Golf Babe

Legally Blondes VS Soflo Girls | The $5,000 Finale

Everything has come down to this point. There has been three rounds of golf leading up to this point and Legally Blondes and SoFlo Girls came out on top! The finale is going to be best ball matchplay. All of the scores up until this point are erased and it is anyones game!

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Sabrina Andolpho: @sabrinaandolpho
Cailyn Henderson: @cailynhenderson @chendogolf
Deanna Confessore @Golfgirldeanna
Allison Dusek @ajdusekgolf

All of the videos from this series!
Round 1: Scramble
Round 1 Part 1:
Round 1 Part 2:
Round 2: Alternate Shot
Round 2 Part 1:
Round 2 Part 2:
Round 3: Scramble from the red tees
Round 3 Part 1:
Round 3 Part 2:

This is the FIRST of MANY amazing events! Stay tuned and hope you all enjoy.

Thank you PGA National!


Everything has come up to this point right here I feel like if we win this one we’re going to win the match that’s how it feels I’ve never really won a tournament so this would mean a lot to me to win no baby that was perfect don’t get comfortable though so bad Under

Pressure bro like I want to win I feel like they were getting Cocky we’re really not backing down guys oh my gosh that was really really good what’s up guys welcome to the golf girl games finale it is everything has come up to this point right here we have the soflow girls for the first three rounds we shot a whopping 13 under yeah

And the legally blondes what did you guys shoot plus one it sounds terrible compared to them but like you said it starts at scratch okay so this is the catch everything is wiped clean it doesn’t matter who shot what we are going head-to-head best ball match play so how that works everyone here’s

Playing their own ball if someone from Legally blondes makes a birdie and one of us makes a par they go one up gimmies are allowed match play is a totally different strategy so we’re going to have to uh be strategic we are on the bear trap at PGA National this is one of

The hardest courses on the PGA tour so this is going to get intense guys this is going to get intense let’s flip a tea to see who goes first first does anyone have I got one ready all righty all righty guys let the best team win that $5,000 whoever wins today is

Leaving with five grand let us get down to business let’s do This get it hey this one’s par five 472 yards wins at our back but it’s a dog leg right so I feel like we can maybe cut off just a little bit nothing crazy though okay first t- shot to start the round whoa Nice Shot let’s go so good so

Good all done good yeah okay cool nice you hit that 300 do I need to hit yes his best ball oh true nice d y shot maybe try some yeah good B nice yeah all right that’ll work all right guys so everyone knows too we have people behind us watch whoever watches

My personal Channel you know that makes me freak out but not letting that happen today guys I’ve never played this back n and I’m a local so I’m actually hyped to get the bear trop experience oh baby that was perfect oh wow that was crushed bringing on the

Heat to you ladies yikes yeah you are oh that was solid yeah nice feeling good good good ball Allison it okay let’s show the world our handshake for today what is that called the Chen the gritty the what the Chen all right we proceed okay this is our shy literally

Don’t even watch them like close your eyes when they hit cuz honestly like it does not matter at all US versus us we’ve been going so low let’s just be so chill cuz they’re taking this really serious those are all good drives those are but it’s definitely a different

Format cuz we have not played our own ball in a while in a while yeah I’m a little blocked out but I can go to the left a little tree trouble I think uhoh so I played here when I was at Nationals for college I personally love the bear

Trap I think it’s really cool but if it if it gets windy it can get really difficult so and the wind’s kind of picking up so we’ll see what happens do I play it smart yeah definitely it’s a part five there’s no need to go for it

At all go through the tree so it’s 177 to that tree I feel like if hit like a seven iron just hugging these trees that’ll be fine I think that’s good I like that yeah you got it just look where you want to go [ __ ] that right there okay okay that’s

Fine rolled up right next to a tree that’s all what are you getting okay guys so I’m like 256 no yeah what this 256 to them okay I’m just going to hit a three Ro I don’t care actually I do care but you better care buddy let’s just send it here we

Go oh okay well it’s rolling it’s running it’s fine it’s fine up there no worries okay okay no problem good angle going in all right I have a three-wood nice so pure you guys play such good like oh it’s so good hell yes get on wow nice shot wow that was good

Shoot woohoo well that was smash that was perfect no we’re going to actually we’re going to do better than that okay oh my God you’re so close Okay 199 Ys to the pin W’s kind of going this way I’m just going to take a five iron my five iron goes like

190 she just hit it on so like I have I have to hit it on okay de I’m going to go middle of the green cuz that wind’s pushing it left I love it okay draw it’s coming set whoa that went over all right that’s okay okay should just chip on I

Would have never used a tree somewhere I forget what tree now that I’m thinking about it I see it I see you know what you could do you could even take your putter should I do and go back just to a little putt stroke my old teammate Carol

Always keeps a lefty Club in her bag and I’m wishing that I took her up on that and just like kind of come down on it cuz you have that little lip yes go that’s no that’s good that’s a hard shot okay okay 11 17 to the pin I got a pitching

Wedge yeah really good Deanna perfect it’s all you need just on the green okay we’re safe all right let’s go okay guys Allison is actually up there close it’s best ball I’m a little less stressed now I’m just going to try to cozy it up there and just make a putt

