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All right our five is now upon us and the Detroit Lions have done absolutely nothing since 8:30 this morning but we’re going to talk about it uh I just saw something in here better the hunt says heck yeah on that kicker uh so I must have Miss the

Signing just now on the kicker I haven’t seen anything that is that is flashed across just yet um so you guys can give me a hand here with that I haven’t seen anything pop up on a kicker unless it happened a long time ago and I’m just missing it

So uh we didn’t sign Kickalicious did we really I was talking about him today we didn’t sign no Kickalicious you guys got to be kidding me you guys are just having fun well that’s all we can do at this point just have fun so let’s talk about what we’ve

Got so far my voice is already starting to die today but let let’s just talk about it uh here here’s what I’m seeing right now and that’s pretty evident that there’s two teams in the NFC North that are trying to get incrementally better if not way better and that are that’s

The Vikings and the Packers the Vikings haveit another subscri run DC that’s what I’m talking about apprciate so the Vikings uh I’m sorry the Packers have added Joshua Jacobs and Xavier mckin today so the Lions now have a a big test in front of them uh I mean Joshua Jacobs

Is a heck of a running back you know it’s now like do or die what are you going to do Brad Holmes we are great against the Run but all of those players that we had on this team are now are are gone or going to be gone unless he’s

Going to resign them so we’ve got to do something we’ve got to do something on the defensive line we have to or we have to get really good on the back end of the defense so our defensive line can work appreciate the subscription there re that’s what I’m talking about number

Nine um I’m not so worried about the Bears I mean they signed Swift so what who cares not worried they don’t have an offensive line and and Ryan poles is making a big mistake by bringing Swift in and not uh not addressing the biggest concern which is their their offensive

Line in my opinion but the Vikings I mean they lost kurk cousins they don’t have a quarterback yet but they are in position to be able to take a good quarterback in this draft they bring in three linebackers van GLE greenard in Cashman and and those guys are set to

Compete with everything over the Middle where the Lions do their business is over the middle and now they brought in three guys that are going to compete for that and they’re going to compete against Sam lorta and Aman rosin Brown and anybody else that comes across the

Middle and it’s also going to compete with our Run game jir Gibbs and demo so those two teams are getting better right now the Detroit line are kind of standing Pat Uh they they haven’t done a whole lot and yeah like the thumbnail says man I think Brad’s asleep he must be taken

To Siesta and and and that’s you know that’s not good I mean he pulls rabbits out of his hats we know that that’s Brad that’s what he does but let’s uh let’s talk about the the rest of the league here so uh Deno Atri to the Texans Leonard Floyd just went to the

49ers and of course you know all all this stuff is is you know speculated but it’s pisero uh you know Rapaport uh you know all those guys that are reporting this so so it’s pretty solid information um Texans also agreed with cornerback Mike Ford deavin du is headed

To the Jags the Bucks are resigning their defensive tackle Greg gains uh quarterback Gardner minu heads to the Raiders this is why the Raiders are a laughing stock you go out and take thank you Justin for the subscription about that’s what I’m talking about number nine you go out and

Take the best defensive tackle in my opinion that’s available and and then you bring in a quarterback like that Cardin or muu like at $25 million are you serious right now so that that is such a I mean it it’s a they’re just laughing you know all the way to the

Bank they got all this money you know Wilkins just got a huge payday but he’s going to a play for a team that’s not going to win could have come to a winner for a lot less money but you know you could have won a Lombardi more than likely

With the Detroit Lions before you ever will with the Los Las Vegas Raiders uh safety uh Gino stone is headed to the Bengals running back Gus Edwards headed to the Chargers running back Devin single T headed to the Giants uh your favorite Corner Jeff UDA headed to the

Texans and Xavier mckin like I said headed to the Packers so yeah my voice is gone um there’s still plenty of players available right I mean I mean there’s I seen some someone put it up in the in the chat here that yeah isn’t that sad that even

