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Welcome back everybody to another episode of the SVT podcast I am here with my boy Vince and Sam how we doing boys good man and on the ones and twos we got Tim Tim how are we doing over there I’m doing great love being here

Let’s do this there is a lot to go over this uh wonderful show this wonderful Monday uh evening here uh we’re going to touch into some basketball as we wait for the those uh seats to fill up here with uh you beautiful people out there um we’re going to jump into some soccer

Here filling in the crazy trade deadline that was the NHL and obviously the Bonkers day of NFL and free agency day one so without further Ado um I’m going to jump right into the basketball segment here uh guys Warriors are um they’re without their top dog here unfortunately I’m going to just jump

Into this here but Steph Curry injured his ankle versus Chicago uh will be re-evaluated tomorrow if you’re watching this show tomorrow it’ be today on Tuesday um but that being the case here the week looks like this uh milwauke we get the dub 125 to 90 and then we lose

125 to 122 to Chicago and that’s the game where Steph gets hurt and then we lose to a uh Team without their number one pick in Victor wanyama 126 to 113 to the Spurs and uh they’re going to run it back tonight which they’re currently playing right now I think when I last

Checked I think the Spurs were up by a couple points so yes Spurs are up eight with uh a little over two minutes in the first quarter so it is still really early in this game yeah and I think they got Victor back so uh tough sledding for

For the Warriors coming up here they are Curr yeah he’s he’s literally holding the ball right now okay yeah so they’re currently 33 and 30 10th in the west uh good enough for a playin but uh you’re going to have to play a couple games to

Get your s into the playoffs here so um upcoming we have Monday I’m sorry well that’s now against the Spurs uh Wednesday against Dallas and Saturday against the Lakers so it doesn’t really get much easier from here on out because both those teams are hungry to move up

In the seedings uh to better their playoff positions so um guys I know Andrew Wiggins just came back uh after missing four games here how are you guys feeling about the Warriors right now we we feeling optimistically about the situation or ises it look Bleak I was feeling real

Good right up until Steph rolled his ankle yeah yeah that if I’m being honest like I was like okay the team’s back together we’re starting to click that that that win against Milwaukee was um it was not as close as that 35o blowout would indicate man they they owned him

Like like and it was kind of close after the first half but then the Warriors just put him away and and it was it was really impressive and then well Steph goes down in the uh it was like halfway through the fourth quarter is in that uh

Against Chicago it was pretty late in that game and so they end up losing it close to Chicago and then obviously the the 13-point L uh against San Antonio that doesn’t look great especially because San Antonio is dead last in the standings yeah I was feeling really good after

Milwaukee and we kind of said during the show if they get past Milwaukee they could sweep this this home stand and really climb in the standings and and separate a little bit you know and uh here we are yeah yeah it’s it’s amazing what an injury to the best shooter the

Game has ever seen can do to you you know yeah I mean you’re losing at least 20 points a night right like at least 25 probably yeah well so I saw a cool stat that LeBron James I know we don’t you know have people have their feelings

About him but he is the only player to average 25 points a season and he’s looking to go continue that that streak this season for 15 straight years pretty wild so and Steph Curry was not on that list so there was a couple other players but Steph was not on that

List so yeah and he’s doing this in what season 21 or something like that I mean yeah most of the guys that were playing in their 21st seasons in the NBA you’re looking at what like Vince Carter getting like five points at night in Toronto and uh where was he at the end

Uh Memphis I think Memphis yeah I saw there was somebody post on Reddit there like to to put this in perspective LeBron James started the streak when I was in sixth grade I’m now 31 yeah so um I I also want to talk about some seedings here things are

Going to shake up here now that Carl Anthony towns has torn his left miniscus and will be out indefinitely so that is a huge huge blow for arguably the top two teams that were battling for the number one spot between OKC and and uh Minnesota here so uh I also do want to

Point out that uh we as we shed on Rudy goar rightfully so um for his actions I think he said something that I thought was intriguing and I think it did it Merit the fine that he got sure of course but I love that he said it so

Scott Foster one of those referees that uh everyone loves right like you either love or loathe him it’s it’s it’s nothing in between there I would say like 85% do not like him but yeah exactly exactly so he went Carl towns went out and there were some Miss calls

I’m not sorry not car towns Rudy gar there were some Miss calls at the end of the game there and Rudy gar went into the press conference saying that I don’t want to put a lot of Integrity or ruin the Integrity of the sport but and he

Was giving one of these signs talking about how referees you know now that there’s you know bding is open pretty much across the board it just opens the door to allow more um I guess referees to officiate certain ways certain Styles he didn’t really say Scott Foster was

You know cheating but you know when Scott Foster you know accepted a whole bunch of phone calls from the uh the cheater from the Lakers and uh and Sacramento game you start to question the Integrity of Scott Foster as a referee uh especially how he officiates Chris Paul and that whole scenario that

Went down so uh he did get hit with a fine $100,000 so uh he got hit pretty big with it but he’s got a point I I think he’s got a justifiable point that with this open betting it does open the door for more let’s say loose

Officiating hey what do what do you mean about the Lakers uh he Scott Foster taking calls from the Lakers are he Tom Tom don don that’s what you’re referencing Tim Don yeah okay there was a bunch of phone calls between them like a bunch so you know you got to question

The Integrity of what Scott Foster does day night and night out when he uh officiates a game so I think uh it was totally merited but um my thoughts about refereeing in the NBA is um you know uh referees have impacted games playoff games in the past and it’s hard for me

To believe that they don’t anymore um it’s just it’s just really hard for me to accept that uh referees are not taking money on the side to affect games outcomes um players um there’s just no way you can convince me otherwise and that’s not to say that other sports

Don’t I just know that there have been referees in the NBA who have admitted it and they they they altered playoff series we know this yep yeah I think uh I don’t know where do you draw the line like is it let’s say let’s say officiating not that it should be but

Let’s say that the open betting right they what do you draw the line between officiating being able to do that and a player being able to do that say Pete Rose typees you know like should all of it just be banned completely should we should the players be in rest be allowed

To bet on games that they’re not participating in like where do you draw the line I think if you’re D with the league you should not be allowed to bet on that League period And I think the NFL has has has the right idea um they just need to work on the the

Implementation where like you’re not allowed to bet on site on um uh you know like like like like uh was it Calvin Ridley got in trouble because he was placing bets on his phone in the uh in the locker room can’t do that I I agree

With that just um just the appearance of essential impropriety is not good and if it involves basketball they should not be allowed to bet at all period end of discussion um retire like like e even if you’re broadcasting I don’t want you betting on it you know like anybody like at ESPN

Like if you’re you know like if Stephen A Smith Goes Down And and throws down 100K on somebody uh in the NBA I would have a huge problem with that you know like and and just being Devil’s Advocate but Vince our boy uh we were big fans of

The morning show with jool Lo and dibs Joe foron ball yeah so he works for ESPN now and he’s a numers guy yeah but yeah I mean that that is yeah it’s weird I just uh I I I feel like if you’re specifically covering one specific sport

That’s I think where the issue is because um Joe forb is a gambling expert and stuff I think that’s a little bit different he can like I think that’s that that that’s yeah it’s weird that that that’s where it’s a gray area but if you’re I guess maybe not Stephen A he

Might not be the best example because he he does talk about multiple sports but um uh let’s let’s say uh yeah if sher’s betting on footb yeah exactly I would have a huge problem with that Doris Burke if she bet on basketball I would hate that so much too

