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The Blake Snell Situation Keeps Getting WORSE

Two-time Cy Young winner Blake Snell is in a bizarre situation. Even though he’s one of the best pitchers currently in the MLB, he remains a free agent that no team is willing to sign.

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Blake Snell is one of the best pitchers in the MLB so how in the world is he still a free agent well we are how many days away are we from opening day and Blake snell a two-time Sai Young Award winner the defending NL Sai Young Award

Winner is still not sign he doesn’t have a team he’s just sitting at home working out waiting for a call I mean I I don’t I don’t really understand what’s going on with this right now or MLB free agency as a whole but what is going on why isn’t Blake Snell signed yet

This s situation is very challenging to understand I I do think he’s a little overrated I don’t know that he should have been the saong winner I’m still really really yeah whatever I’m not going to get into the whole Cub situation at the end of last year and

How how many different things were choked on the individual and Team level but um whether or not he’s a deserving sa young this time around he’s a top 10 to 20 starter in the league at the very worst there’s certainly demand for him so why are we three weeks from opening

Day and he doesn’t have a team it’s got to come down to agent stuff um people who are off I I imagine Blake snow wants to be throwing I mean I’m sure he’s throwing but I’m sure he wants to be with the team getting his spring innings

In striking out some double A teenagers you know who wouldn’t love that and there’s got to be a market for him and I’m sure you Pat know who his agent is it’s Scott Boris um and B and Snell is not the only Boris candidate or Boris uh

Client rather who is a bit puzzlingly out of work you’ve got a Montgomery you’ve got JD Martinez but Snell is definitely the biggest name you have to imagine Boris is asking for more than teams actually want to give Snell and he’s just waiting for someone to fall

Into crisis like maybe Garrett Cole has elbow tightness and the Yankees Panic or like something like that um kind of the thing that free that like free agent Fringe starter quarterbacks do but you don’t usually see it with a high-profile player like snow usually they’ll get their Mega deal but there’s real

Concerns with him like the fact that he walks everybody or he throws five innings a game so he shouldn’t get get Garrett coloney but he should definitely have a job yeah I it is interesting I think what you just said about like a team in crisis mode reminds me of the

Red Sox didn’t Lucas G Alo I think the news came out today that he has a UCL problem and miss the season maybe that’s that’s exactly what they’re waiting on something like that in spring training there’s always something like that um and they say okay you know what we we’ll

Give you what you want we need you we need you to save our season um I also think the fact that he’s on the wrong side of 30 he’s 31 so is Jordan Montgomery by the way JD Martinez is damn near Ancient for baseball at this

Point but he’s still a great hitter I mean last year he Ops of almost 900 I think teams are just they’re wary of of these guys that are you know in their 30s they don’t want to give them long deals I think they’d rather give him you know a three-year three fouryear deal

With maybe more money per year I mean you look at Cody Bellinger and Matt Chapman three-year deals like they’re not they’re not trying to commit in the same way that man you remember the deals you know the the Albert pool’s deal with the angels um the Josh Hamilton deal

With the angels like you think of those long deals that just don’t really work out um even John Carlos Stanton I mean has he ever really lived up to his value with the Yankees I mean the Marlins got rid of him probably at a good time but

Like I think I think the days of these long contracts for guys over 30 it’s not I mean it’s just not going to happen right like I I I don’t really I don’t know it’s hard hard to see that not being a factor in this yeah I think there’s only really special

Cases like judge signed at age 30 and got his Mega deal and judge at Peak ability is a top five hitter of all time in terms of peak best hitters um not career obviously but Snow’s good he’s not that obviously Sho he’s 29 but with two UCL injuries he’s also shoh uh so

He’s incredibly special you’re not gonna see someone like Snell get a long-term deal and maybe that’s what he’s waiting for I think something along the lines of four to five years at a high aav or six to seven years at a lower one that’s probably realistic uh I I just I don’t

Know exactly what it is Snell and Boris are holding out for they’ve been really Cy about it apparently the Yankees offer is like the only one that they’ve like formally fielded and it was considered by them to be a lowball I’m not even sure I’m not sure how well Snell would

Gel um unintentional rhyme in the Bronx I mean got some hotheaded personalities and I don’t know if do you remember the 98s uh comment from Kevin cash no no oh um when Chapman like bz I think it was Chapman who buzzed some raay hitters um just because he has absolutely no

Control at all has nothing to do with trying to hurt people has to do with being bad cat was like yeah we’re not afraid I’ve got a whole stable of guys who throw 98 and I’m like are you just calling for your pitchers to hit our hitters like in the head they got

