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DodgerHeads Live: Gavin Lux downplays concern, Max Muncy sick, Tyler Glasnow & Justin Wilson update

“DodgerHeads” Live with host Jeff Spiegel and staff writer Scott Geirman discussing the latest news as Los Angeles Dodgers Spring Training winds to a close, including Gavin Lux’s throwing trouble, Max Muncy falling under the weather, Tyler Glasnow’s final tuneup and Justin Wilson opting out.
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Magic Dodgers have won at all High Fly ball into right field she is gone he struck him out two balls at a strike the count on Taylor Rey fires swinging a drive de’s left down W [Applause] up what’s up everyone welcome into Dodger Heads live presented by Dodger part of the bluewire podcast Network my name is Jeff Spiegel joined tonight by Scott gearman Scott eight nights away from regular season baseball you fired up over there I am as excited as I can be um considering where the roster at this is uh Dodger fans need to

Be excited this is we’re entering a season where it’s as pivotal as it gets uh I think we’re all kind of Gass on Spring trading even though it’s abbreviated uh but just like you said let’s get excited this is uh they’re starting the year off in a really fun

Spot I’m I am Juiced yeah spring training is the funniest thing to me because it’s like pitchers and catchers report and we’re so like desperate for anything baseball related we just want to see pictures of guys wearing baseball hats throwing baseballs and then you get to days like today where it’s like geez

Lise we have how many more spring training games to go and it’s going to be even worse in between Korea and the domestic opening day as it is being called when they’ve got to go back to exhibition so I I’m with you Scott I am completely done with exhibitions that

Said we are going to talk about some of the stuff that happened in exhibitions curious just for you before we dive into some of this stuff are we at the point where does any of this stuff matter now like are we late enough in the spring

Where you take a little bit more stock of what we’re seeing or is it it’s all sort of nonsense I think you know it’s great to for narrative sake and talking about spring training stats and but more so I’ve been on the side of that it’s more process oriented stuff I think that

Uh this year we are seeing Play you know mooki Betts and Otani Freddy Freeman always takes like a ton of swings but I feel like looking at it as a whole we’re seeing their regular lineup really going out there and playing a bunch and they’re performing so I think that

Having this little bit of a hot start in terms of just looking good I you know I couldn’t care results awesome and that’s indicative of where you feel as a team I think it matters right now uh I don’t care what they’re doing but it’s always good to see positive results and no

Injuries uh and it’s just overwhelming that a lot of what they’re doing pitching wise they’ve been terrific this spring offensively and the big stars are coming up and even will Smiths have a lot of rebounds there we can get into a ton of different stuff man because I

Think I was looking at some stats uh from years prior like it matters I know nobody flame me on that but I think that rolling into the regular season with positive results it matters to an extent so seeing that like in in in a large sample size is great yeah yeah I’m kind

Of with you like I will never get sick of watching Otani hit home runs and I don’t know how that Bal he hit today got out I mean he he hit that ball so high in the air it looked like a popup and then you’re like oh wait this guy’s 65

And as Stephen Nelson calls him he’s basically an Avenger and so the ball gets out because it’s Otani and we’re gonna talk glass now in a little bit and his performance and so I I think you definitely see a progression of I mean the Dodgers are playing real games in

Like seven or eight days and so guys have moved from like Hey we’re trying things out to I’m getting ready for the regular season now and so I think there is a little bit more I mean you you’ve got to take into account who they’re playing against like who’s glass now

Striking out who’s Otani hitting a home run off of but if it’s major league guys it’s all I think it’s worth looking at I’m not saying Bet Your Life that it means something some guys can’t turn on the switch until it’s real and it’s regular SE in baseball and so they may

Struggle and figure it out on opening day whereas other guys you can take a little bit of positive momentum from the spring into the regular season so here’s the plan for tonight’s show we’re gonna talk Gavin Lux because that’s the biggest headline it’s the biggest thing people are talking about specifically

Some quotes he had yesterday about whether or not he has a throwing issue so Scotty and I will break that down we’ll talk about a little sickness bug circulating through the Dodgers Clubhouse hopefully nothing that uh gets people sick we’ll talk Justin Wilson a relief pitcher who I know Scott you

Liked but who today decided to become a free agent he opted out of the minor league contract yep he signed so we’ll talk that we’ll talk Tyler glass now how dominant he’s been the last two outings we’ll do a little rapid fire stuff and take some questions again thank you to

Everybody joining us live on Facebook on YouTube on Twitter we appreciate you yes some people have noticed I did get a haircut you can tell I’ve gotten a haircut because there’s no hat we ditched the hat for a couple weeks and then the hair starts to grow back and we

Get lazy we put the Hat on so for now we’ve got uh we’ve got no hat and a and a fresh cut over here but Scott let’s talk Gavin Lux um some obviously we know the narrative around Gavin Lux we know the defense wasn’t good enough at shortstop the Dodgers went from talking

Really positively to making a permanent for now my favorite quote of the spring a permanent for now switch of mookie bets to short Gavin Lux moves to second base I guess you could say it’s been better like it hasn’t been perfect it hasn’t been good um he’s got a lot of

Throwing stuff where he’s dropping down and making weird angle throws for no reason and then of course the biggest sort of cherry on top if you will was the dropped Fly ball that he has yesterday we could talk was that Chris Taylor’s fault was that Gavin lux’s

Fault then when it when you’re having a spring like Gavin Lux is he’s going to get blamed no matter what but I think this was the key quote that he was asked about his inability to throw the baseball and he said this I don’t think it’s a throwing issue I think I just

Need to keep getting game reps I think just getting out there continuing to play it’s knocking rust off more than anything this is a guy who a year ago tore up his ACL and his LCL so are you buying this quote at all Scott that it’s knocking off rust and it’s not a

Throwing issue so much to unpack here Jeff like we H there’s so many different ways like I you I know you have a ton of thought this as well we both do I knocking off rust a little bit of both I it has to be a little bit of both he hasn’t played

Regularly since 201 21 uh like a a short stop and then gets moved over to second base abruptly they kind of had to make that move I’ll say a little bit of both uh and I know everyone who understands this they’ve seen players not I don’t

Know if he has The Yips I think he’s just this is where I’ll say a little bit of the rust and and I think we both have to kind of go on a rant just to kind of get a point across because it can it’s such a unique situation we don’t see

This very often when you do you feel for the player it stinks it stinks to see a guy who has such high hopes for um we’ll get into it because I know you think I’m totally out on him but I truthfully have like a a very level-headed view with what they really

I think they should do with Gavin Lux but I want to say I hope it’s rust but it’s at this point it’s got to be that when he gets the ball he’s thinking that you know let’s just make a clean throw but we’ve the reason why that this H I

Feel like this is just rust is because there are certain instances where he gets a you know he gets a transfer on on a turn two and he makes a perfect throw there so it’s in him he’s able to do it and I know you just like you said can

He’s just not yeah I I think we’ve got an interview with Steven Nelson Dodgers play-by-play guy it’s going to be going up tomorrow we talked a little bit about the mukie bets Gavin Lux thing and he kind of you know made the point of emphasizing just how extensive the knee

Surgery that Gavin Lux did like this is ACL and LCL it’s a major surgery it’s 12 months ago and so I do think there’s a part of it when he says it’s knocking rust off I think that’s fair but it’s also hard for me Scott to blame

Everything on that when he says hey I my knee feels good um says his knee feels great you know I get like getting your legs underneath you I could see how that’s different but to your point like you see it happen the right way a couple

Of times which makes me think it’s not a physical thing it just seems entirely mental and so maybe he’s right it’s not a throwing issue like if we’re willing to categorize the mind in a different category than throwing then I think it’s probably right I think it’s mental and

Throwing a baseball is just one of these weird things it’s like swinging a golf club the number of things on your body that have to be going right in order to throw the ball to get where it’s supposed to go with the velocity it’s supposed to even the slightest tick up

Can make this thing a total disaster and I think that’s what we’ve seen and so I’m with you I’m optimistic about Gavin Lux I have no concerns about him offensively and I’m honestly kind of surprised that the offense has been pretty good this spring even with all

The mental stuff on defense I guess my question to you Scott is do you believe that in the next month to two months we’re going to get to a place where Gavin Lux kind of levels off defensively and gets to at least a place of being competent of being like he’s