Okuda found a home yeah that’s sad that’s that’s really sad and Brad hasn’t done anything uh doesn’t mean he’s not working you know it doesn’t mean that he’s not going to put something together uh and I see a lot of people want Hunter I mean hunter is by far the

Best defensive Edge available right now but I’m a bit worried about how much money he wants and and I said these names earlier but you know when you look at who’s still available obviously denil Hunter is is is up there right um Frankie louu even though he’s a

Linebacker from the Carol Panthers he’s still available he’s he’s interesting um let’s see zidus Smith is still around Kendall Fuller aozi um Chase young Levante David Sheldon rankins uh xaven Howard cornerback Bobby Wagner from the Seahawks Stephen Nelson um DJ reer Jordan Fuller I think he I think

He’s already gone matter of fact I think he is gone I think he went early maybe not um nope he might still be available so there’s there’s still some options you know I guess at this point um you know jrod says I’m not counting out tart Jeffrey Simmons or you know Justin

Simmons uh Justin Simmons is a great option for a safety but we need a corner and we need some defensive tackles or a defensive end we really do we’ve got giant holes I am now convinced at least through today now we haven’t seen a bunch of wide receivers you know

Getting taken so far matter of fact there’s not a whole lot of them available I mean there’s always some available but there’s there’s really nobody that stands out this season other than Calvin Ridley you know he’s he’s about the only one Justin Simmons clearly the number

One free safety right now uh that I would be looking at the good news is nobody from the Detroit Lions outside of Jonah Jackson has been taken away from the Lions and I think that that says something and I and I do want people to understand that if nobody else is is

Rushing to the door to escort our players somewhere else then that that tells you as to why these players are on the bubble it tells you why they’re not signed yet Brad is still gauging the market you know he’s still waiting to see who’s available and

And and the way that Brad plays I think is pretty simple to understand he’s letting all of these top tier guys and some of these second tier guys you know go off the board guys that he probably doesn’t want uh I’m sure that he would have loved to have had

Wilkins but not for that kind of money I’m sure that he would have loved to have Chris Jones but not for that kind of money um so he’s watching you know all of these players you know go other places and then you’re going to have the leftovers and it doesn’t mean that

They’re all bad but those guys are going to be itching to get a deal done those agents are going to be itching to get a deal done so their market value is going to drop Over Midnight you know what maybe was a $7 million deal now it might be a $6

Million deal believe it or not a million dollars is a big deal in the NFL because a million dollars signs a vet to a minimum deal it also will sign just about anybody to you know a rookie contract so at this point um there’s options left I I’m not totally

Saying the ship is sailed um but but there’s a lot of work that needs to get done the good news is is you know I pegged like I said AJ Essa to the lions that is still an option oh we got some more news here defensive tackle Justin Jones has now

Agreed to terms with Arizona Cardinals and that’s it I could have sworn I saw Lions right there I was about to lose it but it said uh Leonard Floyd not the Lions so defensive tackle Justin Jones has now signed at the 5 hour and 17 minute

Mark uh or will be signing with the Arizona Cardinals so I mean overall I mean what are you guys thinking uh at this point are you surprised is this just more of the same that we see every season from Brad Holmes I mean he usually doesn’t do a

Whole lot uh I want to say it was was on the eve of the first night that we signed cam Sutton or at least we knew that cam Sutton was coming and then I think it was the second day that we knew uh CJ Gardner Johnson was on his

Way and Emanuel Mosley I think they kind of dropped at the same time so uh who did we lose out on aozi to I didn’t see that one get posted yet is it Tennessee Titans uh okay 16 seconds ago 5:17 p.m. nope oh right below that it

Says six minutes ago aozi has now agreed to terms with the Tennessee Titans figures three-year deal absolutely nuts I can’t wait to see how much this deal was because if it was anything around that six to 8 million mark that I thought it was going to be around

Um or did I say 7 to n anyway if it’s under 10 million and above 6 million that’s a good deal I’d pay that all day and twice on Sunday but I don’t have she checkbook so so wo’s now off the list who are we

