Golf Players

Match #4 on PGA TOUR | Ben Griffin (As Seen on TikTok)

1v1 Match w/ Ben Griffin!

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Bryan Bros Golf Favorites

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The Bryan Bros Putter Grip

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Right welcome back to the channel we have got another PGA Tour match for you today obviously been a while since we’ve done one because it’s been a while since I’ve played in the PGA Tour event but we got a very special guest today Ben Griffin say hello to Ben he’s going to

Be our opponent today uh we’re obviously we’re going to get into his story a little bit as the match progresses little match play nine holes I think my record’s two and one are you ready yeah we’re going to see if you stay in the plus side of The Ledger o all right

Let’s get right into it got at 172 172 wow so we’re here we’re in Puerto Rico we’re back for the Puerto Rico classic I think is what it’s called and had a good week here last year the only good week we had so excited to be back here in

Puerto Rico uh I got a lot more content coming from here so um stay tuned there’s no way I can beat you well no there’s a way it’s just not super likely there’s definitely a way dude I’m getting a call from Grant horat right now and I’m ignoring it to watch you hit

A shot so that’s how important you are that I love that I love it how many T you play the number oh oh it was just the that yeah that’s one down yeah no that’s a good shot yeah that one down for you whoa who what are

You doing we got a little mud ball we’re playing CLE and you know what when you play on YouTube you get to play by whatever rules you want if I hit it the Fairway on the first hole I don’t want a mud ball so I’m going to clean and if

You hit a bad shot here we’re probably going to do six t so there is there is there’s one R there’s no Mulligan the only time you get a multiple shot or another chance at it everyone knows two off the first te 149 going with the old pigeon

Wedge I mean you’re one down go in great but yeah it didn’t go in unfortunately a lot of people don’t know this is Harrison uh I married his sister and if you’re in our in our Discord or follow us on Twitch or anything you would know

Him as hman so Harrison’s down here with um me he’s CAD in this year he came to hang out last year got another buddy Marcus coming in town so we’re just going to run back the same Vibes as last year the only new addition the only new addition we got Eddie Whitaker behind

The camera instead of Carney goat wasn’t able to make it with George and Myrtle be one cup out left out left did it go left or was it just straight I might have pulled it and that’s a big start hey one hole in Puerto Rico one birdie I mean business this is a

Business trip only thought we were here to have fun that all changed after one hole one hole we’re getting serious one hole one up one birdie let’s go see you on the second te favor the center to right that’s the plan 163 ball speed bad shot you’ll love that thanks you’ll absolutely love

It take it it’s deep too deep see High Let It Fly 170 ball speed all right Ben give us a little rundown where are you from how did you get to the tour I mean obviously the story’s been beat to an absolute pult by the PGA Tour

So we just need to beat it one time and one time only on this channel yeah I mean the one thing that’s not talked about in my story is kind of in elementary school I I grew my love to the game when I was so young watching

You win the RBC Heritage and I was I was so gosh I was I was thinking that was going to go like a really cute sweet sentimental Direction and it just and people always talk about the pot tiger made at Tor getting the playoff with

Rocco at the US Open but for me it was always is Wesley getting it done at RBC I mean Infamous course L of History I know now GRE up Chapel Hill North Carolina my parents went to school there raised me and my brother um went to North Carolina play golf there very well

Too yeah time to time sophomore slump um other than that pretty pretty good got the got the education out of the way and um Turned Pro played in the canadi tour the Mackenzie tour the time um got on the corn fairy tour played well yep uh I

Won in Canada I got on which helped me get on the corn fairy and then I lost my C play horrible um just basically playing many tours or Latin America tour Canada for the next year and a half but Co hit and so basically a lot of those

Tours kind of not a whole lot going on they tried to create mini tour in the US for us to play in um for tour very tour local IQ series as well there was a lot of different opportunities for us but to be fair to be honest I mean it wasn’t

Enough to kind of keep guys aoat for me I was 20 grand in credit card debt took a job um doing what my mom does she was in mortgage industry dad was in real estate so did the company pay off your credit card debt for you not initially I

Had to earned my way to to do that but um no what really paid the debt was a CEO um Lord abot so Doug Sig I met him when I was playing professionally he found out I quit wanted to give me back it took me a few months to finally say

