Why You Should Lag the Golf Club on the BACKSWING!

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus shows Matthew a few golf drills and exercises to allow him to sequence the golf club on the golf backswing experiencing a lag to improve the results of his golf shots and reduce number of shots taken on the golf course.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

I feel like I can be a lot better than what I am cuz sometimes yeah but you do a swing and everything just feels so right yeah and that ball flies and as I said you got to hit it out of the C of the face all the time to get what you

Want and that’s where I think a lot of misconceptions come in cuz people say oh I’ve had all these lessons yeah cuz you most probably not hitting it at the right angle of attack and coming out of that middle of that so I know all about

It but I don’t try to think about it some people say yeah tilt turn some people say spiral but then sometimes when you spiral you come out of your posture you sort of extend up but then you got to drop back down and grab the ground I know the more pressure you put

Into the ground the more you’ll get back yeah and that’s what I want cuz I know that’s your friend yeah no that’s exactly the way yeah it is you want to be using this yes yes and if you’re loading up with this way when you push up you get

That yeah that’s taken two years wow taken two years I used to be like a I could feel shoulders like throwing at the ball yeah coming across the L eling was L one of them cuz it’s all upper body upper bodying it with the upper

Body see I hit the back of the ground there that’s my tendency on the Miss as well yeah look at that it’s beautiful I’d like to get just that little bit more power somewhere let’s have a look see what’s going on hi guys do due to the high demand on the golf

Trips we’ve got another trip planned for Gloria in Turkey in April it’s from the 21st to the 25th and we sold four places already so these trips are exclusively for a small group of six people so there’s only two places left if you’d like more details please contact fars at

Grf atravel and he’ll be able to give you all the information you need and hopefully we see you there I’m sure you’ve seen from the videos obviously we can see the swing the form the movement here we’re looking at the interaction between the ground and the feet what I

Want you to notice is as you’re pushing with an iron watch what happens to your pressure it’s 74% on the left look what happens as you start pushing off look at that it’s going back that’s okay with the wood or a a long iron or maybe a

Hybrid long iron okayish but as soon as you start getting with a seven iron you’ve got a pressure you got pressure moving back at the critical moment you’re releasing so you’re releasing the club here and pressure is mov moving back I think we can use this vertical more efficiently here just anatomically

Looking at ankles knees hips moving up through the spine shoulders and wrist what’s moving when watch this this moves with this there so if you were to throw a ball like that at the same time got got to go I’ve got to start getting going early here cuz I’ve got no

Lag removing the lower body in conjunction with the upper body in the same direction there’s nothing wrong of course with going early with your body but we’ve got to create a stretch we’ve just got to create some of this and then if we do it in that direction and then

Let go we get in that direction what you’re doing is that that Direction’s moving too so you’re doing this and then you go like that yeah got to use that and that an immediate early low point with your swing and so you’ve got to move back start pushing and shifting pressure back

To try and meet to help you meet that low point and now you’re adding Loft as you’re releasing so therefore ball speed smash Factor we can probably improve getting ball speed up to better better relationship with your Club head speed with the compression bring the spin Loft down essentially just get that strike

And get that energy transfer to the ball the movement’s great I mean you’ve done so well in in a short space of time that you’re having to work hard so as I swing we still want to be loading instead of unloading so that’s what’s happening at

The moment try and hit a couple of low ones yeah just let see what you do uh okay I’m trying hit the 50 yard Target to change the system okay so what we’re going to do just before we move on to the movement stuff I want you to do this for me if

You think about about this end not that end yeah if we do that what’s that going to do to The Loft uh dof it yeah as opposed to this what’s that going to do oh that’s going to that’s going to scoop so if this doesn’t move much I’m going to

Scoop it’s going to more to scoop what we’re going to do is just do that first sort of lag it feel like that lagy motion yeah like a flail yeah yeah so just to the 50 okay so you can just feel what it’s like to lag the center mass of the club

Behind the handle on the pivot okay while striking and then she about to get lower than that to be fair feel that handle it’s like a bit of a drag handle drag just flare just try that feel half swing let just doing now so yeah see if you can de LOF it

