Golf Players

Denny Neagle RETURNS and Jonathan Silverman is HERE | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 108

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guests: Denny Neagle, Jonathan Silverman and Matt Neverett.

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Ryan McCormick:

#PunchLines #PunchFrankNicotero #SouthPointStudio

Sh the top hey everybody Welcome to punch signs I’m Frank Nicko longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and we have we have a packed week of shows ladies and gentlemen it’s going to be super fun uh I can at least I have to introduce uh but I don’t do the pictures

Yet right we’ll just say uh wait Denny Nagel is here ladies and gentl you know I’ve been talking about there he is there’s Jerry or Ro jumping out so Denny is there’s Denny Nagle ladies and gent yay show the guns there you go Denny’s gonna be here for the rest of the week

We’ve been talking about this all sorts of great baseball guest coming up but before we even intro Denny properly with all the pictures I have of him I’m going to put my headphones on because our producer Ryan McCormick uh hold on what’s up Ryan there’s Ryan hey Ryan

McCormick Ryan McCormack is at the orans Arena where the WCC tournament is happening and Ryan wanted to check in Ryan what’s up what’s up guys how you doing good man what what’s the action there like what’s going on so do just opened we got gonzaga’s women on the floor starts last year

One all I know is ginag is in the house did did they Supply mics over there no we’re fine yeah building yeah the building’s going to be packed and you’re GNA be the in-house director on these games you’ll be back tomorrow when Denny is back and I think we have Sean

Casey tomorrow my God it’s going to be amazing the mayor I can’t wait um so uh are you having fun over there the the crowds are good yeah yeah the crowd was amazing last night the gak San Francisco game started off as a really comp back at the end of the first all

Right you know what I have to say about that what it’s no one’s fault ladies and gentlemen uh Ryan you’re gonna be back tomorrow yep all right we will see Ryan in the studio continu so this is why he’s he’s got a doctor’s not he allowed to be there doing on assignment Ryan

Ryan mccormic ladies and gentlemen there’s Ryan all right yay Ryan love you Ryan all right it’s live television ladies and gentlemen oh and that shot’s still great he just did you see what he just did he gave he’s flipping us off right now yeah Oh I thought he was trying to get some

Beads uh all right on the show ladies G let’s give him the proper intro Matt are we ready for this this is going to be good so let’s get into it he’s starting his residency here oh you can take these off now yeah okay we can take these off

Till Johnny’s on all right you guys probably could have just left him off the whole time we probably really didn’t need him for we didn’t really need him for anything uh starting his residency for the week here at the South Point is a man who is a bigger Legend than Wayne

Newton a man who goes by only one name like Vegas Queen Adele a man who has given lap dances on the Strip more than the men of magic mik a man who has spilled more beer than the bagio founds his spewed water and he can light up a

Room more than Vegas’s brand new sphere it’s World Series champ two time allar Denny n Go Danny you’re on the sphere oh man a little horsey that little horse on the TR that cost us that’s costing us $500,000 but we did it we got you on we

Got you on the sphere there you are nice look at that look at that picture I’ve made it yeah they gave us the hometown discount normally it’s like 600k for one of those we had it for half mil yeah we spent all our money on that and not on

Ryan’s audio so that’s where all the money went we did it we we did everything backwards today but uh anyway welcome so uh Denny uh we met in Pittsburgh his rookie year the day he got CAU up uh called up we met at a bar kangaroos kangaroos

Kangaroos man on mcnight road we’ve been friends ever since and you have uh graciously decided to come in town to talk baseball a week you’ve lined up some amazing guests and you brought your son with you yeah Grizzly Adams if you want to I can’t believe that can you

Step in here just show the last time I saw him he did not have any facial hair and now what the hell look at this look at this huh that’s all real can tug on that and how long pelv yeah and how long have you been on Duck

Dynasty that is amazing oh yeah growing about three years now three years three years it looks amazing I don’t have that much patience for anything I don’t there’s I couldn’t grow that at all uh anyway we’re glad you came out with your dad you guys are going to have a trip

Yes is this your first trip to Vegas by the way uh if you have first trip for fun really were you working wa there’s a couple different kinds of Vegas trips yeah yeah well welcome we’re glad you’re here and uh that you came with your dad

So thank you very much for being here way I know well there you go excellent uh so anyway I found a couple pictures of Denny and I that I were on my phone last night and that is uh is Pete uh Pete Harish you played with Pete Harish

I played with that’s Pete Harish former major leager played with Houston which by the way I’m wearing a Houston Jersey but it’s allowed because well because you had a fastball pretty similar to Nolan Ryan to Nolan Ryan so there’s Nolan Ryan yesterday I had the first ever uh Steelers Russell Wilson Jersey I

Don’t know if you saw yesterday did you really I just taped up sign on said Wilson uh but anyway there’s Danny and I this throw pick uh what’s that yeah did you throw a pick I did I overthrew the show so there’s a picture of Denny and I

At this golf tournament Connor cares Pete Harish there’s a whole bunch of us where are you Denny are you in the pink shirt I in the pink shirt yes and there’s me that’s the location I was always in for any team photo cuz I was always the short guy in the front

Usually in Little League I’d be holding a sign that would say the minor league team in the league I was and I was always Jersey one cuz that was the small bar and grill exactly yeah Chico’s Bail Bonds making Bad News Bears I thought I

Found this picture also of us oh yeah uh go is that you or Doug Wait no that’s Brad CL that’s Brad Clans another former reliever of the Atlanta Braves oh cuz that was I think that was the poker night the night before the golf yeah may

I think see how blurry that photo kind of is that’s kind of how that whole trip goes well I think that was the the shine coming off Brad kon’s bald head right there it was a good reliever for the Braves nice guy so uh yeah we go way

Back and we have we have a a lot of oh wait there’s another picture of us that’s us at a Redskins game where’s Melvin you’re allowed to say that too he’s behind he’s in the car behind yeah this was at a Redskins game now Denny I was

Uh I can tell you that was about I was about 40 that was about 12 years ago 09 at least well about 15 years ago now that’s 15 I’m good with math it was about about 40 it’s a new math um so what happened was the night before we

Did a show another Conor cares event another Conor cares which we’re going to get to later we can talk we can talk about Connor cares now uh or we’ll talk we’ll talk about later so uh I was uh Denny brought me to town and we were up

Very late that’s your brother number 21 and then we you had season tickets to the then Redskins commanders and then you had to catch a train I had to catch a flight back to LA right after the game ended and I had brought my suitcase with me and Denny I remember they’re like

He’s never going to make it I’m like which way do I get a cab and like just go that way and the last vision is just me dragging a cart I somehow made the flight he literally looked like John Candy and plane J automobile like pull

Pulling the the trunk it was so sad and they’re like he’s never going to make it he’s not going to make it you’ll never make it I made it and my phone died out the plane and I was on the bulkhead seat hung over drunk I don’t know what I was

But that was my one experience at a Redskins game and I can’t remember if they won or lost or they probably lost probably lost I think they’re playing the Eagles but anyway those are some pictures from our past and uh coming up in uh I was going to say 15 minutes