You know like like I think that’s that’s where the line is you know yeah I I I I I would probably say players and people who are employed by teens um and referees you know if you’re employed by the league or a team you know um you shouldn’t be allowed to

Gamble on your respective sport y um I would say if you want if you’re a football player and you want to gamble on baseball or basketball is there some type of a disclosure agreement or some type of you know hey I I gamble this is

What I do um you know um gamble on other sports uh just like a you know a a Clarity reporting type thing I think on other sports I I would be totally fine on that if you know even if you’re like going to play poker or whatever like hey

I’m I play poker I play Blackjack here’s you know I’m yeah and obviously that’s like you know more like IRS type territor is where we’re going when we get down to that level but definitely for sports you know specifically if you’re if you’re gambling on Sports even

Like golf or Formula 1 or something like there should be reporting on that type of stuff because I do think universally though like if you’re a referee if you’re an official and you’re caught gambling automatic ban you’re done you’re you know you’re you’re out completely out whether that’s professional Collegiate High School you

Should never be allowed to to call a game ever again in your respective sport or or if you’re an NBA guy you shouldn’t even be allowed to be a umpire like you’re done dude your credibility is lost um how how as a fan can you can you

Believe that this this individual is not corrupt at another level or another League sure right well I I know we’re got press your time here so I’m just going to jump into this real quick I did you guys see I don’t know if you guys watched the highlight of it I may have

Been the only one but alprin s sanguin uh leg injury did you guys see this highight I did not no so when you get a chance and and those of watching look up the Houston Rocket Center his injury against the Kings he came down and I promise you that leg looked like Gumby’s

Limbs like it was flip-flopping around like a fish out of water I wholeheartedly thought he TS ACL man to be like 19 20 years old he only walked away with an ankle injury and a bruis bones spur he got wheeled out of there in a wheelchair like there is no reason

He should not have torn anything so super lucky um but uh he’ll be gone for some time too and he’s actually I think one of the uh big rising stars as far as centers go uh in the league especially in the west here so um good thing you

Didn’t get hurt I’d like to see the best players be at the best here so happy for that speaking of one of the best players here the Kobe Bryant statute unveiled go ahead Vince you wrot I’ll let you say this yeah go ahead this news broke today

Um the athletic reported it um I was you know tracking the um the free agency stuff for NFL which we’ll dive into in a little bit but this news came across that the statue that they unveiled for Kobe Bryant on February 8th to honor him

Uh it has four typos on the score box uh how do you mix this up yeah that’s this up so so so here’s here’s two of the typos it was um Lakers guard uh Von wafer’s uh name is misspelled as vom wafer and then uh former Toronto Raptor’s guard Jose calderon’s name is

Incorrectly spelled as Jose Calderon okay that that feels like a typo happened there like what you know I don’t know where vom happened but Calderon to Calderone like that feels like AO I could get I could get Von and vom I mean the m is next to the N yeah

That that one’s here’s the here’s the kicker though um the word decision was misspelled twice um d e c i c instead of d s i the sculptor’s dyslexic guys I don’t even think you call it dyslexia it’s not like the letters are are right they’re they’re not even the

Right letters yeah so uh it’s just that’s a mess like this guy was way too important to the NBA where you you can’t make that mistake even if it’s on the box score part like extra attention to detail needs to be focused because of how important Kobe is

To the NBA at large and specifically the Lakers like this is of course this is inexcusable I I can’t believe like who did Genie bus who did Genie bus delegate this to right yeah I I don’t know and apparently these these sculpts these sculptors have done the

Other statues at the um at at the former formerly known as Staple Center I’m not saying the new name because [ __ ] crypto uh but uh that’s all right the Bloods don’t go there either yeah exactly so I I don’t know what the hell happened there um and these people have

Like I said they’ve done other statues for them I don’t get it I don’t get where ER happens it’s bad when I was reading your your links here I like how the Lakers said we’ve known for weeks and we working on correcting it yeah you’ve known for

Weeks yeah it was too late to correct it they they I would have delayed I would have just been like you know what we gotta postpone it they really wanted the the the 28 and then 2024 so you could get you know his his daughter she was

Number two on her like uh on her remove remove the pl grind it down exactly I don’t know yeah put cover up the plaque until that part can be revealed later and I get the importance of wanting it to be like 28 and 24 so that way you get

Both the Kobe’s numbers and his daughter in there but this is this would be forever remembered that hey this plaque they messed up on it yeah 10 years from now 20 years from now even when it’s fixed like it they’ll be like hey remember when the plaque was [ __ ] up

Yeah that’s what we call a go back that’s a when you got to go back after the final inspection that’s called a Gob back yeah why do we have a Gob back ah we misspelled Kobe Bryant’s plaque hey so I I jumping off a little

Tangent here um kind of so I I watched some like interesting video about Kobe Bryant and how um before he got Pal Gasol like that that year they the year before they went to the playoffs and they had that’s the year that he scored the 81 points and whatnot and just had

An absolute garbage of a team right like does anyone would know why he changes number to eight I really I have a theory now that I watch this video but I I didn’t really know why he changes number to eight I thought it was sort of

A clean start like a clean slate I think that was kind of the intention uh yeah I thought it was to do to separate his young career and then being on its own or something being yeah and and also the um the the allegations uh from Denver um

With that woman like I think that’s the other part of it too was sort of I I think there’s there’s a lot of different things like that um came together and that’s that was the idea was uh a clean slate and then I mean the the the 24

Kobe Bryant had a Hall of Fame career and the eight Kobe Bryant had a Hall of Fame career so he put them together and that’s obviously I’ve said it just it’s a uh he’s one of the most important players in the history of basketball so I looked at I watched a video and

Apparently game seven of 2006 right when they played against uh um oh I’m John Up bling who they put against anyways uh he didn’t H he didn’t shoot the ball in the whole second half he just passed the ball right because all the the uh the ESPN pundits were

Saying that you know Kobe Bryant was praised for what he did during the season but because he couldn’t get the team to to win in game six even though he he scored like 40 points had like 10 assists you know six rebounds they said that oh he’s not a team player and he’s

Like did you just see what I just did with this garbage team so to prove a point he scored in like the first half like the first quarter and then just like never scored after after that right just passed the ball right he finished the game with like eight points oh man

And they lost right in game seven to prove a point to the Lakers front office that this team that you gave me is hot garbage and I’m the reason why we’re in the playoffs right and then they end up getting like palusol so I thought maybe that’s why he changes number to number

Eight as well too to to kind of give it to Stephen A and all it could have been all of that all of it man it like like literally like a bunch of things probably came together to make that decision and um yeah makes sense just

Yeah love I love listen to Kobe stories man they’re they’re great if that’s one of them I I fully believe it you know so anyways yeah next week I’m so excited for this boys I am I’m a big March Madness kind of guy I think that resonates because of my teachers in high

School at Le specific one teacher who was a big uh college basketball guy so got his students into it which got me into it and uh every year man I look forward to March Badness and uh selection Sunday coming up baby we got next Sunday here so yeah this week is

All the uh the championships for the all the conferences so yeah th those mid Majors that come out of nowhere with like you know only eight wins on the season suddenly in the championship game uh Beware of those guys because they’ll they’ll ruin your bracket before your

Bracket even starts man yep yep um I’m GNA go out in the limb because I know that you guys haven’t looked at it yet but I’m just gonna say Houston is going to win it this year that’s who I’m picking this year I’m going with Houston

