Dolphin Head Golf Club | Quick look at #Shoes and #Apparel in #Golf Pro Shop #Shorts #HiltonHead

Hello there my name is Keith Benson I work over here at Dolphin head golf course I am the first assistant and I’m just going to give you a little tour of our golf pro shop here first off we start over here we have a couple bags of tailor

Maids predominantly most of our shoes are foot joy that is our Men’s Wear right there we have some outer wear of our puma and then some more Polo puma and then over on this side we have some more of our foot Joy and Antigua shirts moving on over to the women’s

Wear here we have some antiguas foot joy we have our squirts we have our outerwear this is where all the ladies get their products we do have some women’s visors and hats we have some shorts we have all of our women’s shoes apparel most of this is all foot Joy too

All of our shoes are foot Joy here at Dolphin head

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