T-shirts yeah they got t-shirts that said 98 and Snell was like on that team I’m pretty sure so like I don’t know there might be too much bad blood G Garrett Cole takes everything personally so I’m not sure still would be a fit in the Brocks but I’m I’m digressing a bit

Um Yankees are the only team with a real off rout time I do think he probably ends up as a Yankee pitching against the Rays four or five times a year but it’s really hard to know how at this point because um I don’t know Yanks aren’t

Going to raise their offer and who knows when Boris will do you think there’s any chance Snell makes it to opening day without a team like probably I mean but I think it it comes down to like stubbornness like what you’re talking about with Boris and and whatever negotiations are going on I

Mean I still think like if I’m if I’m the Angels I’m I’m getting him man if you look at the Angels rotation I don’t even know half of these guys I think Reed deur is their like number one right now and that’s I mean that’s something

Like like you have I don’t know I if you have Mike Trout and you know you’re kind of you got him in his prime I don’t even know if he’s in his prime anymore but like like you need to get him some help and you just lost sh Otani if I’m the

Angels I’m going to getting Blake Snell I’m going to get Jordan montg gery I’m going I’m getting someone man like what are they doing I hate to say it Mike Trout is not this is a digression Mike Trout is not in his prime forget the plateau of 150

Games he hasn’t played 120 since 2019 yeah um it’s over it sucks to say he’s 32 with a bad injury history I don’t know if the Angels consider themselves to be in win now they made a weird win now move by not trading Shi at

The deadline last year but I I mean are they the single worst run organization in sports like did they top the Bears and the Jets and the and like and the Blue Jackets and stuff because they are man they’ve got randone on the books they they squandered sh and trout at the

Same time I don’t know I feel like they they might be the team to overpay for Snell but I I don’t think they have any business um grabbing a pitcher who’s 31 and probably only has two or three prime years left the way he way he approaches

His arm and yeah you know what they they probably should have got a guy like Blake snow when they had Shi too like they they probably waited too long and you’re right they should have they should have traded him and got something back because now they just look like

Fools um we also have who else is there okay another guy’s sleeper uh free agent that’s still not signed is Michael Taylor he had a great year last year uh War people War loves him I think he’s a great defensive outfielder like I feel you could lowkey make a like a good

Lineup slash like roster some of the free agents still left out there especially compared to like I don’t know the Pittsburgh Pirates current you know depth chart um I don’t know it it is confusing to see I think it’s it’s kind of a sign of of of the times man like

These teams are just like you know what we’re good we’re not going to overpay and no one else is apparently except the Dodgers honestly if I’m a player I’m I am calling the Dodgers and I’m saying hey man like give me that money give me

That the coin if you and and it’s funny you mentioned no one you know none of these big free agents are going to get the money they want at their age the only guy who got like a somewhat representative payday that was holding out for a little while is Bellinger and

Bellinger he’s already gone through like a rise Peak fall in a Resurgence so it’s easy to forget the dude just turned 28 yeah so I mean you look at I think that’s kind of the arbitrary barrier that teams want to see you want someone who’s healthy earlier than 2930 and none

Of the other fit the bill Matt Chapman didn’t get a Mega deal I don’t believe he was one of the other late holdouts it’s going to be really interesting to see um not just when these guys go but whether it’ll be them who caves and accepts a lower payday or if teams cave

Get desperate and give them the money they want I don’t I feel like this is a new phenomenon I don’t remember sitting around in you know early to mid-march and talking about big players still looking for a home obviously Fringe guys who can be helpful but the reigning side

Young winner that’s that’s new certainly not I mean I remember when when teams were like bidding for stars like it was an actual bidding war between two three four teams and now you have a two-time sa young reigning saong not like not signed at all it it is wild to me yeah

Remember when the winter meetings were like when stuff went down that was like me refreshing the the old ESPN app like hot stove alerts every 30 minutes during those four days and in the winter and now it was I did I didn’t even notice the winter meetings happened I got

Excited I was like ah the yikes are going to extend Juan sto but yeah it’s everything the whole calendar has changed and it’s just like it’s got to be a leverage play uh so many of these guys being Boris clients is absolutely not uh any sort of a

Coincidence obviously Boris is great at what he does he’s gotten some crazy paydays I believe he was the or you know he orchestrated the Robbie Canó quarter billion dollar deal uh that was wild but uh I I don’t know if at this point he’s pushed the envelope too much like is

