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Big O & Matt Verderame – Your Thoughts on #MiamiDolphins Free Agency Moves? 031324

Big O Talks about #Dolphins and #NFL with Matt Verderame. #Freeagency is in full swing as they discuss the latest.

Host By Orlando “Big O” Alzugaray
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This is the Big O Show this is the Big O show ready to go and he’s aboard Matt veram good morning sir how are you doing I’m good how are you excellent brother can’t complain trying to walk people off the ledge a little bit with the dolphins um you may not follow it nearly

As deep as I do uh so I’m going to give you a really quick explanation what I think is going on and so because I made a mistake I thought maybe they’d go after you know a Derk Henry or Patrick queen or something an impact guy but

Really they weren’t going to do that this year and so I kind of explained that I wouldn’t pay for Wilkins 27 and a half I don’t believe he’s really that kind of pass rusher if you look at his nine sacks they all came mostly against really bad offensive lines and bad teams

The big games he didn’t show up in only the bills where he had that one sack it was a great play but he only had that one sack in that play Rob hunt it got out of control at 20 million and Andrew vano I love but he is 29 coming off a

Liz Frank injury and he won’t be ready till training camp so it’s a bit of a gamble so I understand so they in those two years they hit on a lot of picks this first wave I think they said to themselves do we lose these guys or do

We lose Tua Holland W and Phillips next year so I think they’re saving their money for next year to pay for these guys and now they get a sha Barrett in to fill in and help you out while Phillips and chub get healthy because they’ll be joining you sometime during

The season right Jordan puer fills fills in next to Holland that’s pretty good the um Aaron Brewer guy is a quick athletic guard uh Center which is what you need in this offense to get to the next level Jordan Brooks is a good linebacker overall next to David long

And then you think about it if preparing your cap space for next year because you have these important players you got to pay your quarterback pass rushers are important Wadd is going to be your number one wide receiver in two years when Tyreek is gone so all of a sudden

These are really Cornerstone players I’m not sure if they’re cornerstones the guys you let go now then here’s the thing you’re getting compensatory picks for the guys you lost this year plus you have your whole lotman of picks next year and the following two years after that you know what they’re draft picks

Were cam Smith achan Tindle and auk Kama the other four were sixth and seventh round picks forget about that so the following two years you won’t be pressured on a whole bunch of free agents coming out so you’ll be able to focus on other things in the process so

It kind of opens it up for you a little bit when you put all of that together I think it makes a [ __ ] ton of sense what they’re actually doing well you know look I think there’s a couple ways to look at it um I would say this I think

That there’s truth in the fact that Robert hunt look he’s a good player Robert Hunt is not an hundred million doll player Jesus I mean I thought he might get half of that I thought the people around the league who thought he might get half of that I

Thought 15 16 when I saw the one from that guy um right before there was a lot of people that I spoke to were like okay yeah like three and like three and 45 right I mean that is that is an ungodly amount of money okay I mean I

Know this isn’t like dynamite analysis but that night I happen to be talking to my dad who’s about the biggest football fan you could ever find and I said to him he said do you know who Robert Hunt is and he said I have no idea who Robert

Hunt is and so got $100 million this afternoon like oh my God like who G who gave it to him so I mean that was a reaction um the only one of the contracts look I wouldn’t have signed Wilkins for that money either and I and

I like Wilkins a lot I think Wilkins is a really good football player but yeah man he’s good player Dam R is a good player but better against the Run than the pass yeah I look I like see if I’m Miami you already have sealer inside

Like I would have tried to pair him with maybe somebody like I don’t know like like a cheaper option inside maybe somebody and we’ll see what his Market is because he’s coming off of the the knee but like DJ reer who’s still out there someone like that who’s

Gonna cost you maybe half the money maybe even less if it’s a one-year dealer he’s trying to rebound and prove himself again they’ll probably draft one in the first or second round because I think they can do that there yeah in the first or second round pick I think it

Ends up being either o line dline or corner I think is where they’re going the only signing that a teammate of a Dolphins player that I watched and said I would have given him that was van gingle I would have signed him for that amount of money I know he’s 20 he’s

Gonna be 29 he’s on he’s a Liz Frank injury and he won’t be ready till training camp are you sure about that I love van GLE too but kind of understood you’re a new defensive coordinator you need to implement a new defense I will have Jordan Brooks there from day one to

