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The Ian Wright Story ❤️ | FULL Monday Night Football Interview

Watch the full Monday Night Football Interview of Arsenal legend Ian Wright, with Jamie Carragher.

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Yeah how much does all that mean to you not just the fact that people talk about you you know in hush tones as a footballer but as a as a bloke as you know something I think that’s the that’s the biggest um biggest compliment you can get when people talk talk about it

As a bloke when I was playing it meant the whole well to me but like in respects of the lads and being with the lads it was the best thing ever so when you got people talking about you in that way and they’re speaking about you so glowingly it’s it’s it’s magnificent

It’s unbelievable you know what I mean all I ever wanted was to um to to play at at this level and get your name in the conversation that’s all I wanted so growing up what were the chances of you becoming a a footballer and a top

Footballer it was slim it was very slim at the start because I was going for trials from the age of like 10 the only trial I ever got through to was was was Crystal Palace failed in all the other trials for whatever reason I had up

Trials in all the London clubs um didn’t never got second trials all of them um and you know it was quite dispiriting I got to say because the only thing I done was I I just kept playing I played Sunday morning football I actually went from my Sunday morning team to 10mb

Started playing men’s football when I was 16 and what what I used to do when I was playing is because I score I used to score so many goals but I us think I’m playing against players that stubbing out cigarettes and drinking their last bit of beer before they get on the pitch

So you’re not thinking you’re playing against anybody of any caliber but I used to try different things um just to try and keep myself interested in the game like I try and I try and hit the are try and hit the post for the goal to

You know just those things and in the end when I got into the professional game those things are already instilled in me to have that work eort you know the trials you saying you failed in then so obviously the abil is there why do you think you failed in those trials was

I don’t know did you think you performed well do you think there was too much for you I I scored goals in those trials I had good Pace I was very brave um you know it’s I don’t know I used to for when I was younger I there was a while

Where I was very very like uh how can I say what’s the word I can say as grudgeful towards Scouts never had a scout approached me only Scout that approached was pet Apprentice from Crystal Palace I remember his words exactly hello my name is pet Apprentice I represent Crystal Palace and we’d like

To offer you a twoe trial I couldn’t believe it you know what I mean I was at the time I was having a trial with do jamet to play for do jaml and I scored a couple of goals in the possible and probables game and that’s when he came

Up to me afterwards and actually I actually said I really can’t afford to take this trob because I just had the just I just got a decent job at tunnel refineries in grinage and Shawn was like free Bradley was just born I couldn’t really afford to not have that and go

For another trial where I you know what I mean I’m going to get blown out like I did at Brighton when I was 19 had a trial at Brighton for six weeks under Chris Catlin at 19 and you know what I mean I scored goals at Swindon on trial

You know what I mean um when I when I played away at Swindon um and I remember that one cuz it was kind of the first goal I ever scored in a stadium scored a goal at the Brighton as well and it was it was great it was great and I was

Thinking wow you know I was with um Dean Wilkins and Chris Ramsey you know what I mean and Perry Perry um Perry digweed was at fullam and they were saying you’re prob yeah you’re probably going to make it you know what I mean you’re doing really well and I remember when

They told me that you’re not going to make it and um I remember getting on that on the train back from Brighton to London it was I don’t think I could have ever been any lower than that in my life finally the Breakthrough came 21 years

Old almost 22 by the time you did get that professional contract at Crystal Palace can you remember how that felt at the time yeah I remember um I played a game against kingstonian for Palace and we beat them one- nil and I scored in the game and Steve Copple came to the

Game and he came in dressing room afterwards and he told me you’re going to report for the first team tomorrow we’re playing against centry behind closed doors and that was the first time I thought oh my gosh you know that’s when I was hyperventilating a bit so

Then when I got there this this is when I went to when I went to the game cuz it was the game the next day when I went to the game I went to the step I went to Crystal Palace running track instead of Crystal Palace Stadium Sellers and I

Remember ask they’re not close no remember saying to a woman excuse me that when’s the behind Clos games for the for the game start and she said no you’re you’re at the you’re at the athletic stadium cellers is another mile so I had to run all the way down there

