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No streaking with the Kings | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

The Houston Rockets used their top-10 defense to shut down the Kings’ offense, holding Sacramento to a season-low 18% shooting from three-point range en route to a 112-104 win at Golden 1 Center.

And Sacramento’s own Arik Armstead will soon be a former San Francisco 49er. Reports surfaced Sunday evening that the San Francisco 49ers would be releasing four-time captain Arik Armstead ahead of the 2024 season.

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The carmichel Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 339 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave

Show with Jason Ross on sack toown well good morning good morning good morning you have to press the button yes I’m not used to that hi hi you know what it’s it’s not sounding very it’s not working yeah you sound very echoey strange being in studio with

You guys is that you gross or are you AI this is uh yeah yeah I’m not I’m not really I’m a hologram I mean hologram uh this is the second day in three weeks I’ve I’ve been in studio how is it do you see what we redecorated it’s nice it’s really nice

You think of that side yeah oh beautiful built out everyone looks great yeah it’s it’s really good to good to be the only problem is apparently there’s a bat problem in the building I’m still not over that dude I’m still like a sound hits yeah that was and and

You know I told you there’s the return of rattly outside in the outside turn of the Rat oh my God exactly not great um well good to be here good to be with all of you and uh good to be back hopefully I will try to actually uh be here for a

Full week yeah that’d be amazing you’re looking dreamy uh I feel dreamy uh really uh just oh that’s the official seal I’m running I am I am oh it’s not a vest it’s like a confused shirt it’s a vest oh it is I’m confused to sure I

Thought it was a vest into uh yeah like this was a thing yeah no it’s a vest and then this and then yeah you know it must have been given to you because you can’t sell the Pres what a load of crap that was westwing believe that show wasn’t real

No TV show was fake they even had like real people that used to work in the White House Consulting I wish you weren’t a liar frauds so the show ends Friday yeah right so the way the office is set up at home is that I have uh my

Computer face in the wall and because we do video you know my background then to my right there’s about a a foot separation my wife’s my wife’s you guys already know okay I’m not comfortable like my wife I don’t like this at all this is the best part my wife’s desk

It’s always good when I’m about to bust out a story and both co-hosts are like uh my wife’s desk is a foot to the right of me also facing the wall so if she’s doing something video and I’m doing work at my desk nobody can see me vice

Versa now a disclaimer couple of disclaimers before I tell the story all right number one I have 100% clearance to tell the story of course I share a lot of stuff in my life sometimes probably too much but there are things that there are things that are are

Private um and this one could very well which is why Jason and Chris are uncomfortable be kept private but it’s too good of a story secondly it may sound like I’m making fun of something very serious and I probably will it sure does just cuz that’s how I I cope with

Things is is dark humor uh but but those you tell the story to weren’t ready for the dark humor so Jason and Chris third disclaimer they know this story because they called me after the show just to laugh about something that happened during the show and and to talk and I

Was like by the way guys you’re never gonna believe and and I we live the story in kind of almost real time almost like seconds after seconds after the way you’re talking about we were expecting a punchline at some point there was no punch line I mean there were several

Mini punch lines but like yeah so let’s retell it let’s retell it so Friday show ends weekend’s here W and the show ends I kind I sign off I get out of the this the virtual studio and then I have some stuff that I gotta

I got to work on afterwards I had to voice a couple of spots and just do normal stuff that we do you know especially at the end of the week I met my desk and 10: a.m. hits and my wife’s uh computer Rings a zoom meeting right which which just happened but usually

Very very quick it’s an employee it’s somebody she’s got a staff somebody that has a question about a thing this is very very uh regular so I’ve got probably good 20 minutes of stuff to do so instead of me leaving and letting her do it I just I’m just going to quietly

Do my stuff while she you know works so uh she answers the phone and uh it’s her boss and they’re having a technical issue right so there’s some sort of tech issue and I’m just kind of paying attention all of a sudden I look up because it’s like well that’s kind of

Weird and I look at I look at her boss and it looks like her boss is kind of in paint like something I i’ known this person a while there something’s wrong uh and they’re trying to figure out then finally Melissa says is uh is the uh

Phone working or can you hear me and and the other person’s like no yeah yeah yeah I can and then there’s more pausing now I’m I’m really paying attention because I’m now I’m actually worried about this other person like oh my god did did something happen so anyways um

There’s a pause and then finally the person starts speaking and her voice is kind of breaking and now I know something happened like something’s wrong and this sucks because she’s a very nice person and she goes this is the this is maybe the toughest phone

Call I’ve ever had to make and at that moment I realized what’s going on let me set the stage for you so we we had Avery right and and then we had Mason a year later October to October uh and then the following year I think no two years

Later I got fired from here during the whole King Saga and my wife had a job before she had Avery and then took time off between Avery and Mason uh to you know be pregnant have kids and you know do what we got to do and that’s when I

Was working sales here to so we could have insurance and all that and anyways I get fired from here and that point we’re both jobless I start doing the podcast in my house which was minimal minimal money um and uh then I get this funky idea with my friends to go on this

RV uh trip for this team that I don’t work for for uh reasons unbeknown that is bringing no money into the house the only way I could do that was for my wife to go out and get a job this is the job she went out and got she started out on

The the bottom floor and worked her way up it’s a it’s in the mortgage business it’s a national mortgage company worked her way up and I’m really proud of her from you know I say peon without disrespect but you know a entry-level worker to a manager with a a fairly

Large group of people underneath her now the mortgage industry has been getting destroyed anyone uh knows that for the last few years now and the the staffing has I think I want to say this is maybe the 12th to 13th round of cuts uh and

And finally it was It was kind of her turn um so that’s how long she’s had that job um and I’m so now back to me that’s the important part uh I’m sitting here and I’m I realize oh my God I’m oh my God I don’t know what to do here

Because I want to be here for Melissa but at the same time you’re not supposed to be hearing this right yeah and not that that matters I now want to get out and give her some privacy but I’m let’s just I’m just going to be honest I’m not wearing

Pants and there’s no way for me to get out could you have crawled I I really legitimately thought about crawling outside and then all of a sudden simultaneously our dog starts bringing his chew toy over and it’s squeaking and so you have the squeaking dog toy he’s

Trying to hop up on my leg to play because he knows show’s over it’s time to play my wife is going through this terrible moment in her life uh they’re both you know in tears you’re getting a phone call from us I’m getting a phone call from you guys only missing was the

Bat for real I was getting bat flapped at this point so so anyways um that happened and and look re part of the reason I’m talking about it is look it with all the cuts that have been happening and anyone who’s been in this situation knows this uh these Cuts

Happen and then whoever’s left over the work goes on their shoulders and and I I think it’s one of those things where my wife had she I know she had been kind of planning on leaving for a while is it is a blessing disgu I have nothing bad to

Say about them they’re fantastic uh but it’s one of those things where she never would have left and now she’s leaving and she’s going to go on and find a job where she’s not working 12 hours every Saturday and freaking out and you know having having all this pressure on her

That being said though it’s still traumatic so all weekend long was basically like what can I do for you how can you know I immediately went out and got a bottle of Woodford and said have free rain all of it all all of it Mainline it I don’t

Care this is your weekend do what you got to do and you know any family that’s been through anything like this it’s it’s a little traumatic but you know it could be a hell of a lot worse and we’re aware of that and and for her it’s like

Look take your time take all the thankfully in a position where we’ve been smart enough to where she can she can be patient or smart lucky whatever you’re privileged she can take her time pick what she wants to do no pressure I was also in charge of telling

The children this and Avery was down in Disneyland for her little choir thing over the weekend so I pick up Mason from school Friday because hey mommy mommy’s mommy’s decompressed dressing on Friday and uh I tell him on the way home and both of my children I also told her

Yesterday when I picked her up both of my children said almost exactly the same two things number one good mommy was really stressed out and then secondly they both found a way to weasle their way and I could tell they were struggling and I’m smiling because I

Know it’s coming they both found a way to weasel their way into asking does this mean Les Shores at home because she’s going to be home both of them scamps to do those dishes yeah do I still like so what well Avery straight up goes so what happens to the chore

Schedule like and she’s and I oh so that happens to Mom and you’re worried about no no no I just want to know do I need to pitch in more I’m like I almost gave her the wank wank motion like yeah right kid Mason’s a little more subtle about

The whole thing so anyway um it’ll be an interesting time because now for the first time since we had our children who are getting ready to go to college uh one of us is a a a house person whatever I know she’s a Coach Dave well that’s

The thing and so you you things like that come up you know she’ll be fine and then it’s like I hope my new job lets me you know I hope I can coach and plus her job was right by her kid school you know so there’s that picking them up that was

Really convenient there’s a bit of autonomy some remote working and all that it’s a scary thing to be out there on the beach looking at all that so listen some of you know my wife if you do you send her a message tell her how

You love her and all that but she she’s going to be fine most importantly though it was really awkward for me and I’ve had to spend the whole weekend getting over that and then you guys called five minutes later not even five minutes later and I’m like guys guess what and

Did you tell her that version of the story no no I mean I did you mean did I tell her like the way I told you guys and was laughing about it see what I would say as a way to without lying but make you look better say I was literally

Crying on the phone with Jason and Chris which is actually true but it wasn’t sad crying and they were both crying as well yes like we three shared tears over what happened which is technically a fact we were laughing but we weren’t laughing at what happened well okay we were laughing

At what happened but the way it happened not specifically what happened afterwards Chris says to me why did you call him again and I said about something completely different and then yeah did you call me oh it’s the bat the saying we were still laughing about that

Line and then like you’ll never guess what happened okay yeah did you I got a the only thing I know we got a break here and then I felt really badly I sent you a text I’m like you did I wasn’t well we were laughing at the situation

But that was I of course we had no idea that’s and I was like oh you know I kind of feel badly about that yeah which you didn’t need like I’m the one laughing and then yeah I get a follow-up text from you like hey man make sure she’s

Okay all that also thanks Chris for your follow-up text too that was it right there the only it was from both of us right you guys oh I forgot to put Chris’s name on there the only uh regret I really kind of had though was I just kind of wish there

Could have been a camera on your guys’s faces when I was telling the story because I was very aware that like how insane this was that well I’m exactly what Chris said is how I was feeling too we’re both looking at each other I’m like wait either this is a like there’s

Some sort of punchline and then I’m like wait this is serious why are you telling us this literally just happened it was fresh in my mind had to tell someone and you guys just happen to be the the the fun lucky on so anyways uh hey you know what but

For the grace we’ve all have you ever been fired from anything um I don’t feel like you have I don’t think so you’re too nice me people love you too much Chris technically yeah but I left already yeah that doesn’t they said well it was like it was a summer job and like

Don’t come back and I’m like oh yeah if you hadn’t noticed I wasn’t there the last couple weeks all right well I’m the only one in the room who’s been through that then the trauma being rejected but it was here so well and a car

Wash you got fired from a car wash well I got fired from a car wash because I know showed the next like on a Saturday because I was hung over and then I told my boss I was like it was cloudy I didn’t think people would go like legit

I did and he was like yeah that would work yeah I really that was my that was my excuse all right look speaking of Cloudy uh Chance of Meatballs yeah my goodness gracious uh also we just got a text uh a couple of days ago from the Secretary of

State for California uh saying that our ballot was received and counted yes that’s on our station text line well that reinforces my uh yeah exactly uh I don’t know what the hell’s going on with the Kings I don’t and I do that’s good I’m glad you have all the answers uh and

That seems to just be a recurring theme so we are the flagship of the Kings and we need content so we will talk about them uh also a good friend speaking of people being let go looks like a good friend’s going to be let go and there’s

A lot of NFL maneuver going on uh Frankie will join us a little later on program as well Frankie clicks and so much more it’s daav it’s Jason it’s Chris in studio we’ll be right back with leading off on sack Down Sports our first year as the radio home of the San

Francisco 49ers is one we will never forget and here’s prie to throw one deep wide for Deo made the catch on the back shoulder touchdown San Francisco and a back shoulder Banger for Debo Samuel congratulations to the 49ers on a terrific Year and thank you for so many wonderful

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Nothing until we win Ashton and price the best at getting to yes remember for the best advice don’t think twice call Ashton and price let’s do it leading off the three top stories in the morning huge news this is very important here’s cut number one upd van ble using some clock shot

Clock down to five hits the screen circles to his left stops pivot feeds it on top the green steps into three scores it that could be the dagger there was one second left on The Possession that makes it a three possession game at 108100 ah yeah I don’t

Know I I you I’m off the emotional roller coaster like honest no I am you know what I you know what I’m Gonna Give You full disclosure th this is this is on my kids’s life this is this is this is one of those things that it’s not smart for me to

Admit for reasons you’ll get real here real quickly but I just can’t not be honest and open um tuned in for like the last two minutes didn’t watch didn’t watch a minute didn’t watch a I knew I and I’m not saying this there’s no credit here knew it was going to happen didn’t

Want to deal with it knew it felt like I knew what was going to happen which turned out to be correct didn’t want to do didn’t want the stress knew I had to the only reason I tuned in and then you know later on that night you know later

On last night uh because it was an afternoon game I knew I could go back and go through highlights and read and all that because I have to talk about it today it’s my job which is the only reason I watched any of it just did that

Help it did because I I I legit am not emotional about it because I now kind of like there’s a pattern for me yeah they are they’re they’re they’re five and five uh in their last 10 uh at home they beat the good teams and lose to the

Bad teams yeah they I was looking at this last night they they basically have a six-game win streak and a four game win streak and they’re 500 besides that yeah and they’ve kind of lived off which I mean is okay all of that is okay and they’re a whole lot of okay remember

When I was like Hey 11 and four for the month of March that’s is that impossible now uh well unless they win like the rest they pretty much have to win everything yeah I think that’s I think I want to say this was their third is that

Right probably they just been going back and forth win loss win loss here no it’s their second sorry so we’re still early enough in the month still go nine and two it’ be fine their their their three wins are to Minnesota in Minnesota at the Lakers and then the absolute stolen

Victory from San Antonio they lose at home to Chicago lose Home to Houston they’re honestly they’re a Damonte sabonis steel away from being 0 and three at home on this stand uh uh on the on you know since March against three teams all below 500 including San

Antonio which is uh terrible uh also they have Milwaukee the Lakers the Knicks and Memphis coming up I I’m this is Jason this is how so win the three games against teams about 500 lose to Memphis this is how confident I am I could be wrong but I’m

Going to the Bucks game tomorrow night oh it’s my second game all year I’m going to did they win the other one uh the one against the Bucks oh the other one yeah yeah they uh it was it was Denver earlier in the year um yeah and and and

I I hope they stay on the streak because I want them to be Milwaukee but if you follow this they’ll they’ll they they’ll beat Milwaukee LA and New York and lose to Memphis now I don’t believe that’s going to happen I think they’re going to lose one of the Milwaukee La New Yorks

And beat Memphis but it it’s just it’s just what it is if they did that then the road trip’s really not that hard but that means they’d probably lose to what is it Washington and Toronto and beat Orlando and beat Orlando yeah that it’s a three- game East coaster and then they

Come home for Philly two Dallas uh a Utah and a Clipper before going back on the East Coast I there’s no Rhyme or Reason dude I’m like not even mad at them it’s just who they are yeah you know it’s funny you say that it helped

To not see it what honestly helped me because usually it’s a loss get home go to bed wake up come back here and talk about it in the morning just the fact that it was earlier went home watched the Oscars kind of like thought about something else woke up this morning went

Oh wait oh yeah the king’s lost yeah but it there was a little bit of a cushion that which helps just a little bit because you’re you’re basically you’re you’re getting home you got to go right to bed much which has got to be so difficult because you got adrenaline

From the game you know you got to be up in a few hours and then you got to talk about it you just talked about it the night before right so yeah you get a little bit of that that that cushion which is cool uh and then and then here

We are we’ve got a not even just I’m not mad i’ I have come to the following conclusion they’re gonna do this all year limp into the playoffs uh and they’re going to end up going to the second round and making noise and we’ll just look back and go well

Then I’ll take all of that all that stress for the regular season they they they ended up with right around the same amount of wins as last year but they went further in the playoffs including an upset because that’s what it would almost have to be so my conclusion is

This either that’s what’s going to happen or there’s going to be or that’s not going to happen and then there’s just gonna be a massive overhaul of this team in the summer like a massive overhaul of this team in the summer like nobody’s safe on this team like nobody’s

Safe no nobody is safe on the team I’m not saying they’re going to trade Fox sabonis and Murray you would think those would be the three that are safe but like Monty’s going to have to do something yeah because if that doesn’t end up happening the the this ain’t this

Ain’t the crew well and even if um I would like to think of your other scenario let’s say there’s an upset whatever seed they get if they get in and get that and Advance somehow to second round and lose there it doesn’t mean it’s figured out no it doesn’t so I

Hope they don’t go oh this is the same you know they’ve seen enough this year to know that this isn’t right but if they do that if they do make in the second round I could 100% see though they now have a crutch to say hey look

We’re trying to keep this group together we’ve Advanced every year yeah I mean I think there’s elements to keep but not the entirety all right cut number two please cut number two here his kid up the middle he runs into a wall and the ball came out ball is loose who’s got it

49ers recover Eric AR dead sounds like uh he will be a cap casualty according to Adam schfer that the ners and Armstead and his folks folks I don’t mean parents like us I mean his his agent his his Camp uh been trying to renegotiate his contract they

