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Scottie Scheffler’s dominance – should everyone be afraid? | Golf Channel Podcast | Golf Channel

In this week’s edition, the guys discuss Scottie Scheffler’s empathic victory at Bay Hill and what it means moving forward and break down whether Rory McIlroy’s idea of a “cutthroat” PGA Tour is out of bounds. #GolfChannel #GolfChannelPodcast
0:00: Rex on-site for Scottie Scheffler’s resounding victory at Bay Hill
6:00: A Scottie win spoils Lav’s upcoming feature, so we discuss it here instead
14:30: Rory McIlroy has a sloppy Sunday; is it time to worry about Augusta now?
19:00: Both Rory and Wyndham Clark get blowback for “cutthroat” Tour comment
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Scottie Scheffler’s dominance – should everyone be afraid? | Golf Channel Podcast | Golf Channel

Hello and welcome into this edition of the Golf Channel podcast with Rex and lav well if you’re wondering what it looks like when Scotty sheffler puts it all together Wonder no more the world number one set a bogey free 66 in the final round at Bay Hill won the Arnold

Palmer Invitational by five shots his first win in 51 weeks that obviously sets him up nicely not just for his title defense next week at the Players Championship with the rest of the major season with the Masters now just one month away Rex were there you are still

There sipping a Yingling no doubt what did it look like what did it sound like would it feel like as Scotty rolls to his seventh P tour Victory I just realized I made a huge tactical error setting up so the the actual Media Center is just in the Next Room over and

As we’ve done this before you don’t want to bother the other guys who are on deadline so I I came into where the lunchroom and apparently there’s pizza and beer behind me so it’s gonna be a hight traffic area I just realized this is the one place that I probably

Shouldn’t have set up it was fun it was fun to watch him as you said put it all together it was fun to kind of write the story because he sort of hinted on it earlier in the week just about the idea that I’m going to figure this out

Because I’ve decided I’m not going to be perfect I’m not even gonna try to be perfect and he kind of expanded on that a little bit tonight when I asked him about it and along the way along these 12 months and it is interesting that you just said his first victory since the

PLAYERS Championship he won the hero and granted it’s a small field it’s in the Bahamas official Victory I should say it is his first official Victory so I do think you need to say that but this is you’re right what it looks I thought Shane lry who he played with today at

Bay Hill said it best he goes he showed us why he’s world number one Rory maroy just marveled he goes when we all know how good of a ball Striker He Is We all know what he can do if you put a golf club in his hand all he needed to do was

Figure it out and just put average like I think we’ve had this conversation before it’s not like he needed to go out there and be Brad Faxon he didn’t need to go out there and be the world’s best putter just putt average and today he was much much better than average and he

Wins by five so I think he gained 4 and a half Strokes on the field and one by five I don’t think those numbers are mutually ex exclusive I I agree with you and we now have a large enough sample size that when to know that when Scotty

Sheffler putts great not when he putts average when he putts great there is no beating him and in fact he’s probably going to win in a route as he did on Sunday this is the fourth time since the beginning of 2022 that Scotty sheffler for the week

Has gained more than four shots on the field on the greens his results in those four events Rex win win win win I mean the guy is absolutely lights out I did think this was kind of surprising just because of what we’d seen from him so

Far this season and by you know by all accounts it has been a a pretty solid season his worst finish was a t17 uh still had a boatload of of top 10 finishes in the early returns here but his last tournament was at the Genesis Invitational where once again he was

First in the field and strokes gain degree and last in the field in putting you talked to him throughout the course of the week what’s the turnaround is this just kind of a onewe aberration or is the strides that he’s been making with Phil Kenyan once they started working together after the Tour

Championship last fall kind of stting to pay dividends I think it’s a combination of a couple of different things I don’t want to discredit the work he’s doing with Phil opinion I think it’s been very very good I think the switch to a madhe headed putter he started with a new

Putter this week thank you Rory thank you Rory actually he was asked about that and he sort of laughed it off and he he pointed out that they had been talking about it internally Randy Smith Phil Kenyan for a long time before Rory brought it up but it was testing he was