And I remember getting there and Steve Copple um taking me to the office and they signed me on a contract and I and it was only a three-month contract so I got even more um scared and nervous because now I used to go back to my area

And people would tease me about yeah well you always go to these trials and you’re never good enough so now I’ve got a twoe trial which I got into but now it’s turn into a three Monon trial with1 expenses a week um at the time I was earning 105 got T of

Refineries but like it was something where I said you know what I’m I’m just going to I’m just going to do it and see how I go you know I mean mean but like it was the most it was a bit of sweet because I was absolutely delighted but

At the same time I was still very apprehensive because they could still say no at the time Palace couldn’t really afford it so I was how quickly into that three Monon trial do you know that you you feel like you belong or was the was the one game that stood out that

No no no because during training Jame I was doing stuff I knew I was doing stuff I remember it was the time when people kept kicking me as well and I remember Steve Copple saying that’s that’s how it is you’re playing well they they know that you’re you’re a threat and that and

He said never ever change the way you you you see the game in the last third uh of the pitch you know try those things try the chips try the shots from everywhere and it’s something that I never ever forgot but there was things

You had to do which I had to learn I had to get a lot of videos I had to watch a lot of players used to watch Clive Allen Lin rush you know Paul Walsh used to watch Paul Walsh cuz he was kind of the same as me Mick Harford out Mick Harford

Would hold the ball up we used to watch a lot of those things cuz when I was playing in that day I never done that in the Sunday morning game I was just get the ball over the top i’ get the ball turn people and go for it so I didn’t

Learn about linking play and having to link play running to make space for other people so I mean when I went there I had to do a lot of that work with Steve cop who gave me videos of all those players and I had to watch it and

Then I was training and playing with Trevor alot um I remember watching him when I used to go and watch M wall and he was easily one of the best Target men I’d ever seen apart from Teddy sheram but you know playing with him and watching him in in um in reserve games

Helped me no end certainly you did when it when we see the um the way your career developed at Crystal Palace with Steve coupple there so you nine goals in your first Football League season I mean that in itself must have been special because did you feel like you had made it at

That stage or did you feel even then that you were just starting out out yeah I still felt I was starting out because um I think my first goal was against oldum and I came off the bench and it was still it was still weird because I’m

Playing all I’m playing in front of people and it was really really I was just happy to be playing in these Reserve games at people’s stadiums in the in the reserves did you always enjoy that you know the the the sort of the showman bit of you that we’ve seen in

The clips you know and we know there you as a footballer but when you first had that experience of playing in front of people yeah because like what was happening was you do stuff what I thought was just stuff what you do like you like even when just running past

Someone with skills and going past people go oh and when you had any kind of shots or anything the crowd go oh and they’d love any kind of shot or anything and I got addicted to the the fact that they loved anything like that so you

Just I just done it more well the first time I I was aware of you obviously you you start your carea I’m starting to watch football then and it was that right and bright or was it bright and right or right and bright well I probably go bright and right I used to

Say right and bright because obviously he was a senior Pro he was a senior guy how how how much did he help you vice versa no end because like I said it was videos up until that point you know watching people and getting the videos and then when Mark brigh came came from

Leicester and it’s like a big brother to me really in the way he was the way to conduct myself off the pitch the way you are on the pit he couldn’t he didn’t want to change too much about I was on the pitch I couldn’t change that anyway

I never lost the the Sunday morning okay if we have to go in the car park I see you out there vibe you know what I mean it was that he tried to take that kind of out of me but I couldn’t help it when you got into the to the bantering and

The talking with people cuz people were allowed to kick you in those days but like he he just wanted me to I remember one of the things he wanted me to do more than anything stay on your feet you keep shooting and falling over you know

What I mean those kind of things he would tell me he tell me about holding the ball up in certain places you make that run here and you know what I mean I’m going to be behind you if I’m going up to flick it just go don’t even think