Again according to shefer got close uh but in the end uh Eric wants to test the market and um they at least as of now I still think that you know you never know you never know until you know it’s sounds like they’re close and who knows maybe somebody makes a phone call

Somewhere uh but as of right now all signs pointing to uh the Niners releasing Eric Armstead and that would end uh an era in with the 49ers and Jason not to overstate what he did for them but he’s been a very good player for a very fairly long time and also with

Everything he does as a leader in the locker room off the field the Sacramento connections the fact that we’ve known him since he was a you know a kid coming up through high school here uh it does feel like the end of an era realizing that it happens in every sport if he

Ever is on another team and Dawn’s another uniform that will be weird it will be so weird yeah I mean it’s happened to you know Legends of the game not saying that he hasn’t been a great player but when you see someone like in the final year like if this Russell

Wilson thing you know he’s going to the Steeler that’ll be weird but Armstead in some other uniform just will be really strange I love to at some point talk to him because look I’m always going to be on the side almost always going to be on the side of the player I’m certainly

Going to be on the side of Eric Armstead but I also wonder too like is this the right move like are you at this point in your career whatever you’re losing or set to lose with the Niners in the renegotiation a are you really GNA make

That up with another team and B like how much is staying with the ners being this close to Sacramento and your family like having the comfort zone like and the fact that you’re also generationally wealthy and I’m not one of those like well you have enough money but do wonder

About the thought process yeah me too ESP it was that close yeah if it’s that close it’s like what what are we I’m I’m I’m worried for him I want yes Eric time to tighten up on right so uh and obviously we love Eric to death he’s

Been a part of the show for uh on and off for a while and we’ll check in with him as soon as he’s able to talk uh you know what we’ll uh we’ll we’ll go to break I know I’m over here uh we’ll we’ll get to more NFL news uh including

Russell Wilson finding a new home we’ll talk about that at 700 a.m. we’ll take a break though when we come back Kings lose again and we have audio for you sorry you have to hear it we’ll do all that next subscribe to sack toown Sports on YouTube and watch the carmichel Dave

Show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys live Monday through Friday from 6:00 to 6 plus view archive shows and exclusive content subscribe at actown Sports hello Sacramento I’m Emer Pat owner of true sports cards and collectible store here in Rockland California and the host

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Period sack Republic opened up art health park up 2-1 on Orange County big rival great didn’t see the corner kick at the M I assume Republic one 21 we’re in like the the V the the like four minute and 50th second of the five minute extra time then there’s a corner kick and

Basically if the keeper saves it is going to hold on to the ball you know do the whole like check the ball is it pumped up you know sniff it whatever delay and then Boots the ball match over right OC scores so you go from three

Points in the bag who scored for I see uh who was it goalkeeper oh yeah that’s by the way the Republic new signing who led the league one and goals last year had two goals in this he looks really awesome um so yeah they go from three

Points at home to to dropping two points at home uh then the next morning um up at 5:00 A.M huntersfield town in a relegation battle they are officially in the bottom three Now by a point they’re playing at home against the top 10 Side West Bron wi albon dominate the first

Half they’re up one nil should have been up two n but missed a wide open goal up one nil go to break come back four goals in about 15 minutes for West Brom wit albon 4-1 the final so they lose they’re they’re this is you know that’s very worrisome they could be

Going down nine games left uh and then Kings on Sunday I think the only the only thing I took any joy out of sports over the weekend is darn Palmer was kind of cool SK shler one it’s good to see will zures um and I know this will

Probably come up later during cross talk but there was a lot of anticipation at the game for baby I forgot yes because I saw it over the weekend did I hear correctly gentlemen was there some controversy I heard there was maybe some controversy with maybe uh the coach for

Ella maybe overstepping a little bit on the encouragement and breaking rules I could be wrong but I thought I saw that on social media um I don’t know I’d like get to get Chris’s perspective on what he saw there yesterday too but um I would say I don’t remember how many

Babies were in the race let’s say 108 something like that yeah and there was one on the outside that got off to a quick start about a three three craw crawl little pitter patter and then just parked it the other eight babies not interested not not at all not even off

The blocks they didn’t prep including the one coached by one Allen sty oh not interested didn’t seem to be and I thought like every all the other all the starters Allen was the starter I think Mom was the finisher on the other side right like just how how it should be

Yeah and uh Chris didn’t you notice like I thought thought Allen was the only one standing up yeah at first then like he picked up baby Ella and I thought like like maybe did and then at one point it looked like is she gonna walk that’s what it looked like standing at one

Point oh that’d be great and then back down and I felt like there was like the only reason maybe she was in second for a half a second was like I think he placed her a little bit further out and then that’s cheating on the other outside farthest from us up where we

Were the deer and fox of babies just took off just it was on I mean it was looking like we had no race like the one the three quick pitter patter was ahead and like is this going to win like getting a tenth of the way and then like

The other one just went like on super speed I will also say that it was weird that it was after the first quarter they’ve done halftime before but I think it’s because it was slamson birthday and the mascots and I do know that Allan said that he was expecting it halftime

And he showed up there and they said oh you almost didn’t to make it wow and then so maybe in the rush of everything Maybe wasn’t prepared it was too much hey I say no excuses the dear fox b would you say that baby’s a front runner

Right now for clutch baby of the Year oh no doubt like that will be Advanced to the Tournament of Champions I don’t think it would get clutch points though because it was far out in away wasn’t even close destroy it it was like the Secretariat of babies eight forur long

No one else I really question the other babies well let’s and let’s focus then and we’ll do this in Cross toop but uh and and for those of you who don’t know uh Allen Styles is baby was in the baby races yesterday and really talk this up

He really did yeah uh do you think him being gone all week in for spring training took away from their routine and he actually cost now that I think he just made a great Point what should have happened was he never should have even came home that’s right yep mom takes

Baby absolutely to the arena yes he shows up for the races she sees him and immediately wants to go he’s at Finish Line they think it was a coaching misplay I I think it it does sound like it was too and Allan kind of dropped the

Ball on that one yeah agreed Chris one thing I’ve always wondered about the baby races um has anyone ever thought of putting an electrode in the diaper I’m just saying because you could have a remote and just kind of shock the baby not hurt the baby not hurt the baby

Shock the baby just let it knows that something’s there Peter Gabriel song shock the baby and you just like you’re saying go go go but then like maybe you implant it in a little in the little uh stuffed animal and yeah the baby might look uncomfortable but you know it’s it’s not

Winning it’s it’s it’s what are you willing to do yes this soft society today an electric baby just sliding through yeah all right we’ve done enough delaying uh the Sacramento Kings played the Houston Rockets yesterday did they yeah they well they after the baby races

Of the Run was Houston so I really mean so the baby races also motivated was there a Dylan Brooks of babies that was just out there punching other babies yes because that is amazing uh started out neat for the Sacramento Kings now gives to sabonis wrap around behind the back

Pass to herder pocket pass to sabonis kicks it out to Fox he’s uncovered for three he scores the triple good unselfish ball movement on the part of the Kings for a five-point lead and 12 to7 Sacramento scored the last eight points after they gave up seven in a

Row they would continue to go while Malik monk comes in the game a little bit later and takes care of Jaylen green on defense Tre ly rocked up on his toes like he was going to shoot it and he thinks better of it and he gives it up

To monk down to three seconds to go monk drives in the paint step back for two he’s got the bucket a second ahead of a possible shot clock violation biggest lead of the ball game for Sacramento Up 4 2 to 29 and that’s how the game ended that was the peak lead 13-point

Lead and uh stop me if you’ve heard this before Jason the Sacramento Kings are outscored by a couple going into the half uh a couple in the second quarter so going into the half they’ve got themselves what a five-point lead I think third quarter they’re outscored 32

To 14 they’re outscored in the second and third quarter if you want to go ahead and combine them just for funsies 63 to 43 and although the Kings won the fourth 3126 uh again spoiler alert here let me give you some of the stuff going on

Including and we’ll talk about this in a second Alper and shenon Shon sets the high screen gets the return pass here’s the floater in the lane as a result he scores it wasn’t the prettiest of plays but it gives used to a four-point lead it’s their biggest

Lead of the ball game they’re on top 70 to 66 yeah it got worse landale has it spins it back to green at the logo creeps toward the left angle challenged by Trey lyes doubled by Fox they swing to the near side driving a kick Corner three Thompson score it and it’s the

Biggest lead of the ball game for Houston they’re doing it from downtown all afternoon they’re so this is this is you know when I was watching the replay I I I I know that if I was watching it live and didn’t know the outcome this is why it was great to

Not watch it live because I knew where I’d be going shockingly here’s another Mo the Kings love to have they they basically get distracted by the car keys or a fresh bumblebee or something and and just don’t pay I don’t know what the hell happens for a quarter or two and

They fall down huge to these average to below average teams and then shockingly in the fourth quarter they wake up and go on this insane run and honestly I I I this is the banana and the tailpipe team yeah and you don’t want to fall for the

Banana in the tailpipe and that’s what they get you to do and had they not gone down so deeply if you will in the game yeah that last minute run works but in the end no that’s it the the r like it’s separate than saying hey every team has

Runs we get that but the run is an avalanche on the Kings and it gets from you know having the lead to being down that far and they try they almost come back but it’s like what it just like if they could have been down eight that’s

Still bad you still lost this lead yeah but that’s doable right but you get it to 17 and you have to do all this work with not enough time and they’ve done this far too many times they’ve done it far too many times and it’s not improving and at some point there are

Three I I only see three possible issues and by the way might be all three or bits of all three it’s either the players it’s mental and by players I mean like skill it’s a mental thing or it’s coaching might be a little of all might

Be more of one some of the other I don’t know but uh one more note we’ll get to later by the way uh in addition to losing the game even though this wasn’t a Sacramento King real tough situation in the end and I hate it I you hate

Seeing that no matter what I love alarin Shang dun he is he is the AA parent to the yic sabonis type of Center just a you know 20 years old won’t even be I think 21 till July having a career year look uh you got a lot of Twitter doctors

And I don’t and I don’t say that by the way uh Loosely like legitimately there’s a couple of cool sites to follow where it’s actual orthopedic surgeons that look at video and say here’s what it probably will be but you know you need the MRI and it’s like at best this is a

XYZ PDQ thing he’ll be out you know a few weeks but it seems like the consensus is Alper shenon destroyed his KNE last night and we’ll be out the rest of the season they’ll find that out today in an MRA you certainly hope that’s not the case but especially for a

Big man that could be a lingering thing we’ve said it before Outlaw freaking injuries plus it was the last minute of the game and it’s one of the best brightest young stars in the game yeah couple thoughts on that IE had when I mean it was just sick when it happens

It’s awful you knew it was serious players are telling people to come over yeah um look you you’re not really prepared for situation like this but they need a bigger wheelchair at that Arena they need a bigger wheelchair and then sh and then shout out I couldn’t

Tell if it was a Kings guy or a Houston guy but shout out to I think it’s Houston was it Houston shout out to the tow guy on the staff Shen’s in the wheelchair his head is down he’s obviously in a ton of pain he’s got a

Towel over his head and towel guy just goes over in front of him and like frisbees a towel that land and then like falls off of him and you can see the guy’s pushing the wheelchair like guy what he doesn’t he’s like oh my bad my

Bad like you got to read the room bro yeah doesn’t need a towel yeah the only thing I heard too and I don’t know if this is any I didn’t get confirmation on this but I was leaving and I was asking a few people about it and they said well

The good news that I heard is he was getting on the bus and going in the plane as opposed to like staying here and going to a hospital you know so I I don’t know I don’t know what any of that means but that I took as better new well

Who knows yeah I I don’t want to speculate no and and you’re right and you want to and they’re going down to La too so you hope that’s good news and by the way maybe it’s just they look no offense to my city but I’m pretty sure there’s more experts in La than

Sacramento so um we’ll we’ll see there we’ll let you know as soon as we do but obviously fingers crossed um fingers crossed that Shang okay all right much much much more on the Kings a little bit later when we get back our good friend Eric Armstead uh it looks like he’s

Going to be released but is this part of a bigger bigger Sports wide problem we’ll talk about the connection there Next really I’ve got it next break that’s fine am I reading it wrong I’m reading it like you no I put it in wrong you put it okay so it’s here it is my fault because well that’s F it’s you know what it’s no it’s not it’s the team’s fault

We win hey we win and lose as a squad I didn’t do anything want to talk to you about my good friends at American Energy you see look at that that’s that’s that’s teamwork right there look these are your second opinion partners and and you know I love my folks in

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Have is good or if they can beat it and beat it significantly 916520 9990 to set that appointment 916520 9990 or American Energy American Energy making the uncomfortable comfortable Eric Armstead and the problem in sports the NFL to be specific we’ll talk about it next you

Never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game going for another triple man is he feeling the can he do it yes there’s number 11 hean steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a Kings franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment

Of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports app golf to go is brought to you by the Hagen Oaks Golf super shop here’s Frank L Roa for beginning golfers not getting into bad habits gives you a much better chance of enjoying the game and shooting

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Jiffy Lube is number one in the greater Sacramento area for oil changes visit for more details of valuable coupons [Applause] today waking you up with the best in local sports they just make it interesting you know it’s the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports well done Chris I think the timing of our sheet here is going to throw our caricel Dave off I think so too yeah know how you flip this around I don’t know either but we did we have a longer break next time anyway we will be talking about Eric

Armstead here that is the news from yesterday uh it’s not official but the rumors are he is going to be released and for a variety of reasons obviously for San Francisco and Armstead that we could see these two sides uh parting ways one San Francisco is in a cap

Situation a little bit tighter now they’ve got some flexibility still at the quarterback position because Brock p is still giving them an excellent performance at a what you would uh call a bargain rate when we’re looking at all these other teams making their financial moves around the NFL to basically

Protect their franchise top type quarterback the 49ers are still in this Championship Type window where they can add other Superior players because of um the cap situation they have with a guy like Brock pie but the Armstead one that we talked about at the beginning is a

Little bit of a surprise to me for the 49ers and really Armstead because according to reports the two sides did talk and reportedly were very close and they ultimately got to this spot here uh in this situation so Dave a little strange one here with Eric Armstead

That’s what I was saying I know you were we had these two completely flipped did we okay so and I’ve gone through it we’re good for the rest of the way yeah all right so just to be clear well we’ll do that off the year we had a Time issue okay

Yeah Chris might be getting a zoom call a little later which P um the thing with Eric that got me is this I think it’s part of a broader conversation we can talk about Eric all day long the NFL is the Undisputed king of American Sports that is

Not arguable right like the NFL is King most of the most valuable teams in sports you you’re going to see a soccer team in there uh you know the Yankees but the vast majority of the top 25 teams let’s say when it comes to Value are NFL teams including the the

One that’s worth the most what is it the Cowboys are like seven billion or something I would just like to renew the fact that the most consistently undercovered story in all of sports and not only is what I’m about to talk about the most undercovered story in sports but the

Fact that the media doesn’t talk about it and it’s undercovered is also I think a top 10 most undercovered story in sports they’re actually connected and I’ll explain the NFL’s players union is the worst Union in sports they’re terrible the NFL is the most dangerous sport

Played we see CTE playing out in in real time with actual human beings they’re going out there and they are getting damaged and even if you manage to not have massive brain issues after your football career is over you look at a lot of these ex players and they’re

Walking around like uh you know they’re they’re they’re practically disabled you know best wimping back issues all kinds of health problems why the NFL continues to get away with the fact that unlike the NBA unlike baseball unlike hockey why these contracts aren’t just straight guaranteed continues to beot me

That you could go out and sign Mor mnner tomorrow at linebacker to a 4-year 714 million you could sign him literally the same contract let’s say sh Otani just signed with $13 million guaranteed and cut him the next year and you’re at $13 million people really need to stop and

Think about that for a second well but the cap the yeah what’s the real money yeah but well I’m saying people would respond well Dave you know the cap and this and that well what if they get hurt well what if they get hurt right it’s very easily solvable what if

They get hurt well the NFL could step in in these negotiations and say okay Jason I signed you to this huge every every dollar is guaranteed just like in every other sport you go out the next year and you’re playing football and your leg gets bent back to your butthole and the

Whole thing is broken and you can’t play for two years oh I can cut you now I I can cut you it’s cool and you’re out the rest of your deal that wasn’t guaranteed well in the world that we should live in I can still cut you but I have to pay

You every single penny the way to solve the cap issue problem is simply this well if a guy’s hurt he doesn’t count against the cap move on that’s that you get an injury exception if you’re if you’re guaranteed $14 million for the next three years and

You can’t play you can PR rate it per game or whatever for the year and that comes off your cap for the next year or that year or whatever there’s ways to solve they don’t want to spend the money so you have the these players now that have the worst contracts in sports

Practically and this is a situation where what bottom line is this Eric Armstead signed a contract now I don’t feel bad for him he’s a very rich man right we have real problems here I understand that in real life but in the Sports World Eric Armstead signed this

Giant contract Eric AR this shouldn’t be a conversation he should be getting paid every single penny and the fact of the matter is is that this isn’t and how I was going to connect it this is a very undercovered Story by the media we can cover it because we’re a Ply little

