Golf Babe

Dr. Mario, Mario Golf & Mario Tennis GBC Are OUT NOW! – Switch Online LIVESTREAM

Mario Golf, Mario Tennis GBC, and Dr Mario for the Game Boy are on Nintendo Switch Online! So let’s try ’em all!
Note: We’re 95% confident in the release timing, but there’s a small chance we have it wrong and it could happen a day later.
#nintendoswitch #switchonline #mariogolf
Video by: Andre
Thumbnail by: Tom

What’s up everyone Andre here along with a new Game Boy NSO update because three games should be added to the app right now and if I were smarter I would have been already in the app so I could show them off but now we are going to have

This awkward pause as I hold off on the suspense or rather create suspense for what they are although a lot of you probably already know because they’re in the freaking title so this whole thing’s disaster here they are Mario Tennis Game Boy Color Mario Golf Game Boy Color uh

And Dr Mario for the Game Boy so chat what do you want to see first I have my own thoughts on this let me know which of the three you want to see the update literally came out seconds ago so I’m excited to check them out all three of

Which actually I have I’ve played actually I think I own two of them I own Mario Golf and Mario Tennis I don’t think I ever played either of them all that much so they’re pretty much going to be new to me and I’ve never played Dr

Mario on the Game Boy um I don’t think so you guys want golf first huh Chris wants Dr Mario though so are we doing golf first is that is that what we’re doing toxic is wondering if the transfer pack works you know what that’s a great question Let’s do let’s check one thing

Real quick let’s see the m64 app got an update it probably didn’t all right yeah I’m guessing I don’t know if it needs it for this but let’s go see if the uh transfer pack works all right so we’re going to do uh Mario Golf all right let’s do

It welcome to the stream everyone whoa tiny screen forgot about that hold on I got to fix this I got to fix this we want the big screen right uh and we want Game Boy Color mode though it shouldn’t affect it I think in this

Case there we go there we are all right back into Mario Golf bye Camelot this game for those who don’t know it’s basically an RPG which is pretty Cool they made a full-fledged RPG out of the golf game geeked up as excited for us they they for this they had a they were a big fan of the original Oh rather for Mario Tennis which is very similar to ulate RPG and you had these weird human characters for some

Reason that’s actually a pretty good animation for Game Boy that was really good all right let’s hop in can you guys hear everything okay by the way are the volume levels good and everything yeah exactly see Bren it almost seem like a Mario game at first

So this menu is very much like the uh 64 one so let’s see um hold on I’m just listening to the music it sounds similar to uh 64 I think it is yeah actually like that a lot oops how did the controls work there we go

Dictionary who plays a Game Boy game for the dictionary me all the golf terms well look at this wow it’s a fullon glossery it’s I don’t know why they don’t call it yeah anyways I like the was that is that mael Maple mael anyways uh let’s go to one player mode

So we start off with only Luigi and Mario apparently we can create characters too and uh are the four down below are those the ones we can transfer over to 64 eventually is that how that worked anyways who should we play Luigi or should we crate character or should be

Luigi or Mario chat what do you think I’m doing good Clifford thank you for Asking you be you think Luigi Clifford people want Luigi oh I’m seeing some Mario uh nope Luigi all let’s do Luigi let’s try it so we can do a practice round training stroke oh okay I guess this all we have so I where’s the RPG

Mode maybe we have to do this first we do the practice round first I guess Maran club or Mario Club a wooded chorus Palm Club Doom club links club waa that’s kind a Triforce symbol all right I think let’s start off with the easy

One so I was a big fan of Mario Golf on the N64 I’m not sure I’m going to fair in this One it’s probably pretty similar this is actually this is really cool so far all right okay whoa wow okay actually I take it fact I don’t think I actually ever owned this game I had 10is I don’t know if I ever had this one oh this is aiming this

Is weird what okay this is this part is very different from the 64 I don’t know I don’t know what I’m aiming at okay here’s the map oh we can do a Power Shot too Let’s do let’s do a Power Shot we got six of them oh yeah another first Power Shot

That’s how you do it Oh is the RPG mode only available with new character night night fly that makes sense let’s see how many holes we have to do and then um we may swap over we can see how the golfing works first 12 m per hour wi we probably want go a little farther let’s do

That all right no power shot this time a I didn’t get didn’t quite nail the second one oh come on come on oh oh my God yes all right I’m impressed actually they did a good job capturing so far how it felt on N64 the aiming part’s a

Little quite a bit different but all right so we want to aim for I’m actually I love that that base track um how do I adjust this there we go okay we want do a short one okay we want do halfway I see now okay wait what the heck I locked it in

What what’s going on here this is what what okay that’s that’s a little different that’s a little weird oh come on I was doing good oh par and want of the Birdie give me a little tap a little tap tap taperoo I did choke Mark oh we’re not okay we’re not doing all nine holes let’s do one more and then we’ll switch over to the RPG mode if we can what’s with that random shy guy was he showing the

Wind get blown away by the wind that’s hilarious okay let’s do another Power Shot we right taking count the wind hopefully come on oh we messed it up oh God wait wait no no oh boy we’re in the bunker look at Pikmin confirms he shows a wind all

Right well this is this is really going to hurt us I think isn’t it where does it show the effect on our we’re not going to be hit this far than the bunker I don’t think srew let’s try it oh there’s a tree in front oh that’s

What I didn’t realize it actually does show the course like it reflect that’s crazy this is kind of crazy like how does this even work in a technological sense for the Game Boy that’s really impressive yeah okay I I knew yeah what what part did I miss I knew it wasn’t

Going to hit that hard maybe I’m used to the new Mario gol where like shows on the meter how far I’m pretty sure 41 did too whatever okay where’s where’ the wind go oh it’s on the putter okay that’s why I’m in the rough too I think Beck having these games on switch

Is oh that was pretty good okay having this game these games on switch is fantastic both because uh they well they were really well received back in the day but they’re also like great horrible experiences which is perfect for the switch so I’m actually really I’m a big fan of this so

Far I love them on I love them on 64 I knew I screwed that up yeah the meter feels a little different than on 64 uh cliffer give me a little bit uh I’ll I’ll I’ll uh figure that out soon enough sorry I’ve been so busy with everything else in theol the channel like my Bullet Bill background for the bogey yeah the music the music is really catchy Johnny a lot of it if not all of

It seems to be from the 64 version as well but it actually holds up remarkably well here all right so that’s the basic golfing so far let’s switch over to um the RPG mode if I can after check out what settings are are 3D is screen wait okay I got to see

This now so can we like can we oh we can actually oh that’s good wow you can actually turn off that 3D option all right cool fala says arrows and green sorry arrows on green or Hill that was uphill oh is that where I went wrong maybe that was it

Okay actually want to turn I turn the back off who turned the music off who would do such a thing why I even give you the option okay let’s try let’s make it let’s make a character oh yeah this is where it is what if what if someone didn’t know that

What if someone just didn’t want to make a character they had no idea that the whole like RPG Mode’s hidden behind It all right let’s be uh oh which which am I are you saying I can’t be I have to be what I am what’s this about toad oh so we actually choose from a pre-establish character this guy he looks I was going to say this guy looks like a total like