I will die on that hill and uh we’ll get our brackets come Monday because the games don’t kick off until Tuesday so it works out perfectly for us so yeah exactly um but I I am going with Houston to win it all this year uh a team that

Uh I think has been kicking butt here so oh the Spurs are tied at 49 with the dubs I love it dubs were down all right and yeah six minutes 11 seconds to go in the second quarter so here we are we got a uh we got a 30 minute ball game guys

There you go there you go so hey um if anybody is watching you know and you got predictions for March Badness or you want me to uh pick uh people in the first round in let’s say a certain conference if your pick I’ll go with it

If you think if you think you can make the right pick for me in a certain conf I’ll let you do it SVT bracket that’s right I’ll let you do it we will uh we will update every week as that goes because um I don’t follow college

Basketball all that closely but uh uh you know just occasionally when an important story crops up but now’s the time to start paying attention and pretend like I know exactly what I’m talking about it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be fun when I win the bracket

Again and you know well based off of nothing like like our our final four is shot to [ __ ] but because I guessed like four extra correct ones in the first round I win you know well craziness is that Kansas they’re gonna make it I don’t see that they don’t make it but

They have to pretty much win their next three games to qualify otherwise they’re gonna have to play in like a mid tournament to get in so there’s a good chance that Kansas doesn’t even make it so just point that out there and they got a butt whooping against Illinois

This uh Saturday so just keep your eye out for it I will uh feel in wherever you guys need to be filled in I’m a big uh College nut here I like uh the potentials of the draft here and seeing like what the Warriors could get at a

Second round pick totally all right all right boys we are going to jump across the pond here and talk a little bit of uh soccer here or football for those who are watching over there we used to have people in Sweden I think I think we need

To get them back here man let’s get some people back from Sweden here uh rexam man Paul Mullen has been uh maybe he heard us and uh heard us talking smack about how he just hasn’t been performing but they get the W against Mor comay 3

To one uh they are currently 199 and8 in third place 66 points tied for second three points away or essentially one game away from first place so we are knocking on the door here uh upcoming is tomorrow against herriet town and Saturday against trir so we’re getting to the nitty-gritty here

Getting towards the end here and uh hey man just just stay there one one two three I love it just stay there yeah they’re close yeah right there knocking knocking on the top of the table to the top of the table here we go how many

More games uh let me see here I’ll tell you right now so matches left we’ve got one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 left all right that’s it oh yeah end of the season is near um we’re in mid-march now and the season goes to May

Basically so beginning of May yep well this one they end they end in April 27th because they’re doing makeups from all the other games too right yeah okay so um Rex’s actually coming to the Bay Area they’re gonna play at Levi’s they’re playing against Chelsea so um the chelse

Been announced July 24th we should get tickets man um yeah it’s going to be a lot of fun and uh you know Levi Stadium knows how had a thorough party I mean I’ve seen concerts there I’ve seen football games there um I’d be so down

It’s fun I’ve got a I’ve got a family member that lives close by so we could always park over there and walk on over that’s how close they are so we we get the tickets uh I I’ll figure out the logistics save 60 bucks on parking there you

Go that’s what it was for Taylor at least how are the earthquakes doing it I feel like they’re not shaking not good not good uh they’re they lost yeah to the Vancouver White Caps they are still without a point on the season they’re the only team in in MLS without

A point no ties no wins just a whole bunch of L’s so far uh I didn’t even bother looking up who’s upcoming uh I got distracted with other things but uh what’s upcoming is probably another L uh here here is one note that I did see they’ve officially partnered with um the

Town FC as their like development league uh team which is sort of a competitor to Oakland roots and uh it that and they’re founded by like a former Oakland Roots guy that left under like like disagreement with the rest of the management team so I don’t know it feels

A little gross you know so there there’s uh I I saw some um this is off the top of my head guys uh I need to do some research on it but this o this uh the the club you just mentioned Vince the town FC see yeah so apparent there’s more research that

Needs to be done but how this deal is coming out is like the the jpa is blocking the roots and the soul from negotiating at the Coliseum site and getting that Stadium built on the Malibu parking lot so those of us who are old enough to remember Malibu go-karts and

All of that stuff at the Oakland lot it’s off in the corner like by hegenburger yeah so the roots and the Soul were trying to build there uh like a little micro uh field and now they’re trying to get this other club to play there and it it it just seems very fishy

Fishy I was gonna say ring the bell ding ding ding ding ding it just seems a little off and uh it seems like uh again we’re we’re back at uh um the county the jpa and the city not being on the same page and just [ __ ] it over uh for the

Fans and the citizens of Oakland and the county so and why wouldn’t John Fischer’s team be involved with that you know as well just his soccer lot more research I need to do on my end before I could say anything further than that but right it’s starting to stink yeah there

There there’s there’s an odor coming um uh Tyler you just looked this up uh the the Quakes are playing Sporting KC so like I said uh a loss is upcoming um so um also too I I need to look into it more but and maybe you guys can point to

This too but I’m hearing that uh Nate Miley for Oakland for one of the politicians here on the District board he he is definitely in the pocket of John Fisher a lot of people are asking to vote him out and he’s also one of the people on board when it comes to this

Delegation of the stadium rights and what they do do with it so um if you didn’t get a chance to vote I obviously the windows closed but hopefully you uh didn’t vote for Nate Miley so um also too I I wanted to point out that we had

Talked last week after the show that uh I wanted to get more into the S earthquakes uh fan base and I wanted to know what their thoughts about were with John fiser in that situation and um I didn’t get the chance to ask the question but 24 hours ago a fan here

Which I won’t read the whole thing but I will post it uh on our uh on our Avenues here but someone named ghosted 94 posted the future of the Quakes and he says basically here paraphrasing all of it but for simple terms is there any chance

That MLS can step in and force Fischer to sell or we as fans destined to the same future current Ace fans are going through and I could not help myself and I jumped in there and I said hey look I doubt MLS will force a sale but you as

Fan bases should make your intentions completely known about all this right and it is uh it has now gone down to a rabbit hole of people commenting about John fiser is terrible for for MLS and John things that you we’ve already known but I wanted to know about how the

Earthquakes are and it seems that the pulse is right there with it with Ace fans they just have a stadium but they’re even commenting about how their stadium is is no longer good enough for John fiser and it’s ridiculous that it’s no longer good enough for him so pulse

Is there so we just you know keep keep your foot down like don’t give up whichever fan base you are a fan of whether it be you know the the earthquakes or the ace you know just just keep your pedal down to the metal here and and make sure that your

Intentions are known that John fiser should not own a franchise team at all agreed no he shouldn’t not in any League um and there’s there’s we’ve talked about this at like until we we made ourselves sick that they in MLB probably all leag leagues there are

More owners like John fiser that look at this as an infinite upward Trend ever growing investment anybody with a brain knows not every investment grows every single year there’s going to be dips there’s going to be Peaks there’s going to be valleys it’s going to go up it’s going

To go down that’s a normal economy that’s a normal line um the only time your line should go up is if your team is winning look at the Warriors they are now the number one valued team in all of the NBA why because they win they have

Won and you know what when this team loses Steph Curry loses Klay Thompson loses Draymond Green and those guys are gone and this team has to hit the reset button the valuation will come down a bit because those players are gone they’re Hall of Famers it’s gonna come down

But you know what Joe lob is going to reinvest you’re going to try to find the next team that can increase the value of the franchise to continue winning John Fischer has done nothing to make his teams valuable he got the stadium he got the stadium for the earthquakes and now cavl

