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Chase Young, Calvin Ridley & Tyron Smith headline Top 10 unsigned free agents | NFL | UNDISPUTED

Skip Bayless and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the latest in NFL free agency. The two discuss the top remaining players available including Justin Simmons, Chase Young, Calvin Ridley, Tyron Smith, Devin White and predict their next landing spot.

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Chase Young, Calvin Ridley & Tyron Smith headline Top 10 unsigned free agents | NFL | UNDISPUTED


Here’s USA today’s ranking of the best available NFL free agents left on the market and it is quite a list I I saw it when I just woke up this morning and it woke me up I’m going to read it in order bear with me Justin Simmons byon Smith

Of the Cowboys Chase young Calvin Ridley Hollywood Brown Eric Armstead Kendall Fuller Stefon Gilmore the Cowboys Devin white Jade devian Clowney DJ reer Bobby Wagner quandre Diggs Julian Blackman xaven Howard Cameron curl trevius white Eric Kendricks ran Jenkins Curtis Samuel key brought him up earlier Trent Brown Jonah Williams Kus Campbell adorei

Jackson and finally bringing up the rear at number 25 three-time pro bowler Jamal Adams man keesan biggest surprise left on this list biggest surprise left on the list I would probably say Chase young and Kelvin Ridley both of those guys I I both of them but but

It’s not the free agency just starting right I’m surprised they didn’t get early action yeah that’s what I’m surprised I’m with you and maybe they did and it’s just not the numbers aren’t where they want them to be they say hey I’ll wait a week into it and and let it

Flush out and then and maybe that money will be there but I like Chase young you don’t like him whatever for whatever reason I have no idea but when he’s right he could apply pressure okay he can change he can change some things in the game that’s the way I’ve always seen

Him I saw him that way at Ohio State he’s not Nick Bosa uh but he’s a hell of a hell of a football player man you can tell in San Francisco that he was getting around the quarterback getting to the quarterback causing problems help that defensive line out immensely then Kelvin

Ridley before he got suspended you know he was a thousand plus yard receiver and ridiculous big time so I don’t know I don’t know what Jacksonville decided to do with with him and not retain him because they probably feel like it’s too expensive to have all him Z Jones and

And um Christen Kirk all with big salaries and then they just went out and got another receiver so I don’t know I don’t know what that is there other than that Stefon Gilmore I didn’t even realize that he was on the market to the other day I thought that the Cowboys

Would at least have given him an opportunity to return because he had a pretty solid veteran year especially when Diggs got hurt he traveled with the ones and did a pretty good job he did Javon clown is another one I’m thinking that the Ravens are waiting to see if he

Gets out into the open market this will be like his fifth team or so in so many years I don’t understand it go ahead that they would say okay here’s what we got for you now you didn’t get what you got you know look look what we’re

Looking for out on the open market come back come back home with us um yeah and any other guys on this list Xavier Howard I expect for him to to get it Julian Blackman I expect for him you know an interesting one out of all is Devin white the Buccaneers that

Linebacker out of LSU for whatever Reon whatever he got into with the Buccaneers front office and decided to say okay I don’t want to be here y’all don’t want to pay me right I want to get out of here he might be somebody that can certainly help change the defense and

May be something that you guys like in Dallas I agree so it all just depends on the money at this point all right back to sha young I have nothing personal against him I just don’t like the consistency of his energy and effort his motor runs lower than a Nick boses or AJ

W whoever you want to talk about it I just he doesn’t have enough snap crackle pop every three on this list so out of the top 25 free agents left he’s three but I’m going to remind you nobody jumped in day one or day two nobody said

I gotta have him there was the denil hunter trade to the Texans yesterday and it was a trade but he’s big time to me I’ll I’ll take him over Chase young he is is more consistent High effort High motor pass rusher than cha shung cha shung is like

Gravy to me he’s luxury and if you put him on a line that has Eric arm said’s on this list but with Nick Bosa all of a sudden yeah he’s goingon to get loose every once in a while he’s going to cause problems but they have not moved

To keep him and who’ they add the other day for yeah but just because somebody doesn’t move to keep you doesn’t mean that you’re not an important pie but if you’re that guy they just do it somebody would just show like Christian Wilkins whatever Antonio Pierce and Company in

Their new GM they just said man we got to have that we don’t have that that’s the anchor to our defensive line it’s 84 million in guaranteed dollars for him that is a huge commitment and I’m pretty sure it’s going to pay off but when you

But when you jump like that yeah we’ve seen in the past whether it’s Albert Haynesworth Tennessee to Washington how did that work out don’t put that on them no no I’m just saying when you when you look at somebody we got to have that doesn’t always work out the way that you

Want it to yeah so these these 25 guys on this list may be getting action that we don’t know and the numbers and the fit isn’t there for them that all of a sudden Chase young might be looking for $27 million a year just throwing a number out there and somebody says we’re

Not giving you 27 we’ll give you 15 and he’s like no I’ll just wait I don’t know because it’s hard for me to look at Kelvin Ridley and say well why would somebody that I’m with you yeah make a whole lot of sense to me Chase Young’s

More of a third down pass rusher you know like okay and that’s fine got be a good he could be really intriguing to have all right I’m going to start at number eight on this list I am the biggest fan of stefhon Gilmore as a

Player coach to have him in your room to have him on the field he was really good for my team and he he did bang up his shoulder it got dislocated and he had to wear a sling brace against Green Bay so maybe he wasn’t quite himself he’s going