Going to bring in how are we going to fill all these holes where you know there’s only so far that you can go with you know all third string guys that you’re trying to turn in Jameson the cat touch down Detroit Li that’s what I’m talking about Brad’s taking a big risk

Right now by betting on the draft because this is not the draft to bet on it really isn’t especially when you don’t have an extra first round pick if we had an extra if we had six picks in the top 100 I wouldn’t be as concerned matter of fact Let me let me

Pull up the Lion’s roster and I’m GNA apologize about the chat up front because it it’s really difficult we’ve got so many people flying into these streams now it is really difficult to get to everybody’s messages I might have to put some uh some limits on it in the

Future just to slow it down a little a little bit that way we can get to some of the questions um blue blue yeti says is there anybody out there with an ACL tear I’m sure that Brad will bring him in yeah that that really Burns me up like Emanuel Mosley

Was not the answer and I get it cheap deal I’ve spoken about it to death I’ve beaten you know the dead horse uh just not it’s just not what we’re looking for as fans right I’m not the GM I’m a fan uh I may redo you know media and I may

Be reporting things but from a fans perspective it’s like come on we we’ve had enough of the injury stuff it’s it’s time to move beyond that I mean that that just continues to bring up our pain from the past uh of all of these these injured players out there uh

I’m not sure if Shaq Barrett uh fresh and fly I’m not sure if sha Barrett is out there yet um I mean I don’t have his name written down so I mean it’s still quite possible that that he is available I like to think that I’ve done

A pretty good job of trying to keep track of you know all of these I probably have about 90% of them let me uh let me just do a quick search for you real quick and I will say that you know it’s still good news too that that uh denal

Hunter is is still not locked up uh I think that’s encouraging to say the least uh that there’s still hope that we could get you know a game wrecker uh you know type of player added to this team uh I do not see anywhere where Shaquille Barrett has been resigned by

Anybody but if we were to take a quick look at his salary cap um wow uh yeah the bucks bucks got screwed in this last year what is this did he seriously have a uh about a $31 million year in 2023 is that what I’m seeing here if you add the void you’re

In uh that’s what it looks like Anyway 20 is 26. 6 million dead cap number in 2024 so and then I don’t know that I’m very high in sha Barrett um honestly don’t know a ton about him but he’s 31 and a half years old already I would

Have to do some research on them let me uh let me check the Twitter World here and see if there’s anything else that’s happened I don’t see anything else all right so let me pull up the uh free agent list here so as of three hours ago this list was updated and

All right so here we go um where’s the list oh what a what a terrible article I just want the list um give me one second I sorry I apologize sorry about the delay here I guess the point that I’m going to try to drive home is you know what are

The Lions going to be able to do over the next couple of days that that could really help out this team we’ve gone over the roster numerous times together on this channel and we’ve spoken about it at length and and I and I think that the thing that’s most important to

Realize is there’s a ton of holes like there’s a ton of holes that uh needed to be addressed and I think that’s why you know you get people like Derek that are so uh passionate about this because you know we were this close 30 minutes away from making a Super Bowl

And we accomplished everything in one season that the the Lions have never really accomplished uh since like the 50s so when you finally have that taste of Victory and and just you know a little bit of taste of success especially being starved you know of it for all of these

Decades that kind of you know leaves a sour taste in your mouth uh if you go into the next season and you don’t try to get better like it it it really makes me scratch my head like what are we trying to do because you didn’t need all this

Money all of this cap space just to extend all of the guys that you wanted to extend whether that’s Jared gof Aman raah panl you can literally extend them all and probably have the same amount of cap space uh in 2024 that you do right now literally um

So Lions roster here’s what we’re missing and and compared to the previous season so we had five wide receivers in 2023 right now we have am man raah Clee Raymond Jameson Williams Antoine green trayquan Smith and Tom K Tom Kennedy uh so we we do have six uh

Which is about what the Lions will carry into the 53 man rosters most years they they carry five but they have been carrying six at times so in my opinion we’re going to need one in the draft I’m expecting that the lions are probably going to draft the wide receiver I would