Not GNA win a gold glove but we’re not talking about it all the time is it okay if I say it’s not in in major leagues like it I it might be in Triple A like if it’s if it’s still going on like they the offense is at a point the lineup is

At a point where they will be able to with like absorb stuff like this you know he’s a fine defensive player since I know I looked it up you know in 1300 46 in two in twoth thirds Innings since 2019 he’s got 16 DRS so defensive run

Safe so he’s an athletic guy and by all the accounts his health is there uh if he’s able to remedy that then he’s going to be a terrific defensive second baseman and I know somebody mentioned in chat they have a lot of Team control with him so they’re able to play that

Game or if he doesn’t they don’t want to really rock that boat but maybe that is even more of a negative do they really want to pull that plug and and put him down there do they just keep riding him out and if it works it works uh his

Offense will be there but I’ve spoke already before that I think he’s a kind of a guy that both things need to be lined up he needs to be solid defensively he needs to be sound offensively to really like see his Peak like of course but I think to be all

There I think that’s exactly what Gavin L needs he needs to be feel you know okay defensively for the offense to really translate so he can see what he has but the offense is going to score so that’s fine but the defensive issues that’s stuff where you can cost runs and

And then it can snowball if you ask me in a month or two yeah that’s a tough bet just because it’s we’ll call it we’ll just say it for this you know for conversation The Yips we’ll say he’s is he going to be able to Shake The Yips in

A month or two it’s kind of an impossible thing to say I’ll say yes he’ll level that out he’ll find some they’ll find some common ground that he he’ll get over that hump I I’m gonna buy in on his athleticism Al buying on the coaching staff in the front office

Believing in him and doing it again even though that’s not the popular thing but I still maintain that I could I could see him in Triple A what about you yeah I I I mean the question I was gonna ask you is like the season starts next week

Then there’s another week off it’s basically very end of March so my question for you was going to be where is Gavin Lux on May 1 and I’m not talking trade stuff like I’m just talking is he the starting second baseman for the Dodgers on May 1 or is

He a triaa or is he a bench bat you know like I I think there’s so many ways this can play out I just I’m I’m an optimist at heart I want to believe there’s a path forward for the guy in part because I just I I like it’s one thing if a

Guy’s just not good at something when I’m watching someone struggle mentally it like crushes me because I can only imagine how helpless it feels so I just want to believe so if I was answering my own question I would say May 1 I think Gavin Lux is still the starting second

Baseman for the Dodgers I don’t think it’s perfect but I don’t think it’s you know even I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as what we’ve seen in the spring so that’s where I would land it sounds like you and I are in alignment on that is

That fair yeah I mean like I I don’t want him to fail like I don’t want it to get to a point where they’re like yep pull the plug like I want it to work out just clearly because they they refrain from upgrading at that position and now

You’re seeing mookie bets it’s it’s a very uh you know unique spot that Gavin like Mook bets says they’re going to be the everyday short stop or everyday second baseman and then now they’re like just slide over to Short short stop so that like that alone like that’s not an

Easy move to make I I know I’ve seen the thing I know you you owned me last year when I was like yeah what’s the more demanding thing play right field or second base when then the front office comes out and they’re like yeah it’s to

Take a load off his body and then I’ll just I’ll wear that one I didn’t forget it I got you I’ll remember but it’s it’s for them to say that the if they’re okay moving mookie bets to shortstop one Buys in they’re great mookie athleticism they’re okay with it they know he can

Play you know he’ll be Premier offensively defensively we’ll see but I’m you have to believe he’ll be a League average above average but for them to go that way with Gavin Lux uh really fast yeah they’re sounding an alarm they know that this is something that they’ve they’ve got a slow play

Because I know somebody else you could chat you’re on fire tonight because Dodger fans they’ll boo they will get on him about that uh it’s a it’s a kind of a Relentless fan base that uh we spoke before the show that the team is in a spot where they’re going to win they

Need to win now they’re you know if it’s not getting better a certain period of time they’ve got to use the rest of their roster or their resources just to get somebody in there who’s not going to be you know a liability in that sense that it’s gonna tumble yeah we got a

Super chat here from Laura thank you as always she said well putting mooki at shortstop hurt the Dodgers in the long run um I’m gonna I want to sort of take a tangent real quick Laura because yeah you say long run what’s interesting to me is Scott I had the same reaction to

You when the Dodgers made the switch to mooki bets at short and my initial thought was like man we we we had done a show the night before and said hey just give him chance and then the next day it’s like okay hey we’re making the

Switch but this is what I’ll say I’ve actually the more I’ve thought about it I actually kind of respect the way the Dodgers did it because they knew like if we’re gonna make this move let’s get these guys as many reps at shortstop and at second base as humanly possible

Before these games count like if we drag this out another two weeks until domestic opening day and then switch well then mukie bets is getting like real reps at shortstop for the first time in game Gavin Lux is like trying to figure out second base on the fly so I

I’ve come around and saying if they were going to make the switch I like that they were just decisive and made it and let these guys get more reps but to back to Laura’s question here do you think putting mooki Scott at shortstop hurts the Dodgers in the long

Run hurt I don’t think it hurts them I don’t think it hurts them uh if anything like long run I I’d prefer to see Miguel roas at shortstop if that’s how if they move off of Lux then I’d prefer to see like Miguel roas at Short Stop as the

Long run like you know what you’re getting there yeah uh I mean to some areas it might but I mean you’re sliding over mookie bets to shortstop it sounds pretty great to have a top five MVP offensive guy playing shortstop for you I think but in terms of lineup

Flexibility I I think it’s kind of a push but I don’t think it matters too much it just defensively I think I’d feel better um putting Miguel roas out there but even he’s having his own injury issues so I think they have to yeah yeah I think they just kind of have

To do it and hurt them I don’t know I it’s probably like margin only the only thing I can think on like hurting the Dodgers would be if you if you think the toll that shortstop is going to take on Muki bets physically is going to have a

Dramatic even a a slight impact on his offensive ability and over the course of a season will wear him down more quickly um I I just tend to believe M’s a freak and that he’s going to be able to handle this and I know he’s not like in his

Peak physical condition but he’s still in his prime years I think he can handle it and as far as in the long run like I don’t think Beyond 2024 the Dodgers have really made any decisions here um they’ve got some young guys like Trey Sweeny in the organization they could

Potentially try a year from now at shortstop they could obviously spend the next few months trying to trade for someone they could go out and sign a free agent like I don’t think they’ve made any long-term decisions um on that front so I think it’s a fair question if

We’re talking about mooki physically but I just think he’ll be able to hold up and I think the Dodgers made I think this is a short-term decision that you could make the case I think Scott that actually has almost no long-term ramifications if there were long-term ramifications it’s maybe Lux like if you

Feel like oh they’ve ruined Lux and now it’s over with but like we might have already been there anyways like so I don’t know if this decision really changed anything yeah I think it’s kind of just I he can handle it like Mookie Betts is coming in he’s playing a ton

Like he’s playing a lot in spring training which says a bunch for where he probably feels so yeah you know he’s been work he worked out with Yamamoto early in in spring training uh I think he’s incredibly motivated this time around which is great to see we saw his

Uptick in production see how the conversation shifts to what positives are we getting from you know what motivated mookie bets now playing on the infield we saw an uptick of production when he moved to the infield so I believe we’re going to get you know a

Lot of what we did I don’t know about last year’s production off like Homer wise but we’re going to get a terrific offensive player I think just the trickle down now is is Miguel roas will he be ready to start and I I because he’s dealing with a lot of the same

Issues he had last year he’s got some leg soreness now last year he dealt with various injuries quite a few which uh for an older infielder you kind of have to go okay well now we’ve kind of got to shuffle this around which is why Kik was

A great ad Chris Taylor you’re going to get a bunch more so it’s uh it’s where do you feel where I want to know from where you it do you think that if Gavin Lux isn’t ready to go do you believe that they have enough currently on their

Major league roster to shuffle the deck and kind of rotate guys around with with like a rotation of infielders yeah yeah I I think honestly and again it’s something that came up in a conversation with Stephen Nelson like these are these are not first world problems these are

First world of the first world problems like yeah the reason we are so obsessed about this I think is because there’s nothing else to complain about in Dodger camp right now like there we’re not talking about who’s going to be the starting center fielder there’s no