Testing him last summer but it was you’re right like that was what Rory said last uh in last start at the Genesis but man you know you thankfully Scotty’s not using a mallet because he actually gives us a chance once puts them out of the bag wins by five it

Blows away Rory shot he beat him by 10 shots uh yes had a chance to win on Sunday which was very interesting so I think those two things certainly factor into this this has been a long process we have talked about this for pretty

Much a year now right I mean we we know how good of a ball Striker he is and the putting just hasn’t been there and it’s not as though it hasn’t been great it’s been bad like I went through all of those events since last year since the PLAYERS Championship since that Victory

And I mean he’s just not losing 05 Strokes he’s losing four and a half Strokes he’s losing seven strokes in one tournament like he’s it was bad bad putting and so I think this is an indication more though than anything he’s doing physically than anything he’s

Doing equipment wise I think it was just a mental adjustment that we know Scotty like he’s a thoughtful guy and I think he finally wrapped his mind around the idea that he can’t get caught up in the outcome and this is going to sound like the cliche that the sports cliches

Always are but he needed to let go of the outcome and he did that Thursday and I think that was a key for him he said Ted went out and shot 70 felt like he left so many shots out there but then he and Teddy were standing on the Range

After the round and they looked at each other and they’re like man I felt like I actually puted pretty well and I think that’s the key when it comes to putting if you’re just not if you’re not one of those Brad Faxon if you weren’t born

Touched by the hand of God to be able to just hit the putts if you’re not Jordan Speed if you don’t have that Gene I think you need to wrap your mind around the around the idea that if I hit a good putt if I hit the line I was trying to

Hit and it had the Speed that I wanted to and it just doesn’t in there’s nothing I can do about it I just need to move on to the next hole for the perfectionist that is the PGA Tour player that’s really really hard to do

And I just think he did a better job of that this week yeah so here’s a little bit Rex of a peak behind the curtain I sat down with Sky sheffler for about 20 minutes on Saturday after his third round at Rivier uh trying to to do some

Reporting for a Scotty shuffler Players Championship preview piece the premise of the story was not going to be as as you have surmised a an obit to Scotty sheffo or or burying him uh for what has been his Misfortune and misgivings on the greed in fact it was it was more glowing than

That it was it was basically his Reflections on the past year what at this time was a 51 we win the drout and kind of the Bugaboo there was a couple premises to the piece that un we’ll probably now never see the light of day on NBC golf1 is that there

Has not been much in Scotty’s athletic career that has ever befuddled him from junior golf to other sports to college he has always figured out stuff which is why the putting predicament that he’s found himself in has been so maddening to him as you say kind of this pursuit

Of perfection well throughout throughout the the history of skotty sher’s golfing life it’s been pretty close to to Perfection this is a player who won almost 75% of his Junior starts over a decade span he was a former US Junior Champion he was a three-time high school

State champion in college he nearly won an NCA Championship he was picked for the Walker Cup team he won a couple of times he got through uh sort of the the injuries and the issues that he had with his back in college like he has always always always come out the other side

And so that’s why this has been such a test mentally for him to have the right perspective to have the right patience the right levels of patience because quite frankly this was something that he was unaccustomed to the the thing with Scotty that I found most interesting is

That he he really doesn’t understand or or kind of well he definitely acknowledges that the fact that as world number one he has to get nitpicked you know he’s he’s he’s under a microscope what he doesn’t like and what he kind of framed differently is if you if you

Watch he said he during the fall when he had some downtime he watched some of Tiger’s old clips when tiger was winning golf Trims and he said people were ripping Tiger’s ass his words not mine ripping Tiger’s ass on the coverage if he ever missed a 15 foot putt because

You just sort of you just assumed he was going to make you just assumed that a player of of his prodigious Talent was going to make that Putt and Scotty says I’ve kind of entered that to that territory with with golf commentators where if they show me you know uh lining

Up a 15 foot putt and I and they they preface it by saying you know this is the area of the game that Scotty sheffeld really struggles with and then he misses it it’s sort of self-perpetuating and so that’s kind of what he’s been dogged by over these past

