Golf Players

Athlete Draft | Alabama ’24


Um all right we’re live I didn’t realize it was going to make it this all you guys I’ll go mute let’s go welcome back everybody to our eighth annual Leisure Olympics athlete draft I don’t know if this is the eighth athlete draft but it’s good enough um welcome to the

Eighth annual Leisure Olympics I am your co-host the Josh alongside gab Mims gab Mims and we are here to talk about our athletes we have plenty of guys here ready to roll ready to be locked in we’re gonna decide today we’re gonna decide today which athletes draft where meaning our main captains we

Have Donovan we have Ben and we have Davis they’re going to choose which position they want to draft in it will be a snake draft they can then decide who they want make trades Trad happened in the past there was quite a crazy trade last year where Donovan traded for

Miller never saw that coming in a million years but it’s very possible and yeah now we can kind of go into a couple of different things you know we’re excited about tonight Gabe any first thoughts on what to expect from today’s athletes draft uh today’s well first of all

Clay’s not a captain so it’s most likely he gets taken first overall but I’d like to see mostly um where the two new guys fall so Devon and Eric it’s it’s very possible yeah although he is slightly injured currently his heel does hurt I know he’s not playing frisbee so

That means you know it’s serious know looking at cons it does seem that there’s a good bit of people who are consistently injured it just just seems to always happen out that way so yeah no one can be healthy that’s what I’m saying there’s a lot of a lot of big names that

Are injured a lot of no names who are injured it’s it’s going to be a very interesting draft I think that’s why we’re kind of moving towards more drinking games which is good for everybody but we’re super excited it’s going to be great we can kind of talk

Today about our captains and we’ll dive into our players and then we’ll go and get this draft started so also did you see a bunch of golf Sports R now it’s a whole new Olympics and when I was in there lasted two if you lasted two more years you would have been in

The Golf Center you would have been Pro seen me out there chipping getting my putts in would have been amazing golf making it into the Olympics is crazy but I mean you think about it now we have a lot of different drinking games a lot of different things are changing as we get

But let’s take a look at our first Captain here we have Mr Donovan Mohan his eighth year being in the Leisure Olympics the win some do call him a short King I I stand by that stand by that the short King weighing 165 getting a little mey there Donnie putting on a

Couple pounds love to see it Donovan uh looking here at kind of where he pulled for this year we have 90% of him believe 90% of them believe that he will be a captain which is consistent yeah looks like somebody did think he’s goingon to

Be a Gul G I wonder who that could be probably himself probably himself yeah Donnie’s very I had to guess he’s a humble guy and uh you know obviously D G play very very safe very concise threes all around the board anything that you think about Donovan

That sticks out you know do you think it’s a speed a stamina strength what do you think is Donnie’s XA Factor Don’s xfactor oh it’s always a speed he’s a fast boy quick quick small agile Little Road Runner looking thing you know always move and and he has the

Stamina which is which is kudos to his wife for that we did have a question from the audience it did say I’m gonna ask you this Gabe with Nick not being in the Olympics this year how do you think him not sleeping next to Donnie every

Night in his bed is gonna affect Don’s performances year the Olympics I didn’t even think about his mental game at that point come back right I mean yeah he’s he’s probably down in the dumps we don’t know what to expect but who knows if he’s going to bed 9:00 at

Night alone that could be lonely just all by himself that does cause a strain on the his mental game night one I already know he’s gonna be calling Nick just talking to him like hours on end I’m excited to see how how Donnie does we know he’s always gonna be good oh yeah

Guaranteed of course of course let’s dive into our second athlete here I’ll let I’ll let you uh talk about Mr Mr Ben vanhout here for a second the Ben vanhout let’s take a look his X Factor is that he is B vanhal not a single person voted him in goog which is

Understandable and then his stanina is incredibly always would consider what is his best which it is it doesn’t matter how like destroyed he is or his body’s banged up he’s always willing to go of course I know let me see guy he’s consistent I mean you think about Ben’s performances

Throughout the year he’s always going to be in the top six you know he comes out strong he plays hard he’s always aggressive Ben is one of those guys you want on your team you know maybe not mentally you want him on your team you

Know what do we think about he talks to his teammates it might be a little aggressive at times um and kind of kind of speaking on that what do you think Ben is more excited for this year do you think Ben is more excited that he can

Beat up bully off or he can beat up AJ all week long or do you think we’re more excited to see him kind of assault Davis like he typically does how many fights you think break out with Ben’s team how many ni is he gonna be there add up the

Knights them up we’ll just go with four at this point yeah it’s a good call I guess the real question is how many nights until a window that’s probably number I’m sure Donovan picked a great place with many few Windows we’re we’re going into a cave a very safe location yeah it’s Sandy

It’ll be hard to step off you know get that first leg exactly exactly they’ll be too worried about everything else not worried about you know trying to run through walls I love it overall looking really good you know obviously we expec him to be a captain like he is this year

Second time seventh year in the Olympics GNA be a great a great season for this guy we have our our final Captain Mr Davis paau Davis Holly I seems pretty accurate if we think about the national average I believe that he’s probably above you know just knowing Davis Kind

