Hailey Ostrom

Can I Break Even Par At the 500 Club? | 9 Holes

Today I am playing 9 holes of golf at The 500 Golf Club in Scottsdale, AZ. This round was so fun, please let me know if you like the 9 hole longer videos and I will definitely make more of them!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/haileyostrom/

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What’s up you guys welcome back to the channel we have a really special video for you today because we are at the 500 Club I have only played The 500 Club one time and I only played the front nine today we’re on the back nine so we’re

Going to play it together for the first time ever get a feel for it so because it’s the first time I’ve ever played I’m going to try and be even or under of course but even par is the goal we’re going to play nine holes and see what we

Can do let’s get it St on the back n so we’re on hole number 10 never played this side but I’m pretty sure this is a part four we’re going to find out together we’re playing this for the first time together you and me you and me let’s get

It I got under that a little bit kind of popped her up but I think that’s okay I’m trying not to hit the fade anymore because the front nine today I was kind of hitting the fade silly me um this is actually a part five I was looking at the wrong

Hole over there so it’s not a dog leg we’re straight down the middle and I’m going to go drive off the deck here on my second shot that’s pretty much exactly what I wanted to do 86 yards I’ve just learned that I need to be clubbing up in the colder weather out

Here and my body’s just not moving and it’s cold so so 86 I’m going hit my wedge my pitching wedge and choke down and just hit a soft pitching wedge this would normally be my 52 that was one of my better chip shots chip shots pit shots uh wed shots there

We go of all time that landed perfectly exactly where I needed it too so good choice of club yay finally there we go starting off strong the back dine that I’ve never played before get a birdie under our belt and keep it moving part three straight

Uphill it shoots at 135 with the cold I Club up and the elevation I’m clubbing up so I’m actually playing like my 150 Club let’s see how that goes oh I left it open again okay I think that’s going to be fine it’s pin High it looks like so it’s

Definitely the right Club I am just having a hard time today I think it’s cuz I’m cold I’m not getting through it right and I’m leaving my club face like that at the ball so it’s just wow this almost like plugged too the conditions out here are rough you

Guys oh my God I just freaking scolded I did not get under it and so I just scold it that’s all it is okay I got another chip now I have the opposite chip I have plenty of room now I don’t open my club face thank the Lord because

It’s a little in my head now go in go in that would have been really sick but it’s not over because that thing released so I got a putt to make that pretty quickly just went from one down to one over and that’s gulp baby sometimes I make it double boogy that’s

Just the way it goes that’s F really pretty green here but that pin is right on the edge it’s a sucker pin if I’ve ever seen one ah we’re dropping it happens I’m really learning a lot about this course so far where I want to be and where I don’t

Want to be I don’t want to be in the water All right that was a good chip all right that’s to save bogey a little Victory there okay I mean getting up and down after going in the water making that long putt it does kind of change the momentum and I can move on from the water ball and just keep it

Moving so for those of you at home watching amateurs watching that’s how you have to manage a bad shot you get yourself in a tough situation like find the best way out and move on 171 I think I’m going to hit my seven wood my 9wood would be the club

But clubbing up especially after the last Ha oo a little bit long I just pulled it a little so that probably added a few a few yards there’s a lot going on on this hole right now I think I’m going to put this it’s going to be more consistent my tripping hasn’t been super great today this is the Choice not making it easy on Myself two over going into our into 14 our fifth hole got to do the math there time to make some moves time to make some money moves short par 4 it’s only 318 little slight dog leg Left I pulled it I am just I’m normally a pretty positive person on the golf course and it’s really hard right now it’s tough I am not being very positive in my own head and I need my inner caddy to just step up and be positive 105 from the car so I’m

Probably I’m pretty short from that like at least 90 front of the green we have a birdie pet we have a pretty good putt opportunity putt opportunity well we’re going to get to putt either way we have a pretty good birdie opportunity never a doubt although there was maybe a

Little doubt in there okay we’re going on a birdie streak all right we have a par 4 here and it’s almost warm enough I can just about take my hoodie off that was such a good drive such a good drive best Drive of the day uphill I’m going to Club up a