Yes to him but um came back to golf got on the cour fa tour kind of cruised through Q School um I think having that midal perspective reset was huge for me got uh pretty much locked up my tour card within the first five minutes I had

Um four top 12s in the first five and two seconds um that’s scorching golf yeah and then you made it out here made it out here almost one a couple times yep um so I’ve been on tour for like year and a half now had uh been in the

Mix a couple times and you love it love it absolutely how can you not it’s a lot better being outside the inside tell you what two for two mud balls going to clean this one off too guys sure so that’s my story here I am that was a

Long story I hope you all enjoy that cuz I did not I didn’t either cuz I’ve heard it like I said million times 25 times at least the funny thing about that story is I had dinner with Jake Naf last week and I was like you’re getting ready to

Be a bouncer for 2 years so get ready yeah I think we’re going to go a little high hbd this is really far back here I love every bit of this one until it goes absolutely scorching over the green I mean I loved it until it just

Went she enjoy your six TI up There oh cut cut that good high quality this this could be our moment right here in this match right here could be our moment I failed to contact the golf ball and the ground I feel that’s good good bur from being right there chipping into

The wind to a pin right in the middle of the green that’s a bad fall that’s a that was impressive all right well Ben’s back there working on the last screen actually playing a real practice round T expanded is back I’m going four this is a short part four

It’s like a 4 ir and a wedge so four iron down the middle hopefully get a wedge in our hand Fairway ball I’ll tell you what the fairways are not firm not firm at all not plug yeah oh going with driver are you doing this for YouTube or

You doing this for real life this is what you doing the whole real life yeah I hit it if I hit it like that too very nice yeah right in front of the shot tra did you zoom as well you oh just walk through the shot Trac through shot I

Love it it’s very you want to go pick up the tea and all that stuff just make sure you exit stage left get a nice shot of the ball and then and then you can pick up your tea or you can do like the guys like Grant Horvat and the George

Bryan of the world really perfected the hit the back up grab the tea like that Ste you still can see the whole Ball come down yeah I I want your top three favorite golf courses that you’ve played on the PGA tour and then I want your crappiest one the worst one you

Played top three top three I’ll go Pebbles um spy glass and harbor chop okay Harbor Town’s in the top three I love it I love Harbor Town all right worst golf course on tour is say say it loud enough for the camera to hear your least favorite course is the Nicholas

Course at PGA West okay there you go however I played good there this year I mean you shot 400 pretty good shot 400 you only shot 400 this guy my personal least favorite is Tory Pines North or South uh the one the the hard one because it’s too long the rough is

Too much the greens are too bobbly it’s just it’s a really really bad setup for me it’s too narrow it it’s impossible to make birdies out there I just don’t like it favorites are probably Harbor Town um Colonial and trying to get a third gosh I got I

Got favorite tournaments it’s hard to find like favorite golf courses I I think I think Harbortown and Colonial Augusta is obviously amazing yeah that’s a good good call yeah I’ve never played a n iron 167 should be a nice good full one oh yeah that’s nice that’s

Nice let’s keep that number in mind I have 167 the number that Ben’s about to have in here is going to be fairly common all right Ben what do we got 7 a yard 70 yep a 63 shot oh oh oh almost great contest oh still got a

Chance still have work and I still got a chance a real good chance pure out I mean this right here this is a big deal a lot of people don’t take practice around serious I’m not messing around today like I said this is a business truck good luck Ben I’m really rooting for

You good putt it’s a well played hole really was I am all square with Ben Griffin tell you what Ben’s doing a lot of practicing around the greens for some reason and uh yeah just going to keep sealing the T box hybrid hold 455 trying to keep it short of

Those trees up on the left 150 ball speed or yeah 245 carry oh that’s a nice ball oh there you go look at that he learned yes ke grab that was kind of nice right you use is that what you use uh yeah I mean

Yeah I use it I also like I haven’t been taken my physical bit super serious over the last year and I’ll tell you what I feel amazing I’m eating more I’m eating more candy bars and drink more soft drinks and energy drinks than I have in

My entire life so you’re like you’re on a movie theater diet uh yeah yes all right what’s your favorite energy drink I do not drink any caffeine look to the camera andero say that again with a straight face I don’t drink any caffeine how sweet tea I mean maybe a