Which was your jersey number we have uh an old buddy of yours actor uh Jonathan Silverman’s going to be here so we’ll get to Johnny in about 7 minutes or so who was it who saw weekend of Bernie for the first time uh kayen he’s not here

Today now wait a second kayen he had he just saw a Weekend at Bernie’s like recently Kaden’s 20 years old yeah I was going to say correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t he say hey I just saw this classic movie this weekend yeah he’s like oh I’ve never you ever SE this

Movie weekend at Bernie I’m like yeah I saw when it came out 30 years ago so there’s Jonathan Silverman on the left Andrew McCarthy of course nice little collage put together by Matt ever so Kaden Kaden wrote me uh because he’s not here he goes hey I won’t be in today but

I had just one question for Jonathan was Bernie actually dead seemed like it in both movies I don’t know that’s acting right there I don’t know how to answer this I don’t think so I mean last I checked Hollywood doesn’t let you film with dead gu I don’t think so just the

30s Jake Paul tried that once and it didn’t really go well for him God that’s right now what do you think of him fighting Mike Tyson Jak his brother you know it’s it’s such a shame oh that was his brother Logan filmed the dead body Jake

Who’s going to be a dead body after myON so what do you think of this Tyson fight correct me if I’m wrong but did um aren’t they going to wear like headgear and stuff and the bigger gloves I heard I don’t know that I don’t know that I I

Don’t know cuz somebody somebody posted that the other day or something so I’m not sure that’s not that’s not that’s not boxing then no you know honestly the way I look at it it’s going to be a lot like the Logan Paul fight against against Mayweather you know Mayweather

Could have knocked him out like three or four different times silly you know but the only thing that does scare me is that what if God forbid Jake does because Jake can fight I me I’ll give him credit he can fight yeah and what if he gets lucky and catches him he’s

Tyson’s what 57 he’ll be 58 when the fight happens you know and let’s face it I mean it’s biology man you know I mean he can’t take as many punches as he could when you know when he was younger so that that’s going to kill me if he

Gets lucky and get a punch in now were you oh yeah hold on I was I just looked it up so as of eight hours ago okay Ariel helani is taking his time away from the UFC to report on this which is saying something it was originally

Reported that the fight will be a sparring match with 18 o gloves and headguards however Ariel helwani this morning saying in his podcast that it’ll be a heavyweight fight hoping to get it sanctioned professionally by the Texas commission uh because they’re fighting at Jerry World helwani also adamant

There will be no headgear whatsoever and it will have the feel of a regular boxing fight we could only get so lucky yeah it has to be and it’s free on Netflix too yeah is it really yeah I’ll give you my password and anyone can

Watch it but yeah I mean if they were headgear then I feel like we’re cheated yeah yeah I hope they don’t and I hope Tyson just knocks out oh my God everyone everyone in America does and that’s why people are gonna watch it I will watch

It and I will wager on it if possible I did lose my biggest bet ever I lost uh $500 on Tyson uh when he bit he bit the other I had left here and he bit right ear and my buddy Frank merger who’s Frank Mer’s probably

Watching he had $1,000 on it so we’ll never forget that fight because we had Tyson to win and he bit the guy’s ear and spit it on the ground and we’re like so does that disqualify the BET Amer let me your ears since he bit his ear off my God uh

Now you landed just a few hours ago yes you came in from Colorado came in from Colorado I had to be here for my boy Frank I appreciate it man at the South Point absolutely yep I would have got in last night but we had our first game of

The regular season that I’m coaching at Chatfield High School back in shout out Chatfield Littleton okay all right very good Matt lived in Colorado for in Highlands Ranch for a while so dude we were we were playing Cherry Creek who was preseason number under ranked number

One in the state we were up four to2 going in the last inning and we blew it in the last inning they tied it up 44 then they went up 54 in the eighth we tied it up then they W up 65 and then we

Tied it up again and then so the game suspended oh Cliffhanger Jesus my uh my freshman year at Mountain Vista oh nice y they couldn’t call the left hand you couldn’t come in coaches you remember Dave’s right handed pit yeah so he was the pitching coach for for Cherry Creek they

Beat us last year in a tough game so I I wanted that rematch this year and I was like oh this is killing me man now we’re talking about Mike Tyson and Jake Paul in this fight and everything were you ever in a real baseball scrum like a big

Time fight nobody ever wanted to charge me Frank come on man no no I was I was you know in a couple of those just like shoving and pushing mates probably the best one that ever not didn’t happen but came close was when I was with the Reds in 99 we

Were going for the playoffs last week last couple weeks of the Season uh St we’re playing St Louis they’re out of it okay and I I’m winning like 3 to one like we’re titer got a one game lead and long story short I drill Fernando tatis

Senior on like a onew pitch we’re up by two you know two obviously not I’m ticked off because I hit him I don’t want to put a guy on base you know so I’m like dang it man I’m rubbing the ball I look up and there’s Tony larusa

With his arms fold staring me down right you know I look up I go what the hell are you looking at old man like what’ you say like you know like you HT me get your butt out so he starts coming out you know he

Wants to charge me man I almost go at it with Tony larusa oh my God and you know so nothing ever happened but after the game there was a pitcher named Mark Thompson that was with us earlier in the year now he’s with St Louis and I was

Already meeting him for a beer and he goes n you’ll love it man I’m coming back out of the showers walking pass his office he goes Hey Thomas come here you know Nagel right he goes yeah I’m going to meet him for a beer he goes tell him

I love that [ __ ] man nice yeah there you go yeah lusso psycho but yeah okay oh we’re going to take a break all right we’re going to take a break and then we’re going to come back with Jonathan Silverman is that right okay lot more to

Go whole week we’ll be right back on punchlines Frank Denny Nel South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first class Las Vegas Resort did you know our 400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s top destinations for live entertainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas

Entertainers fanss and Today’s Hottest comedians plus a rock and dance floor you can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel all the vies of Old Las Vegas enjoy the music and if you love to laugh don’t miss the dirty at 12:30 our very own

Free comedy show every Friday night at 12:30 a.m. in the Grand View Lounge the dirty is 100% free so arrive early go to South Point or call the box office at 7713 for today’s performances at the showroom and the Grand View Lounge when you’re ready for your

Favorite cocktail stop in and unwind at one of our seven specialty lounges there’s a bar around every corner cuz you’re in Vegas baby South plink Casino has plenty of attractions for the whole family catch a movie our 16 screen movie theater includes two XD extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and

Luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our oldfashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and Sundays at katees there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to

Spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a pro shop snack bar and arcade and while the kids are bowling you can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking

The lanes for our more serious and professional bowlers the south point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza so Denny Nagel has just landed as we said he’s in studio all week uh Matt nett is producing today for Ryan Ryan will be back tomorrow we’ll be able to

Hear Ryan tomorrow when he’s here in the studio and he loaned me a Nolan Ryan Jersey again as a Die Hard pirate fan I’m allowed to wear this because it’s Nolan Ryan who was like I mean he was he was one of my heroes I love Nolan Ryan