Criticizes the stadium and says it’s not adequate that it’s already a date well you’re the one that chose the location you chose to put it next to an airport you chose the seating capacity you chose the angle you you chose everything that’s why you can’t have concerts there

That’s why you can’t have fireworks that’s why you can’t have light shows that’s why you can’t do anything past a certain hour you chose it that’s your fault now you’re in the same position position at the Tropicana site where you think you’re going to have all this Glitz and glamour you’re

Not going to be able to do [ __ ] because it’s right next to the airport the renderings the current renderings don’t even don’t have a batter’s eye the foul poles in the middle of the it it it’s invisible halfway up you got lights you’re next to the airport like none of

It makes sense not to mention that you can’t have fireworks there because can’t have firks for the same reason there’s already light restrictions because of the brightness of the strip from the airport it it’s already impacting that so this ownership group has shown that they don’t deserve to own a franchise

Yes I am not saying that teams and owners should expect a dividend or a return on investment but you have to invest into the team you have to invest into the product that’s the that’s the only thing you need to do you got the stadium with the earthquakes and you never never went

After a marquee free agent or reigned a guy you spend nothing yeah Chris walowski is the only guy that John Fischer has ever put any money in and he’s great but any of these people that defend John fer he’s never done anything what does he won what does he won as an owner

Uh one supporter shield for for the Quakes that’s it that’s it and and he kind of Lo into that because that team kept winning in the last seconds in 2012 when they had no business winning he’s a [ __ ] vampire he’s sucking communities dry and the people who can’t see past it

It makes me disgusting yeah it’s dis it’s so disgusting that you can’t see that this person John fiser has a billion dollar art gallery that he wants to showcase at a baseball stadium refuses to honor his franchise invests in the franchise drives the value down does nothing to improve it Cav’s Banning fans

From Twitter get blocking them because he’s too thin skinned to take the actual criticism and he’s holding community’s hostage he’s holding San Jose hostage now he’s holding Oak hostage now and now he’s trying to hold Las Vegas hostage it’s [ __ ] and they threw a half ass FanFest in Vegas like this past weekend

For city of Friday yeah we’ll jump into that we you know what let’s just jump into now a billion dollars close to a billion dollars to build the Howard terminal you know what the you know what the difference is you know what he’s bitching about is that he the city of

Oakland wasn’t able to get a complex building measure ba that that was designed by the Biden Administration to overcome complex infrastructure deals a stadium is not complex you pay for it you’re the owner it’s your product it’s your team you [ __ ] pay for it God I’m

So livid I’m sorry forar so I mean this is on me I brought this up but anyways the A’s did hold a half-ass Fan Fest in Vegas in combination with a spring training game that didn’t sell out not only did it sell out hold on because Casey Pratt pointed this out too they

As the A’s organization invited a whole bunch of little Leaguers to come and watch the game so that means they gave way more tickets than they sold so not only did they sell out yeah there was like a bunch of seats that were already taken but a bunch of empty spots that

Weren’t but most of them were probably little Leaguers that the A’s gave away to come watch this game they couldn’t even sell that out did you see anything about fans vest no because nobody even knew that it existed until they walked into the the the stadium oh what is all

This oh it’s our Fan Fest oh I’m gonna go sit down with a with a DJ with a DJ it no name DJ yeah just named DJ could could cousin named DJ I think I joked it was a DJ Tanner from Full House was actually the DJ just just God awful man

Just everything about it is absolutely God awful and you know what [ __ ] it I’m gonna jump to the renderings because you brought it up Sam yeah let’s do it just just let’s just rip this bandaid real quick it’s AI right I said off to get oh yeah I know

They said they had you know the the the architect that also did some of the ace uh architectural designs when it came to Stadium renderings over there by the by the um the War I mean by the uh the docks over there right Howard Termino

Are you gonna screen share this uh I can if you’d like yeah show the images let’s pull it up let’s pull it up I know my dad’s in the audience and he was he called me earlier because he wanted to know more about the A’s and he was asking is it

Is it a for sure thing that they’re GNA move my dogs are like running around messing with my camera um get out of here you crazy monsters see even my dogs are pissed at John fiser um you know he was asking is it a done deal that the AIDS are gone I would

Say it’s 5050 I mean because you don’t know where this thing is going to go um the in my uh uh monologue there where I was losing my mind the the thing that I wanted to point out was that um sorry these dogs are distracting me great radio

Uh here I pulled up the renderings for you guys go ahead see what you’re saying as I pull these renderings here no go ahead and show this so this is rendering number one now okay I know you guys can’t see me but you guys can hear me I

Do want to say this no but you can but the the audience can’t so I do want to say this is it a nice looking ballar yes yes I’m here to [ __ ] on this this because that’s what I do as far as this ownership has allowed me to to be as a

Fan but is it a nice looking rendering does it look like it be ni stum yes 100% it looks pretty we’ve seen plenty of pretty renderings it looks beautiful both versions of Cisco field were gorgeous yeah looks San ands you know what I I I might be the one guy who I I

Wish we could build that Howard terminal if the A’s do stay in Oakland I think Howard terminal is the site that you want to be at but I wasn’t in love with those renderings I wasn’t in love with that architecture design it looked like a hobbit Village the the jewel box uh

Was really not it and they did they did correct that at least but yeah I didn’t love the park I didn’t love the park going up the top the grass that part I didn’t like yeah yeah I don’t like that I wanted a traditional ballpark I thought something that would honor more

Of the the maritime industry and the the Waterfront um I thought that would have been better um personally I don’t think this architect is all that that great um I work in construction industry I love architecture I didn’t really think his designs are all that great to be honest

He’s known as a a guy that uses um cheaper materials to a way to keep cost down I don’t really like his designs to be blunt and that’s that’s fair but let’s let’s point a couple things here let’s let’s go ahead and uh do step number one

Let me let me com oh I can’t comment on it because they turned off all comments except for their own comment on their own post yeah so that’s yeah you have to be reply uh directly mentioned to to answer anyway so uh here’s step number one with this

Okay this is beautiful the problem is the sun doesn’t set this way no so that’s problem number one okay sun sets behind this picture so you’d have Sun glaring into the field which if you’re at first base or you know or at left field you’re probably going to get beat

Up with with the sun into your eyeballs okay so let’s go into this okay here’s what I love about it okay I I don’t know if I can zoom in I can’t zoom in but this right here where my mouse is you see how his glasses goes in to the other

Guy’s ball cap or like how this is all pin striped in the wrong direction and also red pin stripes I mean yeah that what the hell you know I mean fine it’s AI rendering we’re not going to knock on it but how about where’s the lights there’s no Stadium lights here

And as Sam pointed out floating pole the the the the foul pole is inside that that’s not legal on both sides you can’t do that right also it’s not bright yellow either that view would not be possible because there’s a hotel in Centerfield blocking that correct it’d

Be a big hotel right here you couldn’t see this and then you have a center field yeah this right here is crazy there’s no you can’t do this there’s a battery right hocky meets baseball have center fielders and left fielders just slamming into the wall lce some up boys yeah no

Padding I mean stick t for good like diving catches you know what let me say this the guy the people who are saying well it’s a rendering they delayed these renderings they used the Las Vegas shoot as an excuse to delay these renderings you would think in the

Meantime they would have like fixed this stuff you mean to tell me that no one in the A’s organization or Design Group said hey this looks like the uh Sydney Opera House it exactly is I also they called I also love that they call it armadillos and armadillos aren’t even

