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FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 3-7-24 | Tour of Duty Observations | Warchant TV #FSU

FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 3-7-24 | Tour of Duty Observations | Warchant TV #FSU

The Jeff Cameron Show for March 7th, 2024 includes Tour of Duty workout, FSU football 2024, transfer portal signings, conference realignment, FSU football news, transfer portal update, and recruiting news

#FSUFootball #JeffCameronShow #warchanttv
#FloridaStateSeminoles #FloridaStatefootball #Warchant #MikeNorvell #FSUFootball2024 #CollegeFootball #Seminoles #CFB #Recruiting #Noles

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Uh I would say for lack of a better term to describe it a long day we were up early today we’re up early every day but uh even more so today because it was a great opportunity really fantastic opportunity to go over and see some of the new faces of course the returning

Vets as well from Florida State’s football team the program is in real good place here I’m going to continue to talk big picture it’s the offseason it’s the time to do it spring football on the horizon and we look forward to it I I think we look forward to it even more so

Uh after today just again the infusion of talent and really at every position group you’ve watched the transformation of a program and as somebody who’s been fortunate enough to document the changes over the years uh where you go from a dynasty to some downtimes to a new coach comes in

Then you build it back up and they win a National Championship and then that goes to Pieces then new coach comes in that doesn’t work out that wains and you bring in a new coach and really you kind of watch that process play out yet again

I realize it hits me and these moments these are the markers of time right these these These Times of year times within a program’s history where you can say oh well you know what I remember there was a there was a day one summer or day one fall or a day one spring

Where I saw this or that and I realized oh they’re they’re elevating or they’re fading whatever it might be and in recent memory obviously in recent times we’ve really been able to document the rise through the climb if you will of Mike norell his staff and what this

Program could be again and getting back to where it should be right and we’ve had to do it and it’s been a joy to do at a time where college football is Shifting and changing all around us and it’s it’s kind of hard to get a handle

On it but one thing’s for certain and it happened again this morning uh um you know driving over I was really excited to see the new you know not just the new players from um other programs that we’ve heard so much about whether it’s the grouping of Alabama players or it’s

You know Marvin Jones Jr you guys know Marvin Jones is my favorite player of all time in Florida State history I couldn’t wait to see what his son looked like today by the way he’s big he’s a big strong guy he looks like like he has

The requisite body type we’ll see how he plays when he gets into pads and what role he’ll play but it was a crisp beautiful morning and these guys are embracing work I’ll tell you it’s it sounds so cliche and IA joked afterwards in our post uh post practice post post

Tour of Duty observation uh report um that you know everything is rainbows everything is uh you know everybody Smiles this time of year but I really believe Tom as I welcome you in good to talk to you as always buddy good to see you I really believe that you know I

This is what I was reflecting on to this morning going back to about two years ago where they needed to have a really good season they needed to be better and at the time I remember thinking well I I think they’ve got enough in the way of

Their starters that knock on wood if they’re healthy and a few people take some steps forward they got a chance to be a good team and at that time we were saying it was going to be really important that they win nine or 10 games

And they did they won 10 games they went 10 and three last year when we did this you got excited for different reasons but you thought well they got so much veteran leadership so much experience so much talent with the starting 22 and again it looked like there was an uptick in

Overall Talent you thought well who knows I mean I know you and I were kind of 11- one 12-0 seems possible right and that’s so the expectations were way up here and this was a this was one where today Tom I think I’m reminded of the standard because here’s the deal the

Question is not is Florida State going to be good you know two years ago it was is Florida State going to be good Florida State needs to be good I was talking about M Mike norell for the purposes of uh the longterm success of his tenure here at

Florida State it was Paramount that they’ be good that season that they were because had they not been I thought he could not win recruiting battles he could not continue to breathe life into the program and things would begin to track negatively but that was again the

Question could they be good well they they turned out to be pretty good then they turned out to be even better than that they turned out about to be following season undefeated I think we’re finally reached the place now where we don’t have to ask the question

Is Forest State good fora State’s good Florida State’s really good the question is now when the standard is back to where it’s supposed to be it’s never a matter of is Florida State good they are the question is are they great are they the best are they going to win the

Conference again and make their way into the playoff that that’s how things have changed that’s where we’ve moved to it’s no longer this mystery do they have enough Talent are they good enough to be considered um a a can’t miss Tope 15 top 15 type team that that yeah no that’s

What they are that’s what they are now it’s just a matter of how good how great and that’s really happened in a pretty short period of time everywhere you look there is Talent every segment group Florida State you could be watching the defensive backs running backs defensive line linebackers certainly secondary as a

Whole I mean you running backs everywhere you look you go man that guy may not have a lot of experience but he looks the part he’s big he’s strong he’s long he’s fast he’s all these things right that’s true in each and every segment group now and it

Happened pretty quick so Bravo to them I don’t know that that means they’re going to go out and go undefeated and sustain the win streaks and all that from the regular season or not I mean there’s a lot of other stuff that goes into this

And we won’t know a lot of those answers that we want to know we’re all in a hurry to know these things but until they get in pads and they start really competing and start really practicing and we get to see them executing plays today is just about how do guys look

Physically and I’m reminded that in a short period of time physically Florida state is full on back to being good and having the requisite talent to win and win big I’m thankful to coach Norvell and the staff there for doing me a personal solid because I think they were

Doing me a solid here by allowing video recordings of the practices last year photos were allowed and we got some of those as well you can find those on we can find them on the message boards and our social media there’s one photo I put on our warchant

Feed earlier today with TJ Ferguson Richie Leonard running together 640 pounds of mass by side it’s pretty cool to see but the video it gives you the the sense of it the depth of it the intensity the pace and as somebody who’s been to several of these tour of Duties

Including the one last year and and somebody who had some fomo this morning that I was missing out on the Tour of Duty thank you to everybody who said green light to the videos because folks if you have not seen it wait till the end of the show we’re going to have some

Clips for you here in the interim during the show but man Aon got to shoot 45 straight minutes of the workout so if you weren’t there like me you get to see it and be about it and it’s great because it’s enough that the quality of

The footage is enough that I can compare what happened today to what I saw last year and the year before and the thing I noticed right off the bat you get into minute 10 20 and 30 there’s less huffing and puffing with these guys I mean they

Were in very good shape last year don’t get me wrong but this group was ready for it and Josh storm said it as much after the Tour of Duty work was over that of all the groups he’s had this was the one that was the most capable of

Dealing with whatever they threw at them and I got to say just from AAR couple thousand miles away from the the video that I saw they were able to handle this workout better than their predecessors it’s almost like the standard is known and it’s passed around and while

Nobody’s perfect you should be tired at the end of this it’s just that there were fewer breaks taken from what I could see that’s a great sign well you know Mike it sounds like Mike was not just it wasn’t just hyperbole when he said that this was the

Best the group has looked in his time regarding the beginning of the Tour of Duty right like how they hit the ground running and how much work they were able to do quickly um and I think there are a few reasons for that you have a lot of

Key veterans at spots that have been through this before and can kind of lead the way uh for the other players the newcomers you can help them adjust to the hectic nature of these things and and sort of the drills themselves even and then I think from there you have

Guys that are really hungry and in particular I made this point in the WAP that IRA and I did in particular a lot of the new players uh these are guys that have played in some cases a lot of football and in some cases these are guys that

Are extremely well thought of that were heavily recruited that you you don’t get to LSU or Georgia or Alabama uh really any power five program without being sought after by many programs so these were all guys that had the uh requisite physical tools but they have

Not achieved not all have and not many have achieved a ton at the college level yet so even though they’re names and they’re well thought of and they’ve come from programs that are uh the Bedrock of BigTime college football uh they are they are guys that are hungry to make their impress

Their mark on the game itself and so I think that served as a as a shot in the you know shoulder I I feel like it’s the perfect kind of chemistry there you’ve got some guys that are veterans that come back and are excited about U you

Know going ahead and taking the next step after having been screwed over by the committee um you’ve got veteran leadership at each position group you’ve got guys that are coming from other programs looking to make a great impression and also win a job so they’re hungry and that creates stiff

Competition there’s a sense of urgency that exists right now that I wondered about post snub but I think the influx of those players helps you kind of move on from that a little bit easier um I I will say that there were guys that I’ve S I don’t want to

Describe it this way because it make makes it sound like they Mal contents there were some veteran players on this team that show showed me this morning at least in terms of a commitment to Fitness that they took this offseason very seriously so far and they come in

Ready to play uh they they’ve come in in shape so that they can immediately um have a chance to to to put their best foot forward and those are some guys that haven’t always done that there’s some guys on this roster that are veterans that kind of had to