Yeah just stick it close yeah sit sit be good be again sit sit sit go in the hole let’s go was that close or no sure looks like it it looks like it to me we’re feeling we’re I’m feeling good are you good I feel good

Sabrina just hit it really close I’m I think I might that back cut out she’s got to stop oh you got a lot of green to work with Okay taking my 58° have to be aggressive out of the sand that’s definitely the key dig that foot in there open

Face nice fight set oh there’s no spin what are you guys putting for this is for par she’s going for par and then I have to like chip for birdie okay let’s see a little uphill see what we can do good rolling oh jeez my butt’s pretty

Straight the door is open I’m going take 54 heel up and just a little pet stroke with it come on in the hole sit oh I just wanted to hit it that was the only shot we had okay guys so if Allison makes this we go one up we both

Have putts for birdie so if we make it we go one up and just going on to two going going yeah nice one up after one that’s why I like him man it’s getting windy too that was hectic that was really hectic when it’s hectic like that I don’t I

Have such a hard time you almost dunked it well I feel like that was the only shot we had I was like I’m just going I don’t want to leave it short I feel like Sabrina thrives under that she does she does really well when it’s like going

Crazy and when I feel when I feel rushed yeah doesn’t go well in tournaments for Me get it okay so this par 4 it gets really tight up there once again I should not be thinking about that I’m I’m going to grip that on a four hybrid a on like the left side here wind’s at our back okay grip down just nice straight shot it’s all we

Need nice so that was striped thank you that was really good K that’s all we needed all right perfect that was fire that was really fire what are you going to hit all right I’m hitting a fivewood just cuz it’s downwind and I feel like my driver could be a little

Too you can’t oh four right is that going to be up near him oh did the Drone just come out of the air no that was her ball I think Oh I thought that was a bird I was so confused I was like you killed something okay y’all Allison and

I we have him right where we want him oh I’m just going to okay actually we’re taking that back we’re not getting cocky at all okay here we go hybrid I didn’t say a damn thing hitting a hybrid it’s a this is a hard t- shot holy [ __ ] no

Pressure that should be pretty good yeah it’s good sitp please yeah really good thank you all righty I’m going to hit a five iron does that make any sense to honestly yes send the five iron just so we’re safe okay in case yes buddy safe and sound right

There hold on okay yeah that was beautiful that was beautiful that was lovely we love it we’re just staying cool common collected out here honestly I think we can easily get in their head yeah no no no no okay we can’t get ahead of ourselves but this is the thing like

I really want that money I just do like 2500 bucks to play some golf like I’ve never really won a tournament so this would mean a lot to me to win can we just play the the game before talking about all this this hole literally like

I don’t think I’ve ever played it well I think I birded it once and I’ve had like a couple quads on this hole yeah this hole ate my lunch at night this is like bringing up memories like my coaches would know from college yeah this hole

Did not go well dropping went in the Water by the knee we follow the rules 138 downwind yeah clubbing up on it I would normally hit like a seven from here but I like I’m choking up on it yeah and there’s green to work with in

The back I think a seven might be okay yeah I think so go go yeah yeah really good we’re safe you’re safe you’re on you’re on land no water it’s good oh my God that’s that’s a hard shot it’s 126 downwind severely actually yeah um I think I’m probably

Just going to hit a p bro this is PJ National you have to hit your shots or else it will punish you um honestly yeah just just send the picture if that’s what you feel the most confident with I would just go with that oh [ __ ] it’s a

126 carry but it’s down down wind I’m just going to have to jump on it a little come on go go go go hell yeah buddy hell yeah woohoo sweep it clean of course etiquette only when I hit a good shot no I’m just kidding where’d to go I

Have 110 yards but I’m up a little bit so I’ll probably have like 106 yards hey can I take a drop from the sprinkler yeah my exact 54 goes 104 but do you think it’s going to help it or should I just take a 50 and drip down it

Definit it help the wind helped me on the last shot okay I actually think I might take a 50 though and just be like a smart person maybe yeah and go like maybe like a low grip 3/4 one yeah there’s room there’s room out there there’s room in the back right okay

Yeah oh shoot I got nervous I got real nervous that’s oh yeah it’s fine I got scared on that one okay buddy [ __ ] I have to call you something else I something go weirdo can you grab my pitching wedge please wait yeah pitching wedge is good nothing wrong with calling me buddy

What you old good old Amigo here you go thank you ma’am all righty guys we have about 98 yards you’re pitching what you’re hitting pitching it’s 98 yards I’m going to I don’t hit it as bro literally bye like no don’t tell me what to hit like you know what happens like

Seriously I’m hitting like a punch pitching wedge okay this is my time to shine here we go the camera’s on oh [ __ ] sit down right now bye it’s over yeah literally it’s over it’s so sit oh you’re good all right you know what can I do yeah you’re fine putting

For birdie at least let’s head up there should I tone down the Cockiness a bit woohoo we’re like the worst people to play against like we’re probably so annoying we’re so obnoxious yeah we’re really obnoxious I’m going to have to drop cuz my Tempo was terrible on that