If I win it or not just go just get ramble continually all the time those kind of things don’t you think that that Sunday footballer was kind of what made you who you were absolutely I remember I was playing against a player from harleypool um and we we be I remember he

Kept calling me through the Sunday morning player all through the game I don’t know if he was saying it because um he was trying to wind me up but I said what are you talking about I know I’m a Sunday morning footballer but here

I am you know what I mean I scored a hatrick in the game as well you know I mean he didn’t stop saying it I couldn’t understand why he thought that was some form of like um criticism in in my direction I was proud to be a Sunday morning footballer leaving Sunday

Morning football on the level I was playing with my team 10mb and the quality of players I was playing against to then go to straight to Crystal Palace who were in the second division the Sunday morning footballer became an Arsenal player tell us about how you

First heard of that um it was it was um I think we played older it would have been old and we played away from home and when I when I got home that night I got a call from um the chairman rest in peace Ron nodes about

He wants me to come and see him at his house um on the on the Sunday um and he mentioned it to me he mentioned that there’s been interest that you can have to go and see the boss tomorrow and he didn’t tell me who it was um so I

Couldn’t understand why he called me around his house I only lived around the corner anyway but I remember I went into training on the Monday and um so that was a Sunday went in on the Monday and Steve Copple called me in I thought there was something wrong I thought i’

Done something wrong and I didn’t do much wrong I’m not saying I’ve done anything wrong but I thought well what’s he want to see me for it and then he come called me and he sat down and he sat there he’s very foror about it and

He just never really looked at me and I sat down and he went um we’ve accepted a bid from Arsenal for you for2 and a half million pounds and I remember I um it was really shocked I was shocked firstly right obviously you know David rast was

In and obviously I love David and you know what I mean Arsenal was our team on the estate cuz David was there but I think the first thing I said to him was when I’ve got I got to buy my mom a television got I got to go pick my mom’s

Television up today when have I got to go and do that said you got to leave now you know what I mean and it was it was really um it was very quick it was very quick um it’s kind of too quick I didn’t have no time to think about anything

Before I knew it I was driving down to Arsenal in the Wellington to have the medical um and it was it was it was it was very it was almost like you was I was living outside myself watching watching this happen to myself because I remember when I was driving down there I

I couldn’t believe how how this is happening it’s this is all happening now and then I started to realize that um first I realized you can’t mess about in them in their Medicals I kept doing that with a doctor ah I was in there for 11 hours D it was

Like I got there cuz I got to training at 9:00 by the time I got to Arsenal it would have been like quarter past 11 and I didn’t leave that Wellington hospital till about I’d say 8:00 they tested everything couldn’t believe it um and then once that was done I remember

Watching um a Vox box they were doing where they went into Arsenal like into around iory videoing people and I said I don’t know what we buying him for we don’t need a striker we’ve got you know Kevin scoring Merc scoring Alan Smith scoring Alan Smith was scoring

Unbelievable amount of goals had two golden boots by the time I got there and so I started to be very started to get very um self-conscious about oh my gosh I’m I’m going to Arsenal as their most expensive sign man I was like the syndrome I I it was it was Jame because

I was remember watching the news by I was watching it and I couldn’t stop watching it and you’re hearing these fans saying we don’t want him what’s he coming here for we don’t need him and so all all I was thinking was oh my gosh and then I heard George Graham do an

Interview saying well you know have to see if he can get himself in the team he could be the most expensive substitute in the football and I was like you know what I mean listening to him say that so I I didn’t think nothing of it you know

What I mean I went to train with the guys having a nightmare in training you know they were teasing me about how much did we pay and that and then um obviously I didn’t realized I was going to play on the Tuesday when we played against Leicester in the League Cup um

Because Alan Smith was playing and then all of a sudden when we got to the ground he said um you’re playing and I was like Wow but when I got on the pitch with the guys obviously I saw it in training there it was like pinball how good they were you see the

Level up from absolutely absolutely and I think obviously there were some great players there but it was Paul meron it made me realize I was amongst some top players obviously Tony and the guys at the back is very difficult to get past them and even scoring training with the