Of seeing the way that he’s built oh group yeah Weight Wise I’m pretty sure that’s exactly accurate he even cut down for that too you know he did the whole like all that water weight was gone when he was or weighing in so right oh I mean

Davis Davis is shredding up you know first year is looking kind of rough and I think that’s something that we’ll talk about here in a little bit with the future athletes is your one always seems to uh kind of put a little strain on the body you really kind of realize what the

Leisure Olympics is about we saw the Googy first year and then since then just been on a tear well you know not many people believe in him oddly enough but we also see a 10% go who knows could this be a reverse rebound from F from worst to first to

Second I think or something I think third back to last it would put your bets in now the over under you said everyone’s kind of on the fence they don’t know if he’ll be year one Davis or if he’ll be year four Davis again but we always know Davis is gonna

He’s gonna he’s GNA work hard he’s got good clutch we saw some of the football plays if you guys have been watching the the YouTube videos recently they they released the the football video had that nice little clutch dive at the end you know Davis is put in some work did not

I’m excited to see what he does I know coach B would be proud I know uh he’s looking out looking out for him you know I’m I’m excited to see what DAV does but let’s get into our our athletes here first up we have Mr consistent Mr

Primary call him the uh the single man demon AJ Austin Joiner Austin AJ Joiner as they hopefully 230 give me a little bit of insight on AJ here tell me tell me what I should expect AJ’s always well he’s the exact opposite of Davis I guess from worse to

First or he went from no they both went from worst to first so they actually did the same thing but AJ’s always confusing to me because every single time I go up against him like in any sport or something he just outplays me he’s always faster he’s not faster than me

But he’s always stanina he’ll never I will slow down and he’ll never stop he keeps the same Pace throughout he’s a car just on idle just kept going put him in first gear and let him drive dude get him a stick shift that guy will never give up yeah I

I think DJ’s biggest thing this year especially with the move towards more drinking games is going to be the chugging AJ is a huge chugger he’s quick to drink I mean you see him on the nights when we when we’re at the Goon Castle he’s he’s killing it in beer ball

He’s kill killing it in baseball he’s that tank you need on the team and I’m I’m excited to see what he does always given his 110 even if he’s dead tired that guy’s still running laps I I honestly don’t know how I mean he’s saying he’s 242 and the guy has the

Stamina of the guy who’s 110 running across country he doesn’t have a central nervous system is what it is no feelings in the bones he’s just constantly on a 100 it is crazy to see you know a lot of people see him at 30% of the votes came

In that AJ’s going to be Googe do you think AJ will will sort of fall into it you know one of the one of the questions from the audience was uh people kind of see AJ as an individual primary Merchant as you might say how do you think that

Will play in sort of the draft and and where he comes into play you know how where where his draft position is what his long-term game is know we kind of see consistently I think it’ll depend on his team and how much they want to work

Together as a team or how much they want to work together or as to play as individuals 100% yeah I mean blue team my year my first year was I think their mental ability them those guys were all on the verge of jumping off that top shell into

Those Bears so I’m excited to see what AJ’s got you know AJ’s AJ’s my guy he’s gonna kill it this year I got high hopes High Hopes I’m in that 15% AJ don’t you forget I think he’s a coin flip you just never know where he’s gonna end up you

Never know but you’re always hopeful you’re always Bing Tales of this guy next next up we have Mr blaz and Blaine soon to be Mrs Blain congratulations again to BL you know he’s uh he’s 511 190 looking looking real nice in that JM uniform as always his quote is I’m not losing backtack

Years what do you think Blaine’s uh Blain’s mentality is coming into this year’s athletes raft where do you see him going what do you expect out of this guy what do you think it’s going to take for him to break through and really really reach his true potential this

Year I could see him going in the second round I don’t know if he’ll drop to the final round but if he does he probably won’t be like he’ probably be the first of the third round if he were to be picked there uh his entire goal it seems

Obviously is I’m not losing back toback years that’s why his clutch factor is a five you know he has one goal in mind and it is just not last you know hey a mentality yeah great mentality to have hey I mean but having the tattoo if you

Could double it up I’m excited to see the first person who gets the double tapat oh yeah he gets like the background to it like a little bit of fade or something right we we’ve all some of us have all Fallen victim to the the tattoo but it’s a it’s a great badge

Of honor and I know that he’s waiting to put it on somebody else for sure you know look at I mean look at this guy’s strength stamina chugging speed I think he’s undervaluing himself I got high hopes for Bland I think this year might really be the year he lands top five

Five and could even push into that captaincy 20% BL I got my eyes on you too don’t you worry believe in your exactly next up is H clay clay clay in of course 62155 some people say Mr Paper ankles again another guy who always I mean plays always he’s always him when it

Comes to the Olympics the he he feels very fine-tuned towards the Sports he did say he’s working on his golf game as he says here I’ve been secretly playing golf once a week the past six months he does say he’s pretty banged up like we said a lot of guys are coming

Into this coming into this Leisure Olympics with the iil designation it’s not looking too hot as of today but if everyone’s you know following the kite method getting 1% better who knows this might be one of the more exactly one of more electric leion Olympics out there