Sweet tea but like I don’t I don’t do any cff no coffee those are those for religious religious reasons no I I love water and electroly wow see I’ll tell you what if I could start taking being serious like like practicing around the greens instead of just going into the next teax

Eliminate caffeine from my life eat and work out nice or whatever I I don’t know we’re tied right now so I don’t think I don’t think you need to change being you YouTube YouTube nerves are real 198 down off the left feeling like seven iron I think full seven iron should be absolutely

Perfect oh I love it good I think right it’s hard to tell I don’t know did can you even see that you can’t see it came down right to the flag I don’t know if it bunker or well did it carry the bunker or not because it the wind definitely died the

Ball was mid-flight wind 100% died what’s what’s your full pitch and wge number uh I’d say 45 okay so I’m gonna take a touch off it I mean the wind absolutely gusted and that’s just a little deep good shot how do you take five yards off

Of a like a full pitching redge like what’s your do you choke down or do you just do it with like deceleration or do you do it by shortening the back swing because obviously there’s a lot of different ways to do it how do you

Personally take like I’m a f guy so I like to kind of Swing almost the same and just not just not accelerate quite as much dude I love it there’s so few of us out here I need know this um there’s so few of us out here most people want

To do it like with a clock system or want to do it with like choking down to a certain spot on the but and I don’t dude just like have you just swing a little sof swing a little sof yes but it’s also it could be situational too

It’s like if I hit the smooth one and I need hit a lower it’s like kind of a back of stance almost still peel but I’m definitely going to have a shorter swing but like a shot downwind like that where I need to take some off of it it’s I

Don’t want to like try to hit it too low and not have a wind touch it I want I want the wind to do it work so I just kind of feel it a little bit try to have the same trajectory and you just feel the wind and you just become one with

The wind and then yeah just mother nature and you just let your brain like get all entangled with the elep yeah you don’t want to have a war against Mother Nature you got to be on her side love it the longest birdie putt I’ve had today

Was when I was chipping from four yards off the Green Into The Wind to a middle pin B Striker I’m just saying people are saying it they’re starting to talk they’re starting to write books about it actually yeah there’s actually I saw like at least a fan earlier he was writing a book

About lot of f here Puerto Rico if he plays it straight he’s going to miss it right if he plays it straight he’s going to miss it right 100% the time look you saw that I didn’t see that I saw it I felt if you’re if you’re

Enjoying the video so far if you’re enjoying Ben I think Ben’s one of the funnier I like I like the really dry sense of humor and stuff if you’re enjoying it go ahead and drop a like drop a little comment let us know who you want to continue to see now

Obviously we can’t go after the big names cuz I don’t get into the big tournaments let us know is there anybody else you want to see us take on in these style matches that’s good you obviously if you’ve watched Grant horat at all or Michael morrris you’ve probably seen a

Lot of putts that look like that so if you Haven already subscribed to their channels go ahead uh links will be in the description Grant Horvat Golf and and Michel Morris Golf go subscribe to their channels to see more putts like that all right part five straight back into the wind a

Buker just straight into the bunker you did te that up pretty high for straightening the wind I will say that oh you cannot make birdie from the water though oh my god get all the way in the hazard that’s definitely an flash boom baby boom goes the dynamite

Provisional all right we’re going to hit a low cut it’s going to graze the tip of these uh I don’t even know what these things are you just called you just called him Hedges a couple minutes ago gra the tip be perfect now you can turn around

And call out the dod King and say that’s how you hit a driver off the deck more than 250 yards that was probably 270 yeah yeah you you can call them out if you want I mean it’s your it’s your platform his name DOD King yeah you can call him

Now dood King wish to se could pull off a 270 driver off the deck into the wind out of the rough like that I’ll be honest and yeah I mean the best the best deal is he’s got like this war against to using weasels or whatever and by you

Calling him out like he’ll sometimes respond to people who call him out set up a match it’s probably not going to end well for him so he can try and have a war against a have a DOD match against big old lip in front of you huge I mean

This thing this thing’s like this hot are you nervous like oh crap if I hit this thin it’s coming right back into my footprint or do you try to keep your feet stable in case it hits the lip and comes back and hits your foot and it’s

Still okay because of the new rules uh I didn’t even know that was a new rule you can hit yourself with no penalty really mhm I’m just trying to hit the ball solid and if it’s not solid we just play it from wherever not think about no I don’t think about a lot