Work their way to that place in past Seasons they were able to do it they ended up being very significant contributors but they weren’t guys that when we saw them at the Tour of Duty or even early in Spring football practice that were ready to go I felt like today

There were more veteran players who were if tomorrow was the start of the Season were ready to play and you know the staff has done a good job if you’re watching on the on the uh warchant TV feed right now you’re you’re seeing the afor mentioned hem Williams who I’ve

Brought up a lot and I will continue to bring up because I think he’s about to be a star but if you go if you go through and and look at these guys you can see what I mean the enthusiasm for these drills and for the competition and and the spirit

Surrounding these things probably the best we’ve had yet I really don’t know that that can be argued I feel like there were so many players encouraging other players and coaches who were inciting these guys to be vocal uh to be int tends to be excited and everybody

Just it kind of passed its way through the roster and so good stuff man it it it again I’m very aware that when you’re watching conditioning drills especially you’re watching conditioning drills with very very uh Elite athletes you’re G to walk away from an area uh impressed you’re GNA say

Well my God that guy’s big he’s strong he can jump he runs like the wind blows he’s this is impressive but I know just workout drows I I know that’s not football but it’s a part of football and it’s a step towards all that other stuff

And to do it and to attack it with enthusiasm and encouragement and focus and intensity good sign they got great culture man they got great culture i i it’s an overused phrase but I think it’s true here so we ran some footage there that’ll appear on the channel tomorrow

Again aon’s got 45 minutes of footage uh Ben Spicer director Ben took quite a bit of footage and you got an advanced look at some of that stuff as more kind of close closeup 101s you’re right the size on the defensive line for example is something that jumps out you had some

Newcomers in there you had Cam Davis you had croman Hawk but then it gets to the line and you see what C loha looks like in person we’re number 13 today you see what Duro Jay looks like he carries a lot of weight he might need to lose a

Little bit but he’s a giant dude Marvin Jones Jr moving easy that was one of the last Clips you can see why he’s a five-star Prospect coming out of high school he carries the weight so naturally and I haven’t even mentioned that the main two guys in the middle

That you were kind of alluding to and Josh farmer and darl Jackson this is going to be a large very large defensive line and I think Patrick Peyton’s put on some significant weight as well yeah this is a group I know a lot of them were wearing white jerseys so it’s it’s

Like that old B effect you talked about where the uniform makes you look larger this is a really large defensive line and the offensive line has gotten bigger as well I mentioned that 640 pounds of SEC off offensive lineman brought in from Alabama and Florida these trench

Battles are not going to be for the faints of heart when you’re talking about being able to impose your will physically it’s not that last year’s group wasn’t able to do that it most certainly was I just didn’t think we’d be able to replenish to a place without

Significant help from the portal and we got it to where you could say man this this is going to be a tough group to go up against week for week they did an exceptional job of replenishment now it’s just a matter of getting up to speed getting the chemistry and and all

Those things that come with a spring camp and a fall Camp it’s pretty exciting to see though you mentioned speed and I didn’t really harp on that in terms of the observations just now in the opener I did in some of the comments that I sent along to you that we’ve

Posted on uh the Renegade board there on You’re Gold Member you’ll see I I I listed about five things really more than that I stuffed in more than just the five Tom that’s the kind of extra effort you’re looking for uh so but but one thing I said about that in

In that writeup was that they have they have brought in a lot of speed and it is evident you really see that they’ve got some guys that are very sudden and that can really fly and uh I don’t know man I I I have been maybe the ring leader of

Uh the people that are positive in thinking that this team is going to get even better on offense than they were year ago nothing that I saw today would change my opinion there again just in terms of the overall speed the ability to stretch the field guys who’ve done it

In college games now too who have been out there in in college games I’m not talking about a true freshman I’m talking about guys that got on the field for LSU they got on the field for Alabama you know the kid who got on the field for Indiana and return kicks and

Punts I got to find a way to get him out there I’m telling you that that that kid is fast as hell uh so it’s they’ve got more speed in athleticism than they had a year ago and than they had the year before that they just do they continue

To build up that’s what this is about that’s why again we get back to the standard the question is no longer is Florida State gonna be good Florida state is going to be good is Florida State gonna be great Jeff camri 933 real talk radio warchant TV I See’s biggest and baddest St

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Toning and extra calorie burn for up to 36 hours experience a more vibrant life today with Orange Theory Fitness find out more go to Orange Theory The Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network Che check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics that’s. now morning I saw Ira posted we got this quote from Josh storms after uh the Tour of Duty this morning he said about Daryl Jackson what that

Guy put on display today compared to what it looked like 365 days ago is pretty remarkable you’ve got a guy who’s 330 pounds lean and strong some of the numbers he’s put in the weight room this week have been really really impressive yeah like really quickly you mentioned

How big this group is up front for the starters especially and and to me it looked like and I said this I think Josh farmer and Daryl Jackson have made a pack to go get paid and that’s the way it should be I mean you’re you’re here to better

Yourself and to get better and to you know put yourself in a position to go make a lot of money playing profession Al and you know if we’re being honest about those two guys they they’ve frustrated fans a little bit uh along the way and I won’t relitigate that but one

Thing that we’ve never questioned about Josh farmer is a his ability to play and B his willingness to work hard to get bigger and stronger and so that has happened every step of the way and so I say about farmer he is now 314 pounds and he’s one of the strongest

Guys on the team and Daryl Jackson Who last year I said to you Tom and told anybody that would listen we were certainly thinking we were going to have his Services before the NCAA screwed everybody over um but that was a guy I thought had a chance to

Be the best of the bunch because nobody looks like that you’re not supposed to be 335 pounds and be able to move that quickly and dominate reps and double teams when he felt like it when he felt like it and um so I just now you know

He’s elig ible now you know he can play now you know he has an opportunity to go out there I thought I thought it was very hard and and really quite frankly unfair when he played in the bowl game he’s one of the few that did but you

Know it was his first start of the year to get an opportunity to go out and play against Georgia when you’re out manned everywhere around you and nobody else is playing it’s not a fair or it’s not a not a an assessment that’s indicative of

The way he’s gonna play so I I think that this is a motivated kid who has a chance to go get paid and he’s got to have a great year and he’s next to a guy that can help him have a great year and vice versa so I think we’re going to be

All right with those two I’ll just say that they attacked the workout this morning both were in shape both were ready to go and both showed really good leadership yeah I think what gets fun is when like the battle for on the defensive line is going to be reserved

Defensive tackle like you know Grady Kelly’s going to be in there some of the kids that are growing up and into upper classman we’ll see if maybe they dip in to grab another kid before it’s all said and done a graduate transfer who knows um but defensive end is done like it’s

All set with what I saw today in terms of size man you’re ready you’re ready you know that Patrick pyton is Twitchy you know that Marvin Jones Jr was recruited on being Twitchy but even if he’s not the answer you’ve got an allconference player in si loha that can

Give you the most reps Duro Jay is huge and then of course if Marvin Jones gives you what the scouting Services believed he would have been out of high school man you’re loaded at defensive end you’re in a really good spot that’s to say nothing of some of the younger guys

They’re trying to grow into the position or some Specialists that they can bring into Rush then beyond that defensive tackle your front to your Elite meaning your two starters your Elite where do you go from there how do you get to that next level and we’ll see what the battle

Is like for the second line of the two deep for defensive interior I’m excited to see that but I I had an open question in my mind before looking at the Players today next to some of the Florida State players that we know size and speed I

Got no more questions at defensive end now now where we go from there linebacker they need to find more options secondary they look loaded too I mean Charles Lester was part of that cut up that four-minute cutup uh I talked to you about this on the phone this morning

Because I was watching the extended clip from Aon man it’s just like ay Thomas said he doesn’t look like a true freshman who’s swimming and searching and just trying to get up to speed he looks like he’s in third or fourth gear going through these very very difficult

Drills and he looks thrilled to be doing them that is that is really good to see it’s really rare to be excitable and relaxed and having I said that I seemed to me that Charles Lester III was uh having the time of his life I mean he

Was just smiling he was happy with every passing rep I cracked up I mean just watching him made me smile he was excited to be out there he was he’s jumping around encouraging people he wasn’t a goofball either he he took every rep very seriously but afterwards he’d clap it up and encourage

The next guy but then he was eager to get on to the next you know and ran down there and Lord knows it tells me one thing he’s in really good shape because it didn’t affect him like the drill would end and he just had to exert a lot

Of energy and he turned right around and exert more energy and tell everybody else they needed to too so it’s it’s again I it can get to where it’s Overkill when all you have to say is how positive everything but I don’t believe you need to make up something that’s