Well I told you when you have a Fastball The rival’s his too you can wear that I could throw it’s the legs it’s a lower body I always told you you throw harder if you use your legs um joining us as a friend and we’ll get the story of how

You guys met uh I’ve met this gentleman a couple times great guy he’s an actor and when you talk baseball you got to mention Little Big League he was in Little Big League and we have uh many pictures of him playing I don’t know how many Dodger All-Star games celebrity

Allar games he’s playing Jonathan Silverman is here ladies and gentlemen Jonathan yeah I was gentlemen good to see you I was going to say Johnny do you think Jim Bowers had an fast ball arrival Nolan Ryan um I don’t think so I think I was about 20 25 miles hour short

But God that was a fun gig I think it was the most fun gig I ever had you know what so let’s talk about little big league for a second if you don’t mind Matt neverett our producer uh said he looked up you can actually buy Jim Bowers jerseys online and they’re going

For like a hundred bucks by the way like $92 yeah so I want to buy one you loan me 100 bucks a little little price I was wondering if you were getting a the action on that so you said that was probably one of your favorite uh roles

You’ve ever played I mean that movie I’ve seen probably I don’t know at least 10 times 20 times it’s that and rookie of the year they were all on all the time is that right up there with what was the Pittsburgh one you had the P

Fish say Pittsburg there you go the fish fish that saved Pittsburgh fish that saved Pittsburgh I’m not allowed to say Pittsburgh every time I say it during Lent I get a $5 fine I’m not I’m not the one telling you’re good yeah no no that’s okay but anyway tell us about

Your experience on Little Big League uh Little Big League was such a blast I mean every day was I going to work was putting on a uniform and going to the to the Dome where the twins used to play and getting to actually pitch against Ken Griffey Jr and Paul O’Neal and

Carlos bayera and and then they gave me all the funny lines I guess I was not only a relief pitcher I was the comic relief pitcher so I to play baseball and be funny that’s like a dream if I could like eat ice cream and have sex then

It’s done it’s the dream gig right there he didn’t do that behind the scenes no uh I have one question that my friends and I were always wondering um I again I love the movie for the baseball Montage they use the song Runaround Sue which

Never made sense to me and you’re like a baseball moon to Ty don’t keep away from running around too and you’re like they’re turning double plays I’m like what who was the music consultant on this film but I mean it’s I’m not sure there was a there was a big fat budget

And there was a big fat budget for music and I I remember early on because I think I think they put together that sequence or or a version of that sequence within a few weeks of of shooting and we all gathered around and watched it and that was just the temp

Track was like that’s got a fun beat run around too and we’re like I can’t wait to see what the real music is that they’re going to put in and then the movie came out and it’s still run around too which would be good for like a

Softball game movie but I don’t quite understand it but who who was it who directed that one Johnny uh he’s a lovely guy his name is Andy shinan and at the time he was one of the five principal owners of Castle Rock along with Rob

Riner and he was such a baseball fan and such a a movie purist that his goal for this project was to get as many athletes actual baseball players to either play themselves or versions of themselves and whatever acting roles that he was casting to play baseball players he

Wanted to make sure that these actors could play baseball um Kevin cner had already done 16 baseball movies at the time so you know he was ruled out um but uh uh Billy Crystal had done a number of uh of Castle Rock movies obviously and

Andy had asked him he said hey do you know any do you know any actors who could play baseball and he said well you know I do know this one guy I’ve played with him a few times his name is Jonathan Silverman really good baseball player I mean really good I’ve never

Seen him act I don’t know if he’s any good but he could play baseball that’s how he got the job thanks Billy now did you meet Crystal at some of these Dodger celebrity games that you play in all the time that was once once a year they had this fantastic

Game it was baseball then it turned into softball now I think it doesn’t exist um because you know we have to pay $90 for a hot dog now that we have ch on the team and it’s well worth it but back in the day every August they would have

This this classic uh and it was just a bunch of you know Yahoo actors like myself playing baseball and it was it was it was a highlight it was a blast we have we have some photos of it right don’t we oh God do we have some photos

Of the Dodger the him playing Let’s see we got some softball I don’t know if we video we just I so we got to p a couple of old softball uh celebrity softball pictures that’s not hold on this one here there it is okay well well look at

That swing see look W look at the legs see look at the swing Denny what would you say about that swing there um doesn’t look so balanced maybe a little it looks like I’m taking a poop yeah I’m going to guess a roll over to third yeah

A little Top Hand on that one and then what am I doing in the other picture I’m like adjusting my yamaka yeah that was correct if I’m wrong but wasn’t Kevin ster in that movie though too Kevin ster because that’s when he was trying to become an actor Kevin ster shorts oh go

Ahead Jonathan sorry he was yeah he had just uh you know he had played on the on the championship Mets ball club and uh he blew out his shoulder and he couldn’t play for an entire year and very handsome fella very talented fella and

Uh he got the job as our Short Stop well of course Dan I mean if you if you if you were available back then as an actor um so yeah Kevin got the gig but the problem was he obviously would would play beautifully he would make a you

Know a gorgeous backhanded stab but he couldn’t throw the ball to First his base anymore because his arm was was was messed up so he would just throw it past the camera and it looked once they edited that you know he fired it to first base but he threw it like 11 feet

Oh my God but uh but he was great and then the next year the Rangers picked him up any one comeback Player of the Year that’s right so just goes to show you kids it doesn’t work out in baseball go do movie and then you see I would

Have loved a couple like cuts and re re-shoot it you know whatever on some of those home runs I gave up you couldn’t do that that was un uh Kevin eler I just used him on a Immaculate grid the other day as a as someone who played for uh uh

The the short stop I it was a short stop for the Mets and I did Kevin ster proud of you yeah dude it’s so funny because yeah Frank will text me my the varsity team that I coached yesterday they’re like coach I keep using you all the time

In Immaculate grid I go I get messages all the time using me it’s unbelievable and and it’s always cool because I I’m always waiting to see if there it’s going to be a Braves picture or a Yankees picture because they have a couple different ones for you but yeah I

Send it to all the time um I you know you’ve done you’ve done a couple Sports movies uh catty Shack 2 which by the way I I’m gonna go ahead and say right now Jonathan first of all I like that movie I saw it in the theater and I almost

Prefer the Kenny loggin song from two over I’m all right almost it’s that good and I listened to it the other day when I knew you were coming on the show because it’s in my rotation but now did you get to play a lot of golf was that as fun

Um I did play a lot of golf and prep for that movie um as Denny will attest to I’m not much of a golfer as a matter of fact I I think I played in in in in a in a tournament for Denny uh and I didn’t

Even have clubs and uh he gave me a set of his fat shafts and this is totally legit I’m not saying anything wa a second hold on extra fat shaft yeah um and it looked like something that came out of the Rodney Dangerfield collection just this

