Golf Players

Arnold Palmer Invitational!! #teeparty #pgatour #arnoldpalmerinvitational #arnoldpalmer

Arnold Palmer Invitational

Hey everybody and welcome back to another rainy evening here in Charleston South Carolina where we tea party are taking you on a journey for another week of the PGA Tour golf excitement baby I’m Matt alongside Jonas what’s going on guys and we’re here another week another lovely week of golf

For you we’re excited we’re in Florida at the Bay Hill is it a country club Bay Hill Club Bill Club just a club just not a country club yeah no just a club but we are here with one of my favorite events of the year the Arnold Palmer Invitational at

Bay Hill man this this tournament I just I love this tournament so much it’s so nostalgic it really is I miss Arnold Palmer the battles that have been won and lost here the times that Tiger Woods has won oh yeah nine to be exact so many no but one of the best

Tournaments around one of the best tournaments of the Year God such a good one alongside we do have the Puerto Rico open this week for those playing down there we’re not going to really cover it just letting you know it’s on but Arnold Palmer is what we’ll be watching yep the

Big names the Stars they’re back they’re so bad so excited so so excited baby um but yeah we’re back in Florida for an action-packed week hopefully the weather holds up hopefully we don’t have any more delays I’m pretty sure we’ve had a delay every tournament this year yeah no

Kidding I mean it has just been delay after delay after delay or not even finishing at Pebble I mean yeah that was good gracious but hopefully Florida weather holds up for the week you never know it’s so bipolar it’s it really is going down to Orlando a couple weeks

Back and it was just like yeah well is it gonna rain yep it is well maybe not 20 minutes gonna be 82 20 minutes later it’s yeah it’s 85 degrees in sunny in the middle of February love it goodness gracious but big shout out to everyone

Big shout out to Mr stripen pipe for winning yet another week of fantasy golf yes back toback Forum huge huge yed y um once again please join it’s so much fun yeah seriously if if you are new to the channel and you know you’re interested in doing just a fun fantasy type golf

Hit the link in the description or in the the bio the bio of our page it’s in there um go check it out and yeah check it out striping pipe was what couple he’s three weeks ago and he’s won two of the past threes yeah so he’s making a

Move making moves he’s making moves making moves um or if you don’t find it in the bio which it should be there but if you are already on PGA Tour fantasy go to PGA Tour and look up te party 2024 that is the league it’s open there’s no

Password join it hop right on in there hop right on in there as for that golf season is kicking off around the world you Northerners it’s time the snow is gone the golf is back baby let’s go no more Matt golf no more simulator golf um daylight savings is Sunday or

Skip forward whatever it is um so we got an extra hour yes oh range after work come on baby come on um anyway on to this week Arnold Palmer Invitational Jonas do you have the odds for sir I do good sir topping us off surprised about this toing us

Off yep topping us off and I’m kind of surprised that this because he just hasn’t played super great but who knows it’s golf he could show up this week Rory mroy at plus 900 he’s first yep I thought Scotty was nope he’s first do you Scotty’s in the field Scotty is not

Even on my list Scotty is in the field as the number one he’s six to one then plus 600 I don’t know why CBS didn’t have it on the list but anyway so not topping us off but the second guy we’ve got Ro maroy at plus 900 then we’ve got Mr

Xander Schley and Victor hin at plus 14400 we’ve got Patrick Klay at plus 1600 we’ve got Mr leig oberg at plus 1800 we’ve got Jordan spe Sam Burns Colin morawa plus 2200 we’ve got will zures Tommy Fleetwood Max hom cam young at plus 2500 then we’ve got Matt

Fitzpatrick at plus 2800 then we’ve got Justin Thomas and Jason day at plus 3,000 then we’ve got mwood Lee at Plus plus 3500 then we’ve got Hideki matu plus 4,000 then we’ve got wendam Clark Kean Bradley and be Honan at plus 4500 and that’s topping out the top 20 there you

Go there you go and Scotty is in this yes he most definitely is he’s six to one he’s 600 and Rory is 900 so Scotty’s your number one going this week yes um but yeah for some reason CBS didn’t have that yeah that’s very odd um but anyways

Mat you have a top five in a dark horse for us let me open up my booklet here the Book of Secrets The Book of Secrets I should have gotten out my Harry Potter Tom Marvel riddle book and just you know any Harry Potter fans out

There we love you Potter heads um anyway yep my top five this week Scotty Sheffer this is no particular order Rory maroy Victor hin Justin Thomas and Max hom okay solid I think that’s a great top five we’ll see about two of those in the top five who’s your Dark Horse my Dark

Horse Lucas Glover okay okay Mr Lucas Glover okay I think I like that Dark Horse he plays well in Florida always has and he’s always in this tournament he has nine top top T goodness gracious but he has just not cracked the code I think this is could

Could be one of those who knows could be one of those weeks for him but yeah that’s my top five in Dark Horse if I had to pick an overall winner I’m saying Mr maxom takes it this week okay even though he’s still trying to figure out

What to do with the shoulder I I think Max hom has a week okay I just I have a weird feeling I have a weird gut feeling it’s just telling me Oh oh all right well um yep uh so on that note my top five is Victor hland I like ludvig oberg

