Golf Players

Matt Thurmond breaks down the greatest players he’s ever coached | Subpar

On this week’s episode of GOLF’s Subpar, Arizona State men’s golf coach Matt Thurmond joins Colt Knost and Drew Stoltz for an exclusive interview from the Thunderbird Golf Complex in Phoenix, AZ. A veteran of 17 NCAA Tournaments, he reflects on if NIL has changed recruiting at ASU, what legendary players like Jon Rahm and Phil Mickelson mean to the program and if his current team has what it takes to bring home a National Championship.

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All right here we go welcome back to golf subp park Colt no Drew stultz obviously if you’re watching on YouTube you can see I’m not there with the sleev the chair is empty but I am out at the beautiful Shadow Creek Golf Club playing a little proam SAS and I’m telling you

What we had a time today hard to believe hard to believe uh at Shadow Creek you could find a way to have a good time give me the breakdown give me the format scores all the [ __ ] going down from Shadow Creek let’s hear it okay so this

I’m playing it’s called the Oxford proam it’s three days Shadow Creek it’s too many days I got invited by a gentleman named Jeremy Krueger over Instagram never met the man in my life he goes hey col love you to come play Shadow Creek I know you love the place uh we don’t

Really care what you shoot we don’t really care if you sleep just want you to have a good time and I’m like you know what that sounds kind of fun I’ll do it and uh my man Monty Montgomery said they’re a rather fun time so here

We are I met them yesterday we teed up today and uh I was 400 through five s I don’t know what happened I think I my their expectations of me changed rather quickly and then I proceeded not to make a birdie the last 13 holes set the bar a

Little too high rookie move rookie move good start though good start though by the way um I wouldn’t worry yeah he made four tweets he made four tweets dude doesn’t matter where they come from uh this is glorious by the way the blind date the blind date proam just slide in

The DMS fired out let that be a lesson to everyone listening if you want to play in any sort of a tournament proam member guest all this [ __ ] just fire CT to DM bam first thing smoking he’s there well yeah I’m not going to like Indiana or anything you invite me to Shadow

Creek I’m available yeah that’s true it’s a little bit easier but don’t don’t let that deter you if you’re out there and you got anything even if you’re in the northeast or anything like that just send it over and Bam you got a partner but uh how many uh how’s the Ronda Rita

Intake God I’m envious I’m not currently in the locker room right now I have not had one Rond yet but we just finished so that’s about to start you can’t the the ritas during golf is rather difficult they’re aggressive they’re it truth be told it’s a oneand done scenario for the

Rorita if you go to two you’re teetering in dangerous Dangerous Waters but uh I trust you have a good time three days up there that’s a shitload if I don’t ever talk to you ever again it’s been a hell of a run but uh enjoy yourself up

There did you get to watch the Beatdown at Bay Hill as they’re calling it uh we got the question or we got the answer to the question what happens if Scotty putts good it’s been a while since we’ve seen it and now we got the answer nobody

Touches him is the answer I mean we were we were texting on Sunday like it’s it’s just so ridiculous how good this guy is I mean just laps the field uh on our our Serius XM show I took Scotty this week I just like look this is a very difficult

Golf Course uh ball striking is very important nobody on the planet hits it anywhere close to this guy give me Scotty Sheffer and he went out and I mean he was the favorite and he showed why he’s won there he’s won there before he’s won there again and it was a route

I mean even when he plugs in a bunker he gets the damn thing up and down it’s just he is so much better than everyone else right now if this it’s one week y but if the putting continues like that uh the rest of the golf world has a big problem

Ahead of them you know how you know a guy is like Head and Shoulders Above the Rest is when he’s a contemporary like Scotty sheffler is right now and you got guys that are right behind him in the world golf rankings like AO maroy Windham Clark said the same thing I

Think windham’s quote was like uh if he putts like this if he’s positive Strokes gain putting going forward like it’s borderline unfair and this dudes he’s trying to like this is a current player this ain’t like tiger back in 2000 they’re talking about it’s a current dude and Rory was basically saying the

Same thing who is this individual creeping up on the on the screen here this is the guy right here this the blind you got a next year you got you got a one leg get your face in it at least is that Andy Reed are you playing

With Andy Reed holy [ __ ] congrats on the super fought with Georgie Chu and a couple of my good buddies from winipeg you’re gonna you’re not like it doesn’t hard you golf you’re you’re going to have an awesome time next year yeah you can tell he he’s drank a lot of water

Today bucket bucket it’s all we’re gonna we’re GNA start this out day one we’re coming in M mildly hot mildly hot mildly hot like I’d say mild to medium just half a jalapeno No No Seeds jalapeno he’s Canadian as [ __ ] jalapeno that’s my guy right there no we

Had an awesome time he’s with we’re a bunch of ham and eggar from Winnipeg but we’re ni well God bless you God bless you I can tell it I can tell it from thank you for making a little celebrity guest beautiful that’s all I needed you

To do I thought you had a I thought you’d been dup I thought you had a twin a clone in the bottom half of his face showed up I was like what there’s two Colts no he’s no he’s he’s way older way not as good looking as me but whatever

He looks like Andy Reid he looks like a spot-on image of Andy Reid by the way Jeremy he just said you look like Andy Reid that’s beautiful good comparon actually yeah but yeah so back to Scott unbelievable good Cameo though um I mean the guy is just if if he

Continues to putt average it shows like what he what he has done it’s special he there’s a reason he’s the number one player in the world whether you like the world golf rankings or you hate them there’s uh there’s no doubt who the best player in the world is right now yeah