Native to Vegas or Nevada so that’s fun yeah and as far as the height goes that’s like right on the edge of how tall you could build something right there because that’s uh somebody else did some measurements and that’s right around how tall the Tropicana is right

Now let’s see um so yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s right around that level I mean just this angle is a little bit weird and it’s tough to tell but other people did the math and figured out how many stories and whatnot and so that’s it does technically work height-wise but in

Terms of actual like area space taken up how is this nine acres it’s not this is not acing way this is let’s go to number one 13 12 or 13 like I mean you’re telling me this is nine acres yeah the whole show is going right there again it’s

Like about 18 or 20 but here’s the best part is Tropicana still wants to build a hotel in combination with this where’s the hotel going to go yeah I wanted to mention this guy Guys these dogs made me forget but I remember is right the the money that is

Uh L Vegas Nevada is going to be paying for this stadium was it the 380 and now the the teachers union is you know trying to get a ballot initiative so that citizens of Nevada can vote on where this money is going the A’s are suing the teachers union to prevent

That vote to prevent this from going forward so that’s what you’re supporting if you support John fiser is you’re supporting a billionaire take suing teachers to remove to block the right of vote to vote if if this is how we how these citizens want to spend their money

It’s just it’s crap yeah I mean this guy does not deserve to own a team he doesn’t deserve to be on the planet put him in a rocket ship and just blast his [ __ ] out of here yeah he’s a billionaire they love space you know get out of here

Dude well I don’t I don’t want to we could go on forever as we all know but unfortunately this isn’t a nay’s strictly podcast it is a uh Universal Sports podcast that we love um quick real quick before before we jump into football and hockey uh Sam I mean Sam

Vince hit us with the uh last Gold Cup here because uh I’m not going to leave the women out women deserve to be a part of this too that’s right absolutely so uh the the W Gold Cup it’s the inaugural conquer cap W Gold Cup uh US Women’s

National Team on Wednesday the they defeated Canada 3-1 in the penalties it was 2-2 going into penalties in the semi-final and that game was an absolute Deluge of rain they were playing in torrential downpour and uh it was a couple of uh they got a couple of goals

Uh Canada gets a really late last second goal to force it to penalty kicks and then Alyssa ner is her and uh blocks three uh three attempts converts her own attempt in the PK and absolutely crushed it then they go on W on uh uh to defeat

Brazil on Sunday one nil Lindsay heran got an absolute monster header goal that’s your captain and uh uh this is the inaugural uh W Gold Cup and’s national team gets the job done uh after not not after failing to uh do the job in the world cup is this their full a

Squad close it’s close to it yeah like I mean I like they’re playing a lot better now and um uh the the the new head coach um uh coming from uh from England is going to take over in June just in time for um for the Olympics so so they

They’re playing great together and uh they’re playing well so do they also want to coach the men’s team anyways uh from a squad to uh what could be argued as uh an A minus squad or a B Squad here uh the sharks jumping into the frozen pond over

Here uh this week they have taken some L’s including myself uh they lost to Ottawa 7even to six which by the way they were up boys they were up no it was Dallas they lost 7 six that’s in overtime I’m sorry I’m sorry yes they lost to Dallas 7even to

Six they were up 6-3 and they lost 7 to6 which also happens to be the last game that uh cppo Kenan played uh he has now been traded to the New Jersey Devils for all those moves in a second um but uh somebody cue My Chemical Romance because I’m not okay

Man yeah that’s yeah the the the trade deadline for the Sharks was a rough one but to be continue here the uh sharks went ahead and lose to The Islander 7 to2 this and Sam you all got your dubs um they win two to one against Ottawa I

Did watch that game that was a fun game The Last m 30 seconds was was hellish to to say the least there uh but they got it done there uh they are 1640 and7 eighth in the Pacific 15 in the west they’re only ahead of Chicago via goal differential they’re technically have

The same amount of points but goal differential is what separates them so upcoming is Tuesday against Philadelphia Flyers Thursday against the Pittsburgh penguins which by the way they didn’t Li too good on Saturday prime time uh this past weekend here and then uh Saturday against the Columbus Blue Jackets and

Sunday to round it off here against the Chicago Blackhawks who has Conor Bard back so uh Vince you are a half game behind me here at seven and a half yeah uh we me and Sam got otta right that draw that brought me right there we’re

Right back into it um yeah this week I’m looking at the schedule you know what something is telling me take the Pittsburgh game I’m taking Pittsburgh that’s are going to be my win of the week they didn’t look too good man against uh I mean I don’t know I I think

You know what Sam you go ahead and make your your your your prediction here let’s see what you say here who you got for the win of the week you know what I know I rolled with Vince last week but I’m Gonna Roll again with Pittsburgh with Vince all right Pittsburg

Uh I have been I have been watching more hawk been watching the standings I’ve been I’ve been reading a lot more about it so they haven’t been looking as good so I’ll go with Pittsburgh okay okay well I Don’t Want to Go Pittsburgh because obviously we want to make it

Live here right that’s what makes it more fun so I can’t go that route you know what give me the easy one I’ll go I’ll go Blue Jackets here Blue Jackets okay adding to the list I think I think Chicago I think they’re going to come in

Fiery and and off of a back toback to begin with yeah I’m yeah it’s the back end of the back toback which is why I didn’t choose the uh the Blackhawks there so um yeah yeah yeah it’s fine okay so take us down this rabbit hole

All right so the for the trade deadline I only tracked what the Sharks did because that’s kind of who we’re focusing on so they sent Anthony duclair and a 20257 to Tampa Bay for defenseman Jack Thompson and a 2024 third they send uh uh radim shimek autoc correct turned it to

Random uh uh that’s what happened with the Kobe statue it just Auto that that exactly um so they also here’s the one here’s what really has me down they sent Tomas hurdle and a 2025 and a 2027 third round picks to Vegas for David edstrom who is Vegas’s top

Prospect and their third their first round pick last season and their 2025 first round pick the sharks are going to retain 177% of Tom shtle salary and I just wrote an all caps Devastation uh it’s sending him to Vegas is what hurt the most yeah um he’s going to be a

Prime player for them for uh the the contract is six years uh he he’s just turned 30 so he’s going to be like in his prime for at least three of those years you know and and and it’s going to be somebody we’re seeing four times a

Year and I’m glad that he’s going to be able to get a cup and I’m glad that he didn’t sign there of his own accord um but um it’s it’s just going to be real tough to cheer for him because he’s playing with that Crest on his chest now

But I do hope he does play well you know if he if he can score hattricks and four3 losses for Vegas I think that’s the ideal for a lot of sharks fans you know uh we love we love Tommy man that going to miss that guy that’s going to

Hurt a lot yeah vce uh finish up the uh uh free AG uh trades yeah yeah because I got a story about this uh Tomas hurdle okay all right so so let’s see they they they sent um uh defenseman one of their minor league prospects to um to Calgary

They sent KAAL ccken into the New Jersey Devils for an a a goalie swap uh and they also got a seventh round pick in 2025 from New Jersey they get Devin coie from Buffalo who’s a goalie uh for Washington’s 2025th seven round pick he

Is a a former local guy who’s uh like he posted a picture of him as a kid taking a picture with Sharky and um he was a sh he was in the junior Sharks hockey program exactly yeah so um he’s coming home uh and then the last one the last

Note that I have is actually uh on Logan Couture he did not get traded and he actually had a quote on that whole situ situation and his quote was I’m realistic I’m not sure who’s going to trade for a guy who’s 35 makes 8 million and plays six games in a season you’re