Big obnoxious red bag and it says fat sha um and I think I still I think I still have those still your he’s still holding my fat CH always always got your driver close to me um now growing up you grew up in Los so were you a diart Dodger fan Laker fan

Rams fan what yes yes and yes still a big Dodger fan and even with the $90 you know hot dog I’m so excited about this year uh and yes big Laker fan you know I grew up a Rams fan uh and then almost like my parents got divorced they they

Left um and then the Raiders came to town it was like a stepdad for a couple years and then they left and then we had nothing um and now it’s just ironic that there’s you know 16 teams playing in Los Angeles right now but I think Johnny

Didn’t you used to have a poster who was it Vince farag or Vince farag God he was the Italian he played the Steelers in the Super Bowl Vince and then the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Matt you want that question yeah Jonathan question for you you were high school classmates with David swimer

What’s a good David schwimer story that we may not know um wow okay I’ve got I’ve got one um yes David David schwimer has been a lifelong friend we went we went to school together we grew up together um David uh was always the finest actor in

Our in our class in our drama class uh and it was filled with very fine actors some of our upper classmen were Nicholas Cage who known as as nicka not a lot of people know he was an actor but Lenny kravis was in our in our

In our in our school but but David was always destined for greatness and when he went off to college at Northwestern he formed his own Theater Company um but when he came back to LA it was It was kind of rough going for him he would get

You know a cool gig um you know like a reoccurring on NYPD Blue and Wonder Years he was on when I was a kid he was he played exceptional work but it’s still he was waiting tables you know at at the grill restaurant in in Studio City and

He said you know what I think I’ve had enough of this crap I uh I’m giv up on Hollywood um I I got cast in this one pilot it’s not very good it’s not going to go anywhere and as soon as we get the notice that it’s not picked up I’m

Moving back to Chicago fulltime I’m just going to do my theater and come visit me when you can we’ll you know we’ll do a play together and it turned out to be a little program called friends oh my God that is tremendous wow that’s crazy

Jesus um so what else uh so you follow uh sports do do you gamble on Sports at all are you a sports Gambler um I waste my money on so many other things no I’ve never I’ve never really been a a gambler um um I I have a uh a fantasy baseball

Team that might be as close as a gets and and I I don’t I don’t you know have the the $2,000 buy and it’s like 200 but wait yeah well real quick I was golfing with pan hardish and Nagle we showed the picture earlier they’re like they’re talking about their fantasy league

They’re like you want in I’m like yeah what is it they’re like was it like 10 grand okay two grand still I’m not doing that I’m like I’ll do $200 because then I’m already biting my nails on a $200 league if I was in a 200000 League I’d never

Sleep and I would just stare at a waiver wire the whole time so uh you’re not a gambler but let me ask you this question about the dodg the Dodgers over under this year here at the south point total wins would you like to take a guess at

What we have the Dodgers set for season wins uh 103 it’s 103 and a half holy ma maybe you should good gamble Mr Silverman interesting so 103 and a half they had they had Yamamoto they had sh Otani and they also had Tyler glass now

Who is I’m a pirates fan so I’m telling you he’s a pirate local yeah but he’s from he’s from Santa Clarita he’s from Southern California exactly so I mean and he’s starting the open yeah he’s opening starter he’s like yeah he’s like Freddy Freddy wow Ron Freddy PK who also played

For the Pirates and is probably my height I used him in an Immaculate grid because I loveed Freddy PK who was my he like 5 five who once hit three homers in a game I don’t know how you do that uh I I hit four in a whiffle ball game once

And that was a close close but the Dodgers I mean you have to feel good about this roster in this lineup I mean they’re even like 12 and three in spring training right now but I mean 10 three and a half seems like they’re going to

Go over that yes but will they pull together the you know the 13 14 games they need need to win an actual World Series before that happen will they win one game the opening Division Series will that happen that opening round against Arizona last year I had the

Dodgers in every game then they lost game one I’m like all right was Kershaw game two was I think Kershaw was game two so I’m like all right Clayton he shook you know he won this he got his ring the postseason Jinx and then it was

5 nothing before he got an out or something speaking of him I haven’t heard has he committed yet or they staying in La be playing until you know good that that would be one of those ones I couldn’t even imagine seeing him another he does not belong

He’s going to be one of the last guys to not to wear one uniform like someone like Joey vad now I don’t know if you’ve heard about Joey vad lately poor Joey Vado was put posting these videos which we’ve showed on the show of him like at

The a wash uh Car Wash and like him going this isn’t spring training then he said he’s not going to put his carts back to the cart return until he gets signed and thankfully the blue jay signed him into a minor league deal which is where he’s from Smart yeah he’s

A local guy I mean if he was going to play anywhere else I was happy at least got to go with his not really not really but you know lots of ties in Cincinnati the doctor diss my surgery is still the red team doctor and I’ve heard nothing

But the best things about him so I’m happy for him but I again I wish he would have stayed in Cincinnati because I love seeing guys like that finish their career with one team yeah who are your favorite ball players growing up were they all Dodgers because I I grew

Up I was Ron SE and Reggie Smith and and Steve Garvey that era absolutely you know my favorite ball player growing up was Manny Moda he was just he was just the pinch hitter but you know he also played for the Pirates yes he did and

Vic davo was another guy off the bench for the Dodgers you sure it wasn’t Pedro Guerrero Pedro wow Frank knows that one too yes it probably was it probably was but yes but because I guess as an eight nyear old kid every time I would go to a

Dodger game the score would be tied and Manny Moda would come in the ninth inning and Off the Bench and hit a single to win the game it was incredible it was and the public address Manny Mota I remember cuz my first games even

Though I I lived in La for a while with my but we moved out there my dad was doing stuff and and my first games are at Dodger Stadium and Manny Moda and I think I almost want to say I was at the game where he set the pinch hitting

Record I think he broke it was like Smokey Burgess who was another pirate I think had the record and I was there I think when mannyo broke it and then there’s a another was it maybe Lenny Harris might have iten Harris Lenny Harris another guy good memory right I

Know I’m like I’m telling you Bas Dave Hansen had it forve John vanderwal might have like cuz I know he had a ton of former pirate everyone’s a former pirate this is like audio imaculate on that baseball cruise with him those are the days that’s right and uh I just want to

Go back to how you guys met and then we’ll let Jonathan go so how did you guys meet so in 1997 J day right farmer Farmers no in 1997 I made my second All-Star team and Johnny was in an awesome show that I still don’t think got enough

Credit called sing guy yeah it was great Johnny wasn’t it between friends and Seinfeld in that slot on Thursday night the best thing about that show was the time SL between the two he’s not giving himself enough credit great show but so it was me chipper glav and Maddox we’re

All sitting there and in the flats in Cleveland for the All-Star Galla the night before the game and Johnny walked by and I said hey there goes a single guy right there you know and uh chipper and glavin was like come on nigs you’re the you’re the talker whatever you know

Go introduce yourself so I went up and I said hey Johnny I said Denny Nel I’m here with Chipper Jones and Tom glavin I said the guys would love to meet you and he goes yeah I’d love to so he came over and then we start uh you know shooting

