Golf Players

Takeaway Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Golf Swing

In this video, I run through the importance of having a good takeaway to start your golf swing. I also explain 2 common takeaway faults, what I think makes a good takeaway, and 2 drills that will help get you on track. Fix your inside takeaway by watching this video!

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If you get your takeaway wrong you’ve got to work double as hard later in the swing to try get back online in this video I’m going to show you the two most common faults that I see in the takeaway teaching golf day today and the drills

You can do to fix it so why don’t we start off first with why the takeaway is even important there’s so much time between taking the club away and then striking the ball that does it even matter is it even important there’s so many players on the PGA tour who Take It

Outside take it inside you know isn’t that proof that actually we don’t need a perfect takeaway and well you’re sort of half right but half wrong I would say so got PJ tour players a sort of bad examples to copy because they’re practicing five six seven eight hours

Every day so they could really make whatever move they like and if you do it enough you can actually make it consistent so I I wouldn’t really use it as an excuse most golfers I meet practice for pretty much no more than 30 minutes a week so you actually have to

Have a more correct technique in order to hit shots because you don’t have that time to practice and and uh make it consistent the the reason we need a good technique is so much of the golf swing and so much of creating speed and power it is about sequencing having the club

Head travel the right amount in the right times having the body move the right amount and if we get that wrong it basically becomes impossible to hit the ball with power and hit the ball sort of from the inside I think the take is actually really important because when

The Club is moving back this first half of the Swing the club’s moving really slowly so we can have quite a lot of control over that it’s very difficult to control what the club’s doing when you’re swinging at 100 plus miles an hour you know any adjustments you’re

Trying to make down here in the down swing It’s Too Late by then the club’s out of position you’re going to have to deal with it but we can set the club up to get into a good position sort of in this first third of the back swing so

Not only does a poor takeaway mean that the club is a long way out of position but it also means that the sequencing of the of the Swing is wrong you’re really going to struggle to hit the ball from the right angle and release the club at

The right point so that the fastest part of your swing is at the ball um and not some point before impact or some point after impact um and those are just be efficient so getting this first third of the Swing right is is really important okay right whilst I’ve still got your

Interest thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoying it and I hope you’re understanding a bit more about your takeaway if you could please like And subscribe comment if you think I’m handsome comment if you don’t think I’m handsome H all the engagement you

Can offer me is brilliant it helps me grow the last video did did pretty good for new subscribers so thank you very much for that um if you could share the video that’d be great that’s enough begging please let’s get back to uh discussing the takeaway so what does a

Bad takeaway even look like well I I generally think that you can categorize golfers into two camps when they have a bad takeaway the the first person is the straight back straight through player so this person in an attempt to try and swing straight down the target line

Because they believe that that’s going to create a straight golf shot what they do is they take the club almost back on a straight line their arms become disconnected they often then lift up to the top and then from there they swing down and try and swing straight through

But really more often than not what happens is they swing right across the ball and hit a weak slice the other main takeaway fault I see is the is the person who keeps the club too low for too long the L the low and slow player I

Would call them this is the person that the club comes back way to inside this is really really common on a driving range Club stays too low the club goes back way inside this person will then swing up to the top too flat the club will tend to round off try get back

Somewhat online and then as they transition it’s super steep it’s really ugly I hate seeing this no one enjoys watching it on the Range they’re over the top they whip across it they shank it they thin it they slice it and it’s a real mess so if you’re one of those

Players and we we definitely need to correct that because it unfortunately with those swings unless you’ve got some Wicked manipulations you’re just going to really struggle to to hit the ball consistently what even makes a good takeaway well if if we start in your a address position if we start with just

Understanding what the body needs to do as we initiate the swing what should happen is the left shoulder so I’m right-handed so the left shoulder should work down then the right hip should move back and doing those two moves actually gets the the hands to track inwards the arms should stay that

Left arm should stay fairly connected to the left chest through this part of the Swing shoulder down HP back arm connect Ed you can start to see that this is going to get my hands working more around my body which is great people need to understand that the club in the

Takeaway moves in three dimensions so it moves back away from the ball it’s going to move in somewhat um in from the target line and it needs to move up away from the ground back in and up this is where people go wrong I don’t think people really understand about the up