Turd but he looks he also looks at most like me of the two so I don’t know what that says about me all right let’s I’m going with this guy left your right hand we’re right-handed um so can we no can we adjust these stats right now I’m a

Little confused by this okay it’s going to make us do it all again okay all two steps pick up on yes what is your name oh kid kid an kid On who needs her kid kid by the way seems like a cruel Joke can I do accents I don’t think I can all right let’s uh there we go play the song in your guitar Johnny that’s awesome hey Valentine’s oh thank you I appreciate your support and enthusiasm there Toad oh yeah here we go right into the RPG got love those Pokemon like animations hello Andre it’s your first day as our student follow our advice and you’ll be a great golfer look they have a poster of Mario on the wall there now Andre let me introduce the club

Staff I’m the pro here at Maran Club nice to meet you the golf Master Mario is the idol of all golfers I know what it’s like to want to be like Mario if you become a pro you may get to meet Mario I like how Mario’s a celebrity at this golf tournament I’m

The caddy Master here at Maran club I’m responsible for the course and can answer questions look after Andre okay these Mario’s Maran clubs facilities to improve your game it’s a clubhouse to come here anytime see you on the grain so we’re just getting right to it no lessons or

Anything all right so now we have the option okay now we a lot more options we have the clubhouse where we just were we have the tournament we have a match game stroke for a practice round and training like we had with Mario Luigi okay so

Let’s go let’s let’s go back to the clubhouse maybe there’s probably some stuff there oh you can run too who why’s my face red am I embarrassed what’s going on there this course has many bunkers and water hazards avoiding them can be tough if you dunk your ball it’s a one stroke

Penalty bunkers or sand traps guess I didn’t realize it was continuing I thought Punk bunkers was like a catchphrase like bunkers like Bonkers or something bunkers or sand traps escaping from them is Tough club members sign near the counter and go to the caddy Master’s office to get star time this is a visitors counter a non-member sign in here the caddy Master then gives him a St time oops me to talk to you again I want read the books there’s a book proper word

Usage all right bunkers dude exactly Lego fan everyone thinks so much before playing they choke wait what everyone thinks so much before playing they choke I see okay the there something about the text boxes that’s tripping me up they choke what’s going on here is that oh it’s a

Is it like half Bush half what is that oh it’s like half oh it’s a golf bag next to the plant I want to increase my drive by 20 yards if I do I can use a short iron on my second shot approach shots are much

More important than te or iron shots if you miss the green on the second stroke a good approach can save hard I think I a few words there to avoid hazards don’t use a driver on the t-shot okay I think I get the gist what you guys are

Saying let’s go uh check out some rooms oh what am I like the uh I missed where I am the hall of fame or something Trophy Room oh torp I called it Okay Lounge good approach shots can really help your score okay is he come up short if you don’t use distance clubs and a headwind and a Tailwind use small clubs oh you know do I is Mario here in the club you’re going up there you better know who’s

Who those all those are all the club Champs I’ll tell you who’s who okay the intellectual on the right is Link’s champ genus that sounds more like Jean sus he’s the best of the club Champs the stud next to him the stud man look at these guys the stud next to him

Is Dune champ tiny the second best the lady is Palm champ Grace she’s next in line little guy on the left of putts as Maran champ he’s the bomtom of the ladder the latter half of the ladder might or I guess it be the former half

My joke did not work uh yes we do not want to hear a repeat of that all right can we fight one with our Golf Club oh this guy’s got the same uh redac look I’ve got going on yep experience wins tournaments yes I could use some experience give me your experience points all right so we’re taking this guy on no we haven’t start what what are you talking I haven’t even started

Yet no I want how do we I want to play you oh he’s following me it’s like that guy in Link to the Past you can steal the sign oh that’s not a doorway where do we go stop following me bro let me go what oh he’s still there okay where are

We okay probably out here I’m guessing oh what oh whoops Andre’s first video game shall I tell you how to find the words you want to look up no we are Good you can play A Match Game anytime start now uh yeah I guess we should do that um it doesn’t seem like there’s F there’s uh transfer pack functionality we’ll double check but I’m pretty sure there isn’t but how do we actually where do we

Go in the game we don’t go anywhere in this game it’ be on the 64 one right so yeah it seems like there’s no transfer pack so because the 64 app did not have an update so I’ll double check again after all right so I’m going first we’re going to

Do a Power shot or try to strong win man they are not messing around for this first round a so if you get a perfect Power Shot then you don’t it doesn’t count against you you can keep doing it you get six of them normally if you get perfect it

Doesn’t count as one thing you use you get a freebie basically Um I love the power meter by the way like I’ve always love the classic Mario Golf style power meter I hate that they got really in super in um Mario Golf super rush Koopa the transfer pack lets you transfer over characters uh between games so basically there were four

Characters five I think actually if you count your custom character you could bring them into the 64 version and play with your custom character from this game on 64 or rather I’m sorry there were four of them so whichever of the four custom characters you played as I

Think you can carry over it was really cool same thing for did Mario Tennis do it too I think it did is that too strong let me try it yeah this a tough one oh shoot oh crap this is not Good Oops oh what we the back in the that was that I wasn’t putting was I oh maybe it was I oh I think think I was putting oh crap oh I see what I did wait was I putting actually I don’t know Anymore I’m on the putter okay here we go okay that’s I think I was putting here we go okay I want the approach all right I’m getting It it might be too hard no actually that was uh not hard enough uh Yoshi’s Willy world says aren’t there codes in the N64 game that require the transfer pack to unlock well not code wait you sorry did you say codes or you meant characters yes there are characters that you there are

Characters that you were not going able to play in the 64 version on NSO sadly oh he messed up too unfortunately I’m a shot behind yes all right let’s hope he messes up again I don’t think it’s going to Though I thought that was a shot I’m like oh did he screw up way overshot a darn it man this game is not messing around like I know my way around Mario Golf and in the oh we have we have to do oh my God we have to do 10 of These or at least 10 we have to win 10 oh you meant quartz were there quartz James says your opponent looks like the old Gates he kind of does doesn’t he we we’re going need to do another Power Shot here nailed it oh come on oh my God yes okay Few I’m actually really impressed with the presentation it it’s way more faithful than I was kind of Expecting Wait let me take a look at the map again uh yeah it seems actually we’ll go a little further there we go man yes we made it to the green all Right oh this guy’s so good he’s the first opponent in the Game Miss and lose I like how it had all Bunch together at like one word like Miss and lose sounds like a Pokemon Miss and lose everyone knows that Pokemon Miss and lose my Favorite what oh is it because it was going uphill again I think it was yeah the underground them is awesome Dave I love it all we got to beat this guy at least one of these close to pin yeah look there’s no gaps there’s no spaces John says he he’s laughing at