Not expect them to pick up another free agent but I could be wrong we we’ll see what Brad Holmes does because right now he’s got us all rattled uh no we have not resigned St Brown yet um tight end so we tendered Brock Wright obviously Samu Loris tied up for

A few years James Mitchells you know on the roster and and Shane zra is is set to come back so you have plenty of tight ends and I would say if you left that room alone you’re probably fine if a tight end became available in the draft

Um you know that that is really good and it’s the best player available again I wouldn’t be surprised if Brad takes a tight end I I really wouldn’t be surprised but do we need one no if all of those players come back and play Healthy we’re fine uh offensive line

Last season we we only carried eight and this kind of baffled me because the Lions usually like to carry 10 on the offensive line into the 53 and on the o line we have this a left tackle in Decker uh no left guard Center in ragnow a Right Guard in uh Graham

Glascow thankfully as of 8:30 this morning so now it’s been a full what nine hours since we’ve done anything um and then of course you got your right tackle pan Su now I think kote aosa is I think he’s signed or he’s an exclusive rights free agent Kobe sores

Doall is signed for a few seasons that’s all we really have um doesn’t make any sense to me at all does not make any sense that we’re not out there trying to pull guys in you know and and you know fill the need because as of right now you’re going to

Have what you’re going to waste three picks in the draft on offensive line your first three picks going to be offensive line because that’s what I’m seeing right now you need backups it’s not like that there’s a ton of backups out there and I think that we’ve proven this enough

That and no we’re not firing Brad Holmes Niners in here look at you um look I think that we’ve we’ve proven it enough what happens when we don’t have an offensive line our team struggles big time so why would you take a strength and turn it into an immediate

Weakness the immediate weakness right now is our offensive line compared to last year was a strength now we are returning four out of the five starters so that’s pretty damn good but who do we have behind them we know during the season that ragn now’s going to get his rest Taylor

Decker’s going to get his rest and and well-deserved rest um dare I say that even Glascow is probably going to be able to get some rest but ragnow is having trouble staying healthy once week one starts uh it’s it’s the the clock starts to tick to when ragn now is going to go

Down for a game or two and this could be his last season so we needed a center we needed a center somewhere uh either in free agency or you know more than likely the draft he’ll probably draft a center but we we legit have uh three

Holes yet to fill on the offensive line minimum two but but more like three so so far through the offense we need a receiver two offensive linemen at a minimum on the defensive side of the ball we had five defensive linemen interior last season alen mcneel bugs

Anoar Rodrick Martin and Bonito Jones of course we added Tyson ALU Alo or aluu last year I did not expect him to come back obviously he’s 3 what six years old 34 um right now our starting defensive tackles is Al mcneel who’s only signed through 2024 bradick Martin who’s signed

Through 2026 or S and an wasar who has signed through what 20 25 maybe or this could be his last year no I think next year’s his last year excuse me so uh Dom the Bandit who who announced that we had interest in DJ reader like I

I’d be interested to know who announced it if it wasn’t uh Tom peliso or uh rap sheet um be careful uh so an mosar uh look he hasn’t stayed healthy he he’s barely able to you know to play each season and and even when he gets in

He has not been dominant at all his first season you know he he played pretty well and then he got hurt and he’s never been the same since yeah jrod Glasgow is a guard Center absolutely but if ragnow goes down and Glascow has to slide over who’s going to come in who

Are we gon to put in a guard Kobe Sor doll he was terrible last year like he’s goingon to have to double up what he did last year to even be decent so at at any Point uh what I’m trying to tell you guys here is is there’s too many big

Holes and and the big holes that need to get filled need to happen right away otherwise this team is going to enter this season with a bunch of weaknesses who’s saying that DJ reader signed with us who’s that Chris times says reader did just sign with

Us I’m still waiting for you to tell me who your sord are hold on a second hello all right AJ Essa is off the board he is gone he’s heading to the bills they’re bringing him back so we are highly limited highly highly highly limited um of what we can do now to