Implement my def defense I won’t have van GLE there he’ll be standing on the sidelines watching and I won’t be able to use him to training camp I kind of understood that move I really I would I would have given it to I mean because in reality it’s a two-year deal it’s a

Three-year contract TR two-year contract and it’s 29 age 29 30 Seasons I would have given him that contract now I don’t mind the Jordan book Brook contract um he is talented he’s a good player he’s inconsistent at times he’s a good player I don’t mind the contract that’s fine um

I look I don’t think there’s any way around the fact that the Dolphins lost a lot of talent over the last couple of days I mean they they did now do I think all of a sudden they’re gonna go seven and 10 no but they lost they lost a lot

Of guys the big thing for the Dolphins for me is how quickly is Phillips coming back how quickly is chub coming back and then next year now with hunt gone and and some of you know obviously Center there’s a shake up with Brewer coming in

Like can Armstead play 15 16 17 games or is this another year which he’s had at times in New Orleans and Miami where he’s hurt I mean they’re going to need him to be healthy they’re going to need him to be on the field even more so than

In past years uh the puyer signing look he’s not who he once was but he’s still good enough to be a rotational player like I I just think right now Miami look they’re going through a cap crunch because Ramsay’s getting paid a fortune Tyreek Hill’s getting paid a fortune

Chub’s getting paid a lot of money and you know as you mentioned and you’re right they’re going to have to pay waddle and Wadd in in this day and age at receivers is going to get welled North to I believe North to 25 million a year so yeah they’re gonna look they’re

They’re paying a lot of guys and you’ll lose some guys when that happens but if they continue to draft well they’ll be able to to churn through that by the way on the Wilkins front just so you’ll know two and a half sacks against the Jets two against New England two against Carolina

One against Tennessee and half a sack against the Giants right and thenes it’s a fair point it’s a fair point besides of Josh out that’s why and and he kind of took a step back against run defense because he was chasing the sacks I don’t think

He’ll live up to that contract I really don’t I think Raider fans eventually we bro we’re paying this guy 27 million he gets four or five sacks a year because that’s really what he averaged for four years until this past year that’s it it was four five sacks every year is what

He had had and so that’s why I just that one I didn’t have a problem with man I didn’t have a problem with it I I kind of understood what they were doing in that one all right um You you tell me what uh what’s standing out so far in

Free agency for you that you really like you know free agency typically tends to be a trap but I think a few teams have gotten better I think Pittsburgh like stealing Patrick Queen away that’s a nice job I’m not a big Russ Wilson guy at this I don’t know how

Many people are at the same point um he’s better than what they have yeah I mean he’s he’s like Joe Montana compared to Kenny picket so I mean you’re better there I don’t love trading away Deontay Johnson in a vacuum but you know what I love less watching Deontay Johnson pout

And give no effort on the field half the time and so I don’t blame them for trading him and they got back Dante Jackson who’s a good Corner who replaces Peterson so I like what Pittsburgh’s by the way by the way it’s Pittsburgh they they’ll find another guy [ __ ] receiver

They’ll find they’ll draft somebody in the second round off a thousand yards yeah guy he’s so freaking talented this pickings guy now he’s a bit of a headcase yeah that’s another problem with them lately over the last like they they take chances on guys that we end up finding

Out like Yo dude do you guys like do you ever like check their maturity uh part of it because you bring in a lot of Knuckleheads man tomlin’s better than what we think he is because he has to deal with these [ __ ] all the time from Ben rothberger all the way to

Deontay Johnson and everybody in between I mean it really is challenging for Mike Tomlin that front office constantly takes chances on people with just Shady characters dude it’s amazing yes they do um but I think their offseason so far has been good I like Philadelphia look Bryce Huff coming in he’s gonna give

Because here’s here’s what roseman’s gonna do now okay they’re gonna trade reic and sweat and they’re gonna get a whole bunch of draft picks and they’re still gonna have Nolan Smith and Bryce Huff coming off the edges with jayon Carter inside and then they’re gonna have all these picks to just load up

Everywhere else I like that they brought in CJ Gardner Johnson they brought him back um you know they negotiated with him last off season and they couldn’t get a deal done he took a one-year deal in Detroit now he’s back on 3 and 36 in Philly that’s a big need for them taking