This most wait that sound effect was he Laughing uh gam and Manny asks are the golf courses ma uh layouts in the same way as on N64 that’s a good one I don’t know chat do you guys know all right the we have a strong Tailwind so we’re going to try This that’s not it’s going to be hard enough I’m not going to make it it might just be me it feels like this one’s almost more sensitive than the N64 one I could be totally wrong I feel like 641 have more leeway I I don’t know why that is all right let’s See I want to do yeah oops I was putting again right yeah I didn’t mean to putt worked out though would been better if went In oh it’s me again sorry chat it goes by so Quick oh he’s doing the Mario movie thing Mario made that same gesture in the movie in the in the Mario Kart sequence oh we’re actually going to tie him for once possibly beat him if he screws up this next one which he probably Isn’t this guy is kicking our butts oh that didn’t even count no one got anything for that one not more to win all right I got I got to beat him in one of These one longest drive oh wait is that like a sub reward or something do you get a point for it or something or is it just like he like phas to the course or something we another Power Shot oh my God I got the first time now I can’t get it Again triple connector members playing Mario Golf on the 3DS yeah that game also had a very light RPG Mode that roll oh this this is a long One oh that was was way off no no no stay on The Fairway please oh my God I think I did no yes there might be a tree my way though thank you Johnny we’re trying oh my God this guy he almost had that if he had that have lost it literally in Fictively I didn’t want to hit it perfect that time for the power at [Applause] least oh we were so close it actually worked out in my favor if he gets it I hope he doesn’t I don’t think he will oh thank God this is my chance this

Is my chance chat we could beat him on one we’re so Close Okay come on no what are you kidding me are you kidding me we I thought we were lined up perfectly oh my God we had our chance oh no it’s way too hard we’re losing it oh good point James good point we can rewind it I forgot good

Call good call is this the one we were is this is this it Wait no that’s uh that’s not far far enough back is it no it’s here oh we’re cheating we’re cheating I don’t care screw this guy you went to the left too much right was that it I think because it’s

Downhill is that what those arrows mean is it going downhill to the left I think I think yes yeah thanks to the power of God that our time control feature we got diamond we did it everyone hooray all right chat so I don’t know if

We want to go all the way through this but it’s going to take a while so what do you think chat should we keep going should we check out something else in golf or should we move on to Mario Tennis or or Dr Mario gameway exactly Michael unlimited m again it’s Great take want C 10is we got some Dr Mario yeah perfect again I think some people want to see 10th Lego fans has move on okay yeah we’re going to move on unless some people really disagree I think we’re going move on after this hole let’s see if I can actually win without abusing the powers of

God Alpha says I think the YouTube algorithm is working again because I got notified that you had been uploading videos again after the YouTube terminated your channel it’s good to have you back thank you so much Alpa it’s good to be back for anyone who missed it our Channel got hacked and

Then terminated last week it was a long ordeal so thank you for support Alpha and it’s great to be back and uh making videos again having a place to put them the power of the monado is that what the monado does James I never played Zeno blade so I I know enough to

Know the mon are just Zen blade I like the lill pad detail are there Mushroom Kingdom courses in this game I won’t play I won’t play the Mushroom Kingdom uh we’re going to try to go a little under power under max power good okay I wanted the perfect

Accuracy but why does that look terrible come on ah ah okay I’ll take It Michael yes this game use a transfer pack so you can transfer characters custom characters into the N64 Version um what’s going on here okay why can’t I see I’m I’m a little confused by this why what am I changing why can’t I aim oh that’s okay I see now okay is that not Enough one want Want where is my Max that I’m not hitting it that far right it’s not showing I’m not 30 ft away from the pole am I hold on where’s the uh am I 31 ft is that actually the max the power I think it is actually okay sorry the the perspective of this game

Is really tripping me up compared to 64 I think I am so I think I want to hit max power Then I let’s try it yeah okay that’s exactly what it was and it wasn’t enough darn It thanks Lego fan yeah I guess for me me like this looked to be like a the scale wasn’t quite making sense in my head compared to 64 I’m getting it now Though thanks Michael appreciate that game manity says this is the Mushroom Kingdom courses I can tell by the Mario World background yeah good point actually Miss Missing lose there go win yes all right there we go all right so let’s go a and make a Save State chat real quick and then that

We can come back in the future maybe later today probably not today but all right so so far I am I I’m actually really enjoying this so far it holds up I’m shocked how well mechanics of 64 translate to the Game Boy it plays really well um but yeah I think it’s now

Time to move on to Mario Tennis which is a game if I remember correctly chat you can correct me but I didn’t play much of on the Game Boy I remember that’s not feeling quite as good on Game Boy as it did on 64 but you know maybe I’m wrong

WR I swear to God these These are such Pokemon like intros Calon must have been inspired by Pokemon like very clearly oh that guy’s got like the X-Men thing visor going on awesome opponents oh who’s that the pink hair and the greatest but Mario is the best in every sport how’s that

Possible like it takes thousands of thousands and thousands of hours to become good at like any sport let alone the map what’s this guy doing you can play the whole game uh Mario Party series that’s impressive Mario a sport CA as Lego fan it seems though I think Mario just might

Be a god period all right we got that classic 64 menu music again oh we got mini games this time link play oh we can play online chat save data dictionary um status okay let’s do uh I guess we’ll start off with an exhibition or or Mario tour I guess you

Should do Mario tour let’s try that actually hold on we so they actually made this a little clearer I think than golf let’s check let’s check out exhibition this I can see the um full set characters okay so we have Luigi Mar whoa whoa whoa we have Luigi

Baby Mario not Mario Baby Mario Yoshi a pink DC Wario a light blue Waluigi some random humans Joy Al Ally allly and Brian any else oh oh and okay we got Bowser here okay all right cool let’s do an exhibition real quick and then we’ll swap over to uh the story chat who

Should we be you want pink DK from Mario Kart pink DK from Mario Kart 9 says James heck yeah hey Cruiser dude how’s it going Jeremy is get to see cam G some love Camelot was a king back in the day at sports games it made so many good sports

Games you want Wario should we do Wario Yoshi Baby Mario says Ellis James wants p pink DK man everyone’s all over the place on this one all right I’m going to go I’m I’m going to make a decision here we’re doing pink DK oh we get to choose a teammate or an

Opponent rather uh opponent’s Char opponent’s Charmander let’s go uh let’s go Wario actually let’s go baby Mario go normal uh grass here we go I like the grass quartz I like that Dynamic camera yes you’re going down baby oh we got the nice and everything okay you know what this actually feels really

Good the sound isn’t quite there from 64 oh I gu stomped music’s really good I agree how is that baby on oh my God how’s this baby so good I’m killing the S it doesn’t freaking matter oh good good good no no lob or not lob sorry uh whatever the short ones are

Called No D these game these sports games don’t mess around on Game Boy why is it so hard how am I beating by being being beaten by a baby oh my God I’m blaming t a pink DK all right there we go there we go oh

Wait no we were out are you kidding me how is this baby serving so Fast love oh it didn’t work oh my God this Baby’s impossible even the baby form Mario’s Unstoppable no no okay good oh God what how that’s a normal difficulty what are you kidding me I’m actually good with the 6412 all right wow that was something well let’s try Mario T now I I’m trying Carlos that was very quick Lego fan goodness all let’s try the girl character this

Time can we change the stats no I guess we have to upgrade them first Nina sure I’m f with that wait who’s this why are we naming who’s Kate is this like a rival or something like Pokemon oh I like how you can see the games going on on the side that’s cute

I’m already liking this more than the than the golf version based on this first 10 seconds well that’s done oh my goodness I’m late I’m late for a very important date I better hurry my documents where are they ah there they are what the heck who’s that oh this is