One it was a really bad shot from with 104 and I hit it in the water it’s CU you gried down on it like you wanted to hit it full I felt it that’s true okay we’ve got to like make them you know be quiet from our golf games we’re

Just going to drive it in there you think ended like over here yeah something did it I cross you guys with that I think so yeah okay cuz Diana we’re both going we’re both going for par this shot was really rough but we actually do have an opportunity to get

Par okay Alison seriously like snap out of this no you snap out of it no seriously get get your [ __ ] together get yours together you’re the one who’s on the ledge okay do you want me to go first Diana yeah go ahead okay set okay Deanna your

Turn if we don’t par then yeah yeah you got it okay okay good good really good lovely C good chob this is for a this is for a birdie right here bro that’s going to be gone sit oh wow that’s yeah know really good okay we’ll give you that thought

That good let’s go there okay it’s good all righty well that such a good pot that was a good pot all righty guys not like not to sound in a way but okay two up after two heading up to the third hole just keep it going here it’s windy

Anything Can Happen out here it is windy yeah don’t get comfortable though I’m serious do not get comfortable I am not getting comfortable please bring it on no we will we’re going no no we’re going to bring it on for real did those Birds did they take my bar they definitely

Could have they took my bar I actually really was enjoying the apple pie one the apple pie bar bar they definitely took it okay that’s fine they needed it more than I did we’re going to regroup ourselves because that was really not that was not us we were not

In our bodies we’re fine no we’re totally fine let’s just bomb a drive and just do it okay let’s just do It let’s get it done let’s get it but I’m definitely going to go at that far bunker to the left all right that’s fine yeah you’re fine what is this holding it’s 109 to car dog it’s a dog like right does it ever go to plan though yeah it’s getting really windy do

You think it’s fine if I take three-wood yeah cuz I feel like driver might bring in a little bit of trouble into play so I’m going to take three-wood and kind of aim at that far bunker cuz that wind’s really swinging it to the to the right

Okay let’s just calm it back down cuz things have been going Crazy yeah right I should be okay oh oh it came down fine okay yeah we’re just going to have like about 500 yards into the all right okay yeah so these two bunkers you want to kind of go in the middle of them like I don’t think we can reach

That bunker on the left see that was so good OMG are you good stop no she’s no she’s terrible in the woods Gone Gone viewers chill okay we are going to the left there oh [ __ ] that should be good no you’re totally fine yeah yeah you’re good

That’s beautiful uh take a seat take a seat take a seat take a seat okay we’re good okay okay that’s great that’s nice it was your ball fine uh it’s definitely to the right but I think it’s on grass I’m not even kidding I just hit the best

Drive of my life it was like a little draw right around them does it feel hectic right now yeah it does it feels super hectic right now I don’t know what it is like I feel really comfortable right now yeah me too feel like we’re just having fun yeah with my old buddy

Old you L are you trying to like injure me for this yeah I’m trying to injure you cuz I definitely don’t want to win the 5K this kind of golf is it’s different because like you’re on a time crunch you have a bunch of like camera guys building you and you’re running

Around have you ever done something like this no nothing like this never no my ball ended up hitting a tree which is just great I have 213 Ys to the pen so I have a long ways in but this rough is sticky and I don’t like hitting hybrid

Out of it so I’m going to take a five iron and just hope it runs forever just this shot it’s all we’re thinking about actually yeah I think I do think this could get on I really do and that wind it’s going right okay all you need is one good shot

I hit that really well it’s got to go oh you’re on good thank you really good no really good really good that’s rolling back there nice good shot all it takes is one such a good shot all right let’s go to your ball oh my God that was incredible

That was such a good shot no that was on okay buddy let’s get on back there what does the cart say 62 okay uh can you range it double cuz I like my hand’s shaking I don’t know why what’ you get 180 okay guys we’re having a little issues with

Yardages so I’m just going to hit a six iron oh no fade fade G that was not good left of the green we need your Alison 168 to the center that’s what it says 154 to the front oh boy honestly like the wind’s taking

It right so if you just go just left of that bunker right this is probably a hybrid I mean I’m just winging this I need to get this High you hit that pure I don’t know where it went though oh I just heard wood lots of wood I I didn’t see it okay

That’s fine it hit the tree up there I think maybe maybe you’re good I’ve got you got you this hole all right I need like a shot or something just just just Loosey Goosey just Loosey feeling so far like I need a shot no no we’re fine actually we need them to mess

Up like can they actually mess up guys mess up already yeah I didn’t really hit my best shot there I was I didn’t really know the yardage I didn’t feel that comfortable but Allison’s in Prime position so I feel like we should be good and I think I need some chapstick

Is it chapstick or Chopstick chaps stick we’re talking about how you should mess up now leave me alone I’m really good at getting up and down s how do you even use this it’s 150 and I have a nine iron cuz we’re a little bit downwind the pin’s in

The back so just trying to hit a good shot cuz kayn’s in there closer than I would like that’s so bad good goodness okay this is our hole something we’re going to win this thank you all right I am pissed off cool good I feel bad