The crap with him and his dad and stuff and and I was telling Frank earlier Johnny how I told your dad I was like you know the movie that I swear doesn’t he doesn’t get enough credit for is stealing home with jod Foster and his dad was like I’m telling you that’s the

Best movie tell Jonathan that too you know and so we hit it off that night and then you know this was way before you know any kind of cool messages and stuff so I get back to the room the night after the game and Johnny left me a

Voicemail was like you know so nice meeting you know here’s my number in La when you come out you know look me up and stuff and true to his word man I you know gave him a call when we came in the next time and we’ve just been friends

Ever since there you go and I thought it was a safe bet for us to you know be friends and hang out when you were on the Braves CU you know you would only come to town once a season and then suddenly like a year later you got

Traded and then you wound up in Colorado and you were here like every month it was exhausting Denny it’s not easy you know being your your Concierge in Los Angeles got some they are exhausting nights they are exhausting nights at times uh Jonathan thank you so much for

Joining us we really appreciate it and Denny uh thank you for calling in the F called for the righty called for the righty thanks Jim Bowers Johnny Silverman all right we’re gon we’re gonna take another break and be back Jonathan Silverman ladies and gentlemen more punch lines after This South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first class Las Vegas Resort did you know our 400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s top destinations for live ENT entainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas entertainers bands and Today’s Hottest comedians plus a rock and dance floor

You can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel all the Vibes of Old Las Vegas enjoy the music and if you love to laugh don’t miss the dirty at 12:30 our very own free comedy show every Friday night at 12:30 a.m. in the Grand View Lounge the

Dirty is 100% free so arrive early go to or call call the box office at 7713 6 for today’s performances at the showroom and the Grand View Lounge when you’re ready for your favorite cocktail stop in and unwind at one of our seven specialty lounges there’s a bar around every corner cuz

You’re in Vegas baby South Point Casino has plenty of attractions for the whole family catch a movie our 16 screen movie theater includes two XD extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our oldfashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s

Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and Sundays at katees there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family

Fun six 64 Lanes a pro shop snack bar and arcade and while the kids are bowling you can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious and professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza it’s the punchlines party ladies and gentlemen danian eagel here uh Tommy green yes yesterday legalized gambling in North Carolina Welcome uh yeah there you go North Carol you can bent North car everywhere it’s pretty much everywhere can you back in Colorado does Colorado Sports gambling yet well yeah

Because we have like the Blackhawk Casino okay Blackhawk Down um okay that’s everyone walks out I’m in blackhaw I’m down uh let’s see uh let’s get some of Denny’s Grand Slams I don’t know if he’s we always show the grand let’s go Bob Dell I knew you were going

To sayit am I giving up or am I H I don’t know yeah I don’t know if we have we’ll do this later in the week when we have smold sign we’ll have aw uh y 108 I knew you were going to say that Bob that’s the country station in Pittsburgh

That my dad worked at and Bob worked at let’s see uh it’s a lose lose but let’s try to see would Denny leave retirement for a chance to play one last season with the champion Dodgers oh 100% yeah absolutely that’s Paul Reno Paul already thinking they’re going to win the World

Series hey you just wait uh btown dummy wanted to know what sequel did Silverman enjoy making more Weekend at Bernie’s 2 or catty shag 2 I tell you the answer to that one is is weekend at Bernie 2o he had fun of those he he always makes fun

Of himself he said I I’ve tried my best to put to take uh catty sh 2 off theb I know I know that’s why I just quickly was great that you said that’s he’s just like oh he’s a good sport about it though but I saw in the theater and at

The time I loved it I thought it was I mean look cat sh and the song The Kenny loggin song I’m going all the way is better Little Big League the only time the Mariners went deep into the playoffs uh Joey B says Nagel welcome to

The gun show yeah and he says Nagel Joey B is a big Gambler what better be pulling for the CSU Rams and the the Mountain West tournament are you do you follow Colorado you du or UC or dud you know what’s funny man like I was going

To when I when I was still playing I was the guy that did all the all the NCA brackets and everything oh God you know we had the sweet 16 and this one and then the capture pulls and so man I was doing that crap every night you know

Stuff now I just haven’t followed college basketball as much the last like five to 10 years well it’s going to be heating up it’s heating up this we have five tournaments in town five tournaments in Town Colorado State 7 to one to win that one yeah and you’re

Doing what are you working tomorrow big West you’re going to be at the big West all week big West all week you’re doing play four different game four you’re doing four games tomorrow four games on Thursday yeah 11 games you was in in this one here they’re in the the

Mountain West which is at Thomas and Mack we’ve got the big West which is at Dollar Loan Center WCC is at the Orleans uh wack is at the Orleans when WCC ends and Pack 12 the men are at T-Mobile the women are at MGM Grand Garden so six if

You count that six location I I forget that the the casinos actually can host a tournament too that’s awesome and super the Super Bowl for God’s sakes which is unbelievable uh Paul brings up something interesting uh fun Manny Moto story very fun they had to stop selling his jerseys

In LA because in Spanish Moda means marijuana so that Jersey was out selling all stars Jersey and it upset the system I had no idea wow you know I like to Stick it to the Man Frank I’m all about it I could tell you a funny story about

Jersey but I don’t know if I can when I played for the Portland beavers okay well ‘s laughing our director so I think it’s clear yeah go for it can I sure go for it well dude because it was it literally in 1991 when I was in there

When I was at Portland okay it it was out selling like most of like MLB’s franchise stuff and everything too because the shirt said the Portland beavers beaver fever snatch it I swear to you they were s and then fun and it was funny and they let it

Happen until all of a sudden ml it was out selling MLB MLB stepped no no you can’t sell those did uh did did Kurt Russell design that one I will be on that I’ll be wearing that Jersey tomorrow someone can give me that right away Frank if you’ve never heard of the

The Portland beavers and know the history behind that Netflix has a documentary The Battered Bastards of Baseball Kur Russell family such a good documentary about yeah it was his dad right that owned it and his name was like clip pip or something he had a really cool zip some fun baseball okay

Well here’s the thing across the street from where at my house in uh in Los Angeles uh Wyatt Russell lived there so Wyatt Russell’s Curt Goldie son so I got to know him and I said hey man Battered Bastards of Baseball I said I bought the

DVD for like a friend I watched it 100 times before it was even on Netflix it is tremendous it was VHS a VHS and a beta tremendous docum and that’s right that was the Portland beavers yep all right have we what’s the count on beavers today how many times uh five so

Far all right we’re GNA go this is show number 108 so we want to show some famous jerseys number eight because there is no 108 and I told you Matt nett and you you delivered I said we have to have Wily pop star on did you ever meet

Willie starel or no I did I did like one time way back in the like one of my early earlier years in Pittsburgh and I was at the opening day for Pansy Park and he died that morning which made it all the more surreal but that was my

Hero and his middle name is dornell his name was wilver dornell starel Darnell dornell or Darnell and I got a I wrote a report where we had to pretend we were the famous person and everybody’s report my teacher said in front of the class

