BLADES VS CAVITY BACKS // Paige Spiranac Tries Titleist CNCPT CP-04 Irons

Today Ian is back in New York with special guest Paige Spiranac, going through a test ranging from the experimental Titleist CNCPT CP-04 Irons through Titleist 620 MBs to see how the different club head makeups affect her delivery in the bay.

00:00 Intro
03:15 Titleist CNCPT CP-04 Irons
07:26 Titleist T200
11:19 Titleist 620 MB
16:56 Conclusions



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

Flushed it yeah absolutely flushed it and these feel really good expensive taste this pige all right guys welcome back so today Paige and I are going to dive into a video topic that I think is going to help a lot of you out there when it comes to decision

Making around iron sets how do you even start by picking that the right model obviously the answer you I are always going to give people to get fit and let us do the hard work but we know reality is we unfortunately are in the minority of how people buy their golf clubs we’re

Trying hard to change that but right now people still want to just buy off the off the rack so we’re going to try give them a little advice today and not only do they want to just buy off the rack they want to buy blades there is

Something about that blade iron that I don’t know if they feel like if they play blades that people are going to think they’re an amazing golfer cuz that’s just the misconception is that everyone on or plays blades which isn’t true it really isn’t it’s diminishing you see the percentages all the time on

Tour there’s irons like the players cavity you know the title T 100 is just is played by so many players in the professional tours but people think like you say there’s something about this blade that’s just honest and it’s feedback and G should be that way and

Everyone should use blades and you know we should not be allowed to be given help and things like that so we’re going to dive in there and look at that we’re going to pick three models today blades we’re going to keep it all to the Titans family blades t200s which is kind of

Similar to what you have in that the Lofts are on the stronger side but they’ve got some Tong and some some materials in there to help with the flight and then we’re going to go to something you’ve never tried before which is going to be fun titless concept

I was telling you the price there and uh very pricey little pricey but concept by name concept by nature in that titlist are able to test some things with these IR they’re able to test what probably you’ll find in the next line of irons or

Even the ones down the line is what is is going to be in there as their DNA so who knows who knows and that is a I’ve never heard of that before and I’m sure a lot of people might not as well would you consider that then a game

Improvement iron they they end up actually being in the game improvement to ultra super game improvement because like what they basally do there’s one called cp2 and if I gave you the blade and cp2 you’d be like Oh I’m hitting two blades when in reality one

Is is a hollow casing with about 113 grams of tungsten in there and it is the one of the most forgiven clubs on the market it just has a tiny frame and then you get into the the CP um four and it is large yeah and for the people who

Want confidence and and the the larger footprint of that gives us more real estate to play with the way it pull it towards the heel pull towards it to increase that Mi all the things that we know really benefit M so there there there truly is something for everyone

But we’re going to go other ends of the scale here and see what they’re like for you let’s try it let’s do it I feel really good that was actually really good like you’re a good candidate for these types of things though because that the high Dynamic L like we spoke

About earlier like everything that works really well for you is slightly lower and yeah flushed it and these feel really good expansive taste this page when it comes to golf clothes yeah wow I mean you’ve hit three that are kind of identical and and to be honest I wasn’t even considering those

As part of the test that was basically just like I was just thinking you know just just warm up but as you hit them and your Club head speed is pretty regulated there at 80 the one thing that stands out to me with these CPS is the smash Factor 1.42

Is really high that’s basically for how fast you swing you’re getting way more out of the golf club and we’ll show that when we get to the blade how much that drops off the planet which is why we don’t ever Advocate really anyone use blades combo set is as

Much as I’ll ever really stretch to with someone I don’t I don’t think we sell more than certainly our Stores um up in Canada don’t think we sell more than maybe maybe five to maybe five six sets of blades a year full sets of blades and

And that’s you know a decimal point of the percentage of what we sell for the players that you do fit into blades is it based off of like their handicap how good of a player they are or just their player profile of how much spin they

Have and how far they hit it what’s more important so you have to be accurate to play a blade you have to find the center cuz the sweet spot’s so small there’s no there’s no help either side of the middle of the club there really isn’t um yeah it’s it’s a little bit

About their ball speed generally is is is high so player profile so that their ball speed is so high that any fluctuation of ball speed with these modern clubs and a so if you get the perfect storm maybe a doy more in they’re playing so they get moisture

Between club and ball and a great strike so you kind of get that slip there there’s a there’s a phenomenal called slipping grip right so basically impact occurs when you don’t have instant friction the club rides up the face somewhere towards the top of the the the