52 weeks and probably a little bit longer as well the fact that he’s he’s being nitpicked and asked constantly about the thing that he does worst in golf no one’s asking about his ball striking no one’s asking about the fact that he is on par basically with Tiger’s

Peak seasons in terms of his long game it’s always constantly the one thing you don’t do well and that can really that can really affect a player mentally I mean we wouldn’t want to hear that constantly every single day of like I mean you’re you’re you’re a great

Reporter Rex but you’re writing you’re kind of sucks laer you can really write but on TV you’re Dreadful both of those two things can be true but to hear them over and over again uh it is certainly kind of where where the feelings got rubbed a little bit raw for Scotty Sheffer and

And I could see that frustration and I think we have seen bits and pieces of that over the year and look I think there’s something to be said for there is an EB and flow to his Seasons that are pretty easy to track right he always

Seems to play pretty well at the waste management he always seems to play pretty well here where he’s won twice now at the Arnold Palmer Invitational seems to play pretty well at the Players Championship where as you pointed out he’s a defending Champion it’s those West Coast venues that have po greens

Which look they’re confusing it’s not Scotty sheffler’s problem this is a golf problem it’s really really hard to put on those green and then as we get further further north I’m not talking about Augusta I’m talking about the venues where you’re dealing exclusively with bent greens and it’s a little bit

Different than what he grew up putting I think it’s a comfort level like I I feel like he’s pretty comfortable on Bermuda greens I feel like he’s pretty comfortable on the bent greens that are out in Scottdale because those are pretty basic pretty easy to deal with and he certainly has something for

Augusta so I think there is an eban flow to this that explains at least part of it but I like I went back just and looked at his ever since he joined the PGA Tour every year that he played a full schedule just once has he ranked

Inside the top 100 in putting I don’t think he’s ever been a great Putter and I don’t think he’s ever going to be a good putter I think he still has a chance to being the world number one for a really really long time because he

Hits the ball that well it almost felt Rex like I was being trolled I mean Scotty sheffler made each of his last 203 putts inside 15 ft a couple weeks ago that would have seen unfathomed a couple of months ago that would have seemed un inconceivable last summer

Remember mirfield Village he gain like 23 shots on the field with with his ball striking and lost like nine on the greens like we’ve never seen that great of a disparity you never would have seen Scotty shefer make 23 consecutive putts he was 15 for 15 today from 15 feet from

Inside 15 feet he made a 34f footer like all the things he had to do today he did he looked like the guy that you would expect oh yeah that’s the world number one cuz he does everything really really well and I I kind of used the perfect

Line you know he trying to get away from being perfect because you would look at today’s round at least statistically from the outside looking in and you can make an argument man that that was a perfect round no worst part was his was his approach play yeah yeah I mean which

Isaz I mean the closest he probably came to a bogy was on 17 and everything was in the bag by then he had a plug Li and just hit this beautiful shot to to pretty much tap in range so it looked like a perfect round from the outside so

I just love sort of the machinations of what’s going on inside his head he looks so calm on the outside and he looks so put together and at peace with himself but I think he gave a little bit of a glimpse you said you hadn’t read the transcript yet but you probably should

Because I think he did kind of open up a little bit on what had the last year has been like he’s heard everything he knows better than we do exactly where his shortcomings on he said he focused on it in the offseason whether or not that’s

Going to pay off long term I think we still need to give it some time but I think today was a big first out I didn’t cover Tigers Prime in the early 2000s or even that 05 to 07 period uh I was just beginning my career when Rory was going

On his assault in in 2012 and 2014 but listening to Scotty’s peers it’s very interesting to hear how they talk about Scotty’s play of how like wow we all know he’s at another level ball striking wise and if he can just make some more putts like he’s going to do some things

That are very very very difficult for us to catch like you can you can hear the level of respect for a man of his immense talent and how I think everyone certainly his peers are kind of dreading that or they’re I guess they’re hoping that this was a one-we aberration or

