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Disturbing new Vince McMahon allegations emerge | Wrestling Observer Live

Bryan Alvarez, Mike Sempervive, and Lance Storm discuss new allegations from a lawsuit by a former WWE employee who has accused Vince McMahon of sexual assault and sex trafficking.

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All right well we have to uh we got to talk about Vince McMahon and uh I think most of you have seen the story obviously I’m going to read a portion of the front page story here probably won’t go into all of the graphic details you

Can read those for yourself if you would like to and there is a 67 page filing 67 pages and I’m about halfway through and man holy smokes you got I mean you don’t have to read this thing but if you read it it’s like and it’s weird because

It’s kind of in uh it’s in two parts where it starts with a uh a recap of of everything and in the recap of of everything it actually names individuals like flat out it talks about John laurenitis and Vince McMahon and it doesn’t say Brock Lesnar but it says

Former UFC heavyweight champion so I mean we kind of uh have limited options there but then later so they do a whole recap and they talk about Vince laurenitis and the former UFC heavyweight champion and then they go uh to a a portion where they explain like

Who everybody is Vince McMahon is this blah blah blah and then after that they go into this even more detailed telling of the story but in the second more detailed telling of the story they start referring to everybody as like you know WWE employee number one WWE employee

Number two it’s it’s like way more vague even though earlier they actually named certain individuals so anyway uh there I mean what’s written on the front page is like the gist of the the first part of the lawsuit filing but there’s plenty more there are a number of individuals

Whose names haven’t come out out that are also mentioned and you know they give some uh they give some details as to uh you know who’s done what and whatever so my presumption is that uh we’re going to be hearing more presumed names but anyway so the lawsuit was

Filed by uh against WWE McMahon and John laurenitis and the person filing the lawsuit is Janelle Grant a former WWE employee and she is the same individual whose secret $3 million settlement with McMahon led to him being investigated by the WWE board of directors in 2022 the lawsuit alleges that Grant felt

Pressured into a sexual relationship with McMahon due to threats he would use his legal resources against her if she did not McMahon’s demands grew increasingly depraved through her employment with the company from 2019 to 2021 she was also expected to engage in sexual encounters with laurenitis during her employment according to the

Lawsuit the uh it alleges that McMahon promised a sexual encounter with Grant to a WWE wrestler it says here reported by The Wall Street Journal Tob Brock Lesnar as noted they claimed this wrestler was a former UFC heavyweight champion during contract negotiations in the summer of

2021 and uh this wrestler they said uh you know agreed to uh re sign and uh and there’s more through all the trauma we’ll read some of this but not all Miss Grant has endured profound suffering and silence feeling of exploitation loss of security fear of facing the wrath of WWE

And McMahon’s Army of attorneys if she were to come forward and bring to light the egregious acts detailed herein time has passed Miss Grant seeks to hold defendants accountable for their reprehensible and unlawful acts for her own sake and for others it states that her and McMahon met in 2019 while

McMahon was living in a penthouse in Grant’s apartment building Grant had been struggling financially due to years of caregiving for elderly parents so her parents were both ill and uh they both ended up passing away and I believe that uh after they passed away uh due to the

Uh I guess it was a bankruptcy and so she lost her house and everything and so uh somebody at the apartment complex said you should meet Vince and so uh this is not even something to like it’s not funny but like the way that lawsuit describes it I won’t even get

Into it Vince’s reaction you can go read the lawsuit when uh when he was approached about the idea of helping her so at the time she was struggling financially McMahon befriended M Grant giving her hopes of a new life Promises of a yet to be determined role at WWE

So it goes into great detail in the uh lawsuit filing of uh of like Vince like slowly working his way into uh being more and more you know an increasing lack of boundaries is the way that it was described here and he kept saying you

Know we uh we’ll get you in we’ll get you in at one point he called her to his uh condo and she walked in and he goes I’m in the walk-in closet or whatever and she goes in and he’s owning his underwear and of course it escalated

From there and mcmah at one point warned Grant allegedly to keep their closeness a secret stating he had quote world class legal resources on speed dial to deal with people who became a problem and uh I actually don’t have the wording from the lawsuit here but uh maybe I’ll

Find it after the the break because the wording is actually much worse than you know resources to deal with people who become a problem so it says she felt ruined uh trapped between being ruined by his legal resources or succumbing to the pressure of a physical relationship and then he began sending sexually

Explicit pictures and videos of her to people inside the country Alle uh company allegedly one of the people former UFC heavyweight champion another was a WWE referee and uh then there are a lot of details about the sexual encounters how the depravity increased things I will not talk about here on the

Air but I mean it’s all over the place and uh plenty more I don’t even know how much more of this to even read but anyway eventually it says here that uh Vince informed her his wife had discovered their relationship this being Lind who elsewhere in the lawsuit he notes

That uh they are no longer together they are only together for uh on paper for business reasons and that she’s in the past but she found out about it and he said that Grant would need to leave the company wanted her to sign an NDA in exchange for payments and he basically