Club the the ball starts to actually uh grip the club and it spins more that’s why when it comes to short irons Flyers go further when it comes to Long IRS Flyers go shorter okay right so because the the amount of Loft the ball just slips right off the face when you tilt

That that Loft vertical it slides and then it grabs towards the top then you get more spin up there so it really comes down to Trying to minimize the the standard deviation of that player right making sure their their best 6 round goes 190 1 191 192 and not 210 and 183

That that’s that can happen with players with high speed so it’s just shrinking those gaps okay let’s see a couple more Paige these are these are impressive these are really impressive really like these 168 carry on your six they’re so easy to hit every shot has been straight yeah smash factor is

Amazing you’re you’re warming into it so your Club head speed’s obviously climbing and and ball speed is confidence to three shot is I thought you you looked like you swung with a little bit more into it with swing like I could hear that was a little bit missed yeah just a little bit

In the smash Factor drops obviously a little but really really good stuff but if that’s a Miss I’d take that all day long okay let’s go middle of the road no don’t take it away from me jeez okay one of the absolute most popular irons in the market right now T200 people love

Them yeah it just doesn’t feel the same you’ve just we started you in the wrong with the wrong place not knly we started you in the wrong place interesting that was nice I got to work you got to work hard for this so much harder to make this club do what that

Last Club did I felt like with the last Club I could swing it so freely and I knew I didn’t have to be as precise and that gave me more confidence to be a little bit more aggressive and when you tense up or you’re thinking that you can’t have a m

Hit because you know the club’s going to react to it puts more pressure on you to perform it really does and that can be an issue so even just looking down on it it significantly shorter Topline skinnier um it feels good but it doesn’t feel like the last one okay one

More and I would call I would call that one perfect yeah I can’t hit it better than that but the thing is it took me what four shots to get to that point where the other club head I hit four or five perfect ones before I had my first Miss hit I

Mean I’m not I’m that oh my God isn’t that crazy like look at those that’s nuts she’s like welcome to the party we’re all over here having a good time and oh my gosh you are well give me the blade let’s see how much worse again that’s crazy that’s crazy but the other

Thing is as well Pages we’ve pulled three clubs off the rack kind of on purpose not knowing what what lie what Loft they are because golfers do that all the time and they wonder why they struggle and it’s like I would I would bet my house that T200 has been bent

Flat for someone oh cuz every shot everyone stuck to the right and this is just not going to be ideal no well I mean at this point my swing is pretty tuned in there’s not much that changes on it no and to have that dispersion is wild and

And it was frustrating because I’m wondering why the club’s not doing what I need it to do and so I’m having to adjust my own swing to fit the club instead of having the club just fit my swing which happened on the first club that we used and and you said earlier on

With the driver like you felt like that started to become a thing with your drivers it was it was you were reacting to how you’re hitting your irons it has it filters through well I think a lot of golfers feel the same way that I do is

That I play well when I’m riding off confidence and when you start seeing a bad shot or Another Bad shot it really gets in your head and before you know it you’re spiraling and you’re on a bogey train or a double bogey train and you

Just want to get off the golf course as fast as possible like having good equipment helps you enjoy the game shoot lower scores have that confidence and you you want to keep going out and playing and if I was hitting those shot all day long clubs would be in the trash

Can I would be in tears in the fetal position you know upset just cuz it’s it’s not fun when you can’t figure it out you don’t know why let’s try the blade yeah I can see the appeal it’s pretty yeah they they look it’s nice not

When you put it down it’s like this big okay that’s pretty good I can’t hit that any better than I just hit the shot okay to look at those numbers that’s crazy MH how much distance I lost just by switching the club head what would be fascinating though is the the difference

In distance is a reflection of the Loft on each one right so way stronger Lofts down in here so you’re kind of getting what we thought you would but um it’s just whether you can replicate it I’m not surprised by this the I you’re hit them really well yeah why is

That they are I think I think maybe the way I said it earlier on probably smaller head smaller misses in the sense of now if you hit one t heel like it will fall off the planet yeah but like right now you’ve struck those two so nicely nowhere near the smash Factor you

Got with the cp04 but um really really impressive they’re straight just just not going anywhere give me one more yep I’m just I’m so I can’t wait to actually put the dispersion circles up and that I will say that was like very very slightly mishit that felt like

A really great swing it dropped off a lot didn’t it yeah yeah that’s that’s the problem yeah that that’s the issue the kid I guess the surprising one was c 200 in in that you know whatever that was at speca I’m curious to try that but

Like how good how you actually hit the blade really pretty well as well now you know you are as a as a an iron Striker significantly better than the average golfer by a large distance so if if I was to use one metric to judge the

