Do THIS and stiff your next wedge!

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In this video we are going to be looking at this V going vital part of the game we’re going to be looking at techniques and swings that you can use so the next time you are faced with a wed shot you can stiff it nice and close just as that example

Showed so the first thing to understand is that with wedges and the shots I’m talking about here I’m talking about pit shot which Rises up in the air travels over 50 60 yards to about 130 yards depending on the wedges that you’re using we want it to be loaded with

Backspin we want it to be loaded with accuracy we want to be try to get this ball as close as possible with pitching as well something which certainly when I was giving lessons is to really try and emphasize this is a short technique it’s something which you have control over

Especially if you compare it to the driver swing putting is the best example of this where there’s absolutely no reason you can’t be a fantastic putter you know physical limitations might stop you swinging it like Rory that’s same for everyone but with a short put with a wed shot these are controlled slower

Actions and therefore the potential and the opportunities become really good at this part of the game is very profound this is where we’re going to start with the weapons that you are using I currently carry four wedges in the bag this pitch wedges obviously with the set

And these three are my specialist vogi clubs I use these particular Lofts because they help me cover an array of different distances Club gapping is something that we do need to get into in this video we’re going to touch upon it lightly you do want to have another

Video about in-depth Club gapping get down to those comments and let us know the first top tip really of this video following on from that talk about control and about how you have the potential to be a really good wedge player is I very rarely recommend players take full swings at their wedges

If you want to generate the maximum amount of backspin absolutely it’s a great way to go however if you want control over distances we need to start to understand and learn different lengths of Swing so I have here 96 yards and I know that with my 54° wedge this

Is pretty much just a half swing back and a half swing through and we are going to get into what constitutes a half swing in a moment so the first thing we’re going to do is set up this alignment stick drill now as you can see we have a feet

Alignment stick you I would prefer you using alignment sticks it’s just simpler it’s more visual you can use clubs as well if you want to but this alignment stick is going to represent my body aim but these two alignment sticks are the most important in this particular drill

Cuz representing Target line so through the ball and then into the screen of my beautiful simulator here and then down to the flag now the reason that this is important is cuz we’re talking about stiffing wedges accuracy is obviously a massive part of that and because you’re hitting a wedge you’re generating so

Much backspin that generally speaking the amount of curvature that you’re going to be able to generate on this ball is quite low so if we can get the ball starting out on a decent Target line it shouldn’t move too much to the left or the right depending on face angle but

Don’t worry we are going to be getting on to that as well so I’m just going to guess out with 54° obviously it’s just a half swing ball center of the St and I just want to be hitting this ball over the lead alignment stick if I hit it

Over the lead alignment stick I know it’s going to be traveling straight down towards the target fingers crossed straight over this first one check swing oh I’ve nipped it as well do it for me this time one of these one of these is going to go in got a good feeling

Today nice lazy swings this morning okay not too bad oh that sty line was bang on getting close again you know what I reckon if youve not subscribed already and you hit that subscribe button right now I’m going to hold one before the end of this video so let’s say you’ve been using

This drill you’re managing to get that ball started on target line the next thing we really need to try and ensure as much as possible is going to be a centered strike of the wedge now if you want to generate spin on your wedges a center strike is going to be essential

Also other things like clean grooves and all the rest of it that we can get into but for this particular part of the video we are just going to be focusing on striking this club around the center line of the face so the alignment sticks are helping with Target line and

Starting direction of the ball and now I’ve put down a little Tommy Fleetwood esque drill this is a gate drill okay so we got a t on the outside of the ball and we have another T on the inside of the ball in theory this is pretty simple

We just want the club to be passing in between the gate if we can get the club passing in between the gate then the center of the club should be exposed to the ball and this is something which takes focus a little bit away from technique and again focuses the mind on

Just trying to pass the club through a certain point quite similar to these alignment stick drills we’re not working on anything too technical we’re just trying to square the club face up to that lead alignment stick okay let’s try and get this club passing through the center of this gate and starting out

Over the alignment stick too bad okay through the gate come on go just misreading it I’m presuming you’ve already hit the Subscribe button so maybe it’s a like button you need to hit as well just to tip me over the edge so now I’ve picked up the rear alignment

Stick and I’m going to use this as another drill to add into our little session that we’re having here I’m just going to place it along the inside of the grip like so so it extends the shaft outwards because what we want to do to really secure a solid wedge strike is

Yes we want the ball starting out on the target line we want the center of the club to be in contact with the ball at impact but we also want a slightly descending blow on the golf ball so round the green on short shots we kind of still want a slight of descending

Blow but that club head kind of overtakes the hand we can use the bounce a little bit more with these particular shots we want a little bit of shaing and impact we want the club to be moving down through the ball and taking a nice crisp divot if we get an alignment stick