Negative if it’s not there and you you know I don’t know how good they’re going to be at linebacker I have serious questions about the linebacker group um but I also don’t know that they won’t be better because we haven’t seen them practice in pads and hit anybody yet so

As far as the body types uh you got a couple guys that I like we’ll see what Murphy becomes and and you you got to have high hope for him given that he was recruited to play linebacker at Alabama so you know there’s reason for optimism

There why would you not I don’t know if he’s going to be good but I I suspect he won’t suck so you know there there reasons to think that they’re going to be better there too um surely things will emerge and on those days we’ll we’ll talk to you just as

Straightforward as we’re talking to you now surely there will be problems that we’ll see some some you know bumps in the road I don’t know how there couldn’t be when you’re G to have an influx of this many new players on offense you got a new starting quarterback for starters

Like let’s let’s just start with that and I don’t know how quickly he will uh pick things up or how quickly he’ll be ready to go uh I I assume that you know listen he’s seen a lot of football and he’s he’s had an opportunity to learn a

Lot of football from two different stops along the way this being his third I gotta imagine that he’ll probably pick it up pretty quick I think his uh football Acumen is probably pretty high but you also have those young receivers that I’m talking about those transfer players that I’m talking about you’ve

Got guys fighting for jobs so they they’ll be UPS along the way but there’s just I think the overall emphasis we’re trying to get posit forward here today is that there’s no lack of talent there’s no lack of speed there’s no lack of size they’re finally at a place now

Where the floor of what they can be is pretty damn High given the talent level yeah I think that’s the fun part you’re right it is a combine type day where you’re looking at the basic measurables but I think you could have a legitimate debate of what do you have more on this

Team speed or power because Mike norell brought that up today in in his press Rec said you know the speed is where we needed to be the power you can see it uh the numbers that they have in the weight room like it’s playing out the way that

They thought it would play out the reason I’m so bullish really quickly on defensive end is because you got guys at the power five level that have accomplished before and now they’ve arrived on campus it’s not like you’ve got a bunch of question marks like I I

Would qualify uh Marvin Jones Jr is more of a question mark than a proven player but L hea is not a question mark he’s been proven and darl J I think to a degree has been proven as well there are question marks at other positions like Malik Benson looks the part of Elite

Speed very springy athlete um explosive he was the number one juko player in the country but you know he didn’t he didn’t descend to a top two receiving uh position at Alabama last year which is where all the targets went so there’s still work to be done there

Jaylen Brown from LSU you can catch him in the back of some of the clips number six he impressed me today holy cow that speed holy cow but that’s only one p of the puzzle I just what I’m enamored by is in my head just about two and a half

Months ago when you’re thinking about opt outs and you’re thinking about all the guys going to the draft we’re gonna be smaller next year no no we’re not we’re not smaller you see guys like hem Williams and you see the work that Kyle morlocks put in the gym that offensive

Line Royale Williams we got a lot of I mean DJ himself we got a lot of enforcer body types on this team at just about every position and I love that I want to be a and I hope that that’s what we become yeah you got the guys that could

Do it now um you know I do want to say that uh when I was talking about linebacker I didn’t mean to ignore a returner and uh I do have hopes for Justin Cryer uh Tom and I I thought he looked good out there today too just in

Terms of overall body type he’s another guy that I want to make mention um I think they they do uh this will be by the way so we got a question there somebody asked about Blake Nicholson Blake really runs well he’s still got to get bigger guys he’s still got to get

Bigger um he’s I need to listen I want to put my eyes on him again there were let me put it this way there were guys out there today that are players that were returning that looked appreciably bigger and stronger that caught my eye and Blake didn’t he may be

Bigger but he didn’t catch my eye in the sense that I thought oh wow okay there it is you know it it wasn’t that kind of a thing doesn’t mean it didn’t happen didn’t mean he’s not a lot bigger I don’t think frankly I was as focused on him as I usually am

One thing that stood out about him is the same thing that stands out about him all the time that’s why I didn’t bring him up he’s a very good athlete he can run he can really run and whenever you catch a moment of him running you realize yeah he’s got the requisite

Speed to cover he’s kind of big the opposite player for us that we’ve had which is at that position we’ve had a plenty of guys that um you know that could handle the rigors of of trying to stop the run but couldn’t cover and they would get isolated in coverage and

Really frankly neither starter last year covered all that well uh they they just that’s not been a strength you know Lundy doesn’t cover well for example when he’s in the game but he surely can stop the run big strong guy as long as he’s in the right Gap

We’ve had a we’ve had a plenty of those guys and then Nicholson came along and he was the opposite he was the guy that you kind of thought was a glorified safety right like a really big safety playing linebacker he could really run and cover downfield and be there step

For step with some of the faster players but he looked very out of place against the run so for him he’s got to make the opposite uh you know step forward he’s gota he’s got a get to where I can look at him and say oh that’s a that’s a Hos

Who can stop the run if need be I know that you and IA talked about this during the RP but uh much like a great episode of Television a series that you love like you’ll watch it a second time especially if it’s brand new so you

Catch it Sunday night on HBO back in the day you might watch it again on Monday like see that again what did I miss so in watching the 45 minutes on tape a second time today KJ Kirkland got larger too man like because he is already big

But yeah when you brought up you know hybrid safety linebacker types and you’re talking about Nicholson I was like oh yeah towards the end of that 45 minute clip um my man was running through some individual drills and he he doesn’t look overweight he just looks

Like maybe maybe nearer to the box is much better for KJ kirkin I wonder what they’re going to do with him because that was very impressive to see the work that he’s put in uh by the way I’ll tell you that the day the very first day we

Saw KJ Kirkland I think you and I said well there’s a linebacker I mean he’s going to be a linebacker he won’t leave without having played linebacker let’s put it that way sure or what jimie Robinson played you know something you got to be around the ball not center

Field not center field you’ve got some guys that look more like a Keem Dent that can play center field for you this dude looks more like um I need to be around the ball like shahim brown need to make some plays at the line of scrimmage maybe come up stop the run

They might not call him a linebacker but he could very well play that yeah you know coaches uh praised shaheim Brown today after practice Mike brought him up I’m looking for him this is Big Picture stuff this isn’t about today today is whatever I liked it it’s fun it’s great

To lay your eyes on some of the new faces it’s also great to watch people who buy in and transform their bodies and become something entirely different from one year to the next that’s that’s all cool but it’s not the actual football right so when I’m talking about

Shaheem Brown I’m talking about actual football here he I’m ready for that guy to have a huge year I I mean that he’s played so much football he’s made plays he’s been a guy that has games that you think there it is all right here we go and

Then he has games where you don’t notice him and I feel like because he’s so physical and athletic we should notice him more he should change games a little bit more well it’s going to be fascinating to see how they fill out the five you you standard you’re going to be

Five guys uh out there a lot of the time at the very least and a is going to be one of your corners and I don’t mean it’s a pun intended I guess but like one of the cornerstones of the defense defense we believe that that aaria

Thomas is going to be one of those yeah I think he’s gonna be a star fentrell Cypress doesn’t get talked about anymore but he’s back and he’s more than adequate more than adequate and then in the middle you’re counting on ayim Brown to be that type of player and then you

Fill out the roster from there I will say again on second watch Earl little is extremely explosive I didn’t I expected to see I didn’t expect to see somebody who could move that agile that quickly it was um very impressive hi did I had really high hopes for him I remember his

Dad I’m old as hell I was ready to see that guy go out and kick ass and he did in fact I was like oh well yep he’s what I thought he was he was like there you go he’s gonna be a stud I he oddly for a

Guy that hasn’t done it at the college level between the pedigree that he has and then having been recruited to Alabama I’m like oh that I’m not worried about him he’s gonna come in and be great right away I really believe that I’m not even he hasn’t had to prove it to me

I’ve given him a hall pass I’m like you’re good man you’re going to be fine I’m not worried about you that’s ridiculous on my part but that’s where my head’s at with him as soon as I saw him today I went yep that’s awesome all right on to somebody else Jeff K 933

Real talk radio warchant TV local news now Tallahasse police have roped off a house where police believe a woman died under suspicious circumstances TP attention Florida are you a victim of an auto accident we introduce our live chat sponsor heis and Lea Law Firm dedicated to representing injured clients Statewide if you’ve been

In an accident call Heen Lea Law Firm at 81383 0733 for a free consultation remember there’s no cost to you unless they win your interests come first with heisen Leal Law Firm the name you can trust for justice call 81383 0733 now or visit heisen Lea heis Lea Law Firm your

