Which alignment is more important: a) Leading Edge or b) Club Face?

If the leading edge of your club is square to the target line is the face aimed at the target? Not always.

Just because the leading edge of the club head is flush to the target line (perpendicular) does not always mean the club is aimed down the target line.

Deviation of where the face is pointing, even if the leading edge is square, happens when the handle of the club is raised/lowered.

For right by handed golfers if you raise the handle and the club points more to the right. Lower it and it points more to the left. Of course the opposite is true for left handers.

To adjust for the face alignment being skewed you either have to adjust the leading edge direction OR adjust your body alignment.

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Can your Club face have the Leading Edge perpendicular to your target line but be aimed in a direction that you don’t want the ball to go in in today’s video I’m going to answer that question and a whole lot More so the simple answer to the question I posed in the intro can you have a Leading Edge that’s perpendicular to your target line but your Club face is aimed in a different direction the answer to that question is yes now a lot of you might be scratching your head and

Say how can that be if the groove lines in the bottom of the club are perpendicular to the Target line won’t the ball always go in that direction or the overwhelming majority of the time anywhere from 70 to 90% but that is not always true in particularly as you get

Into more lofted golf clubs when you change the handle in other words how high your hands are if that you raise them or if you lower them in particular particular in chipping also happens in the full swing if hands get raised and you get early extension or you get

Around the corner too soon this can happen as well but in today’s video I just want to show you this in chipping because it’s very prevalent in particular with a lot of uh chipping instruction and being a focus in the golfing instruction on coaching world now uh raising or lowering the handle in

Uh to modify the club face so if I can get the camera to just zoom in a little bit down to the ball I want to show you right now how that club face that Leading Edge is parallel perfectly parallel or perpendicular to the Target line obviously this is identify the club

Face and this orange alignment stick is to identify the target line you can see those are perpendicular all right now if I can get you to back up and come behind me and down the target line if you come right over here I’m going to use trusty

Pointer tool a lot of you out there students you’ve probably seen coaches out there either the ones you see or online use these these are very good to show the direction that the face is pointed so I like to put that arrow pointing right out of the center of the club face

And we will put this down here again so if I can get the camera to go down low again and you will see that the Leading Edge from that angle hopefully you can see that is again flush or perpendicular to the Target line and that pointer should be pointing straight down the

Target line which is indicated by this alignment Rod okay so that that’s would be a square face face pointed directly at the Target if in the chiping game you raise your handle which is advisable I advise it as well as do many other coaches and in particular when they teach

Chipping is that you raise a hand when get closer you can now see what happens to the alignment of the club face the Leading Edge is still perpendicular to the Target line but you can see that the face is now pointed to the right and conversely if we’re taught that you want

To hit a little higher you would lower the handle you can see that the Leading Edge is still perpendicular to the Target line but the face is pointed to the left this is why if I can get the camera to raise up this is why it’s so important that you adjust your body

Lines so that the face and the direction that the ball goes perpendicular to the face is in the direction that you want it to so for example if you were going to keep a square face or even slightly open and raise the handle you can see

That the pointer is turned way out to the right so what you would usually do is you would adjust your stance or your body lines to be somewhat open so that that pointer even with a face open or Club head up is pointed down your target line conversely one of the options in

Order to hit the ball higher would be to lower the handle even if you’re going to open the face okay sometimes that comes the poter is going left of the target line so what you would do is you would line yourself up a little bit out to the

Right so those are just but a few examples of how you can have the leading edge of your Club aim perpendicular or down your target line but the face angle is aimed in a different direction so I hope this helps you understand uh face relationship to Leading Edge relationship and more more importantly

Where you’re aimed and to top that off the cherry on top how to modify your setup so that you can hit the ball in the attended way that you want to hey everybody thank you for watching another one of our videos if you found this useful and use it in your game don’t

Forget to click that like button and let us know down in the comments below also don’t forget to check out our podcast one of the hottest podcasts in golf golf 360 if you’d like to watch another one of our videos or subscribe to our Channel you can do so right over here


  1. I think someone needs to do a fully fleshed out master class style educational series on Swing Path and Face-to-Path dynamics. And therein deal with all the proximal subjects like Angle of Attack as well. If there ever was a "secret to golf" it's understanding how to identify and manipulate all these interdependent angles.

  2. You can clearly see the leading edge not being perpendicular when you raised and lowered the handle…

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