Solidify the defensive Edge position I I don’t know what he’s doing did he take the day off this this is this is baffling to me because who else are you gonna get he he must be expecting to uh he must be expecting to pull off something

Big and I’ll get into that in another in another show once we get through free agency of course they could come down in free agency too I I I no I’m not going to say it all right so you know we’ve got two holes on on the defensive front uh at a minimum

Right you’ve got defensive tackle that you’re going to need because aim either has to be extended or he doesn’t come back bradrick Martin he is not the starting quality defensive tackle that we’re looking for yet maybe never but we don’t know what what we have in him Levi on wasar hurt too much

Detroit Sports Talk says reader signed with us I don’t know why why you guys keep saying that uh there’s been interest in reader Armstead is I think he’s gone is he not I think there’s three or four teams that have been are you know interested in reader but I haven’t seen anywhere

Where where reader’s been signed yet or expected to sign so again if you let me know a source the DJ reader golden FFC it’ be DJ reader Jameson touchdown Detroit Lions that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about number nine all right so defensive interior you can’t trust on Oar don’t

Know what we have in Martin even if you extend a lean it doesn’t help us so you need at least one really solid defensive tackle and then on the edge I mean I think that we’ve gone through this enough uh Aiden is all we have we don’t know what we have in bets

Kaminsky is a crapshoot pascal also plays on the interior of the defensive line he’s kind of a hybrid and uh Charles lump you Eric arm said right I don’t know who he signed with I thought he was gone or there was going to be a trade or or

Something going on there’s too many guys to keep keep tabs on he’s with San Francisco uh but they were talking about releasing Eric Armstead yesterday and I don’t see anything right now so he’s he’s uh from what I understand he had a big injury last year too

Right was it it during the Super Bowl no anyway he’s not supposed to come back until like training camp he’s also 30 years old so at the end of the day what I’m looking at is on the edge uh again we don’t know what we have in bets we don’t

Know what we have in Houston coming off of injury we only have Aiden on the left side kaminsky’s a crapshoot pascal plays inside and out side so you could put him up into the interior defensive tackle um position but then again you’re still down one guy uh linebacker I think we’re

Pretty good here but we could potentially need one so you need one defensive tackle one defensive Edge possibly a linebacker but then you get to Corner we we have Cam Sutton in Gilmore Emanuel Mosley isn’t going to do anything until probably week four and even then we don’t even know what he’s

Going to be able to do so you need a number two and then you need a backup and a backup at a minimum so you need three corners you need three defensive line guys between Edge tackle Edge tackle and uh and linebacker that’s six guys on the defensive side of the ball

Minimum uh and then of course the free safety CJ GJ unless he comes back uh and he’s supposed to be hitting free agency uh unless he comes back you need another free another free safety so seven guys on defense minimum of three guys on the offensive side of the

Ball that are all backup and in starting positions how are you going to do that with seven draft picks you’re not so at a minimum he would have to pick up at least three guys in free agency and and we haven’t seen anything yet so you know it’s it’s it’s a little

Worry little worrisome and I see your comments too like don’t worry about you know whatever just trus in Brad I’ve always supported Brad I think he’s the best GM that the Lions have ever had I think that he’s one of the best GMS in the league hands down without a

Doubt but I do question right now why we’re not trying to get really good you know quickly that’s what I do question uh as far as Chase young there jrod uh look I I don’t know what’s going on with with Chase young and why no one’s really gone after him we’re not

Hearing anything about Chase young but you have two guys right now that are that are out there in the open market that have not been picked up I am really disappointed that AJ app pessa is is gone back to the bills so they must have cleared enough cap to be

Able to bring him back and that was after Leonard Floyd um I can’t remember what team he went to now let’s see Leonard Floyd went to the 49ers so they obviously had to bring him back maybe they were trying to you know wrap up Leonard Floyd for another year and just didn’t work