Rooting against but I kind of am right now it’s okay though it’s a lot of money on the line where’d she go I don’t even know probably you should it’s probably not even that bad probably let’s okay let’s make this yes I don’t know what

That was I think I had too many thoughts in my they were talking in our in our pre-shot they were chatting away they’re trying to mess us up mentally but they little do they know that Allison and I are a good sand Invincible mentally so this is not what we were expecting

Center of the Fairway okay so I was known in college to not have the best sand game and I would literally call my dad before the tournaments like on the tea and I’d be like Dad how do you hit a sand shot I think I got it figured out

We’re going to we’re going to see that honest see Alison that’s perfect you’re fine there okay nice okay guys kayin has a really good look at birdie I really need to get this close and make the par just to like take pressure off Allison and put pressure on

Kaylin we do not want to just give them this hole 60 in my hand I’m in the rough here go oh God that’s not good go go go go go just fine nice come on go savy the sabator this is like a must make right

Now I feel like pressure no I don’t cuz we’re The Underdogs right now so I feel fine but I feel like we do have to make this in order to win obviously I feel like you guys are going to be fan favorites you know it’s just we’re like

The super obnoxious team like no one wants us to win right now this way a little bit Yeah okay gosh I just want this to go in the hole oh my gosh oh my gosh I was feeling that one let’s go right so bad only one up only one up oh

I get the flag you did call it you did call whose team are you on right now there ours oh he’s on our side I don’t know what to say cut the cameras you know I tried my best Jay got to got to give it to you

Thank you appreciate it you did thank you thanks for ring for me she Just Dropped a Bomb putt like so good so clutched now we’re only one down I feel like they were getting cocky I really do so like no we need to do something about

This oh my God I think all all four of us are really competitive which I like okay guys Alison and I had to regroup in the bathroom because her and I we cannot get ahead of ourselves we have to stay humble just no I’m just saying like we have to

Stay humble like we can’t be like the cocky bastards cuz that’s who always ends up losing like we just need to chill okay did we lose yesterday or today hey let’s just chill like I’m literally one shot at a Time get it oh this one’s only 290 yards to the pin so I feel like we could be close to reaching it it looks further than that the screen says 321 I think Sabrina might have printed it off wrong all right I’m going right to the right side

Of those bunkers out there that’s probably the line right now we’re just trying to get some good Tempo going there we go yes yeah wonderful good Fairway love that finally yeah okay yes this one driver and I’m just going to go my line is on the right side of that first

Trap and hopefully it draws over a bit and then we’ll have a pitch shot in but I only need to focus on this shot cuz that’s all that matters okay I hit it hard and I think it’s going to be just fine yeah we’re just we’re just in the

Open land up there in the grass it’s fine right I did hit a really good drive and and all my confidence comes from my driver if I’m hitting my driver well the confidence kind of like spreads through out the rest of my game so if we get

That going I think we’re going to be just fine okay so we were in the bathroom didn’t see exactly where their ball went but we heard that they’re good so that means that we have to now hit it good so Allison’s up first okay you got this Miss du suck do suck

Do suck do suck sorry good a shot wait you’re fine yeah that’s good and Fairway you know this is all fair and square everything happens the way it should just hending a drive here over the bunkers on the right I feel good about the driver guys oh fudge that’s fine you’re fine

Are we sure it sounded like a chunk yeah you’re just fine fine the bad shots are in the Fairway that’s a good thing you know eat the rest of that real no no for real eat it I terrible just it’s terrible but eat it yeah well it’s something like you need something in

Your system that sandwich is gross oh need water I think they’ll will they get it all right we’re both on The Fairway it’s time what is that what is that like a deer where one of these crazy birds so a deer the the cart girl

I have orange what did they put in here yellow red are you having fun we’re having a awesome oh we’re having a great I’m rejuvenating mhm no I was just saying Alison like if we play good we’re going to like be up like we don’t need

To look at their game they like one one hole and we’re freaking out yeah like we’re literally chilling like come on wow talk about C golf ooh that was we can’t do that that was a chunk damn get to the left go oh Sho all right we’re in the bunker that’s

The dumbest rule in golf like you hit in the Fairway you should not be in I know this is like we’re all in Sandy lies all right I have 119 yards and I’m kind of I’m in a Big Sandy lie which I don’t like but I’m going to do that’s a back

Pin so I can there’s some green to work with short so I’m going to do a full 50 out of this yeah that’s a very Sandy lie just middle of the green it’s all we’re working with tempo’s really big on this one for me oh my gosh it’s got to get back there

Though okay it’s a little short but it’s fine that was good nice shot kayin okay we’re going to put the pressure on them we’re are on the green now they have to hit it which they probably will come on turn turn right next to the pin go nice holy cow it was

Good I hope it it could be short Sabrina put it close okay let’s see what Sabrina does CH oh no or pull it it’s so good no that’s going to be good she’s so over dramatic like it’s fine chill out Sabrina okay you’re always fine your

Misses are always fine and you act like you’re in the water Alison go say hello to your friends Alison has a connection with these birds he hey boo boo I’m trying to find a freaking ball marker holy [ __ ] I’ll leave him alone today bro where is a ball marker right