Was hi I’m I’m Joe neth but I went born I started off like born on a Dusky day in oklah I would grow up to hit 470 my name is anyway cuz this is the most creative one A+ and when I was moving I

Still have it I kept it this was one of the few reports I ever got an A on but anyway other number eights up there what do you remember of these guys Denny Kobe Bryant black well there’s that guy named Cal Ripkin Jr yes I mean dude seriously he’s one of

The classiest acts you’ll ever meet one of the nicest Superstars I think you’ll ever meet for real and do you still pull for the Orioles is there still a passion for talk about a team that’s up and coming man they look real good I don’t know what their odds are to win the

Series this year someone had a meme of the top four Orioles and they all look the same they all look the same they’re all like young white guys with curly hair down to their they’re all like the same they look the same they’re they’re farming them in Baltimore and then my

Dad my dad would go on a cruise every year when I was still playing and it was like Orioles it was like retired Orioles guys uh Padre’s and Red Sox cuz this guy who had worked for all three teams in some sort of capacity he lined it up you

Know so and so the the big draw was Earl lever for the reals and so my dad kept telling me and so when I was done playing my brother and I started going on with my dad that became our annual trip and it was a d to hear Earl stories

Oh my God was just awesome man there’s nothing better when Earl Weaver is arguing and he turns the hat around so he can get closer to the umpire’s face here turns the bill around now he’s here Denny do you remember the video I forget what umpire was that he was yelling at

Him he said you’re here for one reason and one reason only I can’t really say the rest forget yeah they’re miked up yeah you can you can Google oh God some great ones yeah we encourage you after this show before Sports by the books and YouTube and Google some Earl Weaver

Miked up also Yogi be to this day there’s a documentary of Yogi be on right now yes still kind of one of them almost underrated Heroes three-time MVP and I think he won eight or nine World Series and he only played like 11 years at least something like that it’s like

Maybe nine or 10 it’s unbelievable and then last on the list you got Steve Young there’s I mean a guy who played in the usfl then he went to Tampa Bay everyone said he was a bus he gets into the Niner system Waits behind Montana

Gets his shot and then becomes uh one of the best he’s in the Hall of Fame and didn’t he wasn’t there a story like didn’t he go to like medical school or something like that because he was getting so frustrated with not being a place so the guy was like you know what

I’m gonna I’m gonna he was either law or medical school I can’t remember man something crazy like that I just remember a Sports Illustrated when he was drafted by the LA Express was the US he got like 20 million got like you know some on Godly amount or sign one of

Those like 30 or $30 million deals that they were doing and and uh but then he got into the NFL and uh obviously with that was a tough one for me too cuz I love Joe Montana as a kid also too but I was always a a sucker for left-handed

Quarterbacks too so I love you know I couldn’t wait to watch Steve Young play too that was bittersweet is he the last great Lefty quarterback probably I Mark Brunell oh Brunell was he had some good years he’s got the Jaguars du guy yes Mark brell they got Tua now and and

Boomer oh Boomer well but Boomer I gu Boomer was before Steve Young even though yeah true yeah Michael penck Jor in the draft this year I like in the draft this year I will say guys this coll I may have had the hardest time deciding the last couple of spots

You know Kobe was going to be on there Ripkin was going to be on there Willie was going to be on there but then you know there was a lot of guys up for that final spot there were I wrote down six could put on uh Carl yky oh gosh uh Joe

Morgan Gary Kid Carter Alexander oetkin Troy I know he’s C and what was that last one troy Aman oh jeez and then uh we want the ball and we’re going to score Matt Hasselbeck that’s we’ll take the ball we’re going to score and then Frank’s favorite Lamar

Jackson Lamar know who that is but late breaking news story did the Steelers just get Patrick Queen the linebacker did yes they did from the Ravens dude the running back situation is crazy right now Henry just signed with the Ravens and my commanders got um atin Eckler ausler and

Then Derrick Henry Ravens yeah no I made a list we’re going to talk about it later on Sports by the book I made a list of running backs in new places 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight nine guys like nine impact running backs let alone a lot of

The other moves uh Joe Mixon traded to Houston today we don’t know the return for that yet he that one these running backs are are are shuffling all over the place uh but over the past couple of years there’s been a lot of talk about running backs not getting paid in the

Value of that running back position don’t tell Josh Jacobs four years 48 million with the Packers wow that’s right man uh but it is episode 108 and just for fun looked up some interesting 108 facts well here greatest baseball player of all time I looked up uh according to the baseball baseball

Reference I think number eight is L gar I thought you were gonna say me no you not I number 108 Raphael Palo wait a minute but what was luk G though he was number eight number eight okay okay yeah number eight 10 Paul 108 108 football eighth grest football player pton

Manning uh 108th song according to Rolling Stone Just Like Heaven by The Cure Love 108th alltime grossing movie Spider-Man 2 wow and eighth grest song according to Rolling Stone eighth grest song according to Rolling Stone get your freak on by Miss Elliot I’m surprised he was that no way eth greatest song rock

Songs of all time get your freak on by Miss Elliot it’s a good song I don’t know if I put it in the top eight or the top I put my thing back flip it in reverse it yeah right that was Frank’s go-to bedroom song of course get get Sound the

Horn it’s post time that’s right it’s time for post with punchlines and uh today’s a special day you there oh look we even have a Graphic of me look at that and here comes Jake Paul Mike Tyson clubs look at all those icons uh we’re GNA start off with will frell uh because

This is one of the greatest things ever I don’t know what you cut together or put together but on this date in history March 12th 2015 you might remember will frell played for like every team in in spring training in spring training yes he uh he was third base coach so roll we

You have or whatever we have so here’s here’s Ro phell it was at Day in Arizona the Cactus League uh so that was his sign th don’t pull a muscle he he had other ones as well yeah another one was uh don’t hit it hard swing as hard as

You can swing as hard as you can so look third base coach look how good he isir followed that advice Lis remember my boy dster was with him then he gets in that bad oh was dster with him because dster was doing F yeah he’s funny I like you

And then O2 pitch he fan but not a bad form on that then they pull him throws his Club down this is all on March 12th this was uh N9 years ago but then he continued on around Arizona yeah he played for every team in the Cactus League that day um I

I remember watching this one I was visiting my dad he was with the Red Sox at the time uh down in Fort Myers and I remember watching all these games live as they were happening and just you know every other hour he was in a different uniform so yeah the uh that’s pretty

Impressive Major League Baseball did do a cool one with the transaction log yeah do we have the transaction log so we the one day check out this is one day so all one day so what do we have yeah shag Cubs assign to the Los Angeles

Dodgers oh oh we lost it we lost the monitors oh no where’s Ryan is Ryan yeah you beat me too I was gonna go Ryan’s doing something are we still going yeah this is a new one all right there we go that’s this is the money shot here

Anyway that’s all you really need there we go all right let’s punch that up but yeah will frell sign I can re it was it was the Cubs then the Dodgers then Giants then white socks then Padres Angels Reds Dbacks Mariners so not every team in the Cactus League that’s crazy

