The TRUTH About Creating WIDTH In The Backswing

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Having a hard time creating WIDTH In The backswing? In this video Adam goes over the truth behind achieving a full backswing with width and connection. Whether or not if you’re a scratch golfer or just beginning, this video will help you strike the ball more efficiently with all clubs

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Distance between the two and relationship between the two is connection so if Stern and hands are pointed at each other connection if the distance is maintained with here’s your hand path don’t let it get inside just go out there you feel that mhm that’s where I

Want you to facing you guys the whole time not inside of the arm facing the ground o okay to be ahead of the seam on your shirt that thing never Trails my body right it’s always in front of me and then you want it to beat your right

Pocket on the way back through impact set look at my club face post impact and that WID and connection may explain that width is the distance between the center of the body and the hands not with the club head with the hands relative to the body okay width and connection are one

And the same distance between the two and relationship between the two is connection so if sternum and hands are pointed at each other connection if the distance is maintained with one of the same watch this if I go behind me I’m losing that distance between my body and hands I don’t

Maintain it so I also lost the connection between my body Center and my hands so once again down the line of the feet longer the body will turn it up the plane but look I’m much more in front of me throughout the swing that’s what he

Needs hands more out in front of you so here we stay right there stay there this a great one for every you were to see see how this is kind of across your chest I want to see you more out there okay buddy and that’s going to put this

In a better spot now turn to the top see you’re much more up in front of you there don’t go that way keep your hands moving down the line of your feet longer so here’s a great feeling for you there yeah like yes I want your lead arm to

Literally be down the line of that feet as long as possible okay so go ahead and set up again here’s your hand path don’t let it get inside this go out there do you feel that that’s where I want you D don’t get behind you early bud I’ve been

Working on almost like this I know you know why cuz you’re trying to turn more but you’re just using your arms more I just like the thought for you buddy of getting your left arm down the line longer cuz if you do that think about

Your right arm it’s going to be in a better position like it doesn’t get this way I don’t want it going up the escalator right away I want you going straight down the line like as long as possible it’s going to feel like it’s out and away from you like you’re going

Out that way like that so yeah it would stay there it’s going to feel like this there’re straight down the line of your feet okay and then that’s all this way so when you turn you’re much more up in front of you yeah that’s down the line there it

Is there it is see she feel free it’s like not like you know jammed back there out this way there you go BD turn there you go then the arms are in front of you oh best swing of the day there oo best swing of the day there that was

Crispy yeah I felt like I wasn’t letting my hands do this I was just turning while still keeping it like you said down the line and straight and from there I was just turning and I wasn’t even using my hands I almost just bringing my my left arm my

Left side my left wrist back at impact and firing through look here’s what I want to show show the viewer so kind of set position set position here right so like when you look at this do you see the lead arm a little more down the line

Of the feet here see how it’s in front of his chest it’s right here yeah I mean of course the elbow if it’s more back the hands are pulled more back well the left arm wraps across more right but if I keep the left arm and that’s why I

Like setting people up I’ll put I’ll put a alignment rod down the line of people’s feet Hey listen that’s the train track of your hand path your body’s turn is going to move it up the escalator it’s not going to go there forever but that first half of the Swing

Keep them out there that’s right in front of you don’t let it cross on the right side of your chest back here okay I mean dude already so much more crispy dub checkpoint I’m using with all my golfers now in the set position if you look at the right elbow it’s

Directly underneath the right shoulder so long story short when we give blood take the correct grip and use our elbow efficiently to where it stays in front of our body that elbow is going to stay underneath the lead shoulder I’m sorry the trail shoulder now in Dub’s case that elbow starts backing up

Immediately he takes it away beautifully but the only reason is he’s going to get his hands are going to get a little behind his body because that elbow is just in the wrong position so we’re going to work it in a position to where it feels like your funny bone is pointed

More at the golf ball and not flaring back this way hand under this elbow and pinching it towards the center of my body right and keeping more of this position right here okay and and what’s great about that there’s a famous image of Hogan with the elbows binded together

Right all that he’s accomplishing is like the tour Striker like a band around the arms what that’s accomplishing is if the elbows are together it’s guaranteeing that your body’s turning your hands to the top the minute that this breaks down and gets wide the arms are narrowing alongside the body you

Lose your width yeah you lose your connection ready for this here’s the big move when I push away and set this club do you feel this right here I’m in here and I’m going to go nuts with this as you turn to the top big turn more in

This position right okay so the more this points down there towards the ball the better off we are that’s gonna reduce the amount of runoff that you have with your arms and hands as you swing throughout your swing here I don’t feel I have to do much I can just go