This even best for forget being good for the teams is this even best for his clients is this going to be the is Blake snow gonna get what he wants out of this is Scott Boris killing baseball that’s our NE that’s the next topic all right well that is all we have

For this segment um let us know what you guys think about MLB free agency when when and where will Blake Snell sign um and some of these other guys Jordan Montgomery JD Martinez the rest of them um we’ll be back next week talking baseball softball we we’ll be talking

Diamond Sports for sure thanks guys is


  1. I see why this is happening its because of what has happened to Trevor Bauer, what soever you sow that shell you also reap and what goes around comes around

  2. Look at his career statistics only 2 good years no complete games in his career his other six years he's 46-51

  3. The reason he's not signed is that he has a greedy agent who wants to get paid as if Snell was the most valuable pitcher in MLB. When he is a guy who led all the leagues in walks and never goes deeper than 5 innings so all his games are decided by the bullpen anyway.

  4. Gee, who wouldn’t want a 5 inning starting pitcher who wants a 9 year deal worth $270 million? If Snell was willing to take a 3 year deal for $80-$90 million he would already be signed.

  5. "Even though he's one of the best pitchers currently in the MLB, he remains a free agent that no team is willing to sign." This quote by you is a flat out lie. The Yankees offered him a contract, and there are several other teams interested in signing him. You need to be careful writing lies like this. You can get sued. Stop with your lies! I have two sisters who are attorneys who can make your life miserable!

  6. Snell had two Cy Young seasons. The other 6 seasons have been injury-marred. He is a huge liability. Just like Strasburg.

  7. I can answer why Snell stil unsigned; His agent, Boras, is waiting to see if a team is willing to sign Snell for a big contract. No one will sign him for a long contract, I think….

  8. There is a market for a career "good", not great pitcher! 2 good seasons and openly wants to pitch 5 innings! Teams are not stupid!

  9. I’m from San Diego intimately watch Blake snell over the years here and I can tell you it’s a major gamble with him. You don’t know who you’re going to get are you getting good Blake Snell or bad Blake Snell and I can tell you Blake now with a good contract is going to be more bad Blake Snell very good Blake Snell for sure

  10. why would the angels sign snell or montgomery??? these guys are borderline rebuild mode. if anything, they should shed themselves of trout and their aging players for picks and prospects. heck even if the angels signed all three of snell, montgomery and martinez, they won't come close to making the playoffs.

  11. Blake Snell isn’t going to move the Red Sox more than one spot. They aren’t going to pay 100 million to finish 4th in the division and miss the playoffs.

  12. Wow hard dig at the Jets and Bears as being the "worst run organizations" along with the Angels. That's an absurdly bad take and I don't even care about them.

  13. Yankees should take advantage of Blake Snell situation of not being signed yet and offer him 2 years $40 million or get him as rental for $ 22 million. Especially now Gerrit Cole getting MRI for his pitching arm elbow. With Blake Snell in Yankees starting pitching gives the Yankees a better chance to win # 28 then their starting pitching rotation with 3 questions mark. Its Blake Snell and Scott Boras fault that he hasn’t been signed yet because of greed.

  14. He’s asking to much money for a pitcher the rarely goes past 6 inn. Here’s the get off my lawn moment. Bob Gibson had 251 wins in his career and pitched 255 complete games. In 1968 alone, he had 28 complete games. Arm injuries didn’t shorten Gibby’s career, bad knees did that. When Gibby was pitching coach for the Braves, he would throw BP and still threw in the mid 90’s. Blake Snell has never had a complete game in his entire career. For $30-40 million a year, I want to see him finish what he started.

  15. Robbie Cano was under ROC Nation Sports Agency (Jay Z), the biggest deals he's done recently was Corey Seager for $325M over 10 years in 2021, it's now been a couple years since he got his guys a big payday and players are going to realize that changing agencies is going to matter, if they want to get the deal with the team they want to play for either in terms of geography or overall competitiveness. Blake Snell says he wants to be in Seattle, the whole point of having Boras is to prioritize money above all else… Don't believe me?! His last big deal before Corey Seager was the Anythony Rendon $245M/7 years in 2019… In fact, I would say that Ohtani would've been a perfect fit for Boras, as he's a west coast agency, he clearly is about extracting the largest possible payday, he's done a ton of deals with the Dodgers and Angels, but most importantly, Ohtani wanted silence, which is how Boras operates… This tells you how bad his reputation is as a player agent, when Ohtani is such a clear fit and still would rather get a different agent to run the negotiations.

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