Of things got it I also don’t need to think about worst case scenario because I’ve experience worst case scenario a lot yeah that’s a that’s an absolute sand bath that’s a fairway is it in a fairway yeah oh yeah there we go solid in the Fairway one stroke advantage on Ben on

This hole 178 for my fourth shot it’s kind of a tough deal yeah it’s a five iron into of this wi oh you just abs absolutely dialed up a peach here wow what a golf shot we got a chance for far yeah would you consider yourself a really good long

Iron player uh when I hit my long iron’s good [Laughter] yeah oh goodness um statistically speaking from the rough I’m actually very good it’s true the tour has stats on all that statistically From the Rough 175 to 200 I’m a leite I’m top I I think

I’m third I checked last or a couple nights ago you want to know what what shocked me when I was looking at the stats from last year I was uh I always feel like my bunker game like my short game is overall pretty good but I feel

Like if there’s one area that I struggle a little bit is out of bunkers cuz I play with a lot of people and I feel like they are really good bunker players and I just hit some terrible shots but also hit a lot of really good ones and

Occasionally they end up you remember you don’t remember the good remember so I go and check the step I was like the number three bunker player on the tour last year in proximity or yeah in proximity I was like who would have known one 13 straighten the teeth I’m

Going to go with a nine iron go with a little nine iron if it stops I adjust mid-flight or mid swing mid flight flight I swing softer mid swing I can adjust play the Tiger game spin it back and uh I did the thing where I left

The club face wide open and just hit it way right of the green I think Miss Green from 114 yards but still good look good look at Birdy in out yeah whatever you wanted you can just leave it in I’ll leave it in nice play didn’t go in did you see

How much left that went yeah mine’s breaking at the end a lot I shouldn’t play this outside left no well you no well I mean be good to escape a with a half this would be an incredible par driver driver five iron putt all it is Clockwork why did I play so much

Bri as we head to uh one two 3 four five as we head to six yeah we’re through five as we head to six I’m one up I mean how much did we just talk him into playing more break that was great 192 into off the left going with a little munchy five

Iron little munchy crunchy five iron hang in there ball oh whoa wind wind is uh wind is not really hurting that’s a good call keeps it left to the hole now it’s working back towards the hole this is a great shot Ben yeah nice paid off well done that

Sweet thanks for the commentator because this would be a great shot for at least two maybe three of the day days during the tournament and it was a great shot today it just didn’t end up very good and that’s carrying a lot of pace but it might crash into the hole

Sit it might be good but I’m not sure yeah I I from this late in the game I would make me putt back look good until I hit it yeah no that’s a good that’s great speed yeah all right we head to the uh seventh hole still carrying a oneup lead over a

Great player if you want to we’re going to link uh description to his socials what do you what what are your social handles that Ben Griffin Golf Ben Griffin Ben Griffin Golf on everything Ben Griffin Golf on everything do you tick Tok I talk he talks he Tik tocks we

Got three holes left one down Les thought the match was be over on the last but yeah it very well could have 71 dude yeah dude I’m smoking the ball now love it how much you 15.5 launch 15.5 launch that’s high bombs into the wind they go real far you are back on

Track oh look at look at him look at him grabbing the tea like an athlete that was a all right we’re going to do a little fun segment here very fun we’re going to give you 30 seconds uncut say whatever you want to whoever you

Want however you want to say it and your time starts now shout out all my sponsors Lord Abbot worldwide technology mauno foot Joy holding us and born clothing they feel amazing new stretchy pants are probably topnotch you know I know you’re a big robot Master but I

Would have to say this new quality stuff is very very tailored properly made um a lot of dedication a lot of hard work shout out to all my sponsors really cap Tech can’t about cap Tech on the collar see Island Home course very blessed to

Be where I am today and to be beside this guy and cut cut that was well done and I don’t think you mentioned Mauna you did you did I did oh was that in the beginning yeah yeah I think so hey that was well done and that’s first ever time

We’ve done that segment B is our first guest it was a lot of fun that was well done we should we should probably try that more often okay Wesley you’re going to have your 30 seconds here the show ready set 30 seconds here we go wow I

Speaking of clothing I wear some great stuff rowack is Splendid I wear the most comfortable shoe in the game olai yet had purchase any go ahead and use that link in the description same with roback uh I honestly the Tacoma that I’m hitting not only they’re affordable they