Debate about who the fifth like the yeah I guess there is a fifth starter debate but like there’s no debate about like is the pitching staff intact like glass now’s not struggling yamamoto’s not struggling otani’s like we are type of people that need something to complain

About Gavin Lux is giving it to us like I’m not saying we’re creating a narrative where there isn’t one but I think in a normal year like when James outman is making a run and all of a sudden he’s going to be the surprise opening day starter in center field like

I don’t think Gavin Lux gets as much air time but like as we’re sitting here planning out a show this is the story that everybody’s talking about that that is happening in Dodgers land and so I think it’s that’s sort of why we’re having this conversation more so than

You know um any other reason in my estimation yeah and I think it’s and I people might think this is overkill this is an overkill on this topic this is a team that’s headlined by Muki bet sh Otani Freddy Freeman you know Will Smith thosar Hernandez Tyler glass now like go

Down the list this is we’re in we’re in the Golden Age guys this is it and and it’s hilarious to me because like if they had just decided to put Miguel rohas said shortstop like would people be complaining about how terrible he is offensively he’s one of the worst offensive players in Major

League Baseball you know but like it’s just kind of we would know what to expect and so there wouldn’t really be it something to argue about we have we have we have my my favorite ceiling floors we have our we have our Baseline for him we know what he’s going to bring

But it’s just it It’s upsetting that he’s dealing with a lot of the same stuff but he’s an older player let’s let him ramp up see where he’s at but it’s it’s it’s a starting caliber player who they refrain from upgrading the position and now he’s having trouble re acclimating to you know

Normal just normal stuff on a baseball diamond so I believe in what he’ll do I believe he’ll come back and figure it out but will that timeline line up with what the Dodgers are expecting from their starting lineup I don’t know about that that’s for me that’s where it’s at

It they I don’t believe the front office sounds it’s going to be a ridiculous take but I know my people might it might not be ridiculous it might might not be ridiculous I don’t think they’ll allow that to be that a conversation going on that long yeah they don’t want that to

Be a narrative with the team you know but they’re trotting out a guy who’s still figuring it out and making errors on basic throws if it continues to happen they will make a decision because we saw them like I said move Mooky bets immediately to shortstop they don’t want

This to become a worse problem I don’t expect them to like allow it to continue to happen at the major league level for an extended period of time what’s interesting to me and I see we have a super chat Zip Code Zero we’re going to

Get to you in just a second but you mentioned like hey we have the Baseline Miguel roas he’s a competent Major League starter right like Miguel roas in 125 games last year was point6 wins above replacement Gavin Lux is gonna beat that number in his sleep in 125

Games he can make he can make an error every game and he’ll be worth double that at minimum you know what I’m saying like so that’s the crazy part to me is like if Miguel Roos was in there who is a basically replacement level player when you factor in Elite offense and a

69 weighted runs created plus which was one point lower than it was in 2022 he has been 30 plus percent worse than League average offensively two years in a row and if they plugged him in nobody would be talking about it we’d just be like yeah okay cool because he’s great

At defense and terrible at offense and my thing is it looks way worse when you’re good at offense and terrible at defense even though like overall value added or taken away from the team is probably similar it’s like one looks way worse than the other and that’s where we

Are with Gavin Lux he’s a lightning rod player who looks really bad on defense and that’s we need something to complain about I think it’s the perfect storm for Lux because again I’m looking at roas I like I’m not an I don’t like have anything personal against roas he’s a

Replacement level player he’s a defensive Elite guy who’s really bad offensively and we’re talking about Gavin Lux who’s the opposite but it just it looks worse and so that’s that’s what’s so fascinating to me yeah no I I agree I I agree on a couple spots I roas like the

The thing that’s tough to buy into long term is his ability to like we don’t need slug I’ve said this a bunch before we don’t need slug at every position you don’t need Elite offensive production every position I just need you to give me something but Roos is at a point of

His career where he’s fallen off a cliff so hard that it’s sometimes almost feels like a like a des like a like like a pitcher that might be even you know it’s not that bad it’s not that bad but it’s close it’s close like if he gave us

Something like that that he did when he was in Miami know year like two years before he came over it would be insane like this you’re you’re getting a like a plus 275 batting average guy shout out to Matt uh but you’d be getting a lot

Like we would have no complaints this he would be the starting short stop but now we’re just hoping that if he’s out there he’s giving us defense and he gave us a lot of plays that we were like where was this yeah where we did last year so we

Know what we’re getting with him his body will hold up if they just give him some patience give him some time but reverse splits guys kik we’ll see how he does again but he’s gonna get starts versus lefties Taylor look great in Spring uh but like you said when it’s

Bad defensively that’s all you think about with a player and it’s so much worse that when you suck offensively right nobody thinks about an 0 for four nobody thinks about an 0 for four you could go for eight nobody’s talking about you but you make two errors in two

Games and it’s like the magnifying glass is on you uh ZIP Code Zero had a question here odds Lux is a Dodger in 2025 uh this a tough one I I will say I’m actually GNA say a number that’s probably going to be surprisingly High

To people I think it’s going to be like 70% that he’s back with the Dodgers next year because like if he’s so bad that they need to fix this they’re not going to want to trade him they’re not going to want his value to be at that point to

Trade him and if he’s good enough to where he’s actually valuable in a trade then I think they keep him and they’re not making the trade so I I don’t because the other thing too Scott is looking at the roster is like they don’t need to trade for starting pitching

Knock on wood right they don’t need to trade for a lot of these other premium positions so a trade involving Lux would only be in exchange for another middle infield Prospect and I just think the Dodgers and other teams would have a value on Lux that wouldn’t make sense in

A trade so 70% that’s my number you taking over or under job that was good stuff uh probably the same might be like I’ll say I’ll say just to be different I’ll say like 60% but it’s a good it’s exactly where he’s at it’s a tough spot

For the Dodgers he’s this is as when these type of things happen you suddenly become not a desirable trade Target for other teams they’re like we don’t want this we don’t want to have to fix this this that’s a last thing on a on a simple toss to first base we that’s

Something we don’t want to deal with so uh I think he be a dodger but I’m gonna say it’s for the wrong reasons that it’s that he’s underperforming shot up I think and that exactly I think it’s a combo like the 70% is 35% chance he

Figures it out and they want to keep him 35% chance he’s really bad and they they’re just no value in trading him right like both of those both of those um scenarios leave you in the exact same place which is Gavin Lux is still a

Member of the Dodgers a year from now we make we make we make the joke that it’s like you know Gavin and joy Milwaukee but it’s like the the Brewers are a very smart organization they’re not going to be like yeah we’ll make the E you know

One two for one flip include Gavin Lux in there we’ll do that no it’ll if if any if the Dodgers make any move it won’t be Gavin Lux going back to the team where they’re getting the player to replace him for so yeah got wash your

Eyes on that one everybody chat sorry I know I’m with you I want it to be a better spot but I think they’re gonna see what they have in him yeah and Gavin Lux uh he’s in his first year of arbitration this year so two more years

Of Team control 2025 and 2026 and then unrestricted for agent 2027 we do have two videos coming out later this week by the way one talking about Willie adamus that will feature Scott and Blake and then another that we be talking about Hung Kim two of the trade potential

Trade candidates guys who are available by by some accounts who are middle infielders that might solve the problem both guys in the final year of their deal of course whether or not the Dodgers would trade with the Padres is an interesting one but um I know you like Adamas

Briefly do you want to give me your thoughts on Hung Kim like is he a guy that you’d be fired up to go add if I mean look all the caveats Padres Dodgers etc etc etc all the caveats aside Hassan cam Willie adamus how do those two

Compare for you I mean there’s no way they make the trade of the Dodgers there’s just no way put all that aside put all that aside players wise players wise I think hosan kimson and a very valuable player like he’s he’s terrific like they it’s it’s egregious what

They’ve done with him that that yeah let’s go sign Xander just you know for the hell of it make him a first baseman why not let’s have it’s just a weird thing they’ve got going on over there like like now Xander’s a shortstop it’s just I hosan Kim is terrific I think he

He’ll get paid I don’t know how many years he has left uh he’s in the last year of his contract so he’s expected to opt out which is why I think it’s not a zero percent chance that they would consider trading him if the alternative is losing for nothing I don’t know we’ll