Player I had in front of me without knowing their handicap I would throw up low point distance so basically that tells me your ability to recreate impact so averaging about between 2 and a half and 4 in um ahead is where you’re the lowest point of your swing is so that

Basically tells me you’re hitting ball first pretty much every time right the only time you don’t and I like I said I think it’s when we sink into the map more than it actually is you um so your ability to recreate low point is why I I wouldn’t have any fear you playing

Something that’s actually a little bit in the smaller side I know but there’s confidence right there’s there’s there’s tangibles and there’s intangibles intangibles is confidence um you know just maybe different courses you play at different Turf conditions you want no piece of pling a blade but actually looking at

The data it’s not that bad for you I can see why a great player would love a blade because of that consistency and you know right away when you m hit it but when you are striking it pure there is really nothing better yeah I have I have a feeling that some

People will watch this video and think that maybe getting a blade is a positive because it’s a good way to practice that lots of people say that yeah how do you feel about that you know I just I think you’ve got to you’ve got to practice what you play

With yeah I think you’ve got to try and like practice is all about practicing to obviously replicate what you’re going to do in the golf course so there’s there’s so many things like I’ve tested blades and cavity backs at the same lie angle that dynamically come in totally

Different right so there’s times when the blade the blade has no perimeter weighting none and there’s blades like actually like yours or clubs like yours that have a Tungsten plug in the toe that tungsten plug is heavy pulls the head down so dynamically the face stays

More open than a blade that stays more up there’s all these things that are dynamically happening um that really people have no idea that that that these things are also things that we have to consider as Club fiters in the bay um when when we’re picking a set of irons

For someone yeah well and not only that but we’re in perfect conditions right now there’s no wind you’re hitting off a mat it’s a flat lie I can’t imagine hitting this in the rough no downhill uphill all different lines and having to adjust and be able to hit it perfect you

Will never have a shot like this out there and so having a more forgiving iron really does help you when you’re on the golf course and you don’t have that perfect line you have the wind and you have water here and all these different variables that you don’t really put into

Play when you’re striping it here and there’s no pressure I think you know the golfer who goes out to practice in a 50° day a range with rock hard range balls and they take their blades out there how miserable would that be you you can feel that through your hands already can you

You can feel how horrible that would be through your hands y so you know the game’s hard it’s already hard enough we don’t need to make it any harder there’s there’s definitely no way to do that so the big question is put those in the well or even an exp

Expent I mean that was to see if someone’s reaction is as positive as that towards a club that’s what we look for as Club fitter someone cuz I can read the numbers you get the the feedback you get the the sort of you know the feel from the strike Etc and I

Can just see how much you enjoyed hitting them well even I that feel I can’t describe it but even when I was hitting the blade perfect right it didn’t have that same feel to it like at all it almost felt dead compared to hitting that club head that that thing is

Special it it definitely has some unique DNA that’s for sure and like we said there’s so few people know that these actually exist but it it’s they actually only give them out to very select Partners um I think we we’re only one of one of two accounts in Canada that even

Have them wow so it’s very very unique I think there’s a few more in the US um just because there’s so many more Club fitting Outlets but yeah we have them in all our stores in the us as well they’re going to need a lot more after people

Watch this video I think so I think so just just make sure you save up and make sure the uh the kids are well fed and water and have enough clothes before you go and they don’t need that you just need pure shots exactly you just need priorities yeah get some Concepts in

Your life okay guys um really fun test to see pige with a blade stripe it and then miss it and drop off quite a bit see the the cp4 just you know blue b both of our socks off we we loveed that and then the T200 which was clearly as a

Great head not in the right spec for you not for me not for me I mean the dispersion show that I should never have that club back no no definitely definitely okay hope you uh hope you guys enjoyed it let us know the questions what other things you want to

Know about the decision-making process to pick clubs for yourself like we said we want you to come and get fit but what what questions do you have for us and we would love to do more videos in the future on videos like this where we help

You guys uh narrow it down and and ultimately pick the right clubs you know for your game if you’re not going to come and see us at one of our stores great stuff okay thanks for watching we’ll see you again Soon


  1. Blades just look so much nicer IMO. I use mizuno pro 225 and I love them but I would like the blade version they just look much better.

  2. Titleist irons always felt hard off the face for me. I don’t doubt they are great overall but don’t like the feel

  3. I was lucky enough to hit the 1st model of cncpt irons before they were lainched here in Malaysia. Hot, but my gosh the price was, and still is crazy.
    On a separate note Ian, was Paige hitting off a raised strip on the mat as it looked higher than the left hand side, and was it higher,or deeper, than the rest of the mat?