Yeah that’s not debatable I went back and this is courtesy of our guy Justin Ray who without him we wouldn’t know any stats in the world shout out Justin Ray fourth time Colt since 2022 that Scotty’s gained four shots or more on the field putting uh results in those

Four four wins so it’s like legitimately it sounds stupid to say and you say it like oh if this guy putts good he’ll never lose well like legitimately that’s kind of the case with Scotty and I don’t know if this will continue but he doesn’t have to putt it like that he

Just has to be average and I thought the most impressive thing colle in his round last uh on Sunday a he did it with the lead B he hit every single type of shot watch having shot tracer for Scotty is the best thing that ever happened cuz

You can see the low Stingers you see the high draws High F like any shot he takes it on and he hits the appropriate shot but when he does once in a blue moon miss a shot his short game’s disgusting like the the plugged bunker shot where

The one hot boom plugs I was like oh this could be a bogey maybe things flip Windom had a good look for Birdie on the next ho right after that nope hits it dead chips it dead almost every time and when he didn’t on Sunday he made the

Like eight-footer that he need the one time he needed it basically I mean it’s just there’s no weakness and I don’t want to just Bang the Drum over one week but like we’ve been talking about it for a long time with what he’s done T green

It’s so special and now you see like here’s what happens when it all comes together and I don’t know that he can be beat by anybody in the game if he plays the way he just did at beill it’s pretty shocking he hasn’t won in 51 weeks since

Last year’s uh players but we all knew it was coming I mean you you just can’t keep doing what Scotty does put yourself position week after week after week and not get it done you go to a golf course where you actually do have to hit it

Really good you have to hit Fairways you have to hit greens you can’t just slap it around and it’s not a putting contest you can’t beat him and he and he won by five it’s yeah it’s so impressive man I just I love the kid he’s so good for the

Game of golf as well um but he just once again proved why he is the best player in the world it’s not even close yeah and we talked about his ball striking all last like how long can you keep this going I mean it’s basically only Tiger

Woods has ever been better T to Green can you sustain this for a while like he hasn’t taken a step back at all so if this new mallet is the answer and this is going to be the new Norm or even if it’s just close to the new Norm problems

Cuz just like you said the harder the golf course the more it it it emphasizes ball striking TD green the bigger the advantage Scotty has and that’s virtually all the major championship so um I don’t want to anoint him as Grand Slam this year but he’s gonna be [ __ ] hard to

Beat I mean can we just go ahead and engrave his name on the US Open trophy I don’t know what year is going to go next to it but eventually he’s gonna win whenever it’s the hardest or just all of them like what what the British I mean

He can hit it knee high if he needs to he just it’s it’s just all really really good right now appreciate Scotty shler for the moment because um I don’t know how long it could last for forever it could last another week I don’t know but

It’s really damn good right now I just thought I mean he just set the tone right out of the gate Sunday just sent it right over the corner on a tough difficult driving hole hit it to 12 feet Bird right out of the gate I’m like well

This is pretty much done and by the way you owe me a 100 I do I took Windam Clark I was a little inebriated at the time I feel like that was a bit of a flyer that the sleev took but I was feeling good about myself

Feeling good about Dub took a two to one on that with a deficit going in the last round uh ill advised ill advised but uh yeah that’s coming right to you dude I’ll get you that right when you get back no problem you you win some you

Lose some and speaking of winning some me and my man Chris demon did win the member member at wh Brock I was wondering how long it would take to get to that I was just going to let it linger I was going to let it linger but

No we’ll give you the props you deserve congratulations member member forever immortalized at the Rock congratulations it’s good to have you board how’s it feel dude I didn’t want to bring it up because I don’t want to donate to the self suck jar but I I sit here I have to

Interview you every year after you finish second at the four ball and we me and my man get a win and you’re not even GNA bring it up I was gonna bring it up but I wanted to see if we got through the first segment before the interview I

Was 100% going to bring it up but I wanted to let you bring it up congratulations to you you did it coming out of the top flight a lot of dogs up there your boy demon by the way stepped up in the shootout hit it in there

Fairly tight I don’t know how close it was but pretty damn good good enough for you guys to advance and uh yeah we had a lot of people I didn’t know who I wanted to come out of that flight honestly it was like a win was a win-win or a lose

Lose I was like there’s nobody out of all these teams that I want to win this but I’ll be happy that five of them lose yep you’re hey I’m with you I didn’t think we had a chance to be fair my man made a 12-footer for parnet

Birdie on our last hole against the doctor and Bryce Moulder and I had no idea what it was for we finished our man Patrick staly Sunshine he goes that just won y’all the flight I go are you are you kidding me he goes no he goes y’all

Y’all just won y’ in the shootout I was shocked demon steps up hits it to 10 12 feet on the first hole of the shootout I make it three of us advaned go back to 83 yards I have to hit it I hit it in there Stony baloney and uh my man made

It and we win it was I’m so happy for Chris um obviously you know don’t for myself yeah mostly for me he needed one I wanted him to feel what it felt like to be a Champion by the way he said zero words after the he

Can he stayed on brand he didn’t get all happy and tell everyone about it we were trying to get a speech out of him he won’t even I mean just zero words never seen a softer spoken uh individual than Chris ston um that’s why you guys mesh

Well between the two of you there’s the appropriate amount of words being said in every every match you know I don’t like to agree with you but I will right now um he it was great he was very humble in Victory but um we’re g to be I