Goalkeeper as well everything was so intense everything was so quick everything was so sharp in training and I found that you know then you get someone like Martin ke who’s marking you in every eight a side game he always comes up honestly scratching you and everything telling you that listen no

One’s going to Mark you like that you’re going to be have a lot more space tomorrow worry about that and to be honest he was right because when you played I did find I had more time and there was so much more buildup that you make runs and I remember John ollins

Rest his soul he used to I used to speak to he’s a mentor of mine the great John olins he used to say you’re going to make runs and so you’re not going to get the ball some of the times because other people other players are making runs so

You make that run you come back and do it that’s what I’m saying about nunz you make goals it’s up to you yeah if let let’s have a look two and a half million quid sorry I was going on a bit fascinating listening to you honestly oh

How many goals did you score against Everton I scored a lot Everton was my team I think um that was that was one way I just trying to keep it initially but then Matt Jackson turned too far and as soon as he turned to I said well he’s obviously over over over committed

Himself we people talk about Instinct but that does that do your talents and your skills of disservice there’s a lot of thought that goes into these goals um well that one I was just pleased with that one simply because you know what I mean it came out of nowhere and I was

Had the ability to be able to execute this one I love again because this is almost like e sec I know that if I these two are in the goalie way look where the goalie is all I’ve got to do really is get that past them two and so I’m

Thinking to myself just aim like I was saying about with a non Sunday morning aim for the post so I was doing it there I know that the goalkeeper and the defender have to go down here I know that so there’s so much goal to hit

There just let it hit your toe and it’s going to go because the pace on the ball what about your touch cuz you’ve been playing on different pitches not pitches like this no well that’s what you must have found it easy surely when you’re playing on this level I couldn’t believe

It this is what I’m saying when I’m all of a sudden I’m playing these stadiums these pitches where people are passing the ball to you and it’s coming without bubbling up it actually helps my helps my um my touch I like the goals like that because like again you know that’s

Come to me where I know he’s overcommitted the the the defender and I know if I get it past him the first time the next Defender who’s coming I’ll be able to clip it past I love this one from St Steve th I’m thinking at some

Stage he’s going to he’s got to kick me he’s got to pull me down look he’s got a chance there he didn’t do it you you talked before about when you were a Sunday League player and you just get it and go for the goal but we’re still

Seeing it here that was it there because like at the end I’m not looking around me Jame for anything there because I’m thinking I’m going now nothing stop celebration I know that was I know I know sorry Dave get like this one all this game Craig short every time I made

A move he is right behind us I said I could turn him if I get a decent enough ball I’ll just turn him and see what happens when I turn him I didn’t realize there was so many people behind me so then you have to you have to get then go

Again and Go Again by before I know I’m on the edge of the box I like that one simply because obviously lot from you yeah but that one’s against Spurs but it’s with that one I learned you have to let the ball come down as far as you can with a

Volley this one I couldn’t because Ken monu is so close but I’ve kept my eye on it and I thought just just the technique I always I used to do it in training get my technique right and make sure that you you you you you hit it clean this

One again I’m backing off but I know look bang I know all I’ve got to do is get my technique right and you know hit the target the goals that I used to when I was watching you the some of the goals I used to love that you’d score were

Another one against Everton I know I know but you used to score chips there’s something about a chip I love them you you don’t see them that often even in the game now but this one against this against swinden I came out and I’m thinking as soon as I turn around you’re

Thinking someone’s there he’s not there and I thought I could just see a lot of goal over there it actually went in a stanion which made it even better but you see M over there just put his arms up look M look you know but like that

One I came off the defender and he didn’t come with me and I thought well I’m just going to have a shot we were freeing him up what about this one this one was what hit me in the face to be honest but I’m trying to get this under

Control Jame but now I can see the 18 lied by him 18 yard line and I know that lukic cannot set himself cuz I haven’t looked up so I know that if I just keep my my head down I know the goal’s over there so because the 18 yard Line’s