What is that nine teams in one day yeah and it was March 12th it’ll say March 11th but I don’t know it was March 12th yeah I think better than the god I forget who it was like some of those guys over the years who’ have gotten

Traded you know the same day and got like the loss of the same day yeah yeah well there’s one guy trivia question are you going to do the one I was going to do there one guy in League Baseball history who got two hits in one day for

Two different teams he played a mat I think for the Mets and then he went to Montreal and got a base headit the Mets in Montreal like the Giants in Montreal or maybe was it was it the Cubs because it was a day game it might have been

Like a tra might have been a getaway day it was a day game got he he got he got a hit for two different teams in the same day his last name is the name of a hockey movie starring Rob low oh oh God was it Kurt Young bud no but Chris Young

Bun Joe Young Jo I do remember that that’s right he got I had a baseball card and I think it was like a split panel where it showed him he got a hit he got traded and then got a hit two hits and one so what was that’s a great movie

Do there’s a okay we’ll talk later I knew you I knew I know him all too well sorry is back at spring training this year he was at he was at Dodgers Camp the other day throw that play Let’s let’s see the video first okay uh

Phell you think you traded too much for him so we’re going to give him another shot so we got an older Club so we got a new player right now this is Dave Roberts talking okay he said we got a new player I think I uh I fielded a bunt

On this field he fielded a bunt on this field I remember walking to the parking lot with the poor Padres player who had to he’s like hey Will I forget the guy’s name he’s like I’m the guy who had to lay down the bun and I don’t know if you caught it right

At the beginning of that video I have a a still frame for you tell me if you recognize the guy standing next to wol Farrell Joe pesi that is my father oh my God it’s Tim ever so I I noticed this the other day CU he he tweeted I got my

Dad’s tweet there he said uh was gonna ask a question at the Dodgers presser but uh Ricky Bobby invaded yeah you got you got to you got to you got to let Ricky Bobby so that’s my dad in the sunglasses I thought that last yeah you first or last so I went to

The Nascar race here for my first NASCAR race and all I kept thinking about was Ricky Bobby right so I turned the corner and there’s a guy in a full leather Wonderbread suit with the Wonderbread hat and the glasses he kind of looked like will frell and every person was

Stopping to take a picture with him like oh my God this is the greatest all these NASCAR fans are taking a picture with just some random guy Frank is just mad that he beat him to the costume I’m very mad and I had a what did I what happened

To me I had a maah crap on my shoulder there for some reason some guy had Birds I’m hey take a picture on the woman goes uh he just went on your back but I saw my first NASCAR race it was pretty exciting uh all right so will phell

Baseball I mean unbelievable he played for all those teams and uh what’s that you have pulled up there oh this is the Blake Snell thing not ask any about yeah what is he still hasn’t signed right so Blake Sile is not signed Now Matt and I were talking about before the show

Garrick Cole uh he’s got a little elbow issue going on right now which is probably scary to Yankee fan scary for Yankee what does he have what what is it it’s his uh all all I saw on the ticker the other day when I was when I was at

The gym well got show no yeah it just said something he’s having issues with his elbow having a hard time recovering in between outings starts whatever what is that yeah man because I know like the sign like mine started as a flexor tendon you know and a lot of times D I

Know from experience now unfortunately when they say guys have a flexor tending issue that usually leads to the UCL Tommy John issue or when they say they’re having a hard time recovering that’s us code for they might be have he might have a UCL strain or something

Like that so I hope it’s not something like that because I hope not g Cole’s great for the game I love watching him pitch dominant pitcher love G I was with the Pirates of course number one pick never let him just throw the ball the way he wanted let’s face it you know

Probably the you know the the two people that are I wouldn’t say are loving this because nobody wants to hear an injury I know you’re going to say Blake now and his agent and Scott horis exactly they’re sitting there going well you know Yankees you’re going to need

Somebody I said I said his contract just went up another 30 million dollar I’m sure so someone who released this was a tweet I saw the other day or post whatever you want to call it it’s uh what does it say readed for Denny and I

Says Yankees fear that Snell is quote an effeminate video gamer and not an ace uh wants a guy Cashman wants a guy who can drink beer fire up a grill on weekends and go deep in games Snell doesn’t have that look or demeanor according to their evaluators they fear all his time

Playing games has made him soft and they don’t believe nerds can get big outs in big games I heard about that one too now is that clickbait though I think so yeah I think so too but that that’s hilarious though but it’s going to affect but again this is the internet doing the

Thing now people are like oh he plays video games not feminine I mean I read that and I was like oh my God someone the language is is too strong in this to be legit to be true exactly but I mean cuz what video game is he playing I mean

Call of Duty or then he’s a man right but if he’s playing FIFA then you know but I mean Blake Snell so anyway uh there’s a rumor I don’t know if this is a rumor I have this clip titled Cub detective because remember they when you’re a junior detective Cub detective

Some girl who’s a big Cubs fan posted this video that she thinks she’s solved it that Blake Snell is coming to the the volum if you he’s a CU he’s a freaking Cub this is game changer this game he followed Jorge Al which if you’re following we H Fado something’s

Something’s you know a little there something’s sprinkling something’s sprinkling and then he followed Dexter Fowler Cody Bellinger and Patrick wisdom he’s a freaking CB if black is a freaking Cub are you kidding me that is my oh my God that’s a World Series that’s a World Series not been saying

World Series but that’s a World Series in a half oh my God dodas wouldn’t even be able to freaking [Laughter] compete I can’t waiting for it to go TJ ho your M daddy Championship she’s awesome sitting there holding her wiener I was gonna say was that a wiener right but so passionate uh

That’s a World Series and a half well Ryan McCormack has been so adamant at Justin Fields going to like eight different teams because He follows one player yeah this is like the new this is the new trade rumors of who they follow you know although if you’re following J

Ha far I mean you you got to know him personally there’s something else there remember everything we report here is just stuff we find on the net he started following Harry Carey what uh let’s see uh oh do we what’s next fishy hang do we have this if yeah

Okay Danny you played Little League your whole life you played in the pros Matt You’ played you played college ball at Bethany no Bethany then Appalachian State Bethany then Appalachian State yeah what you were state yeah yep under six feet I was reserved to that side of

The infield yeah well that’s why I was dude app state has been good in football and baseball and basketball this year oh that’s right the season Champs so anyway you remember how you always had to say good game good game mix in something else in the middle good game in

Particular yeah good game good game good game so uh uh I guess apparently this is caught on in fishing good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game good game I last night I’m like that’s his friends and they’re just like a a they

Just dying I mean look the guy he dominated the fish he had a good game he had a good game he brought home a lot of I love that um 2024 2024 vision is what I call this this is Weir Ryan sent this to me Ryan by the way Ryan McCormick who

We saw earlier hear much Ryan we’ll see him tomorrow he’ll be back in the producer speak off he carries a loud stick exactly he sent me a bunch of stuff so Ryan thanks for always uh contributing even when you’re on your days off here he sent me this chart of things that