Think we we’re working on getting Dylan woo off the cover of the magazine this year for club champion and putting me and demon on there yeah yeah that uh that Dylan woo lost Still Still stinging me uh to this day but uh if things hold

True he will be the cover boy next year but uh well do deserved win I’m proud of you that was a hell of a job and way to hold down the fourth dog congrats on the painting apprciate M appreciate it that’s actually like my real first paint

Up at Whisper rock which is which is cool because U I know you got a lot of those paintings this is my first yeah put it up put it up show that thing proudly dude they’re they’re hard to come by hard to come by all right well

Let’s get to our interview this week because this is a special one man like I’m a I love college golf uh the game has changed so much with nil the facilities these people have and we go take an in-depth look at Arizona State and their facility down at papao this

Place is unbelievable I can’t I I’m so jealous like as a college kid to have a facility like that you show up they bring you lunch every day at noon you got the best facility in the world it’s just it’s heaven and we get to if you

Got to watch on YouTube so you can see an in-depth look at it but we also sit down with Coach Matt Thurman who is one of the best coaches in the country he’s got a hell of a Squad down there and it was a lot of fun SEL yeah without

Question you you got to watch the Youtube for to do this thing Justice look at the facilities look at where the kids get to play practice all day but it’s uh it’s a different animal uh than when you and I were in college that’s for sure and we’ll uh we’ll recap this

At the end but definitely check out that YouTube and uh see what you’re missing if you’re not in college right now and a world class player I mean if you if you take a recuring trip to Arizona State and you don’t go I don’t know what you’re doing so if you’re young if

You’re a young kid that’s really good at golf I highly recommend going to Arizon State they got great facilities nice scenery if you know what I’m talking about but let’s get to it here’s coach Thurman on golf subar all right we are now joined by one

Of the best golf coaches in all of college golf he’s coached countless all-americans been National Coach of the Year Ben Hogan Award winners not to mention as a player 1994 Western Athletic Conference freshman of the Year coach Matt Thurman how are you buddy everyone always says

One of the best and I don’t at some point hope I’ll do something that that somebody somewhere will say the best hands down unequivocally the greatest you know we’ll see by the way you have two whack freshman of the Year sitting right there yeah don’t you

Thought I forgot about you as a player that 94 whack freshman of the Year people start talking about it was coming down to the wire and I made a putt on the last and got the award who’ you nudge out for freshman of the year you

Know who I nudged out will Collins oh yeah still going I believe yeah maybe um and um Ryan Murphy at Texas Women’s coach oh okay yeah yeah um but I I they had no chance I don’t even know if that’s true actually chance just make up name Tiger Woods ever heard of herberto

Morales give us a little give us a little breakdown if you were being an analyst right now about your you as a player what was your game like uh Johnny Miller once called me the Lauren Roberts of college golf made everything but I couldn’t I couldn’t keep it on the planet really

With great passion and energy and just love the game great chipper and putter highly emotional when you say passion and energy I was going to say does that mean you have highly emotional and I can control myself well now on a basketball court or pickle ball court I don’t

Control myself but for some reason in golf I I never made a fool of myself but in high school basketball like people would come up to my mom like wow Matt really uh I was surprised by his behavior out there a lot of technical fouls but I was always chilling golf but

I I loved it I mean I could never sleep uh before around and but short game was kind of my thing shop making didn’t have a range growing up didn’t really get into the technical side so I I like the adventure yeah did you give it a a stint

No playing professionally no well I played two State opens how do we do I’m uh I’ve made money in my pro career which is better than most people say I I made 4450 I think expenses were down Utah and Nevada open made the cut in both profitable as a professional that

Was a profitable professional one of the very few professional golfers that has 100% cut cut made exactly I mean that yeah don’t ever play another one I I’m not yeah that’s pretty damn good growing up I mean you obviously I’m guessing aspired to be a professional golfer but

What got you into coaching was that something that was always on your mind um every kid wants to be a professional golfer and I think most of us kind of at some point realize hey maybe I’m not as good as I hoped and that was probably Me Maybe junior senior

Year in college and I’m kind of I still hadn’t figured it out yet but I’m trying to raise money to get into Canadian tour Q school and putting together these plans and find investors and you know I should have known when nobody was jumping in to put a bunch of money that

Maybe it wasn’t the right thing and then Coach comes along and says hey I think you’d be good at coaching why don’t you be my assistant coach next year and I was dating my wife Katherine at the time uh who I hadn’t sealed the deal yet and

So like okay sounds good she had one more year college and so I stayed after and and I just fell in love with it right away yeah I was found myself bored practicing by myself but loving working with the guys and we got married the next year congrats sealed the deal and

Uh went to after that one year of coaching to BYU went to Washington for a year OD Vincent and Mary L molur hired me to be the assistant there and then I was there for 15 years as a head coach before coming here at AG 26 by the way I

Was going to say that happened fast yeah I young to be coaching kids up being in charge of them a lot of times when there’s a coach change it’s because there’s problems and it wasn’t the case at Washington OD had built an awesome program it was on the rise had good

Recruits coming in good returning players we had had a nice season when I was the assistant and so he he decided to move on and they shouldn’t have probably hired me but things were going well and I knew how it was working so they said okay why not and that’s

Awesome you you had a really good career at Washington James LEP won the NCAA individual title at K’s Valley I was actually there playing for for SMU I remember that played shot 63 in some horrible weather yeah Le was special yeah take us through some of the guys