We know he’s got the speed we know he’s got the stamina we know he’s got the victories under his belt I mean I think last year they didn’t lose a single elections for right I think they won every single one that they played if I don’t maybe the year before in any

Case you’re always gonna see him either number one or number two you know it’ll be great to see kind of where he goes I think even with the injury you know he is one of the top prospects in the leiser Olympics consistently you know 65% seeing him as a captain I don’t know

Another odd 1% sees him or 5% sees him as a kagi I wonder who that could be again it’s probably himself but or someone just meeing on it of course the whole idea if I’m thinking like just for the very beginning of the draft if he goes first overall and Donovan picks

First then that’s Donovan and Clay which is just a scary sight to see so just to think about now injury-wise um for the Olympics if you’re in the Olympics so far no one has bowed out yet in eight years like said this is too much for me like Donovan lost like all

The skin on his big toe I think Cody like broke a finger or something people have like all everyone’s legs are destroyed by the end of the season like end of the week so everyone that’s played has always gotten back up and kept going essentially so anyone can do it when

They’re four beers in you know they stop feeling the effect yeah you get you get the little liquid courage liquid and all the organs you go back in yeah put me in coach tap me up get me back on on that on the court get the horse steroids out

Right get this guy tranked up he’ll be ready to play always I think clay playay will do a pretty good job but you never really know hit our next athlete here Cody a guy who I know you hold deer in your heart Cody Baker Mr Cody

Baker I have never felt like less of an athlete at this stage in my life that’s a great great answer because that means there’s nowhere to go but up accurate yeah I mean it’s tough for these for these Olympics this this might be one of the most banged up like pre-olympics in

Recent history I think over the past eight years we haven’t seen as many like taped ankles injured feet fingers just overall bang them bre before the actual competition starts so Cody Cody’s been victim to that for a while I mean it’s kind of funny though you know Cody’s that guy who says like

His ankles are completely destroyed and then he posts on Snapchat that he’s snowboarding for two weeks I don’t know you know he’s got that dog mentality he’s got that dog in him as they say he wakes up one more he’s like you know it’s not that bad and then just

Goes right back on it just right he’s like I’m putting me back in he’s got that dog mentality uh 50% on the overall roughly as a percentage just is kind of difficult you know the clutch factor I think he’s underplaying himself speeding and stamina are going to be very

Contingent on the injuries but I mean again Cody and basketball is is almost the broad ask you know the guy I can’t be stopped and even the drinking games too great Drinker he’s he’s a great cornhole volleyball a lot of games are always tailored towards him I think

He’ll be precision based yeah are really good for him exactly he’s got he’s got the accuracy now for sure but 15% saying the goog could be a tough year you know I know he’s got that chip and shoulder he’s ready to fight he’s ready to go

Give it his all that that’s the Cody I now I’m excited to see kind of what he does you know at six foot he’s like the fourth highest guy in the in the game out of 12 right I think that’s crazy like he’s he’s a tall one man he like I said

He’s it is crazy like how drastic of a difference we have in height like Davis is probably like six7 at this point I know Donnie’s short King out there and then we have just a couple middle fillers and then like really tall really short it it’s always well rounded Davis

And clay at this point that’s I’m saying it’s always well-rounded next up we have I I actually don’t even know this guy deon’s new he he plays in cob league with frisbee so okay he knows about he knows like Donovan clay Alex yeah uh AJ might know no I I’ve

Only heard good things about Deon I’m I’m decited I think Devon Devon’s going to fall victim to the the first year athlete right like when you come in first year the odds of you hitting the goog are so extremely high and it’s not because you’re like a bad you know like

You don’t work out you don’t you know prep for it nothing it’s just the odds are against you I mean look 40% think he’s gonna fall into the goag I think he’s got a good shot I mean look at how beautiful this man is that that instantly gives him bonus cards now he’s

No Alex but with the speed the stamina know the strength I think I think Devon’s got this 5’9 is a great height you know he was happy to see Goin too so five n’s a good height to you I mean look listen we gota we gotta support our

Schw Kings here for it he also said 154 this man checked the weight he looked he went ni did like a weight scale to make sure LA Fitness just hold on give me a minute I gotta weigh in real quick now this is this is a drained body weight I

Know once he gets a couple p if his stats are what he says they are he’s just going to be he’s going basically just going to be the brand new Gideon I wonder how good he is at soccer it was Gideon Gideon just changed his name Gideon

V2 just just without a mini GID for sure I think uh G 2.0 here he’s got a good shot I’m excited to see what he does it’ll be interesting like I said he’s got that that that kind of looming cloud of first year athlete who knows what

Will happen yeah I think I put him as a captain if if the teams fall the way I think they are I think he could be Captain it depends on good he has primaries though I like it I like the Bold tank I like the Bold take oh yeah

My bold take was bold I guess hey I’m here for it I’m here for it let’s uh let’s move on to our our second new athlete of the Year Eric yes people hating oh my go really hating on you look just straight at the numbers