More by drag it more first so take your grip on the yeah put your club Behind B yeah so the the club doesn’t move drag it back for me handle wise yeah then you can L it yeah okay see how long you can let the handle yeah yeah see how long you

Can let the handle travel forward for so how much can you de LOF it that’s the thing cuz I’m trying to hit it there a i yeah you’re swinging back and then hitting just let the handle go B it again yeah yeah that’s okay so we’re just highlighting hit reflex when you

Recognize so taking it away so you don’t need to follow through as much as that so it’s only a like a chip and run okay like a bump and run so just holding the club up in the air for me find somewhere where it’s comfortable to do get some

Power yeah you can take it back further but the hand up there you go you can use the whip bigger swing yeah let the club flail behind you that’s it and again and just you don’t have to put a hit in just let the hands carry on that way

Yes so imagine what that’s doing to your Loft little swing like that and hold the Finish just afterwards so let’s just feel what the Finish is like relative to The Loft we’re sensing on the face a low lofted Club shot and a high lofted shot so low lofted

Shot just explore it so soft there softer softer softer so this is just too high just change your intention a little bit M here let’s get it underneath there drag it back that’s it good good but I want you to stop post impact so we can just start to recognize

Where the face is so here under there hold it there good it’s better still too much Lo that’s beautiful now with that same swing just maybe a bit more back swing see if you can get up to the 50 very good after you swing that club face should really feel like it’s

Pointing down that’s better nice loading the wrist in the club beautiful and delofting yes at that you see we’ve got to build movement around field nice so we’ve got to develop the fine motor skills and then we can build or develop the gross motor skills the big movement patterns but if we’re

Building big movement patterns on a very very fragile level of feel or touch and it’s a bit noisy a bit distorted it’s just waiting to crumble we’re having to put so much tension in the system with the big patterns to control it because we’re missing the underlying feel and

Sense of touch that we need which we having everything else so it’s like learning to write like that as opposed to like that always delofting that club never adds Loft on the down swing and through swing that’s it so it always it always de lofs that club’s never add in

Loft that’s our first prerequisite could you do this to the 100 okay without it being compromised awesome so you can play a low shot look BOS straight in the middle of the middle zero wow oh what a golf shot at that what do you feel you’re doing different

There it just feels like everything’s in time that’s the feeling obviously I feel like I’m as I said it’s like hitting the ball down into the ground not out there we never talked about keeping your pressure forward not once have we said stay on your left side and keep your

Pressure forward that was purely down to the intention of the shot and using the club a different way yeah and that’s how your body wanted to move so you could teach keep your pressure forward for your chip shots and do all this or just recognize how to use the loft

Through orientating the club using that talk that that was Unreal wasn’t it I mean you been probably 20 30 balls doing this it’s like after two or 300 bit more shot see yeah that feels St I think it’s cuz yeah you are holding on to that

Club the time for dear life trying to make it do what you want it to do manipulate it you got to trust there Brant sure that flaing feeling I think it’s Game Changer Sor the langage it’s good I think it’s a game changer shot cuz that even felt a bit Slappy but

It felt like that I’d done enough to sort of get the swing there he said that you like the mat wolf swing this is this is the kind of levers they’re creating or the style of it the way the club LS look at that I’m not even thinking about eating the bow

Really just no when I’m taking it back there with that flow as soon as I change direction I don’t care if that club drops behind me shoulder I can then just turn into the shot exactly it’s going to react to you and what we’re going to

Look at is just improving how you can use your body but that’s already tuning up anyway well hitting it I think I’ve got a lot more time to turn as well that is awesome I can feel the compression what a golf shot how much further it’s gone different League to where you were

Before look at that compression into the ground now the lever system gets fired still loading now you can push off look at that and you can release and that presses forward and your springing hands are forward release Late


  1. Funny you highlight this very motion. I stumbled onto it while working on the 1,2,3 sequence leading into the drop, and discovered that if you time the wrist cock at the top, with the drop, you can use this time to begin the pop sequence. It takes getting used to. Very effective.

  2. Another fabulous lesson, Marcus. The smiles on your clients' faces is priceless. You know you're doing an excellent job teachng them when you see it, it twlls you everthing yiu need to know about how the lesson is going. Cheers.

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