You coached at Washington know that we now see on the PJ tour professional golf uh my you know first was uh Brock McKenzie he was kind of the first Superstar I coached although I coached Troy Kelly as you know assistant K but um uh Brock McKenzie Superstar first

Team All-American Walker cup guy I mean I would have uh he was he was awesome and then James LEP came in Alex PR was actually in there while James Le was there and Alex doesn’t get mentioned a lot he had some good years on the PJ

Tour as well uh James LEP won the NCAA Championship and then in the 2026 class 20 six class we had uh Darren Wallace who was a Canadian Amer Champion um and then Nick Taylor and Joel Damon uh so those guys had a great run Richard Lee

Came in who also spent years on the tour uh we had CT pan come after them Carl Yuen um even some others like Trevor ssby I know I’m missing somebody so this is like the problem with making these lists is I’m missing you got so many

Good players yeah it’s hard to list them good problem to have that’s pry impressive up in Washington which isn’t the most ideal golf climate compared to what we got hereis Willam Chris Willams there World Beer World beater Chris Williams so Chris and and and Nick Taylor both won the Ben Hogan award uh

And the McCormack award so they were number one in the world and then CT pan was number one in the world he didn’t win the award because Maverick MCM and John ROM uh were there too but um yeah that’s a good run you mentioned Joel

Damon who is a fan favorite give us a little insight to what Joel was like in college so this is you know Everyone likes to talk about the funny side of Joel and it is funny but you have to understand his mom he and his mom were

Like this she passed away when he was 17 years old and he was just in a really hard time in life he took that very very hard um and still does I think but it was it was not a great time for Joel and he was a great teammate people you know

Make it sound like he was this Pro he was never a problem he just couldn’t he didn’t have much motivation at the time he was a pleasant guy to be on the team with guys like living with him Trav tring with him he played hard when he

Played but he just wasn’t there mentally and didn’t want to do the school workor yep and you’ve had like you said Hogan Award winners First Team all-americans guys like that and some have panned out and gone on the PJ tour had big careers some have not is there a surprised guy

That maybe at the time you got him you weren’t like oh this is a program changing guy or this is a future PGA Tour World beater but then did turn out to have a big run on the PJ tour no I think this is probably my

Problem as a coach no Joel was amazing I he was an elite elite recruit uh I you know this is what a coach is supposed to do this coach is supposed to believe more in them than they believe in themselves and that’s one thing I do I

Mean I see I see PGA Tour in every kid I recruit the question is probably the other way around like which one did you see that should have been on the PJ tour that didn’t make it that was going to be another question yeah and there are

Those and what I found and I say this to the guys like people say oh have something to fall back on or if you don’t make it like people usually decide not to make it you know you know it gets like Chris Williams is a great example

Chris Williams was as good as any Amer player you’re going to ever have and won everything and the truth is he just didn’t really like the life of a pro golfer it’s not all that great out there it’s pretty lonely it’s a lot of golf

And you you lose a little bit of the childlike play of the game and and that just wasn’t it for him and that happens a lot yeah college golf it’s it’s so different like we’re right here at y’s facility right now which we have an awesome video coming out touring this

Facility and your guys when I showed up today were eating lunch together then they went out and practiced together they’re all they they just hang out together Pro Golf you’re Your Own Boss you travel around some some nights other guys have dinner plans and you’re all of

A sudden all alone you got to book your own travel it’s it’s a much different world and not everybody succeeds at it we have uh our team my teams it’s big part of I love teams I mean I love teams I get excited just thinking about how a

Team works and who plays what role and how we communicate and how we you know have fun together and make each other better like that that’s what I do uh and I’ve often actually often thought if I’m too much that way because it’s quite a shock when you leave this kind of

Culture where everyone’s always together and helping each other out and cheering for each other and knows what’s going on and has a friend to do it with all the time to all on your own uh so we’ve tried to create an environment here where even our Lums come back and they

Always can feel that same thing but it is hard it’s a massive transition you go from being in this like really protected awesome environment to now everyone hates you and wants to kill you you know exactly but you you’ve been here this is your eighth season now at Arizona State

I mean I I believe math serves me right 25 years basically as a coach at college golf well the world of college sports has changed a lot recently with nil yeah how is it what’s the difference now from when you started to now with nil being involved how much different is

It uh I think nil is just a part of it it’s it’s it’s one of a handful of things that has changed it a lot I think pgu has changed it a lot you know additional Prof professional opportunities basically the stakes are higher coaches are being paid a lot more

Athletes are being paid more uh universities care they used to never care you know like who cares what the golf team does well you know what it’s actually kind of a big deal now because everyone’s going to watch the national championship and take pride in their University whether they played well or

Didn’t and give each other crap at the office or on the golf course so it just matters way more than it ever did and that means you you have to be a little more buttoned up and um I don’t know the kids there they all have more people

Involved whether it’s agents and coaches and parent like everybody cares more and there’s a lot more to manage is the recruiting more difficult now uh I don’t think I don’t think so actually in fact if anything they’ve made it easier because the rules they’ve kind of cut it

Down we used to recruit unlimited amount now they only let us recruit a certain number of days I mean recruiting you got to know what you do like at ASU one of our problems is pretty much anywhere in the world it sounds good to go to ASU and it makes sense like

Kids kids can look at it yeah that’s a good fit for me right um there’s not much to not like kind of especially for golf good scenery everywhere around yeah there’s some things that are attractive to 18 to 22 year old young men I felt