Advocate in times of need project to $16 million the transit center will sit in the corner of Orange Avenue in Meridian Street the project should be complete by late 2025 this is Rachel LA with your old 93.3 local news update brought to you by mamore systems Tallahasse go to

Mac store check them out online at mamore this is meteorologist Paul try with your real talk 93.3 weather update Sunshine mixed with clouds at times this afternoon daytime highs approaching 79 winds out of the Northeast around 5 m per hour partly cloudy skies again tonight lows level

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That sets you on a path to success ISF your vision plus our expertise brings your brilliant ideas to life visit ISF docomo learn more ISF solving the future so everybody knows Edie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the

Food is always good I mean everything on the menu mhm everything at gordos is delicious I always of course get the what the bungal chunglo as I call it the B Chong Jeff is that the what is the pork the B Chong Jeff okay the bang Chung it’s delicious all these things

All the items everything you do a master cook but sir I would ask you what is a skill that you possess that you’re particularly proud of that nobody would know and that uh that you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair Gordo bringing the flavor and flare

Of Cuban food to Talahassee since 1996 the Jeff Cameron show brought to you by Orange Theory Fitness two Tallahasse locations Midtown on Thomasville Road and North Side in the village common Shing it kind of reminds me that um people forget certain jokes of the show or they only see Snippets of me maybe they’re

Not regular listeners that’s true if on social media for example so if I tweet something out that catches somebody’s eye and they’re they’re not used to the joke then they’re thinking well where is this coming from um and I pointed out yesterday at Hower was dong Fest 2024 and it was that was

Surreal like there were so many dongs yesterday they lost their shock value like you turn like oh another dong one after the other Florida Golf Coast took an ass beaten for the ages that was humiliating just every time they brought a new guy in they were welcomed by a new

And bigger dong it was embarrassing that was just all right it’s your turn and uh I was I was blown away I I just I thought that might be a relatively competitive game but Florida State now 11 and0 is not having it and go dive into those Ops numbers for this

Lineup and go look at uh all the other things that Florida State’s doing really well I Conor Whitaker was tough you know early on he gives up two two dongs of his own and you’re thinking well this isn’t going to go well but it speaks very highly of him that from

There he became virtually unhitable for a stretch uh after giving up those two home runs I was um I know look midweek game against Florida Golf Coast who by the way took the series from you not too long ago here we talk about measurements of improvement in areas where you’ve gotten

Better I don’t know that anything close to this translates into ACC play and is sustained you know I’m not telling you that you can sustain hitting for this much power and and do the do what they’re doing that doesn’t stand to reason given the quality of pitching

You’re gonna face at some point but I do know that deep teams with deep lineups who make really good contact hard contact who don’t strike out a lot it does translate to being appreciably better than what this team was a year ago no matter what and I also know that

Good teams who do that tend to Pummel teams who don’t have a depth of pitching and Florida State when getting the opportunity to face these teams that when they’re right they should ordinarily beat baseball’s a weird game we know the worst team in baseball can beat the best team in baseball have a

Lot more in that sport than that happens in football or basketball just because a pitcher can control the day and so you know it just takes one guy to be paintting the black one night and you you know a really powerful offense gets shut down but short of that this team’s

Going to hit they’re just gonna hit and they got a lot of guys too by the way who are chomping at the bit on the bench who when they get opportunities to play are making very hard contact as well that was U more of the same for Florida

State’s offense and again above and beyond what you’re accustomed to should ever expect in a competitive baseball game that ass kick in there got it almost got loome after a while I was like oh my God another home run are they going to get these outs requisite for us

To go home I mean are we gonna be able to go home or they just gonna keep scoring getting tired good Lord loes loes oh man okay guys okay let’s time yeah this was um what’s fun about this offense is that they don’t really need to reach back to make something happen

Like in the first inning they only put one across they had Bases Loaded nobody out and you’re thinking might that have been a moment that we look at three Innings from now and say really wish we had a scor we could have scored two or three it didn’t

Matter it didn’t matter yeah it was an onslot it’s not scratching and clawing and fighting to put four on the board or six on the board it just looks so easy right now now teams will slump there there surely there is one coming but the good thing is when your lineup is

Lengthened maybe it’s isolated to two or three players and you can hit around it and certain things situationally you could push the envelope they do on the base paths they do take the extra base pretty well are they perfect there no by no stretch but they’re a hell of a lot

Better than they were two and three years ago when we were asking do we ever work on running the bases I mean like we’re good for two errors a game uh three wild pitches a game two hit batsman a game and two bad decisions on the base pass to say nothing of the

Things that they don’t charge as errors because it’s college baseball like that’s where we were they just play a much sharper brand at this point and uh to your point too I think Whitaker got better as the game went along I forget if it was it might have been the second

Inning there was some hard hit contact for outs but he got the outs and then from there he was uh he had some really good stuff and I was very impressed I stuck around uh to watch Hudson Rowan pitch because I know that the staff is

In love with him and man it’s rare that you see a lefty that’s so vertical in his delivery like he really gets up there as a at a vertical delivery uh release point and you could see that with his breaking ball it’s more 12 to six usually lefties kind of go cross

Cross bodied this is a that’s a very interesting Prospect I think is going to work out for us because he’s got a little bit of that what for to him too uh yes he’s got some what for to him you are exactly right I can’t believe what

We’re seeing right now from cam Smith offensively Haim Ferrer has got it rolling again as well now with five rbi’s including the Grand Slam last night dingis is hitting exceptionally well just really up and down this lineup they’re hitting and they’ve scored double digit runs in the 11 games

They’ve played they’ve done that I think it’s seven times I looked at this morning um they just every time you kind of look up and there are moments too where you forget about guys you’re like oh yeah well YZ Ross is a really good leadoff hitter Drew fough is having a

Really good year since coming up I mean just just time and again you see things that you think will play when we Face the better competition in ACC play and it’s a long season and there’ll be times where you know you don’t think that they’re playing all

That well I just know that it’s in there now and it wasn’t in there at all a year ago there was nothing for them to to find a year ago they were they were gonna be bad they were just and it sucked that kind of you know early in

ACCC play you were like oh there’s no other gear to reach back for there’s no magic potion there isn’t a guy they’re not playing who if they just started playing it could change the fortunes of this group like that didn’t exist a year ago now you’re keeping people off the

Field who you think can play but they’re either too young or behind a guy that’s hitting 420 so you know what you what are you gonna do I’m not overlooking this weekend series you can learn something every weekend it’s New Orleans uh but you could see some younger

Players get some run get their confidence up whatever it is they’ll be baseball does this it produces a situation you didn’t expect and you see how you react to it that being said next week with Florida and Notre Dame I’ve I so forward to what we’re going to see

There because Whitaker okay he had a rough first three pitches that’s when they scored their couple of runs you bounce back you look good now go do that down in Gainesville next week and we’re going to bring a Brash attitude with us you can tell that’s kind of what this

Team is about how’s that going to be responded to because that’s a pretty good ball Club you’re going to go see there in Gainesville is that’s that is a huge test I look forward to seeing then they come back and they host Notre Dame and they get the ball rolling here on

Some conference play they have passed their first tests with flying In Colors Let’s see what the next one looks like I have a segment that we could do but I can’t do it on terrestrial radio and the normal Airwaves it would be a bellying up segment involving a theory I have

About the number of times guys have and shaken up because of uh shots to the man region or areas or thereabouts things that haven’t worked out you know just just the kind of discomfort that can happen um when when we when we get hit below the belt uh not necessarily with

The baseball just in general we have an excess number of guys whove had to take time to kind of gather themselves and I really think to some extent and again we’re not going to launch into the whole segment it’s it’s one more indicator that you just need to slow your rooll on

The pants being as tight as they are it’s just I’m tired of it guys I don’t know what we’re doing I don’t know how this happened I don’t know what kind of cultural shift occurred along the way that have you all so silly chasing some dream of winning the award for the

Tightest pants on the team one after the next trying to prove to the other I can wear him tighter I can be Steve Perry of joury late 70s early 80s jeans cutting me down the middle I can do it guys I’m tired of it there’s no reason for it it

Is off-putting and it’s leading to injury hour number two fourth coming stay with us Jeff kav show 933 real talk radio War TV attention Florida are you a victim of an auto accident we introduce our live chat sponsor heis and Lea Law Firm dedicated to representing injured clients

Statewide if you’ve been in an accident call heis and Lea Law Firm at 81383 0733 for a free consultation remember there’s no cost to you unless they win your interests come first with heis and Leal Law Firm the name you could trust for justice call 81383 0733 now or visit heisten Lea heisten Lea Law Firm your advocate in times of need heart rates in a Target Zone spiking metabolism and increasing energy Orange Theory Fitness is a one-of-a-kind group personal training workout resulting in more energy visible toning and extra calorie burn for up to 36 hours experience a more vibrant life today with Orange