Care of he know he he knows the team he knows the Personnel so that’s great I’m not a big like pay the running back guy but taquan barkle like if you’re going to pay him that’s the guy to pay so they pay him that offense is gonna be insane

Between him and Herz got the tight end and then the two receivers on the outside and brown and Smith good luck stopping that team that team is going to score 30 points in its sleep every night um so I like what they did and then you

Know it’s weird to say this uh because they lost Kirk Cousins but I like what min s did in a lot of other areas like I like the van GLE signing as I mentioned I like the Blake Cashman signing I think he’s a good player and I really like the

Jonathan kard signing now they lose Den Neil Hunter but that’s fine they got a little younger there um the big thing with them is can they find their quarterback in the draft I mean that is the big massive looming question because they can’t it’s all worthless but they

Got to do that and then lastly I thought you know Washington I think made smart signings they didn’t go out and spend the hundred million dollar guy like they went out and they got dorren Armstrong and you know they got a center for three and 30 and they brought in

Nick gagr from the Chiefs who I think is going to be a really nice guard for them and they they just kind of filled in holes on that team and I thought it was smart it wasn’t you know they upgraded their front seven you know a little bit

You know they they they they were just smart and that’s something that you never say about the Comm commanders ever so that’s a step in the right direction uh I don’t think all of a sudden they’re going to be Gang Busters but they you know they improve the offensive line get

A couple new starters in front of whoever they drafted second overall they they they got better near the line of scrimmage I still think they’ve got to fix their secondary but overall I like the moves that they made I think they’re a better team now than

They were you know 72 hours ago what happens uh with uh bird on your team uh does he sign or does he get or does he get traded because the money’s drying up so I’ve been texting everybody around this for days on end I think the expectation with Sneed is that they

Are still more likely to trade them than not um but to your point yeah the money is drying up and not only is the money drying up but every all these Corners going off the board like options yeah that’s right I mean has L less places to

Go to as time goes on the other thing that’s notable here and it kind of was an under the radar thing because you know unless you’re really focus in the chief probably just like scrolled right by it Mahomes restructured 21.6 million of his deal yesterday yeah I saw that that

Means that they have about 15.5 in cap right now so they’re compliant going into uh you know the new league gear this afternoon they don’t have to move sne now like before it was like well they’ve got to move them to get under the cap now if look if you’re paying

Attention to Kansas City the Mahomes money was coming I mean they were going to do that now that they’ve done it they create a little bit more leverage for themselves on the flip side the counterbalance to that is teams are going to be dropping out of this idea of

Trading for Sneed because they’re gonna go look we either don’t have the money or we don’t need them because we signed somebody else um and that’s where this becomes interesting look I still think it’s more likely than not that he gets dealt however if he’s not traded by the

End of the week then I think it’s more likely he stays like at some point it’s just become I got something else for you here that I’m sure he and his agent have talked about we got to be very careful here because you might get your money

But you might end up on a shitty team for several years so that’s the other thing that you’ve been playing on a you know on a franchise that actually tries to win all the time and they’ve got the best player on the freaking planet right so yeah you might make a couple couple

Million more somewhere else but are you really going to be as happy as you are here right now after what you’ve you know you’ve witnessed and you’re on the brink of maybe a three repeat so you gota I mean some of these players bro the money you know you’re gonna get paid

A lot of money wherever you go and I get it and it’s only one time but man doesn’t it matter where you’re at you know what I’m saying and if I’m going to trade for get leave Kansas City I I just can’t leave for the money only

I have to also leave for you know a a good organization after I’ve been with a good organization do I really want to be with a bunch of slap ticks probably not well it’s going to be very interesting he did an event in Kansas City uh on Tuesday

And he was asked about his situation and he reiterated multiple times he wants to stay with the Chiefs now does that mean he’s going to do it who knows okay uh Chris Jones reiterated that a whole bunch and it took them giving him 160 million bucks to stay in Kansas City

Fair deal bro that was a fair deal well I mean look the reality is it’s three years of 95 million with two team options so they deal bro he didn’t the team didn’t get ripped off he didn’t rip them off no it’s fine but I mean it took

It took it took them going to the map I mean it got you you you want Mahomes on defense right gotta pay for it bro I mean way you know how I feel I’ve said that to you for a year I agree with you so I mean bro he’s a game changer yeah