Like at Washington I had a set kind of Niche certain academic role Niche certain Geographic profile guys that wanted you know that didn’t mind a little inclement weather and thought that was cool um here it’s like it’s a great idea for everyone to come to so

For us we have to kind of be selective and careful not to try to recruit everybody all the time I mean if I’m if I’m a young k on a recruiting trip you come here and you come to this facility right here that the Thunderbirds Phil M Phil and Amy mikkelson the trius

Everybody involved have put together here I mean how do you say no to this place well if if they do it’s probably me screwing it up we’ll take care of that when it comes to like the top ranked kids coming out of junior golf that all the big programs are fighting

For with the nil now does it take more than a scholarship like are are do you need to sweeten the pot to get these top studs that are coming out starting to be that way yeah you got to add more yeah that’s interesting because you know the

Real money to be made still is after and personally I mean it’s if you can get the money great and if everybody’s giving it great but to me it screams a little insecure like if you really are confident that you’re going to make it as a make make

It as a pro you need to do everything you can in your selection to give yourself the very best opportunity to be successful and an extra 20,000 here or there that and making your choice based on that is dangerous and I’d say the same about scholarship you know like 80%

Versus 50% if you can afford it you know go whatever is going to give you the best chance to be successful afterward and figure the money out later but it is a factor like you see these top quarterbacks and it’s like it basically becomes a bidding war like oh this

School’s offer me 4 million I’m going to get three over here is is it like that somewhat in golf now it is yeah which is crazy and so then you need a deep War chest you got to have own and people like that so you can go to battle to get

Those top kids different animal go ahead I mean I I’m not like old yet but I’m also not young and you just got to be careful to not fall into the Trap of hating it or thinking this is stupid or I don’t want to do this this isn’t how

It used to be I mean you have to stay with the time so whether I like nil or not I have to love it you know and so yeah we got to go raise the money and we got to offer it and we got to make it

Happen and that’s just the reality all right before we get back to our interview a quick break to tell you if you haven’t done it yet go check out our YouTube page it’s golf subpar we got some new content coming up uh at the ASU facility we’re

Going to have some more stuff coming out as the year goes on so if you haven’t yet go to YouTube subscribe golf subpar and now back to our interview talk to us a little bit about your team because you got some studs you I believe you got

Three in the top 20 of the world amateur rankings Preston summer Hayes Winnie Ding uh Luke Potter rigs I mean they’re all you got some you got some studs on the P so you I I feel bad cuz we’re forgetting one guy and he’s not getting mentioned enough lately and that’s Josel

B Josel is the European am champ uh has been a two-time allamerican his first two years he won bunch of national championships in Spain uh was a mega recruit for us and he’s been a you know a top he’s a top 20 Amer in the world uh

He is awesome and he’s just kind of you know Preston takes up a lot of the attention here because he’s local and he’s he’s amazing and now came in and ding’s setting records and you know the 65 Chinese guy that’s with a different name that people have heard about but

Never seen and just broke a record shooting 27 under for 54 holes like don’t forget about Jose leay this guy’s amazing um you mentioned Rigs and Jos uh and Luke other European guy Michael mith is also top 60 player in the world he was the Pack 12 freshman of the year

Last year we’ve had four straight Pack 12 freshman of the Year nice uh and I like our chances to make it five if ding can uh keep it going uh I think you have a pretty good chance you know I’m kind of a gambling man I think he’s a slight

Favorite yeah so that’s only six that I mentioned you know I don’t want to go through everybody and but we have an awesome team but you travel five and so you’re going to have like a stud sitting at home is that sometimes tough on recruiting like these kids you could go

Anywhere and easily make the top five traveling Squad you come here and like you’re going you’re going to have to beat a top 70 kid in the country you know in a what’s it take on a typical qualifier to to to make the team to try

To make the top yeah our first we had a six round qualifier at the start of the spring six different courses uh tied for fifth was 14 under for fifth fiveman spot 1400 six rounds ding was 29 Riggs was 28 then there was eight uh 10

Strokes to Preston at 18 so that’s kind of typical for us yesterday we had a qualifying so there was four guys exempt three guys playing for one spot and they’re all really good players and in typical fashion it’s you know it’s up and down and then they finally get to

The final 54th hole it’s dark at greyhawk and sure enough there’s one guy if he makes this birdie he and this guy makes his par and this guy misses his par they all tie so the lip out for Birdie the make for par the lip out for par and then we have a

Two-man tie with one guy one behind I’m not giving names it’s dark like okay I got to get names on a flight I got UNLV is saying hey I need your your your roster what do we do like you guys can you see enough to play one more hole

Like yeah that’s fine let’s do it right now so we go play number 10 play 10 at greyhawk Talon actually they hit both iron shots that look like they took off good but we can’t see them they get up there ones like this one’s about 15 feet

Past but right on the line and they don’t know who’s who walk up there you know Luke sees his ball like this like yes yes you know and the other guy just misses his butt that’s it seems like it happens every time you guys were probably in those T battles were great

They weren’t under though I was say it’s a good thing for you to have it’s so competitive where I mean a lot of schools you’re you’re searching for that fifth guy here you’ve got 6 seven eight guys that can fit into that lineup at any time yeah it’s not always that way

But it has been um and yeah hopefully those five bring it every tournament too well we wish you the best of luck the rest of the season I want you to bring home that national title but before we let you go we do have to get to the E9

This might be a little modified a modified like modified scramble we normally do E9 I got a little thing I like to do with the c treat me with the kid gloves come on I mean I can take it I mean well I mean just don’t you guys