Portion of the of the Swing so in order for us to hit that perfect takeaway the club needs to move up away from the ground a lot more than people realize and that can happen in two ways so this and that’s through wrist hinge we’re not lifting we’re going to hinge our wrists

To move the club up in the air now this can there’s two different types of wrist hinge there’s the thumbs up wrist Hing hinge where I’m just moving my thumbs up I’m cocking my wrists upwards and that lifts the club up or there’s the the back hinge so that right wrist is going

To move like Knuckles backwards not upwards it’s Knuckles backwards and again that lifts the club off the ground so this is the thumbs up hinge this is the back hinge both lift the club in the air now now the thumbs up hinge is going to get

The club face more open so this is good to do if you’re a hooker and the back hinge keeps the face more closed so that’s a great one to do if you’re a slicer so what we need to do is combine those three moves shoulder down hit back

That’s what the body’s doing we want the club to come back in and up back in and up like just like this and what that’s doing is it’s that it’s allowing me to I’m turning my shoulders going down my hands are moving back I’m cocking my wrists up

And what you can see is the club actually travels quite a long way compared to where my hands are and this is the magic to the sequencing so the club head is going to travel the furthest my hands shouldn’t move as far my arms move a bit

Less my should moves a bit less and that’s what kinematic sequencing is for those of you interested in big words what we have to do is have the club do the hard work the club we’re trying to get the club to move a long way whilst moving our chest and our shoulders

Probably not really that far and so what we need to understand is in order to get that club head moving the longest it needs to move the quickest so as we hinge our wrists up that club head’s traveling a good distance without with our hands not

Moving very far so if we tie in that shoulder down hip back hinge the wrists then what we get is that sort of Colin marawa Rory maoy takeaway where the hands have worked in from their starting position they’ve moved back away from the Target and the wrists have hinged up

So that Club our hands are in and the club is out and that’s really as simple as it is but so many people get this wrong they go Club head stays too low because there’s no upward hinge to the wrists and that’s what causes this the straight away player they don’t have

Enough in to their swing they’re manipulating their arms out way in order to try and keep that club straight the hands move in from the starting position the wrist Hing up and that gets us into that perfect takeaway position and from there it’s easy just to continue the

Hinge continue the shoulder turn and that gets us into a really solid top position so what drills can we do in order to get the right feel for this so the perfect drill for the people who take the club away too low and inside is what my coach calls the samurai drill

And what they do what you’re going to do is you’re going to dress the ball and then you’re going to hinge the wrists up as if you’re holding a sword hinge the wrist straight up so that looks a bit like this then you’re going to turn to the top and then swing

Down so this this looks a little bit like the mat mat Matthew wolf he’s got quite an extreme back swing extreme takeaway where he hinges his wrist super early he does get his hands moving in but here’s like a really extreme early wrist hinge a bit like David leb’s a

Swing and where he’s trying to get the hands in Hing full hinge of the wrist and then down so you’re going to address the ball hinge the wrists up turn back and then swing down that was fat but but we’ll keep it in we’ll roll with it the drill I like

For the golfers who tend to sort of take the club back too straight back to outside is I have them drop their right foot back and I have them really feel some connection underneath their lead arm so maybe putting a glove or a head cover under their left arm if you’re a

Right handed golfer and just try and make some short swings where that left arm stays really connected so if I lift the club away I’m going to create a gap between the left arm and the chest now we don’t want to do that um so if we can make some swings

Holding a glove or just feeling that connection between the left arm and the and the chest with our foot back what you’ll see is the hands work in a lot more don’t forget to add the Hing in to keep the club sort of like more on

Plane that fixes the hand path we in the golf swing we’re trying to get the hands to work around our body in a circle H we’re not trying to go straight back and straight through right foot back pinch that left arm in and then keep that connection in the back swing hands are

Going to come in we’re going to hinge our wrists and actually that’s just a really good drill for those of you who who want to draw the ball but that’s that’s for another time so I hope that all makes sense um identify yourself as one of those two

Golfers who with those two takeaway faults understand what makes a good takeaway do the drills that are applicable to to your faults and um what you’re going to find is your ability to create power and hit the ball from the inside is going to go through the roof


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