You have to game plan for that that’s my problem with Wilkins that’s the question I asked everybody I said do you game plan for Christian Wilkins no so then why would you pay him that right I’m paying $27 million to somebody I game plan for I game plan for Jaylen Ramsey

Right correct I have to game plan for Tyreek Hill y these are people I have to game plan for for okay chub up until McDaniel had a brain fart and leaving him in a game for no reason and got injured he had a season that you had to

Game plan for his ass he was sacks he had like five or six Force fumbles I mean it was ridiculous what he was doing you got a game plan for that nobody nobody that no offensive coordinator starts their week by well we got to see where chrisan Wilkins is at

The entire time nobody ever says that that’s who you pay 28 million to those kind of players and that’s the other reason why I wouldn’t have paid Wilkins because he’s not that guy Chris Jones brother your entire offensive game plan in the interior goes all around that man

On every single down you must go over three or four times who’s responsible for him that’s it that that you pay that there’s no question there’s no question and I I think you know look there are very few players in the NFL non- quarterbacks who when you play a team you go okay

That guy what are we doing with that guy Tyreek Hill’s one of him Justin Jefferson’s one of them Chris Jones TJ watt Aaron Donald th those those are the kinds of players to your point you pay them because they are worth whatever they get when you have got I mean look

I’ve obviously watched Chris Jones very close his entire career I feel very confident saying they would not have one Super Bowl ring without him I mean the best game I ever saw him play was not this past season but the year prior against the Bengals in the AC

Title game you go watch the film that game it’s unbelievable I mean he singlehandedly destroyed cincity in that game I think he hit BR like eight times by himself in that game yeah so yeah look you pay him um but you know it’s I’ll tell you thing talk about it all

Year dude the carried the offense this year oh no no question no question Jesus Christ the one thing by the way not to move off the Chiefs oh it is moving off to Chief it stays in the AFC I think it’s interesting the one team is still

Way over the cap right now and we are approaching what we got about four and a half hours the Chargers do they know they need to be kept compliant like hey guys Mike Williams Keenan Allen Joey Bosa K Mack all with cits over 32 million bosa’s got

Two years left in his deal the other three guys are slated for free agency after this I think the Chargers are sitting there waiting to make a trade and I got to tell you they’re not trading Mike Williams I don’t see any way in the world they trade Mike Williams he’s gonna get

Released They’re Gonna Save 20 million have no leverage none zero zero why the hell would you do it like stupid so Bosa and Mack I mean maybe there’s a world because some team doesn’t want to have to bid for him you get like a fourth round rounder or something you know

Fifth rounder for Mack he’s older like I know the Chargers can sit there and say well we can restructure all these guys you’re out of your mind you’re gonna extend all these guys they’re all over 30 like what you g extend them to they 50 what are you gonna do with these guys

And injury-prone yes every one of them like I mean it’s you know honestly all kidding aside if I’m the Chargers I might extend Allen for a year or two just because you need a receiver and he’s a great player and he’s been your guy for he’s the guy the other

Three guys there is zero chance in hell they on my roster if I’ve got a post June one them fine with Bosa if I’ve got to cut him out right fine because if I’m Harbaugh I’m resetting that entire roster I’m not I mean this idea that the

Chargers are gonna be this team that oh here they come the roster sucks their roster sucks they got a bunch of old injured guys they’ve got Derwin James who also gets injured all the time and other than that it’s like what do you have you have Slater who’s another guy

Who’s been injured you have Herbert who fine okay and what else what else do you have I mean if I’m the Chargers I don’t care if I win four games this year I am just clearing the decks I’m getting cap space I’m getting younger I’m getting guys who don’t have injury histories and

I’m moving forward like that’s what I’m doing so the idea that they’re going to just extend and restructure is bunkers that would be the worst decision I’d rather get nothing for them and just get them off the team and reset the team then restructure them but they are apparently weighing all options here

With uh about you know like I said about five hours or so left to go here before the uh before the new league year kicks in I uh I wonder because that’s going to become those are going to become Bargains for people out there because again the money’s not going to be there

For those guys like it would have been right a few days AO go so it’s going to be interesting to see how how that thing that’s real you know people were talking about like down here we had people writing oh it’s going to be cap hell and

It’s no it’s not Capell this is part of the process Capell is what the Chargers are going through that’s Capell right there yes it is Miami is g to be very competitive this year and if the the coach matures and they have better luck with injuries down the stretch than they