See me you think oh this guy’s like a religious conservative like no no no man give it to me I’m ready uh who would win in a fight out of your whole team if there was just a bare knuckle brawl I wouldn’t want to mess with Jose Le Bayer

I mean he’s the strongest most athletic but Gabe salvanera has got the crazy eyes when he gets a little angry and I I I’d also be afraid of him and he likes to shoot guns who’s the first guy to go down Preston Preston you soft there we

Go see we give you give this will make it way around the team we were going through him with nicknames I believe on our show and ruthless P was one of the possible ones apparently that’s out ruthless he’s looking like a Calvin Klein model these days too man that kid

He’s changing that physique we always talk about trying to be a blue collar team and everyone’s like how can we be blue collar with Scottdale boy over here you know silver leag guys so Preston takes a lot of we played football in Hawaii the first year was like nobody

Touches Preston nobody touches Preston he’s going to be really upset if he hears this this is great by the way when we walked in today he was God bless him cleaning up the eating area he had that might have been scripted a little bit no there’s some coaching that happens there

Well he left his stuff out yeah man that he used to Barb cleaning up I just saw Luke leaving his uto poops everywhere God bless him all right there’s that was my that was just off the top just since he said you didn’t want the kid gloves I

Feel like a brawl question is good you’re a players coach I me you’re super nice I’m guessing there’s some tough love there but throughout your career where would you rank you guys sucking suck as the meanest thing you’ve ever said to a team that’s harsh coach so

That’s harsh bud you guys suck suck that’s the thing when you don’t cuss a lot when you do that’s like I don’t get that angry but when you do and Mason anderwoods soon would say you do not want to see the wrath of thms that’s what it’s called the wrath of thms it

Comes out maybe twice a year and you do not want to be on the other side of that is that where the the name I’m sure you’re aware of it thornado I mean is that I mean you heard that maybe I just made that up right now

Maybe I came up with that I don’t mind you know like I’m I am a nice coach and we have a lot of fun but any coach needs to have a little bit of Fear Factor that you know you they need to know that you could

Lose it at any second yeah you guys suck that’ll that’ll take care of I remember that name do you remember Z so we were one year we’re in Missouri and he’s like you know what coach I think what the team really needs is like you just need

To go off on us sometime like really like let us have it like get pissed I’m like okay I can do that if that’s what you want he was kind of our captain and so we have a bad day and we’re in the van afterward and I and I I go off right

And he lost his crap he starts yelling at me and and we are yelling at the top of our lungs at each other and he’s like he wasn’t joking around like and and Garrett CLE will still say he’s the Utah coach he would say that was the most

Awkward van ride in the history of my life and nobody said anything for for hours I’m like Bix dude what happened like you told me when I should do this so I do it and you just you know and then he go yeah I don’t know man I’m

Sorry I just lost it CAU in a moment sorry so I do have a little bit of it in me what’s the most severe disciplinary punishment you’ve ever dled out to a player man I think there’s a stare there’s a stare that comes from me that

You don’t want that’s worse than any you know stadium stairs you can run um it’s I give you a lot of space but when you when you break the trust you miss tournaments or you get cut from the team so I’m not I’m not a stadium guy I mean

I I don’t know I don’t I don’t do that you don’t have like the death workouts like we used to have one basically you didn’t it didn’t end till you threw up and it just ended with these barrel rolls that make you throw up no matter

What I don’t see all that’s going to do is make them more Angry yeah it made me yeah I like you know think about your mom like like what’s the worst thing like your dad might you know spank you or Dr you or do this but you know so

What right your mom when she says son I’m I’m so disappointed in youo is there anything worse of a punishment than your mother being disappointed in you I try to I try to appeal to that emotional level yeah disappointment is a tough word I really can’t believe that we’re

Having to have this conversation right now yeah I’ve had that one a few times it’s not good still haven’t gotten that many of times it hurts right yeah yeah it does Cuts deep all right my next one um everyone that knows you talks about how highly competitive you are really

And you’re not the greatest loser which if you talk to Charles Barkley Charles Barkley says you show me someone that’s a good loser I’ll show you a loser so I’m okay with this Charles is smart I don’t know where he’s going with this what would you say is the worst temper

Tantrum you’ve ever seen thrown at Washington National well Richard Lee had one of we were doing this par five drill and he threw his three-wood into the lake and Richard Lee’s a saint so I’m not talk about my temper tandr I’ll get to that but Richard Lee we’re doing this partf

And he finally broke and he throws it in the middle of this big lake and it’s cold this like February in Washington and he it’s like he extended and as it left he started walking toward the lake and he’s taking off his clothes as he’s walking towards

The lake and he’s down in his underwear and he just doesn’t even break stride just walks straight into the lake swims out three Woods floating in the lake and and comes back so that was a great one that’s beautiful that’s my my one and I whoever is bringing this up is probably

Talking about the time when I chunked it in the creek about 100 yards out on whole 15 and I threw my wedge is that what we were talking about no but keep going this is why it’s always fun we have sometimes I threw my wedge in the

Creek and I’m like you go in there too and that’s that’s probably what I thought they were talking um the one I was told to ask about was the putting contest with Joe Panzer was it the stone of Shame he said you tomahawked your putter in into the

Bushes oh I did yeah so you thrown a three-wood you got guys throwing three Woods in the waters your Putters in the bushes so many that know which one to pick the tornado can I tell you a Joe paner story okay so so we’re out practicing one day and these guys would