0% think Captain 65% think a gulag G I think it’s it’s just Eric it’s not your fault I think you got a good shot this year but it if it comes to the way that the Leisure Olympics works it’s going to be a difficult season but I think one

Thing Eric is undergoing himself on is the chugging keep in mind just a few weeks back we had Pon Castle night as we normally do we were playing beer ball and you know new new to the rules of this whole pour it over your head let it

Dri can’t let it drip out man had four beers and we still almost won I mean that guy is a tech I I I believe Eric in his chugging abilities I think he’s gonna do great if he’s as speedy and a and and has the agility like he says he

Is I mean that’s pretty much what you need you got to be able to drink and you got to be able to run you got to have the endurance what you’re telling me is the 35 % of people that were there didn’t put him in the goog they knew

Yeah they knew they saw they saw his combine numbers right there and said we’re keeping him he’s staying yeah this guy’s gonna be a great Edition to leag is he really only five he’s definitely gotta be tall humble guy he’s just taking a nice and you know he doesn’t he doesn’t want

To stand out too high yeah he doesn’t want to get high he wants to get pick low steal the draft he’s gonna be the pooping AA this year it’s in his X Factor just look at it that that’s what I’m seeing sorry I’m lagging a little bit apologize but

Yeah that’s what I’m saying speed agility catching Eric is our guy what did I believe let’s hit our our next fell here okay I was just curious on what they put their clutches at the two new people I think it was four and three yeah K’s had three and four but who

Knows could be uh could be pretty unique to see and now we have one leg of the Chimera I’ll allow you to speak on Mr 1% here give give us a little bit of an insight into this man’s mentality coming into this year Alex Alex is here to not get goog that’s

His entire goal that’s why he’s been getting 1% better every single day and you don’t understand if he reaches 100% it doesn’t stop there he’s just going to continually add more 1% it’s exponential how many percents do you think he’s at right now I have no idea I haven’t even looked

At one of them I just heard about it once I was like uhuh like you got this keep going I think he’s got to be he’s got to be hitting close to like 70 80% we’re still you know a month out if this guy reaches full potential who knows who knows

What’s in store he went to physical therapy too he’s he’s ready to go they told him everything oh yeah them knees are about to be newborn baby ass yeah retirement’s looming but not this year I got one more in me coach say that’s what Mike Evans thinking

Right now one more thousand yard season send me back in etch me into the into the the Hall of Fame here with the consistency I I like the modesty on the weight you know obviously want to make sure we’re we’re being inclusive of everybody the height you know he is he

Is a tall man we’re excited to see what he what he can he can do this year the speed and the stamina looks great chugging and and the clutch obviously consistent with Mr 1% P reachers 100% folks you best believe you’re in for a tough year you exactly next we have Miller

Miller no I’m just kid Miller Miller honestly Reed a lot of notoriety this year by by performing what he should have done a few years back and I think it’s really really you know eing to his soul what he wants to bring Del Olympics a lot of people are hating on which is

Consistent I mean Miller is a hater we’re haters it’s it’s just the way that the ball rolls but I think I think Miller could be a sneaky play for like mid early second round just because Miller when it comes to team sports is very he he doesn’t want to lose that’s

Always been Miller’s mentality you know you think about the way he plays basketball the way he plays football he’s very tough he’s right in your face he’s bothering you the whole time and if he’s if he’s at 180 now if he’s leaning up a little bit I mean he

Could he could be sneaky you never really know if the xfactor is anything to believe in he says he’s the best shape he’s ever been in so we’ll see about that I mean I don’t know what what best shape is it’s the best shape he’s ever

Been in it’s a lot different than than best shape out there but uh you know Miller I think will do a great job this year clutch at five is is a little it’s a little high I’d say but you know you got to believe you got to believe in

Yourself first before you can believe you know his team got first last year so he did something right you know that is very true that is very true his team has been very good he he had a great team last year and I think he went he was on

Donnie’s team so he went he got that like early third pick no I think he was end of the second round because of the trade but um you know who knows you know maybe maybe it’s Miller’s year maybe it’s Miller’s time to shine miss or misses Andrew Miller this year newly

Again no more games lot a lot of Misses out here he’s got things to play for we’re aging is what’s happening love to see it we’re we’re getting here towards the end and we have probably my favorite athlete and the guy that I root for the most Mr

Sai exactly every nickname Under the Sun zap Paul is that guy and I think his quote plays him perfectly he is the Drinker you need for every drinking game he does not back down you could give him beer on beer on beer the only thing

About him I don’t know if he’s if he’s finished the bottle the bottle chug yet in the time that he’s wanted but I know that he’s consistent he’s working hard he’s ready to go out there and giving it his all and he’s good time I mean think

About the golf Sports too sa Paul’s a golfer gu’s gonna play into his fa he’s gonna play into his favor you know drinking and golfing is now the new move for the Leisure Olympics I think it is more Leisure and and Sappo could be a sneaky athlete

Here yeah Sappo is very hit or miss on whenever he does good in like Golf and stuff but when he’s good he could just sweep so that’s what you’re banking on I think if a golf comes up and he ends up like getting hurt or injured I think we just

