A Golf Swing Test You Must be Able to Pass

#moenorman #gravesgolf #toddgraves #golftips #singleplanegolf

Do you have impact as part of your DNA? Being the most important moment of the golf swing, as you develop your golf swing, you must make sure you imprint Impact as a part of your training.

In this video, I show you my Impact Test to help you understand and how and why you need to master your impact position.

About the Single Plane Golf Swing

The Single Plane golf swing is not a quick fix golf technique. It is a system, beginning at address, that simplifies the most important moment of the golf swing – impact.

Starting at address on two planes where the arms hang straight down at address, the Conventional golf swing is complicated. Because the arms are hanging straight down, a conventional golfer must lift the body into impact creating stress on the back.

This upward movement to accommodate the two planes is unnecessary.

The Single Plane Golf swing simplifies the golf swing by eliminating the need for the upward movement by starting and impacting on the same plane.

Today I’m going to show you a drill that explains the most important moment and place in your swing impact so I often tease my students at schools that that I’m going to catch them out in public somewhere I’m going to give them a test and that test is let me see show me

Impact let me see your impact position and they should immediately be able to go okay like this without even a golf club and go and show me the perfect impact position that’s my test for you right now I want you to get out of your

Chair and I want you to show me a perfect impact and we’re going to describe this but why is that so important because you need to build impact into your DNA of your golf swing you should know exactly where the body is striking the striking position of the

Body because just think about it if you’re if you don’t know that position you are going to have a hard time getting there when you accelerate the golf club So today we’re going to talk about what it is a drill that I use that helps me build impact and and it’s great

Because I did it today I I woke up this morning I’d worked out yesterday I’m I’m a little sore I’m a little tired and my body feels kind of tight so I loose I did some stretching I loosened up a little bit and then what I do is I come

In here and I go to my impact position and I just basically hold that and I’m basically stretching my pelvis you can’t see it because there’s not you’re not going to see a lot of movement here but I’m I’m I’m working against my my lead leg I’m turning my back I’m stretching

Against this leg I’m stretching my lower body my lower back right here I’m basically pinning the arms right where I’d be at impact and I’m just stretching my body right like this so I’m just pushing my body into a dynamic impact position where I’m going to be that’s a

Little impact stretch drill that I do so why do I do that well number one I got to get my body there and what H if you’re if you’re tight in the morning and your body’s not going to get to impact you’re going to come out here in

Struggle because you’re like hey I’m too tight to get the impact right now so I stretched this impact position out but let’s look at impact just in its definition and what you see is is when that club comes in proper angles of approach and I get to impact here you’ll

Notice my I’m basically I’m working against my lead leg and I’m rotating my pelvis as far as it can go if that’s as far as I can go obviously I want this foot on the ground but I don’t care if it rolls in as long as the foot can work

Internally like this you can see I’m I’m working against the ground here with my lower body that’s so I can get pelvis rot then my upper body is obviously side bent and it’s turning as well but it can only go so far and this Trail arm is

Bent and then I I run into this position right here called impact and look impact in the next position what we call position five extension it’s very similar see that the only difference is the arm extension and a little bit of shoulder movement but that’s a very

Similar position so how critical is it that you can get to this moment of impact perfectly so this is a test you should do often look in a mirror check it on video take a picture of your impact position because if you’re not able to dynamically get and hold this position right

Here and basically hold it and ingrain that into your DNA where this is exactly where you get every single time that might help you more than anything because now you got to produce a golf swing that get you there so here’s the here’s the golf swing that basically going to produce that

So the test I would want to give my students is no matter when you should be able walk into any situation and just demonstrate what an impact position should look and feel like and then obviously you could do the stretch as well but one of the things that I had a

Student ask the other day was Todd why don’t just why don’t you just start at impact just start there I mean look I don’t think that’s a great idea because you need you need backswing range to produce acceleration and if you if you start your body in a rotation you’re

Going to have to go into more rotation so it creates it creates more rotation in the back swing I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it I just don’t think it’s the ideal way to sequence a golf swing if if it’s up to me I’m going to move as

Little as possible back here and then sequence not create more motion but it’s not a terrible idea right starting exactly at impact let’s go through the the metrics of this just so you understand at impact at the mode of impact I’ve got roughly 20° of torso rotation a little

More pelvis somewhere in the 20 to 30 degree range of pelvis rotation and then so you’re seeing that I have more rotation here than I would if I started here not a lot more but about 10° more here at impact so at a dress I’ve got a few degrees open I get to

About 75 to 80 of negative rotation so that’s a 90° total rotation of my torso transition back to impact where I’m I’m maxing out I’m maxing range here I’m maxing range of pelvis see that and I’m maxing range of torso and that’s what allow ows me to to strike that golf

Ball and that’s where I want you to feel if you want to do without a club you can just put your arms on your shoulder make sure you get some side bent side Bend here go into your knee maximize pelvis range maximize torso range hold there and I feel it I

Feel it right in in my lower back here there’s impact right there’s impact and extension so that’s one way you can start messing around with building impact into your DNA the most important moment of the Swing hope that helped give me a thumbs up click the Bell icon

I’ll see you in the next video


  1. Been working on the single plane swing all winter indoors and everything is going great. For the heck of it I tried my old two plane swing but couldn't't even hit the ball. Glad I'm a single plane swinger

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