On the inside of the grip and then take your setup you’ll notice how the alignment stick just sits on that lead hip now if I was to do the half swing again move through the ball I want to just try and ensure that that alignment

Stick is clear of the lead hip at the point of impact Club is moving through the gate and the ball will be setting off along that Target line now you can hit shots like this and it’s quite a nice feedback drill as well if you’re kind of flipping those wrists the

Alignment stick will Whip and impact the side but I probably prefer just to take some practice Swings with this type of drill just to get the feeling once you’ve done that can take that alignment stick away get that setup position half swing through the gate that shaftline impact

I need to hold one of these shots my god oh no Ah that’s annoying and there you have it so I clipped away the T which was on the toe of the club so that meant my club was more this way through impact and you can

See where I’ve hit that shot onto the heel section of the club using drills like this and the reason why I like to use setups like this is it gives you feedback so instantaneously I know that my club was moving too far out to the right there at impact or it was just

Approaching on to out of an angle again I used a video to just check back and see what I was doing I’d be able to tell a little bit more but feedback drills are so important if you want to try and understand what’s happening so last up and again we’re touching quite briefly

On this about swing lengths and wedge gapping so for this length of shot I’m having half a swing back and about half a swing through with the 54 I know through experience that this is going to get me towards that 96 yards and also with my other wedges I’ve hit enough

Shots now to know what my different swing lengths will do but that is the first thing if you haven’t already to try and figure out can you develop three different swing lengths there are a few different ways of thinking about swing length my my personal preference is to

Think of a half swing a 3/4 swing and then a full swing and that’s kind of denoted by the position of the lead arm left arm for a right-handed golfer you can also think about this as a clock phase so swinging to 9 half 10 12 with

The left arm it doesn’t really matter as long as you can differentiate between swing lengths that’s what’s important the further back you take it the more potential power that you have coming through the ball and therefore the more potential distance I’ve already pointed out this half swing so it should be pitching around

90 and rolling out a little bit more tell you what it’s got another chance you know what is happening here now my 3/4 swing I’m going to be looking at this to go probably just over 100 yards oh oh not too bad 102 105 wow and then with a full swing

Probably going to be looking about 115 looks like I’ve gained a few yards let’s have a look yeah around 110 oh spinning back onto the green i’ love to see it now as mentioned I can do a video on gapping you know with all the

New clubs that I’ve got this year I need to go through that as well so maybe that’s something that we can do together okay everybody hopefully you’ve enjoyed this swing Quest video let’s give you a bit more information about stiffing those wedges if you do want to continue

Improving your golf make sure that you check out the swing Quest videos here all around the wedges and I think I’ve just got one more chance come on


  1. One Question: On real grass you obvioulsy take a divot. So for drill 1 you have to reset your sticks all the time? I dont have access to a simulator

  2. Thanks Pete, really enjoy these tutorials. Can you do one on how to get rid of an 'over the top' move?

  3. Great little video Pete, can I ask what grip pressure (1-10) you have with these shots?

  4. Thanks for the helpful video (and visual reminder that an easy, tempo-based swing gets repeatable, accurate results). A gapping video for the bag and thoughts how to build a bag and have options to bring in an out on the day's conditions wd be great (e.g. windy vs calm, hard pan links vs soft turf, etc). Love your thoughtful content.

  5. Yes, please do a video about club gaping. Also, could you please add a couple of scenarios to explain what the numbers should be for each scenario to achieve the desired result. I am just a beginner, and I would appreciate this type of feedback so that I can actually use the data. Thank you for all of your wonderful and enjoyable videos.

  6. I used to have 52,56,60 but have changed to 50,54,60 myself for the past year with the pw being so much stronger lofted. That 50 was key for my gapping

  7. Love you Peter, but a 150 yard club is not a wedge, and I’m sure if you are 150, you swing the ‘wedge’ full. I would say a wedge is 50 degrees to 64. And from 120, for me, 100 yards and in. I’m 63, so basing this on my ancient years of playing.

  8. Usual rubbjsh😢 Video for the sake of it. State your target audience before the gobshyte. Most golfers watching this won't be striking the ball consistently enough for this video to make the slightest difference. Get real mate, this content is so fake😢

  9. Do you gap other clubs, too? I've been playing on a simulator and to save energy and goof around I've been hitting a lesser 8 when it's a full 9, and I like the control. Maybe there are some negatives I'm missing.

  10. Literally had a lesson last week on dialing in my pitching. The 3/4 swing was and accelerating through the ball with my "chest" were all keys for me to get dialled in.

  11. Hi Pete, you are clearly a strong lad and have ample power. just wondering as your wedge swing does look effortless to the naked eye but to generate that number with a 54 is your swing in fact around 85 to 90 MPH for these shots and your smash just around 1.1?

  12. I liked and subscribed and everything! Where's that hole out? Either way, great stuff I'm going to start using in my practice. Thanks!

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