Call in his wife to be because I heard that she’s a demon on the on the golf send Jasmine in send her in we just get Jazz up in here and she’ll uh she’ll she’ll go hard for us so yeah I think he’ll get top uh golfing so that’ll be

Good uh for sure yeah I think I think like I said golf is going to be something big for him you know I think a lot of people are hating 45% in gagi I think you know the one one person who voted for him I don’t think it was him

Either I think somebody else voted for him to be a captain and I think that person believes in him enough to uh to draft him tonight it’s because they don’t understand they don’t understand they dra they they fell for his trap and they drafted sappa Level Sports drinking and golf

That’s that’s what you me thatall is De for this year’s Olympic and and I he a good job you see seed one stama two you don’t need either of those for drinking in golf nope nope that is a slow game for Sapp Paul and it is built around his

Strengths he’s going to be a sneaky man this year and and I’m excited to see what what he can put in what he can perform it’s gonna be a great year as we kind of as we kind of wrap up these uh these player analysis these guys what do

You think will be sort of biggest steals in the the draft who do you expect to go wear what are your initial thoughts as we you know hear from our captains here momentarily I think it comes down to middle of draft your your second pick is

Going to be huge this draft because I think there’s so much middle level people like there’s like the the super top tier and they’re just Captain right and then the bottom tier is usually set in stone but that those middle people if you pick the right one

Because there’s two new people as well that I also think are in that that tier two right so if you can hit on the correct people for these Sports you’re golden 100% yeah I think I think it will come down to the middle game for sure

But even when it comes to the end you know a lot of people I think it it feels like you said a lot more heavy driven like we have our consistent captains here but even in the middle of the pack heading into like the early late round

Could be very crucial I think building the team out right for the sports that we have we have our Sports listed up here on the screen you know looking at at the election Sports you have a lot of team sports baseball basketball Beer Mile Beer Mile relay beer pong case race

A lot of drinking games I’m I’m seeing what five different drinking games on here so somebody like Sapp Paul could come in clutch and some of the earlier rounds but we also got to know right there’s six sports that are going to be based on the team six random teams so a

Lot to think about here as the captains when you’re building out your first four who we’re going to stay consistent throughout the year I think uh it’ll come down to uh our captains and with that said we have our first Captain here Mr Donovan Mohan welcome in how are you

Feeling what are your thoughts going into this and uh before we before we dive into your official first placement tell us how you’re feeling tonight what are what are your thoughts I feel great man this is exciting uh definitely uh an interesting athlete pool we got you know

We had three drops this year um so we were scrambling there for a little bit but I think we filled them pretty well uh they all all the new athletes bring something different to the table and I didn’t even think about the Devon and Gideon comp but that’s just perfect that

Is that is A1 that’s a good comp um but I will say that normally you have the sports in that one it favors one person like it’s if it’s field goal kicks it’s like Nick and Ben automatic if it’s FR if it’s frisbee it’s it’s Clay automatic

Um if it’s Home Run Derby me and pulie are probably going to leave way but this year it’s wide open and that’s why it’s so exciting cuz anything can happen right this year’s Olympics is GNA be crazy and and speaking of a name that you just mentioned I know that I asked

Gab this question but I wanted to ask you too how are you feeling without your your right-hand man in this year’s Olympics y’all hit it spot on the mental is gonna be tough I’m not gonna lie we might have to make a couple FaceTime calls just to keep me in it but

Uh you know the the nights where I go go to bed and Nick’s right there next to me and we watch Family Guy till we fall asleep is there it just can’t be matched it’s it’s just a very calming experience so um we’ll see if that plays an effect

On my mental I hope it doesn’t um but we’ll see how it goes we’re we’re excited for you here Gabe any last questions for Donnie before we hear his first selection on where he wants to pick this year um let me think I had one that I

Lost it oh yeah are you scared of sappa this year because the more we talked about it the more I’m actually thinking like sappa could cook it it set up very well for Sappo like um like normally we have a we do what can you hear me yeah you’re good

Okay yeah yeah uh normally there’s a lot of like athletic stuff in but this year it’s like y’all said it’s pretty much half drinking and then some golf which that just lines up like perfectly and so um I don’t think he’ll be as much of a hindrance in the athletic stuff as

People would think and I think he’s going to be a good part of a team I like sappa is not the guy that’s going to lose you any of these Sports when it comes to the drinking and the the golf he’s gonna be Mr consistent that’s

What I kind of learned about SAA also tug a war like the dude is going to be a [ __ ] anchor yeah I think that’s almost a guaranteed Five Points exactly there’s nothing getting past this man it’s just drive dude thing I’ve noted about satf fall is like you could

Put a [ __ ] bus in front of him and he’s moving he’s not slowing down it’s gonna be super exciting but with with your first pick Donnie the time has come tell us your thoughts and what you want to do this year to start off the Olympics the Leisure Olympics

Where will you be drafting from so uh this is uh I would actually forth a lot um like I said this is a very even year in terms of sports I think all the athletes have their pros and cons but at the end of the day there’s just uh