Not GNA find any takers out there so that’s why Logan wasn’t moved nobody no nobody wants that and the injury that he has um I I don’t know the exact details of it but a lot of people are saying it’s a potential career Ender yeah so

He’s out for the rest of the season yeah he he’s done for the year we need to see if he’s able to even like skate up again uh lace him up for the Sharks again before we can talk trading him you know and and basically when you trade Tomas hurdle who was

Basically the deao captain because Logan gure was not able to play uh so you you you’re down a lot of leadership man and it’s it’s going to be interesting it’s it’s accelerating the uh the the the re the rebuild basically like like uh he Mike Greer just threw some gasoline onto

This rebuild and I do like the return for a lot of these picks and this is what you do uh is you you you get all the picks you can and it’s basically throwing [ __ ] on the wall scene with sticks and if you got you got two fir

First round picks in each of the next like three or four years man so that’s a lot of ammo to replenish and they already have two yeah they they already have um so so every year two two first run picks every year is what I was

Saying the next three years so there’s a lot of ammunition coming and they already have a pretty um highly regarded um uh Prospect pool as it is right now and it’s going to get a lot better so hopefully when this thing does turn around and all these players are they’re

All young so they’re all coming up at around the same time then all of a sudden you can switch from bad to good real quick so um so it just kind of depends on where this next season’s uh lottery pick is if they can get the top

Pick that’d be amazing if they can get a top three pick even still that’s you know that’s pretty damn good too so all right Sam you got a quick note on Tomas Shel so last week I asked you guys because I really wanted a black Jersey and y’all told

Me doas hurdle because that contract is most likely untradeable yeah I was shopping the to the Tomas hurdle black Jersey JY was in the cart and I was going to call you Vince to talk about sizing because I know you just ordered a jersey yeah and I was

Gonna talk to you about sizing and literally the next day he got traded and I said oh man I was gonna be pissed so my next question is who do I buy now do I just like you get a blank one man you just get blank one the J too

Sick to not buy but one there’s some players but this Tomas hurdle trade told me one thing is that that Greer isn’t here to to make you into a fan of the current roster he’s here to have things like Vince said stick on a wall and those players that stick on the

Wall to his eyes and to his vision will be the players of the future I don’t even know Will Smith is killing it and he may not even be he may be a trade next season you know what I mean like like that’s how it’s it I don’t know

We’re the question mark with Greer like he’s got full keys to this car and I don’t know what direction it’s going to be honest with you at this point the owner think he’s just trying to like get as many draft picks and young guys into the system and reassess

From there and and that’s that’s fair you know why because I think Vince you could attest this too but the Sharks haven’t always had the strongest uh minor league team right they haven’t they’ve uh uh Doug Wilson kind of regarded draft picks like they are [ __ ]

To throw on a wall yeah and but but like negatively yeah I mean to him it was just a value trade piece I want guys now I don’t want guys he was a big game hunter is what he was and like they drafted Logan at the number nine spot

They were like supposed to draft back in like the low 20s that season and they just they loaded up traded up to go get him when they find somebody they like they would go and get him so that’s kind so that was the old way that they’re

Doing it this way they’re trying to just maximize your chances at getting like really good pieces because you know guys like Joe pavelski was a late round pick he was like the 2004th or whatever Boston yeah Jo pki Joe pki so I I mean I do I not particularly like it right now

Sure because I’m not used to it but that’s how the teams in the East Coast that’s how they stay relevant that’s how they’ve stayed relevant you know like Pittsburgh has stayed relevant Islanders have stayed relevant Rangers have I mean St relevant I mean because they have talent pool where the sharks have always

Been notoriously like we’re kind of the team that people are like oh you play hockey in San Jose you know what I mean like it’s it’s one of those things it’s not a big market area when it comes to the whole of hockey you know so I think

That that was kind of a thing too that he didn’t value uh draft picks as well as maybe some other teams would you know so but I think hockey is a lot like the NFL though like Pittsburgh they got Sydney Crosby uh was it the capitals got

Alex kin uh yeah I’m surprised he’s still playing you know so I mean like you get that that top prospect and then for the next 10 15 years you know you’re probably in contention yeah of course of course so all right let’s RI this bandid

Off Vince I’m just gon to let you go through through this as you want to see fit and then we’ll just comment as we go along and how R this so I’m just going to rip off names we’re moving on to football it is free agent frenzy so here

We go um Dalton Schultz is staying with the Texans he extends three years $ 36 million deal um good for him uh that’s you know he he’s a top half tight end of the league so and for Fantasy he’s a little bit better than that too so good

On them so the Colts placed a FL a franchise tag on Michael Pitman but then they came to agree on a three-year $715 million deal so that’ll help Anthony Richardson a lot too their quarterback having that guy who’s a you know top guy all right Zack s Goes to

Washington I didn’t bother getting the details uh because that’s a nothing that’s a nothing deal to me good for him uh the 49ers signed Colton mckivitz to a one-year $7 million deal that tells me that they liked what he provided but also that he needs to get better because

This is basically a pro it deal they are willing to draft his replacement and um he he did good enough but they can get better he better get better otherwise he’s gonna be out the door next year I would argue that tells me that’s one of

If I’m gonna say that’s one of the weaknesses of the 49ers is that their o line could always be better and oh yeah totally putting this Pro IT contract and having them play A Step Above good deal love it yeah all right Denver traded Jerry Judy to Cleveland for fifth and

Sixth round picks um yeah that’s fine uh you know what with with Denver this is this is Shawn Payton’s like first year you know last year was kind of like all right I’m gonna inherit this team but remember when he took over the Saints he gutted

That team year one I want to say like three Saints stayed like yeah he complet and Drew bre was one of them yeah he like over that team so this is technically year one yeah yeah I agree so that’s that that’s what’s Happening Here the Chiefs

Are Gonna Keep Chris Jones five years 9 million that is that that is a a huge contract you know why I’m glad why are you glad I think he’s a great player but he’s on the wrong side of 30 and I was fearful the Raiders were going

To give him that money and I know we’ll get to it I just did not think giving that money to a 30 plus year old player as a the Raiders the Raiders are more than a defensive tackle or defensive end away that means their safety is gone that’s what that means

Right yeah so New England is trading M Jones to Jacksonville for a sixth round pick um that 2021 draft class that was supposed to be all world is starting to look real real bad isn’t it it’s like a more third world at this point yeah instead of all world that’s a

Good good call that’s a good Shir Bud uh Tampa Bay and Baker Mayfield agree to a three-year sad about that I I was on the I was on the baker train coming to Las Vegas uh Raiders quarterback we’re gonna get into it but I would argue that the guy you

Got maybe not a talent you did say that you did say that I do remember that yeah maybe not a talent level as Baker Mayfield you know but i’ still like what you get Swagger is a little bit better I think yeah yeah um yeah uh I I think

Baker Mayfield kind of overperformed a little bit and they’re paying for the uh the ceiling for him so I definitely would not have paid 3100 for Baker like yeah that’s that’s a contract of little too rich too rich for my blood yeah that’s a contract that’s uh not a thank

For thank you for what you’re doing for me now it’s a thank you for what you did kind of contract so that’s what that looks like yeah so Kendrick Bourne is GNA stay in New England for a threeyear 33 million right on that’s a good for you

Kendri yeah get your money all right so here here’s a couple of 49ers notes um they are going to release Eric Armstead I I said that I didn’t think that they were going to do it I thought they were going to restructure the team definitely wanted to restructure but he didn’t so