This a long drive they’d stop and get food on the way so we had a barbecue out there and Zach they all stop and they all could have time to get their stuff right so Zach had bought like a a quart of chocolate milk and it’s sitting off

The side of the green right here and there’s a bunker over here with the green in the middle uh Joe is in the bunker no I got it wrong I’m sorry Joe paneri bought the milk and is in the bunker Zach is over here walking by go Hey Joe can I can I

Have some of your chocolate milk no you could have bought your own okay takes the chocolate milk well he’s 30 yards away opens it up pours it out and looks at him he’s like if if I can’t have any you’re not having any either and Joe lost it and they started

Fighting they end up in the bunker they’re like punching each other rolling around in the bunker and uh anyway about two minutes in they just start laughing which is what they always did SL you mess with man chocolate milk big Chate milk Knuckles come out you start messing with the dude’s

Chocolate milk I don’t blame him so I get a little upset there’s always like one good fight story with coaches where players get into fights you know what I mean we had Sheffer and Hustler when we had we talked to John Fields they had a

Near come to blows think it’s a lost art I mean all these problems we’re having kids can’t I mean I mean back in the day you just fight it out and then you’re over it and it’s over and nobody really hurts each other too bad and yeah the

Golfers not UFC fighters slaps like all dude what do we we had one at Mesa Country Club where you know Alex Del re constantly chipping on Mason Anderson Alex has a mouth and he just runs it and runs it and it’s fun but Mason had had enough and then

Finally I mean right in front of the clubhouse Mason runs over grabs Alex takes him and just slams him on the ground and they’re rolling around and like this is at practice Yeah so I but that you know those guys got along great after that they were best friends a

Little that’s healthy too by the way like brother I’ll probably get in trouble for saying this but that actually is important may have to go into MCE the Pro Shop like boy they know they know sorry about the brawl they’ve seen worse out there if you’re going to

Do it anywhere m is the spot to do it they don’t only condone that they encourage that sort of behavior um I’ll give you one let’s go current players on this one uh most likely to slide into the DMS of a a female celebrity shoot a

Shot it’s for sure Luke po yeah I reckon he might have a shot by the way yeah he’s got some charm yeah he’s got he got that vibe that little SoCal Vibe about him I’ll stay on that same kind of area there I was gonna because Joel Damon who

One of your most famous guys you’ve coached he’s gone to a whole another level like we just played with him at Phoenix open when I was catting for Taylor Montgomery I mean people love him and it’s all because of I mean he’s got a great personality but Netflix full

Swing has changed his life of your guys right now who do you think would be the biggest star on Netflix I think I think Luke would be um Luke’s just a star he just loves to be he’s really good in front of the camera you know we have we’re doing stuff on

Our Instagram all the time and a lot of times it takes multiple takes with guys and they all do pretty well but Luke you just turn the camera on and he just just syrup comes out of his mouth and he’s always got the right thing to say some

Catchy little thing and he’s yeah he’s all right well coach we have to go find him after this coach him really well so he has a long professional career CU we need these jobs Chase it for a decade or two yeah you know there no rush this type of

Stuff’s always just sitting around for you um I’ll give you one since we’ve done kind of like the vanity here’s a real golf One 10-footer National Championship on the line make you win Miss you lose which guy on your team do you think wants that putt the most Preston wants that

Putt watch him do make one out here actually similar situation yeah and he’s done that many times uh we had an awesome you know Mason made a couple putts Cameron cisk in our match against Oklahoma in the semifinals at the NCAA a couple years ago had about a 15-footer

On 10 in a playoff one of the best putts I’ve ever seen that was awesome yeah I think Preston Preston wants that wants it he wants that some people say they want it not a lot of people actually want it it’s awesome love that yeah all

Right my last one guys this going deep here oh boy okay here s and I are both head coaches Big Time National head coaches I like that one of us gets investigated by the NCAA for violations first if it ain’t me I’m going be pissed

I want to win well the thing is like there’s violations happening all the time out there yeah but I want to be on ESPN the question is which one of you is a better Coach because whoever’s ranked higher is the one that people are going

To turn in like if you if you suck no one’s going to care that you’re breaking the rules all right so it’s me I would frame his program somehow if they ever became a threat I would i’ launch some sort of plant in there and then make an anonymous phone call Bam we

You guys coaching so hopefully you’ll think about it perfect I don’t know that the world does I really don’t think a lot of things are in need us coaching college kids probably not it but I appreciate that and we appreciate you for your time dude got a lot going on

This is a special look inside y’all’s facility and for everyone out there that’s listening please go check out the YouTube video cuz we do an awesome tour of the facility here at Arizona State it’s fantastic um really cool stuff thank you so much for letting us come in

And crash your day thanks a lot for coming guys we got ability now that nil’s back there is nobody more entertaining to play golf with than you two so uh thanks a lot guys appreciate it thank you coach all right that was coach Matt Thurman joining us on golf

Subpar man that was so much fun going down there hanging out with those guys s getting to see the team interact by the way how about our man Winnie Ding 27 under three rounds three yeah what is he 18 18 years old uh if you got a chance

To go out and watch Winnie Ding play do it now otherwise you’re gonna have to that’s the only time you’re going to get to see him for free because that’s coming soon and he’s not the only guy you could say that about uh on Arizona State they got some dudes on that thing

That’s a testament to Matt Thurman program he’s built he did it in Washington first which is a harder place to do it from harder place to recruit from done the same thing at Arizona State but dude it got me wanting to go back to school and be a doctor or a