There’s special Duos out there that there’s an unspoken chemistry there’s an unspoken competitiveness with each other and when they’re teamed up it’s just like other people are shaking right away like there’s LeBron and Wade there’s Mahomes and Kelce and there’s Donnie and the first pick and I think yall know who

It’s going to be but I’m going to pick number one excellent excellent choice excellent choice I think the writing was on the wall I know obviously you never really know truly what you want to do but seeing you in that first spot just feels right it hits home yeah I think it was

The right choice excellent job well we will hear back from you here soon whenever uh your pick comes up but for now we want to welcome in a very amazing guest Mr Ben vanal Ben how are you how you feeling up [ __ ] um yep feeling good in the car apologies um about to

Step into a movie but I will be selecting second so I’m keeping it short and sweet thank you beautiful I love I love it I love it that’ll put uh that’ll put Davis here at number three which is kind of what I expected as well Ben Ben to movie on a

On a Thursday night is is feels very he get 1% better he’s getting 1% better that’s it that’s it that’s it I know I know he’s wishing bar movies back in theaters but while we’re here Donnie we got you on the phone let’s go ahead and

Talk about this first pick um I know I know Ben’s on a tight schedule here he’s got he’s got Oppenheimer see so tell us what you’re thinking here for the first pick let’s go ahead and uh swing that guy is Davis here on the call I don’t

Know if he is is not here yet so hopefully he joins soon but well he’s guaranteed third so he so I’ll go ahead yeah uh I alluded to her earlier but make it official when me and Clay are on a team there’s just there’s a force to

Be reckoned with and actually I don’t know if y’all seen the movie Draft Day but guy writes a little note and I actually did the same thing because I knew it was gonna be a lot of talk today so I wrote a little note this morning

Before I went to work I said claybo no matter what beautiful claybo no matter what answer so welcome to Black right like you said you look at like sha and Kobe Brun and Wade you know some of the other amazing Duos we’ve had Donnie and Clay fit right up in there in top

To you just think how how these games work you put these two on a team it’s almost a guaranteed dub every single time it may even be I don’t know if you two have ever lost together I genely don’t know yeah I don’t I don’t know but hopefully

It doesn’t start now hey exactly exactly Ben while you’re here before you uh go go and see your movie tell us what you’re thinking with with your first pick a lot of good options on the board let’s hear it oh yeah this is easy I mean he’s probably the most athletic the

Most young the most humble the [ __ ] skinniest that’s for goddamn sure but I will be S Cody Cody three-point Baker thank you thank you at the end it’s beautiful it’s amazing yeah I mean hopefully I think the Vibes with them two is always high but you never really

Know I mean I think uh the fight might break out but I’m excited to see these two together they’re they’re a good Duo too I think they’re they’re a close second Davis it’s great great to hear from you buddy how you doing tonight how you feeling hey man just checking in can

You can you hear me can you see me what’s going on we can hear you I can’t see you but I can hear you you sound sexy as ever you want to see me how can I make that happen theera button there’s a camera button it looks like one of those big movie

Cameras yeah yeah Gabe thanks where is that are you on your phone look I I told you half of it you got to figure the other half out I don’t know I’m on my computer oh then it should be at the bottom left yeah there you yeah oh wait no that was

Cl bottom left it says turn on where mute and unmute is it should be right there to the left yeah yeah yeah I got the mute guy but I mean I just don’t have the camera maybe I don’t have my camera on my it’s like a right above you

Might not have your camera activated are you on like a laptop or what yeah yeah straight up a laptop it’s getting so hot it’s burning my balls I mean I’m really concerned I might just have to switch to my phone no no no keep them you can boys yeah you can just go

Ahead if you want yeah it’s all right we we’ll see here shortly tell us what you’re thinking here with three and four you have to back to back pretty interesting pick here talking to me yeah I’m talking to you all right hold hold on Big Dog hold

On don’t worry don’t worry we’ll start the timer in a bit you’re good let me disconnect Circle back Circle back dude that guy there’s n for straight answer with that guy It’s the funniest thing what do you think about it though classic Davis there he is go he’s done it again

Amazing wait now I gotta unmute oh no you gotta unmute now Davis press the [ __ ] mic button Button here we are here we are man look at y’all look at these guys oh shoot everybody’s drinking something real quick looking cute on up man yeah man what’s up miss you guys big sexy Dawn huh up there that’s a champ black team best team Man black team get it I want

Know before this thing is over my team is black Team all right I’m just throwing that out there let’s calm down I’m throwing my team is black team no I’m just [ __ ] with you you can have it um yeah man good to see your faces I wish I could see how ugly Ben

Was I mean I was just watching some 2023 highlight videos and that man pissed me off a couple times in those highlight videos I’d like to [ __ ] him up that’s one of the first things I do is give him a couple body shots oh yeah you were [ __ ] punching people last

Year don’t you forget that I saw a couple highlights where I was getting punched yeah just Davis how you feeling with this with this back to the back what are your what are your thoughts here wait so fill me in this is brand new uh news to me is breaking news wow