There he’s going to be off his line and even if he’s not off his line and he just catches it what’s the worst that’s going to happen I think we were two n up at the time you know he’s just going to catch it but if I do get that right I’m

Going to chip him can we can we have a look at the graphic um from the Arsenal career and I want to show it as much as anything because when we saw it the first time weight of numbers look at this 26 goals 30 35 30 23 30 yeah I’m

Kind of happy with that then 11 in the season when we won it you know what I mean you know that important ones well to be honest it was um that was that was the season where I I started the season unbelievably on fire I was you know what

I mean and then you know I made sure that for for for after because anelka came in and that’s when I realized when anelka came in I realized bro you’re your time is short cuz this guy is as good as anything I’ve ever seen well

Before we get to it I I want to look at that I you you’re you’re an Arsenal Legend and there’s so many people I think look up to you and and I think one of the reasons why is you joined the club just after they’ won the two titles

Of the George gra 89 and 91 and then it’s almost a long way in terms of the team success till you get to almost Aon venger so the fact that you’re there I know there’s a couple of there’s an FA cup and a league in there I can imagine this is like for

Arsenal supporters who were used to winning a title those days are gone a little bit but they’ve got you and you become this figure this hero for a generation of Arsenal fans over five or six years now Arsenal then go on to have the team and obviously you were part of

In 98 do the double the invincibles tier comes Patrick viir petite all these legendary figures but I’d say none of them have the agulation that you you have because you were almost a standalone person for a generation of Arsenal fans when the team wasn’t as

Good as it it was just before you came in and probably was afterwards where maybe they’re sharing the agulation maybe but like um I remember that’s where the like they used to sing a lot of one nil to the Arsenal I wasn’t I just wanted I wanted to score so as we

Can get there James simply because when I went to Arsenal there were two they were Champions twice out the last three years remember obviously ‘ 89 and then yeah 91 um and I thought that I was going to win more more um titles that’s what I went there for went there to win

Stuff so to end up being that kind of Cup team and you know what I mean even when you see the goals still scoring goals but nowhere near the league I was thinking I’m it’s that’s not going to happen for me I’m not going to I’m not

Going to win I’m not going to win the league here and then when um when when Bruce riok came and I was really close to to to going to Chelsea you know um because like I thought that um i’ probably have to leave because Arsenal wouldn’t get rid of a manager they’ve

Had they’ve just got so it was really a tough time for me obviously it’s the best decision I ever made not going but arson Wenger came things started to change Dennis burm came Patrick Vieira came you know and then you know we started to it started to happen so when

It did come the the ultimate trophy for you the lead title was there was there actually a bit of relief yes yes because I think that um to to to score that score that many goals and not have anything to to show for it apart from maybe those Cup competitions as a

Striker I’d have thought the the the um the test is the league isn’t it the longevity of the league the consistency of a striker scoring and scoring goals to push your team to win the league you know so those are the things that I used

To think about you know you you you you know you’re you’re winning the goal scoring accolades for Arsenal winning Golden Boot and that but you you want to win the league man you want to win that simply as a striker you want something to show for your goals but I I know how

Passionate you are when I speak to you about the national team as well yes yes and a big disappointment of yours is not getting to a major tournament with England devastating for me really because I thought that 1990 when I um when I when I scored the goals in the FA

Cup against Manchester United there was talking that Bobby Robson was watching and you know what I mean to be an impact sub or something but I think he wanted to see me maybe start the second game um and when I didn’t start the second game the finally didn’t think I was going to

Be fit enough so I didn’t go I wasn’t BR too fast about that because I was like okay I got plenty of time and then ‘ 92 Sweden you know I won the Golden Boot that’s the Golden Boot I won and I didn’t get picked to even go which I was

Honestly I probably cried for about I probably cried for a week I didn’t know what more to do because like you’re meant to you’re meant to um you know this hard work and to get into England you had to score 20 25 goals to get anywhere near near England you’re doing

That stuff you win a Golden Bo I wasn’t even thinking I weren’t going to make it but were you were you part of a a golden generation of English Strikers in that sort of early to mid 90s without a doubt I knew I was going into the England