202nd Market mid-market Morning Show you’re not going to see a ton of this on your Nationals because they’re all in bed with the NFL and the NFL does not want this story they do not want this pressure they don’t want this story covered it’s going to cost their owners

A ton of a ton of money hundreds of millions of dollars a year they’ve got it and meanwhile you’re bringing in and again the players are signing up for this I’m not I’m not trying to play a violin for the play they’re signing up to do do this

Voluntarily but you’ve got these players coming in in the most physical sport there is and the most injury prone sport there is and the contracts aren’t guaranteed but in baseball where you literally like light matches in someone’s foot during in between Innings and have fun and put bubble gum on people’s

Heads every every penny is guaranteed basketball Alper Shen good imagine this Alper Shen good God forbid knock on wood alpr shenon has a career-ending injury that he suffered yesterday against the Kings just God forbid but I’m putting it out there as example if this was football the Rockets

Could cut him and and what if it what if his deal was barely guaranteed they could cut him he’ll get some sort of you know medical settlement coverage but that’s it yeah no you know what Al BR shenon even though he’s still on his rookie contract he’s gonna get paid out

No matter what every single penny of what he signed that contract for regardless if he plays or not now there’s sometimes issues there you know you have a guy you sign and he sucks right you got to pay him for three years you see but I’d rather have it that way

I don’t feel bad I feel less bad for the owners and the players always get aide with the players absolutely every sport this just it’s just it’s just dumb we’ll take a break when we come back uh Russ Wilson has a new home and you’re not

Going to believe uh what his contract is speaking of getting paid Baker Mayfield baby and we had some more trades as well and a new stadium it looks like in the NFL coming up as well big time uh franchise doing that we’ll we’ll run around the NFL for you right after this

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To 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday s Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did caller text at 9163

39140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports hey good morning uh good morning to host that’s a funny picture we have in our studio Adam scher’s on two different shows right now it’s always so weird but one he’s got a coat on the other he doesn’t yeah like

Was that his thing it’s the same tie too yeah it’s so weird how that works yeah on on two different es ESPN and ESPN 2 right now one with a coat and then they’re like all right we don’t want to let the cat out of the bag uh take your

Coat off that’s the more like uh upfront yeah uh he’s talking about funny thing is Adam looked at our rundown he did he knew what we were talking about Russell Wilson as he is reporting and as we were about to talk about uh is signing a one-year deal with the Pittsburgh Steelers now

This is the uh this is kind of the the opposite of what we were just talking about with Eric Armstead because in this case Russell Wilson isn’t he signed with the Steelers for like a million dollars the vet minimum right 1.2 million but he’s actually getting paid 39.2 million because 38

Million the Broncos are paying Russell Wilson $38 million to go quarterback for another AFC team yes that’s how that’s working yeah now in that case it’s like I’m good with that sorry owners you you you signed him to the deal pay the deal off

Yeah this is one where if he was truly a free agent in the in the real sense of the way of the word I I wonder if he would have had a home but now you’re going wait a minute I only have to pay him what because Denver’s paying all the

Rest yeah we’ll take that risk yes why why wouldn’t they and now all of a sudden the the the Steelers are getting Russell Wilson for Brock pie money right now at this point now the difference is it’s a one-year deal they’re certainly not going to get him like that for long term

So they can’t just like unlike the Niners who have some time to build around Brock pretty while he’s making nothing the Steelers don’t have that luxury yeah what’s interesting though and and we’ll say it again Russell Wilson did not have uh as bad a year as

I think a lot of people would think uh 3,000 yards 26 touchdowns eight interceptions now trust me he went he wasn’t perfect nobody’s saying that but also considered he’s doing that for the Broncos which were not a good team yeah and now you’re going to a team that made

The playoffs a division that was great and he um we’re back to that can he be a game manager better than what pick it was than Rudolph was that who you know trabis whoever they tried to use a quarterback last year if you can get

Just a kind of the version you just said of him from Denver last year with a really good defense maybe that’s what Pittsburgh needs and you’re talking about Mike Tomlin who finishes above 500 seems are at 500 each and every year so Russ goes to the Steelers uh that’s

Quite interesting also I love the story I loved it last year I thought he probably should have gotten comeback Player of the Year who did get it it wasn’t uh Demar Hamlin it was uh was somebody else uh but Baker Mayfield uh he signs a three-year $100 million contract with the Buccaneers

Now again because we just talked about this yeah what’s the guaranteed money the real money 50 million okay which it’s pretty good it’s pretty good that’s a little under $17 million a year for a guy that a lot of people thought was going to be out of the league he set to

Make 30 million guaranteed this year uh 30 million with 20 guaranteed in 2025 and 40 million in 2026 plus a $5 million per year uh per year in incentives uh bringing the max value of the contract actually up to$ 115 million now again you look at the

Contract here and we don’t know how things are going to work out but 2024 you get 30 mil guaranteed 2025 30 million with 20 guaranteed and then again 40 million in 2026 but none of that’s guaranteed how much you want to bet Baker Mayfield’s not quarterbacking the Buccaneers on this contract in 2026

Yeah pretty logically pretty logically because that is 40 million not guaranteed they just get rid of after two years so this gives them the opportunity to keep him in for two years build around that and then hey uh if it’s not working out or they’re not

Where they’re at they can always go a different Road MA Jones in this was odd this was odd I think a sixth round fifth round pick whatever it ended up being but he is on his way to Jacksonville and yeah you and I you and I kind of talked about

This during a break Jason not not like the the the biggest surprise that M Jones with the new regime in there is is leaving uh New England but just the way it ended and the fact that you’re talking about a 2024 six round pick New England as the number three pick in the

NFL draft uh likely uh if you go by the numbers of decision between LSU’s Jaden Daniels and North Carolina’s Drake may now M Jones grew up in Jacksonville he will back up Trevor Lawrence uh who is the first pick in M Jones’s draft Jones was selected uh 15th yeah and it’s um

You know I know this is a trade situation but M Jones was probably thinking look I don’t know if it’s going to work for me in New England but there might be some potential other spots I could go as a starter and clearly he’s not going there to start no no he’s

Gonna back up Trevor Lawrence it’s interesting he was the second uh quarterback selected uh in 2021 he’s the second one now to get traded Trey Lance was was was number three he was traded by the Niners of course M Jones 15th traded by New England Trevor Lawrence pretty sure he’s

Not getting anytime soon but what’s interesting is the number two quarterback in that Draft Zack Wilson he could be traded at any time or releas and Fields right and Justin Fields who it also seems is almost certainly gonna get traded yeah and Pittsburgh was a real logical Target for

Him so I would think that’s off the board for Fields yeah oh you know where he’s going you know where Fields is going back to Ohio State the Raiders yeah they’re getting they’re getting that it just seems like that’s that’s a Raider and by the way it might

Be a good move I’m not I’m not making fun of it would you have if you’re the Raiders would you rather have Justin fields or Russell Wilson honestly I was just gonna say honestly I’d rather have Russell Wilson you know veteran knows what he’s doing uh you got

Got a lot to prove uh not worried obviously about Russ Wilson in Vegas um but we kind of know what Russell Wilson is right I don’t know that we necessarily know what Justin Fields is so maybe when you’re in the Raiders spot I mean again coming from a Kings fan

Point of view all this year all these years you talked about you know uh Buy Low sell High type of thing maybe maybe Justin Fields is just the type of guy for them to look he’s definitely got a lower floor probably than Russell Wilson but I think he also has a higher ceiling

Than yeah there’s and I think there’s more risk right because I think if you’re getting a guy like Fields you’re probably saying we’re gonna try this for a couple of years if you get like what Pittsburgh did with Russell Wilson yeah it’s this year right and we’ll see what

What that produces and then they can reevaluate after that uh finally going around the NFL thought this was interesting for you the Bears are shifting their focus to uh remain in the city of Chicago uh with plans to build a stadium just south of Soldier Field now

A little over a year ago the Bears closed on a 326 acre property uh that used to house a race a race course for horses uh in Arlington some call it a RAC track that too you know what you know why I said that though it’s literally called Arlington international race course and

That’s kind of why I paused because I thought that sounded weird but then I just Ron bergundy did uh they signed an agreement to purchase the property for about 200 million but they haven’t begun to develop the site which was supposed to feature a multi-billion dollar Stadium now what I find really cool

About this the Bears are planning to invest more than two billion in private private money into a domed stadium that will be publicly owned and they’re also have a a park space there that would feature year round Community amenities they haven’t released renderings or anything you know

Unlike the Oakland A with they awesome renderings but I I I I think that’s kind of cool $2 billion doll in private money going towards a stadium that’s going to be public and now once that stadium is completed assuming it will be the Green Bay pack

ERS will be the only team in that division now that does not have a domed stadium and it feels like that won’t change for them no I don’t think that would ever ever change I love it do you see the stuff with the Kansas City fans getting like amputations yes from that

Game from the Frostbite the yes they said 70% of the people that went in for frostbite are now planning amputations no way that sucks what because it was so freaking cold there it’s not worth it guys no and they moved the other game remember that I do imagine being that into

Anything like yeah I’m gonna go to the game today might lose a toe or finger but it’s worth it you one say I would lose appendage for the Kings to win championship yeah but that’s the f finals oh it’s not Super Bowl it was the

Path to the Super Bowl yeah I mean if they went to the Super Bowl and lost to toe I mean that’s fine but I fine but I but I would also I would lose that finger whether I was I volunteered that finger whether I was in attendance or

Not I would just give the finger up for the championship oh go could have done that at home yeah I could have just done that at homey but by the way and as we go to break I want to be clear about that just in case we’re you know that

Ever comes up when I say that though you just want it to be gone not to be yeah go through the injury I’m not talking about like putting my finger in a little finger Guillotine and having it chopped off like I’m talking about like if I had

The choice you just wake up and it’s gone yeah like I would go to the hospital and have it like done professionally where like I go to sleep and they chop it off and you know Stitch it up and all that that also doesn’t mean that the Kings win a title I’m

Saying I will chop a finger off I’m saying if basketball Jesus asked me for a finger in exchange for a title I would do that if it was guaranteed you’re just kidding tattoo what if you had to do that and no one can know that you did

It um oh yeah no I I I I yeah yeah I just want the championship I mean granted it’d be kind of cool be like bro I gave it my finger for like that’s a brave heart move I mean he gave up a lot more than a finger

That was yeah anyways we’ll take a break when we come back three of her Madness brought to you by fire wings uh I’ll explain the first question when it’s asked and then and uh we’ll we we’ll talk more about not just tomorrow’s game against the Bucks uh but also what the

Hell’s going on with some of these starters three are Madness next dear Fox plays here stolen by Fox Breakaway coming up for dear and a simple casual [ __ ] for the left hand K lead by three sack Sports is your proud home of the Sacramento Kings hi I’m Henry Winkler my

Eyes are very important to me my eyes connect me with everything I love love I loved my late father-in-law dearly he always lit up a room but his vision dimmed with age he had age related macular degeneration or AMD and since partnering with a pellis I’ve learned

There’s an advanced form of dry AMD called Geographic atrophy or GA his struggle with vision loss made me want to help others know about ga’s warning signs for some colors appear dull or washed out for others hazy or blurred vision make it hard hard to see details

Like fine print on price tags many have trouble seeing in the dark making driving at night difficult GA gets worse over time and cannot be reversed if you think you have GA don’t wait treatments are available ask a WR a specialist about FDA approved treatments for GA and

Go to gawon three questions three answers it’s three for madness on the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross here’s question One oh Frankie Cardell at 10 sports Kings Insider at 9:00 A.M Frankie clicks joins us in the meantime it’s three for madness brought to you by fire Wings Chris for L question one lol full disclosure I I I wrote that question and it’s it’s a very specific question LOL because that’s

Literally all I could think about this morning when I was writing the three for madness questions knowing I want to talk about the Kings just LOL like I I I don’t I’m not laughing I I am but like it’s it’s like the old the the the movie where the

Guy’s pulling out his intestines and laughing maniacally type of laugh not the haha that’s great you know like that like that did not see that moov yeah it’s that it’s good wow that was a really good analogy As Good As It Gets with Jack Nicholson oh that’s right um

Yeah uh LOL dude I I I don’t I don’t I gotta keep remembering the following things because it’s what keeps me calm number one in fact we should come up with a top five at some point of things Kings fans can tell themselves to stay calm number one they could be under

500 number two they were and probably are a play a playoff team number three they’ve got two Bonafide Stars correct number four man that Golden One Center is awesome true and number five they could be in Seattle okay it’s always a safety net that that LOL

Because I just every day it seems like or every other day we you know even during the winds we come in here we’re like well those wacky Kings yeah well I think I’d add another one would you rather this be 2006 through 2022 no it’s better this

Is better yeah and also I would rather them lose to all the bad mediocre teams and beat the good teams and the other way around I was thinking about this too yesterday literally driving home after the game like gosh I guess this is just

Going to be it like this is going to be the team the rest of the year and I said you know what as silly as it may be Dave if they won like let’s just whatever this this for the next 16 games yeah and then they won the last three so let’s

Say they won the last three and I’m just going to give them the six seed and it doesn’t even matter who the three seed is sure we all be going really like the way they’re playing going in oh yeah it it’s just the last three I’m not saying

It’s a 10 game win streak it’s just look like they put last three like I really like what they’re doing here I think they’re ready to go it may just take that to feel better about this SE I forget who we were talking to last week

Might have been Sam uh but it was like you know that the Kings you know the kings are going to be the hot take dour on every playoff preview or it’s like no one wants to play watch out for Sacramento Sacramento is my Dark Horse Sacramento could do some damage

And then they’re gonna show the graphic splash of their record against the uh opponents above them and blah blah blah but dude you know what it this honestly feels like you know we talked about the individual games that don’t fall for the banana and the tailpipe and how they get

Themselves in this deficit in the games and then they make this come back towards the end of the year but they fall short I have no reason to believe that from 50,000 feet looking at the season that it’s not going to be a similar thing they’re throwing away these games

That they should win and that’s going to cost them playoff seating in the end and we’re all and then they’re going to get us all excited because they’re going to you know win three four five in a row or five of six or whatever going into going

Into the playoffs and then when we’re sitting here they get bounced in the first run it’s going be like well I fell for the banana and the tailpipe they are who we thought they were yeah I hope that’s not the case number two please question

Two on a scale of 1 to 10 how confident are you in beating the Bucks tomorrow uh I’d say uh nine I’m so confident I’m W yeah the king’s never beaten bucks no 15 in a row yeah 2016 last time they defeated if I was a gambler I’d be

Putting a nice big chunk of change because that’s that’s what’s been working dude uh that is what has been working the Bucks are 42 and 23 the Bucks just beat the Clippers uh in La yesterday 124 117 coming off a two game losing streak to the warriors uh and the

Lakers and before that they had won six in a row so they the Bucks have won seven to n uh and then they finish out their road trip last game of the road trip in SA Sacramento I do like that it’s the last game of the road trip that

That sometimes you can you can uh you know get a team on a good night they want to go home they’ve been on the road for a while uh but it’s more about the Kings than the Bucks and the fact that uh the Kings just let’s see they

Just lost at home to a not a great team and now they’re playing a good team at home I’d feel better if this was in Milwaukee probably but uh yeah let’s keep that street going well I would say for as much as we poke and and right so

Of the flaws that the Kings have of losing games like they did yesterday to their credit they bounce back pretty well right I mean we get frustrated by this um but I’m not as confident as you are as a nine no way i’ I’d go about a

Five okay I think the match Up’s better believe it or not and sometimes you could just kind of crack the code realizing this yesterday when the kings were playing the Rockets Rockets are number seven defense in the league the Kings have been held under 100 not that

Many times Rockets almost did it a third straight time yesterday Milwaukee hasn’t been that good defensively so I think it’s going to be more in the pace the tone the tempo that the Kings like but I like that part of it but I’m not as confident as you are I gotta say

Hopefully the Kings just it’s hilarious that we’re looking at Oklahoma City Phoenix Denver maybe Minesota I think Kings fans would far rather play them in a seven game series than Houston or New Orleans yeah they’re own seven against those teams that’s just that crazy that’s silly pants it is

Silly pants uh number three please question three Barnes herder and Keegan were a combined 8 of 24 and 0 of n from behind the ark is this officially a thing yeah until it’s not uh I would like to take a moment though and just once again because even though we talk about

Him damont sabonis had 25 points 15 rebounds eight assist three Steals and two blocks and he was 10 of 11 from the field now I’m also leaving out the nine turnovers very important um that’s not great he had nine of the team’s 12 turnovers but

Still we just need to I just I want I just want to make sure we continue to appreciate how good this dude is um nobody shot well dearen Fox is 7 of 21 Malik monk shot 50% that’s fine uh when you when you take uh Fox into the

Equation the king starters last night from Beyond The Arc were two of a now again I’m not a coach or an expert but that ain’t going to work yeah uh when you the whole team was six of 32 that’s a 18.8% from behind the arc and

They were two of their last 21 so to me there’s three things that happened with team they rely on Fox and sabonis and a lot of times that’s enough yesterday sabonis had the stat line but the nine turnovers Fox was not good uh they rely on the three-point shooting that was not

Good so there’s two elements that weren’t strong and then the other part was kind of what this question Was Keegan Barnes herder they can win the game for him I mean if those three monk like the other players play well yeah they can win too none of those three