Um yeah I know I understand that part okay I got picked three four and nine I feel good with that man I mean if I was first that’s is this fcked in because if I was first that’s the spot I would be picking is 349 I think that’s a solid solid spot

And look I feel good anywhere I mean all I all I can do is go out there and do my best try my hardest I mean no matter what spot I pick but if it were me and I had to spot to pick that that turnaround it’s like getting two first round draft

Picks I think that’s the best way to sumarize it that’s how I feel yeah yeah I think that’s a great way to look at it too um you know I think there’s a lot of good options here on the board couple of new guys you looking towards the new

Guys you looking more more old heads what what are your what are your thoughts if you look at the remaining guys available here yeah I mean I’m fatter and slower and older than last year and it looks like I might need some new fresh legs you know some fresh blood some of these

New guys I saw I was looking at their scouting report and um my Scouting Report said they had some pretty good speed you know they had a speed of four four out of five so I might be looking towards one of those guys if they fall

To Me O I like it I like it I like it I think it uh you know we’re all getting a little fatter and older I know he said he’s 165 that’s new records for this not bring that up all right I was just honest with my weight and you need to

[ __ ] talk about it go check the calories real quick you didn’t get you just gained weight that was it me yeah no height increase just weight game no no we not on the [ __ ] clock is there not a clock G there is a clock

There is a clock but he gets he gets two picks remember he gets too yeah yeah we about start it we’re gonna start in a couple minutes who picked no yeah you still got 10 minutes until you’re Pi go knock out give him a recap of the draft board yeah fil recap the

Draft board so obviously Donnie went first uh he decided to choose clay which is consistent uh you know your boy Ben decided to pick old paper ankles Cody which I think is a good pick as long as he’s healthy remaining picks here you got AJ Blaine Gideon 2.0 Eric Alex Miller and S

Eric is Gideon 2.0 that’s de no no Gideon 2.0 is Gideon 2.0 they’re different people okay okay okay I didn’t know if it was a comma or like a um you know semicolon like like when you see him you might you might think like oh hey Gideon

You’re oh wait that’s not Gideon that’s de is he gonna show me his [ __ ] too I hope so that’s what we’re all kind of we’re all kind of Ro for he’s probably forward what’s over under on Cox sh this trip you play some B if I were to go if

I would say like five and a half would you go over or under five and a half is a good line five and a half is a line over over about this Olympics is no females no ladies here I mean this is gonna be a bro out it’s gonna be all

Guys is it [ __ ] or can I see the same [ __ ] three times first year yeah no ladies so I think it’s going to be a lot of [ __ ] it’s going to be [ __ ] Fest um that’s all we’re here for I think I’m somebody’s going to be in the shower and

I might just get in with them what you’ve been waiting for lock the shower door for if you don’t want old Sasquatch coming in by day five and six it’s about to be a animal cage in there know stoping what’s gonna happen the Beast all right Davis the time has come

Your picks are have arrived let’s hear who your third and fourth picks are before my pick my first pick my first first round pick it was who arguably might have been my first pick if I was first to overall in the draft um I’ve got a high regard for this

Guy and I think with all the drinking that’s in here I think he is gonna be a huge anchor I watched beer pong from last year he was super super clutch um he was carrying my team it was me and him versus Cody and clay and

Blaine just won the whole thing for us so I’m gonna pick Blaine BL Blaine’s my guy excellent pick excellent pick I think blae is it’s consistent I think with you on his team I think blae can really push forward I think this is this will be Blaine’s year I’m excited to see

What he can do I think BL dude I I do too I got high hopes for bla you know and so and so now that your third pick’s up we got we got pick number four you got back to back let’s He Man back to back listen nobody’s gone

Back to back and you can’t go back to back until you win one so I think that’s what my team’s trying to do and I think anybody on my team this year can win I think I can win I think bla can win and this year I also think Miller can win

And I want Miller on my team good answer wow Miller with the High second round amazing honestly a little bit of a shot I’m I’m excited to see I mean if again if he’s in the best shape that he’s in Miller can be dangerous I need something

Out of him I’m going to need him to keep cutting that weight you know he said 180 by uh by the day we walk in the door on Gulf Shores so I’m I’m going to need him I’m stay on him you know I got a lot of high hopes for this guy to

His one% better that’s the better amazing excellent thank you Davis for for chiming in here we appreciate it we’re excited to see how this draft turns out and I think you BL and Miller will be a a dynamic Trio here followed up with forward to

Ben you’re back up I know you have a little movie to go watch let’s let’s hear what you’re thinking what are your thoughts man’s already yeah dude I I’m going on a huge gamble right now um I Heard the guy is well-rounded has a well-rounded [ __ ] uh good bulge a shower

Not a grower which I’m a big fan of because I’m a grower definitely don’t have anything to show um so I’m gonna go ahead and take Devon go ahead and lock him in. has dra inter interesting that’s that’s that’s huge that’s huge again newcomer always come in first year I

Mean Davis think about remin is on your first year right I mean sitting there at the end having to uh to ending up losing it all in Gatlinburg what were your initial thoughts first year did you think like I’m gonna come in and crush this or I don’t know what to expect give