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Orange Theory Fitness as you take a step towards feeling more alive today back by science orange the’s heart rate monitored workout is scientifically designed to keep heart rates in a Target Zone spiking metabolism and increasing energy Orange Theory Fitness is a one-of-a-kind group personal training workout resulting in more energy visible

Toning and extra calorie burn for up to 36 hours experience a more vibrant life today with Orange Theory Fitness to find out more go to [Applause] broadcasting live from Florida’s capital city this is the Jeff Cameron show brought to you by Orange Theory Fitness on Real Talk 93.3 now stop what you’re doing and listen closely it’s time for the Jeff Cameron show in five four see practice observation notebooks and the like you’ll see plenty of video

Clips 45 minutes of raw footage from the workout that Tom alluded to uh you’ve got interviews from norell and Josh storms they address addressed the assembled press after practice myself and Irish Shel did a five minute wrap summary of uh we had literally wrapped

Uh summary of what we saw uh and then of course a ton of Clips So Stories video radio You Name It We got it thoroughly covered today’s Tour of Duty and it was cool I enjoyed it they’ve come a long way from two and three years ago that is

For sure there’s Talent everywhere and I know that uh now you just got to see it you know come through and take the big step and and guys you know play at an elite level but I think they’ve got a lot of options so many more options we

Were laughing about it today we were talking about how man a year or so ago you’d look at a group and you’d say well those two are really good and if they stay healthy they’ll be really good but if either one of those two get hurt

We’ve got problems and then you go over here and you say well those three are all right but man I don’t know they lose any of those guys we take a huge step back all of a sudden yeah and you’re not doing that as much anymore to

Me at all it’s it’s really cool what sounds fun to me is the praise for Malik Benson and Mike norell took extra time to speak on Malik Benson and his attitude and the way he’s gotten around the team and Josh storms did the same saying Malik’s always in the facility

And that he’s giving to his teammates you don’t have to be a leader even though you’re old you know but it’s nice to see that a transfer is in there and he’s become indispensable you know that that’s when you you put that together with the athleticism that he brings to

The table it makes me very excited makes me want to root for that particular player to see how he does from the film that we could see from the things that you saw with your own eyes today at the Tour of Duty Malik Benson looks the part

He looks to be somebody who would be classified as the number one athlete in Jo going to Alabama a year ago that part of it you check the box I’m excited to see how he integrates with the the offense if he can be one of the top two

Receivers as he’s penciled in to be right now it’s just when you have that total essence of of being a good teammate a member of the culture a member of the roster then you have an offensive version of a player like a Jered verse who comes in as a transfer

But you could tell he moved the drills along I was so glad to hear that today because the receiver position is one that needs a little bit more stability than others because of the turnover that there’s been in the last offseason that’s going to be a position where the

Competition is fierce I think this may be the best crop see this is the thing I keep talking about and when I get into the conversation about why I believe they’ll be better on offense next year there are plenty of guys that it is fair

To say have to prove to you that they can do it in a game consistently uh within that group that that’s a fair counter to my enthusiasm regarding it but they have a greater depth of overall talent and speed Le and size at that position group than they’ve

Had at any other time in norvell’s tenure there are so many guys that have a chance to be very very good players before they leave here I think there are a few that have a chance to be real stars before they leave here I think and

Again I’m asked to give an opinion on a daily basis and I’ve been given this one for a while today led to further confirmation of my suspicions I think Hakeem Williams is going to be a are I think they’ve got a chance to kind of

Look at a group of say four to five dudes that make impacts week to week at wide receiver they they’ve got that and you know I didn’t mention him one time in that first hour and it’s a disservice I did mention him in my writeup and I don’t know he’s a guy that

I would be skeptical of too because goodness gracious I uh it became a joke it became sort of a we’d roll our eyes but Tom I am once again embolden enough to say Jackson West is gonna make a difference for this football team and and and people can

Laugh Jackson West was tough today Tommy that guy was in incredible shape it’s the best he has ever moved ever it’s not even close to the point and I’ll just say this I won’t name everybody but those of us kind of intermingling there on the beat people

Working for this side or that side or this place or that place or whatever might be we all at various points independent it was not group think said goly Jackson West is looking out here looking good today look at old Jackson West I heard some phrasing of that ilk

Several times where people kind of looked that he I’m gonna say it I don’t care what you think of me Jackson West is out here looking good I’m just has anybody noticed that Jackson West and then the next guy that I would go down the line I’m sitting

There watching practice with well I tell you that that Jackson West kind of surprised me today then later on I’d moved to another part of the field we’re sitting there it was always with great reluctance that the person bothered to present this right and including myself a couple of times right you

Know just me or Jackson Wes look good out here like he might do you know and it happened it seems Universal so Tom please let it be true because he’s ill-tempered mean-spirited he’s quick to punch guy but damn it he’s got a cool name and I like that he’s edgy and he’s finally

Healthy he moved with great fluidity it looked like for the first time in his life he was not robotic he was smooth he looked fast and he cared he led drills he had the black Jersey he was doing it Tom well I would like to see it in

Spring practice because you could tell the difference between the people that were there and the people that weren’t uh because I’d like to see it in in Camp I take your word for it I do believe you but you’re predisposed to love you some

Jackson West I am I am the good news for Jackson is that there will be opportunities Bound in that tight end room I mean Kyle Morlock yeah that’s one part of the issue or one part of the solution the issue is the second guy who

Is that going to be and I know Mike Morell listed a few players today that he liked in the tight end room Brian Courtney your favorite linebacker was one of those but Jackson West was mentioned there and they were talking about oh they might be able to help

Bring along a couple of guys like Al Landon Thomas but the opportunity is there you need an inline tight end you need somebody who can block he did get an increased rep count as the season went on and you could tell things weren’t going so hot with biscuit we now

Know in retrospect because Biscuit like entered the transfer portal 10 seconds after the snub so you knew that in retrospect some things were were problematic they were giv Jackson reps and it wasn’t that impressive it didn’t look like he was ready but if he is there’s a reason they brought him here

There’s a reason Mike norell himself raved about Jackson West early on in his career he said I can’t wait to see what Jackson West does we didn’t do that Mike did that so let’s see if maybe in the end he’s proven right about this guy because you’re right I heard it from a

Few people he looked good today it’s funny I’m glad that other people said it because you’re right people know I’ve kind of rooted for that guy I’ve been like come on Jackson West you could do something and then it got to be where he’d have a good practice and then I’d

Be the one who would dismiss it because I was so mad that he had never lived up to the hype and I dismissed him I’d give it up I’d give up on Jackson West I’d given him the tough love treatment and everything and then people would

Practice be like H Jackson West having a couple you know nice plays out here ah that’d be my response ah I don’t care he’s a bum he’s never gonna do a thing and then you know that’s harsh but that’s the way tough love Cameron lives and then you know look no doubt he

Got more time at the end of last year but this is the first he’s ever looked truly healthy he looked he was ready to go ready to go guys okay Jackson you’ve piqued my interest spring will be interesting to see if he’s the guy that seizes the day of this second opport

Dravus Jacobs was out there El Mitchell I was happy about that he always looks fast he always looks good gotta see whether he gets through spring doing the right thing I don’t doubt his ability he’s one of those guys if andreus Jacobs left this program because I don’t know he got angered by

Something right he just didn’t wasn’t happy with the way things were working out he’s one of those guys where we all have a guy that you see the tools you see the talent and you go oh man I know what’s going to happen here one of two things is going to happen

Here that guy’s gonna announce he’s going wherever okay and we’re gonna watch him when he arrives at said place and he’s gonna have a seven catch 120 yard game and we’re gonna go damn it I knew it or you’re never going to hear about him again and it’s going to be the

Story of oh what could have been if that kid could you it’s going to be one of those two things right that’s the way I would feel if somehow vendus Jacobs is not able to perform for Florida State because it’s all in there and believe me they would

Not I I I don’t think people listen we we’re not naive we’re not children here we get it like this is true from the highest levels of corporate America all the way down to just Athletics or anything else if you’re talented if you’ve got the goods if you’ve got

Ability whatever it is you do if you have that and it’s above and beyond the norm you get second third fourth chances you get opportunities to kind of make right if you misstep and not everything is a a gross misstep I’m not talking about like something that would make you

Cringe I’m just talking about if you just don’t apply yourself or you’re not focused or you don’t you know you’re a little late to a meeting or something like you get chances especially if you’re really talented and Jacobs is a kid that I think is like that for them