Terrible you are are you okay okay are you all right wait is that my character oh that was me I didn’t realize that I’m terribly sorry I was in such a rush I didn’t see you can you forgive me no don’t say such a thing please find it

In your heart can you forgive me no don’t say a oh what you know you you have to earn for giess you don’t just get it by default all right well I guess he does in this case fine oh thank you that sense of sarcasm oh dear are you wearing an academy

Badge that’s right the new student is to arrive today are you Nina really well I hope to see you on the varsity team soon he did buy a slamy Lego fan oh my this one D now I’m completely late um I must be going so I must excuse myself Are you Nina you’re around time impressive mem I teach tennis here at the Royal Tennis Academy but are you okay did something happen did he hit your head yes we just water the grounds it must be slippery are you okay no I’m going to sue you then you wait until you feel better oh

Really I I tried leaving it didn’t work I see you’re all better I’ll show you w she I feel like they’re just making a mockery me at this point that was 2 Seconds oh coach Emily who’s this the new student we’re about to take a tour of the academy this take good care of her okay that’s to why the music what this music reminds me of Aladdin I think the Genesis version like the Cave of Wonders anyone else get that Vibe right there

Those notes nice to meet you Nina it’s very rare for a student to enter the Academy Mid mid turn that’s how promising with think oh midterm that’s how promising with think Nina is I can’t wait to see you play the cademy is very demanding so good luck This cor is a favorite of all Academy students really everyone agrees I don’t believe you because only the best players are allowed to play here but how would they how would be their favorite then you can even say it’s almost as much of a symbol of the academy as the main hall itself With with a spectator SE with a spectator seating we could hold a tournament any time or anytime from the garden you think you’d want that down a little more centrally located a view of our training center what’s that statue up there isn’t it a great campus that’s seem better you won’t play

Here they earn the spot on the Varsity squad that’s it for this area I’ll show you what’s up ahead oh this is just like the Mario Golf area oh that way is a junior class Court that’s real St your training Nina and over there that way is a senior class Court you can play there once you clear the junior Class now then come this way for a Minute the coach over there that’s the technique coach oh is that Mario no it’s not you can talk to that coach anytime for serve and volley training and this coach teaches the lob shot there are plenty of other coaches like them isn’t this the best place to learn

Tennis you can explore on your own to see what else we have well about that you’re uh not letting me explore This is a restaurant the service Ace everyone comes here to relax after a hard workout it’s great hey Emily oh it’s Mark and Kevin where have you been we’ve been trying to find you oh I’m sorry don’t worry about Emily she’s Nina the Academy’s newest Student oh we’ll be helping you starting tomorrow I’m coach Mark nice to meet you and I’m coach Kevin Work Hard Play Hard that’s the key I can’t wait to see how you do good luck we’ll be in the cafe em to drop by later they’re coaches but they’re also

Students varsity members just like me of course let’s go Nina can I can I do something I like how huge they look on the horizon they became Giants that’s it Nina this is the dormatory for uh uh Academy Students this is Mario Tennis that Mario Tennis on for the game Bo color wait here a Second look like my character was dancing for a second yeah I think she is oh is that the is that the pink girl I name he you’re wondering who she is aren’t you she’s your roommate oh there’s G to be some drama isn’t there I’m Kate nice to meet

You she’s in the senior class one above you everyone starts out in the junior class when they first arrive Kate started in the junior class and worked her way up you do okay you just try your best don’t you think no oh no no confidence you don’t have to be modest you

Know oh you two will get along fine won’t you you’re Partners too so you be nice to each other she means double Partners now I can finally play doubles yeah I want do a doubles game well that’s it for me I’m going now yeah please leave I want to play the game the

Work starts tomorrow so take it easy Today James you’re playing Dr Mario into addicting I love Dr Mario I’m looking forward to trying the Game Boy one but I don’t think I ever really have oh we have a cat no I pet the cat okay not yet okay I’ll first explain what’s going to happen from now on what

I know I want I’m not okay no practice schedule you choose your lessons when you want to train you won’t work in lobs or volleys because you’re the coaches yeah yeah we say everything okay let me pet the cat I don’t care I want pet the Cat no yes can I pet the cat that’s the only question I have yes okay I don’t know if I pet the cat or not we’re going to count that as a count we’re going to count as a pet though all right yeah Roar Just roared me this is okay this is

Awesome meow oh no it’s purring oh made it happy meow this okay this this game just got this a 10 out of 10 right now okay now I think it’s oh oh Okay I think it might be repeating now all right that was that was the best that was that that cat’s awesome I love this cat oh wait that’s a new One my favorite one yeah that’s the best one yeah okay I think I think we’re done now that was awesome all right anything else we can do here can we sleep no all right I guess not yes moving up okay no we don’t care oh yeah yeah yeah I actually want to play

Doubles let’s do it I love Caston all right so where do we go I think this way can we go to the uh really good Court yo get off my court I want to Play oh well speak speak of speaking of which I already got ran over once to play you Guys how do we play a game Yeah is this how we play doubles no it’s Not how do we play I want to play a game yeah if if you could tell us how to play that’ be useful wait Fatal Frame says all the N64 unlocks are unlocked by default in Mario tenis wa wait wait wait wait in in Game Boy or n6 wait you’re saying sorry I’m

Confused in the can you unlock things uh in the Game Boy one from the 64 version is that what you’re saying so they are unlocked by default in this One in Game Boy Color oh okay what what are they oh were those the characters you guys remind me what they were I don’t Remember but I mean I mean not even known really how do we play I want play Doubles oh this is the junior area this is probably where we have to do it Maybe yes here we Go okay Warrior Waluigi Bowser Yoshi and their mini games are in lock be transferred to GBC got it okay thanks give me one Second just one second your chat All right sorry Chad about that all right let’s do a singles or doubles match a single doubles Match okay well I lost to a baby let’s see if I can do better this time I literally lost to a baby I got those ser was down all right well apparently having partner is Key nice make a good team by that I mean she does all the hard work I just enjoy the Benefit I’m I’m actually thoroughly impressed by how well this game holds up as well well okay it’s a little weird being on the top screen now top half no I’m I’m sorry I let you down teammates she was very upset by that Yeah and there is like a charm to like these simple Sprites I really like that oh a rage Falcon so the transfer pack does not work apparently all the characters that you can unlock using it in the Game Boy Color version are unlocked by default according to um someone else in

The chat that we were just talking about it a few seconds ago oh why did he was was oh no that would been yeah that would have been in right it’s tied oh Crap Yay oh my God I thought you was going to miss that one I’m surprised uh that one Work break point I do miss the announcer from the 64 version oh come on smash it yeah actually that wasn’t a smash but I’ll take it nice good Job wow all right one more we got This heck yeah I am a ‘ 90s kid so uh say uh sayian I’m just saying I’m a 90s Kid Nice fault come on you let me down teammate don’t don’t double Fault to the Face does anyone else remember um real quick this wasn’t technically the first portable Mario tennis game anyone remember the Virtual Boy Mario’s tennis that game was great that game was actually really fun fun sense of depth too like all the Mario tennis games up through GameCube were Great oh I was charging all hell the Virtual Boy exactly little cat you get It no oh they won shoot it’s not over yet though By the way chat if you have this if you have NSO expansion pack and you want to play with me on stream Go download or make sure you update your game because we’ll probably I’ll probably try to do a link match here pretty soon possibly only the people already on