Told her you know it’s either going to be that or you know lawsuit and public humiliation Etc So eventually she signed and uh she claims that the lawsuit WWE’s internal probe into allegations against McMahon in November of 2022 was a sham she said she was never contacted by the

Company she’s the one that this all broke because of her allegations she said the company never contacted her despite her stating she was willing to participate so anyway we’ll get some thoughts from Lance and Mike after the break back in a moment Observer live back in the show Brian Alvarez here

Wrestling Observer alive Mike simp also of we’ll start with Mike your thoughts what can you really say you know um even if only a little bit of this is true it’s awful and it’s disgusting and it’s depraved and it’s a incredible horrific abuse of power and

Just nasty I mean there is an accused rape that took place inside the office and we’ll have to see as more of this goes along but as has been mentioned by Wall Street Journal and others covering this from the business World it brings into question the breath of the board’s

Investigation that was done into Vince and what what got him out of there in the first place you know the it may have revealed the the ndas but why did the investigation stop there did it choose to stop and avoid its eyes at other you know issues that took place I

I I I don’t know I don’t know and and we’ll have to see how it it all comes out but it’s it’s it’s horrible it’s a horrible horrible story a horrible experience for this woman what she is alleging happened to her and I you know from there does it affect

The onscreen product no but I have a feeling that there are a lot of people there that probably could and should be worried because a lot of what’s talked about in this uh complaint is that several corporate officers knew about this and how many of them have remained since

After the TKO merger I I don’t know but there’s going to be a lot to answer for because it very clearly states that WWE and many officials knew what was going on and there is a a culture there that was fostered that allowed harassment and sexual

Exploitation of of women so it is just no matter how you cut it it’s a terrible nasty terrible story Lance yeah look I I was one of the few that said he needed to be gone when the story first broke and and I was outspoken against him being allowed back

Into the office being allowed back at shows when he came back and when he came back I stopped watching the product and only just recently started seeing some of the shows out of necessity like this is you know when you reading the the account of how this started it’s like

That’s classic sexual predator stuff find someone down on their luck and start grooming them and bending them to your will like not only should he be booted off off the board take his keys to the office away bar him from going to shows and I think there needs to be a

Legitimate cleaning house of anyone who covered anything up who knew about this like this is absolutely disgustingly horrible and he needs to be gone and done and I hope there’s criminal charges brought if any of this is even remotely true which with their being so many ndas

And a long list of things it’s like I can’t fathom how it isn’t you know there’s uh when when uh the company was sold or they did the the merger however you want to term it with TKO one of the things was there was uh an incredible amount of redundancy

Between the two there were there were and and as soon as the thing went down it was like you know there’s going to be a lot of cuts you know we don’t need uh multiple people doing the same job so you know certain people are going to do

Certain jobs other people will no longer be doing those jobs everybody everybody in the former WWE that was in any way involved in this should be gone tomorrow today and it’s not like oh well you know how would this thing continue on I mean you did a merger there there’s no job

Here that you could you could remove somebody from today and not have an immediate replacement in place by tomorrow so you know there’s there’s other names that have not come out yet and I guess we’ll see if they do come out but I mean I can’t imagine you know

By the end of the day today or at least by the end of the week Vince McMahon still being a part of TKO it seems inconceivable well let’s see what AR’s got let’s see what morals Ari has because somebody in the twitch chat asked or said that Ari needs to weed out

Any accomplices that are still there ASAP we’ll see what Ari does you know Danel white what is on camera slapped his wife there was no move made whatsoever even with all these allegations even with the knowledge of the ndas Ari still was up there and ping around with Vince and if Vince went

Anywhere I would demand that he sticks around and all that nonsense and let’s be honest the only comments that he has made Ari Emanuel that is about Harvey Weinstein were attacks on CAA where he was basically in my opinion only commenting on it to run down CAA and not

To hype and to Hype up Endeavor as a place where people would want to be represented so it didn’t feel like it was coming from a moral position so we’ll see what he does here we know what his position is when it came to the $400 million that endeavor turn back and gave

Back to Saudi Arabia after Jamal kogi was killed he was all for that and then went on a podcast and said I don’t know really why we came to that decision and of course he does that at a time where the Saudis wanted their new soccer deal their broadcast rights to be

Renegotiated and they did that endeavor did that he turned the other way and didn’t say a word about WWE’s current deal with Saudi Arabia so we’ll see what Ari Emanuel has but I’m not I’m not betting that he takes a great moral stance or really jumps out there in the

Next 24 48 hours but we’ll see well we will see the story is everywhere everywhere has this story today and uh I guess we’ll see 67 Pages noted if you want to go up there and uh be horrified you can go read it um and am I right by

The way I just want to throw this out there I apologize Lance anybody making number one please just to me while I’m I’m pissed off here WWE don’t make this about aew and WWE that’s number one don’t be so stupid don’t be so lame to