Where they see it they know it’s in there and right now the risk you have when you’re a young player who’s talented is that every recruiting cycle coaches are recruiting over you they have to it’s their job they recruit over everybody not just you but they recruit

Over you it gets easier for them to recruit over you and kind of ignore you as they stockpile players at your position and think about what they’ve done Tom at that position with whom they’ you know with who they brought in so you’re you’re in dang when you’re

First here and you’re one of the more talented guys you stand out and you get your chances and you get second and third and fourth opportunities as that position group gets deeper and more talented hey man you’re either going to do it or you’re not going to do it I’m

Not going to babysit you anymore and I’m not really worried about whether you’re going to do it because I got this option this option this option and this option I didn’t have it when I first brought you here now I got it so fly right and

Get straight or we’re done and I think this is why I’m gonna be watching that very intrig you know closely I I I damn it man I want to see it it’s an important spring and fall camp for him it’s an important spring and fall Camp from somebody that I don’t think his

Name is come up this is what’s nice when you have a deep roster full of talented people on individual stories that are compelling and or you know they’re going to be entertaining because this is this is kind of it you know this the upcoming year Julian arella we talked about them

On the phone today he look good today buddy he looked really good today he looks like he’s hit the gym hard my man yeah no he’s in shape he’s in shape and he ran hard and he played hard today he um he attacked the workouts and and what

And why do I say that I don’t say that condescendingly there are veteran players who we’re wondering about is this the last spring we ever see him I mean let’s just be honest about that there are veteran players out here that it is time right it is time let’s go and

And armela is one of them he might be the the biggest name of the bunch that that we talk about as okay all right buddy because it’s in there there are moments but let’s just say it you got to stay off the ground in practice you got

To stay off the ground there are way too to many reps where Julian armela gets manhandled and then there are reps where Julian armella looks like he is a Surefire starter and can dominate so he’s a weird case study and there were all these whispers about armela as to

Whether or not he was going to stick around whether he was disgruntled or frustrated or whatever it is so I don’t know how true all that is anymore with the way the transfer portal works you know people are always leveraging things I just I never know

What to believe and I don’t mire myself or the show in these things unless it’s like a three alarm fire right but you you hear those whispers about an RL up and I tell you why it’s important then to see him come out and be in great shape having gotten bigger and stronger

And attack the workouts that tells me he’s committed that tells me that he cares deeply a guy who’s held in on riding out is not going to put himself through the paces in that way if he doesn’t expect to put his best foot forward and have an opport opportunity

To be a starter or a major contributor at the very least it’s just too hard it’s just too hard what they’re asked to do and the amount of sacrifice that it takes you’re not going to do if you’re pussyfooting from a commitment standpoint so it was great to see that

People wonder why we proud on about guys sometimes there’s a bigger picture there’s a deeper meaning I get he’s still got to perform in a game and be great he’s got to find a way to take that but but you waiting on some of these guys to show you that they care as

Much as they have to care and the thing about him was towards the end of last regular season he was front and center on everything listening to Mike norell intently participating he was engaged you know and I thought that was a good sign flew in the face of some

Of those Whispers uh you never know you could be you know professional until the last day at your job like you could do that and that’s you know an nil thing more than ever it has been before it’s like yeah I’m gonna say all the right

Things and then peace I’m out of here I never thought that was going to be the case with Julian armela up to this year like he’s got a shot this year to be in the rotation now they might have brought in too many dudes for him to be a

Starter but he does look the part physically in a way that he hasn’t before he’s consistently progressed I think he’s taken another step the thing about him that the reason we always talk about him is not because of the recruiting hype there have been plenty of dudes that have been four stars that

Arrive on campus and you’re like not going to work out too bad with him his best reps even as a true freshman were notable reps against dudes that ended up being draft picks and are going to be draft picks last year the same thing his best reps excellent has the mean streak

Has the Care on the field to defend his teammates and if the O Line’s getting bullied a little bit or he thinks it’s out of order he’ll straighten it out like I love all those things about him but the bad reps are bad and so you’ve

Got to eliminate the bad ones and that’s what this whole Camp is going to be about the fewer the bad Reps for Julian the the higher the sooner he can be what we think he can be because the the top end of what he does is plenty capable

And I just hope that he puts it together is a good start to see that he is engaged physically in Josh Storm’s program in the offseason yeah the bad reps are him on his ass I mean that’s what it turns out to be indeed and so I

Need my man to stay off the ground and and let’s get it together hey in a moment we’re gonna solve the future with our very good friends at ISF I’ll tell you more about them momentarily but first attention Florida if you’re a victim of an auto accident we introduce

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Variety of forums for some time now as well and that’s real really really cool we appreciate that thankk you Zach thanks you for your delicious food and your 109 locations right here in the capitol city my goodness gracious that’s a lot of choice any part of the city

You’re in you’re good to go get some platters tomorrow why don’t you huh get you some platters why don’t you do it I think it’s a fair bet I’ll be back in studio three Mondays from now it’s the 25th I want to say it is 25th might be

Some in the studio that day boom Fair bet good stuff uh that is as I mentioned golden Chief booster Zach be’s for over 19 years doing the right thing supporting the Jeff Cameron show supporting the nolles you should support the Zach because Zak supports the things

You love there you go all right um Tom you ready for this you ready for our friends at ISF you ready to ask or we should I say ask you guys ask away in the chat in the high sik law from chat boy here we go we just bombard you ask

Away questions for uh for us for yours truly for me and Tom regarding solving the future the new players any player you want to ask about many of you have already but now is the time as we’ve partnered with the ISF of course ISF helps state government solve the future

Through strategy process and Technology more efficient let’s get these dreams realized Let’s help these clients let’s advise protect advance their business and technology objectives ISF can do that so if you’re working in state government and you hear me talking reach out to our friends at ISF all

Right anybody we haven’t talked about would love to hear more about Malik Benson well you know it’s the first one of the first guys that uh Mike norell brought up one of the very first players that uh were brought up today by Mike norell was him

And and and I think there’s a few guys I’m not surprised Tom here’s something interesting what do you think about do you do do you get a sense that the that all of the Bama guys are gonna be a hit don’t you just get get a sense that

Maybe every one of the Bama guys are gonna be a hit because you couldn’t get there without meeting certain very strict criteria and the first and foremost of those is just this Elite athleticism you gotta play you gotta have you got to you know to at least have

Shown to to be recruited to go to a place like Alabama and then number two because that culture was ingrained and I know Nick lamented it yesterday in the Chris low interview I know he said how frustrated he was when he came back after that game uh after the loss to to

Michigan but we know that by and large what Nick had created was a machine of Elite Talent but Elite Talent that did things a certain way or it didn’t play that’s all there was to it because they had guys behind guys behind guys behind guys for days that were five

Star kids and also that kind of culture is what sustains winning over long periods of time at some point you’re coming across teams that have the same sort of athleticism as you but if you’re gonna win and have big years after big years it’s because there’s a way uh that

You do things and a methodology and that’s really what I’m referring to when I’m talking about these players that have come in in in the in specific to Alabama I think where they’ve all taken on leadership roles immediately they’ve all been described as being vocal and

Ring leaders and and and and can’t keep them out of the gym like that’s what they they they come from that’s what that’s all they know yeah so there’s a clip on the screen now for warchant TV showing Malik run through a drill and it’s just so easy it’s just so he flies

And Glides um I think these guys by and large are going to work out it’s just just a matter of are they all going to be starters um you know to me and I know that the second question that came in was from Stephen FG he’s asking with

Rodney Hill gone who would I favor man royell Williams looks larger than I thought he would he looks larger than I thought he would he um it’s something else to see royell Williams there’s a photo from Gan put up on the screen right now yeah people aren’t

Going to want to tackle that dude and this is somebody I think that was brought in principally because Rodney Hill is gone I don’t know that they go make this move they had big plans for Rodney yeah Rodney blew it Rodney blew it straight up when he

Played his way out this is the guy they brought in and man when you think about the size that we have at so many different positions and if you can have a lead into that second half with those big offensive linemen and dju and royell

And kaziah and and cam as he gets up to speed this is going to be a group that you just man going to watch other teams give up you’re going to watch them say no moss and I can’t wait to see how much of a part of the equation Roy Del

Williams is so it fits both parts like what guy am I excited about and yeah to your point I think these Alabama dudes might have something to them they might be might be some good athletes here yeah rule of thumb if you’ve got a chance to go grab players that Nick Sabin was

