Golf Players

World Champion And Major Finalist Has Tour Card Removed

PDC have taken the decision to remove the tour card from former world youth champion corey cadby following not entering any events in the last 12 months.

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#darts #coreycadby #tourcards

How do you there guys and welcome back to Edgar TV your One-Stop location for darting content and today it is some breaking news breaking news regarding Corey cadby of Australia PDC tour card holder UK open runner up is no longer a PDC tour card that tour card has now been revoked and used

In terms of the rules that the PDC are able to enforce now the rules come in the contract of the PDC player that state you must attend an event Within a 12 Monon period or your card could be revoked that is what has now happened to

Cory cadby I did point this out earlier on in the year when I went through the PDC contract and some interesting facts and points that you may not know even existed in the PDC contract go check that video out this is the thumbnail you’re looking for really interesting

Video there for you but Cory cadby let’s take a moment to discuss his career 2016 won the world youth Championship won a tour card not long after reached the the final of the UK open losing out to Gary Anderson in the final of that one good performances on The World Series beating

The likes of Phil Taylor challenging GN price and at that point there was a lot of talk about Cory cadby potentially being Premier League potential was certainly someone who could be winning major titles and was looking certainly in ability and also in the way he conducted himself through those matches

That it was a sure thing at times personal demons got in his way and he now struggles to get a visa to enter the UK he did go to Germany as part of getting back onto the tour just a year ago went to Germany won his tour card

With 101 average in the final against KL Sedler however this at the moment does look like it could be the end of the line for Cory cadby who now is no longer a PDC tour card holder bruy bonus though for those players attending Q School an

Extra card available will it go to the UK or Eur at this moment I don’t know exactly but the one thing we can be sure of is in 2024 Cory cadby will not be a PDC tour card holder if you are enjoying these updates videos Q school I’ll give

You loads of insights loads of tips tricks and everything darts related hit the Subscribe button down below catch you soon for some more ed TV Edv


  1. Why not do a play off match between the 10th placed player in order of merit for uk Q school and the 14th placed in EU Q school for the 31st and final tour card , 🇬🇧- 🇪🇺 I reckon it would be exciting 😅

  2. I used to love watching Cadby play , great character and passionate . I just hope he gets himself on the right path for himself and gets better soon

  3. I feel for the poor bloke who missed out on the card he got since he has wasted this chance, someone else could have had a go at it…

  4. The VISA situation is bullshit, regardless of your history with crime, if you are free now you should be free to visit other countries. The toll was paid, he is now a free man. He's still a clown but that's irrelevant.

  5. If only he could have stayed out of trouble and out of prison in Australia then he would have been granted a visa to enter the UK. It's such a shame and a waste of talent he would have gone places if he'd have behaved himself

  6. If youre a criminal in the UK can you compete? Lol it seems he's just at a geographical disadvantage. People are jugy on here! I wish Cadby well, and wish commenters some compassion. 😊

  7. We had Corey around with some friends for the weekend about 5 months ago and he was a gentleman for the whole three days. Great to have a few beers with, played darts with the kids, gave them t-shirts and took photos etc. He said he was getting his life sorted and he wasn't far from getting back to the UK. Things went downhill just after that, I was super disappointed when I seen that things had taken a turn for him and hope he can get his life back on track.

  8. Give him a few years. He’ll get back into it! Then hammer time…… maybe lol

    He has the ability

  9. I really hope Corey can overcome whatever has prevented him playing. However, with so many talented players competing to win a tour card at Qschool right now, this seems like a fair decision.

  10. I wouldn't lose any sleep over this you certainly don't need the PDC, especially when this so called governing body advocates a certain procedure that isn't an action and therefore cannot exist.
    A near thousand year old lie.

  11. Wish Corey all the best. Maybe needs a new start in new surroundings with new people somewhere else in Australia in order to give himself the best shot. Would love to see him back in darts one day but maybe it is best for him to find another path in life where he has no baggage and one that is more health and fitness orientated.

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