Always Finish With Your Leg In This Position

Improve your leg work in the golf swing by maintaining pressure throughout the transition as you move down towards the golf ball and then explode out of it in the follow through.

In this golf lesson, PGA pro Kerrod Gray and Simon Dyson demonstrate the best drill to improve your leg work and ensure that you always finish with your leg extended.

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⛳ Chapters
0:00 – Introduction to the importance of leg work in the golf swing
1:00 – Alignment stick drill to improve leg extension 👈
3:55 – Practice plan for implementing the drill 👈
5:46 – How to improve your golf practice sessions
6:50 – Video takeaway


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All righty son let’s talk about the leg work through the golf ball and it really is an effect of how we’re using our pressure throughout the swing the transition what it feels like to move down towards the golf ball and explode out of it now there are some

Commonalities with the majority of PGA Pros now there’s always exceptions to rules but we would generally see those players through the moment of impact have this lead side extending wouldn’t they 100% that hips the hips as a result would begin to rotate more and the chest

Would finish tall but we do see a significant amount of golfers with these disco knees sliding towards the golf ball right be it if the hips are moving too far forward or they’re not they’re back in space but they stay down for too long right that could be concept that

They’re trying to stay down but in the same regard to get the most amount of Effectiveness with that compression in the whip in the distance we need this extension of the body don’t we so what I want you to do mate is we got this stick

Here here and we’re going to talk about a great drilling exercise that you’ve used and many others can to improve this area of their game yeah so I think it’s something that highlights quite a lot uh I think you find that mid to high handicappers they don’t tend to do that

They tend to stay on the right side whereas a lot of the it’s the good players that really shift onto that left side yeah sometimes the left sides not strong enough to hold the amount of shift that they’ve got Y and then they just collapse a little bit in the legs

I’m certainly guilty of that so yeah this drill is just something that I think worked brilliantly for me I just basically put it down my left side y so that it’s touching my left knee Y and then all I’m thinking is when I swing don’t let my knee touch okay great jump

It just extends my left side it helps me turn better it helps me deliver the club from the outside a little bit better as well so if I was setting up to that I would literally put that about there so you would say pretty much from the the

Face on view here it’s kind of in line with your big toe if you got it slightly flared so you can see it’s nearly touching my knee not quite enough yeah and then I’m like I say this gets players to obviously swing back but then it every player I’ve used with this they

Feel like they start turning a little bit earlier and get that coil in the body and then it turn and then you extend that left side Club delivers from the outside only just yeah and but again it hits a very neutral flight mate yeah fantastic and guys we just shot a video

An amazing video on one of the best drills that Pete cwin has given Simon over the years to work on his movement pattern so make sure you check that one out but back to this drill we’ve got that stick upside uh resting up against the lead side there we’re talking about

The knee making sure it’s not dragging through and moving now if players at home they film theel from the face on view and they see that they’re doing this it’s not a matter of just putting the stick in and just whacking ball after ball after ball ball after the

Ball is it like we need to have some awareness and some intent behind every shot what sort of practice plan would you give them with this drill that they can Implement themselves I mean to start with I would start low I would start you know Sand Wedge pitching wedge and just

Get that feeling because it’s something that’s going to take time because that’s your natural movement to try and get the lag and hit the compressed shot y so this when I first started doing it doesn’t feel like you’ve got much power so there’s no point in your driver out

And trying it straight away because you won’t feel like you’ve got the power you need to load everything properly yeah so I would start with just a pitching wedge and it would just literally be little three4 shots right I didn’t touch it right let’s but it’s always that the

Focus and again comes down to the rule of five hit five shots with this and then move away and try and replicate that feeling and think right yeah I felt like my left side my lead side did extend as I was in my impact there and I

Felt taller I’ve I’ve just got a a question and we did talk about this in the previous video but let’s say that you’ve got your practice station here and instead of like taking the stick out and readjusting and so on so forth if players have enough room would you

Advise that they have one spot on the Range where they drilling their swing in and then a separate spot which is to a different Target um and we’re going to remove the alignment sticks for that one guys I think if you were just to maybe go a few meters in a different direction

And aim in a different direction but kind of create a training Zone and a performance Zone 100% I couldn’t agree more you know there might be a couple of things you’re working on so you might have three stations where you go right that one’s for my legs this one’s for my

Upper body let’s put them both into production with these and you’d almost go three shots three shots Two Shots yeah and then do that because every time you change station yeah you’re having to re-engage and you’re switching on again yeah which is exactly what you have to

Do on the golf course for sure you know it’s not just ball after ball after ball yeah it’s a ball two or three minute wait then you hit another one yeah so again the longer you can leave between the shots as well the better it’s going

To be able to translate onto the course I think a lot of people watching this would be very surprised how few balls two a Pros hit when they’ve been very intentional around the movement aren’t they and how long they would actually spend in between shots uh first of all

Assessing what they’re about to do getting a feel not even hitting a ball grooving it in then executing but then reflecting it might be sometimes when I’m been working on things in my swing I work on my trail arm a lot it could be 3 4 minutes in between shots because I’m

Standing there and I’m going okay build awareness build awareness how does that feel in space not quite right how do I then start my back swing with that feel and then by the time you go ahead and hit the shot you’ll see two a prosos do

This all the time it’s almost like the ball doesn’t matter you’re just grooving in this feel and then they’ll just follow through and sometimes you see the best players in the world Hit terrible shots they might shank it over the bush but they’re unreactive to the outcome

Because they are working on the process yeah and I would even like I take my gym stuff onto the range you know especially in lovely weather like this yeah you’re not cold you’re not you know restricted I would take like a medicine ball and resistance bands and I’m the same as you

Always working on that right arm top of the back swing I get a little I want it a little bit flatter so would do some exercises with that and then come here do a drill and then yeah hit the balls and see how it’s see how it’s relating

From the the gym exercise to the drill to then yeah the the performance shot so so much you can do Sensational advice there from Simon look we got two more balls here mate I want you have a couple more practice swings just getting a feel of that lead knee not crushing into the

Stick there then clip that one down there at about 50% speed and then I want you to go ahead and hit that as a shot that last one so yeah I I love this drill this is a fantastic drill for me because I get to the top and then I

Think right I need to start turning now Club comes on the outside and then it’s stay high and I just seem to hit lovely little lovely little Fades so we’ll give it a will love it man better Fantastic look guys nine times two winner sign and Dyson telling us and teaching us all

About how to control those legs if they’re sliding through towards a Target more importantly how to actually translate that into your game and of course M Sensational man cheers mate


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