Squad as backup to people like Teddy and Al you know with our hour was doing hour was phenomenal he was the one we were all chasing then you got Coley as well then Ferd Fowler you know what I mean geez you just if you’re in there you

Know even the times when I was in there I remember there’s a game against Norway I had a cple good chances there missed them and then you got people like fow’s coming and that you know what I mean so you’re not going to get another chance

Like that so you have to wait you have to wait for your chance but I accepted the fact that I would have been on the bench this is the Euro 96 we didn’t qualify in 94 obviously I didn’t go in 92 96 I didn’t think I weren’t going to

Be in the in the squad because scoring my first goal for England Off the Bench you know coming off the bench and scoring FA Cup Final goals Terry rals knows I can do that and he said that to me on the phone um you know what I mean

I know you’re capable of I’m going to bring some people in but I’ll give you a call and I think the last game I played for England before that was Mexico at Wembley um and it was the it was the Bruce riok year where you know I was in

The papers all the time me and R weren’t getting on and then I didn’t go again I was devastated especially being at when being in England how well we were doing thinking that I was meant to be the guy to come on and score the Golden Goal I think

Oliver beer off took my dream you know he took my dream but like I genuinely believe that that was my dream to to have that was my destiny to have but it didn’t happen and then when I went when you think about your England career I played in a couple of

Tournaments but I would rather much rather have your England career cuz you were part of something that I go to bed every night and which I was part of seriously the documentary do I not like that I mean you please give me a couple of stories that is the greatest documentary of all

Time and you’re a big part of it you know sorry it was just was it like it was really strange because we all heard about this this this documentary what happening it’s for it’s for the boss he’s doing something but it was really weird because these people would just

Keep coming in and there’s a couple of things that we used to do um just we used to end up like me Les some in that was there and we used to just speak in p and Jamaican and stuff none of it ever made the edit but like and we used to do

Stuff like that and you know I mean it was just it was strange on because Graham Taylor was very serious about it you know um I remember there was one time we was having we was having a meeting and I remember Tony Colton was there and Tony Colton was just like he

Was so funny he was doing these gogg so we was in a circle and Tony coton was there and I was there and Tony cot was next to gra Taylor but gra Taylor couldn’t see but you could see me and Tony cot was doing these goggle eyes and

Graham Taylor was into this really deep speech and then I started laughing as smiling like that he said what you smiling at what you laughing at I went nothing he said what’s funny tell everybody what’s funny I said nothing I’m just I’m just glad to be here kind

Of VI but it was very serious Jame it was a very serious thing and until you saw it and saw Phil nil and stuff like that was Phil was I remember there was one way she been right here on she been right here on no can I just tell you to

David Batty still cuz David Batty is somebody I love David Batty I remember he’s doing his thing fil now and he’s very Inus come on hey come on L and then David B he didn’t do something he didn’t do something and he said okay B get down do

10 B well I can’t say what it was it was that kind of situation so when we watched it and we saw our Phil Neil came out and it kind of made us laugh but it was something that was very at the time I was quite nervous about it because obviously

Graham Taylor was somebody I was very nervous about because I didn’t think he really talk to me and my personality how close did you get in 98 then I was very close obviously I was I was Glenn OD said to me he already told me that I was going to be going in

98 and um I remember Michael Owen just came into the squad and he said I’m going to play the first 45 and then I’m going to bring Michael um Michael on for the the second 45 and I remember I was chasing the defender back play played it

Across I remember played across to the center half then he went out to the left back and I was chasing him there and I just felt my hamstring just go and it’s one of those when it when it went I thought this isn’t um it isn’t a what’s

It called it isn’t one of those that you think yeah with maybe a couple of weeks you’ll be fine it went and I just knew instantly so then that was that was basically it you’re someone who’s if if people you know ask about Ian right or talk about Ian right what kind of

Personality they’ll say emotional mhm very emotional Played with Fire do we see enough of that now do you think Ian should should players show a little bit more emot in their football I’m not I’m not sure how how that would work simply because the way the game is and how much