He’s going to test the free agent Market I’m sure he’d be if he doesn’t like what he sees out there um the Niners would welcome him home at their price which is kind of how these things operate as do you do you as a fan regret that the team

Paid Armstead instead of paying Buckner no because um basically at the time you had two choices you could either keep Armstead like so so when they traded Buckner they got a first round pick back for him so it was either you keep Buckner and a fourth rounder or you have

Eric Armstead and a first rounder so that was what what has the first round turned into anything yet um no no it didn’t but like was that first round at the time that was the logic at the time I’m telling you my logic at the time and DeForest Buckner’s played fine

But I think Eric Armstead is way outperformed him um so well I mean I would argue too that looking you’re looking at it yeah I disagree I think you’re looking at a talent pool I mean the Colts Talent level compared to what the fouriers had I would argue that AR

Eric Armstead definitely didn’t achieve what no no he I’m not saying he reached his Peak or anything like that I’m just saying I think Eric Armstead overall played better than divorce buner so um me and Sam will agree to disagree moving on all right so the Niners also have

Approached Kyle yuse cheek about a salary reduction no word yet on what what’s happening there we’ll see um obviously I want Kyle yusek to stay forever uh he’s he’s the best fullback in football and he does a the job at a position that most teams don’t have anymore I literally cannot name another

Fullback like I know halfbacks that have turned into fullbacks or they transition but I don’t know any true fullbacks I can’t name one all right here we go big news Russell Wilson going to the Steelers oh man Steelers country let’s weld let’s W dude I was when I got when

I saw it on my phone that he’s going to the Steelers I was like because I was another Raider that I was like please no not that and it’s not that you know what it’s not that is like bad like he actually had a decent year when you look

At it he actually numbers-wise he had aent the stats the stats say he play better want my qu the off the field distractions I just want goober I don’t weirdo I already I if I was a raid fan I’m like I already got Devonte Adams and

He’s not a diva compared to some wide receivers but he’s Diva enough I don’t need this this quarterback who is Ultimate Diva I don’t need this yeah all right moving on Cincinnati wide receiver T Higgins has requested a trade did they franchise tag him earlier is that what

Happened I think I don’t no it’s the other one no um uh it was um who is it uh uh Jamar Chase is the other wide receiver that they have the other number one wide receiver hey hey look if tens wants to do a trade I you know what all

Power tgin I want out too because you got a owner that notoriously doesn’t want to pay very you know Joe burrow got paid that’s like one of the one guys out of like 50 years that this owner has owned the team yep yeah yeah okay DeAndre Swift he’s moving on to Chicago

Um he’s gonna actually have a chance to score some touchdowns now that the tush push is uh not a thing for him anymore right so Chicago has a good backfield I mean with foreman and him yeah I question some of their offensive U qub back we’ll just say quarterback if he’s

Going to be the quarterback yeah um we’ll see uh Tony Pard going to tenness so Derrick Henry’s officially not coming back for anybody who had any delusions about that happening he’s moved on that opens the door to to a question that I’m very curious about is that it has come

Out that uh Derk Henry has bought a house in Texas I can’t confirm where but the the talks is that Houston and Dallas he’s going to land somewhere in Texas and I’m very now Houston I think so too abely Dallas has opened up that door now that Paul’s

Not there anymore so interesting po um so Gabe Davis wide receiver is going to Jacksonville on a three-year deal I didn’t see the number you when I type this in uh I do not like this move I think Gabe Davis is overrated let somebody else draft it

Like for your fantasy drafts you guys can have Adam I don’t want him yeah he’s capable of like a 40 point game whatever but just the fantasy thing um but he he’s only going to he’s going to have three of those games and he’ll have 140

Total points so like and three of them are and most of it is going to be in three games and he’s just garbage the rest of it I’m I’m I’m cool let somebody else make that mistake yeah I think he’s just gonna fall into the fold of the

Rest of these I mean Calvin really should have had a breakout year and he really kind of didn’t so number one’s still going to be Ridley you got Kirk you got Ridley’s a free agent right now he’s looking for a home home so we’ll see I think he’s moving on

All right uh tight end Kobe Park time time time guys I got a call timeout the Warriors have just exploded Trace Jackson Davis is going off catching Ali’s Dunkey the Warriors are now up 8472 the San Antonio Spurs zero points in four and a half minutes I had a

Feeling this is going to happen man I feel like the Warriors are really good at rebounding man they and you got Paul out there um just throwing them throwing those lobs to him 28 to four run in the past six and a half I will say I will

Say if you watch if you watch the the last game against the Spurs when they lost Trace Jackson Davis I loved his demeanor he looked absolutely ejected and devastated that they lost that game like he he thought they should have won that game I love that energy keep it up big boy

Okay here we go back to football uh Kobe Parkinson tight end he was in Seattle he’s now with the Rams 3 years 22 and a half million uh goodbye Tyler higgy um here here here we go this one’s going to suck Josh Jacobs is going to

Green Bay we didn’t see like I didn’t see any of the contract details did you I did not but I think okay I I’m gonna answer this for Sam first I think Josh Jacobs was ready to sign to come back to the Raiders and then DeAndre Swift signed that that $24 million three-year

Contract and I think Josh Jacobs was like you know what I’m gon test for agency and he’s gone and he went to Green Bay I think that Swift news breaking verse broke the the straw on the Campell back for uh Josh Jacobs come back to Raiders the uh Green Bay Packers

Notified Aaron Jones that he’s not coming back so now he’s gonna be available I do believe this is going to be a seeing Josh Jacobs go hurts and I think it’s going to be a regret because running back by committee if that’s the route the Raiders go if if the Raiders

Go running back by committee mistake because it never works it never works um it it’s really tough to see uh Josh Jacobs go um he’s been the Bellow for many years I think last year was a a down year due to some injuries uh but also terrible coaching um I just think

The offensive system and offensive line did not complement his running style I felt like moving forward I think he would have they’re still upside to his career yeah um and I think it’s going to be a regret unless you can put uh you know say you the Raiders go out and get

Another bigname running back I don’t know if zamir white is the guy he he’s flashed but I don’t know if he’s the man um y I agree I think it’s gonna be a deal that’s that’s uh going to be very regretful for the for uh for the Raiders

Front office I like this next one here I like this all right Kurt Cousins to Atlanta four years 1880 million um yeah you like that if if you’re like a fantasy football player I think you like that for it brings Ry back to to the Falcons Atlanta all of a

Sudden because they made some other deals too and Atlanta has talent Atlanta playoff that’s a seven team last year so they got a good defense and now you add a quarterback who can make he can make all the throws guys and it’s a wable division dude very winable NFC South is

Not like that impressive like Atlanta was leading last year I mean that’s that’s how weak that division was at seven looks legit all of a sudden yeah I love that all right you know what else you love sequan Barkley to Philly three years 37.75 million I’ll be quick okay I’ll be

Quick I’ll quick okay I didn’t until about 4:00 this afternoon decided I read some comments on the Eagles page and somebody said you know what I’m loving life because I’m on I’m looking at the Giants page I immediately went over there okay I was like you know

What I Haven even checked I’m gonna go look at the New York Giants Reddit page they on their number one topic of debate on their page is a picture okay do you guys remember the the the British soldier who uh um was a traitor the um Benedict Arnold thank you they have a

Wikipedia post picture of Benedict Arnold the history guy and they put saquon Barkley’s head on Benedict Arnold’s face and calling him a traitor I went to the whole thread I just had a great afternoon just laughing my ass off and uh Tiki Barbara has now come out and