Recruiting uh and that brought in that were four or five star players at the time do it do it it’s not unlike this new Georgia rule we have Tom where if you can get a player from Georgia I’d do it I think it would work out i’ I’d make a

Run at him that’s just me I take my chances that I’ll get him to fit my culture any uh oh does Cam start by season’s end Tony wants to know you know it’s funny you bring it up because I’m not so sure because of

Royell by the way I’m not so sure I it’s a freshman it’s a lot to ask you know what that will be dependent on Tony does he block in the passing game does he is he a is he a complete back because I don’t have any doubt that he’s going to

Physically be ready to play and play a lot he’s just a big gigantic kid uh and and he’s low center of gravity he’s got great balance he’s all these things as a runner I don’t have any questions about him but I do think um you know I gotta

See all the other aspects of his game it’s hard to know uh but I think they’ve got a lot going for them at running back let’s just put it that way they’ve got a lot going for them at running back any special teams concerns this early well

We won’t know but when given what you have returning both as a punter and as a kicker you’re Ved there and you just added an influx of a ton of speed for the return game and guys that have done it before I no no I have zero concerns

About special teams right now in fact I think it’s going to be a strength for this football team yet again I think it will be one of the better aspects of this team so I I believe it’ll be very good is it possible coach norell can rotate the trenches with even more

Frequency than last year due to depth I suppose it is and I know they’re hellbent on doing it I don’t always love it but what I do love is if you’re able to do it with a higher floor of talent there were times last year Tom when we

Constantly rotated guys and didn’t have your best two players off the edge on the field for important series for important series I would call myself critical of that I don’t think you should do that I think it’s a mistake to do that just because it did not bite

Them in the ass last year doesn’t mean it wouldn’t at some point against better talent and maybe they wouldn’t have done it if they were facing more consistently good teams on offense but now if you do it you might have the requisite depth to do that rotation and not see a

Significant drop off yeah I think they were making a calculation on just getting to the Finish Line with as the bumps and the you know there were more bumps and bruises as the season went along and they wanted to be able to finish strong and they did like so if

You get through the week seven hump you know or the Duke game or whenever that occurred or some of the other critical moments in the schedule and you were able to get past and and win the game your payoff and your reward is how fresh they looked against Florida and how

Fresh they looked against Louisville so in the end the risk happened in October you know it didn’t happen in November and December that’s when the payoff came I just wish that we got to see even more of a payoff because I I don’t think they would have rotated nearly as um openly

Near with Michigan or Alabama or whoever they would have drawn right in Invitational I think they’d be like this is our game Jared I need you for 70 snaps you’re gonna have to be a man yeah the only reason you won’t play 70 snaps is if we control the ball and we

Dominate and you don’t need to be out there because we’re either up big or we just have the ball there’s only 50 to get so we’ll give you 50 then but if there however many snaps it takes but I do think on the offensive line there is more opportunity there as well provided

Two things happen number one Robert Scott’s truly healthy we’ll see number two Lucas Simmons gets up to speed if you bring in those two players and you add them to the fold because I Robert wasn’t a part of the fold last year he just wasn’t he wasn’t he wasn’t

Available you have enough tackle depth now with them and Darius and buyers you have a bunch of dudes on the interior I think armela profiles more to the interior you could be looking at nine nine guys that you could rotate maybe another one if if a younger player steps

Up they might have more opportunity to rotate in the o line and that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world because last year and there was a lot of necessity out of that eight that they thought they had not a lot of not a lot

Of a because they wanted to yeah I think it’s important only if it’s by choice I I I just give me my best five and I I’m not a fan of rotating offensive linemen there are specific types of guys that you can you know in short yardage

Situations things that of that ilk that that’s fine but I I give me you’ve got better competition there that’s what I look at that depth as being like you got nine guys fighting for five okay good let let’s see if that competition is elevated yes it’s nice to have the

Luxury of being able to do it if a guy misses a game you got another guy that you feel like he’s really right there with them that’s true I don’t I I I’m not a fan of rotating that many guys on the offensive line we’ll see if they do

It El Mitchell ask has boots gained any weight or is it still a ways to go for him you’re talking about Lamont green Jr um he’s uh yes he’s gained weight he’s gained weight I don’t know that he’s going to be as of right now anything more than a third and obvious

Don’t you think I mean that that’s my assessment of where he he still got he still got to gain some weight still got keep bigger that might be something you need though you know I’ve been I’ve been impressed he wasn’t available last year I found that out the hard way at the

Kickoff I said How’s Lamont looking and Jared was like oh I was like oh that’s not a good sign he’s staying involved I think is what Jared ver said I’m like oh coat message accepted a message received he’s not available I think he was a high-profile recruit for a reason though

And as he gets more into the weight room yeah I think he’s large enough to be a pass rush specialist if you need it but you might not because he brought in a bunch of dudes who are pretty good at it so we’ll see but yes I thought from The

Limited things that I could see in his drills today it looked like he put on some significant weight in his lower body which is what he needed uh Nan writes over under seven sacks for Payton this year over easy not close next question uh Tony you taken you’ve talked

About Jaylen Lucas on the r do you see him more than ju I hope so I get him some touches in space beyond kick and punt return I talked about him today because of the suddenness it is a wow factor he is really I mean blazingly

Fast and sudden it is W look at that it’s that kind of my goodness that is exciting uh I don’t I I didn’t watch much Indiana football a year ago forgive me a fact I didn’t see a single game that Indiana played last year in football football I choose to ignore

Indiana football as much as I possibly can but I saw his highlight reel and and then I wondered what is Indiana doing not getting that kid on the field in like every other way imaginable you’re Indiana so okay you got to put the pads on and prove it there we have highlights

Of him in special team situations at Indiana but it did seem like he could make a guy Miss like it wasn’t just straight ahead speed you’d have to run the nine in a in a situation for him where it’s a total Gadget you know he’s

On the field you know he can only do one thing does kind of look like a guy you could put in a bubble situation and if you get a block then he’s a house call like did you see that or or did you think he was more limited and he needs

To be kind of more of a straight ahead guy no I today wasn’t a good day for that I thought he moved exceptionally well uh vertically laterally he looked he looked great he did everything as well as you needed to be today he just looked like a very good athlete pads

Will matter exactly right he’s small guy he’s he’s a short compact little guy uh I don’t I want to say small as and he doesn’t he’s not muscular he is of course at this level they’re all muscular guys but um but yeah I know he

Doesn’t weigh a lot so I know the wear and tear of being an every down guy is not in his future but golly he could be more than a special teams guy so I believe that um nicely done live spectator gee why didn’t he want to stick around and play

For cetti now I’m gonna watch Indiana football good old Signet pinky ring cetti my man cigarette hanging out of his mouth a really bad scotch in his glass hey ladies how are you so what doers on the Rocks yeah yeah yeah yeah some sorry ass Scotch like

That and he thinks he’s cool he thinks he knows it and you’re like no man that’s not it uh so can I ask you a question can I just I play the role of chat you didn’t talk too much about dju today it’s not a quarterback’s day is not a quarterback’s

Day no any initial Impressions I mean obviously he’s a large man that’s my initial impression he’s just a big dude he’s just a really big dude he’s not fast big dudes usually aren’t he doesn’t have great football foot speed uh but I mean that’s that’s not even fair because

That’s a knock but I mean he’s a 255 pound dude what he is is if you are in man and you turn your back to him and we need a few yards and he gets ahead of steam God I wouldn’t want to tackle that I wouldn’t want to tackle that I mean

He’s a big big dude um but you know they didn’t throw today I didn’t see what are you gonna do yeah there’s no way to assess him today I that’s the hard part I was just kind of like I know everybody wants to see him I know why we

Shot the video of him everybody out there with a camera first guy that they videotaped was that dude and I thought of all the days to video guys this it I know I get it people just want to see him but this is not his day but you did

Mention to me that chroman Hawk looked the size he looked the size of of college football as a true freshman big big dude croman Hawk was more impressive uh because he’s uh a better athlete he’s a big strong dude 64 two they say 205 I think that’s what he was

In high school he’s got to be bigger than that he’s a big dude um yeah that part was impressive like the requisite thickness like if you had to play him for some reason and he was going to get hit you could do it I wouldn’t be like oh no remember when we

First saw Tate raker like oh that guy’s Gonna Die the game and get him hit he’s gonna yeah but that’s not that way with croman Haw no no or or chubba I mean and that’s what happened to him but it to look at him what you know before that happened

In interviews like man I don’t know they turned him live though okay that that certainly was a was a decision uh but I’m glad I I’m glad to hear that about Luke because that means he can grow into the frame even more if he’s already that large as