My friend list but we’ll see so so if you have it get ready if you want to play correct Yoshi’s wly World um the characters are apparently unlocked by default in the Game Boy Color version unfortunately you can’t get the characters in The en4 version Sadly my teammate’s carrying us right now look at that oh I let you Down Nice oops oh Really it’s charging up oh it didn’t clear It what can’t believe this sounds good little cat well we’ll try to do on online match you’re your friends of my Australian account right little cat if I remember correctly yeah I think we play on Australian account before so oh we’re falling apart the top half of the Court’s harder I swear to

God what come on Teammate yes there we go Leon says they can’t hold contain their assignment for the switch attach we’ll see if that’s the name or not would be interesting wouldn’t It called up I think Yes no no oh he more than caught up I didn’t realize that oh you see that jump didn’t matter it backfired but still pretty cool they should make a Mario T where like jumping is really important get like some crazy games have like a super bouncy ball or Something oh it worked how many how many rounds are there I think I remember this being my my main problem with the Game Boy game is that the games just went on Forever yeah thanks L CAD yeah I’ll swap over to Australian one oh shoot man we’re getting stomped right now can we come back what was that what happened here nice okay good job good Redemption Oh I thought I thought she was going to jump for it guess Not nice good Job all right is that finally it are we doing two is it two sets is it really too set are you kidding me oh my God these gamees never end oh yeah is endless tennis Pikman I just want to get Dr Mario and multiplayer which I think Dr Mario also have multiplayer

So oh can you can you sa quit mid match oh that’s cool oh camera mode oh we can CH Oh that’s oh heck yeah we’re always going to be from behind the character that’s awesome okay controls okay yeah just like N64 all right this this might be the advantage we need

Now chat the camera behind us uh nikota says it’s two sets of six games it’s awful I finish a one versus one match in Mario Tennis nice yeah and it does seem like that seems a little excessive and is that for every match in the game like that’s way too Much it should have been quicker I Think like how the like final matches be that along sure but every match Potentially I don’t think we’ve seen the Vault yet oh well that was my Fault no all right chat I think I may I think if you guys don’t mind I think I might pause it there oh okay okay I can save right yeah just because that’s going to go on forever I want to try link play so let’s hop over to my Australian profile and uh

If you’re online right now we can try and get a game going and uh should be pretty fun hopefully I’ve never tried multiplayer in the game Game Boy Color version so I’m guessing Mario Golf has multiplayer too we’ll probably just do tennis though oh we got try the mini

Games 2 Fatal Frame right I forgot about the mini games I want to try those all right so let’s do link play oh right forgot we have to do it from the main menu silly me so if you’re friends with my Australian account uh you’re welcome to join in

Is it just one versus one does anyone know I’m guessing it’s probably just one versus one but in fact it looks like only allows it so yeah are there any multitap games available on NSO right now all right F oh F made it in all right fwn let’s do It have you tried have you played Mar before fwn it’s pretty simple all right looks like we have a pretty good connection so and if you didn’t if you weren’t able to join you might try we’ll probably try another round or two chat so don’t worry do link

Play all right we’re going to do uh two games one set guess we’ll do singles oops what happened okay yeah let’s do okay we’ll do doubles all right so Pawn’s going to be Yoshi looks like I’ll be uh can be why can’t I be Mario why can I not be Mario

Do you un lock Mario this game going be wall and Wario actually I’m going to bring in Bowser yeah who’s Yoshi’s opponent or uh teammate going to be we choosing a uh teammate there we go let’s try uh composition Court oh Mario’s the final boss oh Mario pach are unlockables okay that makes sense oh wait this is me all right Yoshi you get Serve yeah go Bowser look at Bowser’s win Animation oh you almost got us there yeah this is working really well So were there uh real quick sh were there any characters unlocked in Mario Golf as well by default in the Game Boy Color version now or was that only from Mario Tennis all charged are ready to go but I can’t do anything there we go I wasn’t charged though that time no is it tenis only Pikmin okay Thanks oh What oh gosh I think sail frame I didn’t know the GTA version did the same thing oh that was way out there look how big waluigi’s head head is and nicely done Pawn that was a quick serve wui serve is really Good oh it was probably slow on I was playing as my as a character Creator character because I hadn’t leveled up at all Right we tied it up oh Wow no my my my Folly is that I when I go into the charged animations I just don’t undo them I just don’t cancel out which actually I’m not even sure how you cancel out in the Game Boy one not that stop me the 64 version

Either is a and b together to cancel maybe minus select rather that’s yeah oh go Bowser yes yeah Oh man we have to have a tiebreaker all Right Oh oh no I thought you had that Bowser Bowser’s eye like bulging Out you two sad animation is hilarious so I think we’re playing the seven points in a tiebreaker Oh Wow nice good job Bowser wow oh that was my team right I got confused on the bomb now everything uh okay there we go good Serve does anyone know how you cancel a um a charge let me try something here okay that was not that was not It oh this is a match point I think or tiebreaker point oh my goodness this is intense yes woo good job Bowser all right well good game fwn that was a close game that was down to the wire there that was cool that actually worked

Really well all right so we let’s go and try um one more game thanks for playing with me fun that was a lot of fun so if anyone else wants to hop in let’s go ahead and uh you can try to hop in right now with me if you’re on my Australian

Account if you’re a friends with my Australian account so we’re going to make a new session here we’ll try one more Mario Tas game then we’re going to try the mini games and then it’s Dr Mario time oh the yeah makes sense little cash check the controls

Page no I don’t think Callin I don’t think there’s any chance of transfer pack being added oops in fact I think if anything having them unlocked by default means we’re not going to get the transfer pack yeah was really cool fa frame our Lil cat there we go our L cat let’s do

This L cat do you want to do singles or doubles sing all right let’s do it it’s going to be all it’s all pure skill then baby singles is can we do can we do mini game slink I’m guessing not there wasn’t an option

For it singles all right here we go I I was feeling pretty good with my Waluigi I think yeah I’m going to try uh okay oh it’s Baby Mario oh my are you trolling me little cat are you trolling me uh you know what actually Bowser is

Bringing it I’m going to try Bowser let’s go for it here we go our hard court okay thanks Johnny I need all the luck I can get good call Pikman what oh hold on should we oops should we try let me just check this real quick quick oh select does cancel charge too bad it’s the hard button to press you can’t change the camera angle in this one okay sorry little cat we’re back to it what What oh oh my goodness No no no the charge oh cancel the charge is so hard with it being minus I should remap that if only you could in the emulators yes take that baby in your face not so easy being on top is it Oh oh yeah now bows is bringing the power oh good good good bam if being the Top’s hard definitely tougher oh God K some point ah no the charge I can’t cancel out Of oh no oh God those charges are killing me oh my God No oh zero Points oh my goodness and they were on top too a shoot this is real bad but I’m serving so might be fine maybe that comes down maybe it’s more serving than anything especially with Bowser’s mean serve Yeah I’m I am nailing the serves the one thing I’m good at at this version man Sor little cat are we going tiebreaker then yeah tiebreaker here it is whoever get serve first wins oh I got It no oh God this is like real tense for me I’m like making noises every time I hit the ball a little L cat figured out how to return the serves that was the one thing I had going for me no oh my goodness I think it’s game Over this is not going Well yes no Yes oh that’s I knew that was bad I’m getting I’m getting swept here the baby I cannot tackle the Babies I don’t know what that was all right you you stomped me little cat nicely done I can’t I can’t even I can’t defend that so well done little cat that was fun good playing with you all right let’s try the uh mini games real quick and um and then we’re going to