See like like we’ve seen their organization get kind of petty throwing parade after so like it’s just I don’t think they’ll do that but it’s definitely a name to look out for I would love him in Los Angeles so we we’ll do that when we get there but will

Doas you I think I’ll save a lot for the video with Blake just because we we’ll be in the lab on that one we’ll be really in our bag talking about Willie Adamas and and how much he would be for the Dodgers and what it would take um

But you have adamus ahead of Kim like just just right now with all things included or just as players like just as players um I would say hosong Kim okay I would take him I would take him head and shoulders that’s a that’s a he’s a he’s

A guy that’s that’s a a platinum type glub they’re interesting because they’re both Elite defensively Kim probably a little more versatility seems like he could play a few more positions the offensive profile is just completely different and it part of it is dependent upon like do you believe in hung Kim’s

Sort of breakout last year versus are you buying a bounceback for Willie adamus adamus is like all power no average tons of strikeout guy whereas toss Kim is like he hit 17 home runs which is surprising his stat cast stuff is Not Awesome on the exit velocity but

He’s like a high walk low strikeout kind of hit for a little bit of average on base percentage gu so um it’s interesting so we’ll leave that there again stay tuned two videos coming out later this week one on adamus and one on hawkon Kim um there Zip Code Zero what

What is the who is the cost for adamus this is the interesting one to me Scott and and everybody if if you’ve seen me talk about this before if you follow me on Twitter my issue with like to to clearly State My Willie adamus position question number one is Willie adamus way

Better at shortstop than the options the Dodgers have absolutely unquestionably yes he like the Dodgers if Willie adamus was a Dodger tomorrow the Dodgers are better than they are today mooki goes back to second adamus is an upgrade over Gavins my issue is the gap between Willie Adamas and say Gavin Lux or

Miguel roas or whoever like fill in the blank Miguel Vargas whoever you want to put second base the gap between those two in my estimation will not be big enough to justify what it actually costs to go out and get Willie adamus it’s kind of my take so that this is me

Projecting that the cost is high for Willie adamus like I don’t think we’re talking you know um EMT Sheen type stuff but like I think we’re talking top 100 guys right maybe it depends on what list you’re looking at it’ll it’ll be something but I I I said Nick fro and

Blake was like sure send him out of here great send him yeah I’m with him on that one like reliever profile yeah coming off a major injury like yeah I would do that if they would take that I would send him tomorrow I would I would drive

Him to LAX myself uh but Gavin Stone no no no absolutely not river I think that’s too much I I with you I think this is I think those are the types of guys that are gonna get asked for the Brewers are weird though man the Brewers are super weird like we

They they they know you don’t fleece the Milwaukee Brewers it just doesn’t they they understand prospects they have different valuations and clearly the Dodgers do because the Dodgers have high like they have high ranked prospects all the time and if stuff doesn’t pan out like another team just won’t value those

So it’s kind of it’s kind of string like the teams are looking at Dodger prospects a little bit differently um but they definitely have a lot of guys that they should look to move I I think so I said this we talked about this last

Year we you and I were big time on this that we were like it’s somebody said bursting at the seams I agree there’s just a like a gluttony of players that you feel like they could get rid of but I want them to be a year early and not a

Year late like we’ve had it’s happened with Diego and which is unfortunate uh but he was trending down for a bit so uh Adamas I think we’re kind of underselling the fact of getting him in the organization if they want to give him an extension long term like for a

Handful of years because that power at shortstop I’ve set up a bunch since like 2019 he’s only behind Cory Seager in home runs and that shortstop that’s a premium position so you’re getting power and he’s great defensively so it’s valuable so what’s your cost there getting a short stop that’s does things

That you love long term or you know the if of you know these Pro this one guy who you might he might crack The Bigs and stick around I like proven players if you have if you can make the move you do it um but Brew are smart so it’ll be

Tough and there’s a reason why they haven’t made that that trade yet yeah I’m looking at just last week released their top 30 rankings for the Dodgers prospects they’re higher on Faso they clearly have a different like I mean your view on Faso is going to be

Dependent on if you agree that it’s a reliever profile um I’m not saying you’re wrong I think that t seems to be the minority opinion in Prospect circles um has him as the number two Prospect in the Dodger system a top 100 guy um they’ve only got two Dodgers in

The top 100 this year rushing and Faso but you know like they’ve got River Ryan fifth Gavin Stone 6th Kyle hert seventh Jackson fet Ferris ath cartaya I mean there’s interesting names and you know how much some of these guys are worth and what would be a deal worth making I

I just I’m basing my decision off what I projecting the cost to be which I think will be higher than than than I think you and I are agreeing on on the things that we would be willing to give up or not and so I’m I’m answering the

Question of I think that’s what it would cost and so it’s a no for me um you know if you can patch together a land in Knack you know and you know I don’t know someone else like sure you know we’d see it and then we’ we’ you

Know we’d cope either in a good way or a bad way with the with the cost of what it is but I think it’s I’ll say it and I hope everybody remembers to lock up a premier a premier yeah Premier position for like the foreseeable future with a

Guy who’s proven at the big league level for prospects it’s at a time where we’re in a window everybody’s got to remember we’re in a window where you need to have this thing this you know roster kind of locked in and they have the Outfield prospects ready to go but they don’t

Really have a Surefire infielder they just don’t so it’s either you wait till the deadline which I think they’ll do to make a serious move if they do that or you wait just like you brought a posan Kim you wait till next year and then you

Really see if you know you want to hand out big money to hosam Kim I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I think he might he might be too much I would go I’d go Willie Adamas I just want to see him in this system yeah we’ll see I’m

Excited about your video because I’ve already shared all my thoughts on my offensive concerns and if you guys can convince me not to be concerned about a way to runs crated plus that’s gone down three years in a row then you may convince me so what remains to be seen

Let’s shift gears here a little bit a quick story we’re speaking of Gavin Lux here Lux and Muny both out sick on Tuesday uh Conor mcginness I believe also out sick Scott we got a we got a long flight a lot of guys trapped in a

Box together for 13 hours in a couple of days we gonna We got a we’re gonna have a Dodgers pandemic on our hands come to Korea oh oh too soon buddy but I mean we hope not they send them home today uh I don’t I don’t know what to say on this

One I’m glad they’re taking the initiative and and keeping them out hopefully nothing spreads but uh they might just be giving some days off I don’t know yeah we hasn’t played since Saturday Lux was expected to be off today anyways because he played yesterday so he might be sick he might

Be sick tell him to get out you know go home go R rest we don’t need anything else kind of going on I don’t know it’s just a what do we say about this hope it doesn’t spread to the rest that’s why there’ll be a taxi Squad there they’re

Sending a a plethora of options out there if anything lingers then there’s an issue but there’s plenty of time do you think they take the sick guys and they just take the taxi Squad and the taxi squad has to sit surrounding the sick guys it’s like look if this is one

Level like it’s like how close you’re sitting to Gavin Lu and Max M tells you where your standing is on the roster it’s like hey uh Miguel Roos uh why don’t you go yeah you’re next to Lux today I don’t know I don’t know what to

Tell you Austin Barnes yeah I don’t know you are sitting right in between Lux and Muny so it’s just random not sure how that happened yeah I hopefully it’s nothing serious um to the to to to answer the question is it anything serious we don’t know hopefully it doesn’t spread anything else hopefully

They’re fine uh we’ll need Max m big time we don’t need Gavin Lux dealing with anything more anything I have to think about and maybe maybe just maybe guys maybe this will get his mind off there you go yeah give him a break give him a break a break what do you say

Let’s shift to a story that I know is not your your your happiest Scott Justin Wilson electing free agency My Doppelganger i’ I’ve been told today uh your guy we have a pick put up can we put it up I don’t we don’t have a pick somebody can look it up somebody

Somebody tweeted it on uh tagged me in it on Twitter um he was signed to a minor league deal in February he opted out he had the option to opt out of it he chose to elect free agency today um this is a guy who didn’t pitch at all in the major

Leagues last year just 3.2 innings in 2022 um you like him I mean the spring numbers have kind of been a roller coaster but lots of strikeouts so tell us why you’re uh you’re kind of bummed out about this one uh you know I’m bummed out for the person the the team’s

