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“AN AMAZING SPECTACLE!” Was Liverpool-Manchester City the BEST draw in the Premier League? | ESPN FC

On the Gab and Juls Show, Gab Marcotti and Julien Laurens break down the 1-1 draw between title rivals Liverpool and Manchester City.

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There’s one place to start he’s Liverpool against Manchester City and before we break down the game and the title implications and everything I thought as a neutral I was thoroughly entertained in this game and I was entertained despite the fact that there was no controversy there weren’t a

Bazillion goals in fact one of the goals was was a result of an individual error the other one was kind of like a Freakazoid moment a clever Freakazoid moment a Freakazoid moment nonetheless I just thought this is what good football is and and and thank thank you to

Liverpool and City yeah and I I thought it was a sad day in English for English football because we won’t have any more of those Club vuola in the Premier League which is which is a shame and is sad but for the last time they gave us

An amazing spectacle really I think Club said after the game he said exceptional to qualifier I think that was right even if it’s a one-1 one of the best one ones that you would see all season in all leagues combined there was a lot of intensity there’s a lot of things to

Talk about from obviously the penalty at the end but also all the press and tactically what Liverpool did and what city did and the Kevin De Brun substitution all of that which was wonderful to watch one of the papers here titled and I I just want to get a

Sense just just take a step back more broadly uh s they they titled City better in the first half Liverpool better in the second half Arsenal better in the end because obviously in case you’re under a rock or something this result coupled with Arsenal’s win means that Arsenal and Liverpool are joint top

Of the table though Arsenal have a better goal difference City one point behind is that a fair summation yeah I’m not sure the whole first half was good from city after the first 25 minutes after that Liverpool I I felt took took the lead and took the

Game away from City uh not creating massive chances the sub header really is the only one and he should have done better but we saw what tactically klopp did I F with the double pivot of endo and mallister very much and then soos a bit higher up on the pitch that worked

But really in the second half where Liverpool dominated City like we’ve rarely seen them uh being dominated this season but yeah yeah you could you could sum it up like that City first half hour Liverpool for most of the rest of that game but then Arsenal the winner of the

Weekend for sure uh we’ll get into the incidents like we said and of course that that that penalty um this is called teasing and foreshadowing but uh I want to talk about what the significance was um if if you think there was any when he took off the

Uh because at that stage it’s 1-1 look you replace de bruyne with kovic and obviously they then went on and you know they hit the post with do whatever it is not an attacking substitution it a substitution that tells me I need more cover here because I do not want to

Concede another goal yeah de bronia wasn’t happy we’ll break that down later but just broadly were you surprised when when we saw that from Pep is that an UNP like thing so I thought pep would ask de bro to play deeper I thought they were overrunning Midfield and mostly because

The Brun was too high up on the pitch in that second half it worked at the start of the game and they had that really high line of five with foden with Bernardo uh de Brun Holland and and Alvarez I I felt there was a time in the

Game when Liverpool were the better team because they were fitter because the Press was so good that de Bru needed for for City’s sake to be deeper that was not the case Kovac is is a very good press resistant midfielder so he made a lot of sense if you don’t want to bring

The BR deeper because you don’t think that physically can do it you don’t you don’t think he was having a good game for whatever reason then you bring kovic on to hold the ball a bit more and steady the ship because they were really sinking at the time and I think that

Worked so credit to pep you don’t have an issue it is I guess some pet pragmatism which some people say isn’t part of his locker but I think he certainly added to it uh at this stage uh if we were in uh in Italy or Spain

All we would have talked about until now is the late penalty that was not given that Jeremy doku on uh mallister um I thought it should have been given I can understand why it wasn’t and that is some of the V is we can get into but do you agree that’s a

Penalty yeah I thought it was a penalty uh I was surprised Jamie carer for example on on UK television said he was the the right call he hates Liverpool notoriously J D touch the ball first and I get that and that’s what the explanation I think that Michael Oliver

The referee gave ygen club and everybody else which is which is fair I still thought he almost chopped mallister in two and as soon as the ball bounces in the box where we said a million times on this show let never let the ball bounce dku is done because the only thing he

Can do I it’s either leave and he probably should have let Mista controlling the ball and then hope for the best but if he start putting his his his foot higher he could have tried to hook it going to be like that it would have been very silly and very clumsy

From got away with it there


  1. Gab said its a penalty, calm down everyone.
    If you look at the replay, you can also see that Mc Allister touched the ball first

  2. After this season this rivalry will never be the same
    Definitely a penalty
    But I hope these two meet in the FA cup final always wanted them to meet in the ucl final

  3. ESPN FC, love your idiocracy about the beautiful game. Your insights and knowledge of the game are astoundingly sooooooooo incredibly funny………..and im being nice.

  4. Absent any unusual loses/draws… if LFC aren’t champions based on 2-4 pts the refs should be fired.

  5. No controversy? Even the most blind neutral couldn’t fail to miss studs to the chest and a blatant block on Mac Allister for the city goal but hey whatever you choose to ignore is your prerogative 🤣

  6. No controversy? Thats just yellow journalism; you should quit this show Gab because starting a show with such a massive lie makes you a paid city agent!!! See ya, unfollowing this piece of …..

  7. It was a wonderful match and Liverpool were fantastic and made the brilliant City look pretty rubbish. Clueless in fact. It is a shame that an absolutely woeful decision like this, and the spineless nature of the VAR, will mar the memory of the game, because we should remember it as a classic.

    But there is no getting away from it. Liverpool will probably lose the title because of two absolutely unacceptable mistakes.

    And it would be hard to tell them (or even Arsenal fans after their Newcastle match) that there is not some sort of favouritism towards City.

    No one is going to enjoy City winning this title. it is possible even the City fans may feel some shame.

  8. Disliked the vid as soon as it started 😂 even the talk show hosts are sold out. Clear robbery against Liverpool.

  9. Hmmm, Gab said in another espn fc video which aired right after the match that Doku’s challenge on Macca was a stonewall penalty. That isn’t a controversy? The fact that once that penalty is given, then the title advantage goes to Liverpool & that isn’t a controversy? At Anfield 2 major decisions went against Liverpool, that is 4 pts dropped bc no Odegaard handball & now no Doku high boot kick penalties.

  10. No controversy?!? 💀 This has to be clickbait to boost your comments and likes.. If not you must have watched a different game

  11. Gab is a literal donut. Idk why ESPN thinks he qualified to be a pundit has he ever even kicked a ball before? 😂😂

  12. City better in the first half? Maybe. But liverpool better in the second half is just a disgrace what liverpool did. They were best, not better.

  13. No controversy? 😂😂😂 Dear oh dear , He must of taken the c19 bioweapon to have such delusion.

    i mean , it does completely wipe out your concioussness and critical thinking not to mention fk uo your immune system, have nano meta material antennas inside it , that links up to the 5g killgrid so i guess its probably that.

  14. Nah my vote still goes to Chelsea vs City, even Arsenal vs Liverpool at Anfield was insane aswell, pure end to end nail biting football

    All 3 are probably in my top 5 games this season though

  15. Literally just watched another clip of Gab agreeing that to be a “stonewall” penalty, what happened Gab? Did you get a call from the boss? No Controversy!

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