They’re dreading the fact that hey maybe he’s actually made some strides on the greens you look at his stats this week he was first he of green he was first around the green I think that’s one of the things that’s kind of overlooked about Scotty Sheffer he’s a big man with

Very soft hands who could play a ton of of really Nifty creative shots around the green he certainly did that at Bay Hill he was fifth in putting but he was 12th in approach play I don’t have the stats in front of me I I have a hard

Time believing that this was not actually his worst iron performance in months if not longer I mean Scotty’s never 12 in the field and so it was just an absolutely clinical performance uh and I’m very curious to see how he fouls it up this week at TBC Saw Grass and and

I can say like I mean we all watched with with great interest today because Sunday was going to be the day that if there were any shortcomings in on the greens it was going to be glaring today like that that’s the day we put the microscope down and if you miss the

Five-footer then everyone’s gonna say yep there it is we knew it was coming I don’t think there was a putt today that I saw him getting ready to hit that I was like yep he’s not making this one like I I just felt like there was a

Confidence there was an air about him and it’s not as though he had been putting great all week he hadn’t been giving Strokes away is essentially what he had been doing today just felt like everything came together one player for whom it did not even though he did have a chance was the

World number two the actually the guy who’s actually closest to overtaking Scotty Sheffer in the world rankings however you still feel about the world rankings but Rory actually needed a little bit of a rally on the back n just to close with 76 just to finish in a tie

For 21st he hit only 40 of 72 greens which was almost last in the field in approach play when we did the preview podcast rex on Wednesday we we kind kind of prefaced it by saying hey you know we’re willing to give Roy a little bit of Grace here he doesn’t typically play

Well on the west coast he almost had the double header in Dubai to start the year but if he does not play well at Bay Hill that’s when you can kind of suround the alarms a little bit which is too uh tournament starts remaining until at least for him the year’s first major

Where are you now on the Rory stress meter I found it interesting that he talked about his driving he was second in the field Strokes G TD green just behind Scotty so he has a lot of confidence there and he almost had a bit of a chip on his shoulder when he said

Let me guess I led the field again off the te well he didn’t but he was really really close because he knows how well he’s driving the ball and normally when Roar is driving the ball well everything else flows like everything else Falls in behind his driver I think it was more

His iron play and he seems to have a case of of a lot of pulls with his irons and he he talked about the idea that he’s got three days going into next week’s Players Championship to figure it out the good news is TPC Sawgrass is a really really really tough driving test

And he feels like he can pick up a lot of Strokes there it’s not like it’s all that easy on approaches though either he’s going to have to hit much better iron shots I I do think it was interesting we talked a lot about Rory’s putting as well he actually putted

Pretty well this week I mean not as well as Scott he did certainly on Sunday but again he is the guy when he is he was working really hard with fax after the opening round for sure I think whatever happened Thursday night between he and

Fax and Roy got into that a little bit talking about how his right shoulder tends to ride up and ends up hitting putts almost thin which I found fascinating because I I hit every putt thin I just thought that’s the way you were supposed to do it but watching and

I actually talked to to Brad about about it a little bit about exactly what they’re working on and and he has his Tendencies that’s the interesting part I mean Rory is a very very smart guy I don’t think I need that’s not news to anyone he’s very thoughtful he spends a

Lot of time talk thinking about things in the world as well at his golf game and it seems to me he keeps coming back to that one thing when it comes to his putting but it you never you very rarely see that where a guy is putting in the

Dark at Bay Hill on Thursday night and comes out Friday morning firing has a good round I that every time I see that I’m thinking yeah that he’s done like you don’t figure it out overnight and he did that which gives me a little bit of

Hope going into next week but he’s got to figure out his iron play it’s it’s bad right now yeah and I think that’s actually quite concerning as we look ahead uh to both TBC SASS and Augusta Ash Rory is ranked 133rd this season on tour in approach play you mentioned the the

Left Miss I think that that reared its head over and over again this week on the six hole the par five where he’s trying to hit kind of a long to Mid iron he played the par five hole in four over for the week just could not help the