Fine like they don’t need this but if he had a shot to make the the Foster it would just be as a second left-handed option in the bullpen he’s been terrific with the strikeouts like I just I had this down he’s had nine strikeouts in four Innings he’s still dealing with a

Tiny bit of walks but I’m sure they would find the perfect spot for him but this is the story for me where it’s like a guy where he will get picked up with another team in major league baseball and I I tweeted that and I’m very happy

About it because I know there some some team will find some value in it because he deserves a chance uh last year he was coming back uh with the Brewers and I think it was last year but he was warming up in the bullpen yeah he hadn’t

Even made a pitch yet he was warming up in the bullpen hurt himself had a left lat strain ended his season which is super unfortunate and I remember my buddy’s a fers fan texting me that shout out Tyler love you man but he was he was excited about it and Justin Wilson was

Going to be out there and you know he never made a pitch uh he’s worked really hard to get to this point and this seems like this is mine Justin Wilson dude you’re my Cinderella story of Dodgers spring training so not a big deal Dodgers won’t feel any issues losing him

But he’s a solid left-handed option he’s still got a lot left in the tank he’s 36 uh it’s really good to see him kind of having that bump so he’ll he’ll he’ll able to go find another landing spot somewhere else I hope he he gets picked

Up yeah I mean looking at his numbers like I I’d heard the buzz around his last couple of outings here are his spring numbers uh four Innings two earned five hits two walks nine strikeouts so all those numbers aren’t very good nine strikeouts and four Innings is pretty good his first outing

Was his worst his last three sixks two walks two hits one earned run so it’s a little bit better but look the people that are like Andrew Freedman was smart enough to sign this guy to a minor league deal and he was the same guy making the decision when Justin Wilson

I’m sure came to them and said hey I think I want to opt out the Dodgers of course had the option to just add him to the 40-man roster and keep him around they elected not to do that so this was a decision that the Dodgers were able to

Make they could have added him if they wanted to they chose not to so I’m with you he’ll go find somewhere to be in a bullpen and this leads perfectly to another Super Chat here from zip code zero we appreciate it he said is La do

The Dodgers have a top five bullpen in Major League Baseball I mean Wilson I think is looking at this group and saying I I don’t know where I’m gonna fit in like I I don’t know how I crack into this at least consistently my odds are better elsewhere but let me read

Some of the names in the bullpen Scott we got Ryan braer JP fisen uh bruar graterol some of these guys not 100% healthy but let’s just project guys are healthy none these are major injuries that we’re talking about um Joe Kelly uh Evan Phillips of course Blake tryan Gus

Varin Alex vessia Ryan yarboro You’ got Ricky Vasco Who’s down in the miners you’ve got Kyle hurt um is this a top five bullpen in Major League Baseball in your estimation yeah I think so last year they were number one ra wise I don’t see any reason like number one war like

Number I don’t see any reason why they can’t do a lot of the same stuff I’ll say third third in the league that’s a very the the it’s a very thin margin between I would say like the first and then maybe the third Bullpen so I’ll say they

Land in the top three will it be number one I don’t think so but I think in the top three for sure yeah yeah I look I’ve said it before on this show I think the bullpan is gonna be really really good I think Evan Phillips is legit uh we hope

Blake Tran’s okay Blake trinon has looked really good if he’s back we didn’t I didn’t mention Daniel Hudson because he’s not even on the 40 P roster yet but he’s expected to be a part of this group if he’s back at any level I know you and me both like JP fire risen

Have high hopes for him that he can eventually get this figured out and then we’re getting to the graterol Joe Kelly Ryan brazer tier of guys I think Alex vessie is a guy that I still like and and they’ll just patch this together so yes the the short answer is they may not

Have you know one of the top five or six relievers in Major League Baseball although I think Evan Phillips is probably closer to that conversation than he gets credit for but what they have is like we’re talking about Joe Kelly Ryan brazer being like their sixth best relief pitcher so if that’s the

Case they’re going to be really really nasty um one thing real quick you mentioned your Cinderella stories Justin Wilson I’m gonna do a small plug we did an interview with John Rooney yesterday this guy is in Triple A he’s a relief pitcher I think you might hear his name

At the major league level at some point this is not a guy that I was super familiar with prior to the last week but he was on our show yesterday and he was awesome he was awesome he has the funny college recruiting Story the most insane college recruiting story I’ve ever heard

He told a story my favorite part part Scott and you would get this like starting pitchers when starting pitchers get moved to relief pitchers most of them are like devastated they will fight with every fiber of their being to remain a starter this guy was like excited about getting taken to the

Bullpen I’m like why was that he goes dude I was in double with Bobby Miller and EMT Sheen and Nick fro he’s like I’m looking around it like my shot is not in the starting rotation because I’m not these guys and I was I was like yes this

Is this is honest stuff and so he’s amazing basically he wasn’t very good moved to the bullpen still wasn’t very good they tweaked the pitch mix Four seamer gone two seamer in Cutter in sub three ER last year Lefty V went up four miles an hour so it’s good stuff that’s

My Cinderella Story John Rooney or as Laura is saying Ron juny that was the pitching coach told him John Rooney is dead you’re changing your pitches up you’re now Ron juny so he’s got an elite nickname and Elite college recruiting story and is a super awesome dude so

Watch the video if you haven’t already but that’s my Cinderella story so uh all right let’s move right real real quick older Prospect too right he’s uh 20 20 what how old is he yeah he’s like mid 20s I think three years of college was a

Third round pick a handful of years ago natural progression works his way up don’t see anything why not yeah no I mean and that’s what he would tell you like uh let me look this up I was gonna say 26 he’s 27 he’s 27 years old pitched

A triaa last year um dou a and AA a but 2.86 ER between the two um you know strikeout and inning kind of a guy so Lefty I’ll just be curious he’s a good dude I want to root for him he’s not gonna on any of these top 30 Prospect

Lists but I does matter he’ll be a fun guy to root for that’s not where all the big time guys come from everybody check out that intervie watch a little bit of it once we H off I’ll finish it up as I’m eating dinner but uh he seems like a

Fired up guy it was a great start to that so everybody check that out please give you know give Jeff works hard when he does these these interviews he’s fantastic on there so please give it a shot I mean it’s uh Run’s a good dude he

Had a lot of fire so I’m excited to finish that up I appreciate it I appreciate it all right Tyler glass now then we’ll get to some questions here uh final tuneup start he was pretty good he was pretty good I would say Scott five and a third no hits no walks eight

Strikeouts I’m joking he was far he one walk far better than pretty good his last two outings eight and a third no hits allowed 13 strikeouts the Dodgers name him opening day starter this is the classic spring training means nothing until it doesn’t and it’s spring

Training yada yada y eight in the third no hits 13 strikeouts that means something no matter where it’s happening I agree he’s not just striking out minor league guys he’s up here you know he’s he’s facing actual players so uh great watch exactly what you like to see out

Of your Ace he’s an ace we’ll chat about it Jeff I know we’re going to build different Blake and I are going to round this all year long man but uh it’s terrific this is what you want to see he’s rolling into the year hot he he’s

Already he said early on he was trying some stuff out which is why he had a little bit of a hiccup people were saying you know get on Dodgers he’s not who he is but this is why you bring him in this is why you absorb the prospect

Cost you extend him uh he’s going to do stuff like this is this isn’t just a spring training type of start this is stuff Tyler Glau can and will do in the regular season um expect that type of stuff every day that’s that’s a you know

High bar I don’t expect that but he’s going to come out here with Wipeout stuff blow players down like it’s going to be a terrific front-end guy they they made the move for exactly what they needed strikeout stuff he’s if he’s there all year healthy knock on wood

Everybody he’s exactly what you want out of the front end guy or your Dodges rotation this is a fantastic transition so he’s an ace he can anchor a staff let’s roll like yeah no and and like what you just said is the key part like when the Dodgers traded for glass now my

My number one concern was Health um and I’ll be honest we had a guy on will Caroll injury expert on Twitter and he talked me through why he’s not worried at all about glass now’s elbow and I felt a whole heck of a lot better after that conversation there’s never been any

Debate like I I guess my thing is I’m not surprised like there’s never been debate about his stuff the debate is going to be there’s really no debate about Tyler glass now it’s how many innings does he throw this year for sure I is it over 120 or under 120 I think