As to do that but also don’t take some of the things that are in there that are really salacious and nasty and crack jokes about them because at the end of the day what you’re cracking jokes about is the fact that a woman was sexually assaulted or is alleging that she was

Sexually assaulted so everybody Center yourself for that I apologize Lance no that was worth it my good good comment uh am I right in thinking that this has come out because Vince didn’t follow up on his payments to her as well that I believe that’s that’s that’s a claim and that uh

Noan voids the NDA which Vince is claiming that the story coming out must have come from her so I I think that’s the deal where he’s claiming that you know she must have talked to somebody about it which is how the whole thing came out so she broke her NDA which I

Presume that she’s denying she is is saying the what it says here at the and I would have to find it is basically and I will double check this as we go along here after the initial million dollars payments stopped as a results of payments stopping the NDA then basically

Became null and void but I’ll continue to check that as you guys go but yes I believe that is the the story that he stopped making his payments and so that’s why this whole thing came out hey guys did you love this clip if some you should join our

Channel just hit the join button and you’ll have full access to every single show that we do wrestling Observer live wrestling observer radio the Brian and Vinnie show all of them in full HD full length plus archives of all of your favorite shows click join today and don’t miss out


  1. Grant launched her suit on the back of Vince reneging on the 3 million dollars. Is it fair to say she would not have made her claims if indeed he paid her the money promised in the NDA?

  2. Hope you're happy there Bryan…he just resigned…the ironic thing is you or any of the other marks on the internet. Don't give a shit about this alleged victim and potential more victims. You only want them out of the company whether it be WWE TKO Endeavor or whatever. He's done so you can stop complaining

  3. It’s all true. Vince knew when he first sold WWE that all of this was about to come to a head, and Vince, being sole owner & CEO of WWE would have been financially ruined, and would have ruined the WWE
    He sold up, he knew what was coming down the road and got out

    In truth.. he’s a dirty scumbag that abused his power just like the rest

  4. Vince is vile but Lance is friends with Don Callis, who had to leave IMPACT for being a sex pest. The lack of self awareness here is baffling.

    Fun fact, Meltzer and co ignored the Callis story because they're all buddies. Sickos.

  5. If you wanna be as uncharitable as possible, at least look at the last 30-40 years of examples of how Vince treated women ON screen on national television. Trish barking, Stacy Keibler dancing for him, bra and panties matches, oversexualization of the roster, punishing Lita for not doing Playboy, thats just a short list. Vince has always objectified women very publicly. Of course itd happen in his personal and business life too.

  6. It must be true otherwise why would he pay $1000,000 out of 3 million and quit WWE And TKO Vince is a filthy old man and Linda may i advise you to divorce him and Take him to the cleaners

  7. The only thing more disgusting than these allegations are the "people" online shaming the victim or supporting Vince because he's a successful businessman. The culture that wrestling sometimes fosters is alarming.

  8. What I was wondering was, when he did…what he did on her head, did he do it on purpose or was he caught short? It’s bad either way, but really bad, and mean too, if he did it intentionally!

  9. Those arguing Brock could get any girls he wants, he didn't need this are missing a huge point.

    Yes Brock could probably get any girl he wants but it would be consensual and above board and even if he asked one of those girls to do something despicable again it would be consensual.

    This set up was clearly a forced situation, we know certain men get a kick out of this and maybe this is then why Vince put it in the deal to sweeten it, nobody knows what someone is like behind closed doors maybe Brock has a thing for this sort of thing… or maybe it's all a load of horse crap. All i'm saying is don't just dismiss it because Brock could get a hotter girl on a night out if he wished to do so, instead think about how the situation is being set up and offered to him, this might be more telling.

  10. it goes way back and not just women, remember the cream team and what lord alfred hayes and patterson did to billy jack on the bareskin rug….I can't imagine what miz and guys like brad maddox went thru

  11. Sounds like she prostituted her self out ? 2 to tango in some weird relationship and someone was getting paid and what now come out ? maybe after the money stopped ?

  12. I'm really getting tired of these "women" waiting 10, 15, 20, 25 years to finally "speak out" on "sexual harassment" they "experienced". But usually ONLY do so when the accused has something they can extort from them and they do NOT NEED ANY evidence what so ever, or they try to bring something to the table that has been fabricated to all hell and gone.

  13. They did contact her. That is a lie. They contacted her attorney as they were supposed to do. The wording on the lawsuit is misleading.

  14. Interesting how quickly we are getting details of Vince so quickly, yet Epstein’s guest list and hunters laptop still remain so elusive. I know it can’t possibly have anything to do with who Vince donated money to. No , it can’t be political.

  15. They wouldn’t be cracking jokes about the woman. They’re cracking jokes about how over the top and silly it is that a 75 year old man would be this silly. Never go against humor. It’s all some people have

  16. Lesson to billionaire scumbag predators… Don't do your nda like a Netflix subscription
    Pay it in full up front

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