Now like is this a joke like for real I thought we were all a lot closer than what I was originally thinking but yeah I have like a 40ft putt now which is fine I thought she stuck at a lot closer so once again we’re just fine

That win I think picked up a little bit too Dean are you in the bunker okay you’re a rockar out of the bunker okay I I do love bunker shots damn yes ho get in the hole I told you I like bunker shots wow she secured our par that was good de

Nice shot that really was wait we’re doing gimmies right yeah okay that’s good di pick it up okay that was so good do you want to mark your ball real quick wait we’re giving you the the par no but that’s the bir yeah oh yeah we’re not

Out of it come on actually could you move it just a little bit this way yeah one thanks please move it one to the left whoops perfect okay so I’m just make going to make sure I’m not short because I mean confidence if it doesn’t

Go in then we have par yeah you’re good okay I slammed it the hole oh oh oh my gosh that’s what you need it to do though I know you hard a little too close for com I’m going to try to put mine close if not make it so then a little pressure

Is off you to just like full send this into the hole yeah come on turn in turn in turn in turn in oh my gosh that was scary I did not like that we’ll wait for this one I’ll pull it for you come on please please please okay

That’s good that’s good is this good that’s good you’re good thought I no blood soflo girls are still one up going into the what is this the fifth hole yes yeah the fifth hole of the finale the [ __ ] is getting pretty tight here oh things are getting pretty tight familyfriendly P language

Yeah I was actually expecting them to make that put were you I really thought they were going to make it so we got away we got away with it I need to step it up I’m going to step it up that bunker shot gave me confidence it was really really Solid let’s get It this Haul is number 14 396 y so this is a longer one uh yeah I think I’m going to aim at those three palm trees maybe a little bit left of it it gets a little tight up there so I’ve actually got really focused on this

One okay so I hit that well but it’s a little right oh we’re good we’re fine oh that’s nice was you should nervous I’m nervous on I’m actually are you guys having fun like yeah no this feels like a tournament I feel like a legit tournament Vib yeah see but it’s not as

Annoying as college golf no it’s not we’re all college golfers here by the way people most I’m like a year or two out now already I have driver going to try to rip it rip it into the wood what did you say what did you

Say oh yes she does some kid cried in the back of my [ __ ] heard that there was literally a cry okay blame it on the kid okay I think I think it rolled out though I feel like I’m I feel like I’m getting the laughs like you know when

You were in school and you were laughing with your friend and you can’t stop laughing oh that’s always the best Allison she’s going to be fine but I we definitely need to hit one up there put it in the Fairway here we go or the woods yeah oh so we’re [ __ ] talking now

There is OB left noted just putting it out there I literally don’t hear any [ __ ] talking that was bomb that was that was going to be all right all right yeah we can’t B talk that one yeah that was fire yes okay de reminded us there is OB

Left what I don’t hear just to put that out there I do see those white staks coming in hot yeah there you go so good yeah nice that was very pretty this is good guys coming down to the line we’re approaching the bear trap after this hole we’re going to

The bear trap which is like the hardest stretch of three holes in the whole PGA wow I S PJ tour is that what it is yeah right is it it is and it’s hard it’s a like a really tough really it’s hard yeah guys there was a baby that cried

That is just ridiculous what happened it took me a while to hit and then like right when I in the middle of my back thing this kid starts crying and I like need silence like I’m not a [ __ ] I’m literally blocked by the tree scre where

Are you bro you’re going to have to carry us here where keep going on the carpa all right I’m not even shooting the pen I got my four hybrid in my hand and we’re going straight at it probably hopefully you’ve got this come on positive talk yes positive talk thought

Yeah get some positive self-affirmation you are great you are lovely you are her you sound like my mom oh my Lord yes di go go come on go get get up there yes of course I got like the best bounce ever in the bunker uh-huh that was good I like that shot so

Good nice o I have a carade still drank it yeah okay so you’re basically on so I’m just going to try and get it on as well yeah because what we haven’t had today are two people on the green so we need to have options like

When we get up they like okay that’s so funny if you miss one person can be like okay I’ve got you what do you guys see on the cart 166 okay 162 162 is that a front pin kind of right yeah and it’s a false front should I just hit a five

Oh jeez oh my gosh I don’t know what to hit what are we thinking here okay you don’t want to be sure okay you’re kind of screwed so I’m going to have to like do something here right yeah just I mean just get a par oh yeah I’m going to have

To go with the five iron it’s like a little up like up slope up to the green and uh yeah I’m just going to hit a five I don’t know I don’t really have much reasons for it but holy [ __ ] Allison okay I hit that really bad this is where

We P again thank you Sabrina don’t really have much to say about that that was pretty trash Alison we need to get around I need see where my ball is we need to get around this tree right now I know this our time to pounce wind’s at

My back yeah definitely a mid grip now for sure yeah you got it okay Tempo I want my Tempo town to be good good aim I like it it was pretty good she likes it be the number sit oh it’s oh I can’t tell all right I

