Golf Players

Will Zalatoris Swing Analysis – Brad Turner Breakdown

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So this past week uh on Wednesday I had the privilege of being in Will xur’s Group in the proam as a PGA Ambassador so got to walk around inside the ropes with uh with will very impressive player as you all can see from what he’s been

Able to do the last couple years this is hole number two at Bay Hill about 220 downhill slightly this is a six iron don’t have a per angle but I’m I want to explain a couple things that uh really are important when it comes to becoming a really good ball Striker and

All the PJ tour players lpj tour players do this to some degree some do it more than others but will really does this powerful move it’s very easy to see in his golf swing uh so let’s talk about what that is first of all the other

Thing I I wish I could have done is just video taped every player that came through and their grips are are all really really good um the one thing you might see is slightly strong with with a few players and even there was a couple strong leand grips right the

Right hand grip on the club was always uh about the same it really was um so again there there’s well good grip good stuff here I got this in slow motion so I’m going to focus on the forward swing and there he gets up to the

Top and what I want you to watch is how he starts to increase the angle see if I can measure that here let’s see oh we’ll go with that angle so that’s says 96° but watch how he starts to really increase that as he’s coming down all right I’m not going to measure

That it’ll get all messy but hey this is it looks like he’s in front of it but remember my camera angle a little bit off all right let’s go back a little bit more watch how his lower body goes forward and he he is really increasing the angle

Of the shaft relative to his left forearm once he gets the club parallel to the ground his hands are almost to the golf ball and once you’re there you just have to square the face and your angle of attack’s going to be appropriate you’re going to hit ball ground very common for

That to occur very unusual to hit behind it all right um and you’re increasing the club head speed significantly by being able to keep that angle right there now when some people say oh you don’t want to hold the angle these are all words that we use to communicate with students um

Sometimes a word like hold the angle can create a problem because yeah you got to have a little bit of an angle but you have to let that angle go as you approach impact and you get in post impact position so as he keeps coming down the

Handle of the club is pulling the club head much like uh if you’re pulling a trailer with the truck so the truck would be the handle right there represented by the circle and the trailer would be the club head so if you’ve ever pulled a bat or a

Trailer of some kind it’s not everyone can do that but backing it up is a different story so what we with good players the handle is leading and the club head is following okay and right in this position here the club centrifugal force is going to start pulling the club head

Down and he’s and and the players intentionally dropping the club head on the ball it’s not as if it happens automatically he’s trying to drop it right on the on the golf ball and then when he gets to impact and that’s quite close to impact let’s see

Where it goes let’s go to this one we’ll call this slightly post impact all right now if you’ve been watching any of my videos from the shoulder down to the handle down to the club head when you get in a straight line it has to occur after

Impact and that’s and he is he’s still not in a straight line maybe about right there he gets in a straight line he gets into a straight line from the left shoulder to the handle the club way past impact look where he is right here the club head is still just coming

Off the ground now you can see the divot look at the left wrist okay that is uh we call a bow left wrist that is a what a good player’s doing right there great stuff but notice where he is when the club is just about parallel

Ground see the the glove of the left hand underneath the right forearm again all the things that shown you guys plenty of these videos there you go right there he’s released the club he’s not holding the club all the way through impact he’s he’s releasing it he just releases it

Later it’s all it is 220 yard six irm not bad I got one more video for you from will all right thanks

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