Right back to it you’re back right back to it always want that right elbow to be ahead of the seam on your shirt you know so when you watch me that thing never Trails my body right it’s always in front of me and then you want it to beat

Your right pocket on the way back through impact once again I want you to feel this go back behind your elbow now pull it underneath you feel that stretch ooh yeah yeah that’s the direction this elbow should be be in your swing so here I’m going to even get it more like right

Right here watch this let’s go over here so you’re going to go right under that elbow there there’s there it is it’s that look right there do you feel that mhm okay that’s a great stretch I used to do that all the time like right there

So I just hold it like this because that’s my elbow staying towards the center of my body but watch this dub this is the one you’re going to have to overdo this feeling the feeling of being here not here so keep keeping it more towards your body way not not trying to

Create length by ripping it back here here’s a great one for you inside of the arm facing you guys the whole time not inside of the arm facing the ground oo okay there yeah like more and then like in from there it would be like more out

In front of you over here exactly with your big turn here it is guys watch watch me pinch it really close to my left right here ready you know what I mean that’ll work that’s the look right there yeah so it go say right there and the more that you

Get this feeling so you feel that that’s the feel you know what’s funny I almost hit it better when I’m I know like this though you you you know what the biggest X Factor to cupping the wrist is besides no set in a late settle the right

Elbow 100% dictates this so people who cup their left wrist watch this if my elbow’s in look at my right hand it sits in this position like I’m holding a tray more if my elbow’s out watch my hand position it’s this way so hold on let me

Match that with my left wrist real quick oh watch this right there so the right elbow plays a huge role on your lead wrist yeah and that’s one thing that people need to understand I can set the club here all day and it’s funny cuz I actually feel like I cut my wrist

Intentionally just to keep the club in front of me that’s a thought that Bo Hustler had when he was younger that’s a thought that Nicholas used to play with and people always go well but I cut my left wrist well hold on your right elbow is probably way out of place but if

You’re here that elbow stays in the hands in this position and that wrist is going to be in a strong position feel that I feel I feel stronger here my dad yells over did I teach you that I feel stronger here than I do when I’m in this

Position I feel like this gets further away from me y here like I don’t care I feel I can just turn right there well I want our viewer to see this when he’s here look at this his arms already transitioning back in front of his body look at the angle he

Has here and look how much more stable the club base is going to be post impact he’s not going to be behind him and having to toss it through there like that watch my club face guys post impact I’m going to freeze it for you ke I got

A good angle there for you okay ready here we go ready set look at my club face post impact and that ball Believe It or Not guys it’s not cutting that was a dead straight golf shot but it’s super Square there because my arms were in front of my body

And my body’s rotation hit that any disconnect and I’m going to really have to toss that through and that’s where you see this right here that elbow I want you feeling like it’s touching your left arm yes and here’s a here’s a big key to

This if you feel like you can’t do it you know why it’s cuz you’re taking it away with your arms and you’re not taking it away with big with the lead shoulder okay there you go buddy you want your chest facing your hands you don’t want to see this sternum pointed

Here arms back there that’s you have to then break this down but the whole point of keeping this here look at this the only way that this stays here is my chest has to turn and face my hands in order for that to be a a possibility I

Love seeing a nice 90 degre turn with the arms and hands boom straight out in front of the body here oh dude gorgeous right there yeah buddy it’s like a little different window different window do you see that little little higher right I told you you get

You get those you get everything a little more in front of you you’re going to compress it more better angle of attack a little bit more spin it’s going to jump up in the air a little bit more should carry the ball I mean instantaneously you’ll start seeing like s to 10

Yards it’s going to be a much better see those hands were much more in front of you there at porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take

You on a stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond


  1. What an excellent example of how the body moves to create the backswing! You make it so easy to understand! Love your golf lessons! Bravo!! 👏😍

  2. When you are used to pulling your hands close to your body, keeping them on the line feels really weird. Until you hit one and it is a perfect draw.

  3. I have been asking if having a big tummy (front and side) would hinder this technique but not getting any answer😢

  4. Feel vs real.. it's a massive difference. Even the player in the video still kinda pulling his right arm at the top after Adam fixed his takeaway multiple times lol. I'm kinda struggling the same and it's really hard to fix.. You really need to exaggerate your feel. Thanks a lot for the great video!!

  5. How much does the club face open during the backswing? When I do the left arm only swing feel, the club face opens up in the backswing and then I can keep my right arm in. But when I try to keep the club face facing more towards the ball, I feel the right arm getting stuck behind.

  6. Great 🤬 video. I’m 6’ 3” and a lot of people say I have a picture perfect practice swing but when I go to hit the ball, something terrible happens 40% of the time & I believe that I just fixed the problem thanks to your advice on the right elbow. Yes I know it’s a run on sentence.

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