The game um you can’t do certain things you can’t even get to a certain emotive State until you probably you’re in a in a final you know what I mean yes you can get into a game where you are you’re intense you know what I mean and

Sometimes I had to deal with um dealing with my emotions get running away with me because I was getting too into the game you know what I mean it’s the time where I was very much on the edge of what I was doing but was that the fire

That drove you the fuel that drove you where did it come from I think it came from coming in so late and realizing that the opportunity I had I had to take full advantage in every training session every game didn’t didn’t want to leave anything out there didn’t want people to

Think oh he’s he’s big time look at him oh he’s he’s handling around the place he’s good Big Time Charlie kind of vibe which um I I never was I always believed that I was running out of time cuz I came so late so it was always like you

Know every single game meant meant everything probably do anything within the laws of the game to to win the game as well and probably say anything to somebody as well with the law can I ask you something yeah how would you manage as a pundy to be universally

Loved Dave none of us are universally L Jesus you know something I was always saying the other day to somebody that sometimes now you see you see some of the some of the comments and they’re so wacky and crazy like they’ve got no there’s no thought that’s gone into them

Just writing that is pointless even worrying about you know how much love you’re getting I literally come on to these platforms and the punditry and I’m just saying exactly what I feel you know I’ve already get Untold sck already for saying C golden instead of Co I’ll deal with

That because like I said I’m stick by that because anything I say if it comes out that’s that’s what I mean so you know I’ve got no problem with that so when you say universally loved you’re never going to get them coming up in the

Street and give you the stick I get a lot of love outside which is nice and you give a lot as well and um I hope you’ve enjoyed this because we have we have loved having you here you know that we’ve been chasing this for a long time

So we wanted to do your Justice thank you very much I appreciate I love being on I watch it every week so I’m quite pleased to be on you’re on a Bosman in the summer aren’t you well I’m on a Bosman but I’ve already been signed up by my by

My daughters my daughters I’m net ball and football bro I’m not that’s me done good for you thank you so much it’s been it’s been absolutely brilliant having you [Applause] on


  1. We know why he failed so many trials and it had nothing to do with his ability put it that way. Im sure he inspired a lot of young black men in London and elsewhere in the country. He,s a boss geeza .YNWA

  2. Ian’s energy is infectious, radiates positivity and likability, such an icon of the English game. He never played for Everton, but I wish he had. 😂

  3. We all love Ian because he possesses the ****housery we all have in us and he he reflects the non league player we have been and the pro we never could be

  4. My first ever sporting hero. He made me fall in love with Arsenal and when I went to my first Highbury match when I was 10 years old he scored and celebrated right in front of me giving me one of the best days and memories of my life. A football legend. Ian Wright Wright Wright!!!!

  5. Wrighty was my first hero of football and one of the main reasons why I support Arsenal. I will have endless amounts of love for what he did and accomplished for us

  6. He's all heart and that why he's so loved and always will be. Go on Wrighty!! ❤️❤️🙏

  7. "universally loved" sums it right up… Doesnt matter your football allegiance Ian Wright is a legendary fella! Could listen to him all day

  8. The biggest LOVE for Ian Wright MY HERO since I was a kid. The Arsenal fam love you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  9. How this man wanted to play for England after the amount of times they fobbed him off is unbelievable. Im not even an arsenal fan but I absolutely love this man and everything that he is.

  10. “If we have to go in the car park I see you out there kina vibe” 😂😂😂😂 ahh Jesus Christ I lost it fully when he said that!😂

  11. Arsenal's fan from Poland here. I was at the game when Ian Wright scored his debut goal for England. He scored an equaliser in 83rd min in Poland. I love this guy but I never forgive him that goal😂. Poland was on a way to a historic win against England and I was there to watch my first ever game live with all my football mates. My team U16 won the league and as a award the club paid for whole party. Everything was great until Ian Wright came of the bench and scored few minutes later and become the most hated footballer in Poland in 1993😂 It finished 1:1 and buried our chances to qualify to WC

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