Left Miss we saw it Doom him a couple times overseas as well it’s just a real Bugaboo for him and as we know and as we’ve seen over the past decade there is no greater indicator of success at Augusta National than IR play the days of it being a putting contest are over

It’s not just a driving contest anymore he can he can be center of the Fairway on every single hole but if he cannot capitalize and hit it to the right Shelf at Augustin ashy he’s really GNA struggle that has to be a major point of emphasis not just next week and getting

Ready for the golf’s fifth major uh but Augusta National and the Masters as well I think it’s so funny see trffic behind me of all the all yeah see them alliz just sucking down their Yang lings and stuffing their faces with some greasy Pizza I did also Rex want to

Touch on something that that created a little bit of stir as it relates to Rory with this idea that the PJ tour should be more Cutthroat and wam Clark followed up again on Saturday saying he agrees with Roy’s premise that the PJ tour to essentially just be the best the best

Call it a 100 guys whatever the number is it basically just make it not more of a closed shot but make it kind of an aspirational circuit for the best the best this did not go over well at all on social media saying saying don’t you remember where you came from these are

The stories that we want we want more promotion we want more relegation where did you fall on this and were you surprised by some of the blowback that both of these players received as it as it pertains to what seems like a pretty logical idea uh very surprised with wam

Clark the blowback he got I was actually talking with tour official this afternoon about it because I think 100 and maybe that’s not the right number someone mentioned I was actually asked Lucas clever about it after his round on Sunday and he felt like 12 is probably a

Better number just because that’s been the number historically and and his argument was that these fields should be 125 that’s a different conversation I actually think Windham had thought this through and I understand where he was coming from I think the blowback came from the idea that someone posted that

He was outside the top 100 what 18 months ago right before he won the Wells Fargo and I think the idea that the argument was oh well you wouldn’t be in that magical number well that’s not necessarily true like wiam Clark is clearly a good player we know that now I

Mean he he was about to become he was about to win his third signature event this week if if Scotty sheffler Doesn’t Scotty sheffler so we all know he’s talented I think eventually he would have played his way on I I don’t understand the push back because I would

Say the other side of the coin is anyone who wants this week will tell you 69 is not the right number and that’s what we had this week and there was a cut and it didn’t feel right and it it just feels empty my argument to this is and I’ve

Seen it and I go back to D this was before your time I mean this is essentially just a WG G event and D this is D went through it was the Ford championship and one year you had tiger and Phil going head-to-head they very very rarely did that during the peak of

Their careers on Sunday and it was just a mad house and Eddie Carboni was the tournament director and he turned it into something really really special it had local flare it was an event and it was a full field event and then it became a WGC and it was a limited field

I think 70 players and Championship management which is the tour b side of the business that runs the wgc’s they came in and made it sterile and made it not as good and you feel it in the gallery you feel it walking around the

Grounds and I think that has a lot to do with first foremost the fact that there’s only 69 players here like I I think that has something to do with the vibe of a tournament is I don’t know what the right number is I keep going

Back to we can all agree Augusta naal seems to have figured it out more times than not they put on a really really good show and they’re somewhere between 90 and 100 players every year so I feel like the numbers somewhere in there I just know that 70 doesn’t seem like it’s

It 70 doesn’t feel like it’s it uh I also had a little bit of an issue with with the cut you know be before I liked the idea of a cut in these Signature Events just to have some sort of urgency something to pay attention to on Friday

But when it I mean for a time it looked like just three or four players were going to be missing out it ended up being 11 players who were either not inside the top 50 in ties or not within uh the 10 shot rule which the tours

Implemented for these uh kind of leg Legacy events or player hosted invitationals I think the fix around that Rex is to not have a cut but but have a cut off in terms of who’s receiving FedEx Cup points the the cut doesn’t necessarily have to be monetary

Keep them around for four days but I think I think one of the big issues was the fact that if you finished last place in a no cut event and you were still receiving FedEx Cup points you’re you’re essentially reducing the the likelihood that there’s going to be that churn I