Factors all were put together yesterday and honestly like okay so the last two games they played the home game they stole basically from San Antonio and I know we hate that give them credit like I actually thought the Spurs played really well sure I didn’t think Houston

Was that good yesterday I really didn’t I agree with you they won they deserved the game like they they were better than the Kings but that that game was getable if had their stuff together and they took away again Fox a bonus in some capacity the ability to shoot the three

And those other pieces if any one two or in this case all three were slightly off it’s tough for them to win Jason I don’t know if you noticed it was the fourth quarter they’re starting to make that comeback and Keegan came off a screen and he always usually just puts it up

And this time he just hesitated yep and then put up an awful shot it’s just like I think yeah yeah and they could there was about five different times in the fourth quarter where had a momentum defensive play they couldn’t score on the other end they just right there was

The lob from Fox to Malik and the whole place like this is it and then he basically wedgied it in the side of the rim uh I think Chris’s point I think it might have been after a herder block he like okay look at this and then Keegan

Open three and he missed and it’s like they just they couldn’t make the momentum basket that they needed I think we also and I hate doing it but once again we kind of have to like uh I I hate these words coming out of my mouth because I love them so much

But again shouldn’t matter like Kevin herder’s kind of getting borderline unplayable like we we we we we have to we have to at least acknowledge that if we’re going to cover this team correctly the month of March Jason he’s averaging five and a half points on 33% from the

Field 22% from behind the arc and 22 minutes a game which is a significant amount he’s averaging 22 minutes 22 minutes average okay 256 12 23 and 33 in the OT win over Minnesota and teams are we’ve talked about it teams are hunting him on defense like at what point do you say

You know kid needs to get it together again it Brown’s done it before yeah if you’re not going to go Malik monk go Keon Ellis I don’t know at least with Barnes and with Murray they average to above average Defenders I just I don’t know at what

How long you can sustain a situation where and it’s not an effort thing right we know he’s in a place right now we we want him to get out of it but dude five and a half points in 22 minutes is a starter and and it’s incredibly inefficient and other teams are hunting

You on defense how long are we doing this for I know and this is where it’s really where I I’m totally get it like have they won yesterday which obviously they didn’t they would have been a season best 11 games above 500 so it’s like there there’s elements of this that

Are there but it’s so frustrating because then they they end up playing the way they did and here they are now disappointing back to nine games above 5 uh we will take a break when we come back to Kings fall to the Rockets so we’ve got a little bit of sound we’ll

Talk about that game and more also uh we got a Tex to win contest that we’re going to give away Kings Grizzlies tickets for you in this next segment don’t forget Jiffy Loop Drive of the game coming up a little bit later on in the hour too so we are bribing you to

Listen to us and we don’t care it’s Dave Jason and Chris on your home of the Kings ztown sports you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Kean going for another triple man is he feeling it can he do it yes there’s number 11 Kean

Murray Kean steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a king franchise record he’s got 45 points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports at Sacramento weather is brought to you by Bonnie I’m tamberg in the kc3 weather

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At acur of acur of Stockton will buy your trade even if you don’t buy from us don’t settle for less than Precision crafter performance of a new Acura from Acura of Stockton and Acura of The only place in the morning to get your sports fixed live and local the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross hey welcome back hey working at home I realized uh this is a behind the scenes stuff but you have these uh adapters for the end of your headphones that turn a tiny plug

Into a big plug which is what plugs into my my thing over here I I I know but my board at home tiny plug so I have to take off the adapter yeah I have three adapters sitting on my desk at home right now and they’re not here and

They’re not here so I’m gonna have to Allan and I are gonna have to share a I forget what we did last time I forgot we’ll make it work by the way I just saw the um video footage of the complete baby race on Saturday oh yeah your thoughts

Um I mean instinctively I want to drag Allen for a little bit of cheating because he was kind of you know yeah pushing a little bit but uh I would say that the athlete in this case the baby uh just just didn’t really show up

Uh and and I and I don’t you Can’t Blame a baby it’s a baby shameful performance it kind of was um little little embarrassing for the station well were the other opponents under 500 I mean at this case Jason I think I think baby Ella’s biggest opponent was

Was was was her training I think in the end that’s what happened coing it was coaching and I think I think Chris nailed it earlier he decided to go to spring training over the weekend instead of staying back and practicing right and if he was going to do that then the

First time she saw him should have been at the game with him on the other side coaxing her along right CU in this case she was just like I’m not into it yeah I’m not doing it and the dearon fox of babies just destroyed the the the you

Saw that other baby oh my good crazy like just ropa doed everybody like I’m not gonna play I’m not gonna play oh I’ll I’ll show you how this yeah I’ll show you how oh oh you’re oh you’re gonna try watch this yeah this is trying

Right and then us say baby yes just AB abolutely annihilates everyone uh speaking of Kings fall to the Rockets yesterday speaking of I know right um this happened to me a little bit yesterday now I can’t guarantee I’ll feel this way later on uh and at some

Point I can guarantee I’ll be back but you know I I have a note here at what point do you just throw your hands up like I I kind of got there over the weekend I I I just I felt this way before also when this team would lose a lot where it’s

Almost like okay this is who they are at this point and I’m done being angry about it like like I said to you uh I I watched almost none of the game yesterday I I I absolutely was confident what was going to happen it did not surprise me not

Just the losing but the fact that they built a lead then got in a giant hole then clawed their way back only to come up short at the end it’s rinse and repeat for this team yeah why why what good is us being emotionally invested

In that going to do it’s just who they are I don’t like this team I I’ve said that for me I like the individual players I think it’s one I think it’s the second most likable team we’ve ever had other than the O2 teams like those

Are the ones that’ll always be on the mount Rush more this to me is the second most likable group of individuals Harrison Barnes is amazing ton sabonis is the sweetest guy in the world dearen Fox rides for the City by the way did you see his Taco shoes the

Other night that’s so amazing yeah um Kevin herder obviously we love him to death and uh who am I forgetting here uh uh oh Kean Murray how do you not like any of there’s not a single unlikable person on this team I love the individual players I hate this

Team so I’m trying to think if they could be in the same spot record-wise so 6 seven8 kind of battling for those spots rough what they nine games above 500 same season but if the losses were more predictable would it be better for you because it doesn’t feel like it’s a

Record thing there no it’s not a record thing it’s the it’s the expectations and what they but again let’s go back to that part then what are the expectations the expectation round two no the expectation for me is for them to beat the teams that they should beat and on one

Hand the counter to that is but Dave look at their record against the Minnesota the OK doesn’t that even it out and I say no it doesn’t even it out because it shows me even more that they should be beating these other teams now listen Styles make fights I’m not immune

To the fact that every team whether it’s Sacramento or Denver or Boston every team has those matchup in fact Sacramento is that for Denver every team has one or two matchup teams in the league they just like oh we not match up well with these guys it’s like

Sacramento has 11 of those and the fact that they’re able to consistently go on the road and beat the Lakers go on the road and beat the Clippers go on the road and beat Minnesota uh you you know and every other win we’ve talked about but then follow that up with a Charlotte

A Portland a Detroit an almost San Antonio a Chicago a Houston three times that pisses me off even more because when it’s I don’t I’m not I don’t get angry at losing I get angry at the way you lose and if I feel like either you’re it there’s there’s things here

Jason that are like the Unforgivable like not hustling not caring which I believe they do both of those very well they care and they but when you’re not living up when I feel like as a fan you’re not living up to your potential for whatever reason that’s

Where the frustration comes in because I think they’re better than this yeah I’m trying to think of of their most recent losses here um would be maybe the Denver Road loss be the one we like okay I mean no one was happy that they just that one annihilated but was like all right

That’s a really good team they’re defend Champs in they’re building you knew they were hungry and you just kind of move on not one iota of course I don’t want to see him lose but it’s like dude you beat beat him the first two you were due for

This one all good okay I was three billion th% more upset at the Bulls loss yeah I I I and and then on and on and on those are the ones I don’t understand it’s the same stinking thing by the way but what better thing to do than to

See it in person so it’s a great lead into here you go enjoy the misery just trashing their home effort against crappy teams and now let’s do a text to win against Memphis March 18th feel the pain all you have to do is text today’s keyw for your qualifying

Entry to score our coveted Pair of Kings tickets now just to make sure I’m doing this right I say the keyword now right yes and then they text it yes and then that enters them to win correct and then we’re gonna pick from that yes and then they’re GNA get informed by promotions

Person correct okay I got it so not on YouTube on the text line on the text line which is 916 33914 today’s keyword is Ball ball ball 916 3391 1140 as in you’ll have a ball going to see the Kings take on Memphis at home and Jason last I check Memphis ain’t doing that great no they’re not so you got the Kings at home against the Memphis Grizzlies who are 22

43 that’s a guaranteed win you’re going to see what’s that code word ball I’m freaking jacked anyways wow a lot of look look at all these balls what like on the text line oh a lot of balls yeah there’s a full page of balls on the text line good for

You guys hey by the way just uh FYI everybody um if you do ball and all caps it’s not gonna the promotions people aren’t looking at the text line for Big Balls they’re looking for ball just the word I thought they were excited apparently you’re excited uh anyways all right so the

King’s fall of the Rockets as I said earlier though Jason everything I feel like we talk about with this team for the rest of the season has an asterisk on ITC and the and the asterisk explainer at the bottom of the page is pending what they do in

The postseason hey look man if they fart their way through the rest of this year doing you know get having stupid losses and then they roll into the postseason and they end up you know nice first round upset great second round you know six seven games here whatever and we’re

Sitting here at the end we’re like well that regular season sure was weird but boy they sure brought it in the postseason I’m proud of this team okay yeah that’s fine I I reserve the right to grade this team after the playoffs I don’t think that’s what’s going to

Happen but you have to allow for the fact that we have seen this team had the ability if I’m being honest Jason is it absolutely based on how this team has played this year if I were to make this statement to you based on the way this team has played this

Year isn’t it less far-fetched on March 11th than it was on October 15th isn’t it less far-fetched for me to say the Sacramento Kings team could be a Western Conference Finals team less now than it was I’m saying let me maybe I’m asking it stupidly probably I feel like with everything that’s gone

On this season good and bad I actually think they have a better chance to make the Western Conference Finals than what I thought in October why because of what they’ve shown they can do to the teams above them the fact that Oklahoma City they match up well with Minnesota lost go bear they’ve

Shown that they can beat both the Lakers and the Clippers on the road they’ve shown that they can beat Phoenix on the road should have beat him twice on the road Golden State’s way down there like looking at the pre season it’s like you know second round whatever now I

Don’t think they’re going to make the Western Conference Finals what I’m saying is the way this team has shown they can play with all this crap we’ve been talking about I actually think it’s more likely that they’re a Western Conference Finals team and hell they’re two and one against Denver three in one

Three in one excuse me yeah right three and one all you need is the season end like you said have some momentum have this team Catch Fire there’s 21 different ways they could make the Western Conference fins maybe less either way I’ll be celebrating with my good friends over at fire Wings hey

You know what nothing nothing nothing somebody’s mad that I Dave why’ you call me out about my big ball sorry all caps guy I was just saying had a ball um nothing beats Sports and wings and our good friends at fire Wings want to remind you that with the NBA here

With all the college basketball fun we’re about to have it’s a really really good time to get your wing on and fire wings as you cover 21 different flavors to choose from they are live they are local and those wings soaked in buttermilk all night long baby nice tender and

Juicy as I said earlier 21 different flavors you’re going to find guys ball is spelled b if you if you text b o l l you’re not winning if you can’t spell ball I don’t trust you to drive to the game so make sure you check your spell go to fire find the location nearest you tell them your good buddy Carmichael Dave sent you fire Wings just wing it when we come back we got the JY Lube Drive of the game 1800 920 11140 you can get a $100 gift certificate to our good friends at Jiffy to Springer eyes your

Car not Jerry you know Spring’s coming up and let’s uh talk about some of these Kings Trends before we get to Frankie at 9:00 am and everything in between we got a lot of postgame reaction from yesterday as well it’s Dave it’s Jason it’s Chris we’re right back after this the only

Place you’ll find Harrison Barnes is sack toown Sports he’s got the bucket at the buzer Harrison Barnes hey Sacramento it’s Harrison Barnes and you’re listening to the home of the Sacramento King sewn Sports your local sports leader hey it’s car Michael Dave I got good news

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Men’s Health Sacramento at 916 365 4566 that’s 916 365 4566 or visit reviv men car Michel he has very good sources and he he just kind of tells it as it is and gets to the point Jason Ross he has a lot of pretty smart things to say he’s good at what he does on sack toown Sports 1 92140 we’ll take your

Calls now Jiffy Loop Drive the game yesterday all you got to do is tell us what it was will play it if you’re right you win a $100 gift certificate to chiffy L they’ve got you covered yeah uh before we get to this Jay I’ve been kind of

Bugged uh by this this this thought here recently this nothing to do with sports so remember like how in class back in the day like math they wouldn’t let you use a calculator like you have to learn how to do it and then it’s like but why I have a calculator

Like what’s the problem so now we’re getting the point where like teachers are kind of freaking out because kids are doing reports with like chat a GPT and like Ai and all that okay and I was watching this video this dude that like can now like Google with his brain brain

Patterns and like it gives him the answers through like vibrations in his ears like guy at MIT is building this thing right and it goes back to the thing I’ve been saying for ever which is like we are like Dan Brown wrote about in one of his books we are evolving as a

Species faster than we’ve ever evolved before and in the next hundred years we’re going we’re basically going to be part cybernetic like you know uh we don’t realize it but pacemakers hearing aids like we’re already starting to go there but as we we have the technology existing where eventually

Like the Apple Vision Pro the big CH thing that’s going to be contact lenses you’re going to have a a little thing that you can put in your ear eventually I believe people will you’ll you’ll be able to say to me Dave uh who is the president in 1864 and I’m

G to be able to with whatever is in and on my body I’m people are going to be connected to be able to come up with instantaneous information the question is this Abraham Lincoln right would it matter like do you when we get to that point do you really need to learn

Everything or are we just going to know that pretty much every single human being that has those implants are going to have know access to you’re going to know everything incredibly scary but it but do you like I’m not blue skying that’s coming well then like in my brain

Is just like oh well then we can let you know that things that you don’t need to know about like you mean plant information yeah yeah no ABS you’re going to have to figure that part out but I’m saying you’re going to be sitting there and like oh what is I need

To know what 8,643 divided by 77 is and you’re going to instantane instantaneously know it you’re GNA think about it right now we have access remember you used to have to wake up get the newspaper look through it like oh here’s the box score here’s what happened in New York whatever we

Now have instantaneous access with these things in our we’re almost there we play any song Yeah remember the big giant zip up cases of CDs remember having to pull your car over and change out your CD changer yeah okay you now have every song pretty much ever created in your

Pocket you have access to almost every video ever shown in your pocket you need two things you need a receiver and you need access to the internet the phone is going going to be that’s going to be a part of you very very soon like that is almost here where

It is literally a part of your everyday wear earpiece contacts pretty soon you know Elon Musk is working with neuralink on I mean I know I’m getting a little you know fun let’s all smoke a bunch of stuff and talk about this but it just the thing I’ve been thinking about

Is will people have the need to be intelligent anymore and yet at the same time simultaneously be the most intelligent they’ve ever been there you hey there you go everybody I’m back Deep Thoughts hi J deep Deep Thoughts with Dave handy good morning so those are the deep thought

Conversations I like to have when I shut the game off once they start blowing leads but right you have that a lot hopefully we don’t keep that but anyway I think I got the drive of the game although I’ve failed Every Time come on Jay we are pulling for you so hard my

Man what what is the if you L of the game in the second quarter uh sabonis got the assist to Fox for a layup to bring the score to a nine-point lead but then they might score another time and then just lose well I will tell you I’m

Not gonna tell you if you’re right or wrong yet I will tell you though you do have the right quarter it was in the second quarter let’s see what happened Fox accelerates to the left draws a double team immediately skips it out to herder gives this sabonis looks for the

Back door cutter it’s Fox twisting reverse that’s magic that is absolute Magic on the part of sabonis and Fox on the give and go for the hoop that’s going to be your Jiffy Lube Drive of the game you listening to the car Michael Dave show with Jason Ross tomorrow

Morning at 7:45 your chance to win a $100 Jiffy Lube certificate courtesy of all the Jiffy Lube locations in the greater Sacramento area mm that’s Cor J you’ve done it man I listen to the on the radio exclusively I love good for you good for you that’s the right way to

Do it we’re gonna clip that and we’re gonna send that to Gary Gerald yes just so he knows uh congratulations you got yourself a $100 gift certificate to what if you live to do whatever you wish uh with your vehicle out there all you got

To do Jay is tell me what radio station uh makes all your Gary Gerald dreams come true SE toown Sports 1140 salad rocks h can I ask you a question yeah you be honest with me did you have to see if I hung up yes yeah okay I don’t blame you

For that do you know what the last line was solid rocks uh salid Saturday okay every once in a while Chris comes up with a Sounder and I legitimately don’t remember saying it and this is one of those times you just said that I said that what did anyone

Remember the context of me of me Oprah winf freeing salad s Saturday yes I do is it bad no you’re were talking about it it was Friday wasn’t it Chris no he’s on the phone now yeah it was Friday it was Friday and I forget what you were referencing but we