Little bit I’m just just going to hit my nineiron like 125 club right at it be good go go wo that was a good shot we have another birdie putt opportunity here oh I just held that line that was a good attempt though we got it there gave

It a shot walk away with our par so we’re still one over heading into 15 15 I was wrong it’s whole 16 anyways part four straight ahead and I just need to make a pick a small Target small MTH situation that was a good drive might have just gone through the

Fairway a little bit 96 Ys God I’m just like right in between these wedges today because my normal Club I just still don’t feel like it’ll be enough with how cold it is so I’m going to hit my pitching wedge again yeah you can see

My um what is that called that’s a divot you can see my divot I came over the top I’m I’m feeling I’m feeling a Chien oh my gosh that was right there so we are still one over we have two holes left to play I want I want a birdie I want two

Birdies I don’t want to get selfish I want to get or selfish greedy I don’t want to get greedy but I would love two birdies part four hole 17 two holes left to play I’m searching for another birdie or two and this is more of like a normal

Yardage par 4 so I might have to work a little bit harder here and kick over just missed a fairway and regulation but good drive there longer shot I’ve been having a wedge the last few holes I think I’m going to play my 9wood be

Good I think I’m still short of it man I just need to keep coming up that was a great shot though I really felt that like lag too I think that was a great swing I’m excited to see that one back go go go go go that was a

Stellar chip that’s a little tap in woo okay one over going into the final hole and it’s a par five I love a par five finisher it gives you the opportunity to go go for it if you can reach it we have water all down the right side I’m hyped 4:41 heck

Yeah slight tug again but I think that’s good so we just have a probably a three-wood or a driver off the deck into the green we’re in this Fairway bunker and as far as I oh that is water that is is water in front of the green

So I need to hit something that’s probably about 150ish I think I’m just going to hit like a six iron out of here get it out oh wait I’m totally lost it Good Sam says it’s good I literally didn’t see a single thing did not see it

90 yard on the dot I’m going to hit that pitching W again I know I’ve just hitting that all day all right I can’t really tell where that is in relation to the pen it looks like there’s like undulation on the green so we’ll just see I don’t know I’ve never

Seen this green before so the owner just came out and was chatting with us and he just told me that this course is one of the pre-qualifiers for the waste management there’s like seven in the area and this one he says everyone always wants to come play it because

They think it’s going to be easy but then it ends up every single year it’s the hardest playing course out of all those qualifiers and this hole I definitely understand it the risk reward is a big decision here I mean I don’t know if there’s a lot of reward there’s

A lot of risk for those guys if you’re taking a four iron into this screen that this is a tough green so anyways back to my golf we have a little 20 footer little a little 20 footer for birdie let’s try and make this and be even

Par I knew as soon as I hit that I knew that was not going to be it oh man well that wasn’t a very good put at it to try and make my birdie but we did finish one over on nine holes I’d never played before

And we took a double Bogey and still kind of worked our way back so I’m happy overall I liked this round I love this course it’s so peaceful out here most of the time we had some construction today but we’ve had a lot of rain in the

Valley for the last week so hope you guys like this video comment like subscribe do all the things please and thank you and we’ll see you next time bye


  1. The 500 Club is not in Scottsdale… But I do love the longer form content! Keep em coming and great video as always.

  2. A one over par is not bad for a course you didn't play yet. Now that you've played it it shouldn't and wouldn't be surprising for you to get under par your next time out. I think you did a excellent job.

  3. "And that's golf, baby". Amen. And you wear it well. Always enjoy your content, your game, your attitude, and last but not least, your look. It all adds up to an enjoyable watch. Thanks.

  4. Hailey, your a doll baby, love your game & style you go girl, I remain your friend and mine Rich.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👌👍😘

  5. The best thing is your honesty. Good shots. Bad shots. No mulligans here. It really does feel like we are playing a round with you!

  6. You should go to the LPGA US Open this year. It's like 20 mins from my house. It'd be awesome to meet you!! I got tickets for the week. It's going to be my first pro golf event I've attended and I'm pumped!!

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