Are I I hit my numbers just about every time I want to do it like it’s it’s just a cheaper better option um I’d like to shout out my brother George uh Brian Bros really supports me and my family I couldn’t do it without them uh I mean super stroke grips they’re

Fantastic nice I think I’m oh Myrtle Beach B you know another mud ball brought to you by Puerto Rico I’m going to reach into my bag of goodies speaking of Tacomo irons so I’m going to grab seven iron Link in description for you to go purchase pretty much all the sets of

Iron are going to be in that $600 range highly affordable it’s worth a try if you’re in the market for some new irons all right and why is the wind not taking it left get out of the bunker don’t plug oh that just 166 we’re getting a low 70 shot little

In the wind going to really try to flight it that was so no chance that’s going to be tough It’s really steep lot of weight on the left side that was so close that’s so good though yeah I’ll take it that’s so goody dude off pluggy day stay up stay

Up that’s a big pot got my work cut out now so we head to the eth two holes to play Brian’s gone two up on Griffin a good spot locked in mentally I’ve locked in emotionally starting to lock in physically I’m ready to bury this guy stay tuned we’re waiting on the next

Screen to clear so now would be a great time let’s let’s hear what you had a good chance to win it’s Sanderson that was just a few months ago what was going through your head give it like like set up the situation well I just want to

Hear about it from your from your perspective cuz I was watching on television that’s one of my favorite Golf Course favorite events I didn’t mention earlier but that’s one that’s a trophy that I want it’s a chicken it’s a rooster whatever you want to call it I’m

A gang it just be nice to get that yeah so let’s hear about it yeah I was playing I was kind of cruising through three rounds pretty much uh I might have made like a bogey or two but other than that I was making a lot of birdies

Eagles golf was easy of course final round of a PJ Tour event is never easy and and wasn’t ball striking it that well but still had a chance actually had a great chance coming down the stretch 16 I I hit it on and two on 14 par five

Yeah uh made a nice birdie there and 15 made a great par on the driveable par 4 it’s kind of on TV you probably don’t realize it but that back right pen if you miss it right I mean it’s just all running away from you no no way to get

It’s a hard par right real realistically cuz just to get on the Green’s impressive so you have to miss it left so you’re trying to hit in that left bunker yeah but there trees like right there the trees are right there and I I saw it on camera after I took my t-shot

Took like one of the biggest bounces ever but you want to miss it left I missed it left and unfortunately just kind of got going and ended up in the corner of the trees had to kind of punch it out got it On The Fringe drained it

For par which is huge that put me two up with three to go yeah 16 do left Par Four kind of intimidating t-shot a little bit is one of the more intimidating t- shots on tour for sure that’s one t- shot I wish I had back cuz

I was hitting my through really well well and I kind of shifted my target a little bit right just to have a little bit of safety and went through just into the rough and that rough to the back right pin was kind of possible very tough and so we were actually talking

About whether or not I could carry the Ravine ended up going with five iron cuz I was like I want to make sure it gets over it sure enough it comes out hot misses the bunker on the right goes all the way down right so basically

Impossible up and down make a good Bogey and I’m like all right I got to par these last two to get it done or hopefully 30 17 have a cushion 17 left myself a good pot had like 20 ft up the hill two pots and then 18 I kind of had

A tricky lie where it was almost a jumper but not quite just barely in the left rough I hit a good t- shot we thought it was probably in the Fairway and it’s kind of blind mean in between clubs maybe should have back footed in eight iron but went with the seven just

Cuz the wind was picking up it was like late in the day you’re not sure I’m like all right well if it jumps at least it’s high wind catches it stays on green pull it left got a horrible lie like I I had to hit like a seven iron or eight iron

The more impressive shots from there yeah and left myself an eight-footer striped the Putt and hit the right Edge and somehow didn’t go in okay so you’ve got a putt to win a PGA Tour event I mean everybody dreams how many how many putts in practice have you hit to win

Like T thousands probably and you and I’m getting chills literally thinking about it because I had a putt to win PJ tour it was from this far which was really nice that’s nice but that 8-footer is it one of those things are you like more locked in are you

Extremely nervous is it like a com like was it everything that you would kind kind of Envision it would be or was it was like just another putt no it’s what you think it is I mean there’s a lot of excitement you’re you’re excited to have