Were talking about oh you’re like uh maybe like a dreamy you’re like nobody ever says like salad rocks no someone on the text line said salad rocks and you repeated that and then oh was it it was something about uh oh when you get excited about coming home for and my

Wife’s like salad night now I kind of remember salad Saturday I made a potato salad yesterday that salad rocks okay I need details because that’s one of the most varied thing that people make people ask who makes the potato salad well let’s see let me tell you Jason uh the rest of

The segment was supposed to be about King’s Trends and going over yesterday’s game well we are we have more to get to on that I will happily fill out the last minute of the segment with potato salad talk because why not uh for starters I use Yukon Gold

Potatoes the little yellow ones all right and I I quarter them and I half peel them I don’t fully peel them I half peel them because I think a little bit of skin is good uh while I’m boiling them I I take a the big bowl because I

Make a lot because it’s good leftovers right uh mayonnaise little bit of Dijon mustard capful of vinegar and uh a spoonful of sour cream and then I chop up a ton of Dill uh some celery salt and my secret ingredient honestly you know how people

Put paprika on the top I put a little bit of papy seasoning on top uh very finely diced uh Red Onion very finely diced celery um uh very finely diced black olive um and uh about four finely diced uh or chopped I should say uh hardboiled eggs then when the this is very

Important people don’t do do this when the potatoes are done and and fork tender you strain them and then you must put them in the bowl when they’re warm and mix them very lightly with the dressing because the pores of the potatoes are open and the dressing will

Sink in and keep them flavorful all the way through the potato uh and then mix everything together throw in the rest of the ingredients uh and then sometimes I’ll put some bacon bits in sometimes I won’t I didn’t yesterday and it turned out really well now I can tell having worked

With you for a very long time you’re not a fan of every ingredient in there correct if I already guessed the ingredient raisins I if I were to guess the ingredient you’re not a fan of as we go to break would I be correct that the one you’re

Not a fan of came when I was mixing the liquids together the mayonnaise and every the dressing correct it’s one of two I’m going to say the mustard you’re not a fan of the mustard it’s either mustard or vinegar I feel probably both but I don’t I mean

You have so much other there’s a lot going on in that there is a lot and so it’s just I think potato salad can be so extremely basic and I think a lot of times there get a lot but I think it’s the most varied but someone says potato

Salad automatically oh I love potato salad when I see it I go oh that’s you’re 100% right a lot going on there there’s Chris said raisin some people do it I’m like yeah I can’t do that but you know what I should do I should bring

Some in yes I should bring that I could do okay I could bring slicer yeah I could bring it some potato salad that’s easy we’ll take a break potato salad off when we come back the uh this quad can’t they just can’t they can’t get it out of gear man

Do it let’s talk about uh the trends what they’ve been up to and and what is the fix if anything we’ll do that next the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a hand off to mcaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to mcaffrey takes it right

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Lane flying Jam there’s your play of the night right there inside is sabona a two hand rip a brilliant pass from DRM Fox kht kamam Sacramento kymx ht2 Sacramento sa Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when

He’s not playing the songs on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 339 1140 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports all right we’re going to move on to the Kings here I just want to clean

Up from the last segment and you can join us in the YouTube chat it’s always fun there Mr that negative Negative Nancy nudnik dingleberry Chris Guerrero got him can’t use Yukon Gold potatoes they’re too small well that’s why yeah they’re too soft he says uh you

Can and the texture I think is fantastic red potatoes are good too you just got to boil them that’s all you just got to time out your boiling you don’t par boil them quite but you you know I get it if you overboil them they’re going to be

Too soft they’ll be glutening that’s why you don’t mix it too much then you have mashed potato salad nobody wants mashed potato salad nope nobody wants mashed potato salad Jason Ross that’s right and we are in studio all of us together for uh well it seems like it’s been golly a

While good to be here it’s been a while good to be with you saw the big boss downstairs during the break yeah he was rocking out on the way in really he was five finger death punch I hope he doesn’t get mad at me uh because it’s

His business but he’s rolling in and I hear and I’m like what is that song and you know it’s in the car windows are up but it’s loud and it’s and I’m listening and I and as I wind on down the road he’s St way to

Heaving baby wow he’s LED zeppin on the way in so there is he air drumming on the steering wheel I only wish he was and I looked I looked it was just business as usual but blasting a little Stairway to Heaven if you haven’t heard Stairway to

Heaven pretty good song Yeah by a a band called LED zeppel in if I seem like I’m all over the place I am guys because I’m really trying to to be uh calm and rational about the Sacramento Kings team it is what it is what it is Jason Ross uh they just can’t

Seem to put it in the gear that they have they’re like a gifted vocalist that for some reason has completely forgotten how to use their false setto they they go there and their voice cracks like Peter and The Brady Bunch and at some point you think they’re they’re going to

Pull out that stepen Tyler Sweet Emotion note and they just haven’t done it yet no and like we said earlier they’ve got a six-game win streak a four- game win streak the rest of the year they’re basically 500 if we go back two months from today they have played 26 games

They’ve won 13 they’ve lost 13 so they’re just kind of doing this they yesterday was the third time Dave they had a chance to get to that a loose of 11 games over 500 uh the other two times they were what 30 or 29 to 19 they lost

That game at Cleveland they were 33 and 23 they lost the home game to Miami and then yesterday 10 games above 500 lose a home game to um Houston so they just you know again like I I can we get one more three or four game win streak

That’s it nothing nothing absurd I’m not looking to win 10 in a row I just feel like they need another little charge here before the end of the year what we need to your point is we need to schedule in a perfect world they’ have a nice home stand with some very beatable

Teams coming in when does that ever oh it’s happen now oh it’s happening oh maybe maybe an entire month right of playing mostly 500 or below teams where they could just get right because they went through that Gauntlet over the last couple of months yeah oh yeah they’re

Here yet over the last two months they’re 13 and 13 and as you said they’re afraid of 11 yeah and it makes me wonder look we’re obviously incredibly close to this team this is who we follow this is who we care about this is we know all the ins and outs are

They different though let’s say than New Orleans than Phoenix than the teams below them that are fighting for this Dallas the Lakers the Warriors even some above like how different are they than or in the East uh Philly well Philly said the injury but yeah Indiana is this just kind of what teams

At that record do well let’s look at let’s just you mentioned Phoenix First soen I’m just pulling Phoenix out they the one they leap frog with back and forth they were in six before yesterday they lose Phoenix goes back into six Phoenix lost two games in a row at home to San

Antonio back on Halloween and November 2nd okay y um then I’ll just go through their losses Lakers the two in San Antonio or at home at Philly home Lakers home Thunder at Toronto bad loss so now we’re up to three we’ll count that with San Antonio Denver Lakers Kings now keep in

Mind too we’re and we don’t have to go through we don’t know if people are out sure you know for the other team and and to be honest I would I would gather a lot of these people were out yeah Brooklyn home that’s a rough loss New

York at home whatever so I’m at four right now right you’re at four yep at Sacramento Home Dallas I wouldn’t count either of those uh home Clippers home Memphis okay at Clippers at Indie at Orlando I agree with you at Atlanta okay there at Golden State at Dallas at

Houston home Houston home Thunder home Boston we gave him eight eight I mean I could put I could argue six but let’s even if we say six to eight best of worst case based on opinion and whatever every team has these stinker Clunkers stinker Clunkers that’s what they are was yesterday a stinker

Clunker yeah you know it was but here’s the thing as you did the research here I’ll use your stat the Sacramento Kings are 36 and 27 against teams not named the Rockets or Pelicans they’re 0 and seven against the rockets and Pelicans I can look at a Rockets loss I

Can look at a pelican’s loss or losses and go okay again every team has stylistic matchup issues yeah but as we kind of talked at length last week Jason it’s not about we’re not trying to be prisoner of the moment it it it it’s the problem is is

That if the kings are committing lost crimes they’re on likee their fourth offense or or more because it’s not about Houston no it’s about Charlotte it’s about Detroit it’s about the blown leads in in Phoenix and and and Milwaukee and and everything in between all these terrible losses that the

Bulls it’s all these other losses that shouldn’t have happened now take those away okay you’re G to have oh oh we don’t match up all the Pelicans and Rockets I don’t like it I can live with it but it’s also that they go out and they it’s like they come out and they

Show even going back to like the uh the Pelicans game for Vegas for the the playing tournament or the the the End season tournament they were beating the hell out of the Pelicans at home and then the Pelicans adjusted and came back and just destroyed them when when you look at last night’s

Game they had a double digit lead yep how many times have we seen that then they blew it against the Bulls double digit lead and blew it how many times can we look at losses this year and say at some point the Kings had a double

Digit lead a and blew it or B and or B they were down double digits gave up some ridiculous 55 to 27 run and then just absolutely came back in the fourth quarter and made it a single digit loss it’s the rinse and repeat I think with this squad that’s incredibly

Frustrating and tough for fans to put their hands around yeah and so like the overall question of the segment is why can’t they get this going I think part of it is going back to um too many players on the roster aren’t playing their best basketball that’s right I

Mean I think Fox and sabona still have I mean but big picture they’ve had good years uh Malik monks had a good year but and I think Keegan is closer to having a good year here but there’s moments right so now if you’re looking at significant minute players Keegan Barnes and herder

It’s not there every night it’s not there every night and so you know right now you’re now counting on guys like Keon Ellis and Davon all of a sudden and they’re doing their part sure but they also had their stretches where they were asked to be bigger contributors and they

Let them down that’s right so that I think is kind of the issue why it can’t consistently get going you’re not going to get every of your top eight everybody play great every night but if a guy in the top eight doesn’t play well tonight you want tomorrow to be better and I

Think sometimes it’s hey maybe it’s a week or two of a player in the top eight that’s not playing well and that’s part of the problem we can go back to what we’ve said all along I continue to see parallels very strong parallels whether it’s the coach and the style of Coach

Whether it’s the point guard the center this team is very very much being built in the image of the Denver Nuggets and until they get Aaron Gordon this is going to happen right till they get there they need that it’s not here now you got to have that third option

Hopefully it’s Keegan who is your Michael Porter Jr but you got to have that Aaron Gordon in there as well and and hopefully they they can accomplish that in the offseason we’ll take a break when we come back let’s hear from the principles themselves we’ll start with

Coach Mike Brown his postgame audio on the home of the Kings Southtown Sports Sacramento Kings gave us a little bit of everything a Pacific Division title GM of the Year coaches the year clutch Player of the Year all stars and all NBA performers plus we got to light

The be are Steel by Fox a breakaway he’s got the ri with the left hand what does this season have in store find out each and every Sacramento Kings game can be heard right here on your proud home of the Beam Team sack toown Sports and Sack toown JY Luba has a special promotion going on right now simply purchase a pen oil Platinum full synthetic oil change at Jeffy lube and receive a 25 $5 e gift card from popular brands for food gas and more it’s that easy simply purchase a pens oil Platinum

Full synthetic oil change and receive a $25 e gift card so basically going to Jiffy Loop can get you a free lunch or a pizza for dinner that’s what we call added value for the consumer that’s why Jiffy Lube is number one in the greater Sacramento area for oil changes visit

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Visit fium the following is a test of the emergency alert system this is only a test e time you have to get about five minutes in to get to this part yeah you’re absolutely right uh it makes you earn it it does that’s a great way to put it it

Does make you earn it uh Mike Brown’s gonna talk here in a second hey I just want to say something uh I feel like some people say stuff like this because they it’s like they want to be seen and and and they want to what do I say make deposits in the

Bank account of awareness you’ll understand what I’m saying you know I’m basically trying to say a politically correct thing that it’s a politically correct thing sometimes in sports media I got I gotta say this man I’ve been very vocal and I have honestly I think some people have

Misunderstood my intent over the years when I’ve said that I’m generally not a women’s basketball guy through no uh no reason other than the style I just can’t get into it it’s almost like NASCAR like I just I just I have all the respect in the world I’m

It’s never like oh because they’re girls or no it’s not that it’s just like I’d rather watch the NBA I just rather watch an Above the Rim style of game and it’s faster it’s I know the teams I’m into it it’s just not never been my cupan

God that’s changing man it really I was watching U Iowa Nebraska yesterday that was a great comeback it’s it’s probably the best basketball game I’ve seen maybe since Kings Clippers last year I mean that’s saying a lot like and of course there’s like NCW tournament games I’m just talking about it was two

Heavyweight boxers just going at it knocking each other down I I I love the the crowd I mean I told you last week with the whole uh Columbia Brown game we were out with the men which was sparsely filled and then they said like their next nine women’s games or five women’s

Games were sold out the crowd was insane they were talking about how uh what was it Nebraska had set that record a while back for uh what was it 92,000 people in attendance for a basketball game a women’s basketball game before then you had South Carolina LSU and that whole

Frus the dude you know her brother there was a frus and yeah one of the players brother came on the court for some stupid reason and you know I don’t want to get in the way of the fact that that was an insane game and it’s like th this

Is maybe I’m wrong and I don’t what I don’t want to do is like start to be aware and get into something and then sound like I’m an expert because I’m certainly not and maybe there’s other people that have watched women’s college basketball for years that would disagree

But I feel like we’re like in this Golden Era right now of women’s basketball both WNBA and absolutely the level is so so elevated it’s awesome and I said this I think it maybe it might have been the week you’re out like the face of college basketball is Caitlyn

Clark men’s and like she is the the show yes and her final home game ticket price I mean just ridiculous stars came out to watch her yeah she was obviously big part of that comeback yesterday against Nebraska yeah and yeah we’re going to fill out a men’s bracket pool obviously

Coming up but like name College basketball’s best men’s players but right away people can name Kon Clark 100% Caitlyn Clark is the most well-known name I think in college basketball yes because whoever the hell is going to win the the I we were talking about this the other day the the

College basketball men’s player of the year for he’s going to win it for the second year in a row I swear to God I can’t remember his name Z I think absolutely okay I mean no disrespect Zack but no good in the NBA but yeah and I’m sitting here and I’m going Caitlyn

Clark Angel Reese the whole crop of of ladies going up to the WNBA that are already meeting the ladies in the you know Sabrina ESU and uh why am I tripping on who competed with the Steph in the three-point cont why am I forget oh it was sabr sorry excuse me uh so

Like and it’s not like oh it’s great basketball for girls yeah no it’s like dude just great basketball and and and I was really trying to do this is a whole different topic but I was really trying to do a um like a deep mental dive and

Again I’m I’m pleading ignorance and so often it comes I hate it when like guy that just gets into something comes in with like hot takes and it’s like bro you haven’t been around around long enough to really understand everything so I say this humbly and and with my hat

In my hand but it’s like I was I’m watching these games and I’m like you know it’s it’s no longer about like well they play really fundamentally and look at the layup and all that it’s like okay they’re going to be a below it’s going

To be a below the Rim game for the most part so what is what is it that’s so exciting right now Beyond like they’re just incredibly skilled like Golden Age and and and and I asked myself the question I don’t know if this is even accurate or not but I wonder like

In a weird backwards way is the influence of Steph Curry in part responsible for some of the surgents of the women’s game and what I mean by that is that Steph changed the game all the way around and made being a an absolute Marksman a like I think people want to

See Steph Curry nail long threes more than they want to see Fred Smith with a a two-handed reverse dunk and I wonder if that’s now trained the basketball fan like me to look instead of looking back in the day of Above the Rim to start to

Look more of the above the ri today’s Above the Rim is behind the ark and that’s something that translates beautifully over to the women’s game because the skill level these shooters is insane and I’m not sitting there going well they’re three-point lines of foot Club who cares is it’s a badass

Shot you’re watching it wasn’t just Caitlyn Clark and her teammates in Nebraska like you’re hitting these insane shots yeah Caitlyn Clark’s seven feet behind that 3 it’s ridiculous and step back side steps launching over people and it’s to the point where you know you go it’s like how um like when

Women started doing play byplay in basketball right for example all right for the longest time I like well she’s pretty good she’s a pretty good woman’s announcer and then slowly through EV ution you’re just like oh Beth Bowens is on the call oh uh uh Doris Burke is there it’s not like oh

The women on the call now it’s just like are they good awesome great not are they not are they talented women broadcaster there’s talented broadcasters right it’s the same thing I’m you I’m watching the women’s game now and it’s like not even thinking about like wow these are great

Women’s basketball I mean I do and they are but it’s like dude these are ballers yeah and late to the party sure come want to come to the party here’s my my six pack of beer I’m going to throw in the pile awesome but I’m all for the

More entertaining the better the more entertaining stuff the better to watch and I’m super super proud of the women’s game and I’m also super happy for um so many people that have been Die Hard fans of the women’s game for so long like you’re finally getting yours you held

Out you were there in the beginning you watched Pearl Jam at the tiny little venue outside of Seattle and now they’re selling out stadiums like that type of feeling I’m I’m super happy for for everybody who’s been a long time fan they’ve just elevated the play right

It’s better all the way through now the competition and the games inside when maybe it wasn’t as good still could have been fun yes but now you’ve elevated the play and you’ve got more competition all the way around in every level it’s just it’s better for the sport it’s awesome

It really is and I can’t wait the future is just insanely bright so good for them all right we’ll do all I had to I Knew at some point I had to talk about that game I saw over the weekend I said it was a bad Sports weekend yesterday got