Move over to Dr Mario and I think we be a maybe do more multiplayer there too yeah Mar Maran is fun I’m actually really uh I think I’m liking this one more than I am golf both are impressive in their own right though and it’s really going to be a personal preference

What mini games do we have here oh there’s one for each charact no no we’re just choosing oh the yeah okay wow so shooting star Target shot fruit fantasy banana Bunch two on one Medallion match treasure box okay guys chat which ones are the best I’m good I’m doing good WT

How are you doing I don’t think I want to try all of them so yeah GG little cat that was fun you you’re good hey gray true fantasy but because Yoshi’s your favorite all right let’s try it okay we’re doing level one earn points each time you hit a fruit

Bananas one apples three melons five oh heck yeah gray look we want the melons I knew it it’s Yi Story music what what you only get one chance this is actually this is cool oh my God so hard hard maybe we do have time for them all God there is no reaction Time here we go what do we keep hitting in the middle I see that seems easy there’s no time limit maybe there should be a time Limit surprised how good the Yoshi Story music holds up on Game Boy Color he now now we’re doing good now we’re getting It crushing it now just by missing most of our shots oh it’s level one forgot try level two 100 points what are those arrows oh the effect how the ball bounces back oh that’s in trusting so my strategy may not work anymore no Okay yeah take that melon Yeah no okay all that I actually kind of like that game that was actually pretty fun Ken asked you consider the Game Boy Color as own console or a Game Boy that just has color oh my God that is a that is a Pandora’s Box I think I’m pretty

Sure I’m contrary to how Jeff grub feels which I I think I would consider the gam color’s own platform because has it has it has its own Gams so I think that’s a fair uh fair thing okay chat what game should we do next what another good

One yeah exactly exactly fail frame I agree with that Waluigi all right let’s try the Waluigi can it top the fruit game return each of Luigi shots and try to clear as many l Medallion as you can with each Shot whoops Oh darn it they’re all lined up in a row Too there we go that good one oh that was a really good one hey we did it all right let’s level two E oh I realiz they different heights too I think that’s that’s interesting oh nothing yeah hey all right we’re pros of that one oh now there’s level three be a star we’re going to roll now let’s see if we can do It I’m betting there’s probably six levels Maybe maybe three Z this kind of feels like a gameing watch game game watch Gallery game Oh darn oh unless it is just a high score for this one maybe there’s no actual go all right that’s pretty cool I like those all right Chad let’s do H maybe one more a level three is the highest fail frame okay once you get a good score on that

You can unlock the N64 version if you had the transfer pack oh that’s cool that explains why I never had that mini game on 64 yeah basically is ringot Bill Warrior chat so any other recommendations for what might be a final mini game thank you Carlos b banana all let’s do banana banana

Bunch hope I like it a bunch banana Bunch oops I wasn’t reading oh it’s the same thing as a fruit Game I say that as if I read it and no that’s actually true or not oh let’s try it again oh wait they don’t go oh yeah the music oh it’s Don on country music I love it it’s very similar to the uh cre game oh the Donkey Kong Theme yo that’s Awesome I love this the mini games are my favorite part so far that and the multiplayer that’s Fun oh darn all right you know what I kind of want to try the others now just for the music I’m liking the music all right screw it let’s try the rest they’re pretty quick uh let’s try Luigi the for you 100% of this version if you want wa what do you

Mean real Sean says I love this game Mario game Bo color is a lot fun yeah I’m enjoying uh I’m I’m enjoying this actually heck yeah triple triple comment me Too what is this guy oh we get special music that was pathetic that was even more Pathetic a all right apparently this is the worst one I’m at the worst one the one I’m worst at all right let’s try one uh we have not tried uh the bomom four plus or bomom three plus Baby Mario I think is that room a the frame says yep thanks to the

Inst ins Rec cont being unlocked by default everything can be gotten in this version got it okay that’s awesome that’s great oh this is the same thing oh I got do the shots okay what I need hit that panel maybe I’m Confused oh okay so I get more points we’re doing I think I think I would hit a panel with that type of shot okay I think I get it now all right not bad is a stream lagging way is it lagging for anyone else right

Now looks okay on my end but okay thanks slow cat look stream apparently fine for them so all right let’s try Wario or Wario’s treasure box Waluigi next sorry beloved Warrior we’ll get to it who needs directions of course Warrior is going to be about clicking coins 50 wow is this a Warrior

Song I don’t know I recognize it off hand I’m guessing it must be no wanted the Chest this has to be a warrior land song right whatever from like Warrior land 2 or something say warrior land I believe yeah what about we did you Wes already is Bowser all that’s left Callin says I didn’t expect to see Game Boy Dr Mario since we already have

The superior anyes version but I’m glad to have a bigger Game Boy Library yeah I’ve never played the Game Boy one but apparently I could be wrong I think oh was a warrior L 3 Pikmin that explains why I didn’t recognize it I never played

That one um I know I should I have it on Game Boy uh I believe there might be an Easter egg in the Game Boy one that the NS one doesn’t have I’m curious to check that out yeah we did that right we did that one right try Bowser two on

One oh it’s a regular one step match of six games okay it’s me versus two all right well we’re not going to do the whole thing oh why is there a plane there yo this theme oh I’m so glad we did this it’s the Mario 64 Bowser Theme I agree triple Comet where is Mario Land been a great great game for Mario to day this a tough One y this the these tracks are all bangers and these two are not taking easy on me goodness there we go Yes no Wario oh unfortunately I’m not going to be able to see Peach’s castle music in this Ami that’s going to be like an endgame thing Right that’s a good one Robbie I don’t think any of the warrior land games are on NSL right now are they Whose plate is That oh my goodness this it’s almost like this isn’t fair why they ruin the good music with this yeah it’s more like isn’t that animation more like a king K Ru type thing all right we’re we’re going to wrap this uh this game up let me just

Double check the the um waliga game just double check that we did that one I’m pretty sure we did oh we did but we unlocked it duh okay all right chat so that’s going to wrap it up for Mario Tennis I think I think we saw pretty much most of what

This game has to offer Beyond more of the um uh RPG like mode which is super cool and apparently pretty long so yeah neat game I’m liking both of these These are both very too well done sports games or two very well done adaptations of the 64 games plus you know additional content

In the form of the RPG mode all right Dr Mario time unfortunately non color but I’m curious to try this one oh no no music on the towel screen that’s not right thees version has music where’s the music yeah I agree Johnny so let’s it has two players we can try that