The opportunity um it was a tricky putt to read it was right on a grain change where it was like if I played it straight it was going to miss left we played it right Edge and it never moved and caught the right it still could have

Easily slipped it I’ve rewatched it I mean it’s going so slow how many times have you watched it I watched a few I haven’t watched it recently kind of trying to so what was good is you had that putt to win and and and even though the result doesn’t matter you were able

To hit your line hit a really good quality putt under that amount of pressure which has got to be very encouraging right absolutely absolutely it’s a lot off the right I’ve got five iron in hand and I love it I absolutely love it and I absolutely bottom groove it and

The wind completely dies this is so unfortunate oh but it’s it’s short green oh is it 236 is what you said yeah you got an un take a little bit off there we go I mean this is probably going to be the best shot I’ve ever

H it’s kind of fit that was so solid though I did try that I did need to hold it long left yeah no it’s it’s it’s a if you turn it over if you turn it over 205 if I get this up and down basically sign seal and deliver the

Match and that thing’s going left hard in a hurry sit she oh what a golf shot 6 ft 5 and 1/2 ft straight up the hill for the win oh he doesn’t want it no I want it I absolutely want it I think he wants to

Go two one and one is this the first match to make it to the ninth hole I don’t know I have to go back and check the tape this one this one does feel like the most intense match that American flag y 170 92 it’ll be fine P to

Me this feels like a really fair fight we have here Wesley should I become a YouTuber should you become a YouTuber yes got seven iron in hand 153 went into off the right disappeared into a little low part of the green I like where I’m at good

Chance to win or tie the hole all we got to do one kicker if I make I win I got yet another putt to win even if it misses I got a decent chance of squeaking out a victory worst case scenario tie which still feels like a win downhill left to

Right wind’s going to be pushing a little more left to right get it out there a little bit on the left drip right in just hit pretty hard just no I think if I play this a ball out left it has to drop ball out left 100% goes in has to I

Just wish I that’s Co pulled everything all day long but it just doesn’t move yeah you’re right all right got a put to one now this right here this is the this is the most nerves I’ve felt all day sounds a lot like George back there

Hit a two footer and I hear oh but then I hear rattle congratulations Ben thank you so much for coming on to the channel I really do appreciate your time there’s not a lot of guys out here that are nice enough or honestly interesting enough to

Come out here and and do stuff like this so one I in all seriousness I do appreciate your time I will send you $20 via vinmo so if you just text me your vinmo Beno yeah there you go I’ll uh $20 appreciate you guys if you haven’t gone

Ahead and subscribed go and do that now and uh till next time if you don’t like 40 minute videos from Wesley you can watch 10c clips from me on Tik Tok Ben Griff and golf thank you guys see you


  1. Ben’s a great dude and I love mizuno but here’s my shitty internet comment….ugliest swing on tour. But it makes me feel good because his swing is similar to mine in the way the hands finish high. Lol

  2. Wesley!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ β€œif you want to see more putts like that. Subscribe to Grant Horvat and Micah Morris and you will
    See more putts like that! πŸ˜‚

  3. Im gonna watch the entire video… but the breathing… gosh… get carney back on the camera please…

  4. Damn! Yall just got that camera man fired on his first out πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Cold man. I’m reading the comments. Breathing like he’s in a porn scene!

  5. This camera guys breathing in this video πŸ˜‚ heavy breathing & nasal whistling…… other than that Wes is always entertaining

  6. Would love to see a few of the guys I follow like Norman Xiong, Kyle Westmoreland, and Dylan Wu. Thanks for doing these. The PGA should be paying out PIP money to you for this.

  7. If I could've heard what y'all were saying, this would've been a phenomenal video! Still watched the whole thing, regardless, I mean why wouldn't I?

  8. BG is the man. His putter is awesome too. Wesley, pick up his putter, and you'll pick up some strokes gained. Gotta have the insert though – just try it. do it.

  9. Wesley, you and Jerge need to do some club reviews on the channel. I think "The mighty Gamecock duo" would be great at it !!!

  10. I see the value of mics now. Haha. The breathing was something. Still loved the video per usual.

  11. Great video! Give the dude on the camera a break. Walking 18 holes while holding a huge camera with camera mic turned up to hear over the wind, its going to happen. Capturing all those shots is tough and takes some practice on the zooming. Appreciate the effort!

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