Think they wanted like 35% churn or 65% retention rate for the players who get in Signature Events and if you were still handing out fex C points for finishing 60th right in a signature event that’s kind of defeating the purpose I think that’s where you can

Kind of draw the line it it just seems very weird maybe even a little bit cruel to to to get rid of less than a dozen players and and make them have have the the commitment that they have to play in this tournament to to kick him out when

It’s going to be less than a dozen players well and to go back to your question I I did not understand what where Rory was coming from with the Cutthroat comments and the smaller fields and I I get it like I have come around from the other side of it and the

Tour this t tour whatever this version of the tour is going to be going forward it has to be about the Stars it has to be about the product I just feel like this version of that isn’t the best product and I don’t think getting getting shorter Fields smaller Fields is

The answer so I’m not quite sure where Rory was coming from on that one because I think time and time we’ve learned time and time again East Lake is not a very exciting event more times than not because you’ve only got 30 guys there

I’ll go back to D you can keep going to where the tour has made smaller in smaller fields and it doesn’t equal to more entertaining or better Fields yeah I’m so I actually like what the PJ tour has done this year with the full field events and the Signature Events I think

This swing five and the next 10 that the tour is implemented this year I actually think it’s a pretty good idea and I actually think it’s worked uh reasonably well I don’t have the data to to see exactly how many players have come in and out but it does at least open the

Kind of extend the possibility that that a jake nap who won the Mexico open followed up with a good week uh at the cogniz and could then come here in Bay Hill he didn’t have he kind of had a forgettable performance here but let’s say he parlays that to something else

And all of a sudden what he did on six on Saturday was forgettable to you the rest of his week outside of the 12 that he made yes in the third round on the sixth hole was was forgettable but but that sort of story is is still allowed to flourish on the

PJ tour which I think is a good thing and look there was a lot of quibbling on social media I follow a lot of uh you know very inside golfing folks but I but I guarantee if you ask kind of a wider swath of of of golf fan or sports fan

They would probably agree with Rory that it does need to be more Cutthroat that it does need to be just the Stars only that there is probably a little bit too much fluff you there’s definitely some fat that can be trimmed but the inside golf folks don’t want to hear that but I

Think the larger sports fan in general agrees with the premise that there are way too many guys who have been who have been grifting and and freeloading on the PJ tour for too long absolutely and that was the one thing that Rory said that I totally agree with when you look at the

Priority list which is how the how the PGA Tour essentially makes up their fields and it starts with the major winners and goes all the way down to past champions is the last category and there’s guys hanging on in the past champions category that either haven’t played in a decade or shouldn’t have

Played in a decade and yes there’s plenty of those categories the tours should and can just start lopping off I think that was Rory’s point that the tour is set up to allow these players who are 10 years past their Prime just to hold on until they can make it to the

Champions tour it’s time unfortunately for those players for them to to sort of just rotate out I love the idea if it is winham Clark’s idea but of a 100 players 20 in 20 out at the end of every year I think that’s the churn that you’re

Looking for that that’s exactly what I would like to have a 20% turnover is pretty good because that does give your next class whether if that’s the next wind Clark or Scotty Sheffer whatever the case may be an opportunity to play their way up and it also gives the guys

Who aren’t there anymore and someone pointed out that well Justin Thomas would have been right on the edge last year playing his way off the tour if it was top 100 and my response was yeah I mean play better better play better man like Billy Hors would have played his

Way off the tour okay sorry a a more Cutthroat product I think permeates through the entire PJ tour ecosystem at every single level because the the the intensity is going to be at the top for those guys trying to get paid but also at the bottom a Justin th is trying to

Save his season if you have actually severe and indisputable relegation and promotion not this thing where well you can lose your card but you can still get in through conditional status and you can still get sponsor exemptions and you’re still carving out a 20 event schedule that’s what I’m not what I’m

Talking about I’m talking about an actual class delineation of going from the a tour to the B Tour no no in between and so I think I think that creating a more Cutthroat product at the top I think just makes every other level that much better to try and get inside