Give de a little bit of advice knowing how your first year went if I had to told Devon one thing it’d be watch out okay watch out watch out for me watch out for Donovan watch out for your captain especially you never know who you can trust in this

Game snakes the grass snakes in the grass I was reading it online earlier and someone some’s gotting report but I think Devon can do it I think Devon can be a a top five like his bold prediction or I could see him being bottom five and

Even goog um we’ll see how the primaries and and the whole thing just kind of favors him I I goog regards here it’s going to be tough but Evan we’re excited for you we’re excited to see how you do I you’re back up again here with the second

Backto back here at six and seven to finish out the team quick question go ahead yeah of course let’s hear it Don how do you feel about the um the Devon pick I mean I feel you were pretty close with him I didn’t know if you were hoping that he

Would fall to you and kind of yeah the honestly that was the only spot that I was like I I didn’t know what was going to happen I think it was between two people and it between Devon and probably prich um but the first first four picks

I think went pretty chalk I think you would agree but that was the only pick that was Wonder I mean we don’t know what Deon is like we know I know he’s fast I know he plays golf that’s about it like I played flip couple with him

Once um that was about it he drinks Twisted Teas EEG drank Twisted te’s maybe he’s a chugger we don’t know but uh it’s going to be exciting I just didn’t want the um the responsibility of figuring that out on the Fly I’m not going to lie cuz the way this board fell

Is the way I wanted to even trade for this team so with that being said my next two picks I love love love my team and I’m going to pick um a guy that hasn’t had me and him haven’t had a great track R track record when we’re on

The same team but he’s my one of my best buds in the world I know he won’t give up and and only person in this Olympics that can challenge sa Paul and being a tank I’m going to pick AJ or AJ as they call

Him AJ a Austin J Joiner and then uh so and my seventh pick for uh my backtack or sorry my fourth pick um is is a guy that besides me I I know this guy’s getting 1% better every day and I know he’s going to erupt eventually and when

He erupts I want him on my side Lord V welcome to Black team again fun fact this is going to be Lord V’s third year on Donnie’s team first two years we didn’t we didn’t lose purple team we purple team swept and then black team

Last year so Lord V and Donnie they it works and it’s gonna keep working consisteny I hope I hope Lord V erupts everywhere that’s all I got I me too me too I hope I’m standing there at the bottom of the show sha ready to to receive that Lord me is going to

Be great a great payer makeit pompe I want to see it goam Lord v We Believe In You Davis you’re back up you got two picks left you got s PA tell us what you know about these guys off oh no yeah sorry oh wait wait sorry

I jumped the gun here Ben you got a moving to catch tell us what you’re thinking yeah I’m literally in the [ __ ] movie I’m in the [ __ ] movie guys thanks for making me sound like a [ __ ] um yeah I’m gonna go ahead and take Miller Miller try

Again we going next run it back run it back one more time one more time you got Eric and you got Saad Paul what do you mean what the [ __ ] happened Miller got taken the first round bro what are you talking about got drafted as as the fourth technically I

Only have two [ __ ] options you got that’s that works this is horeshit Ben you got like 30 seconds left the clock’s Tak I’ll take I’ll take the I’ll take Eric all [Laughter] right great B great great he leave guys guys Eric well welcome to to Ben’s team

You can kind of already see what to expect from this guy and uh honestly Davis how do you feel about having saball here as the ninth pick I know last pick you got this whole stigma but I almost think this works out perfectly for you perect yeah I’m not gonna I’m

Not gonna lie I was trying to get Ben to pick third so Davis’s team did not happen that’s a big [ __ ] team and they are scary those are tanks right there I was trying all day to get for Ben to pick their slot and just didn’t

He didn’t listen to me the ground is going to be shaking it is going to be shaking let me tell you we are moving sa Paul welcome to team man this is God I was fearful Donovan that you were gonna pick sat Paul somewhere on your

Turn sixth or seventh and I was worried Ben was gonna pick sat Paul I’m so glad he fell to me this I mean I’m really looking forward to the team in the Olympics yeah I think obviously have your work cut out for you yeah no I mean you got the tanks

Ben’s got all the speed and then my team’s pretty much I think just top to bottom best overall just in terms of consistency but we’re this is like I said in the very beginning this Olympics is just like top to bottom anybody’s game and these teams anybody can

Win I actually agree this yeah this is this is almost a perfect ending to the draft by Davis Davis’s got an excellent team I think the most here camera’s on boys camera’s on camera’s on yeah welcome let go welcome in everybody this is going to be amazing year we’re

Excited Lord V you’re looking sexy as ever I just got to start with that I just got to start with that yeah that’s where did my captain go the fat head watch a movie he’s got PL Gabe you can’t tell the guy he has 30 seconds I need him to use his

Brain to see minutes shower Donovan you [ __ ] dude you edged me two years in a row with that last pick hey AJ ask first yeah it’s okay what’s the matter AJ never never been the Sol before bla you look so hot dude yeah bla point the camera down a

Little bit Yeah I want to see [ __ ] 2024 it’s amazing you missed the jump oh we saw it


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