  4. I bought one Muira blade used off ebay, I take it down the range for fun and hit it well about 1 in 10 shots. Even that good shot isn't as far as my fitted cavitys.

  5. Would be great if you guys had an alternative to the CP-04. I would love to have a 1.4+ smash factor in my irons.

  6. Club champion is awesome..just got a full bag fitting ended up getting Taylormade P7mb/cb combo set, and a new bettinardi mallet putter. Go in with an open mind, HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting fitted, buy whatever they tell you to buy, spend the money. You will enjoy playing more and not be sorry

  7. Love your channel and the detailed level you dive into when fitting or even testing. Also a fan of Paige and her self confidence in dealing with social media issues, not to mention she is a damn good golfer.
    When you tested the T200 right off the rack a fitter never would test a bunch of iron types, cavity backs to blades, and not ensure the lie angle and shaft length were what was a good fit in the first place. My point, and I would bet money on this, if Paige tried the T200 that was set at the appropriate lie angle she would have a tight dispersion pattern as well.
    Thanks for the video and tutorial.

  8. No, the idea is blades are cool and they are less forgiving. They want to challenge themselves.

  9. I've always thought of blades as game improvement clubs. As in, buddy, you'd better improve your game if you want to use these. 😂

  10. I was fitted with this iron. very nice feel but almost double in price to most other irons. been using it for 2 yrs

  11. Great info….not unexpected to see the distance difference between the concept and the blade. A little frustrating (especially as someone who is playing the T200) that the T200 that Paige hit must have been substantially out of standard spec. With her repeatable swing, all of her shots with that club should have looked like that one good one. It would have been nice to see a fair comparison across all 3 clubs.

    I'm not sure how big of a head that CNCPT CP-04 is, but Paige isn't wrong the T200 is not a large footprint. I was playing the Mizuno JPX921 Tour prior to the T200's and the blade length is similar if not fractionally shorter on the T200.

  12. QUESTION – Is it worth "up-buying" to the club one level above the one you're considering with a view to improving into that club, rather than settling for the one for your swing now?

  13. $500 per iron is a very pricy. Do you think they'll be on tour or would a pro prefer the MB/CB/T100s for all the reasons they currently have?

  14. Great video. Also though, the 4th blade shot was not "slightly mishit", face was fairly open. No cavity back is going to magically close the face up, or compensate for an open face which would push the ball out right, highers with more spin, just as it did.

  15. Marty Jertsen from Ping said on their podcast that practicing with a blade can make you a better ball striker. I guess it depends if you wanna hit the little white one or the gigantic one with a grass cover.😂

  16. I feel all golfers other than pros should play one more forgiving model than what their game demands. I am a 4 handicap in my early fifties and I play the G430’s even though I should have the I 230’s.

  17. Blades are game enjoyment clubs. If you want to shoot better more often, they're unlikely to be the solution.

  18. If all things are equal (lie/loft/shaft/swing weight), the differences between the three clubs would have been a lot closer. I believe Ian hinted at that. The bottom line is feel, control thus confidence. Don't get caught up in the lie/loft game manufactures play. Do you homework before you try and get to your local Club Champion center for more details.

  19. The crazy thing is I play off 4.3 and I use Callaway Paradym X!! Ultra forgiving clubs but I’ve played with them for 2 years now since I started playing. Now I know I hit friends clubs that are blades like P7MC and I hit them well too.

    Later this year I am going to go for a fit with ClubChampion here in the UK. But a change will only happen if I see improvement. I don’t see the worth in making the game harder

  20. Paige gets a bad rep from a lot of haters, but she really is a gem of a girl. Great golfer too and nothing wrong with being easy on the eye 🙈😎

  21. One of my iron setups is a mix of Titleist 620MB (7-pw), T150, and T200. My 7-iron swing is only around 80mph, so you don’t necessarily have to be a high-speed player to game blades. But Ian’s profile is accurate – I’m the exception to the rule, really.

    I wonder if the Paige-haters have ever actually watched her. She’s pretty hard not to like. She’s a goofball!

  22. There must have been something wrong with the T 200s as she’s so talented … the results should have been much better.

  23. Paige brings (the obvious, but also) a unique blend of accessible feed back that is relatable commentary for amateur golfers, but also a high level of consistency in ball striking. With Ian's ability to articulate the more technical aspects of the club tech and why certain numbers/outcomes are important, they make a super team with great chemistry. Saintly concentration as usual, Ian.

  24. Ian getting into full equipment nerd mode when he can fully immerse himself in a fitting is great

  25. Should have had Paige try the CNCPT CP-03 for the smaller head, kind of the best of both worlds. The CNCPT irons really are great, super tight dispersion.

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