Golf Babe

Golf Girl Q&A with Tia Judd | Grace Charis

Grace Charis and Tia Judd team up on the course for spicy question and answer!

Follow my adventures as I play and learn from the best!

Hey guys and welcome back to another Grace Caris YouTube Video today I’m here with my friend Tia and she is from Utah Utah together so we’re lucky to have her out here but we’re on the course today we’re going to be playing a few holes and in between golf shots we’re going to be answering some Q you guys sent in Via

Instagram so let’s get to it yeah okay we’re at hole one right now and I’m going to ask Tia this one question from k gatle 13 he asks what’s more attractive a guy who hits bombs or a guy who putts well that’s a spicy question Oh short game I game it actually takes

Talent cuz any any kind of tall guy can hit like a bomb just like they got the B completely big bombs are average but emotional damage that short game the short game I need SP short game should we answer a second one another one Ismail Rosas 1223 says what kind of

Clubs you got and what’s your handicap my Callaway revas which are sick they are though discontinued un but you know I use tailor made the exception of my putter is a Scotty Cameron oh she knows what to get that’s a good for me I would not spend that money on

Myself handicap I’m handicap 12 she’s a handicap I’m new to it 15 sorry no she’s good she’s all good Tia is about to tea off and go for the green right now so let’s see how she [Applause] does [Applause] That’s sexy as hell sey all right you guys uh we’re on our second shot right now but before we go start putting in it on this par three we’re going to answer some of your guys’ questions SOA take it away baby girl got some good ones so

Champagne dad 19 said when starting to golf would you recommend a shorter nine hole or a full send and 18 I say start with nine and if you’re comfortable or not too frustrated maybe go on cuz the more practice the more practice the better I was going to say the more

Practice the better so do an 18 and have the come visit a lot oh little snack snack break oh yeah yeah snacks snacks do you play golf with friends absolutely it’s not who golf’s alone they may in fact be talking about the game golf with friends and yes I do

I’m live on Twitch Grace Caris XO so go follow us on Twitch and we’re going to be streaming together so excited okay let’s go ahead and hit some balls let’s hit some balls baby oh I’m over the rest I’m not going to lie the Green’s a little rough you

Can’t blame me it’s extremely rough look at this it’s rougher than a man with 3 days of stubble B what B what oh no I my oh and she’s right over the hole I’m telling you the grass is too thick it just like bounces for par wait

One-handed oh my god oh I was [Laughter] Rimmed St what the all right you guys we’re going to answer some more questions and we’re going to sit on this grass right here G Matthew Lasco says favorite course you’ve ever played what’s your favorite course so I’m in Utah and I really like gladon beautiful the back nine

Immaculate dang that back nine who play the back nine with us t m lbs 12 said Mary kill driver seven iron or putter good question buddy it was an excellent question I would immediately driver and marry the seven iron cuz it is whole consistent of my favorite iron and then

I would kill the but my I would definitely the driver because driver’s sexy you know that big head sff shot game right there it’s nice I would marry the putter because you would marry him I would marry the putter you would marry my your worst enemy because your

Entire golf game depends on your putting skills so marry the one that’s going to make you win right I don’t know for Unice you asked who’s your favorite player I love Victor hoblin why do you like Victor hoblin because there’s a lot of reasons why I like Victor hin I feel

Like everyone on my Snapchat Grace Caris XO you guys would know why I like for jelin I personally like spe I think he’s a great player she’s a spe she’s kind of cute this is the last question guys is there an ant on this Grass the longest drive you’ve ever hit I hit this at Roger dun cuz they have those simulators and it tracks how far it goes and I was using like a Titleist driver like not even my own club 250 Bay I’m pretty proud of that moment I want

To be humble but I use my friends St because amazing Dam amazing she hit that thing over the fence and top offl get it you’re all right you guys thank you so much for watching this video like And subscribe and comment below what you want to see us do next we’ll be posting

On Discord so follow my Discord thank you so much for watching go follow her on Instagram love you guys and I’ll see you next Time

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