That’s like ultimately the question here um and and and again talking to will Caroll he’s like I’m not worried at all about his elbow getting information understanding the injury understanding what happened why he missed time a couple different places so um this is the real deal on Tyler glass now I

Assume I mean based on what you just said no issue with him being the opening day starter over over Yamamoto none like that’s I think he’s I don’t think it once you get past that first round it doesn’t really matter matter I think opening day stuff only matters if it’s

The first time through and then from there you you know it just depends on days off and we’ll see guys get mix mixed in match either way but uh deserving of an opening day start absolutely Tyler glass now welcome to the Dodgers dude like this is it’s it’s

A fun stuff it’s it’s great to have him back in Southern California he’s a fun watch he’s gonna compete um I love his compete love that thank you Dave uh I use that all the time but I he just had a career high in Innings pitch this last

Year so to Tyler glass now he’ll tell you he’s only had what one I think it’s been one major arm issue and that’s just kind of lingered for a bit and that’s been kind of what he’s hindered think it’s kind of hindered his you know broadening that I think he builds on it

He’s healthy right now he’s in a great system to be where they’re able to manage that they won’t ask them to do too much if it’s not there uh so it’s the perfect marriage um super excited I love it Hawaiian Kira another Super Chat thank you for these any other prospects

On the list for interviews and introducing to the fans uh none none in the in the hopper necessarily but we’re working on it I want to have John Rooney back on part of the reason we talked to him was because he’s a part of this Prospect showcase I think something like

That is what they’re calling it where the teams put together All-Star Prospect teams and play against each other it’s coming up in the next few day I think it’s three or four days away so we had him on so I joked with him that he needs

To be our correspondent at the game and come back after and report so hopefully we have him back on but um it’s something we try and do it’s hard this time of year because guys are kind of getting moved up and down and all around and getting ready for different minor

League Seasons but we always try our best um if you’ve been watching the show we had Michael Grove on a handful of times Ryan pepio was on a couple of times before he got traded we had vessia on when he was still down in the minor

League so we’ve been able to do a few of these and uh it’s good stuff so none others that are necessarily um on the docket but we’re hopeful Hawaiian Kira so thank you for that uh Super Chat here um a couple other random rapid fire on

Scott just to close the loop on our Fanatics and Nike Fiasco should we say the Nike Fiasco Fanatics whether whether I know Blake hates me saying this but Fanatics is is pretty much blameless in this they’re just producing the jersey Nike designed but the MLB players Association an MLB spokesperson has said

Based on player request adjustments are being made to jerseys sized waist inseam length thigh fit and the bottom of their pants so there you go folks there’s a little more Tor Rings happening for uh happening for our guys so we we’ve got some some better thigh fit Scott coming your way

You know me you know me big big leg guy big leg day guy that would be at the Forefront of my thing I’d be sitting there with Walker ber punch in the door like this is egregious stuff man so that’s great um it’s a ridiculous conversation to have these this is a

Billion multi-billion dollar industry why are we talking about pants and jerseys like let’s make it easy but sorry Blake man Fanatics doesn’t really have this is Nike dude I know he wants to blame Fanatics and I’m I’m not going to tell him he’s wrong did I tell you my

Bad experience I went went through it a little bit they sent me they sent me a kids jersey kids small and then they sent me a reorder and they sent me another kids small and I was just like there’s no chance and I sent them both

Back and I was like I’m I told my girlfriend I was like I’m not getting you one you’ll wait like we’ll have to wait until they figure it out but I want to know are they going to make changes to the ones they’re selling to fans like

Are they like what are they I mean is this just pants or so so here’s the thing the thing on the pants has been widely debated about whether they are actually different pants people have found pictures where previous years the pants have been see on team photo day

Under The Lights Etc I think it was the Reds and you can go back and see like six years of being able to see the shirt Tales underneath the bigger issues that the the biggest issue the players had we had the guy from the athletic on the

Biggest issue the players had was that the pants were not fully customizable they basically had three different pant fits like do you want it Loose do you want it tight do you want it high do you want it low like there was only a few different options whereas they were used

To like fully tailored pants basically that was the thing they were complaining about most so I think that’s what’s happening is that there’s going to be more customization of the pants specifically um the colors are not going to be changed the patches the lettering the numbers the size none of that’s

Going to be fixed so I don’t that’s why I’m saying I don’t think it’s going to impact what fans are buying Because unless you’re trying to buy fully customized pants which you’ve probably got bigger life questions if you’re buying fully customizable baseball pants as an adult but you know I’m not here to

Judge in the words of Daniel starkin no disrespect to the people that are buying fully customizable baseball pants as an adult but dot dot dot um so yeah there you go uh okay one last thing I see some people commenting on this the Dodgers try Korean snacks um I know you have not

Gotten a chance to see this I don’t think I have to I have to see it it’s incredible content was bruar the first one on there it’s Bobby Miller and Michael Grove together and then it’s bruar and it’s Yoshi noou Yamamoto and okay I gotta watch like the com of

Michael Grove is just kind of quiet the whole time Bobby Miller is like exactly who you imagine Bobby Miller to be yes and then you’ve got bruar that’s hilarious you’ve got Yoshi noou who’s like you’re getting to know him so um a few of my highlights for the people in

The chat um Bobby they had like seven of them and my favorite was after he eats the second one he goes oh that’s my number one like you’ve only had two Bobby like let’s we got to get through the rest of this list so I found that

Comical um the the most memeable moment was one of them was shrimp flavored and Bobby was not a fan Bobby was out on Seafood he’s not a seafood guy tried the shrimp one and it looked like he was going to puke in his mouth immediately afterwards Michael Grove basically says

I don’t even taste anything um so that was a good moment uh yoshinobu Yamamoto said like all of them were spicy which was kind of funny and then the last moment which was hilarious is there was one that was chocolate they had to kind of guess what the flavor was there was

One that was like chocolate in the middle and Groves like like it tastes like blueberry and then they’re like it’s chocolate and he’s like oh uh yeah okay I taste the chocolate now I taste the chocolate now so yeah I’m looking at Bob I’m looking at Bobby just go what

Was that shrimp flavor on no wonder a come on Bobby yeah not a seafood guy Bobby Miller not a secet guy unrefined palette I think Bobby Miller based on this video would fit right in with the Dodger blue crew is my uh is my estimation but we see some people in the

Chat saying we’ve got to get Blake to go through the snacks and uh look I’ve said it I can’t wait to see Blake um eat food in Korea it’s going to be fantastic it’s the f is so good in Korea that’s the thing so um all right let’s get to some

Questions if you’ve got any questions throw them in the chat all caps questions we got about five or six minutes we’ll take some of those before we have to run um somebody’s saying the blueberry bass notes Michael Grove just has a sophisticated pallet that might be

True it’s those those two things in my mind don’t taste very similar so um who knows uh here we go this is a great question Larry if River Ryan somehow makes it to the postseason roster do you think he would be a better pinch hitting option than Austin Barnes I’m only half

Joking if you don’t know River Ryan was a two two-way player when he was in college and then with the Padres they tried him out mostly as a hitter he comes over to the Dodgers in exchange for Matt batty a trade that has worked out rather nicely and is now full-time a

Pitcher and he’s a top 100 guy but he can hit um Scott I’ll let you answer this do you think Austin Barnes is a better hitter than River Ryan uh currently where they’re at yes I I would say so I would say so not if you

Just were like all River grab a bat get in there like he’s not he’s I don’t think he’s doing anything but H you’re gonna hold nobody clip that please nobody clip that if this ever happens uh no Austin Barnes Austin Barnes is my my first base hit guy first swingy sees okay uh

2021 the CPX level which I don’t know exactly what that is uh 43 plate appearances River Ryan 308 batting average 349 on base 436 slug with a home run oh no I’m getting loed oh God I mean it’s like he’s like an 800 Ops but like

Below AB ball no he’s not he’s Austin Barnes no no no Austin Barnes is going up there and get a knock before he does yeah Scott Scott tell the people your bold prediction for the Dodgers I mean everybody can get on everybody can join the wagon Austin Barnes getting a base