Soon okay here’s a music try five all right it’s all about fever though so far sounds pretty good oh boy it’s weird oh my God it’s weird with it not being color based it’s like pattern Based Ah God me and my friends used to have the most epic Dr Mario fights and Dr Mario 64 especially those four Player no kill the luxia oh we got super chat I’ll read in just a moment thank you oh we can get a combo here y ah that screw that up I should have done that no God the these patterns are throwing me off oh no it’s my end the game over soon

Can we save it oh that’s well that’s a lost cause over there this whole thing might be a lost cause okay we’re coming back we’re clawing our way out of this mess Maybe oh I should not have done that oh God oh yes oh God I don’t know what I was thinking ah oh that’s not four shoot oh here we go that’s something oh if I can oh hold on I want do something kind of Cool yes oh yeah now now we’re coming back Oh shoot ah no oh God all right tund the Super Chat Robert Newton with the Super Chat thank you Robert says not sure how much sorry not sure how much longer you you’re going to be on but it’s been fun watching thanks for streaming hopefully we get another

Stream soon thank you so much Robert good seeing you here uh once again and thank you again for the Super Chat and uh I I always forget you can you can like um Super Chat that’s awesome I’m can click it too oh well oh no I can’t

Yeah oh I harded it that’s it that’s what I can do so thank you again Robert all right let’s try let’s try that one more time I can do better also they nail the music music’s really Good oops oh shoot I was not paying close up attention There Oh we got a combo without even meaning for It so the Easter egg I heard about was that apparently if you can clear four viruses at once it plays the Super Mario Brothers theme which I tried on the NES version and it doesn’t do it in that one as far as I know so I wonder if I can actually get

In this one the lack of color is really tripping me up a bit even though function you know gameplay wise that’s Identical oh yeah that song occurred to me too jazzy I am Dr Mario and I am saving lives so catchy I love fever fever is such a great song I love the smash version Too uh Johnny asked what’s my favorite game so far I would say it’s probably Mario Tennis I think that one was my favorite I like the mini games a lot multiplayer worked well and I like the faster paced nature of the um tennis action versus the uh really long golf Matches I shouldn’t have done That yeah this it seems to hold up pretty well on Game Boy All Things Considered I wonder I wonder if there’s really any benefit of playing it on Game Boy versus NES though because it’s also on the NES version of NSO we almost at two hours these streams always go by so quick chat hey a combo there we go Uh shoot no I should not have done that it’s not a huge deal Though how are we going to need some of the um the yeah this pill how do you even refer to these colors the um what’s it the dithering the dithered one I guess dither I guess black white and dithered I guess or gray I guess it might Be I don’t want to lose another one I got to do It he something yeah this may not be a great idea but we’re going to try something I can get another solid white I can this pretty easily there we go Perfect we’re almost there we only have four viruses left a darn it oh that’s fine actually I can redeem that there we go oops sorry Chad this going be pretty boring I’m trying to focus try to talk entertain to play a puzzle game at the same

Time we’re so close but we buried that freaking virus oh we just did something dumb too oh Jeez a keep making mistakes you’re making it worse for Us oh I should not have done that once again okay actually that you that actually might have worked okay gang there oh shoot oh God it’s going faster okay yes yes yes okay we’re we can clear out the uh the wi ones we’re good I’ll screwing this up

Hopefully all right we got this finally woo all right there we go all right cool yeah Dr Mario’s pretty good on Game Boy 2 so now I want to try I want to see if I can get four viruses at once I want to see if the Mario

Brothers theme actually exists in this one game back says it said it does what’s the best way for me to do this oh that might be a good place to do it hold let me think no that’s not a good place to do it oh actually no there’s a good place

To do it here a crap I might have screwed it up I think I can fix this okay I need a white and yes yes yes okay white and uh gray white and gray white and gray and I don’t accidentally clear anything in the meantime white and gray please white and

Gray we get four Once no stop white and gray Dr Mario do you not listen to your staff white and gray not black and gray oh God I already lost track of where it is I found it again okay white and gray running out room don’t screw me Dr

Mario there we go oh let’s see this Works that wasn’t it okay maybe it to be the exact same time does anyone know what I’m talking about all right can I get four so maybe I have to clear all four viruses at the same time so apparently if I do that I’ll play the Mario Brothers

Theme so is there yeah good call under going I could always just restart or rewind if I screw up but I need a good setup that’s true Callin game Fact isn’t always reliable but I’m oh let’s put the music or sorry let’s be on low let’s try chill also

Okay trying to think of a good setup for this how can I get four viruses at once well that’s not how oh maybe like a stack like a ver like a vertical or horizontal stack would be best well this one’s lost cause all right can we oh is this the

Same setup we just had it’s similar trying to see if there’s anything I can do wait that’s no one yeah that’s not be I’m probably I’m probably missing like obvious Solutions yeah maybe I should take a screenshot James that’s not a bad idea actually oh wait there we go we have our

Four oh this is perfect this is perfect chat yes oh we got the oh my God the next two pills are at two oh here we go moment truth oh man the gods Dr Mar gods are looking favorably upon us no oh that it that’s not a Mario

Theme is it game Fact liying to me game Fact let me bring it up all game Fact you lie you lying sacks of poop game Fact Dr Mario Game Boy gamefx told me there would be a Mario theme it says hidden Mario Brothers theme destroy four or more

Viruses at once and the hidden tune will play that must have been it so that’s the same sound in every Dr Mario that’s not the Mario theme is it am I am I an idiot is that the Mario theme that’s in every Dr Mario yeah I should report the

Misinformation CN the music is very catchy Johnny I agree I can’t believe we had it and it didn’t do anything that was was a perfect setup all right well we going to end this off oh we’re gonna do we’re gonna do multiplayer of course chat let’s uh

Let’s get ready we’re gonna do some um uh multiplayer if you’re on my if you’re on my Australian friend account we’re going to do it right Now and uh yeah hop in in here if you want to play with me if you have NSO in the expansion pack one second here chat and uh yeah girl my friendless oh there we go Robert hey are you the same Robert who just uh donated perfect or the Super Chat

Excellent let’s try this out let’s see how my Dr Mario skills hold up in a two-player more stressful setting all right let’s go I think W no high yeah let’s go uh let’s go low maybe we should go low they’ll pick up speed too unless we want to do medium or we

Can do Medium let’s go low all right and then we can set our virus level let’s go maybe three or three or four what the you want to go that high Robert all right I’m down you want to do 10 how about eight you want to try eight maybe maybe Robert’s an expert at Dr

Mario 20 are you insane and high all right screw it let’s go for it let’s go for it I’m down let’s do it let’s do it we’re doing it fever okay all right here we go oh Robert’s oh not the same Robert it’s a different Robert okay no worries Robert

All right here we go let’s do this it says hi oh my God we’re I’m oh that was instant well it’s best of three it looks like let’s try that again all right no no no what oh we just we just lost it oh that’s okay we’re going to try

Again what is going on here wait what I don’t know what’s going on okay Robert everything okay over there Robert what are you doing I don’t know what Robert I think Robert’s confused okay Robert what are we doing should we should we do more modest okay maybe five unless you want