Have the last two years actually they might win a playoff game they can they can be better this than they were the last two years but they need a couple of things to actually you know materialize the Chargers that’s cap hell dude that’s real cap hell right there that’s that’s

Cap mismanagement right there and the amazing part is that the Raiders scooped up telesco oh it’s unbelievable I look oh my God I oh as long as I live I’ll never get it the Raiders had a front row seat to that and we’re like you know what we want

That that’s what we want like it’s just it’s unbel it’s almost like it’s almost like if you watch like Richie Co Tite in the 90s coach yes and you and and you know the Dolphins like when sh left the Dolphins are like listen you know what

Co tight that’s what we want because we saw him four times up close he’s gonna get us over the hump like you just it’s like I could even understand that it hey we’ve done that no no we’ve done that Mike tanon bomb we hired Mike tanon bom

After watching what he did with the New York Jets so did wasn’t good we are guilty of doing stupid [ __ ] like it’s man it just goes to show in the NFL I was told a long time ago I Won’t Say by who because he’s prominent enough that I

Don’t want to get him in trouble I was a young writer at the time I say a reporter have sources yet and I was sitting there watching a game multiple games actually with this with this uh person and I made an observation that I thought was somewhat insightful and he

Was like you should write that I said yeah I don’t know I said I I I I think I’m right but I’m not 100% sure like if a Coach doesn’t agree with it then I’m probably wrong I was in like my mid 20s at the time and he looked at me he was

Like most of these guys are glorified gy teachers just [ __ ] write it and I I kind of laughed and he was like no seriously the further you get in this business the more you’re going to realize half these guys have no clue what the hell is going on and you know

What about 10 years later he’s right there there are things that happen in I have I have had people in front officers ask me would you sign this guy for this amount of money and you’re like I don’t know man would you sign him like you

Know I mean it’s it it’s crazy and Tesco thing is just I mean how did you watch how that ended and and not even like five years later like oh maybe he’s learned like immediately like as he was getting his key card revoked in in La the Raiders are like don’t go anywhere

We’re sending a private jet it’s just okay yeah no it’s just it’s hilarious it really is all right what do you got going on in Sports Illustrated so folks uh can I know what it is wait a minute you’re talking you’re going to write about Aon Rogers Vice President of

The United States that’s God I I did my Matt veram show are we really watching politics or just a bunch of SNL skits I mean Trump and and Robert Kennedy this is these are all like it’s unbelievable I’m with you a th% man I’m with you a

Th% the writers satday Night Live are going brother this is like endless amounts of material that these they’re gonna have to extend the show they’re gonna have to do like Friday Night Live I mean it’s no listen I’m with you man I used to always make fun of trump on

Twitter I stopped doing it because people like you’re a liberal and I’m like I’m I’m actually an independent I just I make fun of all these it’s just ridiculous right yeah but the the trumpies are like the most butt hurt people I’ve ever seen in my life I’m

Like bro you got to calm down a little bit like come on like you got to be able to laugh when he says yo Semite okay like breathe a little bit but in any event but then there’s also like everything going on now no uh as far as

What’s going on dude uh free agency coverage wall to wall got all the grades I’m doing the 10 best best available free agents uh remaining uh that’ll go up this afternoon uh just a whole lot of free agency coverage and I also I did tweet out my my um 90 second potential

Conversation between Aron roders and Woody Johnson I did it as part of my matad veram show and I I tweeted out that clip so if people want to see what I think that the conversation might look like this summer um have it involves him calling Woody Johnson Woodman so that’s

Uh that’s where this whole thing’s headed and and personally I can’t wait to see how it unfolds follow him on Twitter at Matt veram catch his work there at Sports Illustrated Matt as always appreciate you we’ll catch up next week my friend sounds good take care thank you sir all right good stuff

As Always this is the big old show This is the big old Show


  1. There's no way anyone can HONESTLY say this team has improved over last season. And with a more difficult schedule you're looking at 8 wins.
    I saw this coming. One year deals for a bunch of older players with declining production. It's like Jeff Ireland has returned.

  2. Check the stats on other big name DTs they too struggled against good teams. Jones himself struggled against us, that’s how it works and why double digit sacks for a DT is always good. Wilkins developed don’t pay too much attention to early years we lost a good player.

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