Hitting his first at bat yeah I don’t want to attach anything yet because I almost said I would said I would jump in my pool in a suit if Yamamoto we have $10 bet on it so I’m feeling pretty good about that do that’s fine we we do we do

We do I’m okay you you’ll buy me my first beer in Vegas this summer let’s do it yeah why not absolutely GI it seemed like a good trade at the time feeling a bit of sellers remorse for the Tony Watson for O’Neal Cruz I mean why do you

Gotta bring this up GI a little bit of sellers remorse you better be feeling a lot more than a little bit of sellers or Morris look this is the danger of trading prospects sometimes they turn into O’Neal Cruz and yordon alvare as those are like the 5% of Trades that

Andrew Freedman has made but they are exist they they they are in existence and so there you go uh oh here we go Bob night we have to I know you don’t like food questions Scott but Bob asked it Pringles or pizza Lunchables I have got a vested interest in Pizza Lunchables

Those are Norah’s favorite uh I’m gonna say pizza Lunchables we all went there those are the best man if you didn’t like if you were a kid and you didn’t like cracking open your lunch boox and seeing a pizza lunch bowl no doing yeah I remember when they came out

With like the nachos lunchable that was my favorite but I’m definitely going Pizza Lunchables here I’m not a fan of pizza Pringles for for whatever for whatever it’s worth uh dong wants to know the origin of the intro organ music no idea uh it was like a clip we found

Online and it was an orgon which baseball the organ so there you go I wish I had a better story uh you know what scratch all that forgot all forget I said all that it’s Blake in his basement he has an organ and we had him just freestyle for us that’s down there

Until it sounded good again shout out to Blake uh ZIP Code Zero over under Bobby Miller wins of 20 holy smoke Scott under oh my God 20 what’s the number I mean if I 15 and a half are you going over or under Scott uh what did he just have

Hold on 1 I think he was 13 last year someone check me did somebody do it before I can me somebody in chat knows before I do here we go uh 11 and four 11 oh you said 15 15 and a half so I’ll say 17 I’m gonna

Be high but you got to think he’s started there’s a lot of games where the offense just wasn’t got look his run support but there’s a lot of Team where he just he he got behind way early I think if he those I’m gonna say I’ll say

17 I think he gets 17 this year yeah I I think 16 would be kind of 16 17 range would be my guess so that’s a ton uh William wants to know any update on Blake Tran have you heard anything Scott I have not if you want to fact check

That real quick and I actually saw that lineer while you’re checking that and see if I can but that was a thud he got drilled he’s a Blake tron’s a big dude and he just wore that straight in the ribs so yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if they

Kind of let him get his legs under him before that because that’s but he’s a he’s a he’s a competitor he’ll be okay uh but definitely a scary line drive right back at him so hopefully there’s no residuals there but we know how you know Bone bruises are especially to the

Rib cage uh he’s here’s the here’s a report from Bill plunket uh this was a couple days ago Blake tryan suffered a bruised lung but no fractures when he was hit by a line drive Dodgers he’ll be available by Korea so there you go hopeful he’ll be available for Korea

Bruar grad will not be in Korea um hoping that he’s back for the domestic opening day yeah um here we go if Stone and EMT both pitch well do you think the Dodgers go with the six-man rotation or will one of them be sent to the bullpen

Or to the miners I I don’t I don’t think they’re going to go well I think one of them we sent down that would be my answer yeah they want they they Dodgers have been pretty consistent on this that they for pitchers they if they can

They’re going to keep them in a regular rotation they don’t want to put anybody to the bull they those both don’t profile like EMT we know he can he’s he would be an elite reliever if he stuck that long term but they’re not he’s not at a point in his career where they’re

Gonna pull that plug so the Dodgers want to keep him in a regular rotation so young like I think that whichever one they choose it’ll full for now it’ll be Gavin until emt’s ready to go um it might be Gavin Stone getting the start early on but as far as a six-man

Rotation I don’t think they’ll they’ll give abbreviated stuff I think that six-man spot will be when Ryan yarbor will kind of get the bulk of his run yeah I was gonna say Michael Grove or Ryan yarboro a guy that they’re probably more comfortable shifting back and forth between relief pitcher and starter

That’s why I don’t think it would be Stone and emit I think they might have a six-man rotation at times I just think those aren’t the two guy like they’re not going to keep one of those guys up the major league roster for 12 days to

Make one start is kind of the catch it would be would be ridiculous tqt if bets can’t cut it at short and has to move back to Second where does that put Lux in terms of future Seasons trade bait Outfield question mark I mean they’ve got tasar Hernandez and Jason Hayward on

One-year deals so I suppose there are some openings potentially in the Outfield um I know uh we’ve had Anthony wado on here he thinks Outfield is lux’s Ultimate destination what do you you think do you think if Muki has to move back to Second does Lux become trade

Bait or start taking fly balls in left field the Miguel Vargas route does he do that it’s possible he was the original mcky ve he was original M ve remember that and then he ran into the Outfield wall so I mean it could be that might

Change like a change of scenery just in on a different position in the Outfield might be the wave but as far as trade bait we talked about that earlier if you you know tqt good to see you man but uh check out what we talked about earlier

On his trade value is pretty low like it’ll be the Dodgers aren’t going to sell low on him and if they do it’s just because they want to give him a fresh you know scenery elsewhere but I think a move to the Outfield would be very

Interesting if his if his arm is you know able to if he’s able to find a cut off man better than he’s able to find first base then absolutely yeah but if that will be there I’m excited about his Bat I I truly am I really am excited to

See how he could be you know a dynamic player at the bottom of the lineup so I if you separate the offense and defense I’ve been talking about how he was super valuable from the eight n spot yeah when he was healthy so I’m excited to see

That again um but I’ll be worried when he’s on the field yeah I think they would try him at Outfield I think that would be the next progression is that if Muki has to move to Second Gavin goes down takes reps in the Outfield and you

See where would you want him uh yeah I mean outman in center field so left field and you know you know I joked about I I just threw out right field not really thinking about it and I think whoever I was on the show with was like

Uh he doesn’t have the arm for right field I’m like touche touche left field that would be go where G Lux is uh Richard wants to know which happens first Barnes hits a home run or Blake Snell signs I mean this might be this is Blake Snell by months right yeah it has

To be hey layoff layoff the guy yeah it’s gotta be it’s gonna be Blake snow I would say like by a month by today yeah how Okay uh we we’ll just we’re both on Snell it’ll be before it’ll be Blake Snell before that but yeah when does Austin Barnes get his first Homer

Anybody in the chat if you yeah if somebody gets it right I’ll look through these later on if somebody gets this right on the day that he hits his first home run I’ll send you a bobblehead of something extra that I have wow look at this guy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah follow

Me on follow me on Twitter shout out and then we’ll and then we’ll we’ll reconnect somebody give me one no I need exact date mdy man I don’t want June tell me like June 5th he had two home runs last year do you want to guess what

When he hit his first Scott uh April 1 was opening day or his his first appear opening day July 18th uh you were a month early August 17th August 17th was his first home run last year I want exact I want fine give me a week give me an exact week if you

Get it with week September 17th he hit his second and that that was all she wrote for our guy atin somebody give me a week span that’s fine just put one day and then I’ll I’ll go a week in that in a range and we’ll we’ll talk them

Hawaiian Kira any updates on May or gonin not really we’re not gin’s done for the year uh Dustin May check Circle back around the All-Star Blake break is uh is what I would say there not the All-Star Blake the All-Star break uh Lewis wants to know do you see the

Dodgers taking a stab at Montgomery or Snell it’s a I would be 10 out of ten shocked if they made a move on either of these I would I would cannonball into the pool in my blue suit if that happened uh backflip I wouldn’t be able

To do that so uh but yeah I would be blown away if they go back into the well and bring Snell in but a one-year deal it’s possible Jeff but I don’t think they need it I think we I think Matt and I talked about this that it just

Bringing another arm like that where you have to insert him there where there’s no maneuverability just pushes that line back and then it then it creates more problems of their prospects who are ready to pitch in the big leagues now it’s like now you have to see them

Through another spot in Triple A And Delay their start in the big leagues even farther around I think they’re I don’t think they’re ready to I don’t think they want to do that anymore with Kershaw bu like they need they need the spots yeah history man 0828 am I alone