Out uh you know what that would probably be a great landing spot for young to stick with the 49ers now that they just brought in Leonard Floyd though that could be the writing on the wall you know that they’re looking to go a different direction it’s good point Antoine um a lot of

These guys are getting overpaid and no it’s not because of the increase in salary cap it’s some of these guys are just getting way too much money for teams that are trying to get good quickly all right let’s see who else is moving right now uh looks like tight end will disley

Uh is going to take a three-year deal with the Chargers so that’s it for all the updates right now uh it’s 5:41 uh we’ll probably come back on around the 7even or 8:00 hour uh it is Monday night so we don’t normally have an off the cuff on Monday

Night but what I’ll plan on is I’ll definitely come back at the 8 o’clock hour unless something breaks with the Lions uh but otherwise we’ll do an 8 o’clock uh one hour show for off the cuff and we’ll recap the entire day uh but if something breaks we will be back

Uh I appreciate all you guys that are in here right now just remember you come in for the live streams when we’re live we pay all the ad fees you guys do not there is zero ads during uh you know the time that we’re live but once the stream

Ends uh that’s when the ads kind of kick in and I know they can be a pain in the butt but uh that’s just something that YouTube does so appreciate all you guys jumping in and and you know having fun in the chat and uh Sports talk with Rob

Hey man I see you in the air how you doing he says this is almost worse than losing the NFC Championship it’s it’s hard it’s hard we’re we’re passionate fans and and we’re passionate that we want to see change and and we want to see us take that extra step to get

Somewhere now I’ve said it before watch Brad Holmes blow our minds tonight at midnight and and we’re gonna be like ah everything’s okay it seems like it happens every year something happens um and we’ve been incrementally getting better every season that he’s been the GM so I do trust Brad Holmes I

Just wanted to see some of the players that were great fits for this team uh make their way here and it didn’t happen so hopefully he’s got a big plan and uh and we’ll find out tonight hopefully uh all right we’ll be back the catch touchdown Detroit line

That’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about number nine


  1. Because they are not very good that’s why they are still there! All those that were with the Lions We don’t want them back! That’s why it’s so sad!

  2. I've been saying we probably won't hear about any big moves, just resigns. Brad gets in no hurry to move and keep in mind, these early big deals are often overpayed players and we shouldn't want him too. Just be patient and don't forget we still have plenty of time.i suspect he's just waiting for the right moves to make

  3. The honey badger was signed Michael Badgely, resigned Ghram Glasgow, and are going to sign Stephon Gilmore, Armsted, Xzaven Howard, and Danile Hunter.. allowing us to resign st. Brown, Goff and John Runyon.

  4. People acting like Brad is doing absolutely nothing. Just like the trade deadline, you guys were like, Brad didn't do anything but then found out what he was really trying to do, like get hunter. Who to say Brad not making offers but other team with more $ made better offer and those players took it. I wouldn't be surprised if the bears get hunter, they won't be paying a QB, so that 30-40M extra. Brad can't make players sign and other teams are willing to overpay then what can he do? We need to stop acting like he at the crib watching Netflix and playing xbox.

  5. The Vikings are getting better? Thats the worst take ive ever heard.
    Thats a 5-7 win team with a rookie QB.
    You dont get better signing middling lb'ers

  6. You’re doing a great job Will. I’ve been hopping around checking in and you are on the ball.

  7. We all know how great Brad is in the draft. But FA might be a different story. We don’t know really. Never been there before.

  8. That’s why Brad Holmes is called the Villain. He’s not going to draft who you want, nor is he going to sign the free agent you want. And you all get mad at him.

  9. Will……I'm going to tell you what I tell my son …….you must exercise patience. We live in this world of immediate gratification of needing to see a signing for our team. They'll get something done and fill the holes on our team. This is technically not even day 1 of FA as this is day 1 of the legal tampering of FA. Wednesday will be day 1.

  10. Brad takes no risks, knowing that taking no risks will allow him to keep his job and keep getting paid long term. If he blows his wad, shoots for the superbowl and misses, the team has to rebuild for YEARS again and he's unemployed.

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