This KILLS Your Rotation And Power In The Golf Swing




Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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This absolutely kills your rotation and Power in the golf swing and it is starting the down swing via dropping your hands and pulling them dead straight down and so many golfers try to do this to start the downswing and it will absolutely make you hit fat shots flippy shots extremely weak and

Constantly stalling out so we’re going to talk about how to do this properly by leaving your arms alone and how to get that via a brilliant drill so let’s first get into exactly why dropping the hand dead straight down from transition ruins your golf game kills your rotation

Like we said in your power it is really really weak so first and foremost number one when we drop our hands dead straight down try to pull them down what that will do that will lower your swing height more into the Earth so what that means is if I drop those hands

Aggressively down and I stay in my posture and turn from there I do that I chunk it so that’s because that swing height has got so low it has moved like we said into the Earth so the only way I could possibly get the club out of the ground again from there

Is to physically do it via moving my body up early extension that is the only way I can get that club coming back out the ground to move it out the Earth so as we could see there I pulled the arms down I had to stand back up again so

It’s a real big area of the golf swing that will affect such an important area strike which is your swing height so if we pull those hands down it’s going to plummet your swing into the ground so number two it reverses the ideal sequencing in the downswing so when we

Again pull those hands down straight away what that does that starts a downswing with your arms and we know that that isn’t the most powerful or efficient way to sequence your downswing cuz if we’re getting those arms going first our arms are going to be the driving force and leader of that golf

Swing so we’re only only going to hit the ball as far as our arms are going to let us so we are then at Mercy of how quickly can we whip those arms through on their own how strong and how powerful are our arms the main power producers in

The body is the body the arms is just where that kinetic energy flows through trying to create That Power from the arms is a recipe for disaster to hit the ball as decently as you want so number three it’s going to absolutely steepen your Club shaft in the down swing so

When those hands po all dead straight down it puts a force on the grip which will then stand that club up when that club steepens we then have to stand up come out of our posture or excessively tilt back to be able to Resh shallow the golf club coming into the golf ball

Otherwise we’re just going to hit really horrible steep strikes on the ball it’s not going to go very far again we have to completely stall out our rotations so like we said it kills your rotation and your power you can see through each three of those you can absolutely

Absolutely see why it will do that so what we want to do is leave the arms alone we want to shut those arms off the arms just follow along for the ride now does it look like I’m moving my arms independently absolutely it does but what it looks like on camera might not

Be actually what’s happening in reality cuz a lot of golfers find it hard to believe that you can get the club onto the golf ball without trying to do anything with your arms and you absolutely can cuz I didn’t on any of those shots just hit there try to do

Anything with my arms in the down swing there so let’s talk about exactly why this is great and how to get this into your golf swing with a really simple drill so number one it really helps your swing height to manage that height nicely through the golf ball like we

Knew with the pulling down plummets the club into the Earth the swing height gets really low that does not happen when we leave those arms alone and let the body do the work so when we leave those arms alone shut them off raged all these arms as we start turning we can

Then freely use that rotation use our shifting nicely and then that swing height is not going to plumb it down we have our swing Arc and height that we move on we don’t want to do anything that either moves it down or more up so we’re going to get far more consistent ball

Striking via in essence doing less number two sequencing in the downswing so this really helps you have the ideal sequencing so the ideal sequencing is having the lower body and mid torso turn first leaving the arms and chest follow afterwards so we ideally want lower body

Then mid torso then chest then arms and then of course what comes after that Golf Club so the only way for a lot of players that they can actually manage to do this is by feeling absolutely nothing in NES arms and again we’re going to talk about exactly how to train that

With a great drill so it helps you have that sequencing that uncoiling happen which helps you for nice smooth efficient rotation but also gener generating a lot of power you don’t need to do it to a tall player level to be able to really see the benefit of it if

Your body can only do it a little bit that will be far better far more powerful and consistent than doing it just with your arms and number three it helps with shallowing the golf club if I leave my arms up ragd do them whilst the rest of