Saved because of that we’ll take a break Mike Brown when we get back uh we also have Fox and sabona so a lot of Kings post game for you before we get to who’s hot who’s not at 8:44 Frankie Carelli at 9:00 a Jason’s checking off segments

It’s Dave Jason and Chris we’re right back on sack Down Sports last season the Sacramento Kings gave us a little bit of everything a Pacific Division title GM of the Year Coach of the Year clutch Player of the Year all stars and all NBA performers plus we got to light the beam

A steel by Fox the Breakaway he’s got the ri with the left hand what does this season have in store find out each and every Sacramento Kings game can be heard right here on your proud home of the Beam Team sack toown Sports and Sack toown Country in the Park is Back

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On sack toown Sports remember how I told you uh behind the scenes and sorry I can’t share the whole thing remember I told you before the show that I I had done something that I absolutely deserve to get yelled at for yeah just got the email got yelled at did you yeah I did

Oh you already did it I didn’t think you had done it no I just they know I’m going to do it and I forgot to do something I forgotten to do it for a long time some paperwork stuff I’m finally doing it yeah and it’s throwing

A lot of things out of whack for some good people so okay I don’t know what’s the what’s the what’s the proper thing to do well other than being responsible and doing your job what’s the proper thing to do when you fall behind on something and it not do it again yeah no

Of course but like crumble cookies um flowers uh a card I feel like a card’s lame like you know I don’t know I’m saying in addition to all oh you spent money for paper just wear it is there a bigger is there a bigger scam in the world than

Cards that are like five to seven bucks and does anyone save I mean like I understand there’s some cards you might save but don’t save a few but you generally like I save your Christmas cards but your Christmas card we I do we have a whole box of Christmas cards like

You Chris Clark and a few others you know family stuff like that that we have all in there so like with yours we didn’t see Jackson growing up throughout the years all the funny photos you take and all that but like I’m talking about like Mother’s Day or whatever it’s

Like yeah I’ll spend the $799 for the you know are are you gonna go with the Deep one mother you made my life sing you know are you gonna be like are you g do the funny one with like the dogs barking and like oh look at me I’m the kid mom

You know like so funny here’s yeah so that they can read it once and go thanks and then go right to the present because that’s all anyone cares about the present yeah of wish I wish the Sacramento Kings would give us a presence you know a victory over a team they’re favored to

Beat that would be nice didn’t happen last night and Mike Brown talked about the defense great threes and we had some great threes tonight but you know again you know this is why defense is important if you turn the ball over the nine times we did in the second half

For 11 points and and and you’re not making your threes we were six for 32 at 18% which is not good obviously but when you do those two things it’s going to be hard to win a b ball game unless you’re defending at at extremely high

Level well that seems to be a recurring theme and so what does he do sometimes to adjust he throws in a Zone and uh and I thought our guys did a pretty good job the pi pick and roll hurt us in the third quarter uh their pick and roll

Hurt us in the third quarter and that’s why we went to to to Zone uh to get them out of the pick and roll and I thought uh our guys did a pretty good job in the zone because what it did is made him do something else besides take shots in the

Pick and roll game so I thought our Zone was effective and it helped us get back in the game but um you know at the end of the day uh for us if if we’re not spraying that ball uh you know we can’t have 10 sprays in a game against a team

Like The Rock because you’re playing right into their hands and in terms of not getting quality shots from the three-point line and possibly turning it over so in that third quarter their pick and roll game and their ability to convert points off our turnover uh uh really really really hurt us yeah

So I don’t know we’re supposed to react to these comments not just well and the thing is the other part I I feel like I’ve been saying like I broke a record on pregame and post games is okay these games that they’ve had happen that continue to happen to me they were

Supposed to be lessons yes that’s the like okay like I I can even rationalize whatever picked the game Charlotte Detroit whatever game that really frustrates you you go ah in 82 games something like that will happen Okay I get that I understand that I accept that

But you have that so that you don’t have it again right or you don’t have it again and again and again and again that’s the problem it’s like all right maybe I’ll even give you two of these mistakes or three of the but it’s now we’re working at a high volume of them

And uh you just feel like there’s more to to be had out there and you want the other teams to beat you not just I’m not saying the kings are giving these games away but it’s closer to that than feeling like like I said earlier I didn’t think the Rockets were that

Tremendous yesterday they were better than the Kings they deserve to win but that’s that’s it’s all back into the frustration where it feels like these things are avoidable pre preventable avoidable they’re better than this right feels like it it does and I think you really hopped on to an excellent point

That look things are going to happen you’re gonna have losses um you’re gonna have bad losses yeah like where’s the game like if the Rockets came in here and shot 65% as a team hit 24 a franchise record 24 threes tip your hat like hey youram have

Those like they would beat every team in the league that that wasn’t yesterday that that wasn’t a lot of the that wasn’t the Bulls comeback that wasn’t some of these other losses they’ve had and the fact that they can’t get out of that or again back to the run that the

Rockets went from the swing from being ah head up 13 to being down as far as they were you know if the Rockets caught them and led by two to four points okay they caught him settle in go win this game but they’re down 177 and now you’re

In drastic measures to try to come back here’s uh here’s more of Mike Brown uh postgame entire Phoenix Suns team a lot of credit uh the reality of it is they went small uh and we couldn’t score uh we couldn’t score inside uh KD did a heck of a job uh or

We took some bad shots I thought we drove in traffic two or three times and instead of playing the way we normally play you D the ball you touch the if help comes play off of two and spray it uh we try to go for the foul and shoot

Over uh two or three guys at The Rim um and then we took some tough threes and they forced us into tough threes uh we had no Pace in the half court in the game uh we were holding the ball a lot and so uh their ability to play KD at

The five and still match up with us uh because we couldn’t score uh really slowed us down and we had to figure that out because that’s happened to us in the past so great great uh Learning lesson for us all okay and I that wasn’t a

Miscue that was Mike Brown and I when you were talking about the lessons Jason it made me think oh my God I remember this this was back on January 16th so just under two months ago I remembered the whole uh Learning lesson as a matter

Of fact this is where this this is the the tweet I put out I said what are we learning this is where Mike Brown’s son actually got on me for yeah and and and good points you’re learning how to build a contender so the stuff he was pointing

Out there that obviously happened after the Phoenix game some of that was not what happened yesterday so the argument there is well maybe they did learn some of those lessons Okay but it seems to your point like they’re in this constant state of learning which maybe that’s the

Case in the NBA other teams get paid well uh they have Scouts they have film they look for your weaknesses and this is a this is a this is a brutal League dude they if you show any sort of a weakness they will find it and they will

Exploit it 100% but why does it seem that the worse the team the more likely that’s what I just don’t buy it’s it’s one thing if they find a weakness and exploit it it’s one thing if it’s the NBA and On Any Given night it’s just that cons we’re a broken record yeah

Consistantly the average to below average teams are the ones that are beating this team and the ones are above 500 with the Fantastic players on it those are the ones we rise up to play so I I I refuse to I refuse to believe that this isn’t double negative an internal

Kings problem not an external other teams or better problem yeah and maybe it’s the again I think the elements of success for this team are fox and sabon is playing great that happens more times than not um hitting three-pointers that happens a decent amount last night was

Not there there’s still a a workaround though to win those games and maybe it’s defense that Mike Brown talks about but it’s those other players so maybe does Keegan does herder does Barnes do those guys get up for the better teams because maybe that’s when they’re more well-rounded games from everyone else I

I don’t know I’m trying to find a Common Thread here um for these good wins and these bad losses I’ll give you one common thread as we go to break Damonte sabonis is good every game just a stat for you since January 1st damont sabonis leads the league in rebounds leads Le Le

In assists leads the league in double doubles leads the league in triple doubles since January 1st he has averaging 215 and n on 63% shooting that is Nicole yic numbers and in some cases with the exception of the scoring it’s actually all around probably better than

Some of jokic’s MVP Peaks at times and he’s been doing it now for about two and a half months uh it’s really really good empty calories we’ll take a break we still have a reaction from Fox and sabonis to get to but uh coming up next

Who is hot who’s not we got a recap three in the key for the Kings and Rockets before we get to Frankie at 9:00 a.m. it’s DAV it’s Jason at sack Sports our first year as the radio home of the San Francisco 49ers is one we will never

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Answer to that big question of who is is hot you would like to know that wouldn’t you I do and I would like to know do you have it demonis aonis okay he was 10 of 11 yesterday for 25 points 15 rebounds eight assists he also extended his

Double double streak to 46 games to tie Jerry Lucas for the longest single season double double streak in franchise history that’s pretty good that’s sabonis way to go he’s good yeah he is you know what I he’s so good they should do like a thing where

They make like a special team for like the best players and then have them play like all the best players like in the other conference and have like an exhibition game oh like in the middle of the Season roughly roughly yeah maybe sometime in February yeah would he get invited

Though I guess there’s no room for a guy damn near averaging a triple double as a center who is very much like the guy who’s won three of the last four MVPs yeah yeah who’s not uh the Sacramento Kings in the third quarter they shot four of 16 from the

Field they were 0 of six from the three-point line and were outscored 32 to4 to the Houston Rockets yeah you know I just they are who they are man this is this is this is who we have this is who here profound statement this is who they are until they are

Not and though I firmly believe that they could come out let’s say against the Bucks maybe the Lakers they could come out one of the in their very next game and just run away from someone and you’re like wow they really put it all together in that game

And then just take off but I can guar freaking to you right now the way we’re the way we’re programmed as king fans right now they could beat the bucks then they could turn around and beat the Lakers by 40 Lakers just had a really good win yesterday or yeah

Yesterday and we’re going to be sitting here and going those are some really really good and then and then the Knicks come in and they just throttle the Knicks let’s say they beat the Bucks the Lakers and the Knicks by combined 67 points over three games throttle them

All three I can promise you all we’re going to be talking about Monday morning and all Kings fans are going to be thinking about Monday morning at least 60 to 70% of them is here comes the let down with the Grizzlies and it’s up to

The team to get us out of that now if you told me that we were going to win three over next four and the one we’re going to lose to is Memphis I’ll take it right from 50,000 fet I will take it yeah because I mean if we go back to

Like Lessons Learned let’s say they beat Memphis and they lose the other three I’m not into that from the 916 we can’t beat teams that have length and are physical I disagree with that Oklahoma City has length and physical Minnesota has length and his physical it’s I have not

Found you know the secret sauce on the matchups now with New Orleans and physicality is an issue New Orleans and Houston are both incredibly physical teams but the Kings have beaten physical teams this year it’s not just your your your finesse teams I do think they’re better against finesse teams Than

Physical teams but I I I don’t know man I I maybe I’m just being stubborn but I have a hard time believing that in a seven game playoff series they’d lose to the Rockets Maybe I’m Wrong yeah I could be wrong they’re ow and three right now the

Pelicans but the problem is with the with losing the Pelicans being what 0 and four 0 and four with one more to go here’s the thing though I I feel like that’s less about the Kings losing to the Pelicans and more about I just have a hard time understanding why the Pelicans

Are only I say 14 games over like that’s a really really good team yeah if you told if you fast forward three months and said the Pelicans are going to be in the NBA Finals I’d be surprised I wouldn’t be shocked right nobody’s talking about them nobody’s talking

About them and they’re just kind of Rolling Along guess what they’re two and a half behind the Clippers they’re just slowly but surely they’ won four in a row they’ve won seven of their last 10 that they are just they are a team that when they are healthy and on have very

Very few weaknesses yeah all right let’s get to three in the key Kings Rockets with Frankie Carelli coming up in just a couple of minutes let’s see how we did last night Jason Ross all right we on the heels of that great Malik monk monk game so we wanted

To know Malik Monk’s points and an assists and so Dave you predicted 23 points eight assists I predicted 17 points seven assists Chris for lot predicted 21 points and five assists Malik had 20 and five so Chris was oh one off wow basically had it uh then we

Asked the dreaded lead swing what would be the largest King’s lead versus the largest King’s deficit what was that difference Davey said it would be 24 points I said 32 Chris said 28 Kings led by 13 trailed by 17 that’s a 30o swing we’re all pretty close Chris and I split

The difference there yeah I’m a loser and but here we go on the random stat day you said that Mike Brown would win a challenge I have no idea he did did he that’s right of course he did I actually put two down I said sabonis and singun

Would both have triple doubles hey hold on is that three in a row for brown now did he win two no and then I think then you predicted that he wouldn’t win one which was which you were right he just kind of it was the one where Fox F out I

Knew he knew he wasn’t going to win but he’s like hey it doesn’t matter now let’s 40 seconds left whatever I get this right all right triple doubles so I said sabonis and shingon would each have triple doubles nether one did um and then my other I put a bonus one the

Kings would be in sixth when we back on Monday they were actually in sixth going into the game but they lost so fall back seventh and Chris his prediction as random stat was that baby Styles would win in the baby Rac Performance Ella Ella Ella more like FF for fail to win the

Baby race yeah pass fail is a fail and let’s be clear about this we’re not it was an L huh it was and I look we’re not monsters okay you know we don’t blame the baby one bit absolutely not it is the training it is The it’s the training it’s the focus or lack thereof she she’s a baby yeah discipline reflects leadership that’s exactly right and and and and the strategy we talked about Allen had not been around no daughter for a while I know have been at the Finish Line instead of the starting point

Didn’t happen yeah did they even train I don’t know allegedly they did I’m so terrible at this Hold on shut up I just want to D nine I thought you had someone there for a minute it was a lady no it’s not a nine oh I don’t have to no

Uh put a one in there okay so 91 six seven just kidding you guys thought I was doing it okay there we go pot it up with you because I I I want to I want to kind of get to the bottom of this thing and uh

See unscreen phone call if uh if I I want to bottom line hello hi you’re on the air okay okay uh have so many different titles for him we’ll Just there you go okay good we’re talking about again Scott Mo how are you uh no I I know this isn’t well every corner is your corner of the store Scott but here here’s what I want to lay out for you real quick because we we had a

Couple of minutes in the segment okay so our RSD midday host Allen Styles went to spring training over the weekend came back just in time for he and his partner to debut their their beautiful baby girl Ella for the baby races nice well the performance wasn’t uh yeah it was really not great

Okay we don’t blame the baby we blame the training uh and the fact that Allan basically went to spring training and abandoned you know the whole process wife and daughter wife and daughter and it and it really reflects poorly let’s just be honest not just on them as a

Family or parents but also on the station yeah so my question is this has there ever been is there any mechanism available to your knowledge where Maybe we can get a rematch or get another shot down the road before the season ends if there are

Any more baby races and see if they can do better or is it a one and done that’s a good call no it’s uh I think I think there might be a chance letting letting someone come back though that’s that’s unprecedented I mean that’s that’s above

My way above my that’s a Scott fresh hour type of conversation uh but you know Jackie Wong that’s the first five California uh sponsored uh uh race and and Jackie Jackie does love the uh does love the baby races so we I bet you I bet you

There might be some hope there uh baby races which by the way will be debuting next here in huttersfield England who had no idea baby races even existed till I showed them the video uh maybe if we sent a letter to both Scott and Jackie and pleaded the case maybe we could I

Like it we we could get I mean I would make it a I would make styles do a video message with an apology like there really a let down for the entire I mean really all you know all every every person in in attendance but how do we

How do we know we’re gonna get a better performance we don’t but good point J Ross but you know the whole you only have one shot one opportunity we need or two in this case yeah and Alan have two yeah he’s coming up from the Bay Area

He’s trying to establish himself as a Sacramento guy that that’s not that wasn’t a Sacramento performance well I mean the way the team been lately but um that was not I know okay so all right you gave us I I got to go through one of Scott handlers obviously you can’t

Contact him directly uh because he is so high yeah well we can we can I I don’t know you gotta go through a lot of people to get Scott fresh hour well I mean we could try to call him I guess yeah we uh well if we had more time can

I add a call can we try to add a call I I barely can call out to begin with it was a struggle strugg oh you could what is that I think he’s adding a call does this hold music he has hold music on his cell phone hang up or press one

For more options we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna leave them uh Scott fresh this is Mo um I got car Michael Dave and Jason Ross on the line here they got a big situation going on they’re gonna leave you here uh go ahead guys tell them what’s up hey thanks Scott uh here

With Jason we’re on the air Scott uh other Scott a better looking Scott and we have a problem because our midday host Allan uh his daughter was in the baby races over the weekend but he went out of town to spring training and completely dropped the ball on training

Her and Jason the results not great no so we need a we need a a a redo right we’re hoping for an unprecedented redo where maybe they could take the training a little more seriously and and we can save the station from being as embarrassed as it was so uh if if you

Would mind we all recognize it’s a big ask so like like let’s let’s just lay it down what it is it’s a big freaking app Scott I’m not opposed to bribery um I believe I have a $25 gift card to Muni in my my uh backpack that for a while

Also uh maybe some Republic tickets just saying but whatever you need uh I think we can all work it out but we want to make this happen uh you have our cell numbers so uh let us know if you would thanks uh and love you and uh

Byebye all right there we go thank you dude you have holding music on your phone I don’t was that when you switched over it turn it sounded like a Covered California commercial wow wow I didn’t know that maybe I pay extra for that service I don’t know hey did the Jersey