Don’t know it could be back there yeah it could be back there thanks I liked the way that felt I really did this is this hole we are going to go up by or no we’re going to get it even actually that’s a good that’s a good plan get it

Even before we go into the bear trap and then we pounce like a tiger I’m sorry oh my god oh shoot I’m going to you are so funny sometimes sometimes see no but it comes out like unexpectedly yeah no if I try to be funny I’m the least funny person

Alive bro my hand is shaking like I I can’t even get the yardages right now I’m not nervous I just had a lot of caffeine okay I literally can’t I have my hand are shaking it’s 174 hey 174 how how far you hit your like what

Can you get cuz I feel it’s downwind like I feel like if you put it on your front foot you can get up and over the tree like no issue that’s true I’m just going to try to hit a seven iron yeah hit a seven iron over that tree you’re

Good I need to literally stretch my back is so bad right now okay ready yes get it over this tree you got this smooth and steady the rough is going to pop it up anyways oh God go go go sit sit bro that’s not good we’re fine we both are not on the

Green but my short game and her short game is really good she called her dad this morning and asked him how to get out of the bunker you sold the in this video yeah oh [ __ ] okay what Alison stop thinking about their game I’m not thinking about their

Game bro like I want to win so good right now I can barely breathe you’re gun pis is good I’m feeling I’m feeling really good and Lucy Lucy Dey if this goes in we will win cuz I mean they would have to chip one of those in and that’s going even into the bear trap could be huge yeah yeah yeah and so like okay let’s say if

I make this and if they just get a par it would go straight to even golf so now going into the bear trap we’d be all square so de all hands on deck on both of us you can put this in I’m going to for sure cuz you’re just off so it’s fine

Bir what Birdland yeah I like yeah you got the little birdies and Albatross Big Bird so go for the little bird the blonde birdies that would blonde birdies is too basic okay guys Alon and I both a bit short I’m feeling just like a spinny

56 degree just get it up there all I’m thinking of is par like obviously they can make a birdie but obviously I’m going to try to make it but if I can get up there make a par and apply the pressure on them that’s really what I’m

Looking for here so here we go sit oh my God good thing it’s match play yeah that was really really bad Sabrina’s been like a stick these last couple days like she’s been working on her game so it looks really good but I mean there’s still a little everyone

Gets a little nervous but she’s giving us some opportunity here and Allison’s in the bunker right now so which Allison doesn’t do good in the bunker sh let me show you show me the chunk I cannot do that oh get the hell down byebye sit down byebye baby I literally

Hate this that was such a good oh my Alison what in the hell what was that hers oh sorry things are heating up what where do you see this putt I mean I don’t think it’s doing a whole lot you think it’s going right to left just a tad there go

It’s pretty straight uphill it’s all speed yeah don’t mind [Laughter] me I hit that so hard yeah she was trying she was trying she was trying oh my gosh that was a good PT that was a good try I said Alon and I were talking so much [ __ ] and we’re getting humbled

Right now and I told her this would happen if we didn’t stop I told her this a s okay stop laughing and get it together okay I I literally have the giggles right now so this you actually need to sink this yeah I mean what is

That for birdie yeah you can three putt she cannot miss that’s not going to happen so literally I mean we’re probably screwed unless I make this so I’m just going for it oh Jesus halfway there please not even close I’m just going to tap it in yeah that’s good thank you oh yeah

That’s still that’s good you pick it up oh my gosh where you’re fine you’re fine don’t worry about it what that’s okay this one’s for birdie I make this secure the win on this hole all I have to do is tput though no pressure not feeling it

Said keep on going that’s wait Altin are we doing gimmies cuz I think not honestly no not at this point you can go d you want me to go yeah go real quick yeah or do you want me to go I can just tap it in no it’s okay if you want to

I’ll tap in it’s fine okay you know these were a little slippery on my um sandshot oh sh I got so nervous dud so nervous I I tweaked I really did I yipped it I’m about to pass out I’m about to pass out I yipped it hey my

Partner still has this for par I got so nervous wow for par yeah yeah okay I thought you were boy what is going on okay what do you see here partner I’m so sorry for that inside left oh but okay going way this we’re even yeah right or do you think it’s

Straight I see it pretty straight okay I see it straight then too I pushed we have to play dir I’m I know no I totally agree not it in real quick that was that was really some nerves there golf is so mental that’s so mental

Dude oh my God that was so mental so we freaking tied it yeah oh my gosh it’s okay that was we was just puted for bogey it’s okay so in my head on that pot okay I got to stop thinking about it different hole Yeah we have one two three four four

More holes left I think so yeah so that was a five oh my gosh makes me so mad Actually guys we have made it to the bear trap this is a super famous stretch of three holes the hardest I I think it’s the hardest three holes in the PGA Tour you can correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that I’m somewhat right but we have 148 there’s literally no

Room to miss there’s a huge bunker on the left and then you’ll have the water in the back there’s all water on the right no room for air here who’s up first Alison dirty well we’re coming off a really dirty play would you guys have given them that shot that putt it’s too

