Collin Morikawa challenged me to a match & THIS happened!!! RIDICULOUS!

Collin Morikawa takes on Seb on Golf at the Kapalua Bay Course in Hawaii for the adidas golf Tour 360 24 launch in a 1 club challenge.

Learn more about the all new Tour 360 24 here-

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Video editing by Craig Salter-

Hang on hang on you’re going through the trees yeah not those two these these two right here what see oh you can take that line with what you goed me here there you go oh beautiful I think you’re closer to the hole than I am I’m winning

Stay no you going to make me feel even more amazing Eagle P let’s go come on this is massive love this oh my goodness okay here we are I’ve got a very very special video for you today I’m with the main man Colin marawa he one of the best iron players in the

World we’re on a beautiful course here calura the bay course Colin I need some help I am one of the world’s worst iron players like I’m a two handicapper despite my iron play right in my iron play is like a 15 16 handicap you need

To help me right so we’re going to hit a couple of shots I’d like to give you a quick mot as we call it in the UK let me know how it’s looking what I can do better and then we’re going to do an iron only one iron only challenge on the

Glorious signature downhill par 4 here the 16th hole are you ready to critique me let’s see it no I’m not going to critique you uh I’m going to help you out thank you sir what club you want here uh whatever you want what what do

You like an I sit like a yeah I can an eight iron for you I am basically I sort of have a bit of a bad back so I come back and up and out a little bit right you can tell me what you think what’s

Your shot shape normally I try and play a draw okay I’m trying my hardest to play a draw but the bad ones a weak right shot all right let’s rock one down let’s try and hit that draw get my hands forward a little bit see that’s what I do okay just

Blocking it right a bit Yeah I think your body is going a little bit too close to the ball so if we’re set up here you’re going draw this way maybe because of the back I’ve had back issues before you’re maybe going this way you want to feel like you’re giving your

Space so you can kind of continue your hands out to the right but your body feels like you’re going left so you want your hips to go back you want you want to feel like you’re creating space away from the ball rather than getting closer

To the ball okay so now I’m going to try and use that knowledge one of the best golfers in the world to take him down one Club challenge but I’m so gracious I’m going to let you pick the club perfect no no I’ll let you pick whatever

Club you want wow yeah oh wow I’ll give you two clubs two clubs I’ll give you two clubs I’ll use one you used can I take a putter you can take a putter that’s not going to help I’m taking a PO 1 million per okay so what I’ll let you

Go first perfect this you got your bag here so you’re all tailor man as well what what you got in here you got 730s yep split bag got 730s p7 MC’s p770 similar to yours Beau beautiful uh I’m going to use a three iron okay have you

Played this hole before no not first time okay I just shot it 260 yards so what is the play here cuz there’s there’s obviously the ocean down there but the Green’s reachable right yeah I’m going to go right in between these trees and you’re that’s you’re going to play

The whole hole with that I’ll play the entire hole so I got to hit one good shot at least so what’s the uh talk me through the shot you’re trying to hit here we’ve got a bunker to work with we’ got some stuff on the right what’s the

Plan we’re going to split these two trees right in front of me y hopefully the wind’s going to take it hang on hang on you’re going through the trees yeah not those two these these two right here what yeah you’re going this way so count

Of one two 3 four in between three and four we’ got to get down the line on this this is this is incredible hopefully the wind takes it so hang on let me just get this right so you’re going through these trees here yeah those two those two and the green is to

That little Bush green is just to the right over there I need it to cut a little bit but I have to make sure I get through the trees or else we’re we might you might want to watch yourself wow okay I to make sure I’m lined up

Properly okay here we go this is massive love this oh my goodness look at this do we see it do we have eyes I have zero clue where it is I mean I you happy with it though yeah so how on the green it’s on the green you can see shut

Up you can see it I’m winning but but but you got two clubs so you never know oh great I’ve got two clubs is on the Green in one I don’t know what to say right now oh you can take that line can I have all my clubes

I’m not taking that line with what right there I don’t know dry driver about 3 wood do I take it on I think I’ve got to haven’t I right listen you’ve goed me here a trees are only 90% air but you play a draw though right yeah I’m going

To have to try and go over round okay okay hook it over the trees yeah separate get the get the lower body get the get the butt behind you okay left left butt cheek around there you go oh it’s beautiful need the wind not to touch it

Now all right we’re going to find it somewhere up there we’ll find that down I’m quite pleased with that Colin you happy with that I’m very I’m thrilled with that shot we did a little tutorial iron tutorial about to learn about H my irons all of a sudden he starts putting

Balls through trees threading it like a needle I think you’re closer to the hole than I am I’m not on the green no no I think you’re on the Green Let’s Get down there let’s get down there I see two balls if both from the green we might be

About to break the internet potentially that’s great let’s do it two Eagles not a big I’m pretty sure that’s you am I what big YouTube fan you watching any YouTube not that much no not really missing out on gol if you’re new to the channel like

And subscribe call look down the L you say subscribe to SE on go subscribe to sub on go okay you heard it from him right here okay listen that got that got serious you see my ball oh my God see my ball and there’s two balls right there

There’s a third ball and I actually don’t know third all that is the worst thing is we didn’t have anybody down on the green getting those cuz we didn’t think in our wildest dreams that oh I didn’t think we H the green you probably

Had it plan no I I 100% thought I was a green there’s two BS one’s on the green which I think is Collins but one’s close to the allall which I believe is yours wow okay let’s talk a little bit about the new tour 360 shoes I know you’re a