Fit oh he wore it today to school I love it okay A B thank you love you have a great TV show today all right love you guys too thanks bye all right we’ll take a break making things happen we you know what that’s what we do we’re connected California when we come

We’ll talk to Frankie uh sackton Sports Kings Insider will do all that on your home with the Kings next did you miss any part of our live local shows don’t worry you never have to miss them again check out sack podcast Page and Play our shows when you

Want the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the drive guys plus other podcasts like Return of the Empire return of the Roar The Stingers up Podcast and Golf to go with Frank L Roa they’re all available right now on sack toown at LL Floyd we’ve been a

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Power business technology to sha studi your new home for 49ers football in the 916 zown Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross

No he didn’t yes he did ists multiple people is that just my lisp racist baby races all right Frankie is going to join us in moments we’ll talk about the sacal Kings I gota be honest with you man uh you know we’ll always make get a fun

Conversation with Frankie I I’m on The Struggle Bus with this interview I really am because I feel like just about every question we’re gonna ask him is rinse and repeat here yeah and he’s not that we expect him to know the answer I think we’re all in kind of that I don’t

Know which isn’t a fun answer it’s not and the problem with Frankie well okay it’s not I say the problem with Frankie this is actually one of his best qualities but Frankie is is not prone to Dramatics except for on his Twitter account if you you know when he was like

This is unacceptable whatever he said that like if if Frankie were dramatic like me I could go we could go certain places in the interview right but Frankie’s kind of like Katie like I can’t ever rattle her you know get her angry she’s always going to be very uh

Very matter of fact which I know Frankie is as he joins us right now Frankie click sack toown Kings uh sackton Sports Kings Insider excuse me uh Frankie we were just talking about this interview and through no fault of your own 100% no fault of your own I said look I’m kind

Of on The Struggle Bus when it comes to talking to Frankie uh for the next 15 20 minutes not because you’re not a a wonderful interview full of knowledge and all that it’s just simply I’m running out of angles dude I I don’t know the roads to go down because it’s

Just simp what what are we do what’s wrong with this team how can you explain them continue losing their teams under 500 why does it seem like they bounce back what’s up with Kevin herder is Keegan Murray and it’s it’s like it feels like we’re falling into this rut

Frankie Maybe I’m Wrong where we’re just running through the same crap every week with this team yeah I think everyone like you me the fan base I mean we’re all the players in the locker room everyone is searching for answers like I don’t think that if it feels like we’re doing the

Same thing each week and again I think that I came on with you guys last week on the heels of another loss yeah um and they all kind of blend together at this point but I think we’re all looking for answers and the inconsistency is the

Issue I I think that at this point the the identity of this Kings team just that is that it’s inconsistency which is unfortunate because the playoffs are a month away and the Kings really want to be there as as as well as the fan base we all want

To see the Kings play into the playoffs but um you know you look at a game like last night where the Kings look like they’re they have it going early and completely come to a screeching halt in the second half it it really is heads scratching and um the sub 500 teams they

Aren’t going to keep coming in you have the Bucks and Lakers this week so there’s really no time to to dwell on it but yeah no I agree there really isn’t like an angle or a particular Avenue that you look at this Kings team and say

This is the problem this is the problem yeah the defense continues to be you know up and down I think that they’re still a little ahead of last year but they’re down to 20th the defensive rating the offense is still one of the top 10 in the league it’s it’s

Essentially the same thing we saw last year so uh at this point I guess my best advice is to hang on and and not enjoy the ride but you know enjoy or be tortured by whatever it is it’s gonna probably continue for the next couple weeks because this team is what it is

Frankie do you you mentioned the players being frustrated too I I feel like we finally started to hear just a little bit of that nothing crazy but I know Kevin herder a couple games ago may have expressed some uh disappoint maybe not being on the floor more though he’s not

Playing that well right now uh what’s your sense on the locker room in the players how they’re feeling about kind of what you just described the up and down nature yeah I mean definitely um you know as far as the en Court play they’re they’re frustrated they’re frustrated

That they they feel like they have the talent in there to get it done and with what the what happened with them last year the success that they saw obviously third in the Western Conference they you know two lead in the first round and going seven games with the Warriors they

They felt they were in a position to make a Deep Run and they still feel that way I think that they feel they’re on the cusp of of breaking through and it kind of has felt that way for a while though that they feel like they they put

Together these runs where they win three or four in a row and then they follow it back up with two three losses it’s kind of just that you know one step forward you know two steps back approach just been they haven’t really been able to

Get over that hump to me I’m looking at that 10 game 10 games over 500 Mark they’ve reached that Mark I think four times a season now and and failed to get over it so um frustrated for sure but you know they they’re together they’re they’re very cohesive in that locker

Room and um very close this groups been together for going back to last summer they’ve been spending a lot of time together so um summer 2022 that is this this group goes back far so I I think that the frustration is definitely just about the ENC Court play but um there’s

No Feud there’s no there’s none of that drama we’ve seen with previous Kings teams this group is is close they’re there a lot of close friends in that locker room um I think it’s more about just finding that consistent play on the court and again 60 games in the season

They’re still searching for it will they be able to figure it out over the next 19 20 games we’ll see I mean the western conference is a buz saww right now and there’s really no um you know there’s no easy night right now for the Kings especially against those sub 500 teams

Like we saw against Houston who had the Kings number this year so um you know it’s something like that no no drama going on behind the scenes nothing like that just more so U trying to figure out if this group can get it done on the floor Frankie joining us Frankie Carter

S sown Sports Kings Insider I want to throw something at you I threw it Jason kind of a curveball earlier said you know with everything that’s gone on this year if you’d ask me for what percentage chance I thought the Kings could make the Western Conference Finals in

October I actually would rate the percentage higher now than I would have preseason not because obviously of the games they’ve lost to the lame teams but because they’ve proven time and time again that they can stand with and in most cases beat the teams above

Them do do you feel the same if you go back and you put it in those parameters I mean yeah I I it’s insane for me to say this but I I do feel more confident in the Kings playing in OKC a Denver a Minnesota a phoenix than I do

About them playing you know a Houston like last night San Antonio like a a golden state situation where the Warriors have played the Kings well but they’re beneath the Kings and the standings it just it just seems like the Kings and I think this is what we

Pointed to last week as well mental I look at the mental aspect of the game they get up for those big games and like they show up usually more times than not they’ve showed up I think Sam Amic had a great piece come out on on I think it

Was Thursday or Friday last week that highlighted how the Kings have been the best out of any of those teams that are currently in the mix for a playoff spot in that five six range they have fared better against the top four in the west than any of those other teams and it

Really is kind of a confusing but I guess encouraging aspect of this team they get up for these big games and that’s why I’m looking at the next two and the jokes you know they write themselves at this point I think if you go on social media last night everyone

Has the same exact approach as far as well the Kings play the bucks on Tuesday so I mean we see a then for a win it just it wouldn’t surprise me at all I don’t think it would surprise anybody if the Kings turn around and and they beat

The bucks or they they pick up a big win at home against the Lakers on Wednesday um it just seems like the Kings they rise the occasion in those games and especially on the road I mean the road home aspect of this Kings team is another confusing thing I mean the the

Only three teams in the west that that have less home wins in the Kings right now is it’s the Spurs the Blazers and Memphis the bottom three teams in the west the Kings have just struggled home and goes back to last year too they’re a better Road team that’s a strength I

Think when you’re in games late in the season or in playoff situations and that could come in handy later on but still the Kings have a lot of home games I’m looking at this upcoming stretch and yeah I guess it’s unfortunate the Kings don’t face they don’t face the Nuggets

Again or Minnesota because they do play well in those situations but um it’s still it’s frustrating to see them go against these sub 500 teams at home and and fall short but again it’s happened all season long so not that surprising our sack toown Sports Kings Insider

Frankie cardelli joins us on the fulam Lake Honda hotline Frankie so what are the common traits then if we’re talking about that the best of the Kings these wins these Road wins these quality wins against some of the better teams in the NBA conversely these really bad losses

What what are what do you see as the common traits and the wins versus the common traits and the losses I mean I’m looking at the offense in ball movement I think that something we were talking about up at media row last night was how how well the ball was

Ground last night 16 assists in the first half I mean dearen Fox had a go Keegan Murray who has had a rough stretch he had eight points in the first half I think I think he end up scoring three or four more in the second half um

Those 16 assists though in the first half they only had eight in the second the ball movement just stopped opposing defenses seemed to make those in-game adjustments and the Kings really have no answer the three-point shooting to me has just been a a clear indicator and I

I have a 35% kind of Mark if you go to their basketball reference page their game logs and you highlight their three-point percentage there’s a clear just drop off where the wins and and the losses are showing up when the K shoot 35% are better this season they are 28

And nine when they shoot under that Mark 34% or Worse they’re eight and 18 last night they go 18% that’s their worst single game performance in in nearly four years I look at the three-point shooting when the shots are falling and this goes back to last year as well for

Again a roster that’s pretty much the same one through eight in the rotation when their three-point shots are falling they’re super hard to beat like they’re very very hard to beat um and last last night you see the Kings they aren’t having the three-point success they wanted so they attack the paint and

Houston makes the adjustments em udoka a guy who’s been there before he’s coached games at the highest level NBA Finals with Boston made those in game adjustments they clogged the paint and they kind of said okay let’s see if the Kings can knock them down they didn’t

They never did so when you take that away and the shots aren’t falling it’s very hard for them to win games and um that’s kind of been to me the biggest takeaway the three-point shooting if the kings are knocking them down early and

They can get out to a run it might be a good night for them but if they’re struggling out the gates and they fall into a hole he usually hard for this team to kind of work their way out of it and that’s especially harder when you have inconsistent play from guys like

Kevin herder Keegan Murray who’s had some some struggles on offense this season um dearen Fox who had a rough night from three and and I think he only scored four points in the second half when he’s struggling the Kings really come to a halt so um I’ll at three-point

Shooting more than anything that’s kind of this team’s identity they like to let it fly and if the shots aren’t Fallen it could be a rough night do you tend to lean towards crediting other teams adjustments or our lack of adjustments more I think it’s a little

Bit of both I think I lean more to the inconsistent play on the king side just there’s so many different things that have popped up this year that last year I feel like was more there like a steady jog the kings were kind of like a steady

Jog to the playoffs and and they each guy kind of had their role and and it was kind of like a a rare occurrence when someone would fall short or you know if Kevin her out a horrible night from three it just would kind of raise eyebrows a little more

Um this year which has been so much of that up and down Play It’s been a roller coaster of a season like the way that they’ve got to this nine games over 500 in March like it’s pretty similar to where they were last year but the way

They’ve gotten to this point is just very different um and it feels different so I kind of look more at the kinges and just that their players have really been more inconsistent this year than last year and obviously a couple more injuries here and there have popped up

So that that definitely will affect things but um I look more at the guys on the floor and the fact that they aren’t able to get that continuously they were expecting and you know there’s I guess 20 games left there’s still technically a quarter of the season to go it

Certainly doesn’t feel like it but you these are kind of trends that this far into the season it’s it’s surprising to see them turn around but crazier things have happened crazi things have happened where teams figure things out they get hot going into the playoffs or the play

In and um I think Miami was a playin team last year they went to the finals but you know the heater the heat they they always find a way it seems but um if the Kings find this Rhythm and get their their guys going at the right time

You never know what GNA happen the other part about where they are right now Frankie and obviously they’re flip-flopping in the standings before the game started yesterday they were six now they’re back into seventh and that’s that’s going to constantly change but I feel like if the postseason did start

Today um that the rotation isn’t really solidified mean meaning that well certainly some of the starters aren’t playing as well but it’s not always they’re going to Mitchell or monk or lyes now Keon’s in there for a while dwarte was in there maybe Alex Len do

You think that needs to be tightened up or is it just going to be kind of a case by case and whoever they face if they get to the playoffs they’ll they’ll kind of adjust accordingly yeah I’ve definitely always felt it needs to be solidified I think

That a lot of players you know being comfortable is is important I think in sports knowing where you’re going to be and where you’re going to play and I know that things don’t always roll out that way and you have to kind of take what the game gives you but the Kings

Have really kind of looked for for consistency in that lineup for a while and the backup center position also has been a revolving door it seems like Alex has a hold in it for now but um sometimes you see javil McGee in there you see Trey ly and again it goes back

Up to the conversation you just talked about with Keon Ellis who seems like he comes in and plays against more of the you know athletic and quicker guards and Duarte comes in and has to match up against some of those guys that are 6’5 to 68 um I think that the Kings really

Could benefit from finding some consistency from their rotation and I think Davon Mitchell being able to be a plus and I think he’s shooting 51% from three over the past 20 games um one attempts for game obviously the volume isn’t isn’t high but the shot’s been there getting valuable minutes from him

Is is one step forward the Kings did I have last year and then having Keon Ellis be a guy that can be a positive for you on defense and knock down an occasional three that’s huge as well we’ll see if that continues in the next couple weeks but he’s someone that I

Think has has impressed the coaching staff and as well as the fan base as well with his hustle and um his activeness on defense the Kings don’t have many guys and many Defenders that are as active as as Keon Ellis with that energy that he can bring so they’ lacked

That they’ve lacked that defensive versatility they’ve lacked that um energy Off the Bench and I think that Mike Brown’s been searching for that for a while again this is a team that’s been very similar to last year’s roster they haven’t made many changes to the bench it’s most mostly deep bench changes that

We’ve seen and I think that was one of the biggest problems with the Kings last year too is they weren’t very deep they were about seven players deep last season this year around the same case maybe seven eight players deep now that Keon else has emerged but um I think

It’s a situation where they’re getting through the season and and using what they have and to me that’s an offseason conversation as far as the Kings need to be a little deeper they need to have more deaths on that bench and right now Keon Ellis is is impressed and he’s

Earned his spot let me let me just reverse it just for Devil’s Advocate Frankie and I know I’m reaching here but is it possible they could be too comfortable you you want a team to be close you want a team to be tight of course chemistry all that look at all

These the the great teams over the years Lakers Warriors um uh Spurs Etc but it always felt like on those teams like the Warriors example they’ve been around a long time together but they also have that disruptive locker room Thunderclap in Draymond Green the Lakers had a

Little bit of drama every single year but of course it was always Shaq and Kobe is it possible that this team maybe is a little too comfortable not just with with each other but also the fact that we talked about earlier Kevin herder God bless him we love him but has

Has been borderline unplayable the last four games yeah I think a placy definitely can become an issue with teams like the kings that are trying to you know make their way to the you know the end goal is a championship they want to compete for a championship and obviously if if

You follow up last year with a similar run or Worse yeah I mean it might be time to switch things up a little bit that’s definitely I think on the table as far as things being exactly the same the complacency being a thing spinning your wheels you don’t want to do that

This group has just been I keep saying it but it’s insane to look at I don’t know how many teams are on the NBA have the exact same starting five and then even first two players of the bench they had going into last season like it it it

Really is I don’t know if there’s one two three teams that have done it maybe less maybe only one maybe it’s the Kings but I do think those qu those questions you just had right there about Kevin herder being unplayable late in games the fact that the Kings still cannot

Protect the rim the fact that the kings are the worst three-point uh defense in the NBA these are issues that are still pretty similar to last year’s problems as well and there’s only only one way to fix that and that’s turnover and I think

A lot of people would hate to see a blow up the roster situation I don’t think that that’s exactly what would happen um but this is kind of this team’s audition like prove that you can compete and be a team that can go into the Western Conference playoffs and and make some

Noise otherwise you know what are we doing here like we’re spending the tires again so um more offseason conversation I guess but definitely a question that will have to be answered in the coming weeks and you know maybe Beyond in the summer Frankie as you look to tomorrow

Milwaukee comes in uh obviously that was just a harp breaking loss earlier this year when Dame got him after the Kings missed those free throws late um but Milwaukee has beaten the Kings 15 times in a row I believe goes back to 2016 the last time the Kings won uh how will

Tomorrow or how can tomorrow be different for the Kings yeah I think it uh theyve never beat the bucks at Golden one which is insane uh yeah yeah just looking at the the Bucks they’re they’re a team that’s kind of interesting obviously since since Doc Rivers came in

And took over them they’ve they haven’t had quite look they all probably wanted even though they’re still second in the East they’re they are still eight games behind Boston for that first spot but uh Milwaukee a team that’s battling injuries and again the kings are are very familiar with playing teams that

Are going through injuries Chris Middleton I’m not sure if he’s going to be in play for tomorrow but he’s someone that’s missed some time Giannis has been listed as questionable uh with every matchup going into you know I think going into every game the last three four nights has been questionable with

Cal soreness so um I look at the Bucks as a team that has been an on paper matchup night match up for them as far as the length they bring and the size but the Kings have played well against that they played well against the Clippers they’ played well against the

The Minnesota Timberwolves so again one of those games where they’re they’re going to play a very tough defense can they get over the hump can they prove they can win these games especially on their home floor and that’s kind of what I’m looking at I’m looking at the energy

I’m looking to see if there’s a significant drop off in energy it’s been a third quarter issue for the Kings as of late they really let their guard down and and let opposing teams kind of either get back into games or or pull ahead and San Antonio they let the Spurs

Hang around instead of putting the game away the Rockets turned the game on its head last night looking at the beginning of the second half when the game can make changes du to in-game adjustments from opposing teams and the Kings have really struggled with that so um looking