Late the comments because honestly like I don’t believe in gimmies that you can always miss it and I that and I agree with you I would have done the same thing I just stunk all right I have a seven iron it’s 147 into the wind I hit my SE are you

Sure you should hit seven yeah why I don’t know there’s a lot of wind though okay hit what you’re comfortable with I feel like I’m going to pass out the bear trap man all right come on Alison come on yes hold on wait no it’s good you’re on the green you’re

Good you’re takes the pressure off that is scary it is yeah no but I’m like hitting it really well he oh my God where are my clubs I so in between clubs right now yeah this is a tough one I made a nine on it in

The junior Honda Classic when I was like 16 and I literally laid up on the side on okay guys I’m going with the five here here we go I’m going to do a low grip seven all right oh [ __ ] we’re gone we are gone all right that’s that’s not a good

Spot okay okay so I’m super in between clubs because it’s 150 my eight iron goes 150 155 but that wind is powerful so I think I’m going to take a low grip seven iron the only goal on this one is just to get it on the

Green Oh partner it’s gone so bad Under Pressure I get so nervous come on Indiana okay what do I do dude just hit it hit it well well which club what how far does that go like 180 how far does that go 150 160 oh yeah I feel like I

Have no choice go low Grip Go Low grip low grip on that one oh my God oh my and don’t don’t be nervous it’s like look at we are just out don’t be nervous no no no we’re just out here having fun playing golf you could be working right

Now yeah that is so true you could be working I should have thought about that before I hit my ball Jesus Christ you could be working you’re all good oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh sh sit she sit right there all

Right okay you’re you’re good you’re you’re good you’re in the bunker you’re all good okay guys Allison has a putt for birdie which really alleviates some of the pressure cuz I have it downhill bunker shot with literally the whole pond in the background honestly like

This this is fun I enjoy this let’s put this close there’s a ridge here just going to try to Cozy it up onto the hole that was solid sit sit sit go in oh my gosh that was really really good nice okay how do you feel you better be

Feeling pretty good after all that uh smack talk about me in the bunker I actually feel really good out of the bunker like I could give I don’t care good I don’t care that the hey you almost hold it on that last hole too I

Almost hold it just no no not you not got it out all all right go go go that was good okay we can work with that I’m just here for moral support I don’t know why I’m taking off your GL all right let’s have Alison go

Now how you feeling Alison you see the line yeah sit sit o do you want to tap it in to apply the pressure wait that’s not allowed it’s not allowed right no cuz you know cuz then we can ask you to replay the shot that’s just like the rules but we

Okay so let’s let’s go yeah where this one away goes had my te oh it’s my hair thank you yep okay guys so me and Alison both have putts for car this is a really big putt for Diana this is huge left to right outside yes definitely yep like a

Cup maybe yeah maybe a little less Dan you’re you truly are fantastic at these putts I’m serious I’m dead serious oh God Channel it oh my gosh I thought you had it I really thought you had it you try to tap it in first for par sure okay yeah I’m not

We’re not giving that to you yeah I don’t believe good that was a good putt was all right if Fon makes this we go two up with four to play nice really really good okay so we’re two down let’s say we win this hole which easily we could do cuz the

Bear trap it can eat people’s lunch true so we win this hole and we’re going to start putting pressure on them I I know that we can birdie out I know we could cuz on those previous two holes I feel like we just we just like Let It Go I

Don’t know no I definitely feel way we have three holes to play and we are two up if we win this hole where the game is over we win the five grand let’s they if if they really want a chance they’re going to have to beat us here we’re not

We’re really not backing down Guys we we just let a couple shots go on the last two holes but we have three more I feel like if we win this one we’re going to win the match that’s how it feels this is number six wait 16 it’s the second hole of the bear trap it’s

Super tough because you can’t you have to lay up and you’re going to have a super long approach shot in Alison what are you hitting a five iron okay she’s hitting five I’m hitting a hybrid let’s let’s lock it in here guys like all the things like moving are going to tweak me

Out I’m so picky when it comes to this stuff like if I hear a peep I’m like I can’t hit really yeah this is going to tweak me out just go bro you want me to go first no okay you’re fine that’s fine sit sit okay play you’re good

You’re good I’m just going to hit a Hybrid I’m going to try to favor the the right a little more so I have a shorter approach shot oh sit we’re fine Oh no you’re fine yeah actually that’s going to work out pretty nicely going to work out I’m also going

To take a five iron just Fairway fairway golf is good golf I don’t feel worried I don’t feel stressed really don’t okay shot thanks I do wish it favored more right but it’s fine no it’s fine all right I have a fivewood we’re just trying to get it down there blond or so

Full girl yes that’s actually so good perfect nice all right that was beautiful y nice shot is wonderful I have 177 to the pin I’m going to hit my four hybrid we just trying to get it up there honestly going for it at this point we’re going for it oh my God I

Just oh my God we can bounce back is that didn’t it make it in didn’t it make it in that’s so bad oh my God that’s okay that’s why we have Partners what you’re good it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay TI okay guys um I have like I have like

155 honestly I want to go into the last hole even that would be fun so yeah why don’t you hit in the water buddy like can you please okay I’m okay actually I take that back come on buddy okay let’s just go like come on I’m just going to try to hit