Lawyer or some [ __ ] because CU that unless you come out and you start playing on like Ridder Cup teams you’re not going to get treated better than what those kids have at right now at ASU I was actually talking with one of them won’t name any names like dude he’s like

A lot of these kids turned Pro early I was like I don’t want to leave this is it’s the greatest place of all time I’m like yeah it really it legitimately is yeah Scottdale beautiful practice facility I mean what what what could go better best tournament in the country I

Mean facilities are disgusting like it’s it’s all it’s it’s nice it’s all handled for you don’t have to pay for anything pretty good but but a huge shout out to Papo the trius family Michelson family for everything they’ve done for that program it’s really cool to see that was

That was a lot of fun man I I really enjoyed going down there seeing that practice facility got really jealous but you know they they can’t build places like that without families like the trius and the Mickelson really cool to see but um enjoy sitting down with Coach

Matt Thurman he’s he’s got a squad man if they don’t win the national championship soon I’d be shocked yeah they got I mean they’re loaded with Talent they’re not the only team in the country but just shout out to him for letting us come down there get a look

Inside you know what those guys do on a daily bases their facilities their locker room all the stuff they got some really bigname players and um it’s it’s a great that program just in general man you look at the alumni that are all on the wall the guys that have gone on to

Win major championships Rider cups and things like that and like they all stay connected to that program and I think that’s a testament to not only Matt Thurman the people that were uh that were there before him as well they’re all proud Sun Devils man

Hell of a program if you’re a young kid and you got the options I agree with you we should be getting some of this nil money I feel like for without question without question we’ll we’ll we’ll dabble we’ll take a little piece all right well let’s get to the

PLAYERS Championship massive $25 million purse are you kidding me this is unbelievable I have uh nothing to say about this tournament anymore since your boy Tom hogy just just gut breaking my course record he’s a killer dude that’s a frog another kill another great program 62 soft easy pins

Whatever doesn’t matter let’s get on to it though but how do you not take I know the odds suck that’s the only reason how that’s the only reason how is because he’s five and a half to one but I know what you’re about to say yeah I mean

Yeah it’s a golf course that is perfect for him he’s the defending Champion he just came off a dominating win how do you not take him again it has a t- boox and it has a green with a hole in it and Scotty’s playing so chances are he’s the

Best guy there but yeah I mean he’s going off five and a half to one I mean legitimately those are like tiger T Prime tiger odds but I mean point to a guy that’s going to beat him if he looks half of what he looked like at Bay Hill

So I don’t blame you five and a half to one not a lot of juice on that but uh I like it I’m going to give you one with a little more little more juice if you’re looking for a bigger return there a little ways down for our favorites but I

Just like what I see right now he’s going off at 30 to1 Colt he’s got a t13 T2 T4 and in his last three starts ball striking seems to be back where he was pre-injury when he was one of the best in the world putter looks miles better

You know I’m talking about will zores 30 to1 yeah he’s playing awesome I mean it seems like the bigger the stage the better he plays played great at the Genesis played great at Bay Hill uh your man wam Clark by the way loves these Signature Events I don’t know if you

Know that he is just printing money in these things uh as far as my Dark Horse goes this guy says it’s his favorite course on tour which kind of surprises me because he hits bombs but he’s got a lot of Swag he’s going to win soon he’s

One of the fan favorites he’s one of your favorites 60 to one Le preach it I don’t I don’t need to say anything I don’t need to say anything he’s my new favorite my new favorite player on tour that that I don’t call my son you know that we’re not related bloodwise

Although we might be I think if we did a little 23 and me I love the kid I’m surprised too that he said that’s his favorite Golf Course like he sends it it’s like you don’t really get to do it around there but I don’t care I love the

Kid I hope he wins soon he’s going to be a mega star uh all right on a similar vein 50 to1 from the same country of origin here we got a sixth place at Pebble play pretty damn nice Ninth at the Genesis favorite guy to watch Chip and

Putt on the PJ tour give me Jason day feel like we’re kind of do you know I mean he’s a pass Champion yeah he uh he ruined my dreams the one year actually was playing well there but uh yeah he he loves the golf course don’t

Hate it at all it’s going to be a hell of a week it’s I mean back massive back-to-back weeks between API Players Championship we’re getting very very close to the Masters first major of the year I can’t wait but before that we have two more days of the biggest major

Championship in the world the Oxford prom out here at Shadow Creek got two more days left s two which means also two more nights in Vegas I’m terrified but I’m gonna battle through it if I don’t see again I get I’m going to split all your [ __ ] with Natalie I’m going to

Take the good stuff I’ll give her the rest but just to let you know I’m taking all the stuff of value anything of value is mine but uh give them hell up there uh don’t don’t suly the brand live up to the hype and uh go compete Bud go

Compete your ass off you know I’m gonna do it my man I appreciate it um really really enjoyed this week a lot shout out to Oxford Pro once again for this great week um Shadow Creek nothing better even though Mon’s here Taylor had the caddy

For the guy I mean godamn how life has changed Cad and for Taylor Montgomery to now being here Shadow Creek H life comes at you fast please super quick wasn’t too long ago you might have had KK kyama Loop for you out there now things change

MOX you know what I mean we’re stuck and they keep moving on it’s uh there’s nothing better than this place right here I’m gonna enjoy every minute of it and I hope yall enjoyed this episode a lot make sure you go check out our YouTube page golf

Subpart make sure you watch the video Behind the Scenes look at the Arizona State Facility it is incredible and we’re going to talk to you on next week’s subpar Sh


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