3 Methods To Stay CONNECTED In The Backswing

Struggling with your backswing? In this video, we’ll teach you 3 methods to stay connected and improve your backswing in golf. From drills to tips, this lesson will help you perfect your backswing and improve your swing overall. Don’t let your backswing hold you back on the course – watch now and start hitting better shots!

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All right all right welcome back to the golf pit the place where everybody gets better today we’re talking about a Hot Topic Connection in the back swing today we’re going to give you three ways to feel great connection with your arms and your body in your back swing okay this

Is going to set the table to put you on the path for the least amount of manipulation in your down swing all right three ways we’re going to go over one deals with the lead arm One deals with the trail arm and one deals with

Both arms okay so when you get out there you get to work at it you get to find out which one you feel works best for you there’s a couple different points of connection there is connection below the belt there is connection above the belt today we’re going to talk about

Connection above the belt and particularly how the body needs to work in unison with the arms and hands in the golf swing okay this is the definition of connection for us when you hear us talk about it above the belt making sure the hands and the arms stay in front of

The body as the body turns them to the top okay now when we look at this we can see at the top of the swing that if somebody turns up there they’re going to see the left arm on the shoulder plane and the right elbow down and in front

Okay ways you would be off is if you start to see the arm coming back you see a real flat left arm right you might see players pick it up and take the club really really high those are times where now the arms and Club move away from our

Body Center let’s start it off with the lead arm all right how to create Connection in the golf swing with the lead arm well here’s the thing the lead shoulder is going to push the lead arm down the line of your feet okay what happens to a lot of people is this lead

Arm starts to go out or in okay and if we went out the hands have disconnected from our body if we go in the arms have gotten behind us all right both spots that are going to be pretty Troublesome okay so when we’re talking about connection I like to when

Discussing the lead arm and how to use that to get your Club to the top I love to put an alignment Rod right down the line of my feet here and I love to feel my left shoulder push my left arm down and down the line of the Target now at

The top of the Swing very top I might feel like my left arm is slightly inside of this orange line that naturally happens I don’t need to search for depth or getting the clubs behind me I need to feel like this arm at this point right here is covering up my alignment Rod

Completely and then I just keep pushing as I turn that’s what puts the arm on the angle of the shoulders okay boom right up there okay so here’s my left arm going down the line of my feet got me to a nice high feeling spot in

The back swing okay let’s do one more good we’re going to put the lead arm right down the line of the feet all right guys so we covered how to use the lead arm in the back swing let’s talk about what the trail arm can do and

How that can help us now here’s the thing through all of our teaching the trail arm in the back swing causes a lot of problems so this is really important if you start to see your arm get out of place all right now what we like to do

As you know we set up with our arm giving blood okay this this externally rotates our right shoulder and puts our arm in a position to stay in front of my body as I turn to the top so my thought for this right arm is making sure that

I’m giving blood in the setup and that as I turn I’m keeping my right elbow and Funny Bone down and in front of the right side of my body okay this is going to really help keep the con connection of your golf swing the connection being again the

Arms being right in front boom of my body at every Point okay not letting it get behind so if we’re thinking about the right arm I got to number one make sure I’m giving blood number two I’m going to keep my right elbow down and in

At the top of a swing as I make my big shoulder turn down and in like this is a great way to feel it you can throw this left hand underneath this right arm and now just make a big turn okay feel how that elbow is down

And in versus behind versus Up and Away right just setting up good big shoulder turn keeping my right elbow down and in really really great way to feel it let’s see one more down and in here’s the question we always get does my hand have to be really really

Strong on the club when I give blood and the answer is no right your wrist is completely independent of your elbow joint although they affect each other a little okay you can give blood get your arm in this position and still put your hand on the golf club in a comfortable

Way it doesn’t have to be stuck down underneath okay so I’m giving blood with the arm I’m putting my right grip in a comfortable spot and now I’m getting to keep that right elbow down and at the top as I turn all right guys so we talked about how we

Get to use the lead arm and go down the line we talked about how we want to make sure we’re giving blood and keeping the right elbow down and in front of the top now let’s use both of them together to me guys this is one of the best

Connecting thoughts in all of golf for your arms and your body okay very simple I think most of you if you are a golf historian at all or a little older everybody remembers the great Ben Hogan five fundamentals of the picture of his arms wrapped together okay your elbows

Staying closer together will create connection of your chest and your arms in your golf swing okay now the reason being when they stay close together the distance between my chest and hand stays the same my chest is always facing my hands it’s the elbows moving around that take that away okay

Okay and that’s what causes then a big manipulation in the down swing so you can get set up you can make sure that your elbows are close together and if you want to use both of them all I’m going to do here is keep my elbows close

Together as I make a big smooth turn that’s the thought for me I could tell in the very first swing how much tighter the top of the Swing was how the arms and the club now stopped at the top at at the same time my body was done

Turning okay they’re moving together up there let’s do one more that was the one for me and again I believe it is really one of the best connecting thoughts in all of golf for your upper body keeping your elbows close together as you turn another one so guys hope you

Enjoyed the episode make sure to like this video go out there and give it a shot find out if you need work on your lead arm if you we need to work on your Trail arm or if you’re going to be the one that loves the best connecting

Thought and all of off boom keeping those elbows together throughout your Backwing


  1. Hi Mike, how tight are my arms when im keeping both together to build connection? 10 are Schwarzenegger and 1 are Pudding. Big thank you from bavaria 🍻

  2. Love your content! You are going to blow up with these super practical tips. I’ve been binging your videos. QQ – whenever I keep my elbows close, I feel tension which I thought was a bad thing. Is that normal?

  3. It's fun just to watch on the range the position of a person's dominate arm at the top…… Alot of different stuff going on you'll see and it can be a pretty difficult thing to change…. Great vid 👍

  4. Luckily Hogan book was 1st goll book i read so i have the elbows and arms! but then Ballard was next and full swings with stuff under armpits gave me an over connected heaving sway!
    Now i just push right side down to start swing then left side works like you show
    Mainly use chest as swing engine but use ground pressure to start it and reverse it
    Resulting in harnessing more vertical forces than i used to and less rotational and lateral
    My experience is that "connection" is an illusion caused by good sequencing and avoiding the arm hit instinct!
    Every great golfer learnt as a weak kid,all at my club with a lower Hcp than me did as well so imagine the club is very heavy!
    Expect to shoot 1st sub par this year b4 im to old!
    Thanks for all the great videos

  5. Great video as always. Mike, looking for content? Can you do a video on how to stop casting the club? I struggle with this.

  6. Mike, i have a question. When my lead arm-elbow is too internally rotated I tend to pull draw/ hook the ball. When i feel my elbow in the leadarm is pointing more to the target line at adress (more like the opposite of what I described) the clubface feel more stable/ more consistent…less flippy so to speak. Can you explain this to me? 😅

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