At that looking to see what the energy like at Golden One St tomorrow it’s been incredible for this home stand and I think I’ve put on Twitter and a bunch of other kings Riders as well that uh the Kings failing to take advantage of that atmosphere really is is is tough to

Swallow and tough to see can they do it tomorrow can they do it on Wednesday it’s a big couple of games and like you said the West is it seems like the kings are rising and falling every day and it really does feel like that even on games

They don’t play they they jump to six and think over the weekend without playing a game so um it’s a fun exciting stressful annoying time in the NBA and especially watching the Kings but um we know what this group has and what they’re capable of when they’re on and

It just depends if it’s that night or not well if the threes fall success usually follows so I guess you’ll know pretty early if that’s going to happen speaking of atmosphere at Golden One Center you remember last week Malik Monk said that he was not a fan of the booing

It was a second straight time or second time he acknowledged the booing he said that both postgame and uh before he lit the beam after that comeback win he said that it pisses him off uh along with the rest of the team and I’m paraphrasing

Here uh and that it it he kind of just takes it as uh motivation the anger and so Mike I’ll ask you the same question I I asked Jason last week should when appropriate should Golden One Center feel more emboldened to boo considering that it pumps the team up I mean if

That’s the case yeah if it’s going to turn to wins absolutely but real uh I I know it’s been a conversation I I I we talked about it with Chris and and Allan and and Bren we all talked about it and I I I’m on the side of things as far as

You can’t really tell fans out of fan they’re the ones spending their money their paychecks they’re going to games they’re buying merchandise they’re taking their families are spending their free time going to those games and you know being down by eight points to the worst team in the conference without

Their best best player I I I would I was not surprised to hear booze I mean again going to games my whole life though and you guys know this as well being in the arena we there’s been booze many many times over the years and obviously for

Teams that were more deserving of them that were 15 games under 500 that were in the middle of eight n game losing streaks sure the Kings being where they are in the standings it’s it’s rare tooo but you know what that’s what happens when a fan base expects more from a team

Or expects greatness you know I hate to come over here and you know put on my New York Yankee fan cap but I was telling the guy that you know Derek Jeter got booted like the fans don’t care they want to see wins they they want to see competition they want to see

You perform at the highest level and I think with Malik Monk’s case fans aren’t booing him they’re not booing you individually they’re not you know singling anybody out in these situations it’s more just the fact that they expect more and the Kings a team again that was

Nine games over at the time against the Spurs that were trailing by eight points and a game that they really needed to have with five minutes to go that to me constitutes a boot like it doesn’t surprise when you hear Bo like we’ve heard them before we’ll continue to hear

Them it happens in every sport every team and every environment booze happen and then you know what happens you forget a minute a half later when things go a different way and that’s exactly what happened um use if they want to use it as motivation sure that’s great but

Um I think that it’s you know I’m a little surprised to hear about the push back from it I think it’s just part of sports I mean again everyone has their own take on it and they can fan how they want a fan but um I’ve heard a lot of

Booing in my life especially at Arco Arena or Power Balance buing ever you want to call it and is it fully like do they fully deserve to be booed when they or where they are on the sings that’s a different conversation I think but I

Still believe if you expect a lot from a team and they’re underperforming that’s what usually what happens in sports so I’m not surprised about it at all so we’ve got a minute left but I’m gonna I’m gonna finish with you with a conversation we had that you just kind

Of stubbled into from last week that Jason and I had you you said and I’m nitpicking here I’m taking you out of a little out of context but sure you said that you’ve heard a lot of booing over the years or not a lot we’ve heard

Booing over the years and your quote was for teams that deserved it a lot more than this team teams that lost 16 to 19 that were getting blown up by 40 here’s my question to you though just philosophically because I would make this argument wouldn’t you argue that this

Team actually deserves at times to be booed far more than those teams for the simple fact that when we were watching those terrible teams and the mid- teens or whatever we just kind of knew they sucked like they just didn’t have tal a lot of talent they weren’t good they

Were going to get outclass most of the nights whereas this team and this is where I think we get to the heartbeat of the Sacramento fan this team on occasion from a fan point of view and I think why they boo they’re doing they’re doing one of the unforgivables which is they’re

Not they are consistently not living up to their potential they’re better than that the fans recognize guys they’re better than that which they couldn’t have 10 years ago with those crappy teams therefore could you make the argument the booing is actually more deserve now no I mean that’s a very good

Point I I agree I think when you look back at the the old days at Arco and you know when I was in high school going to games and the kings were getting blown out I think that was more Point like ownership and at that then ownership and

At you know the front office at that point this is pre-sale obviously but before they were sold to be and um I think now it’s more just like a of a wake up like come on guys like we expect more and I agree I this team where they

Are losing to all these teams that are you have a 20% winning percentage the Detroit Pistons the San Antonio Spurs all these teams they’ve struggled to beat or lose to yeah I agree I think when you see if you look at the Los Angeles Lakers from a couple years ago

Or the bucks when they won a champ these are championship teams obviously the Nuggets even the Timberwolves Clippers I think if you were to have any of these teams lose to the if they had the same track record or resume of losses the Kings have had y if the wolves had had

These things happen y I think you hear the same exact thing that’s why I think it’s not really just a Sacramento thing it’s not a Sacramento fan base it’s a sports fan thing you expect more from your team your team is good the kings are good the record portrays that and

When you lose to teams that you quote unquote should not lose to and you take the quotes away they should not lose to these teams if they are who they are yes booze are going to happen it’s happening forever I think it’s it’s that’s why it’s like surprising to me it’s even

Been blown up this much it just seems like it’s it comes to the territory but um you don’t want to piss off the players obviously you don’t want Malik monk to feel frustrated I think that fans obviously looking at his future free agency they were raising eyebrows

That as well but um I wouldn’t read that deep into it either I think it’s just a matter of he uses it as fuel that’s the competitor that he is it gets him going and you know what if the kings were down by by five eight points with five or

Eight points with a few minutes left maybe that’s what the Kings need to do the fan Bas need to do to get Malik Punk going so um it’s something that I’m not going to keep reading into as the season goes on I think it’s just a part of the

Game and um people can fan how they want to Fan that’s just the way that it goes how about I turn my mic on people can talk how they want to talk when their mic’s on that’s Frankie ctis Sacramento Kings Insider good conversation see I was worried about it

Going in you know what we ended up having a gooders that’s cuz Frankie’s so damn talented we appreciate you we will uh read you online we will read you on Twitter we will read you at Sactown and we will talk to you in a week hopefully not after some dumb

Stupid loss yeah I’d like to come on after a win please once that’d be really great but uh thank you guys as always all right have a great week buddy that is Frankie Celli we’ll take a break when we come back oh what to watch Jason

We’ll be a little TV Guide for everybody we’ll go around the NBA we’ll also update you on some of today’s stories that uh broke either just before during the program and then cross talk and oh what a cross talk it’s gonna be with uh Chris Watkins and failed baby trainer Allan

Styles we’ll do all that coming up right after this what’s the missing piece for the 49ers which names will they add during free agency whether it’s in season or off season the coverage never stops get the latest 49ers news on sack toown Sports and Sack toown hey it’s Carmichael Dave for

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All as well the bat well dude the weird thing is like this let me ask you guys this cuz I’ve thought about it we haven’t seen the bat since that day right for those you who don’t know we had a bat in our house appeared to be a big bat too yeah

Dude if today I went home and like I don’t know some random whatever like moved a curtain or did something all of a sudden like saw that the bat was like up there and the thought process is oh my God we haven’t seen the bat in like four days but it’s

Been in the house the whole time like we automat we have to go get rabies shots right at that point like like for real like I was I was talking Melissa about that yesterday I’m like if the bat’s been in there for four days and we haven’t known dude that bat could

Be landing on us at night I could be getting bat flat we could we could be getting bat flapped in our sleep yes and I just can’t get over reading about how like rabies is basically 100% fatal if you if you start showing symptoms and you don’t have the vaccine like I don’t

Want to screw with anything that’s 50% fatal not 99% fatal anyways my recurring nightmares are this number one that I’m caving spelunking and like I’m I’m I’m I’m trapped and like water keeps filling up and I’ve got like rock Like a Rock above me and below me and like I’m in

This tight space like I think a lot of people have and just a small amount of air a small amount of air and like no way like I am stuck in between these rocks place and I can’t move right and then the other one is that uh and I

Don’t know I think I saw this on a TV show or something but it’s like my family’s all being held hostage and I have an earpiece and the whole point is is that these people are making me go up to people who don’t know I have this earpiece and saying like the most

Worst things I could say like not even like things that would make someone angry it’s all about like they can see where I’m walking and it’s all about like I have to go up to people that are like my friends or co-workers and just say the most terrible hurtful things in

The world and then like they just keep queuing me on things to say and if I let them know that I’m being forced you know not good right like that is like the worst torture classic prank right like but not funny sounds like a Nate prank

It does so I thought about it during the break because for some reason I maybe I had that nightmare recently because it came into my head and I just want you guys to know if I ever come up to you and say anything out of the blue that is

Like so Off the Wall yeah horrible check for the earpiece like you can’t because they’ll know no you gotta like call my wife and be like hey you guys okay yeah Dave’s acting strange but like but now the kidnappers have heard this actually that’s a good point now that you’ve said

That I kind of want to revisit our call on Friday when you called and I was laughing about the weirdness of my wife just Kidd are you okay uh that continues today I am uh I I think I will be and I’m happy to do this but uh today you

Know my wife and my wife and her job parted ways on Friday after a very long time and I I I believe I’m being tasked with uh going to clear out the office which is fine like I feel like if I got we know excuse me you leave something special

Behind let me tell you something yeah Amber hot dogs last night me know if I I should say when I get fired from here it’ll happen it’s all that’s how it goes I can’t I was thinking about that would I want my wife to come get my because I

Look how what do you have here uh that whole Corner over there this whole corner is M I come in I just grab no it’s my jar of ibuprofen I’m taking all my neutr grain bars that have been left here and this bobble head and the set of headphones yeah you can keep

The waffle cookies hey you’ve been crushing those I have been crushing those so Jo Jose are computer guy so sweet he brought in well what’s his a title right he’s like in charge of computers sure is he he’s like our Tech Rose I Company Computer guy that’s

Exactly he’s got a jingle yeah so he brought in these cookies super sweet of it brought in they’re basically crunch am I descri waffles thin crunchy waffles I I can’t remember what they’re I know I think it’s like a European thing it’s one of these Danish things that like you

Find in the blue tin but you get them like on flights and stuff like that yes and so my thing is this for what they are they’re fantastic props to whoever cooked them right but that is not a cookie to be you want like chips or icing or something different what what

What what takes that to a c cuz right now what that is that’s a sweet cracker wasn’t that your nickname for a while I knew you what what what would make those better here’s what I do frosting on top of the waffle and then put another

Waffle on top of it and now it’s a cookie yeah that’s what the little what’s the point of the little squares if they’re not going to hold something right they’re there to be holding something they’re there to be they’re they’re they’re flavor Vehicles yes much like me yeah with little pockets to fill

With things yeah fill them I will during the break when we come back uh all right you’ve been waiting for it so have we uh cross talk a very special cross talk with Styles and Watkins as we break down amongst other things celebrity birthdays and much more the baby race controversy from

Yesterday it wasn’t just the Rockets beating the kings that brought embarrassment to this city we’ll get to all that next the Sacramento Kings play here he’s got the triple Sacramento takes the lead get your kings fix all season long right here on your home of the Sacramento Kings

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Friends and nothing brings family and friends together better than freshly baked and hom delivered crumble cookies it’s time for the news of the day the latest headlines the biggest stories hard hitting analysis yeah this is none of those things and now here’s carmichel Dave and Jason Ross all right all right first off let me just say let’s just before we get into this hey good to see you guys good great to see you great to see you guys Mr President yes I’m running approval how was your uh weekend pretty non-eventful number one

Thing on the list of weekend if you were to rank them it’s a good question um there were some good fights this weekend uh the Anthony Joshua fight I think that was Friday that was I mean it was a good knockout it was a good knockout in just

Saturday was fun though Saturday was a pretty good uh UFC card yeah actually it turned out to be decent that was a golf Allen great yeah so you’ve been uh you’ve been kind of one of the stars of the show today now we’re of course talking about the baby

Races on let’s just get it out of the way we’re talking about the baby races on Sunday that’s right first off disclaimer we’ve been saying all day what a beautiful baby no no baby blame here B baby’s great yeah okay we’re wondering about the training yes Chris brought up a great Point well

Because I had said you know maybe maybe when there’s a huge competition on the line maybe don’t spend the weekend at spring training maybe train Chris brought up a great point that honestly you should have not seen your daughter until the baby races and maybe she would have crawled towards you thought about

That let’s just ask it straight up because we’ve been talking way too much about the Kings and their failures what in your opinion went wrong what went wrong well we were we were caught in between timing because she is starting to stand for like five seconds

At a time and you know you hold her hands and she’ll walk so basically when I approached our own Scott Marsh about this we got the dates back and it was this date I think the next one is Easter and then the next one after that is is

Even later than that so in a perfect world I would have been I I would have been here right and not in not in Scottdale but we thought that eer would have been tough as well and then she might have been starting to walk by then

So we just did the the the closest one we could do turns out it happened to be the the same weekend it is what it is you know there was a rehearsal but I was on a plane back so there was a rehearsal at like 10:00 a.m. so we did not do the

Rehearsal honestly if it wasn’t for my wife we would have missed the race we thought it was at halftime yeah it was it was after the first quarter we just happened to walk in walk down there and and Scott they’re saying oh wow he made it and I’m thinking what’s the problem

We have a whole another quarter and then the quarter ended they said right get on out there no I don’t know if you heard or not but we recognized that there were some issues so we brought PA announcer Scott Mo on the air today who my God and

He three-way called Scott fresh hour who’s the MC we have officially put in a request for a rematch for you a rematch we we feel like it’s not just about you yeah it’s about the station too kind of everyone kind of got let down we were rooting she technically got

Third you were doing a lot of but really I was encourag was like I’m okay if she starts walking right now pretty much picked her up and third let’s be honest is really second loser and we don’t nobody wants that stigma so here’s what I’m thinking number one have you considered starving

The baby preand and then and then having her favorite food we were supposed to have a cracker the cracker did not make it onto the court right okay because it was all rushed we showed up got on out there there was no cracker so um also have you

Considered have let me just put it this way maybe we get a rematch if she if between now and then because I understand you’re worried about the walking yeah if my suggestion hav had you no no if at any point between now and then she starts to walk just give

Her a little shove to dissuade her from walking on the to get kind of bring back her training a little bit on that I’m my question is just simply this we don’t make family decisions for you here we’re just we’re just all a family that’s right if off it would be an

Unprecedented first time for a dual baby entrance is it something you would at least bring home to discuss I don’t think so wow wow wow Spirits we don’t get special treatment not special treatment just and if she does it again then I’m definitely never living that

Down well yeah but at least you’re never living this down anyways but at least you’d have a chance for Redemption yeah cu the baby’s got one shot one opportunity all right well maybe two shots maybe two shots we tried uh today is uh National 311 day it’s a great band

At omahan Nebraska uh today is National funeral director and mortician recognition day you know I’ll go with that I some flowers I could never that’s right give them give the morticians their flowers I could never do that just be around dead people all day having to be around like crying families like yeah

I think that’ be the worst partes 100% like and you got to like the same eventually stop crying right yeah can you man up please hello could be worse could have been me acting like someone’s Dead uh wow today is National oatmeal nut waffles day okay specific and today

Is National napping day after return of daylight savings time they’re just making these up at this point jeez now they celebrity birthdays are brought to you by crumble cookies hey uh crumble cookies that’s the one family and friends and so much more nothing absolutely nothing brings friends and family together more than crumble

Cookies maybe perhaps if there is a rematch maybe a crumble cookie is the bait just thinking she can’t have cookies yet why not okay Jason Ross happy birthday Anthony Dorset Anders his wrist opening his present right because he gets injured a lot right Anthony Davis is

28 got to be older than that why do Nate look really hung over is he okay does he smell uh oh he can’t hear you yeah I know he smell boozy no it’s kind of how he always looks no he looks a little hung I don’t know no hair looks better

Looks like you got a hair that’s what I’m saying it looks like he just all right anyways 20 uh whatever 28 you said yeah 30 30 uh 29 I hope I’ll also say 29 I hope he’s not 30 he is 31 happy birthday Johnny Manzel appas uh Johnny yeah I’ll go Manel Knoxville

Knoxville good job Johnny Knoxville 5 four 52 56 I’m gonna say 58 no way tie 53 53 uh happy birthday to Becky hamon Becky Hammond Becky Hammond is 45 47 I’ll say 51 46 we have a correct answer Allen Styles 47 happy birthday Elton John John brand Brandon brand is uh 53 I remember him playing it yeah

51 47 48 Chris Watkins the closest 45 wait Elton br’s not the one with the Lee press on beard but who’s the guy that went to thank you uh you gotta go any other good ones in there no all right hey listen Styles and Watkins are coming up next I have

Feeling Watkins going to carry this show while Styles uh just born one loss yesterday at Golden One Center they’ll go over all those and more next right here on sown shameful performance subscribe to sack Down Sports on YouTube and watch the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross Styles and Watkins and the

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