Big fan yeah huge fan but what tell me about what’s your favorite thing about them oh they look they have that classic look to them you know I’ve been wearing the zgs for quite some time now the past few years and um not that I didn’t like

Them I played great in them had a lot of success very lightweight different athletic shoe this is a more Classic golf shoe kind of fits to a little bit more of my outfits out there um but it has that kind of same feel of the zgs very lightweight still very very

Comfortable a little wider foot sits a little bit flatter into the into the ground and you really feel the ground um when you’re playing that’s the biggest thing is is feeling the ground being able to use the power off the ground um very very key into having a shoe

I’m someone that likes to play in like spikeless shoes quite a lot however if I’ve got like if I’m playing at the club if I’ve got a Club Championship or like a tournament or something I find myself going towards a spike shoe and this for me is my favorite 360 ever because I’ve

Got smaller feet right but this one is like you feel the stability gives you that confidence when you’re playing so it makes me have a bit of a better posture I feel like yeah I don’t know why you wouldn’t practicing these I mean these are the best things ever look I

Just played the centry tournament champion or the Sentry championship and wore these for four straight days for seven straight days to be honest and been practicing them for there’s no harder walking golf than that either no not at all and I feel amazing awesome so you going to make me feel even more

Amazing Eagle P let’s go come on if you want to learn more about the awesome Adidas golf tour 360 shoe all the links you need are down below and for a limited time only Adidas golf have partnered up with golf now to give you a round of golf for free so the first

Round in your new shoes is really on them all the links you need down below get yourself involved no one surprise my balls on the Green look you but to everyone’s surprise you somehow drove it nearly on the green after your tip I was aiming the wrong way every dog has his

Day it’s not over yet though this is going to be tricky have you done much putting with a three iron before no not that much but it can’t be that hard it’s almost like a one iron it’s almost like a putter roll smooth like a putter if

You were picking one club to put with let’s say something happened I don’t know your caddy slipped and the the P fell in the ocean if you had one Club you would put with in a tournament what would it be uh it’ probably be like a a

Seven iron okay um something that I can find the middle of the ball I can kind of Blade it but you know 60° Everyone likes to use a 60° just too much loft so I want to be able to just kind of stay with the 60 would you have to be almost

Like this a little bit no I would actually just open it up and then just kind of like blade it like that but there’s too many angles involved I want to be able to stand very Square so you know what a three iron it works isn’t it

It works right so hang on so just to clarify yeah my tailor ball right there I’m nearest to the pin you’re you’re a little you’re a Lowa Shaka ball right there you are near to the PIN where where do you think it was pitched I think it pitched just short I missed a

Little bit so I must have got a little bit of roll cuz it took some time to get out here normally I would ask you about your putting green reading routine here um it’s maybe a different with the three arm but what would be your general

Practice do you look at it obviously for both sides nor both sides I love looking at it from the side of the slope just to understand the uphill and downhill that’s a big part you know people always ask their caddies if they’re playing at a nice golf course they always ask their

Friends is it uphill downhill how much is it you can see so much of the golf putt or the the actual putt from the side of the putt so find the middle of it be on the side and really kind of learn that undulation but I’ve actually

Learned to use aim Point kind of for about uh eight or so months six six to eight months and uh that’s kind of how i’ do it so I’d feel it out get my read all speed nice tell me about this one what do you see here all right so

This one obviously a little right to left at the ball yeah as it gets in the middle Pace still a little uphill it’s going to want to feed a little bit to the right since we’re in Hawaii wind is a factor you do have to play a little

Bit of wind greens are not as fast um but the wind should push a little bit right so I believe once it gets about 2/3 of the way it’s going to want to creep onto the right side but I don’t want to give you too many tips got a

Very similar putt over here and and I’m trying to beat you so so you’re trying to two put this now right I’m trying to make this I feel make it the guy’s mentality I love it what you madej your Championship I feel like I’m trying to make it okay come on

Then okay let’s look at this it’s on the way he’s coming back in just like he said come in though I whiffed it it was it was up here a little bit oh man see my my routine is I have to come behind I

Have to come behind and all I do is just have a look and I just see if there’s anything that’s going to make me massively change my mind from what my gut was I didn’t see loads per that’s good I want to lag this up inside yours

Just a nice little sweeping motion come on sebie let’s do something special right here oh sit sitam it sit ham it no oh no ST stay no oh man I’m looking Prime position right now I just got all greedy I Thought I Saw My Name In Lights Eagle

All of a sudden I’ve nearly hit it in the ocean you almost need that same speed you just hit for this putt okay come on sebie redeem beauty Beauty all right give yourself a chance okay man I’m not really sure if I should lag this or just

Cuz you know you probably know I’m not going to make that right no I know I know that’s why I’m thinking about it but I’d love to make a three I don’t really want a three PO with a three iron I can’t believe I’ve done that give myself break with the

Wind what a birdie this would be what a birdie this would be oh oh the wind T it look Colin I’ll give you that all right I’ll give you that all right all right you have a chance you have a chance to tie y I’ve got a

Chance to tie I’m going to line it up here we go don’t leave it short to tie a major winner I once had a chance to tie Lee Westwood in a scratch match he offered me a half you can take ours if you want I’m I’m going to play

Out I turned him down then missed the part I’ve never lived it down the wind is getting ridiculous now I’d love to make this part come on sebie in you go oh you did it there we go there we go oh my goodness h a gentlemanly half

Thank you so much appreciate it guys thank you so much new to the channel like And subscribe see you again very soon I am delighted with that come on I’m not


  1. Played there a couple times……never saw ANYONE take Colin's line of the tee!!!!! Lol

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