Good yeah Tom he won’t leave here without being a pound uh under 235 he’s he’s a big kid just a big big big base big thick legs big strong kid tall 64 he’s gonna be he’ll be fine he has uh he’ll have the size necessary to play if

You needed to right now they won’t need to play him this year thankfully thanks to our friends that I SF talk about their expertise and their collaboration with us on the Jeff Cameron show on the regular but it’s uh it’s important that uh you pair somebody with h your vision

And their expertise and they can take care of your brilliant ideas and make sure it happens ISF Jeff camon show 933 real talk radio warchant TV local news now he Florida A&M student is facing felony charges after being accused of serving as a getaway driver for were two ATM break-ins in January

And February more than $100,000 was taken from each machine the First ATM was hit early in the morning on Sunday January 14th none of the suspects were immediately identified a second ATM was hit less than a month later on Sunday February 11th suspects used chains attached to a stolen truck to pull the

Safe door off the ATM the second theft came just a few weeks later and the same type of tools were used in both robberies Kendall Hagerty of 19 years old from Houston Texas is now charged in connection to the two incidents text messages were found in hager’s phone

That indicated she had been discussing hiding cash with her boyfriend along with several other photos and videos involving the cash as of now hack’s arrest is the only one that has been made this is Rachel and with real talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by

Mamore systems tell goto Mac store check them out online at mamor this is meteorologist Paul fley with your real talk 93.3 fre weather update Sunshine mixed with clouds at times this afternoon daytime highs approaching 79 winds out of the Northeast around 5 mph partly cloudy skies again tonight lows level off around 56 daytime highs approaching 79 tomorrow Cloudy Skies with a few peaks

Of sun this report is brought to you by the lawn John’s for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the lawn right now 79 and you’re comfortable no Co you can bu them to the test your heating and air conditioning system doesn’t check with you before it takes a break that’s why we’re always ready to help any day anytime anywhere and with our annual service agreement there are no overtime charges ever at

Bar no heating and air we will always be there for you no Heating and A1686 so so everybody knows Eddie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the food is always good I mean everything on the menu everything at gordos is delicious I always of course get the what the bung

Chunglo as I call it the P Chong Jeff is that the what is the pork the Chong Jeff okay the bang Chung it’s delicious all these things all the items everything you do a master cook but sir I would ask you what is a skill that you possess

That you’re particularly proud of that nobody would know and that uh that you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair you’re an Gordo bringing the flavor and flare of Cuban food to Tallahassee since 1996 the Jeff Cameron show brought to you by Orange Theory Fitness two Tallahasse locations Midtown on

Thomasville Road and and Northside in the village common Shopping Center yes it would be great to roll over to uh Hower and and and do some good things uh but yeah to answer your question if you’re in the number eight if you’re uh wearing orange you screwed

Up so when you see kids in the orange Jersey they’re in the dogghouse they did something wrong may not be the end of the world but it could could also be that um messages being sent can’t be late can’t skip things can’t talk back to coaches in a certain manner whatever

It might be you get slapped with the orange the hierarchy of the jerseys looks to be a little bit different um since the change time was in last year’s Tour of Duty and before that that the the black uniform with the uh the garnet helmet was like the top the Pinnacle

Doesn’t look like gets that way anymore because the black uniforms that some of the kids are wearing are the scout team uniforms and the nicest ones that we saw several defensive players wearing specifically are the white uniforms with a name on the back and the fully patched

Numbers not the practice ones so I don’t know that on yeah yeah that’s correct yeah he did and and I I don’t know what the hierarchy is anymore because the black uniforms are out of circulation but um I I my guess is that the nicer the quality of the uniform the better

That you’re doing that that’d be my guess but I do know if you’re wearing an orange Jersey you’re not doing well that remains the bottom those I believe we call that the cast system so that would be the Untouchables The Untouchables or orange yeah yeah they have you akin to

Miami or Florida which nobody wants to be there’s that there’s all of that so you know good times you know we’ll have to do this I I had an interesting uh thought yesterday I I’ll call my own thought very interesting it was very interesting uh I intrigued

Myself as I was driving along and I thought that is interesting Cameron sometimes you amaze me uh but I you and I will talk about it tomorrow on the show and it’s going to be a little bit about the winding down of our time in the ACCC and where we’re going and what

That’s going to look like and I’m excited about it I’ve had this remember how I’ve told you in the past that I thought there was probably just as much likelihood despite our great animosity um towards the SEC but that there was it seemed to me it was even

More likely regardless of how we feel about them and the way things planned out uh that we ended up in the SEC and not the big 10 the way so many people had talked about and now I now I I’ve changed my mind on that Tom a not you to

H no I don’t like this I do not like this development why not why why for the financial good of the city of Tallahassee which I care very deeply about I I want all sports to drive people to that I want more RVs in Tallahassee for sporting events yeah

Then we can hold I want that to be a crisis of parking spaces well I mean I may not be right but I I think I might be I might be but I I will also say this I thought more about uh how we’re not that far away from uh flying over to

Ireland for the game against Georgia Tech which I again think will be a little bit better of a game Than People realize and then number two how uncomfortable it’s going to be if ESPN is hellbent on sending game day there I really think they ought not do that they

Ought not do that they ought not send game day there I think it’s uh a potential really ugly situation um I was thinking about the fact that it will have been eight plus months for people to Stew on that ultimate screw job in the fix and then

Also this idea that like you’re going to be you’re going to have Kirk Herbst Street amongst the people it’s not even if you controlled like because ESPN will counter and say well it’s the signs guys I we’re not worried about the signs we can control no it’s not the signs it’s the

Chance the chance at the top of their lungs fueled by alcohol all throughout the day and the week and these are people that will I mean this is this is like the hardcore fan that is rolling over there that feels AG grieved and very angry and rightfully so and man

This will be the first time and it comes in game one that you have a chance to express directly to the culprit of the screw job how you feel that it that unless they’re going to do game day inside of a Viva Stadium where no fans can be at the time that

They do the show this is not going to go well this is going to be an ugly ugly ugly situation the F Kirk herb Street chant will echo through Dublin whether he’s there or not those chants are going to echo through Dublin but if you send them uh that’s not good they shouldn’t

Go uh you know maybe we can share with the people that we were on a meeting not too long ago with some people who are are helping the the grand scheme of the event and they wanted to be educated on what’s going on with ESPN and the nolles

Because a lot of them are Irish like so very Jerry Seinfeld so what’s the deal with you guys and uh ESPN over there and uh who was the one that explained the situ me that’s right you did oh I’ll take this one well I’ve gotten to know that

Guy and he’s great and I love the fine folks that uh we’ve worked with uh and and I’ve had a chance to go visit personally and eat dinner with and have long conversations with and I can’t wait to see them again they came in Tallahassee uh during the course of the

Year but I think they they really got a raw deal in a weird way because obviously they need ESPN it’s a eight you you know it’s a 8 and 1 half month or a yearlong infomercial and then the game is just an infomercial for for travel to Ireland so they needed

Them but then they found out that you know that was the group that screwed us and they know it’s going to be ugly I just you know I get that the vitriol will take over and we’re gonna have to play the role at that point of

Of don’t be stupid like there’s one rule in life our our mutual friend Mike he raised his child on one don’t be stupid there’s one this house just don’t be stupid I would just much prefer if they show up there and they’re in centers you

Know of the town that none of us go that there’s like 12 Georgia Tech fans there and Buzz and that’s it you got Buzz 12 Georgia Tech fans and people turn turn it on and say boy there’s no atmosphere out there and then they turn on warchant

TV and they see scores of people and they can’t even hear us talk we can’t hear ourselves think it’s not not it’s not for warchant TV purposes I just I think it would be more meaningful than shouting down and being a part of the Jerry Springer audience than to just not

Show up at all don’t be there yeah I just I’m telling you I can see how this is gonna play it’s just not gonna play well and I’m surprised frankly this is a more serious discussion than we usually have at the end of the show but I I’m still

Surprised that there hasn’t been um some reconsideration and maybe there is I I don’t really see how that’s going to work out I I what they perpetrated was abhorent and it bastardized the Integrity of the game at our expense and the face of that and the ring leader of that has handled the

Criticisms that he’s received from it very very poorly he’s had very thin skin like a 12-year-old deer diary and he’s gone on Twitter diet tribes like a little girl mad and it’s been embarrassing for him and his company and it’s just not going to play

Well and on that note I hope you all have a lovely Thursday good work at of you Tom Good Work Director we’ll talk to you later Peace


  1. This was great guys. Really excited to hear about tour of duty, the baseball team, loved seeing the footage throughout. JCS never disappoints

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