Said that Sequon Barkley is dead to me as to which as to which when I have the Tweet here uh saquon Barkley has responded to uh Tiki Barber and says at TI Barber you have been a hater since I got to New York and all the dead to me

Talk don’t smile on my face when you see me I love this kid already welcome to Philadelphia great signing Philly energy that was kind of the problem that was one of the problems with Philly I thought was they didn’t again the committee doesn’t work you know it’s

Nice to have a change of pace back but having three guys share the ball and no legit number one doesn’t really work you got a guy who can catch the ball run the ball is a dog I think he’s going to fit like a glove you got new coordinator I

Think he’s going to be a dog great signing just got to say until the running back uh Cliff Falls but like sure sure yeah but those first couple if Philadelphia wins one of the next two three years it’s wor worth it worth every penny right um so Antonio Gibson going

To New England three years 11.25 million for you good for you bud way to stay in the league all right here you go Sam your turn Christian wil Vegas four years this is the man who I wanted this is the man he’s still fairly young a lot of

Mileage the the he got like what nine sacks this past season but he’s the man that is gonna make the he’s gonna you know the what’s the cliche the the straw thatw stir the drink yep is the Raiders have Max Crosby Malcolm K showed up there’s been some pieces on defense

But you know what that quarterback there’s been so many times that the defensive ANS for the Raiders have gotten penetration and the quarterback just steps up because there’s been no presence up the middle uh I think this changes it um great signing uh very very excited good job

Raiders great pick man great great all uh linebacker Andrew van GLE is going to Minnesota two years 20 million I think this actually is signing as the end of denal Hunter so we’re kind of waiting to see where he lands and that’s danal Hunter had like almost 17 sacks and he

Was only making 10 million so he gonna make a lot more than that when he gets signed yeah whoever signs him that’s you know obviously that’s the big fish that we’re still kind of waiting on last I checked uh John runan to the Giants as a

Guard three years 30 million uh good for you good luck trying to protect you know that garbage team before you say this next one here I love how he Roseman because he can make moves happen but sometimes he rolls a dice and I’m like

Man I just have to trust you because I I this greatting I am not trusting yet only because he was a flash in the pan last year and I hope he can repeat it and if he does it boy we roll the dice heavily on this one yeah so uh Bryce

Huff defensive end Edge rusher to Philly three years 51 million um like honestly he’s one of the guys that’s like um he didn’t get a lot of playing time was he Miami I think before no he was in the Jets he was at the Jets that’s right

Wrong AFC e so he he is basically in the replacement for possibly Hassan reck possibly Josh sweat and also maybe Nolan Smith who was injured as our first round pick I mean I’m sorry as our one of our draft picks last year so he may be the

Guy to replace all that so I think I’m okay with this pick but again it was a flash in the pan last year I hope he can do it again because it’s gonna be a great pick if it works out right okay so uh safety Brandon Jones is going to

Denver three years 20 million um that’s you know good for him Greg zerline staying with the Jets two years 8.4 million uh Greg the leg he’s I know enjoy playing with Aaron Rogers buddy um you know I’m sure that offense is gonna be a lot better than it was this past

Year without so long he can last seven minutes right yeah yeah uh Devin single ter is gonna replace sequin in in New York three years 16.5 million he reunites with his former head coach uh well it was his offensive coordinator in Buffalo uh Brian debal he’s now the

Head coach of the Giants so at least at least he knows how to use them I mean you know I mean I I I don’t love that signing the ners lose Charlie oh what I was gonna say Happy Trails yeah Happy Trails the Niners lose Charlie Warner um

He was the backup tight end he’s gone to Atlanta three years 12 million very important tight end um yeah very your blocking tight end he I mean when you guys went twin uh tight in I mean he set the edges with uh with KD so he’s very

Talented and he’s G to uh basically inherit the same role because you have Kyle pittz there yeah in Atlanta so love gonna get paid a little bit more money Rico the stash all right Gardner muu going to Vegas two years $25 million deal um he’ll fight it out with Aiden

Oconnell for the starting job I imagine I don’t hate it don’t love it I’m okay with it I think this shows that uh the Raiders are going to try to move up in the NFL draft and try to get a Young quarterback yeah um we’ll see all right wide receiver Devon du

Leaves Baltimore goes to Jacksonville two years eight and a half million um I think the Calvin Ridley experiment is done in Jacksonville he was way to gambled and they lost oh let’s see what you did there all right the Gus bus Gus Edwards is going to the Chargers two years uh two-ear

Contract I didn’t get a dollar amount when I XX he’s one away from being uh keep moving on whatever the Chargers are so whatever dude all right um diners are signing uh defensive end Leonard Floyd two years 20 million I love this movie not a bad mean that’s a great deal for

The 4 yeah it’s it’s a player that’s performed better than Chase young did yeah I mean he’s he’s an edge rusher he almost had 17 sacks you know you got Chase Young on one end you got Trump’s best friend on the other end he could come off the edge there and he could

Rack up some sacks with this 49ers defense it’s gonna be uh yeah this will help a lot uh you know get get a little bit more pressure on the quarterback that’s the name of the game on defense so I love that move uh tight end will dley is going to the Chargers three

Years 14 million um yeah cool uh Montana rides Austin Eckler is going to Washington on a two-year $ million deal um I mean he he he kind of fell off at the end of last year we’ll see if he can find he can find it in Washington I have

My doubts because that team itself is kind of garbage so Washington is poverty team and they’re gonna stay poverty for this perable future that’s uh that kind of shows me where guarantees they’re taking a Young quarterback yep yeah all right another kicker will Lutz is staying in Denver two-year deal uh good

For you bud um keep kicking in that thin air I’ll be honest you if I was a kicker I’d stay in Denver too you many kicks you could probably get with just barely putting effort into it all right uh Noah Fant is staying in Seattle twoe 20

Million 21 million deal um they they lost all their other tight ends so that left no offense and he’s gonna take advantage of that jacobe briset bris brisket is going back to New England um there was no contract details at the time and another defensive end for the

Ners uter Moss Matos two years $18 million deal I haven’t had a chance chance to dive into that one uh particularly um it came in while we were doing the show so exactly so that that happened while we were doing it let me just hit a quick refresh we’re at the

End of the uh you know the end of the episode here uh uh Texans are bringing back Noah Brown and it looks like um the Packers asked Aaron Jones to take a significant pay cut um but that obviously didn’t happen so they cut him and now the

Vikings are interested so we’ll see that that might get done um between now and the end so that’s it for your free agent frenzy oh also to Brian Burns uh got uh traded to the uh Giants here so cool n it’s a great linebacker man I do

Too I love it and I’m but you know hey they could have I think they could have traded him a couple years ago and got some second round pick but they got a six out of it so it is I’m hoping the Raiders bring in Patrick Queen

Linebacker from the Ravens he’s 2 he can get after it he’s Expendable because they paid rocon Smith that’s a linebacker who I who I think is GNA explode on the next team so y I agree well all right boys well um I’m Gonna Save this next piece till uh

Next week so you’re just going to have to watch till next week but do you guys have any notes or any anything you want to bring up before we uh send off here think it’s time to wrap this bad boy up I’m ready for p yep you are listening to

The SVT podcast subscribe on YouTube and hit the Bell to get alerts when we go live follow us on Instagram and threads at SVT sportspot slide into our DMS we would love to interact with all of you later y’all bye everyone thanks for joining

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