My body uncoils gravity is going to hit the center mass of the golf club and it is going to pitch behind there with me exaggerating this here I’ve got no pressure no arms at all nothing zero tension look at the golf club see how it’s just responding and how it’s

Pitching down so incredibly important shallowing the only reason we really want to shallow the golf club in the down swing is to be able to rotate so that’s where when we shallow the golf club and we turn Golf Club will fall on that ball with ideal conditions so important there

Shallowing you can be out to Wi and shallow it the center of mass pitching behind from where it was you can be into out and shallow it shallowing doesn’t just mean swing on on the inside cuz you can be whatever path while sh the club

It helps you to rotate so again it does so much with really trying to do less just leaving those arms not pulling them down so let’s get into the drill to get into your game okay so here’s a drill I’ve done this a ton in my game over the

Years one of my favorite drills and you just grab an alignment stick put it underneath your right arm so what you want to do here now you want to get yourself up to the top of the swing that gives you kind of a little compact swing

So if for over swings this will be brilliant so get you to really around 3/4 of the way back but it’s what happens in a down swing it’s why this is so good so notice how my left arm is touching this stick if I pull down with

My arms look what happens the left arm detaches from the stick immediately so what we want to do in regards to this we want to turn down that down swing and have that left arm maintain contact with the stick if we’ve done that we know that we’re not pulling the arm arms down

So if we can do that with a real light and loose tension feel so like your arms really aren’t doing much at all that is the key cuz that’s really going to help us for those three key points so really make sure you’re feeling on that that

Left arm for me right-handed golfer is staying on that stick it will detach from the stick as you get through the golf ball as right side Bend starts to happen that will bring the left arm away but we really want to feel for the vast majority of that downswing we are

Keeping that left arm touching the stick and there we go and for golfers who really struggle with even Trail arm movement in the downswing elbow going behind this will drop as soon as you do it so connection between that right arm and body is also worked on Via this

Drill so let me heal another one and then it is ultimately doing enough of this to where it gives you a feel and because drills create the F so that’s how you’re going to get that into your game boom there we go now if this flies away after impact which can happen

Doesn’t matter too much you just want to make sure that you are getting that feel in that early down swing and once again like we said you’ve done enough of that take the stick away replicate that same feeling I love the exaggeration swings that players have where they’re really

Keeping those arms really light and loose and then just turning lower body mid torso letting that club go that teaches that to happen will stop you pulling the club down cuz it will kill your rotation and your power so then replicate the best you can and that’s

How you going into your golf game so if you want to rotate if you want to have a powerful golf swing do not try to pull down those arms and transition I know it’s tempting I know a lot of you are trying to do it but it is not one that

Is going to help you you have to be so good with your timing which you can do but it would take so much practice why do something that’s going to take more effort to get you in the same place that another technique will be able to get

You in without having to spend an incredible amount of time doing so if you enjoyed the video absolutely click that like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell button too to be not F every time I put out a video


  1. Geeez, you just described my swing! Unfortunately, in the first segment of the video of what not to do…😢

  2. All of us have felt personally attacked by a Jchown “what not to do clip” that’s why we are here 🙌🏻 Trust the process and do the drills, you will see improvement!

  3. I think some of the "arms dropping" or "pulling down
    or "ring the bell" type terminology is just a matter of timing more than positioning or motion. For some people they just feel like the arms need a headstart or perhaps because of the natural tendency to use the hands the arms obviously follow. I just always go back in my mind to a face on picture of a pro when the club is at parallel on the downswing and see that right bicep pinned against the chest and the arm at 90 and the wrist fully set and it reminds me the arms only work in concert with the torso and i can't work them independently other than to keep them working with my body driven by my legs and backside.

  4. Justin Rose has talked about moving his arms down first with his back still to the ball. I think it is more of a feeling than an actual fact. It helps golfers who move there lower body too quickly and end up with the arms stuck behind.

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