That top tour eventually I see where he’s coming from maybe the execution wasn’t great maybe it wasn’t able to be fleshed out enough on social media I was a little bit surprised by the back blush I actually think that is the direction that the PJ tour needs to go well and

One of those person that one of those people that was pushing back and this was the conversation I had with the tour official was the Monday Q guy and Ryan’s you and I both know Ryan we worked with Ryan I I I think he does a fantastic job

My point to that was well because this is impacting exactly what Ryan does like he covers the corn fairy tour he covers the Monday qualifiers and so it’s going to impact the players he has so I understand where he’s coming from but I don’t disagree with it I think

Eventually if we get to where the if this match magical International tour that Rory continues to to sort of outline for the world if we ever get there 190 players that seems about right and you do that for 15 or 20 events and you have your turnover and you you pick

Up next season and you do it all over again it works in other sports there’s no reason it wouldn’t work in golf all right that’s going to do it for this edition of the Golf Channel podcast with Rex and lab you guys know the drill golf for all the rest of

Your golf needs we’ll talk to you guys in a couple days when the Players Championship gets underway


  1. This is a propaganda arm for the PGA tour. Talk about how Zinger has called PGA tour the “FEEDER TOUR”. Joaquin Nieman, Rahm, Brooks, should all be ranked higher than Rory.

  2. Rory just wants an International tour cause he knows he will get his ass whooped at Beth Page Black. Look at the presidents cup, Mike Weir has all but admitted that the LIV players cant play. I think people are just kissing Scottie's ass cause in the medias mind he is the first good winner this season. He was lucky to win. Sunday was hard. Only 4 guys broke 70. He got to -15 and stunned EVERYBODY. The thing is he is defending at a place that is hard as fuck next week. Why? Nobody has defend successfully there.

  3. LIV Hong Kong was a much more entertaining product than Bay Hill, the difference this year has been noticeable. Please cover both tours or Golf channel will go the way of the dinosaurs.

  4. Scotty wins once in 51wks and is no 1 in the world. Taylor gooch wins 3 times on Liv and is 449 in the world. As an aussie l think this is rubbish

  5. It AMAZES me how you guys and other golf media critics of LIV GOLF are now nonchalantly evolving your positions to match what you now know to be inevitable…CHANGE! The PGA TOUR was a flawed product that should have been focusing on the best players playing each other more regularly. You pilloried the mavericks when they pushed for a refreshing of the stale business model. Now all of a sudden relegation and small elite fields make sense because it's Rory saying it??? C"MON…Just come out and finally admit it… PHIL MICKELSON & GREG NORMAN WERE RIGHT! Welcome to the party, PHIL & GREG saved you some cake 🍰and ice cream 🍦!!! 😂

  6. LIV = MAGA, and the league will go up in flames like everything else Trump touches. Bravo to Jimmy Kimmel last night @ the Oscars. "Isn't it past your jail time?" Beautiful.

  7. I think if you are going to have cuts in these events then have a real hard cut – not 11 players cut – have only the top 20-25 play on the weekend – see how they like it then – I think these elevated events are flat – rather see full fields

  8. Rex and Lav ! You did not study journalism to be that bias, please. Is it an ego thing ? money thing ? are you scare to loose your job like Paul Azinger did ? What is the deal, be honest you are losing credibility guys. Make it right .

  9. As much of a bummer pro golf has been the last 2 1/2 years, scottie has put on a once in a generation proficiency tee to green and it’s been fun to see.

  10. I am enthusiastic to see pro golfers play a 72-hole match for keeps at normal business hours on a course over 7000y.
    Putting greens, even the best ones, are living, growing, imperfect things. A robot hitting ten putts from 15' will only make 10-12. It's not possible to putt perfectly.

  11. U guys need to stop using world ranking unless u think Dustin Johnson is ranked 290th in the world .. just stop .. it's legit irrelevant . I don't disagree along with rahm he's prob the best in the world right now but just don't use the ranking systems that don't include all pro golfers

  12. The pga leftovers are praised by pga central tv if pga guys actually have to compete against top 10 LIV players in majors they will be humiliated 😉⛳️😇😊

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