Golf Babe

If you laugh, you restart

Hey could you take a photo of me real quick oh sure oh cool got to find this anyway if that’s broken you’re oh my bro I wish he had a son at that point it’s a good thing if I ever hit my hurt my knee I could I could still shake My I know what you’re all thinking and it’s not good damn that must have hurt bro she of Truth you are bald


  1. It was the insane level of glare/shine that made him look plastic.

    [-Posted by an official YouTube viewer]
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  2. I just wanna say, for the past few weeks I've had my ability to post comments on Shirts taken away due to posting overtly lewd comments on videos… I want to say, now that I have my ability to comment back, I will go back to posting overtly lewd comments on videos. If you're going to allow videos that insinuate sexual content, then I'm allowed to state what that content obviously is.

  3. Second one: in our days having son instead of daughter wouldn't change anything on that situation

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