This close obviously I’m having fun I love this I like competition you know why don’t you just hit the ball okay here we go I that was like a hardcore junk too I think you dug up like a lot what was that going to do we’re sure oh no we’re

Not oh my God I can’t believe I chunked it you’re good let’s move on we’re all good I don’t know which one’s which moving on okay I think Allison’s up 172 six iron goes 180 I might hit I might hit a six iron yeah I see come on

Soflow girl you got this I’ve got this you got this very easy Tempo yes I of the tiger wow good oh it’s okay okay all right okay that’s good I thought that was so good I thought you stuck it I really did D what a disappointment thank God you’re on okay you got

It you got it 172 went in my face I’m going to hit a six iron middle of the green don’t you think just like get a nice T putut in there you yeah I just want to get it on cuz this is a longer shot into a par

4 oh I’m so scared I didn’t hit that good at all yeah I hit that really bad came out of it that’s okay okay well bunker shot that’s fine yeah you’re fine all good yeah you’re fine we’re fine that’s that’s the word of the day we’re

Fine even though we’re not fine oh my God it’s okay I mean my shot was so good it was like drawn right in but then it hit the bunker but I mean it’s okay cuz Sabrina is um right up there I mean it’s not over until the fat lady sings is that

Even this is reminding me so much of college golf the feelings I can I can feel it it’s like it’s literally like being in a relationship with someone if I make this I think we’re going to win we have we’re two up we have two holes

To play after this this is for birdie so if I make this then we go three up and then it’s over unless they chip it in there’s a lot that can happen right now so let’s see what kayin does all right I’m just going to try to syn this but Know good shot so good not there you go the bunker anymore so I have to get an up and down yeah that’s basically what it is this is kind of kind of I got to L with the slope though Diana right a little bit yeah a little bit cuz it’s

Kind of going uphill okay I’m taking 58 open it up this would be great if it went in yeah but I feel like I do have to lean back a little bit on this one come on do something good yeah we’re done I can still sink

That you never know yeah yeah you never know oh can I borrow that r yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay so we have to S this this has gotten rough that’s for par yeah this for par where’s yours Dianna in the water in the water yeah I think

She would have had to sink it from back there so yeah okay A little right to left breaker I’m going to try and get a good line on this you got this okay you you got it you got it so makeable this is this is definitely makeable okay

Dude that a good try that was a good try thank you that was a good try you that in should I just try to make this in stle yeah either’s fine I just want to try to make it go okay this not over bro okay just

Tap yours in you’re good no it’s not over oh boy Serina it is literally not over let me just try to tap mine in for par just don’t do that to me I guess you are out no no no can I go okay sure come on

Alison okay nice there we go good par good match good match guys thank you so much thank you good VCH good Win I would like to present the check of the first inaugural golf gold games to the soflow girls guys you know we we really played played hard yeah we played Flawless and like her and I have never been a team together we’ve always been against each other anyways this was so much fun

Everyone come in I just want to thank you all for being in the first yes so this is the first golf b games event it was so fun thank you guys all for watching if you enjoyed this make sure to like And subscribe we have a lot of really cool content coming and

Stay tuned and see you all next time bye Y


  1. Yes finally!! been waiting for this one for soo long 😊 Just in time for the end of the day (It's late in the Netherlands…) My god, I enjoyed this so much! Congrats to the winners (won't spoil:))

  2. Congrats, Soflo Girls!
    I can't wait to see what all of you ladies have in store for future videos! I'm sure there will be more competitions in the future, yes?

  3. Definitely was pulling for legally blonde. So sweet and humble. Just something off putting to having a cocky attitude every single round. But you can be when you pick the best partner out to the group.

  4. Congrats So Flo Girls you were fire from the start never in Doubt !! Enjoy the $$$ Yay Sabrina you finally won told you before make this a magical 2024 GGG was a great idea i will say this again & again your the best girl vloger out there real unique funny a joy to follow ps looks like im 1st commenter today pretty paesan Jimmy the Italian Stallion LOL 🏒🏒

  5. I feel I should speak like Pauly Shore… SoFlo bros, bud-dee!🤙 Would love to play golf with you two. I wouldn’t do very well, but I would laugh like crazy!😂

  6. Buddy n Bro from SoFlo, kept that magic going!!! Such solid play from Allison and Sabrina. Great efforts all around from every team! Super entertaining match ups, full of drama (cuz Sabrina), laughs, and grinding on pars. This is what golf should be. We're all looking forward to the next event. Let's Go!!!!

  7. some of the funny comments made me laugh so much Cailyn the bird stole my candy bar happened to my bro 1 time LOL Deanna rip ain the woods & Allison did then pts club at her Sabrina its not good & of course its 6 ft putt !! Allison with sand cranes here boo boos & Sabrina great shot THE Sabonator Cailyn now we pounce on them like a tiger !! Deanna says your so funny !! Cailyn you could be working so true Cailyn !! Sabrina i want this to go to the last hole even Allison no way win it now Ps all you girls are great golfers Jimmy S🏒🏒🏒

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