To go higher all you have six or seven this might be joyon drift maybe he might be trolling kin all right fine I’ll be level six you be level seven we are we actually yeah we are playing together right yeah we must why is it the computer though that’s

Confusing like we are playing online right it’s the only way to makes sense yeah okay we’re getting some weird uh connection issues too so that confirms it okay yeah it is confirmed from chat thank you Chat hey all right oh it kept track of our winds oh no it didn’t that’s the win I just got I love the win animation I’m good April how are you no unfortun I don’t think there’s any way yeah we can only see how many viruses

They have left we can’t really see what they’re Doing they’re pulling it they’re ahead right now Though oh we can get combo does that send some garbage I think uh Robert’s way sounds like it oh no shoot oh I already won again one more match and we’ve got it so if you’re just joining us we’re playing Dr Mario online two player oops the online connection is a little

Finicky right now there we go Oh shoot no no no getting the war the warning Bells I don’t like That it’s by the blockade at the start I’m doing okay Hey all right 10 all three all right good game Robert good game all right let’s try uh let’s try one more match with someone else and so if you’re on my uh if you’re on my friend list feel free to hop in we’re going to try one more Dr Mario

Thanks for playing with me Robert Jazzy days says watching this is making me realize how much Miss potential Dr Mario is in Smash imagine if you’re playing a game with Dr Mario for the Final Smash yes that’s a great idea I hate that Dr Mario is a CL largely a

Clone that man says riged I call Red was that you was that playing you that Man uh Robert says when the other Robert says when I get my switch to uh next year we’ll have to balance some games yes wait Robert’s back Robert we just played sorry robertt you don’t get a rematch we’re having someone else join potentially if there’s even anyone else

Let’s see if there even anyone else um my friend L real quick um oh what says no one’s currently playing but that I don’t know that’s how do I invite people isn’t there a way to invite people oh here we go right okay little cat Sonic X500 VG

Shine okay we got a few people playing little cat all right we’ll do little cat again and we know little cat’s a good connection so our little cat I need my revenge for being stomped in freaking Mario Tennis oh it’s all good real Sean all right little cat what level you want to

Do wait how how’s this working how come do I not have any control of this here we go okay so apparent low C control level five okay then medium speed hold on so we need to go to speed yeah thank you medium okay let’s do

It all right I think we’re set here we Go let’s see if I can Channel my good actual Dr Mario skills nope so we’re dead even right now still oh I shouldn’t have done that I pulled ahead yeah the color thing isn’t tripping me up as much now finally finally got under control it helped once I realize that it

Basically is all colors it’s black white and essentially gray oh check that out oh no not the garbage not the garbage okay doctor is this I’m sabotaging another doctor or they’re sabotaging me this shouldn’t be a competition we’re all working together right actually didn’t even mean to do

That one I’ll take it though hey all right Callin says there’s a color update Oh you mean the rom hack Ken I think I have seen that it does look nice I don’t know why they they didn’t re-release this game for Game Boy Color you can say that about a lot of games like the Mario land games why they not Port those like it’s so Weird oh they pulled ahead exactly triple it’s messed Up hey that trash there little Cat oh man yeah it’s a good Sound So I do wonder if there’s any benefit at all to playing the game boy version versus NES they’re basically the exact same game right and the Easter egg was a lie as we discovered it’s very sad oh man I wish I had a fourth another one on the side there that could been

Really good oh where we’re dead even oh my goodness ah okay that works oh shoot I didn’t mean to do that hey we got another Super Chat thank you I’ll wait it in a moment no oh crap it is tied it Up oh we can get a combo here at least the heck was that uh-oh no I screwed that up I should I was trying to go to the left oh they’re tied Again I really blocked into the viruses again oh here we go combo good you’re Good Dr Mario’s like getting a workout in over there oh shoot okay good good ah oh I think we’re going to get that in time no that’s not what I wanted to do you only have two bares left left Crap oh they got it all right I’m going read the Super Chat real quick good job little cats we have two matches left or rather okay I pause it sorry one second oh we can’t pause it all right uh shorts Vault with a super chat thank you says slightly different UFO ending oh

Interesting thank you thanks for the Super Chat and the actual information that’s good I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Dr Mario ending period so besides a game over screen does that count well now I want to see it all right there we go we caught up the little

Cat L cat being my opponent that we’re playing right now because this game has two-player online thanks to NSO which is still like an underrated feature when it works well it’s really fun It’s not ideal no okay that’s actually okay I think oh yeah we we’re doing okay right now no shoot uh I don’t know where to put this one Should have done that silly me look we can fix that mistake right Now oh okay not ideal we’re doing we’re a pretty good shape right now actually I’m not completely buried everything Yet oh here we go and we have a slight lead on actually pretty good lead right now yeah I have hey all right if I WN one more we got it are you’re level 13 triple connect oh my Goodness good luck little Cat oh Perfect combo yeah oh oh shoot I love it oh what low cat what happened I feel like I didn’t earned that I need the satisfaction that’s the ultimate troll depriving me of the one that our first round is really good but uh yeah good games little cat so little

Cat have rollback screwed me over no l cat I’m sorry that sucks all right well that was fun unless there’s anyone else in chat Who’s online right now I might call it there so yeah exactly Carlos that was well played by little cat so that was fun hey at least at least you

Beat me a Mario tenis I won to Mar Dr Mario I’d say we’re even right now so we’ll see whatever the next game might be but um I think we’re probably going to call it there everyone I think uh I just notic by the way how much better

Than Mario 10 box versus Mario Golf like this looked like you know early 90s pre- renders Mario T has actual life to it you see that that’s really good fail frames says but yeah the N64 content being unlocked in Game Boy Color is a good little video suggestion thank you

Fail FR I think actually Joey might be on it now so that is actually really cool because that’s content a lot of people probably never even played because if you didn’t have both games and the transfer pack you never saw that before right unless you had maybe a uh

Game shark or something so um awesome triple connect glad to hear that thank you and uh yeah I think that might be it everyone so thanks for watching thanks for hanging out with us that was a fun stream I’m glad we got to try these games I definitely recommend if you like

The Mario sports games on 64 and you haven’t played the Game Boy versions definitely encourage you to check them out because they are actually surprisingly faithful really good and arguably better because there may not be as many characters and the graphics aren’t as good of course but you have

Like this full RPG campaigns I wasn’t able to fully dive into on the stream um but yeah there’s a lot there there’s a lot of mey content so definitely check it out Dr Mario is fun of course there also on the NES version so not a huge

Difference I think even isn’t there a 64 version too let me check I think 64 is on this as well I’m just C I just want to double I’m pretty sure it is I think we played that online before yeah pman says it is

On or it is on this so yes you have Dr Mario almost every Dr Mario now the only one they’re missing is the Super NES one which had Dr Mario and Tetris I think and maybe a third puzzle game oh what that Miss a blast

Core uh yeah where is Dr Mario did I miss it there it is yeah Dr Mario 64 the only four player Dr Mario so all right everyone that was a ton of fun thanks for joining us and uh we’ll catch you for more stuff throughout the week it’s

Only Tu is it Tuesday today Monday it’s Monday it’s Monday God I worked yesterday that threw everything off so all right everyone thanks for watching it was a ton of fun and we’ll catch you later have a good evening bye everyone


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