To turn 34 during the regular season he can just play cuz he plays with his head more than his can he play football yeah to me he’s extremely valuable and I hope against hope my team can retain him yeah but but I don’t know well I don’t even

Know what he made last year and I don’t don’t know what he could potentially be asking but I’mma just say what if he’s asking $10 million a year to you you’re like okay pay that because his value to you is greater than the money that he

Would earn y but to the Dallas Cowboys in the front office they’re saying well if we give him 10 and we get this dude 10 and we get this other dude and the dudes that we try we ain’t got no money that’s what they’re gonna say I understand well the quarterback makes a

Lot in Dallas and he’s going to make more as he should way to go great okay now I’m down to number nine on the list that you fixated on and I am 1,000% with you about Devin white because in that Super Bowl run that Brady had in

2020 every time you want to talk about jump off your TV screen Devin white jumps off your TV screen because you want to talk about sudden as a Blitzer you play you want to talk about athletic you you want to talk about wallup that that he can inflict on

People but the Bucks had to make a decision they did and they make a decision and I don’t know what happened to him last year but his production fell way off I don’t know what was going on I hav an ask I don’t know I just know what

He has done he did make the Pro Bowl in 2021 he is a talented still very he just turned 26 so don’t tell me he’s up you know starting to get washed there are consistency issues with him but man I would take him because he can play and he’s shown me in the

Biggest games in in 2020 when they got on their Super Bowl rle he was a terror man and is he just lost it I I don’t think so I can’t defend the numbers last year but and then if I go down the list a little farther you’ve brought him up

Many times Bobby Wagner is just a football player to me would I like to have him on my defense yes I would and and he’s up there he’s he’ll be 34 at the start of next year okay uh but what’s that number okay what’s that number all he did well the number from

Last year was during the year he led the NFL in tackles with 183 so that’s going to be his number that he’s going to push across the table but where those tackles are those tackles at line of scrimmage or six yards Beyond line of scrimmage to

Me in the end tackles are tackles he’s just no tackles are not t no but I’m saying he is productive football player and he does it every yeares his name will be mentioned at some point in time in a pro football hall of fame it just will be but when

You got 180 tackles where are the tackles at though that matters okay it does but you know what his helmet’s always in the middle of it he’s a good footb he’s a good football player yeah he’s just going to be where the football

Is but if you if you do you want a 34 year old linebacker yeah that’s the thing do you want to pay a 34 year old linebacker that may have some gas left in the tank he might or do you want to go younger and get a Devin white for the

Same amount of money that you could sign a Bobby Wagner for yeah that’s that’s that those are all the decisions that people are trying to make right now okay and finally this is another favorite of mine because I’ve liked burrow and the Bengals DJ reer is out there on the

Market and he tore his quad last year it was a terrible it’s one of those where you’re just like oh my God but I’m going to assume he can come back from that listen he was heart and soul of a defense that got within a couple plays

Of winning the Super Bowl so he’s another one he’s valuable he’s a Difference Maker to me the these are all potential moves where you say I’ll take that and I guess you mentioned all these dudes except the receivers you don’t want no receiver you happy there I got

The best one in pro football right now and I know listen the draft is I I watched all the combine I watched all those receivers run there there are 20 of them who can play and I’m sure Jerry’s sitting back because he wants to pick players in the draft he can take

More credit for it than just plunging in free agency and going and buying somebody he wants to draft them and raise them and he will try to raise another receiver yeah I I don’t mind that at all I just you know I’m just looking out for you and the holes that

You need to plug yeah well it’s funny we we’ve won 12 games for three straight years and we got holes everywhere we’re leaking leaking oil right as you got exited 27 nothing at half 27 and nothing at half so there was a hole somewhere yeah where was that hole it

Was somewhere I don’t know it was in the head hole in the head that’s what we got of our coach okay thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed



  2. Chase’s motor is never WOT. Never was. Saw those red flags at Ohio State. Always gives up on plays.

  3. Some of the players on that list need to accept $10M or less & then have a really good season. I’m looking at you Chase Young & Jadeveon Clowney.

  4. Yall see one bad play on Chase in the playoffs now he low motor BS put him on KC than watch he played in bogus systems he played good for 49ers it just over stacked in San Francisco i bet if he had a game winning sack on mahomes to win superbowl well be having a different conversation

  5. Keyshawn is the worst football analist ever, he loves hearing him self talk like a fool anoying as can be, this is the worst show on the internet bar none , if Skip wants to survive he has to get rid of Keyshawn asap like yesterday or else hes done

  6. Chase young has a lack of effort problem I wouldn’t pay him if I gotta wonder if I can even get maximum effort out of a player. Do you even love football?

  7. This how you know the national media has no clue. They talking up devin white like he the best thing since pants with pockets.

    He is lazy and has a bad attitude in addition did you miss him getting called out more than once for loafing. Sapp even put him on blast. He is not the guy that we won the super bowl with in tampa anymore. Hence why he is not on a team.

  8. Chase Young is such an overrated NFL player. Has all the physical tools and talent but puts out little to no effort and has no hustle.

  9. This dude(keshawn) never want to put dallas on a good list smh. Cowboy hater forsure! I would say Tyron Smith is the best free agent left from the list. Followed by ridley and young

  10. Key Key Cry baby hates any black NFL player that doesn’t act ghetto and black…. Like Bobby. And as much at Key wants to act black and hard and ghetto, he’s whiter than Skip!

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