you’ve got to be certain that that particular player is going to score a try um it it it took an off break yeah it took it it was it was a big spinner from Nathan L it took a break 90° to the right like that the ball was in the

Vicinity but you know Jack bostok I thought he I thought he actually had yeah I actually thought he for football he he was allowed to do what he did correct you know and I just yeah I don’t know whether you know the Cowboys players were going to get there to be

Honest I know this this isn’t a contradiction no no they don’t have to be certain that the player will score but they have to be certain there’s a very good chance they were they got to be certain that there’s a very good chance I’m saying and nearly every I

Think everyone thought there was no chance like zero 0% chance of layb but getting to the ball Zero and they ordered penalty at best at best fellas I I thought you could you could probably understand Cowboys receiving a penalty at best at best for for for Jack bostok taking layb but’s opportunity

Away from getting the football but they they were all beaten they were all beaten by the bounce like there was no way that anyone was getting to theall they weren’t scoring uh from Windsor says uh Cameron is Craig bellam a bring it in type of guy he is I bet not he he

Is big time he brings it in yes yeah there would have been hugs and all all of that bring it in stuff after the other night no no no no no no he became a bring it in yes right a convert yes a convert a bring it in convert uh we will

Take our first break in our goat segment Cameron Smith if you got a question for cam text it in right now 0457 736 736 breakfast with vosy and Brandy and Cameron Smith me and vosy well I don’t know if we’ve actually nominated our disappointments um and our surprise packets but yours over the

Weekend well I think surprise packet for mine um was the dragons yeah I thought they um they turned up and they looked in really good shape to be honest they they look like


  1. Head gear might not help against concussion, but surely has to help against skull fractures and cuts to the head

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