Happened in 201 20 and things that have happened in 2024 so Lamar MVP both years Chiefs beat the ners Lakers beat the bucks on a Friday in March and then the Jazz Thunder is canceled on a Wednesday in 2020 and they play tomorrow night the Jazz he’s not trying to say CO’s GNA

Happen I don’t know I I don’t want to say anything we are coming right up on the foury year anniversary of everything shutting down oh yeah feels like a lifetime ago yeah really I was supposed to fly to Atlanta to uh do The Creep Show episode that I ended up later doing

A year or two later uh and stealing by the way uh if you if you have shutter make sure you’re watching but um yeah that’s kind of that’s kind of I know we see these all the time they’re stupid but I just like seeing them but uh that

Game’s tomorrow night yeah so don’t don’t bet on it until we know it’s going to happen make sure but we can’t even put that out in The Ether what was it remember the the uh um who was it the barol guys remember before before Aaron Rogers first game with the Jets

This year one guy God I’ve been this excited since Vinnie test verie you know whatever and but even though he blew his Achilles out that game whatever you haven’t seen that video and then sure enough they show the guys going see I told you should said four plays or three

Plays in don’t even mention Co oh my God now how do you feel now you still follow the commanders right you’re still a Washington fan that’s why you knew ackler signed uh that division okay so Sequon Barkley goes from the Giants to the Eagles that seems illegal yes just

Heartening and but we got Austin Eckler you got Austin Eckler is a good player and his fiance was on we met her me and Jeff ran into her at the uh the yeah she Tik Tok girl yeah she’s a Tik Tok girl and I sadly knew who she was isn’t

Everybody a Tik Tok person now well I am too I you can follow me on at Frank no I don’t know uh Little B peep n 69 I believe anyway uh so anyway I was I going to say about that Comm oh quarterback who’s your quarterback Jaden Daniels you think they’re going Jaden

Daniels I think so that’s who I want 100% number two pick not Drake May no J we’ve already done the North Carolina quarterback thing oh yes Sam how oh that’s right he’s still there though yeah he still but see he could be a good backup and I dude I honestly I think

Jaden Daniels to me I think he’s going to be the most Pro ready NFL quarterback out of out of the group this year when you play at LSU that’s probably uh probably true let’s see here just uh oh Chase Nagel uh is watching let’s see

What did Chase say he let’s see uh Chase Sagle I like the home and AG what jerseys is he talk oh Major League Baseball should bring back the homeway jerseys for the All-Star Game bring back the pageantry of the game yeah they should 100% I hate when it’s National

American just so they can sell those stupid ones great question statement Chase Nagel and he also says I like the home away uh more than the new color schemes it’s an honor representing your team in an All-Star Game you should be able to represent your team on your

Jersey Ryan McCormick who’s still not working they should definitely go back to homeways just pull an Allstar put an All-Star Game patch on the side or something like that Chase Nagel completely agrees so you have both of your kids watching two of your three we

Had to get that one question too who it Matt you said the weekend of Bernie uh oh K Kaden yeah well well you got to say the question he wanted to ask Silverman he wanted to ask Silverman uh was Bernie really dead and and I can unequivocally say no

He was not dead I know Johnny said that it was the greatest paycheck anybody ever got especially for the second Oney yeah because the first one he was still alive and then he died and then he had he goes the second one he goes this is the greatest paycheck I’ve ever had

Didn’t have one line in the how many lines you but you’re in every scene almost and you’re going to make the same amount you’d make if you had lines it’s amazing uh wow what an active room we had we had Trey we have Chase we don’t have Avery where’s Avery she’s not she

Is in Thailand right now she’s in Thailand yes I think I saw what program it’s a gap year program I forget which company it’s she works at the Gap over there yes absolutely yep then just moving on to limited after that oh if you can get that work that’s good work

Uh an what’s happening good show thank you an our director Drew dog as always Andrew Jerry I think there’s some moments we can make short clips on this show buddy uh Jerry TR Jer McGuire Jerry no Jerry trino Jerry uh Jerry on Sunday celebrated he’s big Mario F was March

10th M R1 Mario that’s right Mario Kart guy yeah oh yeah Mario Kart yeah I’m no good at it I lose every time I I can’t Donkey Kong Donkey Kong ex Double Dash only so Matt you’re off you’re you’re off to do uh games the rest of the week

Do games and executive producing all week of the big West tournament y now if we go to you live we’re going to be able to hear you on the mic right yep yeah I’m doing radio and TV back and forth on one of the two yeah the ESN plus we can

Actually listen to on the TV broadcast right or you could watch yeah you could I mean watch yeah we want to watch you well they don’t show the announcers that much I right at the beginning that’s I mean that’s best for everyone and who’s the color commentator who you uh with

Richie Schuler is his name he’s a a coach and uh I’ve actually been doing this packageing G with him for a couple of years so he’s really really good and I’m excited nice very cool uh Denny you’re here uh you’re here till through Friday we’re tomorrow we’re back I I

Forget is Shan Casey tomorrow I think seaney tomorrow the mayor the mayor I’m very excited about Shan Casey Reds from pit from my hometown I caught it caught it and I have a great Sean Casey story that I want to share about opening day at PNC tomorrow uh and Denny you’re off

Today you guys you and your son you’re not sure what’s going on who knows I think we might go dance with Thunder from Down Under again or something there you go I did do that once you know Denny I have combed the internet looking for video there is no video of this anymore

I know I know how did you have that SC he was on was on the best dortort best D sport show and he he danced with the Thunder Down Under I YMCA I have looked for this clip I if you if anyone out there knows how to get this clip

Please email it to us I you know what I challenged the live chat room you know what I get for you you get a personal shout out if you can find that video it’s not out there I know it was funny one quick qu show Avery my daughter when

She was probably maybe seven or eight years old okay she’s yelling for me dad come here and the office she’s on the computer with like two of her little friends and she’s playing that video somehow she found it then she’s like what is this like I’m like where did you

Get that she’s like I was just looking up your name and I stumbled on this one and this girl said you know her top 10 hottest players whatever so but but that’s that’s the clip that this girl played like that and they’re tearing away my the the chaps cuz I was the

Cowboy in the YMCA bit give me a phone to uh Thailand right now get Avery on the phone find that web address all right I’m glad your son came with you Trey go have some fun we’re back tomorrow uh Thursday I think is John Smoltz and we some more surprises we got

John caparo very funny comedian on Friday do you know John caparo I haven’t met a person very funny he has a residenc here in Vegas he’ll be here Friday Chris Andrews who’s going to check in at some point and tomorrow I’ll probably have a pirates Jersey on I got

Baseball jerseys courtesy of Matt ever all week we appreciate you guys watching the show live chat room you guys are the best come back at 3:00 for sports by the book yep yeah ready to go should be a fun one uh special surprise guest at the end and uh we’re talking football we’re

Talking plenty of college basketballs college basketball is where it’s at all right we’ll see you tomorrow guys remember Line Stands for live in Nevada every Show

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