Okay will zator he’s actually shown up recently come on now I know I just don’t like will what why he’s just he’s the caddy we were caddies I know but he is the caddy then I’ve got minwu Lee I like that pick then to top it all off Mr

Jordan spe okay I can dig that I can do that I just you know watching Jordan the past couple weeks man I just want Jordan yeah 2015 Jordan back you’re not going to get 2015 Jordan that’s all I want I just want the Jordan spe era

Back yeah I wish the era would come back but I wish it was the new era give me give me six wins this year from Jordan spe and two majors and I’ll be happy all right this man’s gonna be sad all year um for my Dark Horse Justin Rose he’s performed well

At four of these tournaments since 20110 I believe he got second like twice I me falling behind two of the greats yeah no I I love that pick and it’s because of what you just said he’s been there it’s like a Lucas Glover Glover’s been nine top 10

But it’s been like six seven eight yeah uh he has two3 t3s but it’s like he’s there and Justin Rose is the same way it’s right there it’s just can he put four days together at Bay Hill that’s I mean that’s golf though can you just put

It all together in one tourament to win yourself a million dollars or yeah this week’s purse might be shoot two two and a half mil probably 20 mil so yeah I mean that’s yeah it’s a big purse this week so we might see two and a half mil that would

Be imagine that kind of a Payday the Winner’s caddy yes that’s like it’s like 10 years worth of salary that’s more than I’m gonna make for a while now for a while now um but yeah what surprised me was Kurt kyama they have him at like plus 7,000 and he was last year’s

Winner yeah but wasn’t a fluke no no but Kurt hasn’t shown anything this year and since that win last year where’s he been you can say that about a lot of golfers but that’s my point that’s why his odds are so so much higher because it’s like that’s fair yes

You win a tournament but like you just said you put four days together on any given week anybody can anybody take it but and that’s what separates world number ones and world number 60s because the 60s have themselves two good weekends out of the year three good

Weekends out of the Year where the world number ones are putting it together week in week out yeah so I get where it’s coming from but it’s also like yeah he’s last year’s winner okay he won a tournament now can he repeat yeah and he hasn’t shown it yeah there’s very few

People that can repeat very very few very few and one goty influenza good tiger hopefully we’ll see him at the Players yes please show up and not get influenza or just play good golf please CED off or just make the cut man I would

Just love to see four days of El I dude I just have a weird feel there there that’s another weird feeling there’s another RealD weird feeling in the back of my mind right now don’t say it I know what you’re going to say you said it

Like four weeks ago that he was going to win four majors this year no no no no no no no the Masters we see the six Green Jacket we see him in the final pairing on Sunday I just don’t think the cat has it in him

Anymore him and Jordan be would be the Glorious C I think the cat is is passing off his Reigns starting to pass off his rigns man but the cat has a different mentality than anyone else I know he does but guess what I know mental can

Only go so far I know it’s got to be physical too I get that but the dream right now would be to see Mr Jordan Speed and Mr Tiger Woods in the final pairing on Sunday in April at 1200 Ace going for Green Jacket because either one wins I’m okay with

Because I just want to see Jordan and I just want to see tiger either one of those two win it you’ve made my you’ve made my year wow that’s a big ask well it’s two out of 90 people that’ll play in it so I mean I got pretty good odds

Yeah throw some money on it eh you bet I will if you’re addicted to gambling please call 800 gambling please I knew that was coming I knew that was coming anyway um yeah golf is in full swing we got the players coming up we got Valero

We hit Texas for the valpar and the Valero yep and then we got the Masters Loop it back to the east coast then we riing austa only two hours away yep I’m just going to keep throwing my name in that lottery I do every year and that’s so disappointing oh well it’s a

Lottery it’s the thrill of it I guess at least we’re not putting any money down on this kind of Lottery it’s just please yeah not a chance not a chance no that would be such a money grab but yeah I mean I’m I’m just excited to watch some golf it’s

Thursday tomorrow Friday Junior golf’s on we are a little late this week sorry had a prior engagement last night buddy boy had a baseball game last night I did have a baseball game last night good Lord it got moved it was supposed to be tonight but it’s pissing rain outside so

There’s a reason it move watch your profanity watch your profanity it’s like a reward Jesus um anyways that’s oh before we before we uh sign off here don’t forget if you’re new to the channel or if you’ve seen a couple of our videos you haven’t liked subscribed you know

Commented you know what what you want to see any any changes you’d like to see made I mean it doesn’t hurt doesn’t cost you any money it’s only going to help us you know and if you do already thank you so much we appreciate it so much we do

Appreciate you guys so much I’ve uh I’ve been better about posting our daily golf trivia don’t worry I promise it’s better go follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok we’re there too yep but yeah we appreciate you guys yes hit the buttons just click buttons promise there’s no ads this is

All this is all us this is all free yeah this is all free we’re we don’t get paid I wish but that’s it for me that’s it for me too but it’s it’s getting late it’s about B time it’s it’s only 5:30 it’s okay good night

And on that note we will see you guys next week keep up with it we’ll see you next week have fun go play some fantasy golf join the League that’s it from us peace

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