In thinking we only have Barnes for sentimental reasons catching the last out of the 2020 World Series he’s a clubhouse guy and combined with the fact that the catching Market is an absolute Wasteland like as much as everybody knows I am down on Austin Barnes there

Are a handful of teams in Major League Baseball he would probably be starting for so he he’s not what oh yeah you think you think I gotta look I don’t know dude the catch catching position is a wasteland let’s see this uh a starter like a

Starter I think Austin Barnes would be a starter on a yeah I mean he’s he’s he’s he’s yeah he’s they yeah we’ve seen we’ve definitely seen worse I’ll give you that okay so of 100 catchers oh catchers last year let’s see let’s do 200 plate appearances let’s

See how many guys had an offensive weighted runs created plus over a 100 oh 16 so 16 catch who were above average offensively I mean that’s a lot that’s a lot that’s a lot yeah I mean some of these guys down at the bottom let’s see how many we

Had that’s out of 45 guys with uh at least 200 a bats do you want to guess out of 45 where Austin Barnes ranked in weighted runs created plus uh 41 44 you were being nice Austin Hedges the only guy worse Austin Hedges had 22 PL appearances Scott 200 12 plate

Appearances he had a weighted runs created plus of 24 Hedges is a dog like he I played against him when I was a kid he was a mountain yeah I I may adjust that I don’t think Austin Barnes he had a 41 weighted runs graded plus last year

He might not be starting on five teams so I’m gonna I’m gonna pull that one back pull that one back uh yeah I mean he’s a clubhouse guy and he’s a backup catcher and who cares that’s that’s why Austin Barnes next I like that next uh okay let’s see we got

Try and get to one or two more here the Pirates people yeah I mean look yeah all right I got some people saying that uh that they might agree oh man uh man I scrolled past all the questions I think uh I need all right who right want to Scott what would be

Your walk up song if you were a Dodger you go first I gotta you go first oh man this is a question that I feel like you need to think about uh man I got I need to open my Spotify to think about this party in the USA that’s what I’m

Going for that’s not bad not bad big Miley Cyrus guy over here yeah hope she’s doing the Super Bowl but yeah what did I say I think I said Taylor Swift I met Miley Cyrus apologies to all the swifties that I just defended everybody weeps everybody’s in denial about Miley

Cyrus being an absolute Powerhouse come at me okay you got one I don’t know I don’t I I’d probably do like the Bulls theme the you know whatever that is the Bulls theme song remember that from the 90s yeah Dan Halen right now I think it’s called that’s a banger that’s actually a

Great one it’s like the no everybody knows what I’m talking about yeah it’s the it’s the yeah it’s it’s solid um okay two I have two food questions for you Scott okay these are mine I asked these to Stephen Nelson too first one is you walk into a doughnut shop what are

You walking out with Maple bar okay straight Maple bar maybe in a apple fritter yeah apple FR and um That’s that might be it I don’t want to go too crazy yeah I’m apple fritter guy and then I like the I like the childish cake donuts with sprinkles and frosting on top really okay just a classic just a classic okay the other one is we’ve had

There’s been a debate about ice cream flavors on the Dodger blue staff where do you stand on pistachio ice cream it’s fine it’s it’s fine it’s like it’s the same thing of just like I who yeah somebody asked me I was like it’s fine I

Don’t you know it is what it is mat Matt Matt says that’s what he orders and Blake thinks he’s crazy I mean Blake also thinks cream cheese avocado rolls are good so I mean like you know you gotta think about that so uh it’s fine it’s it’s one of those what’s your goto

Like you walk into Baskin Robbins what do you get I’ve got so it just I like right now uh mint chip is terrific but if if I see like a cotton candy I know nobody get on me about that but if I see like a cotton candy I used to get cotton

Candy when I was a kid like in preschool I remember we’d go to TCBY I haven’t seen one of those in a long time and get a little bit of a gap you know and get a little cotton candy ice cream Nora liked it for like a week and it was a euphoric

Thing I was like oh my God uh but mint chip one uh and then this is the worst one for you once I found out how much like stuff is in it but like strawberry is terrible for you I guess but okay uh let’s dance yeah but yeah just some good

Strawberry man yeah mint chip mint chips my choice as well cotton candy flavored anything I’m out on though there was a cotton candy flavored cookie at this Bakery I was at yesterday I text you a picture I texted a picture the the bakery is called the

Lux Lux Bakery it’s up here in Oregon and what is it there there’s a literally we’re texting about Gavin Lux and there’s a hashtag on the wall that says like live live life Lux or something like that it was just so perfect so perfect so any industry plant yeah uh

Okay noo splitter this is a good one we’ll go out on this what’s strikeout pitch to get the last out in MLB 24 if you’re playing Blake oh uh I know everybody Matt wants me he’s sitting in his computer like say the fastball down the middle I’m not fastball middle

Middle right no no no I’m saying uh I’m saying Sinker on the hands because there’s not a chance Blake’s reaction time would he no way easy swing I like it I like it well hey everybody we appreciate you joining us here on Dodger heads as always tons of content

Coming up I’ve mentioned some of it we’ve got an interview with John Rooney up now please go check that out tomorrow Steven Nelson Dodgers play-by-play guy will be on the show we recorded that a couple of hours ago and then later this week we’ve got a Willie adamis video

Coming we’ve got a Hung Kim video coming as trade targets and then of course uh Friday night I will be back doing a live show nine o’clock pm on that one we’ve got a live show Sunday night we’ve got a ton of content coming next week’s season

Preview type stuff and then hey a breakfast morning live postgame show next Wednesday at like 6:30 in the morning or or whenever the heck that 3:00 a.m. game ends so tons of content so if you’re not already please subscribe and ring the notification Bell here on YouTube if you’re a podcast

Person listening after the fact thank you thank you thank you you can check out the podcast Apple Spotify Google just search for Dodger heads and please you do us a huge favor if you went over there liked subscribed rated review that goes a long way towards helping us so

Please go and do that you can check out Scott Scott geerman on social media me Jeff spegel and of course dodgerblue 1958 everywhere that is Scott I am Jeff enjoy the rest of your night folks and as always go Dodgers


  1. mookie will probably be worn out by the time the playoffs come around playing that position hopefully they can make a trade for somebody that can make throws without making a zillion errors.

  2. I think you guys are way off with lux. I think he can still be a great starter but he needs a rehab assignment to shake his rust and lessen the spotlight and pressure. As for Rojas, his elite defense also helps offset muncy at third. Also lux play may be overcome with offensive power but how much more wear does it put on our pitchers basically needing 10 innings of outs per game. Lastly putting mookie at higher risk for injury isn't a good solution.

  3. I’m very concerned what happens to the Dodgers when they return from Korea. Fatigue both mental and physical is going to take its toll and could lead to slow start to those critical games out of the box.

  4. Disrupting Mookie from 2nd is a no go for me. He can be a gold glove at 2nd base. At shortstop we will be lucky if he is average and he may be worn out soon.

  5. Mookie can handle short and play like a dream for a year . With Rojas and Taylor first in line to handle some games or innings. They might have to ride out second this year with somebody like Owings handling defense at second base. There's a chance Luxy won't be able to handle defense on the infield. In which case he would be competing with Vargas as the fourth outfielder. And the winner of that would be replaced with Pages soon enough after that. They'll be in a better position after the season to deal with finding a capable shortstop before moving Mookie back to second next year.

  6. Put Rojas at short and lux in triple A at SS let him play everyday to shake off the rust let him prove he will take over the starting role. Mookie needs to not be worn out for the postseason.

  7. Rojas catches strays from Jeff every video, I find it hard to believe it's not personal.
    I think a lot of our pitchers would be pumped to have one of the best defensive ss behind them, even if he is really bad offensively. The rest of our lineup can more than make up for that.

  8. Jeff, your comment starting at 19:21 has made me pause the video to say this: What a ridiculous and sorry sign of the times. I could be wrong, but I think fans come to this channel to celebrate the team, not complain.

  9. Lux will be fine. It's not a Sax thing. It's Spring Training. It's ok to take a breath. Except when it comes to Glasnow. Getting stoked about him is valid.

  10. I have a problem with the team logos on the jerseys being iron-on for $200. How are they going to hold up going through a dryer multiple times? Don’t even get me started on the player jerseys for $400. Ridiculous.

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